Radiating Orb Clerics Are INSANELY TANKY! - Armor & Class Build Guide (Acts 1 - 3) | Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone P Tu here and welcome back to balers Gate 3 I have a doozy of a build in store for you guys today I've played through the entire game with this setup and it is extremely strong even from act one you can get it off the ground but as you get into act two and act three you become an absolutely Unstoppable monster I'm of course talking about the radiant orb light cleric such a crazy strong setup we are really relying on Spirit Guardians which I like to call swirly whirlies if there's ever a slip of the tongue that's what I'm talking about Spirit Guardians allows us to deal radiant damage around us and in this setup as we deal radiant damage to our enemies they are going to be debuffed a ton with each debuff that we apply we're making it less likely that every enemy will be able to attack my party and I'll show you exactly what I mean right now we went ahead and started a fight with a guards by casting flame strike this is a highle cleric spell if you are in the light domain you're going to be using this a lot because it has that great fire effect but that even better radiant damage effect now with our gear set up right now we are generating radiant orbs every time we deal radiant damage these orbs lose a stack with each turn so we have 10 stacks on this target right here on the very first turn of combat but these Stacks make it so they have a negative one run to their attack roles with each stack so basically it's a 10 increase to my AC if that guy wants to hit me I have a 21 AC as my cleric right now that means this guy either needs to roll a Natty 20 to sneak that damage in or a 31 with all of their hit modifiers not too likely to happen if you ask me I I don't think it's going to happen super quickly now on the first round of combat that is is when I'm the most vulnerable so if I can just spread my swirly Ries around to the best of my ability that is going to help protect us but when I say we're protecting our entire party this radiating orb debuff is not just for the cleric that's everyone in the party that is basically going to have 10 more AC because of these 10 Stacks four more AC four more AC because of their stacks and over the course of a conflict it can really protect your party a ton now this guy at the bottom of the hill is the one who's most likely to hit me because he doesn't have any radiating orbs on his characters I have played 4our plus stream sessions with this build where my character did not take damage that is not hyperbole we have vods to back it up now of course as I'm as I'm talking about this I'm sure I'm about to get my face smashed in but so far so good everyone is still missing and again that is simply an effect of us doing radiant damage against these enemies so far no one has landed an attack yet let's see if that changes oh as they walk in they spread even more radiant damage around these guys all have 10 stacks of the de up if I was super worried about this guy who's far away from us there are a few things we can do to spread the debuff over to them one of those is to Simply jump now normally you would be worried about attack of opportunities I am not because none of these guys will hit me we have already placed the debuff I'm not worried so that means I can walk away from all of these melee combatants jump in on the Archer on the far side number one we knocked him down because of our boots number two we applied four radiating orbs already and because I didn't use an attack we could just swing on this guy to make that nine radiating orbs basically meaning he has to roll a 30 if he wants to deal damage to me with that bow of his because we moved away from all of these guys that are only Mele attackers they are going to be forced to run back into my swirly whes refreshing the debuff placed on them once again I have not been hit a single time in this conflict and we get free damage as they all move back in the only thing they could do is push me they're trying to heal they're trying to make it work I'm once again going to just assume that I am immune to damage here and I'm going to take my swirly whirlies for a tour right through all of these attacks of opportunity once again this is just how strong this setup is and today's video I'm going to show you how to get this put together all of the gear you need to make it happen as well as the choices I would make while leveling I'll show you the best gear in act one act two and then I'll meet you right back here in act three and show you the best setup I think for this build the first item we're going to need is here at The celite Outpost in act one this is how you get to the underd dark from the goblin encampment now there is a series of lockpicks that you can do over on this side and also a perception check to find a secret doorway we can skip all of that as long as you have enough strength in your legs to be able to jump up to the second floor here immediately next to the ancient teleportation Circle this opulent chest is trapped so we are going to need to disarm it and after that still pick the lock as well but once we get everything open we are going to be rewarded with the Luminous armor when the wearer deals radiant damage they also cause a radiant shock wve we are a level five light domain cleric right now and the only piece of gear we have on is the Luminous armor this is basically your starting point for when this build can start to come online we are going to preast near every encounter if we can our spirit Guardians to get radiant damage swarming around our character this does require a concentration and last 10 turns now that we have that running I'm going to open up these barn doors and see what's going on inside hey look at that we even get to go first in this encounter this makes our job even easier this is best case scenario because I used my action before the conflict started I have an action to start this turn with as well this is one of the reasons you may want to play as a light domain cleric we get another radiant cast this is Radiance of dawn this is my invoke duplicity so we can't do it all the time but as you could see we deal good damage on the way in we then walk in with the swirly whirlies to get radiant orbs on our Target the uh bug bear on the left he is bug bear right yes he has a four radiant orb stack and the ogre has a four as well with our AC of 19 that means these guys need to roll 23s to be able to hit me all the while if they move away we get an attack of opportunity if they stay inside of our spirit Guardians we could just move away and then run back in to deal damage just like that we do see the ogre getting pretty M we do have a warding barrier that we can use to try to protect ourselves but it looks like it did not work out now all we do to keep this combo going is walk back in range of the ogre deal that damage with the spirit Guardians and then restack up those radiant orbs because they were starting to fall off again this is the weakest this is going to be adding three to four to your AC may not seem that impressive yet but you just wait hey we dodged another attack so she walks out of the spirit Guardians we just walk the spirit Guardians back in deal that radiant damage and take them down because Spirit Guardians last so long as well it's not like you're really going through a ton of spell slots you just kind of cast it let it sit there and then maneuver around the battlefield as needed once your party is able to make it into act two this is going to be one of the locations you want to stop at immediately we are south of the last Light in in at the ruined Battlefield is what this place is called on the map you can see our coordinates over here on the right as well there's a small ruined building that does seem to have an ambush going on inside of it if we take care of this Ambush there is a chest nearby that has a vital piece of equipment the chest we are after is located right here on this ledge I mean if you weren't looking for this I feel like it could be very easy easily missed inside of the chest we find the illuminous gloves when the wearer deals radiant damage the target receives two turns of radiating orb and those turns can continue to stack by the way this is only the beginning of the equipment that we can find here in Act 2 there's some other really good pieces as well there are two rings inside of Act 2 that you're going to want to keep your eyes peeled for as well the first one is under underneath last Light in we are in their dock area and through this door we can head to the cellers underneath the main in looks more like a jail cell to me but what do I know you do get a glimpse of a chest through some iron bars here but you're not going to be able to reach them from that direction instead we're going to cut South pick the lock on this door bash down this broken wall pick the lock on this door then finally we can move towards the chest on the left by the way this is also trapped and locked itself so make sure you bring enough tools to get through here if you do all of that you will be rewarded with I didn't realize until right now I'd have to pronounce the name of this ring uh the coruscation ring I think I nailed it actually when the wearer deals spell damage while illuminated by a light source they also INF radiating orb upon the target for two turns next inside of the gauntlet of Shaw this is just outside the area where you can talk to balazar after completing one of the combat encounters here inside of the gauntlet we are looking towards the northern wall in this room there is a vault door that we are going to need to pop open it uh does require a roll of 30 to get this bad boy open so good luck I believed in myself you could also unlock this with knock as well if you didn't want to do that much rolling now on the furthest right chest you will find our other ring the callous glow ring the wear deals an additional two points of damage against creatures that are illuminated now that we have all of that gear acquired let's check back in with our cleric right now we're just level seven still of course in the light domain I'm only wearing the gear that we have talked about but I did throw on the blood of Leander this does give us a once a day radiant cast that we can use but not vital for our build at all I did need a weapon equip though because it's very important that we are casting light on ourself clerics do get this as a can trip so you can cast it for free every day Illuminating our character is what primes our rings to really start popping off also once we become a high level cleric and we have a bunch of spell slots I love just casting daylight it's so obnoxious with the amount of light that your character can give off I find it really really engaging so now that we have light on us there's not much else that really changes we are going to be casting swirly whirlies our spirit Guardians with the radiant damage and there are some melee combats over here that I think we could use as a great showcase to our builds power right now uh so I'm just going to approach uh they are all going to see me we do not have alert yet I don't think it'll matter too much as the Wrath or The Wraith excuse me comes into our range we can see that it does get hit with a radiant orb as we attack we deal radiant damage which Stacks up even more radiant orbs so this guy needs to roll an additional six in order to hit our character keep in mind our AC is 19 so he's going to need a 25 in order to be able to hit us these guys are getting some swings in there but with the warcaster perk we're maintaining our concentration no problem the Mastiff moved into our range took damage and now has six radiating orbs uh I am going to approach a little bit closer we can spread around the spirit Guardian damage but let's not forget we do have the radiance of dawn we can cast radiant damage on everyone here applying radiating orbs to everyone here and making it so they're going to have a very hard time kidding me let's go ahead and end our turn if they walk to melee range that's best case scenario we see seven radiating orb stacks on this guy as they do their turn their Stacks are going to be lowered but at the rate that we are applying these radiating orbs we should very easily hey there we go beautiful AOE damage as that guy walks into our effect now these two guys do have attacks of opportunity against us they have 10 radiating orbs which means they need to roll a 29 to be able to hit me if we're worried about that one thing we can do is simply disengage Walk This Way a little bit and then walk back and Oh I thought that would deal extra Spirit Guardian damage by the way if you're wondering why I can't move it's because we're over encumbered uh that strength drain really hitting us where it counts as this guy walks back in you can see we take no damage the turn order comes back around to us and we explode once again for all of that radiating damage uh he has 10 stacks of radiating orbs so I could sit here all day and it's very likely he would never be able to attack me again I'm just going to continue to skip my turns here and watch as he continues to miss and once again this is not just stacking up the defense for laelle everyone that has radiating orb Stacks will struggle to hit everyone in our party it's so good though like it's so good bro come on there is one more piece of gear that I want to draw your attention to I don't use it in my setup but it is the holy Lance Helm you can pick this up on the transition into Act 2 it's at the rosy M Monastery it's up on the roof so as long as you climb up to the roof and do some jumping challenges there's a chest up there that you could find with this inside the reason I don't use it is if someone's close enough to me already they're already going to be in my swirly wores yes the radiant damage that this thing pushes off would combo with our radiant orb setup I just don't think it's needed at all even through the gearing process I think you're going to be totally fine without it and there are definitely better helmets in act three that I'm looking forward to but I just wanted to bring this up if you wanted to grab it it's an easy pickup at the monastery as soon as you make it into the lower city of balers gate you're going to want to make your way over to one of the first buildings on the right hand side this is the storm Shore Tabernacle this is the basically religious Mech of balers gate if you want to pray you come here to do it the guy who looks after the store does not sell a ton of stuff child you've come far I perceive but what he does sell is pretty good we are very interested in the sacred star this is going to do radiant damage with every attack but it's also going to apply even more radiating orbs when we do decide to start swinging as far as leveling our character it is pretty straightforward but there are some small things you can do to Mid Max along the way and I'll try to point those out as we go we are a level one cleric right now we are a light domain cleric we are going to specialize in spreading our radience everywhere we go for canant trips I would probably recommend you start with produce flame guidance and then blade Ward uh we are going to get the light can trip for free and that is actually an important part of our character build believe it or not for our stance I would do something like this we have 10 strength 14 dexterity 16 Constitution then eight intelligence 17 wisdom which is our primary stat and eight Charisma if you go for the 17 wisdom and you want him in Max it's important that you help the hag in act one and take a piece of her scalp with you if that doesn't make any sense a lot of this game doesn't out of context don't worry you'll get used to it but that would allow you to get 18 wisdom which then it just takes one ability score Improvement to then bring it up to 20 if you don't want to do that you are going to have an odd wisdom so you might want to bring that down to 16 and then just take the ability Improvement to 18 we do want our constitution pretty high because it is important for our concentration checks and there are going to be ways that we increase this later in the game and you could respect for that as well the cool thing about leveling as a cleric is all of your spells are available to you and you're just preparing what you want to for the start of the day so I skip forward to level four because there's no important decisions that we're making with these spells we're just acquiring them as we go assuming you helped the hag your wisdom would be 18 by this point and then an ability Improvement score could easily bring that up to 20 in this situation I'm not able to help the hag but this is what I would do in the in the ideal environment I'd be at 20 with right now with my first feet at level eight we're going to gain access to yet another feat for this one I am a very big fan of warcaster makes it so our concentrations are not going to break as often and at level eight you are going to be fighting some enemies that are Relentless so picking this up now just helps to protect our spirit Guardians our swirly whirlies and keep them active even longer now at level 12 I would take alert as my final feat this would make it so we can go earlier in combat more reliably let's say we don't have that initial setup time to get our swirly whirlies our spirit Guardians going all we have to do is take alert and then we're probably going to go before most enemies anyway if you wanted to pick this up earlier I think that's also totally fine but like I said in most situations I'm going to be setting myself up for success by Spirit guarding before the danger even happens next I'll show you the gear that I would take in act three to kind of round out everything thing and finalize our build I do think I was too harsh on that helmet earlier I do think enemies Miss enough that you'd be popping off with damage relatively well however for the endgame I do recommend the Helm of balduran you find this in a secret area underneath the city good luck looking for it the cloak of displacement is going to give every enemy disadvantage on attacking us until they land one of their attacks like that's going to happen so basically every every enemy basically just has disadvantage against you all the time it's kind of ridiculous kind of ridiculous how good that is you find the cloak of displacement on the bridge to enter the worm Rock Fortress in act three I am using the bone Spike boots I really like them because against most enemies you have a very high chance of knocking them prone which limits their movement quite a lot and keeps them closer to the swirly whirlies and then for our necklace we did pick up the Amulet of Greater Health from the House of Hope I am using this Shield uh it gives us plus three AC instead of plus two that most other shields in the game give you there's also one that you can pick up inside moonrise towers that gives you that plus three AC you don't need all of that extra fancy stuff thrown in on top hey steel watch cuz you do your job I'm a menace to this city what what are you doing land your Texs The Shield by the way comes from the house of grief the arranged weapon I'm using is the fabricated aralis this comes from taking down gorach and it does allow you to do Illuminating shots which do carry over that radiating orb onto your enemies so you can even apply them at range easily without spell slots I don't even think the steel watch can land a hit on me dude these guys are just going to be running me all over the city that's going to cause so much more trouble obviously you don't have to solo the game with this build either I do that a lot in my demonstrations just to show you how powerful certain setups are and I think this one is like it's hard to deny how fortified our character is even without doing anything extra we're just kind of run it after these guys a very very simple play style as well as always if you guys enjoyed today's video please be sure to hit that thumbs up button every single like we get helps us out a ton with the YouTube algorithm and it is always very much appreciated I think I would bring this build with me into honor mode I think it's one of the most busted things in the entire game if you agree let me know down in the comments I think there are few builds that could protect a party better than this one not even a scratch on me bro nothing to it take care guys I'll see you again very soon thank you so much for watching the content it means the world to [Music] me
Channel: MFPallytime
Views: 125,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs Gate 3 Build Guide, Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Baldurs Gate 3 Lightning Charges, Baldurs Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build guide, bg3 rogue guide, bg3 fighter guide, baldurs gate 3 build, bg3 build guide, bg3 act 1 build, baldurs gate 3 act 1 build, build guide, MFPallytime, Build Guide, bg3 radiating orb
Id: 6Bf6N7QevZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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