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okay I'm doing this video because I got a metric ass load of tweets asking me to do it and I'm gonna do it happily because if you know me you know I'm obsessed with trash TV I love it I watched Big Brother growing up every single season i watch every season of love island put strangers in a house together and chances are I'm already somewhere making one so you can imagine how pumped I I was when I realized Netflix is dip in their little piggies in the pool of trash TV oh let's see what this is all about it's like some producer or some buyer at Netflix realized that these shows are like cheap to produce and they get a lot of views and all you got to do is cast dumb people and like something click they're like this is a new frontier for us they made the circle which I didn't watch so I did I can't judge that one they made love is blind which is a show about people dating but they can't see each other and boy oh boy do I wish I didn't see that steaming pile of garbage but now they're back with a vengeance their new show is called too hot to handle thanks retreat is one of the sexiest people in that way Oh too hot too hot so they put all these hot sexed-up swipers in a house together and they say okay if you make it to the end you get to split a hundred thousand dollars amongst all of you guys now you may be thinking oh why you just stay in a house for a little bit and you win 100k here's the cash folks anytime anyone does anything sexual with anyone else on the show money comes off the prize pool but a Bing that's the catch so this is a show now about celibacy you take all these sexed up swipers which is what they called them in the trailer sexed up swipers it sounds like a slur for Millennials they take all these hot single people and they make them abstinent for an entire month which is just such an absurd concept for a show isn't it it's like some producer was like let's take one of the main reasons why people like garbage TV and just remove it this is like if girl defined wrote a dating show and I admitted when I watched the trailer I was like holy [ __ ] I'm pumped to watch this it sounds like it would be a really entertaining show and it is for the first episode by the way this will contain spoilers okay I'm alerting you now boiler alert but it shouldn't really matter because there's no reason to watch this show past the first episode anyways so I'm kind of doing you a favor so all these hotties get to the house right all these hot hotties and they're all sexed up right I mean their sexed up to the years you can practically see the sexes pouring out of their ears because they're so sexed up and naturally as sexed up people do they start flirting right there's even a cheeky kiss exchanged there's some heavy petting and then all of a sudden Lana which is the show's version of Alexa it's like this little little [ __ ] thing that sits on there's like a little Bluetooth speaker that sits on the table her name is Lana she tells them that they can't [ __ ] all of a sudden they didn't know this when they were coming in so then all the people are like what what but we're so sexed up what do we do holy heck what we can't smush we can't fudge in smashing you're telling me we can't dust each other's cheeks off right now what are we gonna do I'm so sexed up I got six point out of my ears this is gonna be the worst month ever and she's looking sexed up all I do and I feel for them I feel for them all right hot dumb young people what else is there for them to do but [ __ ] this is what makes the first episode fun to watch is honestly just a reaction to them learning the rule it's like somebody told them their parents died or something you will have to abstain from sexual practices for the entirety of your stay [Music] but then the second and the third episode is kind of where the show just collapses and it left me wondering why the show went so viral because everybody's talking about it right now everybody and so without further ado I guess this is my official review of too hot to handle the most sexed up show on Netflix you know it's like it's kind of like all these people thought they were gonna get laid in this house but then they were conned out of it it's like a lake on Lake on hmm that's funny that sounds exactly like the sponsor of this video which is Ray Khan thank you - ray con for sponsoring this video ray con are fantastic ear buds they're little buds you pop in your ears to listen to music podcasts netflix shows whatever you want ray con ear buds started about half the price of other premium ear buds on the market but they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know their newest model the everyday e25 earbuds are their best ones yet with six hours of play time six hours seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a new compact design that gives you a nice noise-isolating fit they also come in fun new colors so you can match them to whatever gym fit you got going on that's important these days you got to look good in the gym wallet when we can go to gyms again you should copy a pair of these if you're looking for something nice and effective that you know won't cost you the same amount as the other top audio brands so if you want your own set of these bad boys just go to buy Raycom slash cody KO or click the link in the description for 15% off your order okay back to the review first of all I want to say right up front the people are they cast on this show they almost did too good of a job casting these people they're hot and they're dumb yes but they're almost too hot and too dumb here's a clip of them on the Netflix YouTube channel trying snacks from different countries just so you got a taste of what their personalities are like very orange red but matches my outfit are you of an orange outfit now are you sure this is edible try it [Music] there are a few of them that are really like genuinely charismatic I agree but some of them are just so insane like how do you you you got a you know that you've casted people to dumb when two people leave the show because they don't like get it really the first chick that leaves this like blonde chick from Arizona I think and she leaves because she just like can't stand being on the show like by the third episode she's like this is dumb I don't get like I don't why are we here this is so stupid I don't think I'm learning anything other than that everyone in this house is an idiot and I don't think Alana's process is doing anything for any of them either because they're all stupid and I really don't care about one--is process so they have to kick her off otherwise she would just be like a detriment to the show I just really haven't seen that before I've seen people leave reality shows because you know they can't handle it emotionally or they broke the rules or there's something going on at home something like that but no one has ever just left because they're like I would rather be at a pool party in Tucson right now like that's incredible it's so funny it's like even shitty people are great in reality shows but the this girl was just too shitty and to her defense yeah I know it would suck to like think that you're gonna get a summer full of sex and everything in that and to have that yanked away from you but it's you got cast on a Netflix show it's a Netflix show just [ __ ] suck it up and do the show it's a job just do the job because like just on the off chance that it goes viral and you're a star then right like for anyone that's applying for a show like this you have to think that's probably the goal is attention and so why wouldn't you just suck it up and just do the show and try to be your best in front of the camera just on the off chance that you'll get some attention from it because now the shows pop the [ __ ] off and nobody's talking about her because she left people are actually talking about her because she had one of the best moments in the show before she left and that's because she made out with one of the other girls just to spite everyone else in the house and take money off the thing so everyone learned that there was money out of the pool and they're all like what the [ __ ] who did that [Music] and I finally thought the show was gonna get good and things we're gonna get spicy and fingers we're gonna be pointed and conspiracies were gonna be made and everything and then Lana the [ __ ] robot just tells everyone who it was it was Samantha Lana was it Haley and Francesca affirmative and they're all like what the [ __ ] and then she just leaves it's like you [ __ ] up the show just like the button in the in the other dating show did what the [ __ ] is with these robots [ __ ] up these dating shows the other dude that leaves is like this yoga looking dude and you know come episode five or something he's just like all right it's time for me to go I've done my part here I've done all that all I can do namaste I have served a purpose less I slept walk and fell into someone's vagina I know it's not me and I'm leaving on the best possible note ever dude just stay just stay just do the [ __ ] show why are you guys leaving it's a Netflix show just this is your 15 minutes of fame just you might as well squeeze every last minute you can out of it right and then there's like this Irish chick that says like five things the whole show eight episodes and by the end you're like wait who the [ __ ] is that well she has she been there the whole time maybe it's just a testament to how bad the show concept is the whole like lesson that they've crafted around the premise of the show is they want to help these sexed-up single swipers learn how to develop real connections with other people because dating apps have [ __ ] up the way we think about relationships as if hugging up didn't exist in the past they want the contestants to focus on who they really are underneath the boobs in the bus and the ABS and the dicks and the balls and the butt which just feels like I don't know it just feels like they shoehorned it in because someone was like it'd be funny if we made them not [ __ ] and someone's like yes that's great that's hilarious but we have to add a wholesome message so that it has like meaning which is not the point of reality TV you know I don't it's not supposed to have meaning I don't watch I don't want to watch someone learn a lesson I don't want that I want to watch people you know despite each other or something with their genitals in order to like drum up enough content they make them do like connection exercises and like workshops they call them so examine for example one of them all the guys write down their greatest fears on like a whiteboard and then they rub mud all over each other and then like cry are you all ready to be free and allow the other person to look at the poster this is the best part is that the yoga guy writes that his greatest fear is fear it was like what the [ __ ] am i watching is this a catholic high school retreat like what is this it supposed to be a [ __ ] dating show there's one moment in the show or where one of the girls goes it feels like we're in sex rehab we're in sexual rehabilitation yeah which is like who wants to watch sex rehab or if that's what the show supposed to be then great call it sex rehab and find a bunch of people whose lives have been ruined by their sex addiction and put them in a house together now that's a show TLC has probably already done that honestly that's what makes love island great this throw them in a house together and they're like I'll get go [ __ ] fine love just be human it goes for two months and there's an episode every day and there's enough content to make them all interesting they shot too hot to handle over four weeks there's eight episodes and it still feels like nothing happens I can't even tell you most of their names it's like they want all the contestants to say we can't wait to make deeper connections or like I when I get home I'm deleting tinder I'm no longer a Swiper but the shota's keeps forcing this message of a growth and deeper connections the whole thing ends up being like awkward and just like uneventful so yeah I don't really blame the blonde chick for leaving to be honest like how do you put 12 hot people in a house for a month and have eight boring episodes to show from I feel like vloggers could have made more [ __ ] happen Helders tick tock houses that are putting out better content in this house overall I'm gonna give I don't know overall I'm gonna give this a pretty solid four out of ten alright there are funny moments for sure they do put them in like sexual scenarios and it's kind of funny to watch them go oh what bang I wish we could just bone it out right now just call me Dustin cheeks because that's what I will be doing right now if we could the whole deeper connection thing ruined it for me I watched trash TV so i can see people that are hotter or dumber or richer or funnier than me be those things not so I can watch people try to become a better person because a robot told them to the best part about the whole thing is that the two couples that are still together from the show are the two that broke the rules and hooked up so like I guess I guess the lesson is break the rules and [ __ ] and have fun baby thanks for watching my official review I'm sorry if this was a little bit too serious but I don't [ __ ] around when it comes to TV like this okay take care I'll see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 5,040,876
Rating: 4.9708939 out of 5
Keywords: netflix, reality, review, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: kbx_ViHImow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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