America's Next Top Influencer

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all right so on our podcast the tmg podcast we joke a lot about uh influencer reality shows i don't know why but it's funny to picture like you know you put 10 tick talkers in a sick house like i'm talking content house on hgh like just think about the sickest house ever like i mean i'm talking like a beach house on the mountain like you have a view of the beach the ocean and the slopes somehow think about a house that's the sickest house you've ever heard of put 10 tick talkers in there and the very first one to post about how sick the house is gets murdered right that would be cool i mean maybe that's a little bit morbid but something like that would be funny you know you get it we joke a lot about influencer shows for some reason it's a funny concept and little did i know there was one happening right under my nose right on awesomenesstv's next influencer with alex warren holy heck what the heck is this it's been going on 10 episodes now it's over it already happened it already happened how did i not know about this how did i not know about atv's next influencer here's the description atv's next influencer hosted by hype house's own alex warren follows a group of up-and-coming latinx influencers living under one roof with one common goal become the next big tick-tock star but balancing new relationships and continuously trying to go viral all while adjusting to their new life in miami means drama is bound to pop up find out if these tick talkers have what it takes to become the hashtag atv next influencer whoa balancing new relationships and continuously trying to go viral is there any better combination than that i mean that is like ketchup and mustard it's honestly hard for me to think of something worse for society than kids constantly trying to go viral but here we are it's happening we might as well make a show about it so i was like okay let's check this sucker out it'd be fun to chat about it and i dove right into the eighth episode just blind boom what's going on here no context of what happened in the previous seven because i figured that would be more fun just going to try and figure out what's going on as it's unfolding in front of my eyes and i'm going to tell you my findings first off they're sitting at the table eating breakfast or perhaps a brunch maybe an early lunch i don't know you know teens like to sleep in you know so i don't know what time of day it is but they're sitting at the breakfast table and they get a text from the host from alex warren you know love island style [Music] check your phones it says easy now it's a new day with new challenges head to the living room to get today's challenge no cap it's gonna be competitive because y'all are great at hiding the truth but you'll hide other things too no cap that was cool little slang lets us know that we're watching a cool trendy show about social media and other stuff that teens are into this show borrows heavily from love island if you hadn't already guessed that but all reality tv is kind of the same so i don't really fault them for that but this show makes sure to hit every single reality tv trope possible including the talking head moments that are just clearly scripted by the producers pay attention everyone today's challenge i'm taking the lead pay attention everyone for today's challenge i'm taking the lead ah yeah could we maybe try like a more natural tone like just pretend like you're not you know reading it off the script like just you know i know we wrote it but just say just pretend you're just saying it pay attention everyone because on this challenge i'm taking the lead is that better eat yeah yeah sure [ __ ] the best we're going to get so yeah print it morning influencers [Music] the name of today's challenge is hide and go vito what does veto mean is that like an espresso what does veto mean is that like a starbucks size oh [ __ ] i yeah i know we wrote starbucks but that's a brand so we can't say that so uh just say espresso instead what does veto mean is that like an espresso size espresso just espresso is that like an exo size oh [ __ ] it good enough good enough print it alright so as with all reality tv shows where there's not really a point you have to fill the you know content with something so they make the people do challenges right in love island they do challenges they do like i don't know truth or dare type [ __ ] uh and this one the challenge the first challenge that they do in this episode is hide and go seek basically they have to hide this like cardboard heart somewhere and then someone else has to find it i don't know if you're picking up on that little metaphor there but hiding my heart and then someone you find my heart i mean don't make me [ __ ] spell it out for you dunces all right kind of makes me wonder how hard the writers really tried on this i mean i can't see them really trying that hard but they're like this is just another another whole another level of lazy they're like what we need a game we need a game for them to play what's a game and someone else is like i don't know what about the very first game hide and go seek yeah i guess that's true that is the first game any of us play that's like literally the first game i'm gonna crush this i'm not just a dentist you know so there's a funny moment where they all run into the house one by one to hide their heart and one of the kids it gets to him and it's his turn and he just goes full tilt like i'm talking [ __ ] usain bolt 50 meter dash style right into the house like dude why are you going this hard you don't need to watch your back raul is coming yeah no we can see that dog why are you still running so they go hunting for each other's hearts right you're trying to find where's their heart where's tristan's heart and for some reason i guess the producers they give one kid a gopro occasionally like one of them will just be holding a gopro for vlog style to make it like you know social media so they give it to this kid and he's like trying to vlog himself climbing up the island in the kitchen and he's got his vlog face on as he's like just standing on the island not doing anything and he's holding the gopro the wrong way i mean i mean i don't blame him to be honest like he's trying to do a good job he's trying to put on put it on for the camera he's trying to film himself why is it his [ __ ] job to film himself anyways on a reality show that makes no sense so the challenge ends and they end up fighting because this is reality tv and that's what's supposed to happen i imagine the producers were like all right just bicker about something stuff a little sorry stop learning from you oh no i'm just a nice person i'm not fake like yeah you just want to be the third blonde one it's okay don't worry there's that gopro again it's why i'm telling her face she's scared of me i personally think that since the very beginning i intimidate this person so valeria you're ranking me first i don't know i don't know don't understand this i don't know what they're ranking or why they're fighting but the punishment for losing all of this whatever it is is cleaning the house that's the punishment the loser cleans the house oh my god you're making me clean the house and making one of my best friends we gotta make a power play to win bro it's just funny how like high school that is all these kids are probably like dude yes we're finally out of our parents place we're going to miami we're moving into a mansion and we're just going to live the life baby and then they're like psych here's a chore you have chores again surprise so then our gopro buddy here this this guy right here he cleans the house but he pulls a little nice guy [ __ ] right here check it out here just let me clean i like cleaning cleaning is like therapeutic you know you can literally here stop you can sit in the chair really like actually no like actually like let me paint for you i'm playing my tech talk videos for today i don't know why i think that's so funny that phrase i have to plan my tick tocks for the day it's so funny like i know people do tick tock for their careers now and some people take it very seriously and they they have to and they have to plan out but when someone this age says it i just imagine them pulling up a notes app and then writing all right 10 am um let's do a dance one dance tick tock all right 2 p.m let's just like melt the words to something like a song maybe like a catchy part of a song let's just mount the words to it and make some facial expressions perfect okay and now let's do 4 30 p.m let's let's just throw it back to dancing again yeah let's do another little dancy one and then for the 7pm one let's try and go insanely viral somehow probably just by melting the words to something i'm just saying like how ironic is it that she's so lazy and can't even pick up the living room when that's from punishment and if you see our room that my side of the room is super neat owen's literally giving me permission to not clean and of course i'm gonna take it duh guys she's planning her tick tocks okay lay off all right these songs aren't just gonna melt the lyrics to themselves are they idiots with a shot directly straight into my game only the best of the best know how to adapt and adjust to stay on top not really sure what that means or how that is relevant but that was a good talking headshot that felt like a reality show it did they always just say generic stuff like that and so that really worked for me to be honest kids got a future in reality tv all right so we're halfway through this episode now it's been 10 minutes they've played hide and go seek there's some love island type shots and then one of the girls throws a lizard on one of the other girls and it's like what am i watching a child's birthday party what is this hi gabby you have a lizard in your hair and you're so stupid because you don't even know so then i guess the girl who won the challenge the heart one before her prize is that she gets to face time with alex warren to ask him advice i guess i get maybe because he's an established influencer and these kids are aspiring influencers i don't know i'm again i'm trying to figure this out as i'm watching it hi alex i'm gabby nice to meet you i know who you are oh okay okay the face time doesn't last that long and alex says some sort of like philosophical thing about being yourself and she's like cool that's why that's what i needed to hear right now and then it's over like just be the best version of yourself but also it's so much more work to respond and argue and not stand up for yourself but like i feel like that is standing up for yourself by not responding and just knowing that you're better than what that is i like that i needed to hear that honestly pretty sick gig for alex like he doesn't even have to be there he's just like wait i can just stay in my own house and all i gotta do is just say some [ __ ] advice on on facetime and i get my name in the [ __ ] title yeah let's do it here's some more advice here's some more just off the top of my dome no more fake friends boom boom cut out the fake people how's that yeah i'm sure i'm sure you needed to hear that too huh also a little bit funny that alex is like one year older than them but they're like yeah but he's got a million bucks so he's got to know what's up which maybe is true i don't know so then the show concludes by them ranking each other by how much they think the other ones deserve to win the show and i can't really figure out the criteria why someone would deserve to win this show besides how good they are at hide and go seek which is honestly a pretty dope skill so i'd say that's a solid metric so that's it for episode 8 guys smoosh that like button if you're pumped for episode 9 and then after that for the season finale where we get to find out who wins the grand prize of getting to meet alex warren in person see you next time guys on atv's next top influencer no capper rooney no cap sauce later [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,393,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: nAaRrODX3lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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