what would YOU do?

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ladies and gentlemen I come to you today with one simple question what would you do what would you do what is what would you do it's a TV show it's on ABC during the day or something I'm guessing I don't really know I saw it because it came up on my youtube recommendations they have a YouTube channel where they post all their episodes if you're like me and you haven't seen it it's a show where they hire actors to go out in public acting bitch learn about it and they act out a scene and then they see how people like real people in the in public react to it it's like a social experiment and if you have seen it then you're probably sitting there right now thinking what the fuck Cody how out of touch cuz you possibly be you don't know ww-why d a watered down version of Punk'd for the general public how dare you not know this show and to that I would say eff off okay let me enjoy discovering something for the first time because this show is a goddamn masterpiece it really is and I want us all to share in how much of a masterpiece it is so we're gonna watch one together alright this one is called teens plan to put peanuts in alergic friends milkshake hashtag what would you do hashtag WWI D hashtag social experiment that's how you know the shit's gonna bang dude hashtag social experiment when is that ever been written on something that didn't pop the fuck off and make you think damn do we live in a society and then you take another hit of that ending do you feel me stoner - stoner come on social experiment you know this shit's about to fucking bang now before we start watching this I challenge you to keep one simple question in your mind as this progresses what would you do or what would I what would i do that's what you should think what would I do not what would I do me being Cody not what would Cody do what would you do but I as in you okay [Music] Wow look at oh dude that looks awesome and now you guys want to try something I'm gonna be completely honest here it does look pretty damn good it does a little bad-boy Street right ice cream a little whipped cream on top whoo no no I'm allergic to peanuts kids I'm extremely allergic to peanuts actually like what you haven't outgrown this deathly allergy to peanuts you mean to tell me that after all these years you're weak and fragile little immune system can't handle my peanuts in your mouth get a load of this guy dude what do you think would happen if we put some peanuts in his milkshake don't put some penis in his milkshake obviously don't do that because here's what I'll happen he'll die he'll just die also why is this such a big deal to them he walked away and they were like didn't know we were eating with a pathetic loser it's like it's just a peanut allergy plenty of people have these when is that something that fully grown dudes bully other dudes for just allergies wait who am i burrs are gonna oh let me have a peanut I'm you you fucking loser wait Who am I one second oh my Oh cute kitty let me pet it let me pet it too damn this kid is a serial killer look at that face I think it will be pretty hysterical if he died almost 6 million children under the age of 18 have food allergies 6 million down and about 1/3 of those kids report being bullied because of their allergy ok yeah maybe in like the third grade you'd get bullied for this yeah you know everyone's got PB and J's for lunch and you're the only one that has like stinky tuna fish and maybe that they call you tuna boy probably right look in the stinky little tuna boy over there you're leavin your little stinky little fish and all the cool kids are over here eating their Nutter butters and the PB and J's and you're sitting in the corner like a stinky little tuna boy then I could see that but these dudes are like 20 so why didn't they use kids for this I don't I don't understand dude we should do it dude I can just crush them up right now yeah we can put them right in here today in this restaurant we've got some food allergy bullies oh we got the host in the house John piranhas whoo we got a John Kronus alert everyone Thomas or this is the host John Coon Onis I know this because I watched an episode of this on stream a couple days ago and as soon as he came on stream everyone's like John owners John quit on us so I've learned since then he's an admired and a revered gentleman so all respect goes to John CONUS the host of ww-why d today in this restaurant we've got some food allergy bullies of our own food allergy bullying is I think a little bit too light of a term for what they're doing which is essentially crushing up poison putting it into their friends drink classic bully move right there just killing people classic bullying if you witness these two teens planning to put something potentially deadly into their friends food what would you do he said it he said it that's the name of the show what would you do he just said it right there guy was awesome when his eyes swell and his face blows up it's gonna be hilarious pictures twit quick before he gets back right yeah and is like in his throat closes and shit and I'll be standing there like like eventually like like nothing because it'll be like dead and shit fucking so good today our hidden cameras are rolling at the Park Avenue diner this is phenomenal dude you gotta let me have a bite [Music] allergic to peanuts these first customers listen in right here eat target acquired target acquired you can already tell she's not she's not having any of this dude none of this she can sense something's up or is listening as our bullies begin to question Sam you're still allergic you just give it a try yeah let me just outgrow a peanut allergy real quick give me a second guys oh yes yes fuck yeah that's what I'm talking about that was a great comeback dude tuna boys got jokes I'm surprised no one walked up to him and high-fives a knife through that shit that's what I would have done that's what I would have done holy shit all right stinky tuna boy and classic forgetting his fucking phone in the car classic it's from that's cuz of the tuna fish fucks with your brain I think we should take this crushing our bullies start to reveal their plan pour it in the drink and he won't even like know that there's peanuts in it they stay silent have to be a little worried and say wha do you think it would hurt him I think it would hurt him no it's not gonna hurt him you on to it's so funny how loud they're being dude let's just take a little bit and crush it up and put it in his drink like you won't even notice it it'll be so funny yeah dude it's gonna be so funny do you think it's gonna hurt them they're just looking at them like dude if you guys are gonna kill your friend just be a little bit more discreet a little bit you're screaming at the whole restaurant can hear you guys all right you fucking amateurs Jesus oh man you can see the joy on John's face right here look at this I love these ladies they're great this is why he created this show right here I don't even know if he did or not but I'm assuming he did cuz he's John fucking Quinn onus look at this face that he lives for this moment right here he's in this fucking sprinter this pimped out Sprinter van watching the magic that he created I love these ladies yeah whoo I love it I love these ladies I see John I'm with you I love these ladies they're great he'll die he'll die when he Google that on your little smartphone huh Google death right now what's it say permanent yep never coming back from that now Google murder what's that say huh oh gee life in prison Oh g-god these actors are stupid I'd say overall though these nice ladies are handling this well bring Sam in and say what's going on they're crushing peanuts and they're putting it in your drink just to let you know you guys put penis in my drink oh you snitch what if John CONUS came out and he was like hi I'm John Kronus and you're on what would you do how does it feel being a little snitch that would have been a hilarious prank that you just ruined all right dr. snitch that's the first rule of Medicine well you know what the first rule of pranking your friends is don't fucking tell him what's gonna happen it would have been hilarious classic time to let him know he's safe here comes the man himself when you say we would have to trach him yeah John what does that mean trach them cuz to me that sounds like a mortal combat move or something like it's probably some medical procedure I'm guessing but to me in my mind right now I'm thinking these two ladies jump up on the table and just karate-chop the prankster in the throat just how dude I just did that so hard he's putting the peanuts it's gonna be so funny dude no more penis boy cut an airway literally cut his neck so you know how bad it can be yeah that was good good for the ladies but I feel like that's the norm like I feel like most people would probably react that way unless maybe they I wonder if any if they ever get people that are like yeah just fucking do it just do it just do it yeah what is the worst that could happen just do it just see dude it'll be so funny just do it do it yep throw your penis in his drink then john has to come out like Chris Hanson yes would be like why don't you take a seat over here huh and that's that's when he doesn't enjoy this job throughout the day what's the worst that could happen really more concerned customers they lay out potential precautions the guy was like just give him some benadryl it'll be fine just slip him a little benadryl with that and it's all good it's a funny prank do it just you know a little benadryl crush it and put it under strength smash him up dude quick before he comes back this woman immediately steps in here's the thing she's doing the right thing but she did it in a really cringey way didn't she didn't she that was a little bit like don't touch his things thank you I didn't like the way she did that am I being too critical maybe I love you John I fucking love you John Wow Wow he just interjects with a WoW again again the situations that I have put in place never fail to WoW me Wow and it is not fun all right no need to flex on us Jesus Christ like I'm allergic to shit - okay fucking horses that's a tough one I've had it's like hard to ride horses because I'm sneezing it makes it hard because you think that you're gonna die and if you're gonna have a stupid friends like YouTube it's really not cool bring the drink back toward them when the boys refused to listen so like she's back on her feet alright let's go how are you guys he lives for this moment right here look at him let's go in boys come on this is a moment let's go I'm gonna do my thing I'm a John Quin onus these motherfuckers John quinones John sorry I'm pronouncing it wrong I know I am I'm sorry you are awesome and you you did some - you took it took the drink away for you way to go bullies I guess I mean just because I'm a we aren't they're great teachers for me is don't ever forget that golden rule that you learn in elementary school which is if you don't breathe you die right we learn that earlier or do unto others as you okay yeah that too yeah that that makes sense you would never put your own peanuts in your own mouth if you were allergic to it right you would never if you you would never put your own peanuts in your own mouth if you were allergic to it right you would never do that you never put the peanuts in your mouth so yeah you're right it's an issue that hits very close to home for this couple yeah I have an allergy to peanuts your grandson is also allergic to peanuts sorry I'm sorry well that's him that's not you dude you'd be fine he is great John but you are better don't feel any pressure to eat a little peanuts okay I'm gonna drink out of the shrimp mug for that joke we tell our bullies to continue just take a little bit just enough exactly oh my god he almost got out of the chair dude this is getting a little heated John where are you step in [Music] the TV show pretending but you were amazing that we wanted to see what people would say and you were very angry oh my god he comes in with the smoothness right away we're from the TV show what would you do but you were fantastic you could tell he wasn't really like he was kind of like you know usually people are like oh my god what the TV show he was more like oh but John swoops in with that confidence and that swagger makes him feel at ease don't know how bad it could be slice them up do you have a picture of him this is him what's his name Connor song good-looking kid he's your grandson good-looking kid a gamer I presume you almost jumped out of your seat why get involved I love these instant replays excellent form here John as Clive attempts to escape the booth and trick the bullies in the throat profound reactions people coming to the rescue of our food allergy victims sounding the alarm and possibly saving a life Wow Wow I feel like the guy at the end really summed up the video for us he said I don't really feel like that's a bully I feel like that's a criminal offence which it is I mean this isn't really this is about one this is about two kids attempting to murder another kid that's what this is about but we saw these outstanding citizens get in the way and do the right thing and to that I have you know a little more faith in the world in these trying times and that's all thanks to what would you do and John motherfucking Quinn honest so now it begs a question what would you do if someone tried to put their peanuts in your mouth it makes you think I'll tell you what I'd do I'd stand up and trig the little fucker why don't you go bully someone else's peanuts anyways I guess the lesson here is don't murder see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,632,742
Rating: 4.9759798 out of 5
Keywords: wwyd, john quinones, abc, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: tjtEgWx4Asw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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