My Girlfriend Acts Like A Dog - And I Love It???

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Lol I want Cody to make a video on Danny, would be hilarious.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Consistent_Field 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
do you guys remember nerd baller he was a guy that i did a video on many moons ago uh and the video was about how he used to go to sixth street in austin and he used to convince girls to give him their underwear for a hundred dollar bill but the catch is the hundred dollar bills were fake so he would scam girls out of their own underwear and then post that video to youtube can can i buy your piece for a hundred dollars well that guy now uh you'll be happy to know that he now runs some sort of porn house and uh he's got a patreon he's got a website actually this is his website nerd baller tv and it all points to his patreon where 2200 people pay 20 a month to be a part of this hold on i'm just gonna do that math in my head very quickly that's 44 000 he makes a month wow and what do you get for that what do you get by joining well you get uncensored videos a thousand dollars cash maybe it's a giveaway private video chats maybe and here's the best one you have a chance to visit the baller house and this is my favorite part about this website right here my favorite part about all of this is this button that says dope crib and guys remember if you want to join today make sure you smash that dope crib button just smash the dope crib button yeah smash the dope crib button by the way that's my code for the like button now every time i say smash the dope crib button you know what to do alright so smash that dope crib button right now so anyways remember puppy girl jenna she's the girl that acted like a dog on tick-tock and people were like really weirded out by it and noel and i talked about it on the podcast a while ago guess what her and nerd baller they're dating they are together and recently they were featured in a video on truly's channel in a series called love don't judge and it's all about what it's like to date a dog and we're going to watch it together before we do that though i want to quickly thank the sponsor of this episode which is public i recently joined and i love it because it it makes investing social believe it or not i can follow investors they post about the trades that they're doing the companies that they're holding long term and that's great knowledge that informs me to make my investment decisions better investing can be overwhelming um and intimidating but with public it doesn't have to be you can you can even own you know any slice of a stock doesn't matter how much money you want to invest you can invest it with public and they don't sell your trades or your data and they don't promote risky trading behavior public is a supportive community of investors that can actually help you learn and become a more educated long-term investor for example here's my profile i recently bought amazon because of their move into telehealth and i recently bought uh peloton because i had a sick pelton ride and felt [ __ ] good about it if you want to give public a try you'll get a free slice of stock when you go to codyco and download their app and uh make sure to follow me as well so you can see my sick investments one more time that's public.comcodico for a free stock enjoy all right let's go ahead and see what is truly good with this my girlfriend acts like a dog and i like it this is lorenzo he fell in love with jenna i think my favorite thing about jenna is her ability just to embrace who she is as a puppy what it started off normal i was with you i was with you for the first part my favorite thing about jenna is her ability to really embrace who she is oh yes that is an admirable characteristic as a dog i'm wait i'm sorry what's truly good puppy play is extremely important in my relationship that's where a lot of like my my love languages lie yeah yeah totally that's this is the one that this i think is the love language that dr gary chapman missed when he wrote the book about the five love languages he only wrote about words of affirmation quality time receiving gifts acts of service physical touch but he missed sniffing each other's [ __ ] he completely missed that one what about barking at squirrels what about that nothing says i love you like that babe i know you love me because you respect the fact that i'm scared of the vacuum and that means a lot despite living a puppy dream this canine couple have had to deal with some harsh judgment i definitely do get a lot of hate this person is just absolutely mental like out of their mind when we're in public it can be a little bit embarrassing at times well yeah don't bring your fetish outside why why did you go to a dog park man people look at us so weird when i bring my human on a leash to the park that's for dogs you know people would probably look at you the exact same way if you brought an iguana to a dog park they'd probably be like what the [ __ ] is that that's not a dog that's exactly what's going on here i met jenna at a photo shoot last year we sort of clicked almost right away on set but then i realized that it was just because i had some peanut butter pretzels in my pocket and she was just smelling those so she was super pumped but we ended up dating anyway so after they met there was one thing that jenna had to make sure lorenzo was on board with babe now that we're getting more serious i have a really dirty secret that i've been apprehensive to tell you what is it babe are you into something weird like german fart porn or something like that well no more like german shepherds i am a german shepherd in fact ruth so i started first pretending that i was a puppy when i was really really little i would ask my mom to play with the dogs with me so i would just be one of the dogs and my parents always asked when i was gonna grow out of it but um i never did i don't i don't buy this i don't buy it i'm sorry i don't buy it i don't think it's real because i know who this [ __ ] guy is can i buy your for 100 and i know the [ __ ] that he's done in the past for money and by the way we hypothesized like months ago we were like this has to be for only fans this has to be a promo for only fans when she was doing her crazy videos and she was going viral we're like this has to be and that's exactly what it is look at jenna only fans your puppy girl 20 a month they're probably making stupid cash off this because this is what you do like a lot of people that make like a [ __ ] ton of cash on only fans will find some weird niche that like most people think is super bizarre but then a select group of people think is like the dopest thing ever and they'll just throw money at it those are the people that are raking in and i feel like this is exactly what this is i don't know maybe maybe she does actually have this fetish but i'm calling bs i think this is a whole bunch of horse [ __ ] you know i think it's a whole bunch of dog [ __ ] actually jenna lives a puppy lifestyle and had to make sure lorenzo would be the right owner for all her puppy needs when i first told him about this if that was me i would not i would not be doing that i'd be like [ __ ] [ __ ] off make your own [ __ ] you kidding me this is my it's my sandwich i just it's so good i'm out of mortadella now this is the last of my mortadella i'm not giving you any of this all right stand up make your own lunch i don't even feed chili from the table not because i want to like instill good behavior in him so that he doesn't like beg for food or whatever it's just because i like the food too much i'm like no it's two flames [ __ ] off he didn't shy away at all he just was like okay cool like so what do i need to do so oh my god wait did you see that service dog oh my god how offensive is that to anyone who actually needs a service dog like jesus [ __ ] christ do you think that like he tries to get into like a movie theater or something with her on a leash and they're like sorry sir no pets and he's like no no she's a service dog and they're like where's your paperwork let's see the papers and he's like damn it you got me she's not a service dog and they're like all right well you have to leave then he's like all right come on girl oh wait wait wait hold up no just wait just stand up yeah just stand up yeah just going as a human so puppy play really was something that i've learned a lot of from jenna some of her needs and feelings uh are very similar you know to having a puppy which i've never personally have have had but uh you know it's something that oh man he's struggling he's struggling yeah so a lot of her you know needs and wants are like having a puppy which i've never had before or i mean i've had a dog before i've just never had to [ __ ] one because that's where this ends up right all fetishes like end in sex right like eventually he's gonna have to [ __ ] a dog which that has to be a little bit weird i feel that i personally love embracing puppy play is extremely important in my relationship that's where a lot of like my my love languages lie um i it's very important to get a lot of praise a lot of you know good job you're doing great you know good girls what i like about being a dog is the bond between like that one special person like your owner and yeah like the day-to-day like mannerisms of a dog that they have you know i like to be very carefree god damn it jenna not the grass come on dog mode is totally fine until you start [ __ ] with the landscaping and then i gotta put my foot down all right let's go to human let's go back to human mode for a sec um it's kind of like my den it's like my my area that i can retire to and know that i'm safe and you know no one can get me the first time i saw the cage i was um i was sort of uh shocked it was it was a lot bigger than i thought but once it was set up and i saw just how happy she was and comfortable she she really looks good and happy and i i think it makes a great addition to the room the literal cage for your girlfriend every every older dude watching this right now thinking wait a minute you can catch your wife i didn't know that was legal hey bills you know it's legal to cage your wife yeah yeah somebody say boys night bust out the poker table buddy let's play some hold them showing their puppy love on social media has led to people questioning their roles in the relationship some of the most negative comments it's probably just people saying that i'm crazy this person is just absolutely mental like out of their mind a lot of people well yeah don't post your fetish on instagram if you don't want these comments although you know what in their defense people make instagrams for their dogs all the time compared to like when people make instagrams for their dogs and then give them human voices like they're writing the captions you know like mommy loves when i when i can't catch the ball and made a new friend today and that's just as weird as this to be honest people have said like you know are you being held against your will is he forcing you to do this like blink twice if you're okay i know myself that i'm not hurting anybody i'm not in trouble i i'm just kind of living my life out on the internet and with that comes a lot of judgment and also thousands of dollars that's what you're forgetting with that comes i'm just you know being a dog and with that comes a lot of comfort and also right thousands and thousands of dollars monthly that we're receiving and let her know that there may be a minority of people that feel a certain negative way about you but you still have me that do care about you and love what you do we're gonna go to the park and i'm thinking we'll get some usual shots of you walking on a leash take some videos some photos but what if we throw a frisbee and you catch it in my mouth in your mouth that's right and if you catch it in your mouth you know what you get right do i get a treat yes i get a treat that's right you're gonna get a treat it's my dick and balls again it's my dick and balls you're cool with that right we're still cool to have sex later right it's wednesday that's usually when we do it you cool with that only if you catch it you ready to go yes all right i'm ready to go sit sit good girl you want to go to the park what she just got up and ran out you can't do that you're a dog you can't do that she was like she bit the [ __ ] was that did you hear that [ __ ] what's that it's god it's god being like you shouldn't fetish shame she was down on her knees for the leash there she was like all right yeah yeah i'm ready i'm ready all right cool sick let's hit the part so shotgun so going to the dog park is obviously one of my favorite things when we're in public i can see how it can be a little bit embarrassing at times there's weirder things out there like a girl pretending to be a dog isn't really the weirdest thing i think just for a lot of people it's it's new to see it in the way that she does it who's going to tell him that justin timberlake ramen hair went out of style a long time ago isn't really the weirdest thing i think just for a lot of people it's it's new to see it in the way that she does it i don't find it weird i would say lorenz is the best owner that i could ever ask for she cares for me i feel like the luckiest pup at the shelter i want to give her that attention when she needs it make her feel safe and just overall see her happy and playful all right guys that's it and just just remember love don't judge love don't judge you know if you're doing some weird [ __ ] at home to express your love that's fine but as soon as you bring it out into public and people are walking their actual dogs and they gotta they gotta see you with a leash on catching a frisbee and digging holes and [ __ ] you just expect to get made fun of a little bit all right that's all i'm saying love don't judge but people at the dog park do all right bye by the way guys i'm trying to get rid of all my merch right now so everything in the in the store is 30 off 30 off what a steaming hot deal so hit the hit the link go and get yourself something thank you bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,809,031
Rating: 4.980154 out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: r97xIX0tyB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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