Awkward Drinking Game

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guys we all know the best thing you can do if you're uncertain about your relationship maybe you're going through a little bit of uh you know relationship trouble the best thing you can do by far is get cast on a very large youtube channel and just hash it out over a friendly drinking game in front of 10 million people that's exactly what these two did in this video we're about to watch the boy cheated on the girl so they went on truth or drink a series by cut one of our favorite youtube channels on this youtube channel and so that's what we're gonna watch today we're gonna just sit back and let the current that wasn't supposed to play right there [ __ ] i [ __ ] it up god damn it so stupid look youtube videos so we're going to sit back and watch the cringe unfold today together cheers sipping an ice cold june shine let's get it popping i'm irene uh i'm cameron and uh we're dating how long have you been together what is that face what is that face right there he said she said we're dating this is the face look at this what does this say you say we are wait a minute what what's up we're dating oh that's what this is oh you think we're dating how long have you been together almost almost two years yeah what are we focused on today there was a specific ask for a type of couple that we were reaching out to someone [ __ ] up who [ __ ] up me cheating why are you open to coming here and talking about it because that's what you do what do you mean this is healthy this is healthy this i think this is gonna end up i think this is going to be a happy ending folks how did i find out that you were cheating well you had my laptop password what did you find you were talking to other girls and you were sending them money and that you couldn't get my grad gift and that you missed my graduation so you can talk to them what what oh so he's a gigantic turd got it [ __ ] up it's pretty [ __ ] up you never slept with anyone no it was most of like online like you were sending them money and you were sending them pictures why why is sending them money why what that am i am i just out of touch is that is that now a form of online flirting that i don't know about maybe who knows only fans is that what she's talking about i don't know sending ven mowing random women who you've never met i'm sorry that's to me that's a weird thing to do if you're if you're just if you have a girlfriend first of all and second of all just in general i is that wrong basically just sexting were there photos were there videos yeah what kind lingerie news are you jerking i'm sorry i'm sorry this is so uncomfortable why does it just feel like we're in their living room and we should not be we should not be hearing this conversation at all this shouldn't be a thing cut you shouldn't have made this video this is a personal conversation they shouldn't even [ __ ] be together probably again i don't know but were you jerking i'm sorry that's kind of funny so you're getting photos sent to you but were you pounding were you smooshing your own dick no tell me were you stroking were you pinching were you were you pinching tell me dude were you pinching i couldn't get off to it like crazy so but you would get a boner semi like what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] are we watching i couldn't get off to it like crazy but what does that mean what does that mean you just came like a like just a normal calm not like a like a so what you weren't what does that mean you weren't like you weren't busting that's so hard you were like talking to yourself you know is that a crazy nut is that what that is [ __ ] oh the government the government is watching the government's watching we should probably [ __ ] wrap this up half party everyone who's a guy in this room knows that you can get it where it's like up but it's still limp like that i mean that was like the quintessential dude excuse when you've been caught red-handed you say some stupid [ __ ] like that what was that excuse no babe it's not cheating i was just at half mass that means i wasn't really turned on it was a little little bit i mean come on boobs or boobs but i wasn't all the way you know rigid i was half rigid it was like a wet log you know but i love you didn't mean anything i was barely hard as [ __ ] our family knows who was most pissed about it mom wasn't really surprised what the [ __ ] yeah she kind of saw you as like a player i had one relationship all through high school i'm not gonna comment i plead the fish this is so uncomfortable are you as uncomfortable as i am by this why are they talking so quiet like why are you doing but the sound guy was probably like dude can you can you pipe up a little bit what were you saying about the half boner as payback for cheating you're allowed to haul pass who do you sleep with jason romano or michael b jordan she had this loaded up although i feel like that's everyone's answer i was ready she's talking about that and i'm like yeah i don't blame you aquaman if you're watching this i will [ __ ] you or michael b jordan like i i'm ready michael b jordan yeah that's that's what the cut should do the cut should the cut should be like ellen here where they're like who is it michael b jordan and you're fine you because you cheated you're fine with letting her [ __ ] michael b jordan right right you are okay cool well bring in michael b jordan and he just walks in all greased up and the guy's like oh no and they just have sex right in front of him that's what the cut should do so cut if you're watching you gotta cut me in on those royalties you know i would leave you for him the hot pass is someone you know someone that we know but all your friends are ugly maybe all get some bro ah suck it it's not even a disc to him really it's it's a diss to his friends but it's kind of a diss to everyone you know your whole squad's ugly dog i'd be pissed someone said that i'd be like dog my friends are [ __ ] hot man holy i'll do ollie how does it say him or tommy i'll do ollie ollie i don't want to [ __ ] you but if i had to i guess you said ollie well bring in ollie he's [ __ ] he's on michael b jordan's shoulders and they walk in like they walk in both of them like hey we're here ah and they have an orgy what are ways i can improve in the bedroom you just want a drink it's okay if your butt hurt that i don't want to tell this is oh this is so toxic on so many levels so many levels you just want to drink that's what he said what what what you're an [ __ ] man you just want to drink you little [ __ ] alcohol like i'm perfect in bed all right perfect i literally could not there's nothing i could improve on you bust 10 nuts every time we're in the sack and you know it you're just a little alcoholic see you want to have a shot am i the only one that gives you a boner since this relationship started or like after all this stuff after all that stuff when what what what those are some mental gymnastics that he's doing before this relationship or i mean how many how many boners would you say i've had because i'd say 100 of the boners that i've had with you have been from you you know what i'm saying but there are boners that i have had when i'm not with you and those could be morning boners they could be no reason boners i mean the list of types of boners if you want to talk about types of boners we could talk about that all day but i mean i don't think we got time for that right director let's move on to the next question like to the time where we were getting better is that what you're asking i'm just saying in general in general yes like a full on stop talking about full boners man what is this stop worrying about the boner logistics why are you focused so much on the types of boners that you're getting a boner's a boner simple as that yeah why did it take so long for that answer because there's a lot of answers you can put into context yes or no yes there's the verdict why did you cheat [ __ ] i was young dumb and stupid and i just felt like i wanted more when really everything was right in front of me i just felt like i wanted to spend my money on random girls online honestly yeah there's money that cash was burning a hole in my pocket so i just figured i'd venmo random girls for nudes so yeah sorry about your grad gift by the way some people would say how could he have cheated there was no physical contact with anyone i think people have their different like definition on cheating like from my max i would have left him if he did [ __ ] something getting nudes is cheating see receiving nudes when you're in a relationship that's cheating that just is cheating if i never found out would you have kept it as a secret probably ah at least he's honest about it i'm actually kind of glad you found out because we wouldn't be as happy as we are today i'm 100 more happy now with you yeah you guys seem like you're just peachy really no this seems like a really strong stable relationship and you seem like a great guy honestly you do yeah i'm fully in support of this and i think that no what no you don't seem happy at all this is too this is doomed i'm sorry i'm sorry if it's not my place to comment on two people's feelings towards each other but just from the outside i'd say this relationship is going to die great i'm happy too it's the truth for sure we're definitely happier than we were back then super happy totally super happy ecstatic no we're really happy couldn't be happier look at me look at me look at how happy i am look at this so happy looking smile but don't cheat cheating is not yeah no it sucks the aftermath sucks he just he just said dealing with the aftermath sucks that could not be a more perfect way to end this yeah don't cheat don't cheat dealing with the aftermath sucks sorry don't get caught that's what i mean don't get caught cheat for sure i mean send as many girls as you want money but uh definitely do not let your girlfriend have your computer password that's the real lesson so and that's what it is folks i'm glad we could watch that today and learn about um relationships and our own relationships and so thank you for watching cheers and um uh happy new year good night so happy dude [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 2,737,825
Rating: 4.9830513 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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