Try Not To Laugh: Karen Edition

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the fact that I can't tell if this is ironic or not scares me Cody has the sense of humor as a Facebook mom I was so confused I didn't know if he was laughing ironically or if he really thought those videos were funny come on what I can't just laugh I can't just I can't even just laugh at some stupid [ __ ] anymore I know I get it some of the memes were a little bit old and basic I'm sorry I didn't know put it in reverse Terry or whatever the [ __ ] that was okay but this is this is horseshit all right I can't even feel joy anymore without people people thinking it's ironic Cody's humor is like boomer meets six-year-old white kid a Poff dude F right off I'm sorry that the videos we watched last time were a little bit dated and a little bit basic okay but I'm also sorry that some of you have to go to the watch people die subreddit to feel anything and so we're gonna we're gonna meet in the middle today nice happy nice healthy medium here and we're gonna watch videos of Karen's freaking out because that is hilarious always and it's also it's also a little bit you know more trendy to make fun of Karen's right apparently have the same sense of humor as one so let's watch some Karen's freak out get off of her car Christa don't move up you're sitting on her car on it oh my god oh my god I'm not sitting on her car I'm leaning on it look it's happening again laughing are my eyes oh that's so good she really is leaning to look at that she's posted I want to dance what a [ __ ] stance I'm not sitting on this [ __ ] I'm leaning on it it just looks like I'm doing both get up her car this is your right spot what are you a traffic coordinator wouldn't man please back up Christa and my new granddaughter Ashley and Macy please pull in I'm not sitting I'm leaning please mate please move back Ashley and Macy please pull forward I don't think I've lost it have I maybe once I'd be a little hmm but we're doing we're doing good man that's one of the best parts there's two spots there's ample room for everyone involved she just why why she just wanted to be a [ __ ] just life of a Karen I guess holy [ __ ] that one started at a hundred miles an hour your last year's class that's awesome I haven't heard that insult in 15 years your ass is grass that's like a sixth grade bully insult isn't it your ass is grass why is that the solution to everything all of these ending you know what I'm calling the cops I'm calling the cops like they're gonna [ __ ] do anything I'm calling the cops so they're gonna be here in 45 minutes to see that you guys aren't social distancing in place in your car it's also funny that you know we'll watch we'll watch well goof on a few tic TOCs you know that kids make every once in a while I haven't done it as much recently but because because I get it they're kids you know they should be able to just grow up and be stupid and not be made fun of constantly by someone older than them right but then there's ladies like this that you're screaming at a child that's not even yours you probably have kids of the same age and you're screaming at this random child why is that okay of course of course they are courts the cops are coming of course why wouldn't they be coming why wouldn't they be coming why wouldn't you have called the cops in this situation for this man that's selling something on the side of the road in [ __ ] Palm Springs dude [ __ ] I laughed whatever that this is Palm Springs that's what this is this work Coachella is that's where she lives as you can probably tell by the giant hat the bigger your hat brim is the excepting you are of people this man that's harassing you stop harassing them Karen Karen stop harassing him you live in India Karen look at this this isn't even this is a gated community this is a you still have to walk in the gate this isn't your property your property is inside the gate so good so good I can't take a parking spot you why don't you park in the handicapped spot this is not a handicap spark spark she said sparked okay there is a spot literally right there Park in the spot right next to it tell me to shut up again tell me to shut up again the cops again the cops every single one so far [Music] what store is this what evinced it's best buy its best buy you call this good service does Best Buy like pride itself on its service it's during quarantine especially this is going right to the leasing office this is going right to the leasing up you're ugly you know what you're ugly I can't think of anything else to say right now but you're you're ugly and your cars dirty so I'm calling the cops cuz cuz about ugly you are it's illegal it should be illegal how ugly you are okay with that face looks like a butt looks like a ass which is grass by the way I'm calling the cops cuz your ass is so grass and you're ugly your cars so dirty we got a Karen we got we go wild Karen here oh he just shut oh that's so funny oh you want me leer another do you want me to leave or not you're blogging about where we leave ya is we've had a wild Karen right here don't care in the wild there's a cop right there if you want to tell them what is that sorry what is that smug smile what is that she didn't say a single word the whole thing well as long as I'm standing here you can't buck [ __ ] I laughed the [ __ ] I'm calling the cops I know I never thought I was like oh yeah pops oh yeah folks as you can see here folks we found a very rare Karen a Kieran in the wild and she's very angry about the fact of the defect there was skateboarding in public skateboarding skateboarding I don't know what [ __ ] acts and this is let's keep going [Music] oh my god wish you Britt that card out of the guy's hand it's so funny thinking about screaming at someone through a drive-through window like there's nothing either of you can do it's not it's just gonna be just a screaming match I'm going to McDonald's if I wasn't in this [ __ ] card punch punch the milkshake right out of your face your ass is grass damn that was good that's the best insult actually that you can say legitimately not even being sarcastic Karen or not just going you suck that's so good you guys suck oh my [ __ ] milkshake you gotta suck the bag did she did she just say we sucked maybe we do got to work on our service cuz you're not using your head what did he do our honor Stan she said it takes you half an hour to walk down the street is he texting or something else in the beginning she was like get here you and your dog get away from me so I thought the dog was gonna be like big and ferocious and then it pans down and it's like a little Corgi that's good wait what did that say no public dumping Karen you can't take your dumps there okay well it's illegal to take pictures of people that they don't have to give you permission so good to know me do you want to delete it now or do you want me to talk to some of it there's doing something with you it's illegal when you just did you could you could talk to security people okay picture of you very nice not to security and I will and I will go to security and I will tell them that this this girl was take was doing tik toks in a mall that's the place you're supposed to do tik toks if you're like a 14 year old kid the mall is where you hang out and that's where you do tik toks usually probably I don't know I'm gonna go to security and I'm gonna show them this picture and say that this girl was in the mall doing tik toks filming tik toks the mall is for shopping it's not for teens to hang out in and film tik toks in [Music] we get a you violate my civil rights to demonstrate sexual behavior on a bus or a train I believe and that goes for women that goes for dogs 12 in cancer so so yeah so it's illegal for your dog to whip his dick out on the subway you can't you can't have him do that he's not even allowed on the subway so even if he wanted to whip his dick out on the subway and flap his dog dick around he can't cuz he's not even allowed but that's besides the point what is she even mad about I don't understand sexual acts on the subway what was this person doing see what do you do you without your cell phone promise you this continue disregard and disobey them eventually you will get it's empower against Allah I did not say that I said demonstrating lewd behavior on a subway is not I think it is against the law should we Google that demonstrating lewd behavior on the subway illegal meet the team hunting down NYC's sickest subway pervs it's probably hurt it's probably it's probably where they recruited so you can whip out your little camera and go to make it to a lawyer and ask them and some woman got upset because I started but not so my girlfriend of her I did I went like this why do you feel the need basically what you're doing is you're looking see what you do is like some last music do you see me play she's talking about blasting music as the subways going do you see me blasting music no because that would be annoying and the subway is about peace and serenity is the subways to be considerate if we choose to be inconsiderate it's the truth if you choose to be and we're literally we're not arguing with you we're not talking about with you you can stop talking no I can't stop talking as long as you're gonna continue to me I will continue to say that was easier what I laugh like three times easy-peasy [Music] next next that was fun that's that's try not to laugh - all right we did a good job and hopefully hopefully that that type of humor was up to your guys's standards because lord knows we wouldn't want more [ __ ] dad humor on the channel even though it's the [ __ ] best was it a single video in there of dogs doing something funny and that sucks it sucks that I can't even enjoy that in front of you guys I'm kidding I love you I really do do i I don't know we'll see see you next time bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,951,107
Rating: 4.9494758 out of 5
Keywords: karen, try not to laugh, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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