Awkward Dating Show (pt. 4)

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hello folks today you know I have some sad news this is the season finale of the button but it is also potentially the series finale because that's all they made they made four episodes and that's all there is that's it I'm assuming they shot four in one day during like an eight hour filming session and then they were like alright cool we got four videos out of that we're never doing that again that was a failed experiment and to that I would say it's not failed it was it was a success in all of our hearts we know that this show is the most awkward internet series alive and it must be kept alive if not for our if not only just for our self esteems you know cuz it feels good to get to watch people get rejected in cold blood it helps us feel better about ourselves they steamroll people self esteems thus inflating around and that's a beautiful thing I think I just condoned bullying by accident it's not what I meant you understand what I'm saying I love this series so mr. and mrs. cut if you're watching I'm assuming that's you all in the cut channel mr. mrs. cut you must keep making this series you must keep it alive for us okay [ __ ] feels like when the office engine doesn't it I'm sure you feel the exact same way alright whatever forget it let's get into it let's get into the last episode of a button and let's see how this ends I have a had sex for a really long time sex isn't really a big deal for me yeah I'd be [ __ ] a lot so sorry oh yeah no sex isn't a big deal for you yes same just kidding I'll be [ __ ] three I literally [ __ ] all the time it's all I do welcome to the button a speed dating show when the button lights up red either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person if two people can last on a date for ten minutes they win an all-expenses-paid second date well the budget what's your name who Jessie Jessie I'm Kayden okay cool how old are you [Music] what's that what was that what are you were you to say there I'm 12 it sound like you ready I'm 12 how old are you I'm she's like I'm 12 dumb 2040 she says 60 whatever you want I'm whatever age you want me to be baby all right Jesse relax take a breath okay did you just have a stroke I really thought that we had seen the worst I really thought that we had seen the most awkward encounters but this show just keeps outdoing itself this is amazing it's not even she's not even speaking English here she's not even speaking anything what was that pig latin what the [ __ ] was that all right ixnay on the serious relationship seven or eight months ago now how about you miss long time probably 2013 with staying power that's I'm sorry you've been a great date we go that was the truck backing up sound this is brutal I'm an [ __ ] hello hi my name is Mikey Caden nice to meet you both now so this thing can talk to us yeah can you give us a prompt honestly not for not for a long time I'm like waiting for it to hit me so many moments have passed that it hasn't I'm like am I able to cry anymore you know what anyway I hope that cry comes for you in a good base I'm waiting I hope it comes for you right now yeah later Mikey don't let your tears drown you on the way out oh it's great to meet you happy birthday thank you so much see you the next one hey that was so awkward they didn't even show it it was his birthday it was that guy's birthday you were ejected on his birthday plus they both went to press a button at the same time oh my god happy birthday and then he goes I wonder who the next one is while just staring him right in the point-blank right in the face I wonder who the next one is cuz it's not you happy birthday happy [ __ ] birthday career got you a gift it's a knuckle sandwich on the button Carter nice to me nice to meet here all right cool what's poppin was good not much just worked all day I'm gonna buy you yeah I work too just give people pastries and [ __ ] make coffee I'm a barista yeah I love this chick man all right already great vibe great vibe she's like you giving people pastries and [ __ ] that's a great description of what a barista is you know because I feel like with all these bougie ass coffee places that exist now in like LA and Seattle especially where the coffee is like $5,000 and they don't call themselves baristas they call themselves coffee chemists or whatever she just cut and dry about it she's like I just give give people pastries and [ __ ] give them their coffee help with their morning poop you know it's [ __ ] everybody I'm a server at a dude live you have free breadsticks though you don't get free breadsticks yeah okay you're asking the real questions this is what we need to know it's just cool it you get free breadsticks oh you got any on you right now what's with this people pressing the button at the same time [ __ ] the show is becoming who can reject their date fastest and most brutally that's what this is button turns right Oh got you [ __ ] later you suck and you you smell bad you know honestly anyone if you're into me I'm into you are we vibe in button hope you uh hope you sanitize that cuz you know there could be a decent amount of Kerensky on that thing hi I'm Carter I'm Jane nice to meet you how's your day going it's going honestly really great yeah that's good now oh okay body language see what's happening here they're leaning in they seem to be into each other what do you do for your hobbies I like to paint [ __ ] man I'm gonna I love the way she just distills [ __ ] down I'm not an artist I just like to paint [ __ ] man I was like the paint paint pastry's man maybe like 2000s cartoon watch like Cartoon Network at all oh yeah yeah these are all stickin pokes my friend doesn't like beautiful dude they're vibing they're vibing let's keep it going right I'm like serious about color blocking on my body so I have like I'm sorry hey you can't fish me bro that might have been the most brutal rejection we've seen yet on this show holy heck holy [ __ ] crap what just [ __ ] happen there you you let her on Jane oh my god that was ruthless she's the first person on the show actually like listen to the other person and made herself seem interested she just broken her in she's just rope in her end oh yeah just cut it off dude that little oh that little oh that little sound she made after she got that the button press was so genuine listen to this they're blocking on my body so I have like Oh first my [ __ ] soul that hurts my soul one more so I have like I'm crying a little look at her face she was so into it she was just middle middle of explaining the color blocking choices on her body she thought she was in this sums up this whole show for me this sound like [ __ ] this kills me every I little piece of me dies every time I replay this let's go let's go one more I'm sorry Carter you just didn't deserve that I think you were one of the most entertaining people on this show thus far catfished me bro you pampers me so hard it's your loss though he's like yeah you know what I would like to know what's up what's good I was about to serve you some delicious pastries and [ __ ] okay and now you'll never have one of the delicious blueberry turnovers that my coffee shop sells unless you of course you go there you know when I'm not working and someone else serves you you could always do that and I would recommend it there they are delicious but not for me in general like I can see us being like really good friends but like I can't like see like a romantic relationship in it hey I'm Scott nice to meet you I meet you yeah beautiful eyes I love your lashes thank you you have a good look I do meet you legs yeah what no way high five why didn't they do that why don't you do that Jane you're cold enough I know you are you should have [ __ ] done that cool no way ATD yep same mental kid it's a Wow high five too slow [Music] soon enough what if the button was just some crazy-ass AI some to think about the idiot for me it feels like everything's like moving through my head a million miles an hour yeah it embarrass like things easily because I think that I'm saying things wrong like I take it back he didn't you didn't disappoint Jane Wow Wow he's in the middle of him opening up to you about his condition and you're gonna reject him in the middle of that he was just talking about how he gets self-conscious because he doesn't know if he's saying things right and you yeah that's when you decide to press the button I think it's safe to say that Jane has won this series because she's able to rope people in and then reject them in their most vulnerable state she's like a Venus flytrap as a person right oh look I'm a beautiful flower look at these comply over here eaten alive over here he's really cute but like I don't want to talk about like my ATD and stuff but like someone else that was the button that did that what do you what do you mean yeah was that his prompt the button asked the button was the one that did and you talked about it too you know what I'm getting are getting too invested in this let's let's keep going is this like made me kind of a [ __ ] yes hi I'm good how are you my name is Mikey oh this is hard she's so brutal that they had to bring the montage back because of how many people she rejected herself I do the way she was just sitting right there just just alluring luring them how are you good cuz you're about to not be good yeah I'm gonna break your [ __ ] heart actually so I love your eyes by the way weird noise your last serious relationship three years ago and I lived with my ex then there was a really bad breakup and I know that Blake hobby knows I made myself from my entire friend group and like kind of restart yeah look at that face right there look at that that right there is just the most understanding open up to me face ever she's like hmm really a breakup Oh tell me more about that how does that make you feel oh you don't deserve that I would I would never do anything like that to hurt you oh so see if that happens Bri myself from my entire friend grew up and like kind of restart she looked she looked at it mine was like two and a half months ago oh [ __ ] yeah really but we just make weren't right for each other [Applause] chop suey Chop Suey Chop Suey I recognize that why do I recognize that name haha we [ __ ] played there live at chop suey January 18th 2019 chop suey 32 went 116 interested in going so don't mean to flex but alright sorry can we have music Wow I was actually really good this seems to be going well Rena are you attracted like very attractive as well I don't trust you I don't [ __ ] trust you I don't trust this at all don't you do it don't you do it beautiful Wow Wow Jeanne came through I kind of him sad that that's ended on a happy note you know like how insane would it have been if she stared into her eyes for twenty seconds ten seconds then she requested another ten seconds that 10 seconds elapses and then she hit the button [ __ ] she would have gone down in the button Hall of Fame as the coolest button player of all time change like Oh too soon button I've also never felt love for anything in my entire life I don't feel empathy at all so I'm a psychopath actually alright well folks that's it for the button I'm happy to send it on a good note actually and I can't help you no we we did it four episodes we crushed him and just you know so many memories you know I can't help but think about all the good times we had over this 4 video series you know squalled I didn't have a mustache and then I had one and now I don't have one again it's just started this new one it's a dating show and it's called the button cats are dope [ __ ] you where is the clitoris okay not only was that a diss on my man Cain the stoner but that was also a diss on all short kings the button Nick jerked off in the shower this morning twice no - wait I'm sorry oh no a professional peddler and I also make jewelry nice Oh what's up we are all puppets to the governments my name's Thurston are you thirsting for him yet the cut speed-dating show it's called the button hey I'm thinking of a number between zero and [ __ ] you stuck on each other's boobs you know what I love you too button I do I love you all right well that's it you know like this video if you believe in true love and I'll see you guys soon with with another video all right good bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,130,389
Rating: 4.9855161 out of 5
Keywords: cut, button, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: V_v2NveDgFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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