The Ultimate Healer: D&D Build #156

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this one's for the Care Bears out there  I don't often do builds that are focused   solely on support and healing but  today I wanted to show you guys   what I think is the best healer you can  possibly build in DND D 5e welcome to [Music] D4 hey everybody so here at D4 each week  we take deep dives into character builds for   our favorite role playing games I like to crunch  numbers about them Theory craft about them not so   that I can tell you the right way or the best way  to play a character but to explore one potential   way to build something with the hopes of creating  a character that is both really powerful to play   but also really fun so if you enjoy creating  characters for your role playing games almost as   much as you enjoy playing the actual game itself  or if you're just looking for tips or ideas on   how to build something that you're thinking about  playing then welcome home this is where you belong   it really is and I'm so glad you're here so thanks  for being here my name's Colby I put out uh build   videos every Tuesday so if you like what you see  I hope you'll consider joining the channel as a   member there's a little button down there that  says join if you click it it tells you about   all of the potential perks you can get for just  couple three bucks a month access to the library   of writeups that I create for these builds to help  you recreate them yourself a little more easily   access to our Discord server and even our monthly  hangout Q&A sessions which are always a lot of   fun a huge shout out and thank you to my channel  members I could not do this without you you guys   you're amazing and everybody else you're also  amazing being here watching liking subscribing   commenting are also great ways to support the  channel you don't have to be a member if you   don't want to or don't feel like you can afford it  so thanks for being here right so out of the 150   plus builds that I've done to date for D and D 5e  there have really only been three or four I think   that are just kind of built to heal Above All Else  the uh lore Bard healer the first of the bunch and   one that I think is really a great build still  honestly there's the Twilight cleric build but   I mean that's basically cheating so and besides  giving out temporary hit points isn't really the   same thing as healing so maybe we should just  disqualify that one from the group anyways then   there's the uh combat medic which I really loved  actually as they were focused on doing anything   but casting spells to heal so it was pretty unique  and then there is my favorite of them all and   probably the least well-known one actually the uh  the Martyr build aka the mom who was focused on   healing but only with the life transference spell  there are plenty of other support builds that I've   done to date but I think that those four are the  only ones where I was just like let's maximize   healing and sort of ignore everything else correct  me if I'm wrong and I mean sure there is a reason   why you don't just see a lot of pure or dedicated  healers in 5e right for one I'm not sure it's a   play style that a majority of the people would  want to play sometimes just sitting back and   healing allies can feel a little Bor boring for  some people but also as we've often discussed on   the channel D and D 5e isn't really made to be  a game where it's all that possible or effective   to try to just sit back and keep your allies all  at full health throughout a combat encounter let   alone several combat Encounters in a given day  right in 5e it tends to be a lot more efficient   to do what you can to avoid taking damage in the  first place bounce a fallen companion back up from   being unconscious with a lowlevel healing word  or something and otherwise just try to kill your   enemies before they kill you saving healing  back up to full health for in between combat   encounters with short rests and things right  but it would appear that Wizards of the Coast   are making some changes to Healing spells for the  new version of The Player's handbook coming out   later in 2024 essentially they're buffing most of  the healing spells in game significantly at least   that's how it is in the most recent play test  at the time of this recording cure wounds and   healing word heal for almost double the amount  both at base level and as they scale and most   other heal spells are getting significant boosts  as well for me this kind of begs the question why   maybe it's just because they want heal spells  to feel more powerful but I have a sneaking   suspicion that there may be something larger at  play here I can't help but wonder if they're not   planning on increasing monster deadliness or maybe  making it so that when you're reduced to zero hit   points it's more painful as a player in order to  prevent the kind of yo-yoing that often happens in   5e currently where a player goes down then gets  bounced up with a healing word takes their turn   goes down again gets bounced up again rinse repeat  right it makes for some kind of wonky gameplay I   think and can sort of shatter immersion for some  people myself included personally I'd love to see   them retune some mechanics or make staying on your  feet really important and if they do then yeah it   makes sense to buff healing spells to better  prevent you from getting knocked unconscious   in the first place right with that in mind then it  felt like it might be a good good time to finally   do a video on a build that's been on my to-do list  for literally years the best healer I can build   again this might have a little asterisk assigned  to it that says at the bottom in fine print   Twilight clerics not included because yeah the  ability they have to just give out what feels like   an almost Limitless amount of temporary hit points  to basically everyone in the party every single   round is perhaps a little maybe a lot overpowered  but hey a lot of you can't even play with Twilight   clerics at your table I know my friend Chris Trant  monk bans them from his table fairly regularly or   maybe you just refuse to play a Twilight cleric  on moral grounds or maybe you feel like giving out   temporary hit points isn't the same as healing  anywayss like I said so screw those guys so   let's sharpen our pencils and figure it out if for  whatever reason we wanted to make the best healer   we could someone who could conceivably keep their  allies topped off healthwise or nearly so so that   the danger of ever going unconscious in the first  place was severely reduced how would we build it   well this is how I would build it and little  spoiler I think it does a pretty good job of   keeping Pace even with that arguably op Twilight  cleric and so I proudly present DND build number   156 the best healer in DND D parenthesis question  mark parenthesis best might be too subjective it's   more like the heest Healer in D and how about  the Heavenly healer or Miracle Max universal   healthcare thanks again to the Discord users for  those great suggestions but I think I'm just going   to go here with the ultimate healer huge thanks  to my friend Randall Hampton for the Fantastic   artwork he created for this piece I love it I love  everything that he does as I know many of you do   as well if you'd be interested in following him  on social media to check out the other stuff he's   done or to maybe reach out and try and commission  him to create some art for your character or maybe   even your entire party I will put links in the  video description as always on how to do so thanks   R and of course we've got to get a word in from  today's sponsor obvious mimic I am so thrilled to   have them for the sponsor again this week today  we are not talking about their awesome t-shirts   like this one uh actually owl Bear Ridge wish  you were here but instead about their new solo   DND Adventure that releases tomorrow as of the  release date of this video anyway so for most   of you it's probably out already the crystals of  zth was game night canceled are you the forever DM   or do you just want to test one of the characters  that like I've made on this channel or that you've   made yourself in a d and d game well guess what  now you can without help from anyone obvious mimic   makes DND 5e solo Adventures for anyone who wants  to play more but might not always have people to   play with or could use a break from people for  that matter after the holidays right the Wolves   of Langston was obvious mim's first murder mystery  solo Adventure which I've talked about it's so   cool and is still available for purchase by the  way but now they have their second it smashed   their Kickstarter funding goal this fall and is  ready for release and yes it's called the crystals   of zth it is a classic adventure of exploration  Discovery and survival where you uncover the   mysteries of a hidden city and hopefully Live to  Tell the tale so take your own path through an   interactive story designed to replicate tabletop  gameplay where your decisions have consequences   fight Monsters cast spells and find treasure with  an original story with real Stakes make progress   with loot and experience that you could even keep  in a regular tabletop game if your DM allows it   of course and play all those character builds that  especially as a viewer of my channel I know you've   been dying to take for a test drive so please you  guys go check out crystals of zth at the website   that I've Linked In the video description that's  how they know that I've sent you and also if you   use the discount code Colby solo these guys come  up with the best promo codes um yes use that code   at checkout and you'll get 10% off crystals in  addition to the discounted launch sales price   that is already going to be going at launch right  and even 10% off Wolves of Langston as well if   you want to pick that up so huge thanks to obvious  mimic you guys rock and let's jump into the build   all right at level one for our starting class  surprising probably no one we are going to start   out as a cleric actually wait this is me we're  talking about I'm probably surprising everybody   that I'm not starting fighter here I was actually  tempted by the way but mostly for constitution   saving throw Proficiency in which case you might  want to go artificer or sorcerer for this build   as opposed to fighter but actually you know  what the interception or defensive fighting   style wouldn't have been too bad either but no no  Fighters today I'm sick of Fighters we are here to   heal our companions first and foremost and so need  to get started on those important healing things   right away as for our race we're going to go with  the ASMR uh is this the first time that I flat   out just recommended ASMR above all others for  a build I think it might be they they've gotten   like honorable mentions in the past I don't  know let me know if you can think of one that   I that I did in the past but anyway yeah that's  a little crazy cuz I actually really love asmrs   but there are a lot of good options for race here  halfling is fantastic Mark of healing halfling if   you can get it maybe even for thematic purposes  if nothing else um plus the halfling luck that   you get and and then if you take Bountiful luck  as a feet you can share that with your friends   it's a great support option I think especially  I love hobgoblin here for their help as a bonus   action thing and the ability to give temporary  hit points and sure even custom lineage of course   is great it's almost what I took actually not  only could you get a free feat that way which   there are a couple of Feats that I really want  here but also the ability to potentially start   with an 18 wisdom but if I'm truly trying to  maximize the healing that my character can do   over the course of a given day and and I'm trying  to get as many healing resources as I possibly can   then yeah I think ASMR is actually the way  to go here not for the celestial Revelation   feature that they get which is admittedly super  cool letting you once per day use a bonus action   to transform into like a scary ASMR or a radiant  one potentially causing fear or doing damage or   even flying but no I'm here for The Healing Hands  feature which tells us that once per day we can   touch a creature and heal them for a number of  d4s equal to our proficiency bonus it's not a   ton of healing but it's a unique built-in like  racial heal that I'd love to have in my healer   kit as it were and we will be getting a way to  potentially make it even better later on stay   tuned as for our ability scores I assume we go the  point by Method as always and say let's take a 15   wisdom and then a plus two from our racial there  a 15 Constitution and a plus one there and then a   14 Charisma and probably just a 12 dexterity now  that 12 dexterity is a little troubling we are   going to have heavy armor proficiency so you might  be able to just dump dexterity and I think as a   Healer we'd almost prefer to go last in initiative  because if we go first well we've got nothing to   heal right and we're not planning on controlling  or doing Nova damage or anything with this build   not that we couldn't but the problem with heavy  armor of course is that we're not going to have   the strength to wear it without suffering a  10ft move speed penalty usually if I'm not a   melee damage dealer I don't worry too much about  move speed but plenty of our healing abilities and   spells are going to require touch so it's not an  easy decision we also aren't going to need that 14   Charisma until very late game so if I were playing  this character until only like 13 14 or less I'd   probably get that dexterity to 14 here instead of  Charisma to benefit my medium armor a little more   and then for and then forget about heavy armor  at least until like you got some mithil plate or   something but I'm going to take a 14 Charisma and  thus I think I'd rather miss out out on a little   bit of AC than have to deal with a 20ft move speed  on this character you decide for yourself for our   equipment I'm going to say let's go the gold bu  method and pick up some scal mail and a shield and   that's really all we need other than you know if  you want to get an Explorer pack and a holy symbol   right I don't think I'd plan on using weapons  with this build just cantrips if we need to do   some damage clerics then get their subass right  at level one their Divine domain and we are going   to go with of course life that Supreme healing  subass for cleric get out of here Twilight cleric   no I'm not going to hold your beer you're not a  Healer you're just an overpowered temporary hit   point wind bag anyways yes as a life cleric we get  heavy armor proficiency like I said and I think I   would pass on heavy armor here unless I could get  some Mythril or much later when I get another way   to deliver uh touch spells from a distance but  the main reason that we wanted uh life cleric   of course is because of the disciple of Life  feature which tells us that whenever we use a   spell of first level or higher to heal a creature  they regain additional hit points equal to 2 plus   the Spell's level the wording of this feature here  is important it doesn't specify a single Target   meaning that if the spell can potentially heal  multiple targets then every Target would receive   the bonus healing two plus the Spells level might  not seem like a lot but if healing word at this   level would typically heal five and a half hit  points on average this would add three to that   which is more than a 50% increase not bad and it  has a bit of scaling to go along with it as well   so yeah not bad at all speaking of the Spells we  should grab here at cleric 1 life clerics get many   of the best healing and support spells for free at  this level that means bless one of the best Buffs   in game and cure wounds and while cure wounds sort  of loses out in the popularity contest between   themselves and their younger sister healing word  which benefits from being able to be cast as a   bonus action and from range the fact that it heals  for 1d8 plus spellcasting modifier rather than   healing words D4 means that it will be our most  efficient single Target heal at least for quite   some time and with the scaling that it receives of  a d8 per spell level as opposed to the D4 and some   ways that we potentially could buff it not just  with Disciple of life it actually will be a pretty   decent heal spell for us besides before too long  we're actually going to have a dedicated thing to   be using our bonus action for anyways one note at  the time of this recording the play test material   for the new players handbook out later this year  has cure wounds doing 2 d8 plus spellcasting   modifier and scaling by 2 d8 per spell level  that you upcast it that makes it kind of a decent   amount more than the 2D 4 of healing word right  and again they potentially will be a way for us to   improve it even further making it that much better  so if you happen to be watching this post the new   players handbook release and those proposed spell  changes have stuck congratulations this build   is even better now at level two all clerics get  channel Divinity which they can use once per short   rest to do one of three things turn Undead which  lets you spend an action to essentially force all   Undead within 30 ft of you to make a wisdom saving  throw or spend the next minute just running away   from you a harness divine power which lets us  recover spent spell slots equal to half of our   proficiency bonus rounded up though at the moment  we can only do that once per day and then unique   to life clerics we get preserve life which tells  us that with an action we can restore a number of   hit points equal to five times our cleric level  to creatures within 30 ft of us that seems like   a lot but it's not like an AOE heal or anything  we get 10 hit points of healing and can just   divide those 10 as we see fit amongst our allies  right the worst part about this though is that the   healing can't restore a creature to more than half  of its hit points so it's really only something to   use when our Ally is getting low or has maybe  gone down I'm not quite sure why they put that   restriction on it to be honest it's kind of like  they're actively encouraging us to just wait until   our Ally drops first still if you've got multiple  allies down or low it's going to be an especially   nice way to bring them back or to keep them from  going down probably the only like multi-target   heal available for any character at just level  two I think no throwing a potion of healing on the   ground next to two allies does not work in this  game nice try bg3 fans take a drink at level three   we get second level cleric spells life clerics get  great ones for free again spiritual weapon is kind   of the cleric's go-to bonus action spell right  letting you summon an ephemeral weapon that can   move 20 ft and attack all with your bonus action  and best of all it lasts for a minute but doesn't   require concentration it uses your spell modifier  both to hit into to damage doing a d8 of damage as   well and that increases by another d8 for every  two levels that you upcast it so not again until   at Fourth LEL spell slot it's a good spell I'm not  going to assume that we're using it because I'm   going to try calculating how much healing we could  do if we just blew all of our resources on healing   right I'm not saying that you should do that if  I were playing this build in game I'd probably   be busting out spiritual weapon once in a while  and think you probably should as well anyways we   also get lesser restoration for free here if we  need to cure the blind deaf paralyzed or poisoned   condition no good healer should ever leave home  without it I think beyond that though be sure   to grab Aid it heals and increases Max hit points  of three party members by five plus five more for   every level that you upcast it and that kind of  scaling is just really really nice and it's also   super annoying that it only works on three people  come on Wizards why you making me play favorites   among my party members oh and it doesn't require  concentration but lasts a frustrating 8 hours so   make sure you keep your Sund dials or hourglasses  handy can you guys tell that I'm getting spoiled   by balers Gate 3 I feel a lot more nitpicky than  I used to about stuff like this anyways the other   spells to consider here are I think maybe Prayer  of Healing it's our first multi-target heal spell   available it's not great but it's 2date plus  wisdom to everyone in our party potentially   though with a 10-minute casting time it's really  only usable outside of combat right good to have   if multiple people are super low and you either  don't have time for a short rest or you're all   out of hit dice but then yeah I love warding  Bond it's not a heal spell but it's a fantastic   protection spell basically letting you increase  an allies Armor class and saving throws by one   and then like having you split the damage with  them anytime they take damage right not fantastic   for our own survivability but can do wonderful  things for a squishy or of targeted Ally and I   mean we're actually going to have a fantastic way  to heal back any of that damage that we're taking   before too much longer so I think on this build  especially it's a really good spell to be packing   no concentration either but yeah only lasts  an hour Grumble I just wrote grumble in the script what what what happened at level four we  get our first ability score increase or feat and   I want to go with this might surprise some of  you I'm guessing maybe not the Healer feet yeah   it's really good if you want to heal even if you  already have heal spells in fact it's potentially   better if you have heal spells as we'll see in  a second anyways the feat has a couple of nice   features first of all it says that when we use a  Healer kit to stabilize a dying creature something   that anyone in the game can do by the way I  think we forget this sometimes I know I do a   Healer kit lets you forgo the medicine check  that you usually have to make to stabilize a   dying creature again something anyone can do  and instead with this kit just automatically   stabilizes them right anyways with this feet when  we do that we also restore one hit point to them   which is pretty great since usually if someone  gets stabilized they stay at zero hit points   for a while this lets us get them back into the  fight if we're out of spell slot lots and channel   Divinity and racial healing uses right best of all  though once per Ally per short rest we can use an   action to restore 1d6 plus 4 plus their character  level with a Healer kit that's really nice and it   makes sense that they would limit it to once per  character per short rest I think cuz otherwise   might be overpowered at this level with a second  level spell slot cure wounds is going to heal 2   d8 plus three for us or 12 hit points on average  with a Healer kit we could heal 1d6 Plus 8 or 11.5   on average basically the same now granted since  we're a life cleric cure wounds heals for even   more than that but instead of spending a precious  spell slot we could simply spend a use of a Healer   kit which only costs five gold and have 10 charges  each not bad at all and it could potentially be   even better because at level five things start to  get really good for us not because of the destroy   Undead feature that clerics get here letting us  just outright explode any Undead of CR 1/2 or   lower who fail their save against our turn Undead  but because of third level spells so life clerics   get revivify for free which is great in case a  party member actually dies though it's hard to   imagine with this character in your party but it  could happen the other spell we get for free here   is one of my favorites for healers Beacon of Hope  it requires an action and our concentration and   lasts for a minute but thereafter any creature  of our choice within 30 ft of us has advantage   on wisdom saving throws and death saving throws  nice and then also regains the maximum number of   hit points possible from any healing that's right  any healing not just spells so if we've got this   active and we cast cure wounds at I mean let's say  the third level now it would heal for not 3d8 but   just 24 plus our wisdom modifier plus two plus  three thanks to disciple of life for just a flat   32 hit points that's like the majority of most of  our party members hit points at this level right   but if we didn't want to spend a spell slot we  could just use our healer kit for 15 flat healing   at least once per character per short rest not too  shabby and even our ASMR heal right would be 12   flat healing right now it's pretty good that said  since we are a life cleric I think or a Vitality   is probably our go-to spell here for concentration  I love this spell usually I love it more for outof   combat healing than in combat healing but if we're  wanting to be the best healer ever trying to keep   our allies hail and whole even during combat this  spell is fantastic especially for us we cast it   as an action it requires our concentration but  thereafter for 1 minute it lets us heal anyone   within 30 ft of us for 2 D6 hit points as a bonus  action now you don't add your wisdom modifier or   anything to that healing unfortunately but as a  life cleric we should be able to add our disciple   of Life bonus to almost double the healing amount  from this spell since disciple of Life tells us   that we get to add the extra healing whenever  we use a spell of first first level or higher to   heal not as some of the other features say one  of which we'll talk about in a minute when we   cast a spell to heal and that's important when we  use our bonus action to heal via Aura of Vitality   we're clearly using the spell and so the healing  we give with aura of life should add our disciple   of Life bonus every single time that is really  fantastic especially since it would always leave   our action available to use a Healer kit or cast  another spell if need be or our ASMR racial heal   or our Channel Divinity heal and yeah as I've  talked about before it's also a great outof   combat spell to use too since we could just spend  1 minute healing well what would be 120 total hit   points on average divided up amongst whoever  we wanted to in our group no one is going to   need to spend hit dice if we're around and have  a minute to spare and a third level spell slot   to burn anyways anyways there are other great  spells to consider here as well no question I'm   going to say no to mass healing word I think it's  not horrendous to have for most healers just to   have in case multiple party members are down and  you want to bring them all up at once but as a   life cleric we've got our preserve Life channel  Divinity so I'm going to say skip Mass healing   word but motivational speech can be a fairly  efficient and fun spell to give your entire   party temporary hit points before a battle and  I mean one of the cleric's best spells in game   Spirit Guardians is just right there right if  you want to do some nice consistent damage to   multiple enemies every round just by getting close  to them this along with spiritual weapon or kind   of cleric Staples to help them do some decent  damage while still trying to play support right   feel free to take and use Spirit Guardians if you  think you're good on the healing front at level   six as a life cleric we get the really fantastic  blessed healer feature which tells us that when   we cast a spell of first level or higher to heal  someone other than ourselves we also regain hit   points equal to two plus the Spell's level and yes  that's different than use right meaning we'd only   get that healing right when we cast the spell yeah  but again as I've kind of said this feature makes   me feel like we should just be using warding Bond  like all the time now put it on the character who   is most likely to be taking a lot of damage let  them get hit slightly less often as a result and   make their saves slightly more often but then  even though you take damage when they do you   also recover health when you heal them and anyone  else for that matter you're just a Wellspring of   Health and Wellness right now also at this level  clerics now get to use Channel Divinity twice per   short rest and that felt pretty important for me  to get to this point since I mean preserve life   would let us heal for 30 total hit points when  we used it now and doubling that amount if and   when we needed to per short rest right feels  awesome okay so typically at level six I do a   damage report right and yeah it's a little wonky  when we're talking just healers a healing report   so let's just pretend that over the course  of an adventuring day you have three combat   encounters with two short rests I know that's  not how it is at every table nor every single   day but I think it's probably about what most of  us experience most of the time I know that's not   what they recommend in the DMG so yeah results  May Vary anyways with three third level spell   slots that would give us a use of R of Vitality  for each encounter at this level plus two uses of   Channel Divinity though admittedly they can only  restore party members to up to half of their hit   points I guess I'm just going to assume that  people are getting really low fairly regularly   these are some tough fights and then we've  got a use of a Healer kit per party member   for each encounter let's assume there's four party  members including you in addition you'd have three   second level spell slots and four first level  spell slots to use throughout the day for let's   assume cure wounds as it would be our otherwise  most efficient single Target heal we've got our   ASMR racial heal once per day and then let's also  pretend that every time you heal a party member   with a spell you actually need the healing that  you automatically receive yourself from blessed   healer because everyone's just getting totally  thrashed I guess if we totaled all of that up   for each of the three encounters we'd have 10  rounds of healing from Aura of Vitality for 120   total healing on average four uses of our healer  kit that would do 4 D6 plus 40 total and our two   channel Divinity uses that would heal for a flat  60 and that's like per short rest right even if   you're having more than three combat encounters  per day I think it's pretty safe to assume we're   getting a couple short rests especially if we're  having a lot more than three combat encounters a   day so yeah we're getting that healing as long  as we're getting a couple short rests in a day   assuming we just blew every remaining spell slot  on cure wounds it would be 90 points of healing   there on average and 3 D4 of healing from our  asmr's Healing Hands and finally the self healing   that we would receive from all of those spell  slots would be another 39 assuming we actually   needed the hit points add it all up and we would  get 8 139 total hit points of healing over the   course of the adventuring day it would be less  than that if we had fewer short rests but more   if we had more right and yeah sometimes we'd  have to stretch that number over more combat   encounters but that is a ton of healing that's  probably what like four times your party's total   hit point pool at this point in the game there's  almost no way that you would need to actually do   all of that healing of course so yeah feel free  to bust out your spiritual weapon and maybe even   your spirit Guardians because your allies are  going to be just fine with you tagging along but   at level seven with I think our most important  cleric features under our belt I want to do a   little multiclassing to stretch that healing even  a smidge further the natural place to go of course   is Druid so at Druid 1 we would get druidic first  up which lets you like leave messages in the wild   uh with twigs and leaves and things that other  people can interpret if they speak druidic and   then we get Druid spells and I'd probably grab  shalele here which would let us make attacks   using our staff uh with wisdom right instead of  our strength modifier it might be nice if we have   a really great magical staff I guess especially  though of course our cantrips have scaled by now   so might do just as much or maybe even more  damage with the cantrips depending on your   weapon and then there's absorb elements to help  you resist Elemental damage with your reaction   if need be entangle is a decent potential control  spell or fairy fire if we want to give our allies   advantage on attacks but of course if you're  going to use your concentration for something   other than a heal spell it should probably be  Spirit guardians or maybe bless right really   the only must have spell here I think is goodberry  it's just perfect with life cleric because while   it normally only heals one hit point per goodberry  that it creates still efficient by itself as you'd   get 10 of them right as a life cleric we should  get the disciple of Life benefit for every one   of those berries meaning that they would each heal  for four or 40 hit points total for a single first   level spell granted it takes an action to eat one  so it's not particularly great in combat but out   of combat this is like just as efficient as Aura  of Vitality if you take into account the spell   slot needed right that said I can see some DMS  not allowing you to just inest 10 good berries   in a minute since supposedly they give enough  sustenance for an entire day maybe unless you're   a hobbit M limbus bread we've had one yes what  about second breakfast it doesn't say you can't do   this in the rules but I double check with your DM  just to be sure at level eight we would be a druid   2 and all Druids get two uses of wild shape here  per short rest letting us transform into a beast   of one quar challenge rating or lower but I'm  not going to go into details about it otherwise   because we are going to be using our wild shape  uh for other things one option is to use it for   wild companion which basically lets us cast the  find familiar spell and even though it only lasts   for an hour for us unfortunately I can definitely  see us making use of this sometimes because not   only can the familiar take the help action to  give advantage to an attacking Ally and Scout   for us Etc but it can also deliver a spell that we  cast that has a range of touch it requires their   reaction but this might really help us solve  the whole you only have 20 ft of move speed if   you wear heavy armor thing that we've had to be  putting up with all of this time if we've been   wearing heavy armor right of course now that we  have Druid levels you might not be able to wear   metal armor anyways at your table I'm not going  to get into that whole argument here no thank   you I cannot wait for the new players handbook to  come out later this year so that whole won't wear   metal thing uh can just go away in before the  old Druid L guards take umbrage and then yes we   get our Druid subclass our Druid Circle here and  in case you hadn't predicted it I want to go with   stars Druid I actually do think there are like two  other decent options to consider here if you want   to emphasize healing Shephard Druid can get that  unicorn totem down and the dreams Druid has both   the coolest subclass name of all Druids I think  but also gets some extra non-spell healing that   they can do but both of those are much better  with lots of Druid levels and we're just going   to take a dip here so anyways yes Stars Druid  and as a Stars Druid we get a couple of really   great features star map which basically lets  us know the guidance C trip which we already   knew I'd hope uh and The Guiding bolt spell which  we may or may not have but then we can cast that   guiding bolt a few times per day without spending  a spell slot for it sadly only at the first level   but still not a bad use of our action if we need  some damage and there's no healing that needs to   be done the real reason that we're here of course  is for the starry form feature which tells us that   we can spend a use of our wild shape and a bonus  action to transform into one of three luminescent   constellation like forms the Archer is usually  my favorite to play with as it lets us make a   bonus action ranged attack the dragon form gives  us bonuses to our wisdom and intelligence checks   as well as our concentration checks but chalice  is the one that we are here for because it tells   us that when we cast a spell using a spell slot  to heal we or another creature that we can see   within 30 ft regain additional hit points equal  to a d8 plus our wisdom modifier ooh that comes   at Druid 2 so I was wrong when I said earlier  that the life cleric Channel Divinity is the only   multi-target heal available right because this  can heal multiple targets potentially now this   only works right when you cast the spell so it's  not like you get that bonus with every application   of Aura of Vitality or goodberry or anything but  it's still a solid boost to our heal spells no   question if only it worked on our healing kits too  oh well it would benefit from Beacon of Hope if   you decided to use that instead of AA of Vitality  but I think I still prefer ARA Vitality at least   as a life cleric but with that chalice form under  our belt I think we go back to cleric at level 9   you could make the argument that Druids have a  better spell list than clerics I might make that   AR argument myself but if we're prioritizing our  healing capabilities above all I think cleric is   the way to go both because of the Boost we get to  our Channel Divinity from our cleric levels right   but also because we're pretty close to some really  important support and heal spells so I think I   want to prioritize getting to those as quickly as  I can at this point this means that yeah we'd be   a cleric 7 here we'd get fourth level spells and  life clerics get guardian of faith for free which   is kind of an okay offensive defensive spell  that summons a large spectral Guardian to hit   stuff that gets close to it situationally useful  anyways but then death Ward which is fantastic   it lasts 8 hours doesn't require concentration  and lets the person that you cast it on go to   one hit point instead of zero the next time they  would have gone to Zero cast it on yourself jump   off a cliff and live to tell the tale unless you  bounce upon landing and rise in that bounce for   10 ft or higher and then you'd fall again and take  damage and die anyways DMS you should do this just   one time to mess with your players if they get  all cocky and put death Ward on themselves and   jump off a cliff make him bounce 10 ft and then  you can take it back and say just kidding you'd   get tons of laughs anyways yeah death Ward great  spell to hopefully help your allies hang on for   just long enough so that you can heal them back up  right other than that though I mean divination can   bring some nice utility freedom of movement is  good to have when you really need it banishment   is fantastic single Target control especially if  you're enemies from another plane of existence   but yeah I'm just going to say pyf here pick your  favorites so for our level 9 healing report the   big bumps to our healing sense last check have  come from that chalice form bonus as well as just   gaining more levels and thus more and better spell  slots right really important on this character to   like stick in our multiclassing with full casters  at least until later maybe so that those spell   slots can continue to scale right our proficiency  bonus increasing is helpful for us anyways if you   add it all together including self-healing and  channel Divinity and healer kits and three uses   of ARA of Vitality we end up with 1,151 total  potential healing at this level and that's so   Overkill right maybe this build is designed for  those hardcore tables who actually have like six   to eight encounters per long rest even then I  think we're going to be golden at level 10 we   would be a cleric 8 and that means we get another  ability score increase or feat and I think we have   got to take my favorite support feat of all time  Chef it bumps our wisdom so that we're finally at   an 18 which is especially important now that our  wisdom modifier benefits both the healing spell   itself usually and our chalice form right but  yeah Chef is great it lets you make some delicious   food during a short rest so that your friends  can all regain extra hit points again hard to   imagine them needing any but hey just in case and  then of course after a long rest it lets you make   treats which last 8 hours can be eaten as a bonus  action and gives temporary hit points equal to   our proficiency bonus it's nothing huge but sure I  mean make him some treats have them eat them right   away and now we go into the fight just a little  bit more buffed and a little bit less in need   of healing as the fight goes on right we also at  cleric 8 get blessed strikes here which basically   tells us that we can add a d8 of radiant damage  to either our weapon attacks or our cantrips we're   not building for damage here but I'm sure you'll  have plenty of times when no one really needs any   healing so sure let fly with a toll the dead or  a chalet lead staff attack and just do a little   extra now finally destroy Undead at this level  starts working on Undead of challenge rating   one or lower at level 11 we would be a cleric 9  and that means we get fifth level cleric spells   and this is fantastic because it means as a life  cleric we get Mass cure wounds and raised Dead for   free raised dead just lets you resurrect someone  even after they've been gone for 10 days meaning   if you miss the one minute window that revivify  allows for uh hope is not lost Mass cure wounds is   better than Mass healing word in that it does d8s  instead of d4s but it's still probably something   that I wouldn't really use if I had Channel  Divinity available maybe if I were using Beacon   of Hope for my concentration instead it gets  kind of like you know what 3d8 per Ally is now   24 damage per Ally plus the other bonuses we're  adding that's pretty good greater restoration   however feels kind of like a must-have spell for  me for any serious healer as it can remove Charmed   petrified curses restrictions to Ability score  or hit point maximums exhaustion and even like   unique to campaign things that will often say this  bad guy does X debuff to a creature and the only   way to remove it is with greater restoration Etc  right it's just a really good spell to have on you   at level 12 we would be a cleric 10 and that means  we get divine intervention and I kind of love and   hate this ability it essentially gives you about  a 10% chance to get your deity to intervene on   your behalf in a way that the DM decides it can be  really awesome and it rarely works and if it does   you can't even try to use it again for 7 days  and if it doesn't you still have to wait until   tomorrow to try again some of you have shared some  really fantastic divine intervention stories in   the comments if you have one but haven't shared  it yet please do so I love reading them at level   13 we would be a cleric 11 and this is kind of  a place that I really wanted to get to because   it means six level spells and sixth level cleric  spells are super amazing of course there's Heroes   Feast such a great buff especially when you know  that a big fight is coming right giving everyone a   maximum hit point bump of 2 d10 making them immune  to poison and frightened and lets them make wisdom   saving throws with Advantage it all lasts for  24 hours for sure use it but if we're talking   straight healing it's hard to get better than the  heel spell at least until ninth level spells I   guess heel just straight up heels 70 hit points  and while that might actually be fewer total hit   points of healing compared to Aura of Vitality for  us as a life cleric anyways it's all done with a   single action and sometimes you just need a big  instantaneous heal right you can't wait several   rounds for 2d6 plus bonuses it also ends blindness  deafness and diseases feels like a spell that this   character should absolutely be packing if they  had to choose just a single six level spell for   me yeah I think I take heal maybe even over Heroes  feast and yeah of course like all spells it's way   better for us since it adds eight for Life cleric  and d8 +4 now from Stars Druid so it's an 86 Point   heal over here and it scales by 10 more for every  level that you upcast it also don't forget destroy   Undead now works on Undead of challenge rating  two or lower all right for our level 13 healing   report then since last check we've added treats  a better wisdom modifier more and better spell   spell slots more and better spells best among them  heal all told spending all of our resources here   we would be able to heal for a slightly insane  1,478 hit points assuming all of the assumptions   that I've already made thus far and yeah I should  mention if you're having more combat encounters   than three per day no worries use those fourth and  fifth level spell slots for Aura of Vitality over   cure wounds no question right in fact it would  heal for just a little bit more if you upcast   it right one more per spell level thanks to our  disciple of Life at level 14 we would be a cleric   12 meaning we get another ability score increase  or feet so that we can finally cap that wisdom   modifier at 20 to make all of our healing and I  suppose even damage and control and other clery   things that much better at level 15 we would be  a cleric 13 and that means seventh level spells   and just pick your favorites here you want some  pretty decent multi-target damage fir Storm's   good uh check out triamp Monk's recent video on it  here conjure Celestial could be fun regenerate is   probably the best heal spell here not only healing  some hit points initially but then regenerating   one per round on your target for an hour so with  this spell on them when they go down you don't   even need to worry about bouncing them back up  they'll do it themselves on their turn right I   guess technically this could heal the most hit  points for a seventh level spell slot since it   could potentially do 10 hit points a minute for 60  minutes so 600 total hit points but I mean who's   going to just be taking at least 10 damage every  round for an hour straight nobody that's who I   can only stretch the assumptions so far before  everything starts to break people so yeah I'll   just assume that when I crunch the numbers we're  using that seventh level spell slot to upcast heal   for 80 hit points plus bonuses right but at level  16 I mean we're not going to get a new spell slot   for two more levels and with the Buffs that we  get from our chalice form our life cleric Buffs   and disciple of life more spell slots are going  to give us more total healing potential than just   about anything else and what is the one class that  could give us more spell slots that are separate   and distinct from the spell slots that we already  have that's right warlock you've been holding on   to a 14 Charisma for 15 levels just so that you  could take a lame warlock dip right at the end   that's right I'm not sorry eighth level cleric  spells are lame and bonus points if we can get   even more healing options from that warlock in  addition to more spell slots right so yeah I'm   going to be a warlock one here and that means  I get my otherworldly Patron my subass so that   I can be a Celestial warlock which would give me  the healing light feature it gives us a number of   d6s equal to 1 plus our warlock level per day to  spend on healing it's not a crazy amount but if   you just need like a little baby heel there you  go we get warlock spells here and I mean sure   you know take armor of agius if you want but pick  your favorite otherwise the important thing here   is that our warlock spell slots are new different  spell slots that reset by the way on a short rest   one for now but two Next Level so yeah at level  17 we'd be a warlock 2 we now get two first level   spell slots resetting on a short rest and with  all the Buffs that we get to our healing spells   even a first level spell slot is not bad again  especially if you're getting lots of them now   because they come back to us on a short rest right  we also get eldrich invocations as warlock 2 and   that means we can get eldrich mind which gives us  advantage on our concentration checks and here's   a dirty little secret about this build that I have  been hoping you wouldn't notice our concentration   check is not awesome you totally should have taken  resilient Constitution a long time ago or started   at level one as probably a Divine Soul sorcerer  right I were playing this character in game I   think I might have done that or heck even maybe  consider starting as a warlock so that we can at   least have advantage on those concentration checks  throughout our character's career right regardless   we're here now make a different decision if you  need to but yeah as for the other invocation that   we get at this level um just PF take something  fun and so for our final healing report since   last check we have capped our wisdom picked up  a seventh level spell slot and even two shiny   brand new little first level spell slots that  reset on a short rest along with some happy   little d6s for some bonus healing keeping with the  same assumption as before blowing all resources on   healing now over the course of a day assuming  two short rests we would be looking at 1,860   hit points of healing that's a lot so okay let's  break it all down here in some final thoughts I   mean nearly 2,000 hit points of damage healed over  an adventuring day that feels to me like Overkill   but I mean maybe probably even based on the way I  think most of us play and sure some some of these   abilities preserve life in particular which does  account for a decent chunk of the total healing   that we're doing might not work when we need it  to right since it only heals up to half health   or might not be needed like the self-healing that  we get after cleric 6 or you know more rounds of   Aura of Vitality when everyone is already at full  health Etc so sure maybe this is overkill you're   probably rarely going to heal 1,900 hit points of  damage over the the course of an adventuring day   but maybe not it's going to depend on your table  I mean Isn't it nice to know that for most of us   if we want it we likely could build to have more  healing power than we'll probably ever need and   you know what I love maybe most about what we  ended up with here it's the sheer variety of   options available to us for healing we've got  big massive burst heals and little baby top you   off heels we've got racial options spell options  subass options feet options stuff that resets on   short rest stuff that resets on a long rest heels  that consistently bring a nice bit of Health over   time heels that are a onetime huge influx and we  have multiple options for healing both with our   action and our bonus action and in the end all  of that variety would I think really help keep   stuff interesting for you as you tried to decide  like which heal to pull out for which character   based on their health based on what resources you  still have available how many enemies are still up   now sure I could argue that playing a dedicated  healer is l L effective than using those spell   slots to control or kill your enemies but who am  I to tell you how to play this game who are you   to do so commenter that has just made a comment  talking about how full-time healers are doing it   wrong I know those comments are happening that's  the beauty of D and D right there's not really   a right way to do it or I suppose if there is the  right way is whatever is fun for you that doesn't   diminish the fun of your fellow players why is  it wrong to take three classes racial choices   and Feats to maximize your healing potential if  you think that healing your allies is fun obvious   answer it's not and I for one am thrilled to know  that if someone out there wanted to go against the   grain and spend most of their energy and resources  keeping their allies alive well they probably   could do a pretty fantastic job doing so and  honestly I'm not sure I would have believed that   to be possible at least not possible outside of  the cheater MC cheater face Twilight cleric until   I crunch the numbers on this build but having done  so while I'm not sure that I would necessarily   want to play this character in game maybe outside  of a one shot my goodness would I love it if you   brought this character to my table so I certainly  hope that you get to try it out at yours sometime   soon but that's the build for the week I hope you  guys enjoyed it I had a lot of fun with this one   it's definitely different than my norm and that's  always great but I hope you know how much I love   you because I do thank you so much for all that  you do for me for this channel I hope you have a   fantastic day and a really great week and if you  don't please don't give up I hope that you will   be kind and do good and stay safe and that I see  you again really soon but until then take care [Music] bye star in your [Music] multitudes  gu to be counted filling the darkness with   order and light you are the Sentinels silent and  sure keeping watch in the night keeping watch in   the night and if you fall as Lucifer fell you  fall in flame [Laughter] and so it has been and   so it's written on the doorway to Paradise that  those who falter and those who fall must pay the price I mostly wanted to sing that song because  I know D hates lay Miz and he's editing this   video and he's a crazy person for feeling that  way crazy person you make fun of me for liking   Emo music in high school what's more emo than  lame is it literally means you're miserable you   keep your Javier I'm keeping Chris caraba okay  bye um so I just wanted to bug him a little bit   but then I realized that that is the perfect  song for this build Stars it's all about like   being self-righteous and yeah it's like maybe  I should rename uh the build to the jav it's   probably too obscure a reference right all right  I'm always complaining in the outakes about my   loud neighbors they're probably like what the  crap is that YouTube Nerd doing in his office   I'm trying to make this phone call oh yeah check  out uh owl Bear Ridge this is um this is this is   the my favorite of the obvious mimic te's and  I think I just like it so much because it's   so like subtle it's almost like if I saw somebody  else wearing this t-shirt I might be like oh bear   rich I remember that place wait do I it looks like  a t-shirt like a real place a bed and breakfast   um with mountain views fresh eggs and Wild game  yeah totally somewhere there's probably a place   somewhere in the Rockies that's called Owl Bear  Ridge I bet you maybe just Bear Ridge or owl   Ridge I think we are ready to go okay so um lost  my train of thought Colby solo Oh there's so many   jokes I could make that I just can't make I feel  like I got puffy eyes today that's because I'm so   tired no more balers Gate 3 Late Nights oh who am  I kidding there's going to be plenty more balers   Gate 3 late nights I feel a lot more nitpicky than  I used to about stuff like this oops m say oh dang   it that stupid bounce made me lose my mojo made  me lose my groove I'm sorry you've thrown off The   Emperor's Groove I feel a lot more nitpicky  about no I can't even do it either feet lets you but yeah I almost said Chef chalice  Chef come on coming down the home stretch   coob you can do it come on tongue  maybe doesn't need a drink ah maybe   outside of the cheater cheater face  can't say that with a straight face
Channel: d4: D&D Deep Dive
Views: 62,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E3zhwI9SLIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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