BEST CLASS To Play in Last Epoch?

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you just picked up last Epoch after its 1.0 launch this year and you're wondering what class to play now you're wondering what Mastery of which class to play with 15 options open to you it really becomes a question of which is the best one for beginners or rather for your play style you enjoy magic what about bow and arrow do you want to summon a legion of Undead whatever you're looking for there's a flavor for everything in last Epoch in this video I'm going to help break down each Mastery on a high level showing off some gameplay to help you in deciding which is the best class to make your first character if this is your first time my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos to see if it's the right one for you so with that being said what this video is going to tell you is that there really is no best class there are currently some overtuned ones that are brand new like the falconer or the Warlock but truly you can play any Mastery it can be 100% viable by simply playing the game when 100% how you want this game is designed in a way to try to make it so that build metas don't reign supreme pick any Mastery pick any set of skills that you like find a damage a damage type a damage element a damage mechanic that you like and apply it to all your skills outside of that this video is decently long so just please take a look at the chapters and the timeline in the description to Simply navigate to the class and masteries that interest you the most but that's the too long didn't watch this entire video if that's enough for you to get started with the class that you want then please feel free to shut the video down and start enjoying your first character in last Deo before you head out please don't forget to like comment and subscribe if you found this video helpful as that does help me out in a huge way if you've not yet picked up the game you can support my channel as well as my mini Aussie's unending toy addiction using the link to my NEX store below you'll get a steam key and I'll get a commission that greatly helps me out well let's get started here on the best class to play in last epac so just to start us off here we've got all five of our classes and let me just say something up front um when you take a look at any one of your classes you're going to see these three masteries right well these masteries you will not get them until a set point in the campaign not a set level you pretty much only want to put 20 points into your base class and then you're going to put the rest of them into your Mastery and then back into your base class later but if you're kind of wondering to yourself well when do I when do I become a necromancer you're going to get to a point in the game right when you get to the lower district and that is when you are going to get your Mastery so I just want to let you know that upfront because you might be jumping in going okay cool I've put like 25 30 minutes into the game when do I put points into Necromancer that point should happen at around an hour or two hours into playing you you'll get there very quickly don't worry about it and the first class we're going to jump into though is Sentinel now Sentinel is going to be kind of your sword and board style of Paladin character and that's what you're going to get from The Base Class you're going to get stuff like war path which eventually becomes your Whirlwind if you want to Shield bash your Javelin Shield bash is a really awesome ability uh lunge is really good here as well multistrike is really cool because you can kind of use it as a reactive so you you take a hit you can actually just jump back and use another hit it's really fun rebuke all these abilities that you kind of know from a typical kind of Paladin kit and the Sentinel has three different masteries that will kind of spread you in a focus of being kind of like a melee Bruiser a Summoner and then kind of more along the lines of a support Range St of character not necessarily specifically let's go into these masteries void Knight is going to be more of your glass Cannon style of character you're going to use a lot of high Mobility abilities you're going to be able to jump around you be able to do a ton of crazy damage you got void cleave you got all these really awesome abilities and it's the only uh Mastery and class in general that uses void damage everyone else uses usually some of the elemental ones or if you go to the acolyte you're going to jump into cic and poison but with the void Knight you're you're going to be really leaning into that void damage and the void isil also kind of plays not necessarily like a twisting blades Rogue from Diablo but there's a high amount of mobility and there's not a ton of survivability well there is because you're still a sentinel but compared to the forge guard and the Paladin you are more of a glass Cannon than those so if you want to play a very high damage burst DPS character that really is a lot of skills that you're going to jump in all over the place like physically your character is going to move a lot then void is really going to be for you because you're going to be pouring on lots of damage lot of Mobility a lot of traversal and a lot of fun with big crunchy numbers with the void Knight the forge guard on the other hand is a way different paced character if the void Knight is tons of damage and moving all around the forge guard is a lot slower what you're going to do is rely on summoning up these disembodied weapons or disembodied armors to fight alongside you and you can use these in conjunction even with your base Sentinel kit you can use this war path ability which you're you're just Whirlwind around and you hit things and now all a sudden you've you've summoned up um armor Enchanted armor to come and fight with you all these really cool capabilities but the forge guard kind of sits in this weird place where it's one of the only masteries outside of Shaman that is set for a real big update and as it is it's great but it could be better it it kind of has a very interesting place in that it it doesn't it lacks a specific identity compared to the other masteries of Sentinel it's slower it does a lot of damage when it really can get all of its um summons online so if you want a bit of a slower build that does rely on summons which is kind of unique for this style of character it's definitely going to be for you and it's also extremely defensive and tanky so you'll be able to lean into those really awesome capabilities with the forge guard lastly we have the Paladin now the Paladin isn't strictly a support character that really can't do melee damage and which I kind of maybe made it sound like with the Sentinel overview but it is one that has a lot of really awesome abilities that are on the support end in spectrum of things holy Aura is stupid strong you can just do so much support with it so much increased damage 30% increased damage just by having this active so almost everyone always has this in their builds but a lot of people will use Paladin as kind of like a range build in that you're going to use the hammer ability of Sentinel to basically be a hammered in you use the javelin ability you use the rush ability um you'll focus on stuff like judgment SS of Hope and Healing Hands the newest ability added to the Paladin so if you want to sit in this kind of place where you aren't directly fighting things with your sword and shield maybe like a void Knight and you're trying to just use spells that do a lot of stuff to support your Bros to support yourself or do damage to things around you then the Paladin is going to be for you like I said it still can do melee you still can Speck it into melee going with judgment and smite and actually even pulling stuff from the first couple portions of void Knight but Paladin does exist more as kind of like a magic damage dealer within the Sentinel class and less of a focus on the overall melee like void Knight for example our next class is the Rogue and the Rogue I think is pretty straightforward for two of the three masteries and the Rogue class is is very fun I think and I've brought this up quite a few times in a lot of videos if you're familiar with the twisting blades Rogue from Diablo I or just in general the the kind of play style of the Rogue from Diablo I then the Rogue will really sit at home with you there is a lot of movement a lot of traversal a lot of really fun Mobility that's locked into this character and you have a lot of ways that you can really do cool things like if you familiar too with Shadow clones from Diablo 2 or Diablo 4 you get those too at the base kit for the Rogue meaning that the blade dancer Marksman and Falconer can all jump into that so that's your base kit for the Rogue but how do we magnify this to really lean into different directions the blade dancer focuses on using melee weapons the Rogue will have a passive that will allow them to use dual wielding I think it's around uh 15 or 10 points invested into the passive for rogue that will allow you then to use dual wield and you're going to use that for the majority of this Mastery because you're going to be focusing on all the really cool abilities that you've get from just simply the Rogue Base Class and the blade dancer the blade dancer has two specific skills Shadow Cascade and synchronized strike that are really going to hit home for you with the build synchronized strike it's going to allow you to move forward and then strike in an area in front of you you have a lot of Mobility coupled with that or Shadow Cascade is a big huge circular attack that then when you go ahead to add on to other abilities you make it so when you cast Shadow Cascade it's used by your Shadow clones as well because you now have abilities that cast Shadow clones so you might think of this as a character that's kind of weaving around and shooting and hitting things with their with their swords yeah sure but also you're creating Shadow clones that are duplicating your abilities all over the place and you have tons of Mobility as you warp around and kill and backstab and attack things but if you want to lean more into the range side of things The Marksman is your Marshal range character meaning that you're not necessarily going to focus 100% on Elemental range damage like you would for majority of range characters with the marks spin you're going to be able to do Elemental damage if you want because you can morph a lot of abilities into that but you're also going to pull pull from the uh pull from the uh Rogue base clap class some of the Trap capabilities or some of the capabilities like the shuriken throw so that you have your medium your long and your short range distances all covered with Mobility trying to get out of fights and stuff like that the Marksman is not necessarily very I don't want to say not unique because it definitely is unique in its own right because this is how lasac plays but I think anyone who hears the word the Mastery Marksman for any game it's it's that same kind of style right like oh you've got a hail of arrows style of ability or you've got a shotgun Arrow ability like a lot of those typical kind of marksman abilities are going to be making um their appearance here with the Marksman so if you're looking for that range style of build you'll find it at home with the Marksman Mastery the falconer is one of our first new masteries to talk about and it is awesome what it basically does is rely on using your Falcon your companion to kind of double dip as also your abilities the way that last deac wanted to create the Falcon was not just simply another character summon class it was a class that uses their singular companion in the Falcon to actually do their abilities so maybe the Falcon helps you to dive bomb into things like it picks you up and physically puts you into stuff it's all about using your Falcon in conjunction with you as an extension of your character and less of an autonomous creature that's out there just simply fighting on its own it is one of the new classes it is really popular it is also stupid strong right now it is very very overtuned so if you do choose the Falon ER just know that you might be due for some Nerfs and those Nerfs aren't going to be anything to make the class unplayable this is again not like other args where nerfing things just takes it completely off the table it would just mean to balance it down so that you can get stuff done at the same level as everyone else because right now it is very very strong very fun and extremely unique for a rogue class because all of your abilities are tied to this Falcon who is going to do all this stuff alongside you rather than you just simply oh I'm going to do something and my Falcon's blinding something over there or killing something over there if you're looking for that level of complexity and that level of uniqueness you're definitely going to enjoy the falconer on to the Mage and I think that the Mage is one of those ones that is very self-explanatory and I think also very unique because there's a really really fun Mastery in here that I think you'll really enjoy and the Mage focuses on Elemental Magic if the acolyte focuses on you know necrotic damage and poison then the Mage is the opposite F focusing on the elemental spectrum and you'll be able to do lightning damage and fire damage and tons of ice damage and you'll do sort of cool things like disintegrate to shoot beams that just destroy stuff you've got a lot of stuff in your toolkit as the Mage but the Mage then has three masteries that you can jump into do you want to really focus on the elemental style of magic you jump then into sorcerer and go harder in the paint on that if you can if you want to go into more of a melee route taking all of your Elemental Magic and imbu your weapons and doing melee damage with them and using your man strike capability and stuff like that you go into Spell blade but if you want to kind of have like spell weaving a Dance Dance Revolution of spells that you go with run master who can weave and create their own spells based off the combos you go with and just as I Illustrated earlier the sorcerer just plays exactly how you would imagine it's a Diablo I sorceress it's a Diablo I wizard it's a Diablo 4 wizard it's exactly that style of character you even have stuff like static ore meteor ice barrage you have a lot of the things that you would imagine you be doing typically so if you want to lean into that style of spellcaster you can definitely do it with the Sorcerer And also too you know any of the elemental spells that you'll see before you like it'll say um I don't know ice claw iceclaw you can turn into a fire spell or a lightning spell it's the same thing here with sorcerer you can do a lot of abilities and skill specs to change all those Elemental types around so don't look at it and go oh man that they've got a meteor but they don't have a big old ice meteor I'm pretty sure meteor I haven't looked at meteor I've never played a sorcerer but I'm pretty sure meteor can be morphed into a lightning or a uh Frost meteor so take a look at this class it's going to be one that's going to really be focused on that Elemental spell casting to do all of your Elemental damage the Spell blade as you would imagine brings both the Marshall capabilities of a typical Warrior and the spellcasting of the Mage and puts them together and it's actually a very fun really strong class the Spell blade gets a lot of really good punching power with stuff like flame Reeve or enchant weapon or fire brand or surge all these quick abilities to either give you Mobility which surge does or give you a ton of different Elementals damage types with your weapon that you can then of course modify and change but what's nice too is you also have the base kit of mag's teleport so your Mobility is really high because you get a Mobility ability as a Spell blade and then you also get your teleport now those are all called traversal skills in this game and you do have to be worri that sometimes you can share coold downs and that can kind of stack things up but the Spell blade is definitely going to be very rewarding for you if you want to lean really into the Marshall capabilities of blending both spellcasting and fighting in close combat together another one of the newer Masters that was added in the most more recent months is the Rune master and the Rune Master is a very interesting class so you have your typical elements you know your fire your ice your lightning what you'll be doing with the Rune Master is you'll be able to cast anywhere from 1 to three or more if you want but one to three lightning fire or ice spells and it'll give you a corresponding Elemental Rune once you have as many as you want for your ability you'll be able to use runic invocation to create basically a new spell so if you cast three fireballs and you cast runic invocation It cast a different spell than if you cast one Fireball and one Lightning Spell and then go ahead and cast that ification it's a whole different spell Al together it's a very fun class that you kind of learn how to weave these abilities together and launch different spells out and as you kind of learn that attack pattern and how that rotation works you kind of our Auto jumping into all these little combos it's a way more engaging character um for than your typical kind of spellcaster in my opinion you know you're not just simply flinging spells you're flinging spells with a purpose you're trying to build out that to make it make sense for you and I I love this class this is the one that I'm currently doing as my character I've done uh Beast Masters and all sorts of other classes but right now the Rune master I'm really enjoying and it's a really ton of fun if you're enjoying a typical kind of mage spellcaster character and now we move on to the primalist now if I were to say I had a main in this game it would be primalist I've spent the most time in hours playing primalist of all the other classes especially the beastmas but the primalist brings a lot of really cool interesting play styles to the table and if you're familiar with World of Warcraft Shaman you're definitely going to be familiar with the way the primalist plays in a lot of different ways you're going to leverage a lot of Elemental abilities physical lightning fire ice all that kind of stuff but you're also going to have tons of summons even the Base Class of the primalist can summon up either crows or um wolves you'll summon up totems that will do things you'll have all these many abilities a lot of melee capabilities a big area attack swipe you have all these things that you can do with just the base class which makes for a lot of fun because that means that when you jump into a Mastery those flavorful Base Class abilities will then Sparkle into those masteries sprinkle into those masteries and help improve their capabilities but you get three masteries one focused on summoning tons of animals one focused on your totem and Elemental Magic and another one focused on shape-shifting and the first one we're going to talk about is the Beast Master which you guessed it it's the one that focuses up on summoning beasts you're going to summon a raptor a bear a saber-tooth tiger and all the other Power Rangers you have a frenzy totem you get a scorpion you get wolves as the base kit and it's a very fun build I love it you don't need to get each and every single one of these entire uh beasts on your on your bar you have to have the beast on your bar to summon it um but you can have a lot of fun you can have a whole zoo fighting with you or you can just have one however you want to do it and then you'll find your uniques and items in the game that will then change how your summons work like for example there's a helmet that will change all of your wolves into squirrels and increase the number you can summon so the Beast Master is a really fun Dynamic version of the primalist and I like it a lot because I can lean in a lot of different directions while also having a stupid strong summon that Buffs me while I buff it and that's the best thing about it is the the summons don't really exist on their own in the sense that oh it's a summon it's out there it's doing stuff and then I can buff it with stats and stuff like that well also there's a Synergy that exists between you two and you guys can buff one another and the active ability can buff you as well it's a really cool kind of cycle with the Beast Master now the shaman for primalist plays like an Enhancement Shaman from World of Warcraft you don't need a dual wield but you definitely can it can also play very similar to an elemental shaman depending on how you want to Speck out the character you want to focus on really leaning into the totem play style of the the shaman then you can easily do so do you want to jump into all the many ways of doing Elemental damage and being more of a ranged Elemental character focusing on those aspects you definitely can do so so those are the big focuses and draw of the shaman and the shaman is like the forge guard it is also due for a rebalance and rework um the Beast Master and Druid have very clear-cut ways that they exist within the primalist realm the shaman and the forge guard they kind of have these weird Iden identity crises where they they just kind of they can do a lot of stuff and they just need to be able to do some things better and they don't right now so that's not a bad thing I'm just letting you know that the shaman might in the future get a lot of Buffs making it an even more enjoyable class to play It's one that I've been playing offline during all these server issues with the game and I I love it it's so fun but I like doing a lot of electric and a lot of lightning style damage so it really leans into my play style now the Druid focuses on shape shifting and you get tons of shape shifting you can go into a we bear you can go into a spriggan you can go into a swarm blade a swarm blade is basically um if you think of it from a Starcraft perspective it's like a zerg muisk if you think of it from a Warhammer 40,000 perspective it's a tyranid uh Hive Warrior so that is the focus of the Druid and you might be thinking to yourself well that doesn't seem very fun I yeah we Bear yeah we bear but you also are now an ice wear bear which is a really really prevalent build or you go be a spron and you're doing tons of stuff that's not necessarily you as a shape shifter doing damage like you know a we bear you go and you smack things with your big old Paws right or the Swarm blade you go and you side things with your with your talent and your and your such the sprig you're more of spellcasting into a spell I'm sorry you are shape shifting into a spellcaster which is a really cool interesting way to approach the shape shifting Dynamic for the style of character which is usually melee oriented so don't think that Druid is a melee class it can be but it isn't exclusively you can focus on the totems and all the many different types of Elemental damage you can do as a druid by going into the spron and focusing more on the uh uh uh rage mechanics and Mana mechanics of the spren form because that's it's a really cool little special thing that you'll get when you jump into it and our last class to focus on is the acolyte now the acolyte brings us three very common names but ones that all act very differently as far as Mastery goes and the base class for the acolyte delivers a lot of really fun stuff right you'll be able to just summon up skeletons that's where you'll get that action able to harvest things you'll be able to do bone curses cursing is also just a big draw of this character volatile zombies blood and bleeding is also a big portion of the acolyte necrotic damage poison damage all those things are all going to be big here and you'll have that replicated across all the many skills that you're going to get access to and you can take the abilities of the Acolyte and magnify the summoning and become definitely a Summoner style of character in lie of like a or not in lie of or in the same vein of like a Diablo II Necromancer or you can go into more of a melee route taking this really cool Lich form and doing a lot of cool things with that or you can jump into the new warlock which is a fun Mastery that focuses on cursing and bleeding and all sorts of other fun mechanics that have recently been added to the class the first Master to talk about is the most obvious one of the Necromancer and The Necromancer for last Deo is not necessarily The Necromancer maybe you remember from Diablo right Diablo 2's Necromancer is you either have skeleton Warriors skeleton Mages and one of the one of one of the Golems or if you jump into the more recent one you've got a weird smattering of characters maybe they've got sides maybe they've got swords whatever or even d3s um someone are really weird in this game you just have a legion of Undead you can have a bunch of archers you can have a bunch of Warriors you can have zombies that blow up you can have a big huge Abomination that is essentially disgusting you can have Golems you can have all sorts of stuff you can have wraiths skeletal Mages you just you just get so many different types of summons with the necro The Necromancer The Necromancer I'm all over the place when it comes to pronouncing things today but they're a very fun pet class they are the pet class of the game even though there are other ones that do have minions and stuff like that the Necromancer can just have an unending tide of them and I think that's really fun and unique because it exists outside of the purview of the normal Necromancer which is like oh I've got five minions can have a ton more than that so if you really want to be a Summoner of the undead it is truly going to be Necromancer and you will almost be overwhelmed with how much you'll be able to have fun with that the Lich strikes a different kind of chord here the Lich is more of a Melee character for the Acolyte and you focus on the reaper form now the reaper form is interesting in that you cannot regenerate your health and your health just simply decays over time and when it reaches zero you don't die you just transform back into your normal self so it's all about trying to run that Razor's Edge of keeping your health at a point that is not zero so you don't come out of reer form but also drawing it from those that you're attacking you get abilities to draw things around or Draw life from things around you you've got all sorts of Health draining effects that you can lean into and the liches r really really fun in that regard and it was actually a very strong Bild before coming into 1.0 it was like the top of the ladder for the most part it still is I think really really really strong and it it's just a really cool fun different take on this style of character it's not necessarily kind of how you would imagine maybe a D4 Shadow Necromancer that's using their siing abilities this is more of a direct kind of shape-shifting character that focuses on a lot of Life draw and a lot of ways to kill things before you actually even get to them to try to minimize the amount of damage you take at the same time it's a very fun and unique approach to this style of class and lastly we have the new Warlock and the new warlock is just disgustingly strong it does focus a lot on damage over time effects but it also is pretty much kind of like the spellcaster of the three right if the Necromancer is the pet class the Lich is the the melee class the Warlock is definitely the ranged kind of spellcaster that doesn't necessarily mean also that it is a weak class in the sense that it's a glass Cannon you can be very tanky with a lot of Life draw you use a lot of bleeding a lot of hexes a lot of curses a lot of damage over time a lot of Mobility too is built into the class 2 you can just have so much fun ripping things down in just Tides I've seen a lot of disgusting warlock build videos and this is what you're seeing in front of you right now and the amount of steps you can do I think is really cool and really fun and unique because remember you still have the Base Class you can pull into so if you want to actually have a lot of really cool summons alongside the Warlock abilities you can do that you can have a bunch of skeleton Warriors if you want it's entirely up to you and this is what I mean in the sense that yeah you can find a build Guy online but you can also play this character exactly how you want pulling from the kit in the way that best suits your play style so if you want that kind of range spellcaster Destroyer but also have some summoning capabilities warlock is definitely going to be up your alley and at that it brings our video here to a close I know we just did a one minute breakdown of pretty much every single Mastery right I didn't want to sink a ton of time into this because if I had done that then it kind of becomes this bias of me talking about any one Mastery more than another and it's obvious that I like one over another one like Rune Master is one of my favorite builds I love the Beast Master I Paladin is stupid fun I love the blade dancer I'm a huge fan of the Necromancer but I want you to jump into this game and play the game that you want not the way the game the internet not the game the internet tells you to play not the way that some YouTube video not this one included right not the one that a YouTube video tells you is the best way to play the game or some Reddit post or some Forum post some Kotaku article [ __ ] all that [ __ ] play the game you spent your [ __ ] money to play so when you jump on you look at all these classes read some of the masteries look at some of the skills and then just start playing and if you decide you don't like it you can respect damn near everything except for your Mastery so if you do choose to be a paladin you are a paladin no matter what so that is the only kind of downfall to making a character that is kind of at your whim right you don't know what you're really getting into 100% but I promise once you beat the campaign you can go through on any character and immediately jump into monoliths at level 26 it's a very fast road back to just jumping into Quick progression so please choose one of these things that interest you the most take a look at the skills take a look at the skill specializations once you jump into the game or maybe use a builder online and have some fun I'm going to link you guys to a lot of the videos that I used in this video because I pulled them off from a lot of other YouTubers and they all have amazing build guides that this game has been out for four or five years of Early Access so there have been people out there that have been plugging into some really good guides out there you can go to lasto if you need to help with guides you can even go to Max roll if you want like Max roll does not have a wider range of guides they're very nuanced it's like saying hey if you want to play Paladin you can only play this way because Max roll only has two or three guides for Paladin that's not the way it is there's so many ways to play the builds so take every single build guide out there with a grain of salt and approach the game exactly how you want not like the internet says that's like that's the two long didn't watch of this video at the end of the video but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today if there's anything that you want to shout out in the comment section below been like hey you know I just started up and I am loving Lich or hey you know what I've been playing now for three five hours and I really just do not like playing Druid here's why share your information share what you've liked or disliked about the masteries and classes you've played for people that are jumping in maybe someone's watching this at work right now and they have an extra bit or two to skim through some of the comments of people saying what they did or didn't like about it and it clicks with what they're looking for and they go hey you know what he gave me some good information on Spell blade but what this comment said about sorcerer that's the kind of character I want to play so please divulge tell us what your success or your failure story has been jumping into last epac for the first time and playing your very first character but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music] there
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 76,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST CLASS To Play in Last Epoch?, last epoch, last epoch 2024, last epoch which class to play?, last epoch best class for beginners, last epoch best classes, last epoch best builds 1.0, last epoch best classes 1.0, best beginner builds, last epoch which class to play 1.0, last epoch 1.0, 1.0, 2024, last epoch best class 2024, last epoch which class, last epoch class guide
Id: vsr605oKEVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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