Why is He The Most Hated Man? - A Look Into Barcus Wroot and Wulbren Bongle (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

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interacting with fellow fans of something is fun because everyone has their odd favorites their problematic faves everyone feels strongly about different characters there's always at least one person who likes the most obscure or terrible of guys but what if I were to tell you that there was a character so hated so mean and disliked that not a single soul likes them disclaimer I'm sure there is at least one person in existence that likes wbr statistically speaking it is a guarantee um so if you are that single person I'm sorry wolon bongle the most hated character of all time I have never in my life seen a community come together like this before in regards to a fictional character diss tracks think pieces I've not seen an ounce of love for wolon bongle and I would say for good reason but we've all seen characters who are objectively worse be loved and adored by fans but why does everyone hate wolber bongle so much is it all a joke is it a meme or is there a level of genuine dislike here I think to understand why we hate wlbr bongle so much we first have to understand the one person who actually loves him his best friend or more depending on how much you want to read into this barcus root out of this Duo barcus is the one that we typically meet first and that may be a factor into why most of us side with him and not wbr I'll be real my first playthrough I accidentally sent barus flying and therefore I met wolin later without any prior knowledge or context and I honestly didn't mind him that much at first so barcus if you're smart you can save him from the windmill in the blighted village and act one and actually get to meet him he's a bit standoffish but he is expecting you to exploit him because that's how this generally works if you're playing good and you don't push for a reward or anything he is genuinely bewildered he can't believe that you did something nice for the sake of helping others and just being nice there's a lot that you can get from this encounter in a way barcus is a bit like a star he's not used to seeing the good that Humanity has to offer he's not used to asking for help and being met with well help he doesn't actually say that but it can be implied at least in terms of baris's interactions with strangers barcus expects exploitation because that's what he is used to barcus is a bit of a nervous guy but that may just be because he's not so sure about you if you you demand payment he'll give you what you want and with a bit of a hm I knew that's how you'd be attitude you proved him right essentially barcus is a little pathetic but it's in the endearing kind of way he's he's just a little guy you know and I'm not just saying little guy because he's a gnome I have realized what I said as I said it um anyway barcus will share with you that he is searching for a dear friend who has gone missing his only clue an amulet that belonged to wbr Left Behind covered in blood it's clear that barcus cares a lot about this wolon guy so much so that he is risking his life to find out what happened to him after this first encounter with barcus he leaves you and you do not see him again until the Grim Forge later in act one in the under dark where he's been captured as a slave the absolute cult is taking in deep gnome slaves and honestly slaves of any type and it is up to us to save barcus and the others which basically just means killing everyone or siding with the Rebellion against nearer and then convincing the leftover duar to let the slaves go afterwards after saving him though barcus will tell you more about wolin namely his name and that he's been captured and taken to moonrise Tower if you have saved hson at this point or sided with manthara you've already heard a bit about moonrise towers and that is where you are headed next you can convince barcus to travel with you at your camp at this point but he is not a full companion he's not a companion at all he's just hanging out if you have not done the teeling party yet and go back to do the party with barcus you actually get to hang out with him a little bit and you can convince him to set off fireworks which is which is pretty cool there celebration barcus is really endearing and he's a pretty decent guy just trying his best to help his friend he gets into trouble but is humble enough to accept your help and not feel entitled to it a bit of a difference between barcus and wbr if you ask me at this point barcus is basically just chilling you can take him to last slight or meet him there if he wasn't traveling with your camp and he is depending on you to find and help wolon wherever he might be whatever might have happened to him and this leads us to actually going to moonrise Towers where we can meet wolber bongle he is very distrusting towards us a bit abrasive and kind of an but he is being held prisoner at moonrise towers and to him we are a bit suspicious I can't blame him though however wil is quick to work with you once you prove that you're not like the other true souls or if you let him know that you're rocking with the teelings if the teelings are had survived to act two in your game and wlbr does honor his word on getting the teelings out as well which you know what that's the whole reason I'm here so in my books so far so good but I think the turning point for most of us was seeing how wbr acts after arriving at last Li in when you walk up to him he acts as if you only exist to serve him saying he doesn't need any more help and trying to brush you off there's an air of entitlement to him that is infuriating to deal with but on top of that wilbron seems to be very dismissive and rude both to you and barcus his best friend his potential lover whatever you want to read into their dynamic they were really close or at least barcus thought they were close and we can't stand for barcus being being mistreated by wlbr here WL is too preoccupied with planning something he is the leader of the iron hand gnomes and he's got beef with the gandhian blaming them for why the iron hands were casted out of balder's gate he will later ask that you help him in balder's gate with his quest of avenging the iron hand gnomes reinstating themselves as important people to know throughout the city and that's pretty much it until act three where wlbr will ask you to commit terrorism and genocide if you're not siding with Gort you need to find a way to disable the steel watch and wolber bongle is providing you a way to do so sneak into The Foundry where the steel watch are made and controlled from and blow it up with a bomb that wolber provides you but he is also pretty on board with the idea of the gandhian slaves inside being casualties it's actually a part of his plan wurn is unfairly prejudiced against the gandhian he blames them for being slaves saying that as a group The gandhian are too smart and too submissive wolen believes that this group needs to die to make things right because even though they are enslaved by gorash it's their fault for being enslaved and they're too smart for how submissive they are because it's their intelligence that has brought the steel watch to balers game is what wol says and that is a a wild thing to say and believe about a group of people that are victims and all of this being enslaved against their will and if you do have a heart and save the gandhian wolber will be really really mad about it not a great look for him he'll want to kill the gandhian himself and you can either fight against him or intimidate him into standing down or you could convince barcas to take the lead instead barcus actually warns you prior to not help wbr commit terrorism and genocide barcus is not on board with blowing up The Foundry and killing all the gandhian barcus knows that wolbert is going too far and that this is wrong so here we have the person who is supposed to be the closest to wbr the the most understanding maybe even empathetic is outright telling us like hey man this guy is going too far this guy is in the wrong so after all that it does make sense that the vast majority of players do not like wolin he's self-centered self-serving an he's an ironhand supremacist and is advocating for an entire clan of gnomes to be eradicated but most importantly he's mean to a character that a lot of us like we're all rocking with barcus so it sucks to see him be mistreated by wbr especially after we've witnessed the atrocities barcus has had to suffer in order to find and save wolin so there is a genuine reason to dislike this character but I do believe a lot of the wolber hate has been exaggerated because it's fun it's a bit of a meme it's fun and unifying and that's great and if you haven't spent a lot of time in fandom or online communities these unifying jokes or events are kind of what random is all about sometimes they feel rare but when unifying things like this like hating wbr happen it is genuinely such a good time that usually doesn't even have discourse about it so like there's there's no downside we're all just vibing and finding ways to hate on this one little there's no debate on if wbr is a bad person there's no debate on if it's valid to hate him we're all United on hating wurn bongle if wurn has 100 haters I'm one of them if he has one hater it's me if he has zero haters I am dead stand my man Barkus root if we should meet again well we will have met again this was a little bit sillier of a video I just think it's really funny that everyone hates wbr so much and I think it's really funny how I I was pretty neutral about wolin until I did a playthrough where I actually was able to take barcus all the way to act three and I do have to recognize Within Myself part of why I so strongly hate wolin is because of the vibe and the joke I didn't care all that much about him until I saw all these memes about hating him and I'm like you know what yeah he is the worst I do hate wolber bongle so part joke part seriousness we all hate wol and I think that's beautiful that's hilarious um thank you guys for watching me talk about wolber bongle and barcus root for like 10 minutes or so I will see you all in the next one LEL video coming soon and for people who keep asking about Menara I am doing an evil run where I'm Romancing her potentially um I haven't decided if I'm Romancing her yet or not but I am getting to know her so Menara is coming soon I just have to actually like play through her story first but I do want to talk about her cuz I I like her a lot so far um anyway that's it for me for real for real I'll see you all in the next one goodbye
Channel: pocket leaves
Views: 51,049
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Id: ZrjQUpwk_nc
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Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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