Engaging with the Holy Spirit In Prayer - Kevin Zadai

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you're you're his child he's your father you you grow into that and then christianity becomes about knowing that you please god because god has breathed you into existence he had an intention for you and that all the mishaps that happen in between when you're born until you pass away all those mishaps is because you're in a broken world it's not it's not necessarily your fault but see i'm finding that christianity to me is more than just pleasing god because i have to walk in my authority and represent him on the earth which is kind of like it's it switches you over from being needy and knowing that you please god to finding out you do please god and say okay i'm a partner so what do you want to do today and you want to go to 45 000 feet and fly really fast god because that's that's what i want to do okay no you you ask him okay what are we doing today and he's going to start telling you he goes well i want you to push out the devils out of pensacola well don't you think that he could do that himself well actually he cannot you are given the authority now jesus ascended on how he took captivity captive he took the keys he handed them over to the church the keys are of the kingdom are in the hands of us jesus is seated which means he's finished he's seated at the right hand of god and he's waiting it says he's waiting for his enemies to become his footstool so he's done he's done his part now he sits at the right hand of god he intercedes for us okay but he's given us authority so if you do not do something about the devil nothing will be done that's true and i know that's hard to accept it might take you years but don't let make take as long as i did i'm telling you there's a there's a different reason why you're alive you're the reason you're alive now is not just to please god you're supposed to represent him and you're supposed to be a kingdom ambassador which means you've got to do the casting out you've got to do the enforcing of the covenant you've got to inform people that god is good and that he's being slandered god is not doing these terrible things and so my assignment and kathy knows this my staff knows this the lord jesus when he appeared to me two years ago and told me about all these things that are going to happen he said i'm being slandered me and my father being slandered will you stand up for me and tell the people this is not me doing this right he told me what he wanted he said here's my will well then there's stealing killing destroying on and look where we're at and god's will is not done but that doesn't change it for me so i'm going to make god look good i'm going to let him display his glory through me just like you are and i'm going to work with the holy spirit confirming the word with signs and wonders falling so whenever you give up something whenever you say you know what i'll just do your thing well it's marked in heaven that you did that and then god god waits for an opportune time to reward you but he doesn't forget and so working with the holy spirit is not about trying to get always get healed of terrible things that have happened to you because you god wants you healed period he didn't do those terrible things to you but he wants you healed but you already are accepted in the beloved you just don't feel it but a lot of it has to do with demonic activity enforcing the curse so last night i talked to you about walking in authority because when you walk in authority you're under great authority and the devils know that and they will not touch you they can't touch you because of a covenant but it but you have to know this then from then on you look at the devil and he knows that you know and he just starts backing off now this sounds like a fairy tale to most of us but someone in every generation has to stand up and say i'm not backing off the gospel is the gospel and as christians we know that god is a good god so there has to come this time where we graduate and we're not needy in the area of validation we are validated do you know how many you know in the last couple of years how many times in prayer over the whole world i have spoken that wombs or wombs are opening there is a flood just in the last couple weeks of people that have named their child after me have have have children when their wombs were dead they watched what we just did global prayer from our studios in new orleans and you said you spoke it out you were praying in tongues and you spoke it out and i just want you to know that it's a miracle and my child now is is is perfect there's been a flood of them just in the last couple weeks and all it was is that i was praying in tongues and it came out in english well see what happened there was miracle happened but it came through me but it wasn't me it didn't it wasn't originating from me because i'm not that good but i yield it and it came out and it's something happened in that person's womb it's happened in finances with people too and relationships you you should just this morning i just i mean i read it so all i do is read all the time it takes thousands it takes it's thousands of people commenting and i'm reading everyone and praying over every single person even the ones that curse me i pray for them and then i i block them but all right see the word of god has to come be sent to you i sent my word and i healed you you know psalms 107 i believe sent your word and you healed them yes okay so the word went and it was mixed with faith they received it and then the manifestation happened at that very inception even if it took a year for me to get these back but it wasn't originating from me and so you got to learn that you're validated because you are one of god's children and he was waiting for you to accept him and you've done that you've done that now you've been born again you've been spirit filled you you've accepted god's will for your life even if you don't know what it is but there has to come this place where you're like well you know lord hey i don't want to have any requests today i want you to tell me what you want and this is where the turnaround came in my life and it became overthrow it became it flipped it flipped on me god flipped it and what happened was is when i started asking him well what what he he's you know and this was years ago i mean i can remember when this was it was it was back it was back in 1988 89 when i started with southwest airlines i said lord what's on your heart like why why i already had a full-time ministry position you told me to go to an airline and then you don't want me to be a pilot you want me to be a flight attendant and i said well what is on your heart and this is what he told me well he didn't tell me he showed me and it'll flip you out what he showed me i saw of in a vision i saw babies being thrown into dumpsters in china and i and the lord told me he was weeping he said he said i want those children i want you to i want you to pray against this i want you to pray against what's happening in china this is years ago and when he said that i go wait a minute what about the united states in legalizing abortion and then that opened up a whole nother thing i go there's people here that want their womb open so they can have a baby you get it okay so there has to come this place where you start to hook up with what god's doing and in in the process of doing that the manifestation comes of his will around you but really then you start to see the things that you're not seeking because you're seeking his kingdom you see those things even unspoken things come to you because you sought his kingdom and his righteousness and his scepter touches you and then the holy spirit starts to work with you and then you start to participate in what god participates in it becomes your environment when i had a study in college just like you had to study i had to learn all these things and as i'm learning them i'm thinking what am i really understanding about this i'm learning all these things so i can quote dates and things like that and procedures and you know but it's really interesting the the threshold of learning versus application when it has to be done and uh there's this flipping that has to happen where you own it and you see yourself as the person that you're training to be and if god is walking you in this school of the spirit and teaching you his ways and allowing you to become pliable so that he can talk to you and you stop being a victim all of a sudden and you stop thinking about the price you paid and all of a sudden you're thinking about the reward is going to be huge for your obedience and you start thinking you know it is worth it even if i'm not being discerned by people the gift is going to make room for itself okay well what what if if it flips on you this morning as i'm talking because it is by the importation of the spirit if you could see my hands in the spirit they're burning with flames right now they're hot the fire of god is so strong and it's not even lunchtime but the spirit is wanting to work with you what if you have to command wounds to be open and yours is closed but isn't that doesn't that in a sense show what's really going on that god could use you for something that you need and you i've had to tell the lord i go lord when's my turn i've seen all this happen i've helped others i've done this i've done that when does it happen for me and he said when your character can carry it when your character can carry it when you can do without it you're gonna get it i thought you know what i'm on the road to eternal life but there's no reason for me to wait until that eternity happens because enoch did not discern where eternity began or ended enoch got to the place where the environment that he was walking in was his now even though it was his future he was walking in his future now and there was no discernment to him on the future because the spirit realm was he was operating in in both realms at the same time and it got to where it was actually easy for him and he didn't have what we have today to build him up but yet he was able to cooperate with the lord and god used enoch in amazing ways for his will in a time that was probably impossible you think it's bad now you try to live before the flood because it isn't as bad as you think it is it's bad but it's not as bad as you think it is it's just that you don't have any reference points because you've not experienced that right like they have when you think about a world that is calculated by scientists to have millions and millions of people on the earth at that time and yet there was only eight righteous on the earth when you think about only eight were perfect in their generations which means they had an inner bread god had to destroy all flesh because of that because of the evil when you think about that there were only eight left and there were millions on the earth and enoch was sent to announce judgment that moses preached righteousness to people that had no desire to repent if they it would have recorded it that they had they they did not and they could not but god is righteous so he declares as a righteous judge he he pro he pronounces his righteous decree which could bring blessing or cursing it could bring a curse on but those who heard it they could not repent they did not he destroyed all flesh god destroyed all flesh except for eight they were they were perfect in their genetics it's always been about the genetics it's always been about the blood and the genetics life is in the blood it's always been about that so now you want to be careful not to allow anyone to alter your genetics because this is the days of noah then as it was in the days of noah so shall it be when the son of god returns it says that jesus said it it's in red okay so you don't want to allow things to change you okay so holy spirit is wanting to change you transform you but god offers healing he offers at the very cellular level cells that are assigned to kill anything foreign t cells yes yes and there are ways to boost your immune system so that it can fight against whatever they invent and weaponize now i'm going to tell you something maybe i'll save it for this afternoon so i get my i will that's because i get my notes right but the times we live in are interpretable but what happens is if you're in fear you you're going to see it a certain way and so things will be slanted and i i was appalled when the lord had asked me personally i don't know what he's done with you but i remember when i was in college he was directing me to take courses that i didn't want to take and um you as you know just last week i published the warrior notes published the 50th book in four and a half years and um i have a copy of it and i'm i'm praying on who i'm going to sew it to because it's it's this is the first copy and it's called from breakthrough to overthrow and um this is a 50th book it's a miracle it's a miracle but what happened is in this subject matter of breakthrough overthrow there is more there is more available than we know there always is more but it seems like the crowd just keeps whittling down to this narrow way in this remnant type uh conversations we have where there's only those who hear and jesus said to the disciples you know you have been given the deep mysteries of the kingdom when i gave you that parable of of the parable of the soils you call it the parable of the sower but it's really the parable of the soils and so they're like what can you explain it to us and so he goes through it again and he and they got it and he said why don't you just they said why don't you tell the world then he goes it hasn't been given to them it's been given to you okay so this is what's happening now is that certain things have been given but he who has ears to hear let them hear so obviously the seven churches in the book of revelation in the first three chapters they didn't hear because they're all gone but jesus warned each one of them and he even told one of them he said if you overcome you will sit with me and be victorious if you overcome and are victorious you will sit with me on a throne those churches are gone so this this represents the 50th book but see there are twice as many books yet to be written there's still at least another 50. and right now i have probably 23 on my laptop that are ready to be to be edited and published within they could be if we had enough people to do it 23 books could come out in the next month or two because they're already done okay but the you wouldn't know that until i just told you that okay so when i was with the airline i didn't know that one day i would be passing the jet i was on in my own jet but that that happens all the time though and they're like you know can you slow down for southwest i go no and then we just ask for a higher altitude and we just fly over them okay but that was all known while i'm sitting there crying because i'm a flight attendant you get it right okay well this is the way it is with every one of us right now like er what i just told you i didn't tell you to talk about me i'm telling you to talk about you this is the way it is with the lord right now this book before i wrote my first one in 2016 this book was already on the shelves of heaven as the 50th book do you get it but see we haven't even got our copies to put on the book table yet and i'm the author so i had to pay full price on amazon and get the two-day delivery just to get my own book and i paid 22 dollars and 22 cents for this for my book no do you hear me because if i order it as the author and order my thousand or ten thousand it takes it takes almost a month but if i pay full price oh they're they're more than willing to give me my own book okay so the system down here is not honoring me even though i'm the author i had to pay full price for this and i won't even charge this for the on the book table when it comes okay but it's not fair is it it's not fair to you what's happened to you i literally have to pay full price for my own book every time i write one so i can have it and put it in my hand and pray over it because it's going to take them a month to get it to me in bulk at my price which is a lot cheaper but i do it because i'm going to be i'm going to honor god and put this before the lord so i have it i brought it under the anointing i've been si it's been up here the whole time because i want to just i'm praying over it that it that it helps people okay this is what you need to do you need to make it right when it's not right it's not fair it's not fair that i had to be a flight attendant for 30 years but see my character has to be able to carry where i'm going in order to carry it my character has to be there where i can care less what people think anymore and then all of a sudden i become like god because he doesn't operate based on what people think of him thank god that he believes in us when we don't believe in ourselves he doesn't give up on us when we give up on him okay so i'm going to tell you this because it just keeps getting better because there's more so now right now as i'm holding this i kid you not within two or three years i will be holding my 100th book in just a couple years i'm not kidding you you'll you'll you'll remember if they'll be watching the video and i'll be holding up my 100th book and i'll be just acting just as excited as i am now but i'm just as excited about this one as i was with my first one but see i'm just talking about books because you can understand this i um i see this for you all that it doesn't matter if you're praying for people and they're getting healed and you're sick it does matter but it doesn't matter in the sense of it's you're working with the lord and he's confirming his word with signs and wonders falling but see i need someone to pray for me just like you need me to pray for you we all need each other so we have to let the holy spirit start to implement into our individual lives talking to us about what's been given to us and giving us ears that hear and isis see because there's more coming there's it's better than what you thought so you think wow look what has happened but you you don't know anything you don't know that in two weeks i will get a certificate and i will graduated from a fighter jet pilot school i just got accepted i'm going to be flying a jet for eight hours a day monday through wednesday in two weeks and we're getting checked out in that jet an s211 italian jet fighter so is it really over yet because i walked away it's coming back now i get to fly a fighter jet okay so what else what else is there i went and bought my jumpsuit yesterday and my helmet all right yesterday so do you see that i can't back off on the on the message that god is a good god that he's going around doing good and healing everyone that is oppressed of the devil i can't back off of that because if i had then you wouldn't have seen and heard the testimony of god's goodness in someone's life so your testimony is is why why you are here in a mature christian life in a mature christian life you get to where you are fully accepted and now you're working with god and you can't lose because you have eternal life you're going to heaven but while you're here let the lord glorify himself through you no i'm not kidding you will see you will see it posted on facebook be climbing into that jet because i'm not going to hide it just like i haven't had anything else that the lord has done for us because because that's for you that's not for me i already have it i'm showing you because i want to encourage you into good works i want you to start to see that god is working with us for his good so even though i've told you the future before it happens i didn't have to do that i was just going to wait but then the lord said just tell him but see this i'm trying to show you he didn't forget 40 years ago but he didn't forget you either so i'm only talking about myself to be a bridge that you can walk across in your faith because if he can do it for me i guarantee you he can do it for you and he already has it's already written okay so the spirit is always willing he wants to engage you but what he has for you is further and higher than you could ask or think so when in my yielding to god i spoke wombs to be open which meant that they shouldn't have been closed right so there was correction coming from the spirit realm to the physical realm well right now just with the same power and the same faith and i'm not kidding you i'm speaking to your finances and i'm commanding them to be healed and open i am i'm and this is not a gimmick i'm telling you by the spirit of god that your finances are healed and they're open and the reason why is is that you need to allow god to glorify himself through you which means you need some money you need finances because you got to pay your bills and then you got to pay other people's bills this is the body of christ we're supposed to be helping each other well prosperity is about the kingdom advancing it's not about personal items it's about having so much that you can help someone else and let god give you the increase in your own life and what you'll find is you won't have to pay for things you won't have to pay for them he's going to move in a supernatural way it's going to be a testimony that he did it now listen it's very very it's very it's very very beautiful when people work really hard and they're faithful and they're successful but it's even more beautiful when you work hard and you're successful and you don't give up and god does something that you couldn't do and then he gets credit for it it's be that is that is beyond beautiful to me that the the lord did it in a way where no one can say that was that was them that was that had to be god right okay so this is this is a testimony that has happened in the last four and a half years that you've known me you've seen god do his payback that's good the devil hasn't been able to touch it and he protects us okay at what point do you start to get it to where if you're a pastor your church starts to expand its outreach that the people start to catch your vision and start to help you to fulfill what god has called you to do in your region because if at some point where a pastor is touched and then the people are touched then the lord's going to tell me i want you to go there and help them but see if if you don't do that i'm not coming because i'm not going to kick a dead body i'm not going to help a dead body i've got to have something that's moving and it's cooperating you've got to be willy and then the lord's going to speak and then all of a sudden i'm gonna do something and and what happens is is the spirit is the one who's initiating and engaging me in my spirit and then it starts this big thing that over the years increases because god that's what god does so all of you you your timeline is that the spirit wants to accelerate so that it's not days and hours the timeline is a season that you're in is is going to end and you're no longer going to feel needy and you could still be poor you could still be sick you could still have nothing changing in your life and yet inside your spirit something just happened that's how it happens what do you think joshua was thinking joshua is trusted by god and by moses joshua was faithful without the promise of promotion he's the only one that would go in there with moses and stay face down in the presence of god in that tenant meeting and it says that he never left he was there continually it says he was included in on a lot of things except for the the the extra added we're going to get into this tonight this is my message for tonight about about this but i want to tell you this to get you ready for it because the strategies of a warrior the prayer strategies of a warrior are engaging the holy spirit on his level which is way higher than our level and that is why most people never get there and and they're they're requesting instead of demanding because they don't know their contract but it's interesting how we'll get a lawyer to interpret the contract that you sign and they're like oh no no this isn't the way it's going to be it says right here well if that person had not intervened you would just left everything the way it is but it's in your contract but see you need somebody to engage with that knows what they're doing and then they say no this is what you say i'll write the letters we're going to do and the lawyer takes care of it okay but it's your contract because you signed it you get it okay this is what's happened when you became a christian most people don't know what has been given to them but see how is it that one person can can be plucked out and take into the future and then set back in and then all of a sudden everybody's like oh my god what have i been doing i mean i hear it all the time but i'm thinking no i i had the same opportunity as everyone else to live my life according to the gospel according to the word of god but i i was lazy i was in an entertainment mode i wanted to be entertained and moved i wanted someone to preach to me and change me and what i saw when i met jesus was is that he wanted to change me he wanted to move me i wasn't working him he was working me and i i saw that he wanted to be partners with me but i had to come up to his level now how do you do that because he's jesus and we're not what i found was was once i got rid of of my flesh because it stayed on the table and once my soul that parts that weren't redeemed they stayed with my body i don't know how that happened but when i was with jesus i i had more in common with him than i i did not and i could get kicked out of churches for that but i was more like him than i was not and i knew that he wanted miracles for me all the time that he had all these things as i'm talking to him i the biggest revelation was is that he wasn't doing all these terrible things says hinder me and stop me and and kill me and slow me down and you know all the freaky people that you have to deal with you know he didn't he didn't make them that way the devil made him that way they became that and it was so hard it was so hard down here when i was with him thinking back at the earth and thinking boy i'm glad i'm not going back there and thinking about what a mess and what i had been i had been i've been hoodwinked and bamboozled and manipulated and cheated and lied to and everything was so bad in comparison to the truth and i thought my god how we have fallen how adam and eve had it made oh how how they made a decision that all of us suffer now and then he gave me my audit which was my whole life going like this pink and then i saw the books and i saw what was written about me and i compared that to that and i'm still looking at jesus this all happened within a second and that was my audit and i saw the discrepancy between what i did and what i was supposed to do and he's smiling at me the whole time and he's saying well done though good and faithful servant i'm like what just happened he's smiling and yet i saw that and he showed me he showed me the discrepancy of how hard it is to implement it in this realm it's slower and broken it's not easy to to come down here and live and move and have our being like paul said what he quoted if you'll turn there it's in psalm it's in page 43 of your manual in chapter 3 it says in acts 17 20 says for in him we live and move and have our being as also some of your own poets have said for we are his offspring so we're his offspring he's quoting their own poets there but he is preaching the gospel to them using their own poets now the holy spirit wants to bring us into the fullness which the fullness i'm just telling you you can't handle the fullness you can't handle it like right now i i feel the fullness of god i cannot i can hardly handle it i can't wait to get back to my room right now the reason why is i am i'm burning with the holy fire of god which is not me and it i'm not that good but he makes it good he makes me good because he burns i'm on completely on fire if you just see in the spirit right now i'm completely engulfed in flames and you look really fuzzy you look blurry to me and i'm just burning why because he's had compassion on me he's reached out to me and he's he's in compassion he's just said i'm going to make you an example of my goodness i'm going to display my goodness through you to a generation so that they can receive from me too because everyone should receive the holy fire and let it cleanse you but he wants to engage you and move you in to what he has for you but you your character cannot handle the fullness you you think you can handle it but i can barely handle it now i can bear i'm holding on for dear life i can barely handle the fire right now and it's saturday morning this isn't even the evening service with all the tambourines and everything the flags you know you're not even you know got your 300 carbohydrates in your system yet where you're all excited by the end of the day coffee coffee coffee all right so flip the page over to 40 page 44 it says in second corinthians 2 14 it says now thanks be to god who always leads us always always always always leads us always did i mention always always leads us in triumph triumph means up and over you're the head you're the number one position you triumphed over your enemies okay so he always causes us he always leads us into triumph in christ jesus and diffuses and here's the here's the key the key to where i want us all to go all of us is i want you to get over what has happened and get over the broken world and get to the place where you want to display and do his glorious works and then let him take care of your finances the devils are going to leave you people are are going to leave or stay and it'll change every day because they're going with the masses and the hordes of the demonic people are going to fluctuate and shift and you're not going to know what's going on but you don't have to be that way that's why you're supposed to come out and be separate among them but here's the key to where you're why i'm not here just to please god i do please god i'm here because it says here and through us diffuses that means sprays out fragrance of his knowledge in every place so your life is really two parts the first part is really hard because you're qualifying but with your character and god's working you out once he gets you out of the fact that you have been a victim and now you're not and you matured then you can carry this when you carry it you're going from egypt you're going out of the world and then you have a fragrance about you and you're not edible by the lion that's seeking to devour you that's right you're not edible you they you know when i grew up in pennsylvania i got eaten by mosquitoes all the time but it was a miracle when the lord said if you want to live if you want to live a long life stop eating sugar was a connoisseur so i stopped and you can ask my wife the mosquitoes will not touch me now they will not touch me i kid you not we'll be somewhere and they'll be over everybody and i'll be just sitting there hey y'all want volleyball badminton so the same principle happens when the holy spirit has his way with you you begin to engage him and he starts to take you out of this mode of always being accustomed to the broken world and almost expecting the bad to happen and and being like overjoyed when something bad doesn't happen but what if you get to a place where you give out a command and say you know what the wombs are going to be open and nothing's going to come near my dwelling it might become around me but it's not going to touch my dwelling it's not going to touch my body it's not going to touch my finances well because you went that extra step now you've matured into ambassadorship but it's not based on if something you know you shouldn't feel bad if you have something and you're praying for something somebody to be healed of it it that has nothing to do with the healing because you're not the healer the healer is this holy spirit from heaven bringing into this realm and correcting something through a gift of healing a gift of faith laying on of hands being obedient but a sick person can pray for a sick person and the sick person that's praying may not get healed but the person they pray for could okay i'm only saying this because it seems kind of silly to have to dissect these things but what if all of you are ready to have it flipped to where now you're operating in the higher ways and and it's things that's uncharted to you now this i'll tell you how this happened when i was at at a bible school i had finished my bachelor degree and i was doing this two-year program and it shocked me one day i was going through such warfare it i i i didn't think i was going to make it every demon in hell came after me and i was at the best school that you could go to and nobody knew it all hell was coming against me because i was fasting i was i was fasting two meals a day every day i've done it for years and every now and then i'll have two meals a day but it's mostly just one meal a day praying in the spirit if i would back off praying in the spirit things would stop happening no bad you know like the devil would leave me alone but if i if i pressed in and this went on for years and i didn't understand myself i literally died i literally died everything i would go 20 days without eating because i wanted god and i didn't care whether i lived to die i was going to have god i did that for years and i just it just got the good results so i just continue with it i don't need to eat but i do but i don't need it anymore what happened was as the lord started coming in and shifting my perception and i started to realize wait a minute if i don't do something about this it's not going to be done i started to see that like if i don't say this to this person they're going to be dead in a year i started to know things like that like like saying something to someone and knowing if the correction didn't come it wasn't gonna be and then the lord would say stuff to me if you don't change this you're you're you're not gonna make it to where you wanna go like if you don't do this see so i thought the entrance into a state was a certain city and then the lord told me no because i'm thinking one thing and he's saying no you're going to start at the panhandle even though i was already concentrating on tampa and the lord said no it's pensacola i'm like what it's pensacola it's happening right now and look we're not even full and i can never figure that out how 1100 people sign up and you get you get half of that like everybody's supposed to be here this is not for my benefit but god has already started and initiated something where the maturity of the saints has gotten to the level where he is moving upon his ministers that know his voice to start to speak the will of god to those who will hear it so if the nation won't hear it then he goes for the remnant right it will go for the narrow way but see the spirit moved me into tight places where i couldn't do anything on my own i had to listen to him and i felt like i was just over restricted all the time and then that one day when i was at school i had an open vision it was what an open vision is like when you're walking and you're doing something and all of a sudden everything disappears in front of you and you're in another place another time it happens a lot to me but i never say anything but i know that i can see the future but i can see that it's not going to turn out right because people did not repent they did not do what they were supposed to do and god wasn't going to have his way and so then he i said well lord what do you want me to do and then he'll say i want you to do this i want you to get on and i want you to do a show called this and i want you to say this and here's the scriptures and then it goes away now i was taken to the future and shown that i can mess with it but that i had to do exactly what he told me to do and that was i had to speak the word of god to a people in a certain place and a certain atmosphere would be brought into that place and then those people go out and they influence seven people each of them and then within a year he will send me to another place and then the second stage will happen and then the third stage will happen and then over the years you'll see the whole nation be solidified when it started with just one act of obedience where you say something that you saw that was futuristic so he told me this i was at school fasting praying for the bachelor degree then went and got the two-year fasting praying i work three jobs sometimes i remember that gas went from a dollar dining for it went from 99 cents a gallon to a dollar three and i was in the red on my budget that's how tight it was i couldn't even afford to buy the tapes for the class which are like 50 cents a piece and all of a sudden i remember going to work and it just opened up to me just went to class now i'm going to work and all of a sudden i saw this beautiful field it was sunny day it was this beautiful field and there was no boundaries you couldn't see anything in any direction just this beautiful field with flowers and grass and the lord said you're released you passed and from that day from that exact day till right now it has never changed but i passed my tests and i went to class the next day and i had my notebooks and i had some blank sheets of paper and so the lord said to me while brother hagin is teaching he said write out my will i go you mean you want me to dictate what you tell me and he said no i want you to write out my will for your life now up until that point i wouldn't have even considered that with my you know strenuous religious training that i was given but something happened inside of me that i realized that god trusted me with a pen and a paper i'm not kidding you is anybody catching what i'm saying here this is one of the most sacred times i've ever experienced my life is right now in this morning session you have no idea because i've never shared these things but i started to draw out what was in my heart now this was in 1987. and i drew it out on a piece of paper and at the top i said god's will for my life and i drew out a southwest airlines airplane as a flight attendant and then i drew out a jet my own jet i drew out a white 300 zx 1987 model and i got it yes i drew out a whole bunch of books that i would write i drew out musical instruments and it just goes on from there every one of them have come to pass yes i'm not making this up what happened god got my character to the place where he could trust me and what happened was it was always in me it wasn't selfish and now the things that i would never pay for come to me because i don't ask for them but they're in my heart as a desire so as a act of faith jesse duplantis was told to give me his favorite watch because it's the top watch for a pilot to wear his wife kathy had given it to him as a a birthday gift and the lord said kevin's going to be the pilot you give him this your watch so he asked kathy and kathy said you can do it it's your watch but this watch costs more than a car and i wouldn't i wouldn't i would just wouldn't spend my money on that but he he gave me his watch and then i got the airplane so you know when i'm with the pilots they're looking at like man you got one of those i'm like i don't even know what it's called you know but i go dude that is like it that's like well it's kind of heavy but you know i can still fly but i'm saying i didn't listen to me i didn't ask for it i didn't pay for it but i have it it is kind of anointed and you know it's anointed but see that was prophetic but i didn't have to work it so i owe you something what i owe you is i owe you what the lord is saying to you it thus saith the lord and what he's saying is is that there is never going to be a time where god says i can't i'm telling you the word of the lord there is never going to be a time where he says i can't do that because if he said that to you it's because you wouldn't let him because that's the only time that jesus couldn't perform miracles was when they didn't believe they per they they prevented him from doing it it's the only time that jesus couldn't do do you get it unbelief so what is unbelief well unbelief is is a deeper problem than what you know because it has to do with your mindset and your lifestyle they're all connected now every day every single day even when i'm with my instructors even with the faa after i passed my check right because it would be a bribe if i gave it before i asked do you want me to give this watch to them all my instructors they're probably watching right now but i'm i'm flying the airplane i'm like can i give it to him i'm not holding on to it because it already served its purpose it was prophetic it came before okay well that's what's happening this morning i'm i'm not going to hold back from you i'm telling you this spirit is saying i will never say you can't it's good because he he is never going to say he can't and unless you stop him no you're saying well you know i can't even pay my bills well good that's the start you can't pay your bills but he can't there has to be that transfer over to where god is working so here okay that was my introduction if he's always causing us to triumph in christ then you're not going to seek after things but they're going to he said if you seek the kingdom all these other things are gonna be given to you okay so here our assignment is after we encounter his love and his grace is that we become ambassadors and we work with him and we become a fragrance that is dispensed or dispersed matthew 13 11 and page 45 down there bottom it says he answered said to them because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom but to them it has not been given you see you do have the deep mysteries and they've been given to you okay so you cannot now listen to me everybody listening right you cannot wait for the goats to do this you cannot wait for the people around you to do this because they don't have ears to hear but see you don't know that so you can't be watching the crowd or your friend or your leadership if they're not following god you can't wait you cannot wait in these circumstances where you've been given the knowledge and understanding see the the the the way it has been all along is that florida was the lord's but see now it's going to become the platform it's going to be literally become a seat a seat a seat of authority and it's all because one person stood up and said you know what you all need a timeout you are messed up and here's how my state's going to be right see and then once one person does that then others will follow it's the same thing with health care and everything else it has to be someone who who hears from god that is already written and we we we focus on that so i focus on florida because that is where god is moving so if he's moving in that direction then i focus on florida okay if it was texas he's focusing on texas too but you know like it's interesting that i was in arizona for 28 years i lived there for 28 years i have so many friends and when we go there we have we have over a thousand people show up but until i see the catalyst until i see someone who will say well listen i don't want the fox being the security guard in the hen house and they're not going to be counting bells until you have something happen it's a catalyst where justice from from heaven a scepter comes in and that scepter says no see because it's always going to be it's always going to be messed up so so who's watching the fox who's accountable who's the fox accountable to in the hen house in other words you know the fox is the enemy of the hens okay so you don't put the fox in there as a security guard so there has to be a place where someone has engaged the holy spirit and becomes the scepter and then from that point on it starts a domino effect so this is why i'm telling you do not listen to others if god has given you ears to hear and instruct you in the word of god and they're not they've refused to to adhere to the word of god they refused to engage the holy spirit as a person of the trinity who is with us and wants to perform miracles it wants to speak through us in other tongues if you if you are associated with people like that it's paul said donors don't associate with people who have a form of godliness but deny the power of he said have nothing to do with them you have to make a decision that if you have ears to hear then you got to listen to the lord and the word of god this is the been the problem is a people stay too long in flux they stay they stay where nothing's moving and they feel uncomfortable if you start moving now how i noticed this was that what i noticed this when it happens in every move of god because i studied them all what would happen was is that the religious people that that wanted control if they didn't have control of something they try to intercept themselves and get or inject themselves in their intercept the move and stop the freedom okay then if you notice what happens because i studied all the moves and all the denominations and and how they started in their names of who they were and everything that was happening in the environment and and i noticed something that that god had to start a prophetic movement in an apostolic movement because there needed to be a voice to the people that had ears to hear but then what happened is is after a while if you don't if you notice it let's be honest so they all have to they all have to have control of you okay so did you notice like that all of a sudden now you can't just stand up and give a prophecy you got to go through the classes and be a member and you have to tithe or whatever i'm kind of overdoing it but you get my point it's like okay well wait a minute if the spirit has given several gifts to several people and that's their gifting they've been set to to operate in that gift then when they're in a service when the holy spirit is moving then their gifts all of our gifts are going to be activated because we're going to be wanting to be part of building up the body so but people like you know just because they they're missing a tooth or something and they don't qualify because you're on tv we don't want them prophesied until they get their teeth fixed or whatever i'm just making it up you know but what i'm saying is is that i've noticed that that all of a sudden you get shut down in your gifting well that is to me is a sign that something has moved in so it's interesting that every every generation we go through this cycle of control and then people breaking out to be free to worship that's how this country started that's true it started with that and so now if you if you sense in the spirit what's happening there has been an exodus out of what doesn't work and so you have to create a place for all those people to go i'm not stealing sheep i am a sheep what i'm doing is is i i got people that are refugees i got people that that need a degree and don't qualify i got people that can lead a bible study but they don't qualify to be a pastor under their denomination but but the whole church started out in the house so what what people have chosen to leave and they're out and about all i want to do is provide a place where they can get their kids home schooled and have a bible study every week until they find a church and i want to train all my students to be pastors but i want to provide a place like well if you if you don't like what's on youtube well i want to make it to where you there's something on youtube you like yes that's all so in it but this is the beginning of something we don't you don't discern what's happening here but this is just what happens in every generation the control comes in and they're telling you like why why should i have to go to someone to find out what god's will is i mean i'm telling you there is only one mediator between god and man and most of the people that have i've encountered they're not on that list to be a mediator there's only one that is a mediator between god and man and none of these organizations are on that list it's jesus christ okay but god sets in the church some to be so we have apostles and prophets and pastors to teach evangelists but it says that we're they're supposed to be building up the body into maturity and unity but if i don't see that happening then i know that they're not doing their job okay if i see them controlling people and saying you're not going to stand up and prophesy it's like okay well then when can i right and it's the answer is never okay but they don't tell you that it's like well you know if there's proper order it's like okay well just let me know just give me the or something right or hold a flag up or something okay it's time to prophesy no paul set the order of the congregation in the book of first corinthians so there has to be a time where all of you can speak by the spirit if you have a word you have a word of wisdom word of knowledge if you have the gift of faith operating you say i just feel like i'm supposed to pray for anybody that needs healing right now well you know there's going to come that time where there is a legitimate person that has been moved on in faith and that everybody that they pray for is going to be healed there has to come a time where there is a legitimate person right so isn't the church supposed to be about the body ministering to each other and that the five-fold is supposed to be building up the individuals in the body so that they can minister to each other and then go to the marketplace and win everybody for the lord and then own the marketplace while they're at it this is god's plan okay this has always been god's plan but if you look the corruption started way back way back before even with people you voted for it started it was it was corrupt it was planned from the beginning and when i found when i did all the studying and i found this out and i looked at all the executive orders for all these presidents i saw the agenda that was there and it's always been there and then i realized that no other person could get in yeah chill on that for about a week what i just said because that's about all i can say but it was always intended that certain people get in no matter what come on now let's let's be real let's grow up throw your pacifiers away this is corrupt unjust balances it's always been that way okay so that's i'm only doing this and and my staff knows what i'm doing i'm just shocking you so that you get to the place where you realize that you have an important part to play because you're still here you're still on the earth okay so what you need to do is is if you can't minister to people in your church they you find a place like a bible you do a bible study or do something where you can minister to people or you buy canned goods and you minister to people you you talk to people you give them blankets you just it's only going to cost you a couple bucks a week to buy some water and a blanket or just go and help somebody and that's that's what we we do you know even when we're on the road we're on the road more than we're home but we do everything we can even where we're at okay so you work with the lord and then what happens is is because of your separation you you pass your test in your character you've responded you see i i i don't know why we didn't have children i just know what the lord said i know that kathy and i we talked every year the 28 years we've been married every year we talked and asked each other what do you feel the lord saying do you want to have children and we just kept passing it off every year and yet what's in us we have more children now and we're ministering to more children and god's given us assignments where we're helping children and so i want to ask you something do you really really understand what the lord's heart is for you or have you misinterpreted through circumstances god has not stolen from you he has not kept anything from you this is what satan told eve he told her don't you know god god won't let you eat this because don't you know if you eat of it you'll be like him well it says in genesis 1 26 that god made man in his image that he was like them they were already like god do you get it this is the biggest lie so everything that has happened to you i'm serious i'm doing this this morning because i feel like something has just happened in florida i'm not kidding you and what i'm telling you is don't wait till you get to heaven to find out what i found out i'm telling you what the word of god says just take it don't wait until you go to heaven because you might not be able to come back and do it right so do it right now i'm telling you you're gonna find this out you're gonna find out that all the bad things that happened to you they were because of this broken world had nothing to do with god had nothing to do with him i'm serious he has separated himself from this fallen world and has chosen to reach out to people through a message a message of good news an act of the lord jesus christ and then a message of good news that is spoken through people a good news message spoken and that when people hear it and mix it with faith it is manifest and you've engaged the holy spirit by being a vocal gift and then the hearers engage the holy spirit by hearing and believing and then in turn through the process of maturing they get to the place where they're ambassadors and then they train and it continues on now the turnaround for you is not going to be where you expect it the turnaround may be a sign a kiss from heaven today that is a sign it might not be exactly the way you think it's going to happen initially but god will confirm his word with a sign and then from that point on you'll have signposts along the way as you walk yourself out of this you have to walk out of it you're the one that has the legs you're the one that has the will god has instructing you and the turnaround has occurred because the gospel message has been spoken to you now i'm waiting for the manifestation of the spirit because i don't even know how i'm standing and i'm looking at you all you're looking like you're looking so so controlled in an atmosphere of heaven it just it really does i i really ponder this all the time and how people can stay in their chair upright i don't know how i'm standing but i've learned how to do it i've learned how to do it but the power of god is so strong in this place i don't know why we don't have stadiums full of people i don't understand it not because of me but because this this message must be preached before the end comes according to jesus in in matthew 24 so if the spirit is saying certain things you should be able to in your heart grasp it by faith and allow it to start to explode inside of you and start to come forth and as rivers of living water that are issued with inside of you they're issuing out into eternal life it starts to come up and it should get a hold of your tongue because that's the rudder but i'm telling you god's will is not always done and it's not his fault and it's not always your fault i mean that there has been so many times in the scripture where the prophets said things and they did not happen but it was god's will and he they proclaim it because they have to they have to coach and tell that's true they have to proclaim it but it's it's it's because of god's righteousness that he informs his people now think about this this week i worked on two or three books and i got two of them published one right now is about to be published within the next hour or two i worked so hard i wrote a manual i wrote a course on worship on creative worship a book just this week and then i went to the simulator and i flew the approach into here six times in the worst weather you could imagine and then i chose two other runways directions because there's only two runways but you got four directions but you know the predictability is the way the wind blows with you being near the water it's predictable so i just chose the runways i studied everything about them i did the approaches i even did one with one hand in a storm at night until i mastered it until i touched down perfectly and taxi back because everything is exactly like it is in real life so taxi right after where i'm going to park shut it down and went home and you know what happened the next morning when i took off i got here and i asked for that runway and they said we're not using that one i said well why not you're clear to this runway i'm like i've got to go out over the beach and come back around this another 11 minutes and i'm thinking you're not paying for the fuel this is nice for you to say but see i had practiced and practiced everything except that one which it didn't matter but what i'm trying to tell you is i did everything and more so i'm telling you how many of you are doing this you're doing everything and more there's not a cloud in the sky there's not any f-18s upside down flying around so there's no problem with me using runway 17. straight in so i was 11 minutes late because i had to do something that was not what i agreed with okay but it was interesting that i told my staff pick me up at 10 30 i touched down at 10 33 i pulled up to the gate at 10 33 or the air so it's still exactly what i said but i would have been 11 minutes earlier than that well this happens all the time in the spirit you have discrepancies you have jostling you have war you know you your your drive to work is nine minutes but somebody was texting and ran into a poll and now you had to wait an extra hour well that's not your fault it went from nine minutes to an hour nine minutes and you're late okay that is not your fault it is your fault though if the lord said you know what i want you to take this route or i want you to wake up at six instead of seven and be on the road to where you're before it happened then this is where the problem is is we're not engaging the holy spirit in a situation so i found out that in heaven that my worth was not based on what happened to me it's how i dealt with it and how i deal with it is i go to the manual and i look at the truth and if it if what has happened to me doesn't match up with the truth then i declare that i have an enemy that is attacking me and i never i never i never let go of that loss until it's paid back ever ever so you know like like i know this because i saw children i saw children in heaven waiting for their parents so those those parents if i could find them i would tell them don't ever let go because you're you're going to see your child they're waiting for you yeah you did you you didn't lose them that's right and the lord let them stay at that age until you come why because he just wants to do that there are so many children in heaven in fact i saw in places that were places where i was there was more children than adults and jesus one one time he wouldn't even talk to me because he was wanted to play with the children he asked me you know can we talk later because i uh you know i'm doing this with the children i okay whatever doing this thing whatever that is it was playing they were playing treasure hunt and he chose them over me and so i've learned to choose children over me because i know how much he loves children but see i'm not going to let i'm not going to let a parent think that they lost something or someone you don't lose anything are you hearing me listen wouldn't you if somebody went to heaven legitimately went to heaven and they they saw some things wouldn't you want to know what it was to help you here i'm trying to help you here you don't lose anything you don't there are no losses all it's all kept there's records yes oh man i feel the glory the lord has brought you to this place and he's brought you this far because he wants to show his glory and the spirit of the lord is more than willing to take your hand right now and move you in to your next face your next phase of your life and the ways of glory are in this room to confirm the word of the lord right now everybody everybody lift your hands into the glory right now it's a sacred holy time right now the lord's will is for the fire to break out right now his will is for literally a historic revival to begin right now right now i'm telling you what you're feeling in this room is exactly what was on mount sinai and you know that i'm not this good so this is the lord the lord is just saying this what can i do for you what can i do for you how can i help you the lord says how can i help you move you in to your next step i want to do that he's you know the spirit is so willing right now father i just speak the fire the fire on all of us lord the glory of the living god and we just worship you father you are our great god and pass by us walk by us give us another chance to do it right visit us right now the spirit is so willing right now deliverance has come deliverance has come deliverance has come deliverances come let it go i'm telling you the devil lost the devil lost the lord told me the devil lost tell the people the devil lost in your life he lost he lost he lost he lost he lost he lost he lost he lost he lost he lost he lost the devil lost yeah yeah yeah yeah you're breaking up with him [Music] i'm just going to tell you what i saw i just had a vision i saw you go nose and nose with the devil and you didn't say a word to him he's freaked out you went nose to nose with it [Applause] and i heard the spirit of the lord say tell them they're beautiful tell the people they're beautiful i they tell the people that the father always smiles when he sees the glory of his presence on your face when you when the lord touches you and your face glows the father just wants you to know that that is you're so beautiful he sees you he sees you as his own he sees himself in you and you're beautiful when you smile and you let the glory come from your spirit you're beautiful i just can't tell you enough the lord just told me to tell the people that they're beautiful father lord we thank you that you're looking down upon each one of us in this room this morning and that lord that you're just so pleased with everything everything that you've poured out upon our lives from heaven above lord we thank you that not a single thing of our past will hold us back from our destiny lord we choose this morning to lay it down we choose this morning to drop it off we will not look back we will not think about it or talk about it any longer lord we know beyond a shot of a doubt that the destiny that you have in store for us you have called us you have called us with a purpose lord we are to go on the highways and byways and to go find the lost lord jesus just like you did when you left the 99 for the one we will be that we will be that we will go the north the south the east the west and we will find them lord fill us up with your presence holy spirit that we can go forward we thank you we thank you in jesus name in jesus name pastor gary amen amen amen amen amen hallelujah thank you jesus father god the spirit of the most high is now on you he has anointed you to preach the good news birthing into you in this hour is a holy fire father we open our hearts to receive that right now in jesus mighty name let the fire fall let the fire fall let your holy fire fall in this place consume our hearts consume our lives birth within us your glory and its fullness father the word spoken in this place this morning let them come to the fullness of your fruition father we yield to your will holy spirit speak clearly into our hearts this day but hmm i the lord am not finished will i have birth in this place seeds have been sitting dormant i call them to germination in this hour coming forth with a blade into the fruition that they were intended to come forward bring my seeds forth in this place in this hour you are my people take it forth take it forth to the nation take it forth to the nations of this world release my glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you father for your glory we release your glory we thank you for the reign of your glory we say let your glory reign in this place the glory rain your glory rain the glory rain the glory rain everything bows to your glory the glory of your name your glory rain your glory rain rains rains you rain lord your glory reigns your glory reigns the reign of your glory reigns the rain of your glory reigns the rain of your glory reigns you reign lord your glory reigns your glory reigns your glory reigns your glory the earth is full of the glory of the lord the whole earth is full of the glory of the lord the whole earth is full of the glory of the lord your glory reigns lord your glory your name your glory the glory of your name thank you father we give you the glory we give you the glory re-release the glory we release the glory we don't hold on to the glory we release it it flows we let it flow we release the glory hallelujah [Music] release the glory open your mouth release the glory open your mouth hole thank you father yes god you reign god [Applause] [Music] to face [Music] face to face face to face in the holy place face to face in the holy place face to face in the holy place here we are here we are now face to face here in the holy place [Music] oh here we are god here we are face to face face to face [Music] oh [Music] ooh [Music] your faithfulness has never let me down your faithfulness has never let me down your faithfulness has never let me down [Music] and your faithfulness has never let [Music] [Laughter] continues on generation degeneration your faithfulness [Music] never let me down never let me down your faithfulness [Music] you would say your past has never defined you only i have it's me in you your past hasn't defined you only me only being you your past hasn't defined you only i have it's me in you your past it hasn't defined you you're a righteous and holy one oh you were righteous and holy your past doesn't divide you only i do [Music] only i do your past can't define you it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what you've done you're found right here inside of me nothing else matters so this is your moment to let go [Music] of every past hindrance this is your moment to let go let go and be free and come face to face with me [Music] so i sing with confidence that your faithfulness never let me down your faithfulness [Music] knowing this is [Music] you never let me down [Applause] i can see your hand in every moment of my life my great defender my great protector you've never let me down you've never let me down [Music] see your truth gone cause you've been faithful [Music] so good so true so beautiful [Music] your favorite has never let me down [Music] this is my testimony isn't he good your faithfulness has never let me [Music] your down has never let me down and you the veil and you made a way that i could come closer and be face to face and you tore the veil and you made a way that i could come closer to be face to face and you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we could be face to face cause [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] face to face [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you made a way for me to come closer and be face to face [Music] so here we are face to face and here we are face to face nothing separating us from you and here we are face to face and here we are face to face and here we are face to face thus accelerating us yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] always meant to be this [Music] always meant to be this close to you [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh release the song release the sound release the sound of heaven release the sound release the sound release the sound of heaven release the sound release the sound release the sound of heaven release the sound release the sound release the sound of heaven release the sound release the sound release the sound of heaven release the sound release the sound release the sound of heaven [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hahaha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] see [Music] oh cause you tore the veil and you made a way for me to come closer if face to face and you told the veil and you made a way for me to come closer [Music] you made a way for me to come closer here face to face and you tore the veil you made [Music] for me to come closer here face to face [Music] has never let me down [Music] has never let me down [Music] never let me down [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes yes yes yes [Music] yes yes yes [Music] yes yes yes my four yes [Music] my focus is yours [Music] and even when my eyes can't see it i trust in you i believe it [Music] because you are faithful [Applause] [Music] and even when my eyes don't see it i will trust you i believe it cause you are faithful i'm not moved by my emotions i'm not moved by what i see in front of me i'm only moved by your spirit [Music] and i know if you said it i believe it cause always for your glory god all is for your glory god [Music] so i don't have to see it i don't have to see it i just trust him believe it if you said it then it's done if you said it then it's done oh i believe it even when it looks impossible i know you're gonna come and show up and show off like only you can do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] yes yes yes [Music] ah [Music] [Music] he's gonna show up and show off just for you so get ready he's gonna show up and show off just for you all for his glory we trusted we believe everything you've spoken so we just sit back and watch you show up and show off like only you can do cause i don't have to see it i just trust and believe it cause everything you do is good [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] yes [Music] [Music] this is just the beginning [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is just the beginning [Music] oh just the beginning [Music] just the beginning [Music] oh my [Music] hallelujah man that's good it it's like the bible says the goodness of god passes over us amen well we're going to transition um here if you are if your kid signed up for the simulator i think we have room even if they didn't we can work that out in the parents if we could have the kids and the parents or the family come forward [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 62,793
Rating: 4.9455705 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: arRW0vmYqNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 54sec (7254 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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