Developing Your Discernment - Kevin Zadai

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so i was sent tonight to speak about the sermon but when you when when you um talk about discernment you know everybody gets excited just like if you talk about angels or anything and anything supernatural but the thing of it is is uh what i'm learning is that i don't ask for something unless i really ex really i'm ready to receive it because i'm gonna get it and and um i'll remember somebody i used i used to like think this was ridiculous but i remember you would know who it was i uh it was a it was a guy that uh that was a rock star and uh he got saved and you would all know who it was and he he had some amazing music out but he was a you know a long long-haired rocker and um he started believing god and he wanted an airplane and he so he believed god for an airplane and he got one but then he couldn't afford to keep it and he couldn't even afford the hangar for it and he said you know he said this and i'm back this is back when i'm like in my 20s he said you know you've got to be careful because you might get it but you know it might not be god's timing for it and i thought that you know and then and then um i started having supernatural experiences and i started being held accountable for what was what i was given you know i was shown something and then you're like well my god what am i going to do with that lord you're my lord of my god but i don't know i don't know if i can handle what i was just shown and discernments like that are you ready to find out you may be low compromised or lukewarm or behind the learning curve or maybe you're like a month behind and i'm not talking about your rent i'm talking about your spiritual development because next month something is going to happen that's going to help someone else and there god has a plan for you to meet that person but if you're not ready if you if you haven't heard from the lord and you're not developed to a certain point you're going to blow it you're going to blow what god the opportunity now i know what i'm talking about i'm just believing that you're getting this that the supernatural power of god the resurrection means that means that the power that rose jesus from the dead is going to manifest and it's going to quicken your mortal body is what it says in romans so paul was talking about the same part of the rose jesus from the dead is dwelling in you and that that power will quicken your moral body well i i don't see how any kind of disease can live in that kind of an atmosphere okay so that must mean we're compromised the the the apostles they worked miracles they just they went around and preached good news and god confirmed the word that they spoke with signs and wonders falling god worked with them it says you know and you get you get into this uh these these different words to describe god and i don't hear them anymore i don't hear some of these power words and so i thought well lord what's going on and he said well you got to pray for wisdom which is understanding you can't just pray for knowledge because knowledge is something that you can spout off and talk about but do you are you able to apply it and this is what i'm finding about christianity is it was always about application and so we got people like james who was the pastor there in jerusalem he was really hard you know and i'm sure he offended people every week when he stood up and preached because he said you know quit talking about your faith and show me your faith you know that goes over well you need to talk about your tongue about how it's like your tongue can you know it could be on fire from the holy spirit and on fire from the flames of hell and that you can curse and bless and you can even curse those who are made in god's image other people you know he says all these things you know and it takes take care of the widows the orphans you know you know on and on we go if you read it you know it's not a popular book but yet but yet james was in the manifestation but we think it's manifestation like if you know i laid on the carpet for two hours you know because the power god hit me but see that that manifestation of that power was to be transferred into some sort of action and motivation and a change it should it should even go into your checkbook it should show your checkbook changing as well as your relationships and your your body well-being of your body your your mind but what happens is is when god starts moving if you've noticed i don't know if you picked up on it but when god starts to move in your life and he starts to move you along you'll start to see the demonic pop up to resist it and this makes people gun shy makes them want to back off when things don't work out right and it actually gets worse but this is why i wanted to go to hard environments and pray where i literally i mean i literally i don't want to i want to be careful what i say because i don't want people to get scared but i would pray in tongues in this city and things would start moving around in my room and people would start screaming and banging on the walls not my door the walls when i would go down to eat they would for no reason at all they would refuse to talk to me or even serve me and i'm not doing anything wrong and i'm not even in my uniform i just come down and i want to eat i've had the whole bar turn around say why don't you go away and i'm just standing there with the menu i haven't said a word so i you know maybe i thought well maybe my hair needs to be parted on the other side you know and the the whole the all the all the demonic that was behind the scenes was coming forth and they didn't want me here and i thought well you know what i'll just skip meal i'll fast i'll go back to my room and i'll pray this happened and i can name the cities where things like this would happen and i learned not to take it personally when people froze on me and i got too close to them talking to them and they froze and they went into a trance and the demon had taken hold of them so that i couldn't talk to them about the gospel because the demon thought i'm going to lose this body if he keeps talking to them because the power of god is going to manifest and that person is going to be broken and it happened all the time but there were times where demons that were in people would just cause them to go into a trance i'm like can i have my burger they refuse to they refuse to cooperate refuse to do anything and it would happen on the airplane it would happen everywhere i went for a while and then it got to the other place where people were the overboard on the other way and i learned that i am to set i am really literally to dictate the temperature amen and so i learned that a thermometer is not a thermostat a thermostat is where you go and you place a demand on what you want so you set it to where it is but if you set it back there to 68 and it's 74 in here everybody goes well it didn't work i go well it's going to because i place the demand on the thermostat the thermometer will eventually respond so you i'm hitting a lot of things here but this has been the problem with discernment with people they don't see that they are effective and that they have to continue to do the right thing in the midst of people that are doing the wrong thing and you need to stay effective by being hot being connected and being in the spirit and allowing the spirit to talk to you now i challenge you this i challenge you that to do this is that when you pray in the spirit just just know that things are not going to go immediately correctly because the first thing that people have been slowed down and the first thing that happens when they start to speed up and get on track is an old boyfriend will call or you know and i can just go on you know it's just amazing you i could just probably name everything that's happened to you it's literally literally strategic and it got to the place where i if i would pray in the spirit i knew my refrigerator was probably going to break the next morning when i woke up my tire was going to be flat and i have to be at the airport a certain amount of time so i started leaving an hour early because i was getting to the place where i i knew that the enemy was going to try to stop everything and i'm going to be faithful my job so everything worked against me to be on time but the thing that is is if you're late it costs you your whole week's pay so i was losing like eleven hundred dollars if i if i was more than a minute late and it doesn't take long for you to get smart but all hell would break loose against me to make me late and lose my week's pay and i couldn't make it up so i had to go back home and not work for a week and lose that week's pay and it was things that were being thrown in front of me and it wasn't it wasn't my fault it wasn't my wife's fault so i had to step it up and lip it up and so now i just tell everybody i just tell everybody listen we're going to be down here we're going to do it this time and then we're going at this this time we're gonna leave at this time the airplane the door is gonna shut and we're gonna take off well it's because i've had to do that deal with this all the whole you know you have to start to fortify it within people so james was absolutely correct by addressing the people the way he did because people even though they don't think that this is all spiritual it really is spiritual to be on time and it is spiritual to be able to pay your bills because god god wants to pay your bills he's not he's not holding back from you is my bottom line but it appears to be that way because the enemy is working against him it just happens that you're in the way god's purpose for the earth is that he picks people he raises people up and he pulls people down and there's so much corruption going on and and there's there's this this idea that god is in control he's not in control obviously he's not in control i mean has any anybody came out of their cave in the last two years god is not in control so you have to you have to if you have to step up a couple notches so that your discernment will start to work and that is is that the position we're in right now is because of negligence of the church and we should be spiritual giants at this time because everyone before us was so at the end of the age don't you think that we would be at a place where we would be the epitome the the cherry on top but it in what has happened is we have been under attack for many years and ministry as we know it even though you know your favorite person that ministers to you you're going to find out that they were ministering to your soul a lot of times and not to your spirit see because a spirit gives you truth people that minister to your soul just tell you what you want to hear but then it stunts your growth and you're behind so what happens is then when the next disease of the week comes are you going to be ready for it because there's got to be a origin and something behind that's masked and i'm not i'm trying to give you a demast but it's masked it's hidden and it needs to be revealed god will unmask it but what it's going to take is is you stepping on the plate and taking accountability that we aren't where we're supposed to be see and this is this this is amazing to me because i wanted people to preach to me like this i wanted to be trimmed and cut and slimmed down so that i i was ready for warfare okay so for instance just because somebody even in authority says that this isn't the way it is and what and as they're saying that behind them is exact that exact same thing that thing that they're saying doesn't exist is is right there behind them and i've done this i go what's that and this has happened so many times even with with pilots i i mean i used to fly by myself just to get all my licenses many many years ago used to come up in this area and stuff what happened i'm like i call it controller says do you see that they're like no i go well then get up and look out the window because if it's not on your radar you can see it what is that at coming at me what are all of those around me do you want to report no because then i'm going to get called in psychological evaluation okay but listen to me so i had other people with me i go hey before you call the controller because we can't go that direction with all those lights there i said just just tell me do you see those lights right there there's like 14 of them and they're moving like five to ten miles this way in that way like this and then stop it in front of me and go like this he goes yeah i see him he goes okay you call the controller no i mean because i'm tired of this because these things don't they don't exist all right okay they don't exist but why am i having to dodge them okay so i can go on with everything else i could get i could go you know all the are you the bottom line is is for the last two years people are like wondering what just happened okay but see the thing of it is if you really want to know can you handle it because you're gonna have to grow up you're gonna have to turn your diapers in and your baby bottle it i guarantee it if you knew if you knew you'd have to you'd have to grow up it's the same thing do you really want to know what those lights were if you do if you do can you handle the truth about what they are because it will change everything it's just like anything else it's just it's just like when you find out how amazing your body is on its own and that it's actually hard to kill a human being and that they they have to develop ways to kill human beings in order to kill them you can't just do it people don't don't die very easily so there has to be some sort of manipulation going on i can't say all those things it'll raise the algorithms and i'll be off so i got up talking code but what i'm saying is that when i when i passed away on the operating table and i i saw jesus i was standing before the the the rep he was the exact image of god he was the word of god there was nothing but truth coming out of his mouth he quoted himself for 45 minutes to me the red letters of the bible explaining step by step but as he's doing that the holy spirit is showing me all the the depth of the wisdom of god for each thing that jesus was saying and as he's saying that i'm like i had no more questions about dinosaurs and aliens i had no more questions and i realized my god i am glad i'm not going back to that earth because all the questions that i had for i don't i can't explain it to you because it would be volumes and volumes of information all i know is in a glimpse i saw that most conspiracy theories were true now i've never said that publicly that i know but i'm telling you in a glimpse i saw the dark side of what's operating behind the scenes just in a glimpse it was like volumes just poof like that and then it's gone i go well you know what we're done and it's like i turned around and said to the earth good luck [Laughter] now i'm being honest with you i did not want to come back i i knew i wasn't coming back because there's no way that god would send me back after showing me what he did in a glimpse okay well here i am and it's interesting that he got me in touch with with different individuals over the next 28 years now and i've been able to talk to people that you would never get to talk to and i've been able to discuss things and they go well you know what i can't tell you that but here's a book that you can read and um this will help you and it'll keep us both alive like what oh yeah yeah this person this person is i go okay and he started to steer me and then the holy spirit started steering me and i started finding the answers and as i found answers is i thought you know what the the problem the problem we have here is a disconnect with people they they desire god they desire to experience them in in this realm but there's a disconnect because there's not an understanding of the spirit realm and i know what it is now i get i i get a lot of harassment when i start talking about the devils and it's from the pharisees and i know that's how i know if i'm hitting that hitting a nerve and i know what devils are present is when the religious devils the they they want to shut you up like they want to shut jesus up because they do not you know the whole thing about in the intelligence field is that you do it without being detected and if you are detected you have to give enough information to send them off on a rabbit trail you have to give them enough right information to send all those christians off on a trail and so what you have is you have disinformation officers that are part of the disinformation campaign that are giving out intelligence but it's not all correct and in any group anybody you watch i'm telling you and i try to warn ministers i go one one of those guys is a judas i said he's in the intelligence field he's he's implanted he's he's planted it and and he's he's given false information get the car ready ryan we're going to have to get out of here i can't believe i'm telling you this and i've warned people you've got four people in that panel one of them is is intelligence you know i won't say the acronym but you can just guess it which means that they're giving out information it's like okay so then what do we do it's like well they're going to do this this and this and then it doesn't happen but everybody goes like that while that's happening this is happening over here and it's all because of a lack of discernment to know that if somebody's sitting there telling you stuff is it true or not okay when i encountered jesus i encountered the truth he was he's the embodiment of truth he is the person the head of the universe everything was created by him he doesn't joke because he might he will get it if he says something he can't joke he only speaks the truth because he gets everything he says except in the new covenant in the new testament it's all based on faith so it's it's conditional so you can get all the information but if you don't do anything with it nothing happens with that information because it doesn't manifest and so what has happened to us we've been lulled to sleep god sent us apostles prophets pastors teacher evangelists and some crazy people too which are not for the part of the fightful and and they speak by the spirit and what happens is we're like oh my gosh and and oh can you believe they they picked me out and they gave me a word and it's like well i can't wait for that to happen it's like whoa what did you just say you can't wait for it to happen well and then it's like i hope it will happen okay well paul said to timothy he said you know those prophecies you received he says you gotta you gotta wage war with those prophecies well if they were in stone given by a prophet then why did paul say you have to take them and wage war with them and why did he tell him you know hey i also i laid on your hands on you and a gift was given to you you better fan that into flame well if it was given by an apostle well why would it need fanned in the flame again it was a gift laid off by the laying of hands by paul and he prophesied over timothy so why would he tell them to take those words and and speak them out and wage war with them against the devil why would he say that if it's in stone see god is not in control you have to do something with that word because it's conditional it's based in the new testament on faith you have to mix faith with what a prophet says or an apostle or a pastor teacher evangelist it's the same thing with the gifts if you don't fan them in the flames they stay a hot coal and then they start to sizzle out because why would paul tell timothy to do that okay so be careful about what you see in here jesus warned about being beings uh seers and hearers of the word and doers too but he said be careful and i realized that paul prayed to the ephesians that is the in the book of acts they were the headquarters for witchcraft and they they turned in all their their spell books when they repented in ephesus and you can see in the book of acts okay so you take what he said to and this is in ephesus so he take what paul wrote to the ephesians and you have to remember that that was the same ephesus that's in acts that there was like 50 000 dollars worth of spell books or whatever at the time i don't know what it would be under this administration's inflation millions you know but my point is that paul said in ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 he said i pray that you would have a spirit of wisdom and revelation that god would flood your spirit with light that you would know these things and there were three things that he said he said that he said i pray that your your eyes will be opened that you'll be flooded with light that you may know the hope to which you've been called okay that's the first problem with what we're going through is people don't know the hope to which they've been called the second thing they don't know is is that they would know the inheritance that's in the saints what we've inherited we don't know what we've got through jesus christ number two and number three is is that they would know the power that rose jesus from the dead that they would know that power now this is the gospel that paul learned from jesus christ because he was caught up and jesus taught him he said no man taught me so paul had that experience of being caught up and then he he taught the deep mysteries of christ he talked about these things and he said that no eye has seen and no ear has heard what god has for those who love him but we have it through the spirit the spirit searches all things even the deep things of god and he goes into this thing about spiritual people have discernment or they can make judgments the word there is discernment they can judge and they can discern all things but they themselves are not subject to any man's judgment it's talking about a carnal man because if you keep reading down through there to the end of chapter 2 of first corinthians you realize that he's talking about the fact that that people who don't have the holy spirit can't know the holy spirit they don't even believe in them and those people cannot judge you you're not subject to their judgment because they're not spiritual now he's saying that spiritual people can make judgments of all things so if i were the enemy i would come against spiritual people and say oh you're so spiritually minor no earthly good and i would make fun of you if i was the enemy and make you feel bad for thinking that you are seated with christ in the heavenly realms far above all rule and authority and power dominion as it says in ephesians chapter 2 verse 6. if you think i am spooled up i'm not even getting there yet i've got one engine started i am i'm telling you this is what paul prayed for those who were in witchcraft they were very very keen to the spirit realm but they did not have the spiritual understanding because they were in deception and that's why even paul when that woman followed him around when he went to the city they said oh you got to listen to these men they're going to tell you the way to salvation well that demon that familiar spirit was hiding because he knew that he was going to get cast out if paul saw in to her that that demon was going to lose that girl and that demon controlled the whole city so what it thought it'll do and i'm just trying to show you how they work they will they go we'll go ahead and just piggyback and say oh you got to listen to these guys hoping that they do their thing and leave affirming that the same spirit of divination that lady had that spirit of divination they paid they paid great money to have her tell their fortune so that demon sided with paul promoting paul so that he could kind of get away with it and not get cast out but what it did was it it misinformed all the people that the same spirit that paul was preaching is the same spirit that's in this woman do you get it so paul all of a sudden god there's something wrong and about the third day he turned around and he said come out of her and the thing left but up until that point people didn't discern that it was a different spirit do you get it okay okay good that was my introduction so here we go all right here we go to my nose all right developing your spiritual discernment okay i've already discussed with you these things that i have written here so let's just go um the sermon in webster's is a is a is a ability to distinguish so miriam webster says this he said that you can distinguish between truth and falsehood you can discern between two things uh there's a acuteness of judgment or perceiving differences of things or ideas and their relations intensities the heirs of the youth often proceed from their need of discernment for us to talk about youth okay so there is a gift to the spirit of course that's mentioned in in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 10. and i only say this because i'm not talking about that gift tonight i'm talking about every christian should have discernment i'm not talking about the gift of discerning of spirits which means that you can tell if something is of the devil or something is of god the discerning of spirits is it is it a good spirit or a bad spirit and people that have that gift can just nail it like right away with paul it took three days and that was because as a christian it it takes a little bit of time until you discern it but if he had the gift operating in him he would have known it right away because the gift is operating so that is in chapter 12 verse 10 um separate two and this is this this gift of discerning of spirits is one of the nine gifts and it says that the spirit gives these gifts severally as he wills to individuals so we don't have anything to do with it prior you know even though there's been some false teaching out there the bible says that the spirit determines who gets these gifts and it's severally so you can have two or three of these as he wills same with apostle prophet pastor teacher and evangelist it's obvious that these people some of them are not because they they have to manifest the gifts the gift of that of that calling from god because it says god sets in the church some to be and there's going to be fruit of that but see as far as a believer everyone is responsible to have discernment because they're spiritual so paul doesn't talk in 1st corinthians chapter 2 about spiritual gifts he talks about those who are christians are spiritual already and that they can make judgments about all things but they themselves are not subject to any man's judgment that should read talking referring back to the carnal person the world because every christian has discernment and if you check it out what he's talking about is being able to divide rightly divide and discern so like it doesn't give you a spiritual person doesn't judge another christian in the wrong way they discern if something is operating through a person whether it be a christian or not like like jesus he's training the twelve and he discerns that peter said something when when asked who who does who do people say that i am he's baiting them and they said well some say john the baptist some say elijah you know some say that christ peter what who do you say that i am so he's he said he's setting it up he's picking on peter so he says well thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus immediately discerns and he divides it and judges that and says okay peter what you have said is true but you didn't receive that from man or yourself that was given to you by my father okay for him to discern that jesus is the messiah it's a big deal as you can see that the people he was sent to kill him but then the next day just flip your page over one page jesus says you know i got i've been holding back on y'all i'm going to jerusalem and i'm going to be handed over and i'm going to be crucified and peter speaks up because see he has plans for jesus and so does judas that he's going to set himself up as king of israel and push rome out and so when jesus said that it ruined their preconceived ideas they're on really realistic expectations of what jesus was planning to do barabbas has already tried doing it and failed to to do a coup so he's in jail many people were crucified i mean even the time of jesus there were people crucified along the streets there by the roman government just check it out you gotta just read history there's people that lived during that time that weren't christians that wrote just you know and they weren't like the chinese news network today they were they were just people that actually did just write what they've observed imagine that i know that's foreign to you all they just reported the facts you know okay so when peter said that what he was saying in his own in his own heart was is that he there was this thing because the zealots were there were two at least two on the staff of jesus on his staff were two zealots and judas was one of them if you do your research but then there was sign there was a simon zealot also that was already mentioned but these guys were actually assassins that they would carry a knife around and they would kill roman soldiers when they could isolate them they were secretly trying to get rid of the roman government one by one and their idea was is that the messiah was going to be a king that would physically come and do this so they didn't have this idea like we have a being born again and the blood of jesus and all that that's all from paul see we wouldn't know this if it wasn't for the apostle paul we think we could by reading the gospels but you don't gain a lot of that except in john you gain some theology there but most of it's just encounters with jesus where they wrote the journal of what he said and he went here and he went there and and he it's it's a it's a good it's a good uh copy of what he said but the the theology the understanding of of what's going on came from paul okay so when peter said this immediately jesus stopped him and said get behind me satan and he's staring right at peter and peter is already a wreck and you so you can imagine if he didn't take his medication that day he's he's trashed now now jesus is calling him satan and jesus is never wrong but yesterday he got like a gold star on his forehead for what he said don't think about it this sums up our lives a lot of times okay so there's got to be a change somehow and what happened with peter was is that he's jesus said this was this was not this this is satan get behind me you have in things in mind the things of man not the things of god okay things of man not the things of god okay so just hold right there and try not to move off of this and think about this when a person speaks what spirit were they speaking from because it's so important because it propels you in a direction and if it wasn't for jesus correcting him then everyone that was listening around him would have thought something else okay just like with paul if he hadn't corrected and addressed that woman who was known to be a witch in this city who could tell the future and fortune all that if he hadn't addressed that to all the crowd and they were so mad they they put they they they punished paul for they lost all that money they wanted him out of the city right because she lost her powers right can i go on or do we need to go back over it okay because it's very important because what's going to happen next in this country there's there is a a move of god that has already started two years ago when when this whole file thing started in january it started that's why it started is because in january it the move of god that this last move of god had started it is way it is more than waist deep now and you're focusing on which bowl of wrath is going to be dumped next which seal is going to be broken in heaven you know is a dragon can come out of the water you know is well we know who isn't the antichrist because he can't even go upstairs to his airplane so we know it's not him but who's behind him well we know who's behind him as a former president okay so said enough back out nice and easily so we can stay on the line there are we still on well this is a miracle okay so now what i just said is because of discernment but you gotta you gotta realize i'm listening to what's being said and i've heard this before and so i went back to all the executive orders of all the presidents the whole way back to the people i could name that even played saxophones and no one voted for him for him twice but he got in both times but he plays the saxophone and okay so you you read the all these executive orders and you go back and you go back and you find out this whole thing has been planned from the beginning and it was all being set up and then all of a sudden the party was spoiled and it was a shocker like you got to be kidding me and everybody's surprised even even cnn so they just said this will not happen the next time and so there you have it is there anything else you want me to ask me okay so discernment is looking past what you what is in front of you and seeing what's behind that's really manipulating everything and i guarantee you if something's drawn in your attention that is not it if something is being drawn you away it's not it what you got to look at is the people that are leaving the room as you're looking this way it's just like with the markets the people that move the markets all the financial people you got to watch when they go when they're going out and they're not in anymore well they they know something you don't know because you'll never know because the whole thing is rigged not in your favor you know that the city is rigged but it's not in your favor but it captures you and fascinates you but see i know things that are more predictable like i could get like you you wouldn't believe in heaven you all probably will watch this but that young man that got the saxophone and the kid and all the all the ladies they got the guitars you watch what happens in heaven because you have no idea what those six strings on that guitar could do through a child and the reward that that warrior knows has for that in heaven you're probably going to see it see that's a guarantee you do something for somebody that can't pay you back and it's a guarantee you're going to get a return a guarantee because god has to pay you back so what you do is you do things that are predictable like when jesus said give and it shall be given to you press down he said lay hands on the sick and they shall recover it doesn't say they might except for if it's the new variant is it you know are we on echo or or foxtrot now or golf or hillary well who's it going to be next you know just like the next hurricane you speak that word and it's coming it's what what do you want this comes to your home but if you don't speak that name and you don't call it in why do you think they name the storms because there's something behind it come on don't let me get into the statistics to prove you to prove to you that these things are planned what happened when job got bragged on by god and when god said you know what because see god had confidence in job but immediately when satan was was given uh permission to you got to look at how he came to him how satan came to job and then you're going to figure out your whole life you look at the ways that he came he came through a tornado he came through the sabians all the enemies around him he came through boils and sickness and he came through job's wife someone very close to him said curse god and die so so that's how this can come it's going to be the person closest to you it's going to be the enemies around you it's going to be the next storm that they name in the gulf and it's going to be sickness on your skin to where you're scratching it with your boils with a think about this all because god bragged on job have you considered my servant job and and nobody finishes it because it has to do with prosperity so we can't mention prosperity in church so we can't mention that he got double back for everything that can't mention that because that's prosperity well i call recopence i call it making the devil sorry that he even touched job that's what i call it you know but okay so okay so you have these four things so know what you have to look for and this is why you just get you know you get your sniper rifle out you get four rounds a 50 caliber and you just look you wait for the sabians to come you you wait you wait for the sickness to come and you just take it out see you take it out but these these are these 50 calibers they're coming from your tongue it's your rudder you listen you'll find out that the reason that the storms are named is because that gives them power and when people start talking about this and that then i'm saying well you're not welcome anywhere near my house period that's it it's the same way with your bank account and with your relatives psalms 91 is still true you shall see it from a distance but it shall not come near you a thousand will fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you period that's that's psalms 91 that is the word of god that is where we should be living in the in the secret place of the most high but we're not so we're in a broken world we have things happen so what we have to do is we have to become ready to face anything in a broken world and and here's here's here's where why we we're uh we're having problems is we don't know how to process trouble we don't know how to process problems we're not we're not problem solvers it hurts us it shocks us that someone would say that you love would say something so terrible or do something so terrible to you it shocks you that you would get sick with a disease that you know is from hell it it it instead of dealing with it and saying listen i am never giving up i'm not going to die of this devil's disease and you fight you fight to the very end but what if i told you if you discerned the times and the seasons that we're in what if you knew that there are ways to boost your immune system and that your immune system is made to fight okay and and help you and that these diseases only prey on the weak and so my doctor who doesn't even believe like i do he told me that god made our body to fight and he said the first sign the first sign that your immune system is being weakened by your job kevin being on that tube with 150 people every hour different people that have something coughing and hacking he said you never get sick because your immune system is strong but he said i noticed that you're starting to have allergies you're starting to have problems with your sinuses and your ears he said that is the first sign that your immune system is being weakened you're having headaches you're having sinus headaches you're having inflammation he says your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong and he said there's all these stages he said at the end you will die of cancer or something else but it will take years but you you just don't die of cancer it it's it's something that chips away at your immune system first because your body fights it and he started talking about all these things and then i started thinking well then can't the lord just tell us ahead of time listen we shouldn't be eating that we shouldn't be drinking this and then just like switch off of it and then you you don't know it but you live longer and you don't know why but it was because something was wrong and the lord was trying to tell you this is discernment this is discerning the sons of issachar in the bible the tribe of issachar it says that the sons of issachar were anointed to know and interpret the times and seasons of the lord well did you know that that gemstone is that gemstone is listed because it's on the breastplate of the priest right right 12 stones did you know it's also listed in the 12 layers in the city okay that stone is in there but did you know that there are only nine stones listed in in satan's breastplate it lists this all the gemstones that were in him there's only nine issachar is not there and there's two others that aren't there either but i'll wait until i come back to tell you that i want to make a point here this is car interpreted the times and the seasons of the lord god purposely did not give satan hallel to the cherub he did not give him that ability so he doesn't know wow he has to push his position to push the timeline does everybody follow it so he has to get hijack you to call it in he has to hijack people to call it in so if someone speaks the truth they have to muffle that they have to stop that if someone starts exposing what's behind the puppets the real thing that's going on you could see how fast they get rid of that person so fast that they have to they have to do the amazing things that have happened they're not really amazing but they're they are profound but that's how important it is for satan to push his timeline because he doesn't know i'll prove it to you pharaoh got wind that there was a deliverer so he ordered all the babies within a certain certain date for two or three years to be killed but he didn't get moses he ended up having to foot the bill to raise him okay but satan didn't know the devil in in pharaoh didn't know didn't discern who who it was so he he had to kill all the babies okay it happened again at jesus time the magi the magicians they told herod that we've come because the messiah was born we're following the star they said whenever you find him please come back and tell me where he is so i can worship him too yeah right so two or three years another two or three years of of a clip they had to get rid of all the babies herod had to get rich because he didn't know the devil didn't know who it was or exactly what year but he knew because of listening to prophecy and all the things that were going on he could he could figure out there was a certain amount of time but listen he missed it again jesus took his parents to egypt and they spent the goal of frankincense and myrrh for two years down there they lived down there hiding now if jesus is the son of god why did he not just kill herod why didn't god just kill herod well he did die in the book of acts but it wasn't even the same herod from what i'm told but what do i know all i know is that satan couldn't kill baby jesus because he didn't know the times and the seasons close enough to nail the target okay so jesus said that when this time comes where israel is recognized he said this generation will not pass away until the coming of the lord okay when when that was announced and then 1948 came and then you have the 67 war then he's thinking okay this is it so i'm going to kill that means that the john the baptist generation the spirit of elijah that jesus talked about about that the one the one crying in the wilderness there was going to be a generation that would usher in the coming of the lord he figured this is it so he legalized the killing of babies to get rid of them all in the womb is there anybody listening because of israel okay you have to discern this do you discern this do you discern what's going on okay so it's always been about it's always been about the offspring and the genetics it's always been about the blood it's always been about the womb and the handoff to another generation okay so we know now that he's after the the womb so that's what that's what's happened so you you have justice that must come forth okay so we have people that were in the government and i can name it everything will be switched off but you can you can imagine the highest court in the land uh the attorney general they did nothing they did nothing about what's going on in the womb they did nothing about all of the corruption even though the investigation shows and then you can go look it up yourself and look at the rap sheet of these people they work for the intelligence field your attorney general not here but you know the big one yeah look it up on wikipedia he worked for for the for the cia from from 73 to 78. am i still on okay so this guy this guy was never going to come out with it he christmas eve he just bails he can't deliver what he knows because he's told this is what you do you walk away and that's what happened with everything everybody just kind of walks away because they're told here's a picture of your daughter here's a picture of your mom at the grocery store we know exactly do you do you love these people well then you're not going to talk anymore come on now okay this is the way it was in jesus time everybody was being strong armed by rome jesus would go around and he never spoke against rome he just ministered to people and he didn't even want to deal with the pharisees the religious people that the the you know the religious organization of the day that he came back for they rejected him so he just went out there and ministered to people and loved on him he laid hands on the sick even if they came within six feet of them he still laid hands he prayed for them okay so this is true jesus had healing power in his hands but he told us he said oh no he said you're going to do this too and you're going to even do greater things those who believe in me will do greater things okay so i can't back off the message even if not everyone gets healed if people die i can't back off of the good news because jesus preached good news he went around doing good and healing everyone was impressed the devil he told us to do that too even if we're if we're the last people on the earth and that i'm not then we're going to continue with this message anyway it doesn't matter when i met him when i met jesus he he has the ability to make you feel like you're the most important person to him when he talks he empowers you i was so loved i thought why would i want to go back to this earth because those people down there they haven't gotten the email that i'm i'm the favorite because i felt i was a favorite i'm serious i was the favorite i came back and nobody got an email so i was like hey you need to check your email is it like is it is it in your spam folder because no nobody treats you down here like who you are they people are just gonna treat you the way they're treated and if they're hurt they're going to hurt people and hurt people hurt people and if you're damaged you know it's like you you want to rescue an animal and it's you know it thinks you're the enemy so it's going to try to protect itself to the very last breath but you're just trying to help it and it takes a while for an animal to figure it out that these silly humans are actually pretty nice you know some of them like like they like animals you know so it's the same way with us we get to where we don't want to trust anybody anymore and we we have to have discernment to know that you know our value was based in heaven our value was based in heaven when we were written about about all the amazing things that we were going to implement in this realm in this life at this time because it says in the book of acts in chapter 1 jesus said listen he said it's not for you to know the times and the seasons which are only the father knows and he said he's he said but you shall receive power from on high when the holy spirit comes so way here in jerusalem he he's he summed up where we're supposed to be right now everybody's want to know the times in the seasons but it says that those things are reserved for the father but you shall receive power so in the same breath he gives us what we're supposed to be doing we're supposed to have received power from on high and be witnesses not witness we are witnesses we don't go out and witness we are witnesses wherever we go we carry that with us so think about this why is it why is it that i can be on an airplane for 30 years and not catch anything and now i got to stay six feet from somebody when i've gotten i mean i've had everything come at me but it wasn't it wasn't what you think it was the fact that i allowed my environment to be the environment of the bible and i practiced what i believed i practiced my faith by helping people praying and meditating on the word of god and that became my reality and i do things in faith that may not happen for a year but i do things because i'm living in it now i have the title deed faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence the title deed of what is not seen i see it i have it and it's interesting because i told my wife over two years ago when i had that dream that i was sitting in our own jet and it was the the leather was brand new it was so strong it could hardly stand it when i got out of that dream i walked down and i filled the house and i told my wife i go do you smell that that leather in the dream came back with me and i said i can tell you what the interior looks like it was a brand new and i was i could tell you everything about it and you know tomorrow when i get on the jet the smell is just as strong as it was in a dream you get it well did john when john in the book of revelation when he was on the al patmos and jesus came and said i want to show you some things and jesus had said to the disciples because they were fighting okay who's gonna sit where in the kingdom and what about him and he goes what is it if he's still alive when i come back right well jesus wouldn't lie and why did he say that it's because john did see him come back john saw the white horse he wrote about it that was not a movie that was not netflix he didn't pay the 399 and just watch it that was a he was actually in the future and it was now and he saw jesus come back just like jesus said well what is it if he sees me when i come back so there was no difference prophecy prophecy is being shown the intention of god and taken to the future okay but what about the seven churches well they didn't make it but did jesus warn them did he try to help them did he write letters to them were the pastors did they repent there was a couple that they did they were they were he says just hang on till i come but i think five of them weren't doing too well right okay so even in the lord visiting and taking john to the future fulfilling what he told the disciples even at that point it still wasn't enough to save seven churches okay it still wasn't enough to change the routing of what he was warning them about it happened anyway he goes if you don't do this but he listen he who has ears to hear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the seven churches right he said it every time that he talked to one of them are you following me now what discernment is yes i believe that jesus christ is speaking to everyone in this room right now and the 400 other people that didn't show up he's speaking to them and saying something to them saying to you he's trying to get something across to you but if you do not hear it you cannot operate it and this is the biggest thing that's going on in my spirit right now is matthew 13. it is my favorite verse which i have four thousand of them but tonight this is my favorite passage is is because it says there that i want to tell you a parable and it's the parable of the soils but they call it the peril of the sower but the sower is only mentioned in one sentence and the seed is only mentioned in one sentence but there's paragraphs about the soils so it's a parable of the soils because that's all he talks about that's the seed is not money it's a word and the sower is the farmer he's the sows that's what the sower does so so the sower sows the word right okay how could we mess that up but what we do okay but the four soils are mentioned the four soils are men's hearts it's the condition of men's heart but only one of them was able to produce a crop but then even that one there was divisions of 30 60 and 100 full return it wasn't consistently one hundred percent of what was sewn in it's not even a hundred percent hundred full excuse me which is exponential so you know anything above like 10 to the 87th is ludicrous anything over 10 to the 50th power is ludicrous it's it's just the odds are unheard of but 100 fold 10 to the 100th okay so you got a quarter one-fourth of this group according to the parable that actually will produce a crop from tonight's now i know there's going to be a better return than that however but it had it has to do not with your faith it has to do with your the ability of your heart to receive the word to where it goes down and takes root and produces a crop and then out of that production it only a certain amount will get a hundred fold from what they planted right does everybody follow what i just said so this is this is not based on faith because a farmer does not have to have faith he just plants the seed that he wants to receive a crop from he puts that in the soil he makes sure the soil is ready to receive the seed so he makes sure it's soft that it's well well moistened that it's not hard he gets rid of all the rock i know i did this for i worked on a farm growing up that's why i'm not afraid to work that's why i work 90 hours a week now it's because i'm not afraid of work but we used to have to go through and get all those rocks out and any thorns thistles anything else that was foreign any kind of weed that was in there it had to be removed because when when the wheat came up there was this thing called tears that looked like wheat and you couldn't tell the difference until it was time for it to come to seed in fruition the tares wouldn't come and and come to fruition they were fake just like a lot of people these days but see they look okay but they never come to fruition it's the same way with the sheeps and the goats you closer inspection with your discernment it's like you're not you're not a sheep you're a goat and you'll if you want to know a person that's a goat as soon as you go in any direction just look what happened with jesus they put their feet in and resist where a lamb just submits will follow you you can pick them up go they're going to do the exact opposite of what you want and plant their feet and resist you even if you're you're helping them what about the 10 virgins you got five wise five unwise they're all virgins they all like save themselves for their their husband so jesus is the husband he comes back five of them aren't ready but they all were saving themselves they and listen they all fell asleep they were all asleep did you notice that in the they were all asleep but when they woke up five of them had gotten ready even though they had been lulled asleep during the waiting process they had preemptively gotten oil and their wick prepared so that when it was time to light them they were ready and then when the others one said can i borrow some of your oil they said no and even with one day delivery on amazon it's not going to be in time so they're all in trouble the goats are in trouble the tares are in trouble okay you get my point okay so there is discernment that is needed now evil spirits they operate under secrecy they do not want you to know their mode of operation this is the way it is in the intelligence field and in my my friends who are special forces they they they succeeded if things were blowing up and they were halfway back here again and they were never recognized they succeeded if they were out of the country when things started blowing up they didn't even know they were there they're on their way back and they could never tell they were taking care of business in other parts of the world fighting for people's rights in different fields that i can't mention but if they got revealed they're done so demons don't want you to know how they operate they don't want you to even believe in them and they love it when christians don't believe in them and they love it when you still celebrate halloween anyway they they love these things when you you sing songs in church and you talk about god but you don't talk to god you don't worship him intimately you talk about him you talk about how it used to be and you just want a cabin on the edge of glory you know it's like it's like talking talking about someone and they're standing right beside you this is this this is what's what demons love they love it when you talk about how it used to be but you don't have anything fresh that just happened this morning they they love it when they can shut you down and you don't have an experience okay this is this is this is a truth that you think you want well i'm telling you you've got to turn the tables on him so you have to have the ability to see his operations and know what he's doing now there is no one else is going to fix this except jesus christ through his body i mean like right now where we're in you know what okay i would i would if i were you i'd just turn yourself in right now and say you know what we messed up and i'm going to take full responsibility for it it was the church's fault it's not god's fault just so you know when you get to heaven it'll never be god's fault and if you march there and you just tell the angels that are there to to let you into the throne room and you say you know i'm going to give him a piece of my mind you know i believed that i was healed and i didn't get healed and you know that that crazy guy that got in office he stole the whole thing you're not going to get very far they're going to say i wouldn't say nothing because you're going to realize that god is never wrong he's never going to be wrong so what i do is i take information i take all the data and then you can take the data and you can extrapolate out the trend and you can see where it's going okay so what you have to do is you have to realize that this is where it's going so you go there before the enemy gets there because you're a spiritual person and in the spirit there is no time and i'm going to go and i'm going to mess it up in the spirit by praying i'm going to go there i'm going to mess it up is there anybody listening to me this is faith there is no timeline in heaven it's it's a big circle and god is in the middle of it no matter where you go and you look god is there because you're looking right into the center and it's always been that way and it's always going to be that way and he's never going to ask you for your advice or your opinion ever he's got to set up the way he wants it and this is his plan he has already revealed his plan to us by by the apostle paul already told us the plan for the ages and how in ages past it was hidden he said but now it's been made known to even the hierarchy in the dark spirits of darkness in the heavenly realms it's been revealed and they've been made a show of openly he's saying this to you he's writing to a church but he's he's saying it's all of us that the mystery has been revealed there are no more secrets right and isn't it funny like how somebody gets up in it and they preach the gospel it's like some new doctrine that is scary because all i'm doing is what my forefathers preached and for years when i didn't think i was going to ever be anything i would watch these people thinking you know what i don't care if i ever get a microphone i just want to walk like enoch did and i don't care if i ever get recognized i don't care if i do a book or anything i don't care what i care about is did i please him and did i walk like people that have already walked before me and when i got to heaven i realized that there's people up there that are rooting us on they're cheering us on because they did their part but they want us to do our part because they laid the foundation but we get to ornament it we get to put on all the touches the finishing touches all the the fine tapestry and everything that at the end of the age we've been chosen to do this this is the glorious mystery that's been revealed by paul just read it read colossians in ephesians and you'll see you'll actually hear what you just heard again because it's become part of me and i don't need my notes but what happened was i started to see in the spirit and i started to love people more i hated i started hating the enemy more i started to see that okay if he's after the children then that's who i'm gonna i'm gonna bless i'm going to help whoever i can help whatever whatever way i can no one was there to help me no one encouraged me as a kid i started working i started working at 12 years old i picked apples after school couldn't even afford a bike i walked i bailed hay for three dollars an hour in the july heat i bought i had to buy my own car because my dad said you're not you're not getting a car until you pay for it yourself so i was 19 when i got a car i paid for my college i had to go i had to go with no money at the end you heard my story at the end of my junior senior year i owed so much money they were going to kick me out some man got my name in prayer called the college and said is there somebody by this last name i want to pay their school bill off and they pretty much told me you're gonna need an act of congress that's so big you know but they paid he paid it off okay but i always learned i always learned that i got to do something or it's not going to be done okay so now i'm done with my introduction i i want to talk to you about this the spirit of god is always wanting to speak and he's always wanting to help and the correction that comes is is favorable in this sense that there's a lot of things that are intermixed in with what what is good in our life and it's not known until you touch the real and so today as as i was i was thinking about about talking tonight i remember i remember experiencing things where i've experienced quality and i've never experienced quality i was just used to buying the cheapest thing and then it broke in a week and you just bought another one when kmart had the blue light special again you know or whatever you know and then you just did without i could run faster than some people could ride a bike you know and i was a runner so it wasn't like i had to have this or i had to have this i didn't have but it came to the place where the spirit of god started to show me some things about my poverty mentality and what it was was i thought no no you think okay you're being humble you think you're being humble and holy by saying you know that's all right god you know i'll walk i'll even walk backwards but see jesus wouldn't you know he walked to jerusalem from capernaum which was his headquarters but you know when when ryan and we took a we had our own buses with when we took tours and you know we we were assigned to each of us a bus a minister was and um so my bus went the whole way up there and it was two and a half hours air conditioning and a meal and when we got there i got to go right into the synagogue i was standing on the floor where jesus taught in a synagogue he stood up weekly and taught and i got to see where peter and pete and you know everybody lived and jesus lived there and it struck me that that i it the lady said well you know jesus would have to go to jerusalem at certain times of the year for the feasts and everything and then he would show up and teach and he wasn't always there he was up here a lot he loved capernaum he loved to see a galley is right there and so we went on the boat and the power of god just just it was amazing how the power of god i got asked to preach on that on those boat the boat out in the sea there and the power guy was so strong people were falling everybody was out on the ship just falling down except the driver the power of god was so strong people started dancing on the boat and i heard the lord say to me he goes i walked on this water but you're dancing on this water and i started realizing my god jesus was actually here and he actually did that and he just spoke to me and said the whole boat was dancing and then they were all falling out we were all piled up on each other the power of god was so strong i could name every person that was there i could name them all it's like it was like it was yesterday but it's amazing that it the lady said it took 14 days for jesus and his disciples to make it to jerusalem now is that fair that it took me two and a half hours and i got a meal and he had to walk across the water i got on a boat but at the time that jesus came was the time for him to come but it wasn't convenient because i actually had more convenience to get it okay so poverty mentality is really silly once you hear it the way i i i show it is don't you think that i should have switched with jesus and what been there and walked everywhere for 14 days while he got to go on the jet or the bus or the train he didn't have the air conditioning or anything like this and yet he did exactly what the father told him to do at the time that he was told to do it but it's not fair for me to have more inconvenience in everything i mean think about it i don't know the last time i wore sandals so poverty poverty is not what god had intended for humanity period ever because the covenant shows in the old testament that if you love the lord your god and you obey him you will be the head not to tale you'll lend to many nations but you will not borrow from any the enemy will come at you one way will flee seven ways i will put the fear of you of you not of god of you but all the nations around you and they will know that i am your god and then he says in deuteronomy there shall be no poor among you because i the lord your god have promised you and agreed in covenant with you and i will bring you into the land okay so he's a covenant keeping god and he promised and so part of the promise was that they would not suffer any need in any way so they never suffered food or water or not nothing wore out and we know all this there was no sick among them they left egypt with the gold and the silver it says it right there okay so the spirit's always ready to coach us and tell us things but if we're not listening we won't hear these things and we'll judge god wrong we'll think that he makes people sick and poor and devil problems and relationship problems and when actually it's just because we live in a broken world a fallen world and we have to rely on the covenant we have to rely on our relationship with god on what he said what has he said it is all there it is all in the word what he says well it is totally opposite to what people are believing i am positive that if the church was built up with the fivefold ministry they were built up in the unity of the faith as it says in ephesians chapter 4 verse 11. if it says that that the fivefold is set in the church to build up the body in the unity of the faith until they all come into maturity i believe that these things can't happen but they are permitted to happen because jesus said whatever you permit on the earth is whatever is permitted in heaven was permitted on the earth whatever you bind on the earth is bound in heaven whatever you loose on the earth is loosed in heaven in other words the word there is permit if you permit it if you forbid it it's forbidden i mean you ought to check out these word studies it's pretty interesting if you study and you find this stuff out so we actually i have the power to bind in the loose and make decisions paul did it paul said listen i can't come to you right now in corinth he said so when you get together the next time you meet and the power of god is present and he said and my spirit is also present with you he said turn that one over to satan that's apostolic power but that's the power of the church to turn somebody out it's in the bible so you know you can't just you know the the nearly inspired version will take it out but not not they're still in some bibles okay so now that i've unmasked the enemy and what he's doing in your life now i want to tell you the solution to all this is that god right now he wants to coach you he wants to give you counsel he wants to speak to you and he wants to give you the ears that hear and the eyes of see now what it's going to be is individually you're going to be given instructions and then you carry that out you don't worry about everybody else you just do your part when everybody listens and does their part then what happens is is that the domino effect starts so for instance if you read the constitution you wouldn't even be able to sit here without going there there and doing something about it because all of your rights are being violated every single one of them according to the constitution so that's why it's not mentioned very much anymore that's why they take away the statues and everything else other history books is because that is for the people and the government was hired to work for you and if they get crazy we have ways of protecting ourselves okay that's that's my summation of the constitution and amendments and everything else you just play the star spangled banner and just salute now because this country was built on those things is that it's for the people by the people and you know we hired you to represent us if you get crazy we're not responsible because this is the way it is you're hired and if you can't do it in 47 years you know what maybe you should just go work at wendy's or something oh i'm serious you know so 47 years you couldn't fix it and so someone tries to fix it and they they're out so they caused all this in four years but 47 years you couldn't fix it don't think about it okay but god comes through jesus christ and he fixes it he he completely resolves the sin problem and he secures your future however in the middle of that is now and the key of it is is everybody's waiting for god to do something or say something or some prophet to say something but the thing that is is god is telling you you got to go to your future and get a glimpse of your future and once you see that when you're among the myriads i was among the saints and the angels is it was millions at the end of the age we were all singing the song of the lamb it was the culmination of the ages it was everyone that had ever lived was all together we were all together and we're all worshipping and it was shaking the whole throne room and jesus was getting blasted by the glory that was coming from our the saints mouth it was going and washing over him and he was sliding down in his throne he was overcome and the father's just sitting there and jesus is slutched over sliding down and i'm i'm watching this and i i saw that at the end we make it but what do we do about now and he explained it all to me before he sent me back he said oh no he said you sit right here with me and i'm like that's the father and this is you and what he goes no this is yours he said in revelation i said he who overcomes will sit with me on a throne he said paul said in ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 that we are seated with christ in heavenly worlds and he said in colossians i said that we're so to focus not on earthly things but on things above where christ is seated at the right hand of god it was the same thing he's just talking to the colossians instead of the ephesians and then i realized this is my spot that was bought for me it's not it's not the cross where jesus is he's not hanging on anymore it's not the empty tomb he's not there it is it is at the throne and we're seated with him and he said to me he said this is prayer i go excuse me he goes you come here this is where you come in prayer and he said you sit here until you get your answer he said that's prayer i go that's not what i was taught in school a bible call just know what i was taught he goes kevin there are no questions at the throne only answers i couldn't think of a question and i'm looking at cr i'm looking at i'm looking at beings that i they told me jesus told me you will never ever tell anyone what you saw here i go yeah but he goes zip it he didn't say that but you know i saw creatures there that i was told i will never ever speak a word about that on this earth i saw things that that filled in the gaps except for some senators i don't understand yet but it filled in the dinosaurs and everything else because i realized that god is the center of everything and that he has his way no matter what but he would like to have his family back and i realized that out of his love for us he gathered us together through jesus christ and spoke the good news that you're bought and that's what paul said in second corinthians chapter five you quote verse 17 which talks about the the born again experience you know we're the new creation in christ old things pass away all things behold all things are new we do that very well but the whole chapter is talking about the ministry of reconciliation that everyone has that we're supposed to go out and announce that christ has paid for your sins you announce to everyone even if they don't want to hear it you just tell them the price has been paid come on in and the word there is to compel them to come in that your the price has been paid you don't have to go to hell you've been bought and it's true when jesus showed me that he had bought everyone and there's no reason for anyone to go to hell but so many people go to hell you don't even have to tell them to go to hell they're on their way right okay but you're supposed to announce it and that's the gospel that you don't have to be sick but you have to say that even when someone dies you have to still pronounce that god is a good god and that he's not killing people that his mercy is because jesus satisfied his anger jesus his has seated i mean it's so close he is so close to the father he leans over he goes yeah that's that's that's one of ours that's one of ours give him give him what he wants no no he's doing good i'm serious he leans over and talks to the father and the blood and the father looks down at the blood that's placed there on the mercy seat because his throne is the mercy seat that's on the ark of the covenant the cherry of them are real angels that are on each side of the father and that that's mercy seat is his throne and god is seated on that throne and he looks down and the blood of jesus is there so when jesus says he he's our he's our defender and he's making intercession for us right now and he'll reach over and say oh no he's ours he's ours he's our father the father will look down at the blood the mercy seat that's the truth so we're supposed to announce this that god is not mad any longer he loves us but there will come a point where people that did not accept the opportunity they did not cash their their their certificate in and take advantage of what god had done they will go to hell because that that the payment for sin is death but if you don't take the payment the the the voucher that was paid in full telesty paid in full jesus announced it when he died he said paid in full tell us that and when he did that certificate paid for it so you wouldn't have to but if you don't take that and don't have it on you you have to pay yourself this is the this is how simple it is so the spirit is wanting to convince us of of these truths and now that you you know the truth it sets you free however you're always going to have to live in the truth you'll never be able to go back that's why it's hard it's hard to renounce christ it's a hard thing to do but you know even our favorite singers have done it our christian singers our favorite pastors have recently done it what would cause that to happen it's a sign of the times it's a sign that we're in the end but we can delay the end by going to the future in prayer and stopping it and and and forbidding it to come to an end and then you pray for righteous people to stand up and represent you it doesn't have to end now but i guarantee you if you all just sit around and do what you what everybody has done i'm not blaming you all because you're here what i'm saying is is if we're christians we're history makers they're there there is it's impossible to not change the course if you're a christian it's impossible you hear me you have been inserted in to mess up the devil's party you if you feel like you're always caught in trouble wherever you go well congratulations that you're that you're a monkey wrench you're you're inserted in to be the standard there's going to be a problem if there isn't then you're not potent trust me with the level that we're at even being a normal christian right now is going to stand off stand out you're going to be you're going to be different but what if you just stomped your foot and said you know what not on my watch not on my watch it's a sign and a wonder a flight attendant and a hairdresser it's just a sign and a wonder it's purposely done this way so that no one could ever say that we did this there's no way we're not that good and we know it and we laugh about it we actually laugh about it that it there's no way that we can be this good but god uses people and he puts them on display so that his handiwork is seen that's what he wants for all of us that's what he wants for you so i have to relay to you about what the spirit is saying and that is if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible nothing if you'll believe jesus said that okay so you have to picture yourself i'm just i'm trying to help you here because most most ministries will not help you from one point to the other they just kind of talk but i'm telling you this you have to realize your value i was just in another city last night and did this talking about value and it comes back to that doesn't it and here's my pilot right here and there's my other pilot right here we got pilots all over the place we just got to get more planes you know so we all have our on our plane but we we sit up there you know we we we fly but we also talk we're allowed to you know we're like six inches apart but it's interesting how we don't discern our value and we don't discern our our the value of people in our generation but we honor them as heroes later but you know what you went to like smith wigglesworth you think oh man no you that guy if you weren't right man you know you'd be cake batter you'd be all i mean i'm telling you you know we think oh why would jesus come to my house oh really first thing he's going to do is rip out your cable yes what are you watching that stuff for he said i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell you some things he starts talking and you're like see your jaw drops okay so you jesus said jesus said you i sent my prophets to you and you killed them he said you killed the prophet you just read it's in red you killed the prophets and now you celebrate them as your heroes that's what he said and you're going to kill me so you're going to kill me too told them that well they did we celebrate people as heroes but what about why they were living did we visit them you know like my friend the most accurate prophet i know my best friend keith ellis no one has ever offered to pay his house off he's been in that house for years he's been a minister ministered until his health has deteriorated and he's got a house payment you got to be kidding me one of the greatest prophets that ever lived in this generation and he doesn't even want to be on tv anymore he doesn't want nothing he just wants to sit and pray for me and p and other people and prophesy over me and my staff he doesn't care if he's ever on tv again so i called him i said you know what i know that your church is probably having a hard time right now so notes is going to pay your salary for the whole next year how much would that be he goes well it's this idle no problem and i said you know i went to say goodbye and now my mom said how much is your house do you own your house i want to pay it off and i'm like what did i just say and he said well we can find out i said yeah i do that he goes don't hang up so we got the bank on the phone and um kathy got the routing number and i we just waited on the phone i said did you get to did you get it yet did you get it at the baker's like why are you doing this because we're christians which is what we do she started crying she goes i haven't seen nothing like this and this is like the worst time i go we're just getting started amen but why wouldn't you honor you know like keith ellis is going to be known to the next generation but yet what about when he's alive and he needs is his house paid off get it okay so why wouldn't you want to believe in prosperity to help someone like that because obviously you're going to need you know what you need yourself then plus something else right so warrior nets paid a salary and then kathy and i we we paid his house off or out of our own money and it wasn't a little amount either just so you know it's like oh we played 60 cents no no it was there's a lot of zeros commas you know not periods commas big stuff well what because because we don't discern what we have when we have it and we don't discern our value right okay so if you want to change history you got to discern your value now not when you get to heaven because it's too late you can't do nothing about it so when i went to heaven i couldn't get back in my body i wanted the re i wanted the repeat i was going to retake it even if i had to pay the audit fee i wanted to redo the course and maybe get a better grade but i couldn't get back in my body so the books are closed i'm done and then jesus released me back and so when i came back everything i'm doing now it seems extreme but it's because i know i can't fail i know it now look at me do you see me worried i'm exposed to thousands people a day i'm not worried a bit i've already died i'm not afraid of that i've got i've seen the movie i've got the book i got everything i got the hat i've died i came back i got another chance to do it right and i'm telling you you've got to grasp the value that god put in you before you were born and find out what that is and just do that i don't care if it's crocheting or sewing or giving away guitars or getting extra food and giving to someone who doesn't have it finding a single mom or a single dad and just helping them out anything would help start to do something for someone else and what'll happen is it starts an explosion in the spirit realm and it's a domino effect and then other people will start to join and help you no if we can do this as a flight attendant and a hairdresser you can do this because because god told me you know like i i already had all this stuff going on and the lord says start a school so two and a half years ago two hours two years and eight months ago or nine months ago we started school and now it's 21 000 students almost in two and a half years listen i'm not that good and any there is anybody but jesus wanted it and there's fruit in it and almost a lot of you are students and a lot of you are our partners that's why we're doing this but see i need to affect a lot more people because the time is short jesus told me the time was short he told me what was going to happen he said if if there's not repentance and if things don't change in this country it's going to get really bad and they're not going to the church will not pass their tests and i warned everybody and then when it when that when this happened well you know you just don't i don't stop being god's god's child you don't stop being god's child just because things go wrong and things are stolen and the enemy comes in like they did so you automatically say okay what's next lord because you obviously knew this was going to happen but you gave people a chance but they didn't take the chance because they didn't discern what was really going on but now that you have discernment i want you tonight i'm going to pray for you that you have discernment to discern that there is a gift inside of you and god put that in you knowing that you would live at this time on the earth at this time because he trusts you in the hardest circumstances he trusts you to be activated and to act and the spirit is so willing to do that the power of the spirit is so strong okay so if you if you had a choice and you can do anything says neither but as the angel of the lord i have come neutral not taking a side with joshua he had been sent by the lord and instructed to show up and he's that's what he announced he said as the angel of the lord i have come are you i'm not for or against you i was sent by the lord this is the secret this is what i learned in heaven i learned that angels aren't emotionally attached to our drama they're they're they're literally they're literally sent to do the lord's will and they're they're they're came to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation which is us oh my it's time gee how'd you all let me go this long what time is it anyway so no this is like oh it's already tomorrow in some places huh how do i how do i tell i always feel like i have to hold back because i know what people think but how do you explain when an angel shows up and you're in you're literally here like this and you all disappear and an angels stand there and you're in the eternity you're in eternity there is no time clocks anything no cares it wouldn't matter and if you died or lived i've had that happen to me and i'm changed and i met jesus and he loves all of us the same but he wants us to know the plan that he has for us and it doesn't listen it doesn't have to be a prophetic utterance it doesn't have to be an apostle talking to you i saw that we were kings and priests the fifo was sent to minister and build us up but it was not to be the voice of god for us it's weird it was to build us up in the maturity teach us and get us in the unity of the of the doctrine of the faith but it was never to substitute to be the pope it was never to be the intermediary that's why martin luther got in trouble he he nailed those theses to the wall of the catholic church because he said there's only one mediator between god and man and he said the catholic church is not on that list he says you aren't on that list so that means the apostle the prophet the pastor teacher evangelist they're not on that list they don't take the place of god for you they don't they don't fast and pray and hear from god and then tell you what to do they're they're sent to build you up into the unity of the faith you're supposed to hear from your god and you're supposed to do exploits you're supposed to be prophesying and speaking forth what the spirit's saying even if it looks like it would never happen even if you look like it's been stolen from you god's not backing off on your dreams and i'm going to prophesy over children everywhere i go as though they're going to live to be 100 years i don't care what bowl of wrath you think's been poured out on the earth and the antichrist is you know living in the white house or whatever you think you know it doesn't matter to me because the spirit spirit's always going to be speaking forth the truth but he's going to be speaking those things that are not as though they were because they are okay so you are i'm telling you by the spirit you are healed your body is mending i'm receiving healing you're receiving healing i'm receiving deliverance you're receiving deliverance i'm receiving prosperity i'm receiving financial help because i already know where it's going to go because it's always has a destination it's not it's not coming to you so you can stack it in your house it's coming because it has a mission it's already earmarked for a certain thing it's the same thing like with me coming here i've influenced someone in this room that's going to change history and i know it i know it without a doubt i can't pick them out but i know that they're in here i know that what i've said tonight is going to cause them to go forth and change history so so tom here we've been friends for 30 years i hadn't talked to him in a while so the lord told me to call him and when when i called him he goes well we were waiting for you to call and the lord had been speaking to them that i was going to be getting a jet and he's been a captain for southwest for 30 years and he flew f-16s and trained pilots in them for for a long time too in the air force so he's been flying a long time and he said wait i feel called to be your pilot it's just one problem i don't have an airplane yeah i go well you know i i believe that we're going to have one and i'm going to be piloting it with you so what i did was i did what i could do i built a simulator the exact size of the jet that i thought i wanted and got it operational to where actually it was certified certain parts were already certified by the faa for training okay so what we did was i took tom i said tom i will send you down every month and you can stay with us for like the four days and i want you to train me as though we're going in that jet we're gonna have that joke so that's what we did for months he would come down him and anna would come down and stay with kathy and i and we would go for i mean hours and hours we would do two and three and four hour sessions break and then go back and do it again we'd do that for three and four days at a time and we did it almost every month we did that for a long time and then the lord said okay now i want you to go out to his with the school that he teaches out in phoenix and i want you to fly in this certain airplane which is kind of like a uh it's a hot airplane it's not easy to fly because it's it's it's high performance it's it's not forgiving but the lord says no you're he's he's instructor now i want you to get about 20 hours in in a week i'm like 20 hours in a week so we just scheduled two and three times like twice a day sometimes and i mean it made it made me look like a clown at times but he was like patient with me and he helped me get back into it then we were waiting and i was going to take my first jet out at the end of the week and it broke before we could get it started it was broken and i said well fix it it's like i've been waiting for years to do this so they said well we don't have the part it's a pedo tube and you know you can't get parts for this airplane and i looked over at the one i go that one there is grounded for months because of of an issue i said take the pitot tube off of that one it's the same model and the guy goes oh yeah okay should i come back it'll be an hour and a half well when i got out of the jet the lord said leave your headsets in there because you're coming back in an hour and a half and sure enough in an hour and a half turn we turned it and we took off well during that that hour and a half we're all sitting not not him because fenn is the owner of the jet that i bought it from from okay so sven is the owner of the jet but we're in that hour and a half i i left by faith i left my headsets in the jet and i said you're gonna fix it and they did they fixed it but while we were sitting there another man comes in paul and he says hey i know you want this jet he named a couple of he says would you ever think of a phenom 300 i go oh that's too expensive those are those are the best jets but that's like that's like way out of my range because they don't lose their value he goes well apparently this one is like really good deal and you look at this and he went through it with me it's got all these inspections it just was repainted brand new interior he said this is this is your jet he says you want me to call monday this guy's name's kale sure you can call him well a couple weeks later sven shows up with the jet and then we buy it and he's sitting right here and he we flew out together and then tom tomorrow we're taking the jet that we bought from him he's taking his and going home that we lose and me and tom are flying our jet now the rest of the way now just not that long ago none of this was but here's sven here's fenn the german he is he he is he is one of the top instructors he helped design like like him and his friend lou that you probably met before because he's been in my meetings before him and lou helped design the training for the airplane like i i go i told i told him i said hey i love this this one manual i just love it he goes thank you i go what because i wrote that and it's like my favorite manual and it's so funny is then i meet the other guys they go oh yeah sven used to be the head of training at phenom training and that's how i met him and then lou used to be his boss so they're all like no we're all like but see this is what this is what god did i didn't plan on sharing all this but see sven's sitting here tom's sitting here there are two jets sitting out there right there at the airport right now one of them is ours and one is his fins but they we use both these to beast fence and they're sitting out there together back together again because they used to be together and they're sitting out there talking and we need we need both of them because we have the you know it takes a lot to fly across the united states like we had to do today and um so we have two that were available and sven lets us use his and he's training me so that i can become a captain and then fly fly myself but what i'm trying to tell you is i'm showing this i usually don't do this kind of thing it's very personal but i wanted to show you that it's really going to be hard for you to talk me out of it's rigged it's going to be hard right because you know not only that i get a call and i say hey would you like to fly a fighter jet i go you're kidding me fly a fighter jet of course so on monday next monday i'm going to school to fly a fighter jet in phoenix arizona and it's mostly upside down in sideways and things like that it's not even straight never in a fighter jet so i'm i got i i'm going to fly a fighter jet i'm getting my dream but i didn't ask for it it came to me because really i started to discern my value because jesus christ talked to me about my value he told me how valuable i was and when that happened something started to get me to attract my future it i started to become attractive and my future started coming to me it showed up on my it shows up like amazon does every day it just delivers and this is what this is what the dreams are so i'm sitting i'm sitting with with sven in san antonio last month and we're right where it's just a room like this but it was full but before it was full we were sitting back there a couple hours before and we were praying and and we got to talking and we prayed together and then sven says to me i feel like i'm supposed to write a book i said you know what i can take care of that i can help you with that so i started telling this is what you're going to do he goes well here's the chat the guy the guy is like already like almost halfway through writing his book his first book okay but see if if someone is obedient to do what they're supposed to do then it it's some everyone else comes behind and then it assists everybody then everybody can do what they're supposed to do okay so paul he took hold of that which christ had already taken hold of for him and so what he told the philippians i take hold of that which christ has taken hold for me so you and your spirit it doesn't have to be a physical thing in your spirit you have to accept that god has valued you and has all these wonderful plans and that satan's whole goal is to somehow never allow you to grasp that and so you're going to be mistreated people aren't going to discern your value they're not going to treat you on on the on who you are and your value you can't expect people to know that but you that are spiritually discerning that eyes are open you should discern each other we should build each other up and stop criticizing and we should start building each other up and and really encouraging people to to live their dreams because you know what i know i know that is really up to me or what happens in the next generation i know it is i know that i'm supposed to speak the truth and tell people it's not time to give up amen amen so let's pray father you can thank you father i thank you that you are the only one that can reveal your heart to all of our family here i just want everyone in this place to know their value and how much you love them i thank you father by your spirit that you're visiting us right now and as they raise their hands holy spirit just just baptize everyone right now baptize everyone right now this with your spirit father i thank you that your value that is in them father is going to be recognized hallelujah the holy spirit is the enforcer of the blessing and he ends the curse in your life the holy spirit is announcing judgment on your enemies the holy spirit is announcing the truth and that is that the devil has been made a show of openly he's been he's been destroyed the works of the of the devil have been destroyed by jesus christ and every demon at the sound of my voice knows that they're done and i announce your judgment i announce your pending doom and i command you to leave go of every family member in this room right now in jesus name every christian watching online i break the power of the devil in your life and i command those evil spirits to leave right now and i command your eyes to be open and your ears to be open right now hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah just let's worship him father i just thank you you're the mighty god you're the almighty god there's no one like you you are far above all rule and authority you're a beautiful father and you love us and we worship you come down come down come down and reveal yourself by your spirit right now [Music] [Music] [Music] all is well the lord says i am with you always well i'm walking with you i'm lighting your path your steps are ordered acknowledge me acknowledge me and i will direct your past hallelujah i speak healing to your bodies i speak healing to your souls i thank you lord you give us the power and the grace to forgive [Music] we release trauma in jesus name [Music] nothing that's been weaponized against us will prosper [Music] nothing nothing that is put in our bodies will prosper that is evil we break the power of that in jesus name i break deception may all be revealed lord it's time for you to show up and defend yourself show yourself out in a mighty way it's time for you lord to bring justice [Music] righteousness it shall reign [Music] oh thank you lord oh jesus he's here just received the angels are here hallelujah fire the fire of the holy spirit is here nothing is impossible if you'll just believe just believe me says the lord and i will do the impossible right before your eyes i will display my glory in this generation oh hallelujah [Music] let's just give him the glory thank you father thank you lord we give you the glory your glory reigns lord you are high and lifted up high and lifted up and your train fills the temple your train fills the temple suddenly shall the lord come into his temple suddenly satakuna shtandeshtay shabou shay dana khiyanato [Music] just lift up your voice and sing to the lord shamalamande o riyamande gidiazo [Music] lift up your voice [Music] lift up your voice lift up your voice there's fire on your voice lift up your voice there's fire fire on your voice we declare fire on everybody's voice in here we declare victory we declare breakthrough i declare wells of living water rivers of living water flowing out of you in the name of jesus the fire of god on you and your families roto mache queso eyes to see and ears to hear sounds of heaven i call forth sounds of heaven i declare sounds of heaven out of your mouths doors of utterance no longer silent no longer silent sounds of heaven more fire more glory more fire more glory more boldness boldness boldness boldness thank you lord [Music] thank you father thank you thank you lord [Music] [Music] thank you lord new songs new songs new songs new sounds new songs and new sounds hallelujah hallelujah i'll give you the glory lord [Music] me let your glory fill the temple let your glory fill the temple let your glory fill the temple oh let your glory come god oh the train of his robe is filling the temple the train of his robe is filling the temple the train of his robe is filling the temple your glory fills the earth the train of his robe is filling the temple the train of his robe is filling the temple the train of his robe is the temple your glory is filling the earth the train of his robe is filling the temple the train of his rope is filling the temple the train of his the whole earth is filled with your glory your power all the whole earth is your glory [Music] the whole earth [Music] the train of his robe is filling this temple the train of his robe is feeling the simple the train of his robe is filling this temple the whole earth is filled with your glory guard the train of his robe is filling this temple the train of his robe is filling this temple the train of his robe is spilling this temple the whole earth is filled with your glory your glory your glory of the whole earth is filled the whole earth is filled with your glory your glory manifests presence the manifest presence we can't get away from your glory the whole earth is yours and the fullness therefore oh it all belongs to you it all belongs to you it all belongs to you it all belongs to you all things are from you all things are to you it all belongs it all belongs it all belongs to you [Music] you're feeling the temple filling the temple cause i saw the lord seated on the throne the train of his role filled the whole earth with his glory and i saw the lord seated on his throne the drain of his the whole earth with his glorious your glory filling the earth god as your remnant is arising your remnant is arising and we can see the lord in the train of his world filling the whole earth the horse with his glory with such hope with such hope in our hearts for what's to conquer with such expectancy of the greater move of your glory [Music] and i saw the lord he seated on [Music] is [Music] we've opened our eyes to see your glory before us feeling the horrors filling the whole [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] here's jesus [Music] jesus jesus oh how we love you how we love you jesus [Music] jesus oh how we love you how we love you jesus [Applause] jesus oh how we love you you never leave us you never leave us you never leave us or you never [Music] oh you'll never leave us you'll never forsake us [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] cheese [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 311,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: Svz3rmApW-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 55sec (8395 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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