The Secret Briefings - Kevin Zadai

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okay uh the reason the reason that you were all invited is because you're you're a partner and i wanted to to announce to you that we have been uh instructed by the lord to to start a spirit school next year here probably going to be twice it'd be twice so we're going to need we're going to need a place that holds 2 000 people so you this is just all partners so when we open it up it multiplies the number by about about uh you know several several times over so it could be up to it could be up to 2000 people come and that's what's been happening all over and uh so please pray that we have wisdom on what to do um we're doing these one night in new cities because it's this time we've done four years and we've really targeted a lot of different cities but it's time to expand out and really help some people in different cities so we're going to be uh we're going to be doing this every month now that we have something faster than a commercial jet amen so i enjoyed i enjoyed passing my old company today southwest airlines kind of slow so we just but anyway um because of that we can just hop on and go from these smaller airports and just go real quick land real quick get it get it done get out before the devil even knows what hit him so we want to go uh you know we're doing all these cities we just this is our last one for this this month as far as the four day things one nights and those are being done so that we can it's a tracer round over the devil's head so just letting them know that you know we're coming in and the vacate he's got he's got a couple months to vacate i'm not joking really you know i so anyway um next month next month we will be going to uh branson missouri tulsa and san antonio and then we'll also be going to puerto rico um possibly in october right if it works all works out we're gonna have to get a bigger jet for that one so because we're gonna be we're gonna be working with pastor sixto and susan up here there in tampa they have a food pantry um and they've got a big problem they've got too much food so we're gonna send notch pallets but we're gonna send a shipping container if it if it all works out we're going to be sending a shipping container over there puerto rico then do an open air the um the cities that we're working with um the mayor is a christian over there and he has opened it up for me to just do open air food distribution so so we're we're going to be doing this so so you will see you will see here all the spirit schools all over we're going to be shipping food and handing out food the day before as an outreach so we're going to extend it out to thursday probably we're going to have an evangelistic service hand out food and then friday will be the spirit school as usual you know friday nights saturday all day and then um sunday morning uh so in some in some circumstances and then you'll see the simulators the jet simulators coming there'll be two of them now in each city and uh because we have so many kids involved it takes too long to put uh those kids who have 60 kids going through their training on saturday and that's all because of your partners um i designed the simulators and then i've got somebody who who constructs them for me so we save a lot of money they're they're really faa approved in all that we do we just have to get an faa official to fly it and show that we can log it as time and then what we'll do is we'll end up we get them as close as we can to to being accurate so that we can take the kids if they want to get their private pilot's license they will get it i have all the instructors all all the guys that fly with me they're all instructors as well so we'll all through through the four pilots we have that we rotate between two aircraft we'll be able to instruct these kids you hear what i'm saying this is the catalyst to reach the kids it's just a and a catalyst is just a way of contacting and and help and in a situation it is the way to reach the kids that's my track so we're we're going to do what we're doing on saturday so you'll see us coming in thursdays and so we need all of you we have 20 000 students and we have over 14 000 of you partners now we have partners in dubai we have partners we have we have fellowships and partners in japan we have we have we're going to dubai it had to be cancelled because we cannot find a venue big enough so it's been delayed because they can give us like 500 or 200 i i'm like i want 2 000. i want a thousand or 1500. so it's not working out yet it doesn't feel right so we're we're arranging to have the aircraft to just go non-stop from from uh you know close to here uh within the state or the state over where i live and we'll be able to go non-stop so we're looking at doing that next year because you know we used to go you know australia has all those fellowships over there because you know we were over there we would go uh how many times did we go twice but we would spend like three weeks over there because when you get there you're already you know you're already like in the next week almost you know dear lord i took on one on that one flight we took two eight-hour naps and we had like four meals yeah but um anyway it was because we went there that now we have all these people that are tied to us you know same with germany and france and switzerland we spent a lot of time there italy and we have um because of you we we have the ability now to translate our school we have a pastor friend over there and his wife who speak between the two of them they speak four languages plus one so five languages in europe so we're gonna we're going to um i hope they're watching from they're probably watching from zurich right now hi pastor curtis and susannah we love you and um we we are going to translate all our courses so you'll be able to get your your two-year degree and then your bachelor degree is coming up we're working on getting the bachelor approved now so you'll be able to have all your college credit up to your bachelor but then we're going to translate that into five different languages and and so we already have our i i've been friends with these the these these uh these wonderful people over there they they went to the same school i went to and have the same education and they are called they've been called for the last four years to be with warrior notes and so they're going to help us so it's just going to keep expanding if you're waiting for something to level off it's not gonna level off it's just gonna because we're helping people so you know and uh if it ever becomes anything more than you know if it becomes about us it becomes about me myself and i or whatever you'll see it just diminish turn it into a pothole with a you know like a smoking hole somewhere like like most ministries that that do this they get self-absorbed or whatever they get off track with what they're supposed to be doing and then if they bring their correction back in if they repent yeah ministers can repent too so they just get right back on their track and then it's amazing i mean i have been changed by so many ministries andrew womack has never never changed he still talks the way he did 15 years ago you know why i am so excited right now you know i bought everything he had i you know the same way with all the other men and women of god that have just been been so special my life but it came time when it was time for me to do what i'm supposed to do and because i'm gonna do what i'm supposed to do then you'll be able to do what you're supposed to do because we're all supposed to be doing this together and then we're all supposed to be letting the lord use us and there are no superstars but one in heaven i was when i had that experience on that operating table there was only one one that deserved all the glory his name was jesus christ he was everybody talked about him everybody who talked about him i didn't want to come back but i'm back and now it's personal because we're going to do it right i've got a second chance to do life right and i saw i saw how heaven works i saw how it works down here you just have to stay humble and you have to help people you have to love people and you have to understand the spirit realm you have to understand there's a there's a devil he's a mean devil he he he's never going to get it and he's never get he's never going to repent and he hates people and there's lawlessness there's rebellion you can see it it's not a perfect world okay so we're not just dealing with crazy people we're dealing with a demonic behind the scenes and you know you know when i work my friends that worked in the government they they have departments they have desks that know about the paranormal they they understand more more than you think they know and uh that's where all the technology comes that's all the technology we have don't you think they can see things and know things yet they do and um even people in high ranking positions have told me they said this this this is supernatural this is from the other realm there's other realms other dimensions i'm going to stop there because i don't want any men in black coming in but my friends who even passed away they've told me things and so i i know i know what they know i also know what what happened to me is there is a spiritual realm there is another life and there there is a heaven and there's a hell and jesus christ came and resolved the problem but he doesn't change and fix this world it's imperfect he wanted to change you he wanted to help you and if you don't want his help it's it's pretty sad but he won't he'll just let you go he'll tell you there's a wall there and you'll go run into it and then you'll blame him but he warns you see and this is the way god was all the time but i'm getting into my sermon here i gotta stay with the announcements first but um anyway anyway think about this this this experience i had was was in in 1992 got married in 1993. i didn't write about the book for 23 years because i didn't want us i didn't want to bring attention it was very sacred to me so it's very uncomfortable for me to do what i'm doing but my wife when when we got married i told her about what had happened and she i would tell her things that were going to happen in the future i told her about 9 11 on the friday before the tuesday morning when it happened 9 11. i told her about it i warned her i said i you know at the time i'm working for an airline i said i am not flying tuesday the worst incident aviation history is going to happen so things like that she saw me talk about the stock market crashes how we quadrupled our retirement because i knew what was going to happen and i got all my money out but i'm a flight attendant at the time i'm not even a pilot and so she's seen all that i've told her i've warned her it's not what you seem that person's not right they're going to be dead in a year and so i don't know how i don't know how people think about these kind of people that come back from the dead i don't really understand if people get it or not but what if i'm right what if i did see heaven and that jesus is the only way what what if the red letters in the bible are absolutely the truth and that's him if you read the word of god and you see the red letters that is him there's no difference when you meet him you're going to remember me telling you this if you're wondering what jesus is like just read the gospels and then read the book of revelation because that book is actually a revelation of him it's not just the end times and um he changed my life and i was dead he changed me by meeting him because i realized i had everything i needed for life and godliness down here i had everything i needed but i chose not to do that i chose not to be sober-minded and to be humble and and to put other people ahead of me and because i because i chose i chose to be a christian but i was nominal i was just marginal i don't know how else to explain it but yet i had done everything that i could do at the time with what i knew but there was more to know which is why i do this is because what you don't know will hurt you it's all about understanding and it's all about what you believe it's all about the doctrine of what the bible says now if you if you believe something and it takes away from the power of the resurrection of jesus christ then then it's the wrong doctrine because you cannot take away the power of what happened with jesus christ it says that we were raised with him when he was risen from the dead and the spirit of god actually is the person who's here now the son and the father are seated seated in heaven and that that actually exists i saw that i saw the altar i saw the angels i saw the seraphim the cherubim i saw creatures that i'm not allowed to even talk about that are there there's like lots of stuff more than than what's what's what's told but we have enough down here and while you're trying to get over the fact that your hair dryer broke this morning and you're wondering where you're going to get the 1995 to get another one god's like we're going on i remember i remember in february kathy and i february of 2009 well actually the month before january right after christmas january 2009 if you remember that was the whole housing debacle everybody was defaulting on their loans and i was with southwest airlines what happened was as the lord had put it on my heart now this is not as a prophet or anything like this i just i'm kevin and i was praying and i came back and got another chance and i know everything that i do counts i know that god is watching over us i know that there's an angel assigned to every person to help them and i know that rebellion is from the pit of hell i know that pride is from the pit of hell okay but if you ask for help and you're humble about it god is going to step in and help you and i remember 10 years prior i told kathy i said listen i i'll have kids if you want to but every year we would talk about and the lord i just didn't feel like i just feel like with my job i'm away i'm flying all the time and kathy had a had a a business and i said you know what let's just keep doing this because one day we're going to be in the ministry let's just get out of debt so for 10 years we worked all the time we got completely out of debt except for our house and when this all happened it was kind of weird because we we had just i just had gotten a raise from southwest airlines it was 110 raised because we were gonna walk and so they gave us because we're 75 percent of the exposure at southwest airlines is the flight attendant so you deal with a flight attendant most of the time and they said at the last minute they said just give them whatever they want and so i got a hundred and ten percent raise okay then we were out of debt because we just worked all the time and we we were giving so like we buy our pastor tires we paid people's uh rent for the month then he told us to pay somebody's mortgage for the month and i i said i want my mortgage paid you know and and when i said that i i felt like a grieving so i told kathy i said you know we're supposed to do this so let's just pay our you know so we did we paid somebody's mortgage and um i almost said it i said lord at this rate i'll never get my mortgage paid off that's i almost said it and i said it to my assistant pastor pastor don if you're watching and i stopped and he knew what had happened because he could feel it too the next month somebody paid our house off so now we're completely out of debt and i'm calling to get the a b n number for the first through the 15th of the month so that i can pay it off what's the payoff amount and the routing number if i pay it off from between first and the 15th versus the you know the 16th through the 30th or whatever and um they gave me an exact amount but it took two hours because everybody's calling because they're defaulting so i couldn't get to my bank it took two hours of waiting and when the guy finally got on i'm like half asleep and this is what was said sir what can i help you with and i said i want to pay my loan off and he goes you know what that is not very funny this is a serious time we're in you're wasting my time i go really i'm wasting your time i want to pay my what's what's the payoff i need the the number the rowdy number so i can have this wired he goes you're serious so then he starts apologizing he says i just he says our shifts all we listen to is people crying because they can't pay their house off or i mean they can't pay their rent they're four months behind so they're all going to be reported the credit agency and you know this story because i've told this before i'm telling you this for a reason though because god wants to insert himself into your life but he has to be invited it's not something like if you look at the way things are going now it's a circus and there's a reason why it's a circus it's because it's lawlessness there's no order and there's not righteousness there's not justice the lord's throne in psalms 89 says there's layers of righteousness justice truth faithfulness there's it's it's they're literally uh levels of like gemstones it's in psalms 89 but the bottom line is is that god god doesn't cheat he doesn't lie he doesn't he doesn't need a machine to cheat amen so justice justice will come into your life but it might not come into your country's life or your neighborhood but see my neighborhood my neighborhood we've we've been there a certain amount of years but as i got to know the neighbors and the police there kind of feeling it out and they're like oh no there's never been one incident of crime in your neighborhood in 30 years and so one night we left our car open we're so tired we got out of our car put the keys in the door the front door left them in there went to bed so i said look what what is going on here i mean i you know and i looked and every other house was a police officer they lived there perfect neighborhood you see cruiser cars really cool you suvs you know and then i thought you know this is kind of like how god's kingdom is there's peace when justice reigns in a government in a kingdom you know like there's peace well peace is more than just you know eating grapes on a cloud peace in hebrew is seven different things health prosperity well-being relationship all all the the whole compass of your life okay so it's amazing how in this broken realm if you have an officer with a radar gun everybody seems to behave and he might not even have it turned on in fact where we live there's they park their cruiser cars and they just leave them there all day and they're not even in them but it's amazing it's like why is everybody behaving oh they're parked okay what is that see that's a deterrent see because if you speed you're going to get caught eventually the odds are against you and anything else but if unrighteousness is in the government if if you have people that are manipulating and doing all these then what happens is it affects the people it's a trickle down thing and then people don't feel they don't feel safe they don't feel right okay so when it says that isaac isaac in the bible it says he sowed a he sowed for crops in the time of famine and he reaped a hundred fold return there was no rain so it's a total miracle right okay well we see miracles all the time and we see people that have miracles all you partners i mean you could all stand up here and tell about a miracle and so it hasn't stopped okay well what is that that is a fact that you've associated yourself not with a jesus that was born in a manger at christmas time which is a pagan holiday and then he died and then if you go to some churches he's still on the cross it's like i think he's paid the price okay no no so the gospel the whole message of paul the apostle is is that he ascended on high and was seated at the right hand of god which is the the side of authority where righteousness reigns justice reigns get my drift okay so his kingdom reigns forever it's eternal in heaven but this world is fallen and broken okay so how how do we become history makers or problem solvers solutions to people's problems is that we have to be from another kingdom and that's what jesus said i'm not from here my kingdom is not from this world he told pilate that and he said don't you know i could i could i could just deliver you right now because you don't have that power unless god gave it to you that's what jesus said jesus refused to be delivered because he wanted to do this okay but the whole idea was not just to have 12 disciples you know and they became apostles and then everybody thinks that the epistles were their wives but the epistles are letters that were written by the apostles see so it became 120 on the day of pentecost and on that day there was a mighty rushing wind and there was fire that appeared upon their heads they started speaking in languages they did not know and it says there was such great joy that they appeared to be drunk and the holy spirit hasn't changed he hasn't had a change in all these years because he's god okay so what happened was in the last 2000 years there's been an onslaught against believers on the earth who represent god's kingdom jesus christ but jesus christ represents the power and the authority of god and the head of the kingdom of god but he's assigned to be the author and finisher of our faith that says in the book of hebrews so you have down here what you call the born-again experience where you jesus said if you believe he says he says you must be born again in other words your spirit becomes new it's in second corinthians 5 17 talks about we become new creation the oldest passed away it's a spiritual thing that happens you don't change you don't get a face lift when you get saved you don't you don't lose weight in fact your mind still operates the same and your body still looks the same the next day you're you're still if you were stupid before you were saved then you're going to be you know in other words if you're making bad decisions then life's going to be tough you can get saved and get a ticket the next day you can gain 10 pounds the next day okay so it in other words it's a spiritual thing but it might not translate into physical or mental that's what jesus was saying this is how you become a christian is you are born again according to jesus if you want to bring jesus into it in john 3 okay so he says nicodemus was like okay well wait a minute being born again so i got to go back into my mother's womb he goes no jesus said it's like the wind the spirit is like the wind you're born of the spirit he says you look at the trees he said you see them moving but you can't see the wind that moves them he said it's the same with the spirit you can see the results of the spirit of god touching someone but you cannot see the spirit okay you see the results of that okay so now what we have in this day which happens in every generation we have someone who carries a torch through that generation and keeps it going but you have mostly just religion which paul said if you have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof or the resurrection he said he said you're nothing he said there are people that have the form of god that denied power he said don't even eat with them well he says don't have fellowship with those kind of people well what if they're family but jesus said if you love me you'll obey me he said he said you he said the the people that hear my voice those are my mother and my brothers because his mom you know mary the one that lost him for three days they came they came they came to get him because they it says they thought he was crazy they were coming for an intervention and they said jesus your mother and your brothers are out there and he said these are my mother and my brothers those who hear my words and obey it okay so jesus has more of an edge about him than we would represent down here a lot of times okay so what has happened is over the generations every generation goes through certain things we can look through church history we can see that it's as though satan wants to diminish what happened at the time of jesus and then on the day of pentecost and then when the apostles wrote epistles they didn't marry epistles they wrote epistles and then it grew the church grew because of signs and wonders following what they were preaching people were healed people were delivered if you read the book of acts there was something happening all the time angels showing up okay so the the church just in few chapters they're up to five thousand and then it was so strong that the religious leaders that were there that killed jesus started going after them why because they didn't have the power so i um i was on my way to the air force academy at 18 when i graduated at 19 i was on my way and i knew in my heart that the only way that i was going to get there because it was so hard to get a nomination was if i gave my life over to god i just knew that i don't know how i knew it no one told me but i said lord if you'll treat me and lead me into eternal life to where i could walk with you like the people in the bible did then i will give my life to you right now not in church it was in my bedroom with nobody helping me i i knelt down and i gave my life to lord and i said if i could have that kind of relationship i will give you everything and i will even give up the academy the f-16 i'll do it all and you know my story i walked away from everything and now i have my own jet but even if i didn't i would serve him if i had a commodore 64 here it actually might not freeze up as much as this does no but you see usa i don't i don't judge god by what he gives me he's already given me eternal life however with him involved in our lives you could see in the church the early church how through the years that i studied in college all this church history world history you know now i wish i just watched the history channel it's easier but i'm like so it's too late i already lost half my hair studying you know but listen it gets it it doesn't always get easier when you do things right but righteousness reigning causes people to be able to feel shalom or peace even if the world jesus said the peace i'm giving you is not what the world gives you you got it you're starting to understand and i know you all do it because you're all you're all with me for the last four years you've watched this but when god starts to initiate and tell you listen i'm with you and if you'll take care of people i'll take care of you so somebody paid our house off now last night last night in norfolk someone paid for the whole four-day trip i mean all of this the jet the fuel all the hotels all the food it's already paid for one person i didn't ask them to if you if you listen to me i go you don't have to give you know me i'm like if you're not if you don't feel like you want to give then you don't give and i tell you i'll go back to work if i have to to do this it's it's that's because i'm doing this for him and he can finance it and he has but see you've joined to help okay but when you join to help what i'm trying to say is this is the way the church was there was nobody lacking in the early church because everybody's shared right and moses is the only person in the bible if you check it out there's only one there's there's a couple of one-timers in the bible and i pay attention to those because that's what i saw when i was in heaven i saw that jesus told me he said you ought to find out when i marveled there's only two times in the bible that jesus marveled and it was people that were not even jews that had great faith jesus marveled at their faith one of them was a centurion one of them was a samaritan woman okay well i want he said you check out what that that kind of thing well then i started to check out some other things like test me in this and see if i won't pour out such an abundant blessing on you that you won't have any place to put it and i will rebuke the devil of our devourer for you say so this this lady said you taught me about tithing about giving and she it she just it paid for everything but this happens all the time we we get months in advance we get oh you're going to phoenix i'm paying for that well isn't this the way it should be because i'm not doing this for myself i want to stay home right i mean this is this is what the lord is doing but think about this 20 000 students in two and a half years eight nine well about to be nine best-selling books there's eight best-selling books right now that have been written in the last three years there's 47 books but mostly study guides but every book has gone to be a number one new release on amazon and i'm not even trying to do that i'm just trying to help people okay so you i'm not this good as what i'm trying to say but what happens when god comes in and there's righteousness and justice reigning is you start to associate yourself with that other realm that you can't see and people aren't going to understand that paul talks about this and what i want to talk to you tonight and don't be nervous if i don't use my nose because i memorized everything but in first corinthians chapter 2 if you go through that chapter which is one of my favorite verses and we can open up to that if you like and go through every verse if you want to hang out okay if you want to hang out but let me give you the synopsis for people that might have to leave and you know when they have to leave you know because you just do what you want to do but in heaven there it's it's more it's more of a military atmosphere as far as the angels go like the angels aren't attached to you emotionally they're they're military every angel that i've encountered i didn't want to encounter them again because there's they got an edge about them and they they don't want to hear about your drama they've been sent to help you and they're like i got to get on i mean i got to get on with what i got they're like helping people all the time but see they shouldn't be your cleanup crew no i'm serious you go through a red light they're not there to clean it up for you but see that's what people think they're gonna angels are just gonna help you when you be when you're stupid but see angels are not made for that angels are meant to work with those people who are going to inherit salvation it's that's what the bible says we want to bring the bible into it it says that the ministering spirits are sent to minister for those who go and inherit salvation there they're flames of fire they're ministers of fire they hearken unto not your voice voice of the lord now if you repeat something that your heavenly father says they're like we can do that but they hearken unto his voice according to psalms if you check out 107 if you if you if we look all this up the angels in in 90 psalms 91 they are they come in and on a special assignment is what it says in hebrew to lift you up and to take care of you so that you don't even trip on a stone but you know if you're going to go through a red light you might wake up to the jaws of life instead of an angel trying to get you out of your car and this has been the problem is that people have to realize that god is a orderly god he's a just god and he's he's got boundaries and that's why jesus said listen so he gave you know he he said this listen if you do these two things if you obey these two you can fulfill all the law right well he gave moses 10 laws right but by the time the jews were done they had 613. and now think about what we have and people still go through red lights or they you still don't pay your taxes okay because what what what jesus said was is if you love god with all your heart and two other things that we think it's two but it's actually there's three things you love god with all your heart you love your neighbor as yourself so you can love yourself but if you love your neighbor and you love god you're not going to go through a red light because you're not just thinking about yourself you're thinking about others speed limits are based on how if something comes out in front of you can you stop in a certain amount of distance it's the same thing with an aircraft it's all measured before we land i know exactly where i got a touchdown i know exactly where how much runway i need if i don't have enough i don't land there hello i don't have to test it then you'll see me on the news what's that stupid pilot doing well it's all calculated it's the same with everything else see if jesus said because he's asked do we pay taxes he goes well whose inscriptions on your coin you say then paid us caesar what's caesar's and pay to god what's god's this is in the new testament by the way moving on okay so when god gets involved with your life what will happen is paul said there's going to be a separation he says you can have to come out from among them and be ye separate why because what happens is an internal thing that happens there's a change inside but people have the power to manipulate you in your soul your mind will and emotions and in your body so you can be hijacked in your mind and in your body your body and your mind are separate from your spirit even though you are a spirit you're going to go somewhere and live forever whether it's in hell or heaven okay but your body is your earth suit when you paul said to be absent with the body is to be present with the lord if you're a believer okay so then we have the the soul which is your mind will and emotions which actually is why we're in the problem we're in because adam and eve reasoned out something that god had already said you don't do this so what is why is eve talking to a serpent in the garden when god comes down every day and talks to them it says that he comes and walks with them every day well if she had any questions she could just have a question and answer service she could had a session with god and asked him but before you know it see the warfare was in the psychological realm because she made decisions why because satan see evil spirits can't beat you can't beat a christian in the spirit evil spirits beat people in their minds you they get you to do it they have to hijack you so human beings are very powerful because they can do evil and they can do good but see we weren't supposed to ever know about evil when we ate of that tree it opened us up and it it was permanent because god started pronouncing okay here's what's going to happen to you woman here's what's going to happen to you serpent and here's what's happened to you adam he wasn't he wasn't saying okay i'm mad and i'm going to slap you with this he was saying because you did this this is what's going to happen childbirth this can be painful adam you're going to work you're going to work three jobs and your cat and your dog are gonna work at mcdonald's too everybody's gonna work so we're in a broken world okay so the only way out is to hear from god and hear from god is a spiritual experience because because because of the wonderful things he does no because his he is a spirit jesus told a woman at the well in chapter 4 of john he said he said god is a spirit he didn't say god's a soul he didn't say he's a body he said god is a spirit those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth period it's coming a day it's going to be on this mountain or that mountain but everyone okay so in your spirit is where god speaks to you well if you look at how everything is set up it feeds your body it feeds your soul and you get a cold snack a week at church spiritually that is by design of the enemy think about it every time i buy one of these or one of these i know in six months something better is going to come out there's going to be a new diet there's been so many of them i remember i remember the captain he goes at work he goes you know not now but before he say hey do you want anything i'm going to that uh it's a blue burrito right blue burrito there in phoenix pound burrito and um blue burrito you guys you anything with blue burrito and i'm like yeah can i have a half a burrito because you want the full one like yeah i'll be up in the cockpit sleeping he goes okay he comes back and he's got the one pounder you got the big one i got the half one he goes can i have a diet coke i go for what forget it i'm seriously asked for a diet coke i go just go for it man guys 350 pounds i don't even know how i fit through the door he goes i'm on this fatkins diet he said it's really working for me he sat up there and drank his diet coke and ate the one pound burrito i have no idea why i just told you that but see the the thing that is is there's always going to be something new you know eggs are bad for you now they're good for you and you know if you take this drug you know it'll fix you but the side effects are worse than what you have okay so that's all i'm going to back out slowly so i can stay on the air here but the thing that is is some you know you don't you you don't need coverings and now you need 10 of them and now you don't need them again and it's like you know what i'm just going to stay home let's stay home for a year let this all pass there's going to be something else next year i just wonder what the bats think about all this after talking code so i could okay so if justice reigns then righteousness reigns then truth reigns then what happens is the people are at peace because the king who is involved with the domain brings that peace because there's a trust going on so then people honor each other and they help each other and then there isn't this rebellious spirit there isn't there isn't the boundaries that have to be out there because you just honor them okay so if you would love someone to the point where you would treat them as yourself then it would alleviate a lot of problems that we have okay but people are making decisions against your will but you're supposed to send people that represent you and you hired them they work for you and the people that you hired are to protect and serve right okay so jesus did all this he did it at a time where there was a government rome that took over israel now we're going to get into the deep spiritual warfare stuff but you got to understand what i'm telling you before we can go there because you have to see what's happening to you your eyes need to be open to what's really going on because whatever you're seeing you can multiply by 21 what's going on behind the scenes and what is not getting through will amaze you my friends i have i have somebody i could call i'm not going to quote him i'm not going to tell you who he is but he literally died because of a drunk driver very high up in the government his wife and his child went to heaven they were laid out on the highway i know this man this is not like a story that you hear with marshmallows out on fire a campfire this is someone i know who is is very high up their car was hit by a drunk driver he's on the highway they all were thrown out onto the highway they're all dead he gets up and his body's laying there he sees his little daughter spinning around and dancing and his wife getting up out of her body and they all just gather together and an angel comes and a ladder appears and so he lets his wife and his child go up and when he start up the ladder an angel that was on that ladder drew a sword and put it right at his chest and said you're not going this man has changed my life but he's not known by anybody never been on a tv show he literally stopped world war iii he was sent back he said here's why you're not going back you're gonna you're gonna prevent and stop world war iii from happening too soon the angel let let the other two go he never saw them again this angel took him over russia and showed how they were going to come down into certain countries like crimea and how to set up the grid he said you're going to the pentagon as he was going over russia he could hear the russian people in their prayer closets crying out to god he went the whole way around the world and he said yeah but where am i going to get the money my all my bones in my body are broken i want another wife if you're not going to let me go with my child and my wife my wife so the angel took him to a lady who was praying in her prayer class and he said that'll be your wife you'll meet her in two years and he did and here's how you're gonna get the money because you're he was a lawyer for the navy and he says you're gonna we're gonna help you get this guy because he left the scene and uh we got you you will get all the money you want you nee you needn't want and he did they caught him the settlement married the lady was invited to teach at the war college then he went to the pentagon and as he's sitting there like who is this guy why is he here he goes well this is what you need to do and they're like how do you know all this i know this man the angel said if you do not go back that man will get away with it do you hear what i'm saying i don't think you do if he doesn't go back and go back into his body that man will get away with it and satan would push forward the clock on world war iii because of a migration down from the bear do you understand me a little better now i have stories like that of people you don't even know but they come and they talk to me they don't want to be known but they're high up in the navy high up in the government talk to me about things that they shouldn't probably shouldn't say but it's a spiritual aspect it's the value of knowing how god's will works is that if if we do not do our job down here like brother hagin told us before he passed away in class he said he said listen to me he said if anything bad happens to the united states it's the church's fault he told us that then i called and i talked to billy brim who was his editor and she said yes he did say that and then you start to think okay what just happened in the last year and why are we in the desert for four years well it's not god's fault god actually if you if you measure who god is and by his word then you can look at a ruler or a king and you measure up by god's personality you can tell what god's will is and if it's not being done you can tell that it's not going to be shalom in a nation when wicked rules when when lawlessness rules okay when when you stand for righteousness and justice and you stand in the gap for babies in the womb and things like that well then what happens is it becomes a war that is at the same level as when satan tried to take moses out try to kill all the babies then you've got jesus same thing herod pharaoh tried to take moses out ended up having to support him in his own home jesus took herod found out he wanted to take all the babies out for three years jesus just went to egypt and spent his frankincense and myrrh and gold that he got for his birth right he told his parents let's get out of here they went to egypt for two right two years why watch jesus christ it's god almighty sending jesus christ why didn't herod just disappear instead he was told to go to egypt escape so he wouldn't be killed is there anybody here okay so rome is in israel it's not their country they took it over and jesus never said a word against rome he never said a word he called herod a fox but he didn't say anything about rome he preached to the lost sheep of israel they didn't want him so he went out to the sick to the poor out in the fields and he ministered to people that wanted help right okay rome rome didn't have him killed the religious leaders of the day delivered him over to rome rome tried to stop it the government tried to stop it pilate was the guy was in the outpost there he said don't you know i have the authority to stop all this he said why are your own people handing you over he goes he goes i'm from another kingdom the religious leaders of the day were jealous why because he had the power he had miracles he had the words of life people said no one ever spoke unlike the pharisees oh that really went over well you know so no one speaks like them like him okay so here we are today in your heart you want righteousness and justice to reign because that's who you are because you're part of god's kingdom that's who he is truth you want truth to reign but see facts are not truth see science is actually observation so like when i was in school and i learned things this already been proven wrong because we're learning observing observing and developing facts which is not truth but see absolute truth that's in heaven is determined by god himself he doesn't change it says he changes not right okay so in heaven there's absolute truth he sent the spirit of truth which is the greek word for reality so he spent this he sent the spirit of god who is the spirit of reality to lead us into all reality so if you want to know the truth it says that it will set you free he who the son says for his free indeed the spirit where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom okay so when the spirit comes you're gonna see things you're gonna know things however then you've got a huge discrepancy because you're sick thank you you're sick you got crazy family members you got a church that gives you a chicken dinner but not chapter 14 of john you got bingo to raise money but moses he's one of the one-timers in the bible he stood up he had asked for an offering so they could build the tabernacle he asked for an offering he had to get up and say please stop we have too much right it's the only place in the bible and i know every time i say that to you so i do i you don't have to give but i know every minister is nervous for me when i say that nobody says please do not give we have too much what minister is going to tell you that we got this whole thing paid for already they're not going to say that to you so when did it become about the money i mean if god is really god then if you do what he tells you to do then he should be able to help us all out okay so our house gets paid off he tells us about the market crashes through an angel visitation where some of you don't even believe maybe it didn't it didn't change it and it's already documented that i was out of the market all my records are there that show that i was in the market got out right before it happened then put myself back in and doubled then took it out in 2008 again after the 2001 and doubled it now i'm quadruple and i'm a flight attendant not even a pilot so when i transferred it out i transferred it out into people that handle a huge amount of money and they're like what did you do for southwest i said i was a flight ted they go you have six times more than anything we've seen and you're only 54. i go just transfer it please just get it out just do it and don't expose it because i don't want to pay taxes yet i'm too young i know that i don't want to touch it well what think about this i'm telling you this i'm being transparent because i'm not this good me and my wife are not this good but god was was helping us and i think that you should know that that there there is a time where god helps you and that you it can't all just be bad and you know right i don't want to wear a tire or suit but for years the lord would tell me one day you're going to minister to many people and so i would by faith buy suits and ties because one day i'm going to be a minister and i just dress the lord told me just dress how you feel i go well i feel like i'm royalty i feel like i'm on assignment you know when i show up to jet tomorrow i have a nice i pressed shirt on with my logo and my wings and the and and my other pilot he might show up with is this polo he's not bothered by that because he knows i'm i'm living my dream he knows he said he's when he met me he said i'm going to make you a captain that's my full assignment it's a total miracle but see i'm not worried about what people think when i'm living in something that is a track that god chose for me okay so that was the introduction this is what this is what i've only been doing this four years but i've been living it all my life and i'm trying to tell you something here it's it's not where you start it's where you end up this works in any country i had to teach this in puerto rico right after a hurricane teach it in poor countries that god wants to get you out of debt it shocked me when me and my wife were doing our studies and by and i i looked up mortgage and you know you know a lot of you know this if you're my partner but mortgage is two words mort engage mort means death and gauge means grip you do the math death grip okay so that's supposed to be good well just do the math on it over 30 years you paid three times what your house is worth well though you think that that money could be used somewhere else rather than a middleman that you never meet some guy with tape his glasses are taped up and he's counting beans and he's got it all rigged so that you can't win you're going to pay that interest you know and it's a seven year you got seven years left on that 30 year that's when you get to the place where you're paying more into the principal than in to the interest do i need to say that again that's rigged in not in your favor so why would you do that so when a house was paid off in the last well 12 years it's been a little bit more than that now 330 000 we didn't have to pay but the payoff for the house was much much less than that it was and sixteen thousand paid it off but it would be 330 at the time because of the interest rate at the time if you don't like the interest rate today just wait a day it'll change so i saw in heaven and we're getting into the warfare now i saw that ezekiel 28 and isaiah 14 are your secret briefings there is so much revealed about satan in those chapters because if i know that guy i know his that guy that i can know his mode of operation he's a terrorist but he's also very very intelligent and it says that because of the multitude of his merchandising the trafficking it says he was corrupted and he fell iniquity was found in him oh lucifer how thou has fallen the word lucifer is that in hebrew it doesn't say lucifer it says hello which is the bright and shiny one of god the one that was in the garden the cherub the covers but it says that his sanctuaries that he was over were corrupted okay so he was over not only the garden but he had other things that was over it was corrupted because he inserted himself as a middle man and so when you and i could just go and trade fairly because i liked apples and you had apples but i grew oranges then we could go together and just barter but when he inserted himself he took 10 or whatever inserted himself in a market that didn't need him well think about it for a minute no you're not thinking hard enough you're not thinking hard enough you're not thinking hard enough because doctors have practices i don't want anybody practicing and they say okay we're going to try this then we're going to try this and then we're going to up the dose on this i'm like just just tell me what to do doc we don't know yet i'm like well what about something natural can i go get some tree bark or something because i i don't want the side effects what what happened wait a minute this is a separate thing from doctors i got to be careful what i say because i want to stay i want to stay with you all do you get it okay so where did where did this okay without saying it because i don't want to get i mean i've done good for four years and we're almost ready to own everything once we own everything then they can't take us off but we're not quite there yet but listen listen the greek word the the greek word for witchcraft and sorcery is the word pharmaca where we get the word okay it's all about this it's all about this energy oil why is oil nationals under national security backing out of the batcave got to back out okay now listen you could do this with everything with banking wait a minute you're going to pay me a penny for hundreds of thousands of dollars you're making 15 while i'm sleeping off my money i'm not kidding you a middleman they want you to borrow money they want the practice on you but what if you find a doctor that says okay this is what we're going to do i'm like now you're talking if a controller says i i'm going to orlando and he says you know try 23 000 and then you just maybe 10 degrees right just try that you know what we're good i'll just take it from here i can see there's a cloud there no no you want someone who's going to know what they're doing and just tell you what to do right because you're not excuse me controller you're not practicing on me right what's the same thing with everything you're going to practice on your money okay how about your relationships are you going to try this person well we've seen where that's got us oh they just seem like a nice person okay i'm just trying to point out something to you we need that spiritual aspect to our life we need to know the truth and say you know what i don't care what you're saying you're a liar you have to be able to say you know what no no no i'm giving you strategies here secret strategies this is your briefing you have to be a spiritual giant in this life you have to invest all your time into praying in the spirit and meditating on the word of god and separating yourself from numb skulls separate yourself if listen if a person you can tell if a person's faking it you can tell when they go to the podium and they're making stuff up when they tell you to do something and then you see them at a ball game and they're not doing what they just told you to do i mean they're so hard on ministers okay so truth sets you free the spirit sets you free they're all the same the truth is the spirit because the the spirit leads you know truth jesus spoke the truth he sent the spirit of truth you received the spirit of truth so you should know the truth and should set you free where the spirit of the lord there should be freedom if there's not freedom then it's not god's fault it's because the spirit is not there because if the spirit's there there's going to be truth and there's going to be freedom and so the level has to come up right okay so most people will not understand what christianity was christianity when it started was worth dying for now you're willing to you're willing to do whatever you're told to make everybody happy and what has happened is you've you've been you've been sold and and thrown into the nile and you're going you're floating on a basket like like moses was but see god's plan was it went right to the servants of pharaoh's household and that's what's going to happen you watch what happens now you watch what happens because what what joseph said to his brothers he said what you meant for evil god meant for good joseph was sent ahead okay so your spirits are lit up with the power of god because you're born again and the only reason that i'm a christian and i'm doing this right now is because he was way more than people told me it was way better it's well worth it and nobody told me about it and it's like i accidentally fell into it by just obeying god it's like i just obeyed god when he said to do something i didn't question it my dad was was a navy officer so i learned how to say yes sir and do what he told me or i just lost a tooth he had me paying rent i was paying rent in high school i was working paying rent and helping with the food he said you know you can drive but you better get to work because you're paying for the car if you want to burn your tires go ahead because you're going to buy the new set not me and it caused me to be accountable and disciplined and he got smarter as i got older he was the smartest man i know and it says in hebrews that god the father loves us and he disciplines those that he loves okay so i you you've read my books you've heard all the supernatural stuff my wife watches this we encounter this stuff every day and you watch just what's happened in the last three months you can't make this stuff up and it's kind of funny because i told you four years ago right off the bat when i gave up and i was willing to just i walked away from it it wasn't going to happen it didn't matter but it happened it came back it came back because god doesn't forget but i was willing to leave everything to serve him and and and be a flight attendant for i was a flight attendant for 30 years when i could fly that aircraft and so god has so many wonderful things for you that they are they are hidden they are hidden because it's things that has to do with your future where you have to prove that you will love him even when you don't see him even when you don't know what the next step is can you stay in there now this is what paul said and this is this is my passion please listen to what i'm about to read to you please listen to this this is it this is your briefing paul said in philippians chapter 3 verse 9 i'm going to read you listen to every word that he says because i just set you up so that you can hear this this is this is why you need what paul is about to say i just told you why because this is messed up down here but we are the solution i'm not giving up there's no way i'm giving up gotta be kidding me god will honor his word to the 31 people on the mayflower who made a covenant off the coast he'll do it he'll honor those people that made a covenant he'll remember that's what i'm i'm falling i'm not falling back on good behavior or who who's in leadership now for sure but i am going to fall back on a covenant hi lou there's my pilot my my faithful my faithful instructor man lou all right plenty of seats come up here and i want to honor you um verse nine my passion is to be consumed okay now listen this this is paul the apostle my passion is to be consumed well that's pretty extreme consumed with him and not clinging to my own righteousness my own righteousness will be his righteousness based on the faithfulness of jesus the very righteousness that comes from god and i continually long to know the wonders of jesus more fully and to experience the overflowing over these are great adjectives overflowing power not just power overflowing power this is new testament after jesus has passed and gone to heaven he said i continually long to know the wonders of jesus more fully and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me presently i will be one with him in his sufferings and i will be one with him in his death only then will i be able to experience complete oneness with him in his resurrection from the realm of death nobody talks like this anymore verse 12 i admit that i haven't yet acquired the absolute fullness that i am pursuing but i run with passion not just run run with passion into his abundance so that i may reach the purpose that jesus christ has called me to fulfill this is your life this is your this is your driving force it's to please him and to experience him it says it says here i'm going to fulfill my purpose that jesus christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover verse 13 i don't depend on my own strength that's a big lesson to accomplish this however i do have one compelling focus i forget now this is the focus he has i forget all of my past and i fasten my heart to the future instead i run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory prize through the anointing of jesus amen okay so it doesn't matter did you know that oh like i was under presidents that played saxophones that didn't have birth certificates and all these good things still happened jesus ministered under herod who tried to kill him all those miracles every day still happened come on let's be honest okay so what can you do with a birth certificate you have one you pay your taxes you obey the law well don't you think that what paul is saying here if you set your affections your passion on him and let his spirit help you discover him is what paul is saying and your heart is attached to him and his and you discover your divine purpose because we all have one but it's not what your neighbor's doing it's what you're supposed to do you need to find out what you're supposed to do so this is your secret briefing evil spirits they either pull you in or they push you in but paul said that those who are led by the spirit of god are sons of god it's in romans 8. even the nearly inspired version gets it right so you're led you're not pushed you're not drugged you're led it's your own free will i can let this mic drop right now and you would it would hurt your ears but i'm not i'm not going to do that but i could but what would it prove paul said when you were in the world and you obeyed the power of the air the prince of the power of the air he said you had no resistance to that and you did it with all your heart now that you're in christ why not in passion attach yourself to god's purpose for you because that's what we need we need a group of people that just want to do what god wants done that's you okay [Applause] how we're going to do this is is not is not having a boy that came back from heaven named kevin it's going to be all you because it could have been you if you would have if you would have had this happen you'd be doing the same thing i'm telling you it's so real and i got signposts along the way telling me okay when you get back into your body all all the wickedness that is down here the evil spirits after a while you're going to start to even doubt that this even happened to you so he gave me signposts along the way for years ahead so every now and then it just falls into it the signposts he gave me were 15 people that i saw before i came back to my body i met all 15 of those people who only two of them i had seen before i met all 15 of them it took 21 years to meet the last one in the line i knew their name they said i haven't told you my name how did you know my name i said this is what the lord set me back for and they start crying every single time kathy's actually seen it happen and when the line was done i n jesus i mean i i'm gonna flip everybody out but you know what i really could care really could care less but at the when that last person when i met that last person jesus showed up and he said you've done everything i've asked you to do and you can come with me now because that was the deal so 21 years it's 28 now but i asked him i said you know what if you could keep sending people to me and add to that line i'll stay that happened i can tell you exactly where it happened and he said okay and he turned around and walked away because like paul said i longed to be with the lord which is better for me but he said for you it's better if i stay you see once i go to heaven i'm no earthly good once you go you cannot contact this realm anymore okay but paul said i he told the corinthians who were used in the spiritual gifts it was crazy he had to limit them he says just two or three at a time and please do not interrupt the speaker holy spirit's not going to interrupt himself he had to say that because you go just a couple here and there they were so spiritual if you read what's in chapter 3 right after you read that wonderful of chapter 2 is my favorite where it talks about the spirit searches the deep things of god and it hasn't even entered into our mind what god has for those who love them but we know it by the spirit chapter 3 says this i long to address you as spiritual but i can't you are mere men carnal mere men carnal babies he said right now you should be on meat and you're still on milk okay so it wasn't the spiritual gifts that was maturity but what do you see what's happened what has just happened the spiritual gifts didn't get us through and neither did the mask okay so what was it then we're still like in this i mean like this week so you start praying against delta you should be praying against echo and frank and all the rest of them are coming okay because see it doesn't stop so if it's not the spiritual gifts or none of the three letter acronyms can help you including the aic the ibf see we're still on the air you're like what did you say no what what what will change things is this maturity what's maturity i don't want to fly with someone who starts crying when we lose an engine and and lou and louis is going to say this always happens to me i go well you should have told me that before we flew together no he doesn't like go no he goes we call for we call for the quick reference and then we go to the red red section which is emergencies and we start to isolate according to the enunciators on a panel we isolate it and we go down we start our checklist and we we we isolate it we shut it down and we land and that's what we do why because if you want to be a pilot it's not just to fly through the fluffy clouds it's to handle anything anytime and it's the same thing with everything else if you're a plumber you're not gonna let that toilet beat you you're gonna you're gonna find out and you're gonna fix that thing it's the same with electricity if you're an electrician you ain't leaving that house until it is fixed and you're like i'll do it for free there's no way this thing's gonna beat me what okay it's that way with everything your profession whatever you do it's because it's in you to do it okay if that is the case don't you think that psalms 91 should keep you okay so if that's the case then you discern what god has put in you and you do that but you do that not out of fear you do that because this is who i am and god is going to protect me can that is called maturity everybody looks to the leader when something bad happens because they want to see how they are reacting to it they will gauge the person's face expression on how bad it is so when i see something happen i automatically turn to authority to see what their how they're reacting to it so it's maturity to be aware of what's going on around you but most christians don't even know what's going on around them what i found is is that the number one and number two questions that i always get from the students is i want to know god's will and i want to hear his voice so everything that i teach on that subject is to fortify to get an environment for growth not to actually like okay can you hear them yet okay try this here do you hear that no it's not how you teach something spiritual right okay however i did find something peculiar the same people when i talk to him because i i talk i talk to a lot of people for 30 years i talked to my crew members every single day about spiritual things i talked to my crew members every pilot that flew with me every flight attendant flew with me the questions they had is how i address your courses and my messages it has to be practical but it's interesting how people will tell me what the devil told them this week but you can't hear god's voice and the devil told wants me to do this i go but you can't tell me what god wants you to do no no let's be honest this is why we're that's why we didn't do very well in our audit last year this is why we didn't come to where we were the the church that the gates of hell can't prevail against this is why we're not it's it's an honest it's an honest assessment that we need to work on some stuff so we we go through the checklist we we just we we have a resolution which is probably the land but you know we we do it at a safe speed instead of upside down at almost mock because it's a controlled descent it's a controlled everything why maturity because we learn how to react and then we're leaders so this room is full of leaders and that's why i you were invited to be here i want to come into this city and i want to do i want to do the whole weekend thing and minister to the kids and administer to you you'll you'll get your study guide like i write a study guide every month you get your free study guide and a cd but i want to do that for you know like i do in other cities 1500 or 2 000 people it's all paid for by you the partners but what i want to do is i want to start to help people to understand that christianity is not some ethereal thing it is an encounter with god but it's it's very it has to be practical in other words people have to say my god my god your god is with you that was what was the old covenant god said they will know and then jesus said you will know them by their fruit okay so to me james he said you tell me your faith he said i will show you my faith by what i do i think that being a christian is someone who can handle themselves in adversity and be there for people but if you're not mature if you're if you're in if you're in need in your physical body in your mind in relationships in your finances if you're in need that it's really hard it's really hard to help other people isn't it because you're in pain or you your finances it's and so there's this there's this catch there's a disconnect you're behind the curve where we we find ourselves behind the curve and i hear it all the time well if i had more finances i would do more to help others but see to me to me god gives seed to the sower you have to have seed to sow it okay so he's given you his word his word jesus said to the devil in the desert if you want to bring jesus into it he said listen man doesn't live by bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of god so my question is is that most people don't want to be a christian because it's powerless to them and i dealt with this for 30 years but they watch the favor and they're watching it now all my all my buddies thousands and thousands are watching they're like writing me my god you're no longer a flight attendant you're a pilot now and you got your own airplane and and i love your books and you never changed i'm still a flight attendant it was still kevin see i didn't get i didn't let it go to my head let it go to my heart my heart got bigger okay this is what we need we need people that translate what they believe into action allowing god to do the supernatural you do the natural you do what you need to do listen i'm not going to change my message just even if i'm in the back of an ambulance hanging on for dear life i will not renounce jesus christ he will i will not i will not renounce healing he's already healed me of so many other things he healed that man that was in the pentagon high ranking official every bone in his body he had been pronounced dead the ambulance people that picked him up he said every bone in his body was broken and now there is no broken bones they testified i know this person i also know someone else who was coming home from college and didn't have the money to pay the next semester because they owed from the last semester they weren't allowed to come back it happened to me too if you remember my story and someone paid my whole school bill off that i still don't know who it was but we know somebody that picked up a hitchhiker in kansas because he's fallen asleep on his way home during the break semester break and he had prayed he said i god just this is impossible because we're in farm country but if you could just get me somebody that can just ride with me keep me awake or else find me a gas station i can get some coffee and so he passed somebody there's not even any lights and he didn't stop so he said lord if you do it again i will stop 20 miles later he passed the same man on picked him up the guy said you can just take me to this gas station and get some coffee so he gets to the gas station goes in comes out the guy's gone he's driving he's driving um i don't remember if it was another 20 or 40 miles but he passed the guy again stops puts me because where did you go because that's that that you don't need to know that you just need to know that god is with you and he said you can lead me off up here left them off and he said oh by the way don't look now but when you get home i left you something behind the seat 22 000 in cash for his school so there's still miracles going on it happened to me my whole school bill was paid off by someone who called the school who got my name in prayer and and i can give you the registrar's name and you can call him and he'll tell you because he wept he goes this guy didn't even know how to pronounce your name but he said he said does this guy owe money and he goes oh yeah he's in trouble he says don't kick him out i'll be right over he wrote a check i i wrote a card to him because the guy didn't want to know he's a businessman he got my name in prayer my last name is zadai you he said it's some middle eastern name i'm not middle i'm not a i'm from pennsylvania i can't even speak english right yun's so i believe in every generation there's people that are raised up that have testimonies to keep the fire going people that bridge the gap to the next generation and this always looks bad there's always been in every you know you study history like i had to for college and all my degrees it was amazing like you you could look like the antichrist was going to come every single generation and every every leader their their name added up to 666. i mean the whole way back from to nero in rome and now even people that don't have a birth certificate so it's just like well when it when does it end it doesn't end until first thessalonians where paul said the end will not come and the son of perdition will not be revealed until these things happen and it's because he's being held back and you know who it is that's being held it's holding him back and he doesn't say because it's assumed that we know that it's us so we're waiting for something that we're actually doing we're watching dvds we should just be just looking in the mirror and you're praying you're praying for somebody you're praying for somebody to do this and that and the assignment is right under your name and i don't wait anymore for anybody there's like a puff of smoke when god speaks to me because i know how it works down here the devils want you to procrastinate the devil wants you to not think you're valuable he wants you to think that someone else is going to do it wants you to think that this is it just roll over put on your your your extra 12 coverings on your face at what point do you stop breathing 15 17 just depends upon the manufacturer how much how much how much how much drugs you have to take well it's not really it's masking but is it really helping is it like you have to determine that is it masking the symptoms uh do you take enough scripture today just the master system are you gonna have surgery tonight have you been just taking scriptures and praying just enough to get the next day punching the clock well you know it's not going to work like that anymore because we are at war listen people you're going to serve you're going to serve one master or the other and we are a part of the redeemed and it's all about knowledge it's all about understanding there's a discrepancy and um me and luc we talk about this during the flight every day and we talk about the psychology of of relaying information and then and then um trying to make bullet points make it easy and then when a pilot is put into a simulator they they can't remember the bullet points to do everything they got to do because it hasn't become part of them and what comes out in an emergency you might have shot your firearm many many times but it's amazing when the situation comes up it's amazing that it's like this huge cavern that you've got to step across when you actually have to do something you've done thousands of times it's just like my example i could set up two by fours and line them up all over here two by fours that's four inches by two inches i can line them up all along here okay i will give a thousand dollars for someone who can walk the whole way without stepping off of it well there'd be a line you know the hotel would kick us out it's like three o'clock and i'd be writing checks all night why because oh yeah if i took those two by fours and stretched them across the grand canyon i said i'll give you 10 000 if you can do it you're not gonna have anybody no you could do it here can you do it there why because the price of failure is greater okay everybody hold so what would you do tomorrow if you couldn't fail what if failure was taken out of it because that's the way we were originally made there was no failure that's the way we were made originally and see in your heart you kind of there's an inkling that you want to live forever you want to do right you want to be a history maker you want to be effective you but you find yourself in romans 7 which romans 7 is paul before he was redeemed he said the things that i want to do that i desire to do i can't do but the things that i don't want to do i find myself doing them well that's humanity that's fallen broken humanity but jesus christ came to seek and save those who were lost and he said i've he said the thief comes to steal john 10 10 thief comes to steal kill and destroy but i have come to give you life and life more abundantly okay so if you're still alive you you got saved obviously if you're here well why didn't god just take you to heaven when you got saved why didn't we all as soon as we get saved come up here we got caskets ready you know you'll give your life to the lord then you're going to go to heaven right just move the bodies out right no you wake up the next morning and the same person is falling up the stairs to his aircraft nothing changes okay so why are you here all right so god has a plan his plan is for you to be effective to glorify him this is your briefing this is the secret jesus said this he said if you love my father and me you will obey me and he said and then he said you can ask whatever you will not whatever you need the word there is desire whatever you desire and it shall be given unto you he said there's two reasons why this is going to happen one is to bring glory to my father and number two is to make your joy full okay mark 9 23 if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible to you nothing psalms 91 you will see a thousand fall at your side 10 000 at your right hand but it shall not come near you it says any kind of disease it will not come near you no plague no nothing that is psalm 71 as christians we believe the bible well what happened to the potency see adversity causes people to waver but maturity and good training where you are practical you can apply causes you to encounter what's been promised to you it works out so lou here he teaches me how to make it part of me not just be able to tell him point by point what it says i have to be able to do it as part of me so that when there is smoke and fire and people screaming i still do the same thing that i was trained to do because i've been chosen to be a leader i have to be strong i have to be the one that's going to do it and that's what all of us are called to do and i love you all thanks for being patient with me tonight but this is the briefing this is your secret strategy for for this life is that god wants you to be mature no one else is going to do this you don't wait for someone else to do it you do what your training taught you to do but your training becomes part of you and i have a i you know this religion is a form and it causes you to act right and do right but are you right and are you happy what i mean by happy are you fulfilled you see i met jesus i got another chance to do it right he told me if you go back you cannot fail can you imagine i have to say that to people i have to repeat what he told me he says if you go back it's extra credit that was when i was 31 years old i am 60 now i have not been able to fail because i just don't get in the way i don't play in the street i don't pet alligators and i'm not a test pilot i'm not a test pilot i go by the manual i don't pet alligators their whole goal is to kill you i don't play in a street that's not the place you play okay i just i just stay within the boundaries it's amazing when i just obey the rules i stay alive okay so it's the same with christianity you obey what god has said and the devils cannot do what they want to do jesus said that you shall trample on serpents and scorpions and have power over all the enemy all the devils that's what he said well i in other countries when we're there i mean i'll just tell you in germany we went to we went to the church they filled it up we had it we went to a conference center because it held more by the next week it's full people sitting on the windowsills and i'm talking just like this in a nut and i'm waiting for the interpreter to finish what i just said and i go in the name of jesus i break your power satan i just said that like randomly by the spirit when i did all those people started coughing and choking and demons started to manifest and there's no cameras this isn't like unsolved mysteries or something you know this is just like you gotta be kidding i had a rusher russian he was the head usher russian rusher he is he's over there he was sitting on the windowsill when i when i rebuked the devil my wife was there he flew through the air and flopped like a fish right in front of me and now he's our friend [Music] well how do you explain that i didn't i didn't instigate that when i was when i was i was security for the the college sit there in my office i get a call gotta go somebody somebody trying to break in well i'm the only one there so i'm armed i go i gotta go and get this guy well i just call the local police to have him come and back me up and get that guy out of there but i i was able to get him because he was drunk so it's pretty easy just put handcuffs on him and sit him there well he's in my office i'm waiting for the local you know authorities to come i kid you not without moving his mouth the guy starts talking to me with different voices but all at the same time you got you got like 12 different voices talking at the same time his mouth is not moving his tongue is not moving and you can hear different voice well well then all of a sudden you know like i can't file this you're like how do i file this so i just start casting him out well i got to the last one and he said i don't have to go and i'm like okay why this is because he wants me so i said shut up i said john john come up he's like do you know do you what is going on here it goes all those are my friends i'm like those are not your friends i said well what's this one named raspbed that won't leave he says you want him oh yeah i i want to keep him might as well just go ahead and spill the whole thing at work women coming up to you with i'm going to kill you and it's a man talking through a woman nice beautiful business attire you're going to what you're going to kill me i'm going to burn this plane down and i'm going to kill you i hate you go was i married to you or something no no i've had this stuff happen i kid you not i kid you not she went to her seat got a lighter out took the spirit magazine the back pocket and built a fire in the seat turned around to where her she was disjointed because she turned the whole way around without facing forward and she's looking at me i'm like thinking even when i had the accident on the diving board my neck didn't turn that much she got down on the floor you can ask the flight test and she slivered down the aisle like a snake i'm like okay you're out of here they took her away in a straitjacket she's yelling i will find you and i will kill you how do you explain that well she's just in saying okay yeah that's parts yeah but what about the physical what we saw okay these kind of things happen so where do you file that what just happened to me i'm gonna keep going if you unless you guys get up and leave okay just just a couple weeks ago san bernardino spent 11 days learning how to fly on one engine which you know what i think i got it the first day but like we talked about i had to go through a course that probably could have went for months and it would have been a lot easier but no 11 days and then they throw you at the faa and say okay so the night before i'm like i'm not ready for this so much to learn so much to know and so the next morning i thought i'm gonna i'm gonna go down with my friend and we're gonna go over a whole bunch of stuff in the hotel and then we're gonna take it take me over i gotta get the airplane fly it to another airport fly with the fa i'm like i do not want to do this as we're sitting there discussing it the guy goes i tested you're ready i go okay he goes i'll go fly with you if we want fluties you can do this stuff so we're sitting there at breakfast and there's a another another man in the restaurant two tables over he hears everything he goes hey i don't mean to butt in well you just did no but he's watching he's a good friend and um he is he's a friend now but he goes i don't mean about anything he says but uh are you taking your getting your rating today you know you get a check ride and i go yeah and he goes where i go san bernardino you start riverside go over to that bird you know he goes when i go you know it's at 1. he goes well i'm a captain on a 767 and i'm just telling you you're going to pass that test that's what he said i'm like wow everybody's sure about this except me you know like the whole restaurant anybody else want to join in you want to sing a song about it you know okay listen to me listen just to show you the synchronization this happens you can ask my wife this happens all the time he said well good luck he gets up and leaves now i drive a half hour to riverside airport i fly an airplane to san bernardino i get out i go in and i do a two and a half hour oral which i think it should have just lasted seven minutes but he kept asking question after question what do you do with this what do you do with this and he goes okay he passed because now let's go fly so i go out there i preflight the airplane i get in it he gets in it and we taxi out and what pulls out in front of me is a 767. so now i'm behind a 767 which is like having a mosquito behind a jet engine your wings just kind of disappear in the heat so i back off and um he stops and he asks for clearance and they don't give it to him because of traffic i'm like okay great we have no air conditioning in our plane so we're going to have to sit here he goes well just go around him and go one of those engines can blow a house over you know i can i make it around that he goes i go you know what i don't feel comfortable doing that he goes you just passed he goes now here's what i want you to do i'll call the tower tar says we can't give you permission to do that i go yeah see you know i didn't say that no we went away around we got on the other side and so i'm doing all my pre-checks and flights and everything because i'm figuring they're going to let me go around him well all of a sudden i look up and the faa guy's watching everything i'm doing because if i mess up i'm in trouble and i look in there that pilot in that 767 which is up about two stories from me he's waving at me and on my in my earset on the frequency the tower frequency he goes kevin is that you dr kevin i go it's captain baker you know from i'm like he goes you're going to pass this is what he said and the faa guy looks at me goes you know everybody he just looked at me like like yeah so then the tower the control tower they go you're on your check ride you're the one that's been going all week practice in here i go yeah i'm on my check ride thanks for joining me and you could hear the tower clapping they said you're going to pass so that that pilot he takes off in his and we go out and i pass and i come back and i take a picture that you've seen on facebook of me passing and i didn't pass away i passed and underneath that when i got home because uh my pilot friend goes do you want me to just take the plane back and you can just go you can just go because i got my airplane is there and i got to go back to phoenix i go yeah i never want to see that airplane again just take it so this is what happened i was reading the facebook post and that captain looked me up and said thank i i had the privilege of meeting you thank you and congratulations i told you you're going to pass now how can you figure this all out that synchronization of all that you could just go on like this because what happens is as you get mature you start to be at the right place at the right time and you go by your gut and then all of a sudden the devil is waiting for you at where you he thought you were going to be and he's looking at his watch he's like they should have been here by now they see the holy spirit told you to take a right-hand turn see sometimes the spirit will lead you in a different direction and it's all warfare okay so now that i'm done with my introduction no amen i love you all thank you for being my partner but i want to tell you that the game is already been stepped up a couple notches and i don't think that people are aware of what has really happened here but this is all doable we are able to manage this in the spirit of we have to be who we are we don't have to be someone we're not but whether i live or die jesus is totally worth it it's totally worth it okay if you're not afraid to die you'll learn to live i remember when i went into to retire my boss he said i i got to ask you i heard you died on the operating table and you came back he said can you tell me about that so i told him and he said well this is what happened to me he said i was dying of cancer and he said i was in chemo and he said i was i mean i it was so bad i just wanted to die so i'm in i'm in the bathroom throwing up and he said kevin he said i don't even believe like this you know i don't believe like what happened to you he said but i was alone there and i was dying and i thought this is it it's spitting up blood and he said he heard flip-flops come down the hallway and into the bathroom he looked and there were sandals and feet and he looked and it was jesus and he had just said to god he said i just want to die just kill me i want to die i don't want to live anymore and he said this man jesus he picked me up and hugged me and he said when you learn how to live i'll let you die [Music] and he's still alive today and he might not even believe like we believe but he had that happen my dad the last words to me were on the phone i didn't know he was going to die he had just beat cancer miracle he got healed he didn't know he had it again he called me i've had this happen with ryan's mom before she passed she called me i didn't know that she was going to pass the same conversation almost word for word that my dad gave me she gave me and i never talked to them again they both passed my dad was my greatest supporter he was talking to me as though this was his last time to talk to me if you if you heard what he said to me he was he was the biggest supporter i've ever had he said you have no idea how much good you're doing he said you're changing the world you're changing the world because i'm everywhere and i don't even explain how it happened he said never back off always continue to do this that was the last time i talked to him his mom called and said the same thing the same thing she was our head intercessor you see all they were doing was handing off the baton they're telling me not to back off so if you're not afraid to die if you're not afraid to fail if what you believe is stronger than jihad because those people the soul my friends who were over there they said it's uncanny when these people come at you you look in their eyes they're not afraid to die what they believe they believed to the point of death and it just changed me when i heard these conversations with with military friends about the mentality it's a religion but it's not like a way like jesus provides so the thing that demons can't handle about you is when you have understanding not just knowledge they cannot handle a person when they look at them they don't blink they actually opt out c demons don't have a plan b they cannot be redeemed they will never be redeemed they are very upset at you they do not want you to have heard anything that the word of god says they do not want you to live it they don't want you to believe it they want you to have a hesitancy about you but if you don't they go to someone weaker how much plainer can i be if you want to know what i saw in heaven this is what i saw i saw that they look whom they may devour that's what says satan goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour if you are not devourable if you're not edible he's going to go out i grew up in pittsburgh if you looked at someone they said what are you looking at you with the face that's what i say you with the face you're with the nose you want a piece of me you think you can take me like dude i was actually looking at the food in the window behind you so i grew up i grew up everybody's uptight like you know what just breathe here take your mask off for a minute and breathe no there's a it's a volatile environment sometimes and after a while you'll start to get that way this is this is what demons can't handle somebody who's calm they they're never going through their flip chart giving you suggestions and you're like you're kidding that's it that's all you got you need to work on your material no i'm serious i talk to him like that i do it's not prideful listen down in your spirit the reason i'm i stop like this is because the spirit god's moving and i'm letting him do his work inside of you listen listen it could be a very short while we all are going to be in heaven we're all going to look back and think i could have i could have i should have i would have or you could just do it now do what you can now help somebody find somebody that needs help that can't pay you back smile do something for somebody be you know i got the president's award at southwest airlines from the president of of southwest herb keller and you know why i got it on the plaque it said because i was kind and i showed up for work it says it right there i go you're kidding it's come to that you get you get an award for being nice and showing up for work no think about it the vice president said i know you're a christian and i know these are your values and we wanted to reward you for that but to to the people in the world just showing up for work and being nice about it was like cool we're going to give you the president's award man and behind it was this check a big check taped to it when i retired from southwest airlines as a flight attendant i had almost a million dollars in stock that they gave to me i just so happened that i got hired at the right time and i quit at the right time and all my friends like why are you quitting in 2017 oh you don't want to quit now the stock's going to keep going i'm like [Laughter] no i'm out at 53 dollars a share i'm out i paid nothing for it i'm going to have something i'm going to get out now and then i'm going to start my real job something is happening right now i i'm going to hand the mic over i'm going to drop it and walk away but i'm telling you something in my heart telling you i don't need anything from you i don't need anything you've already given you've already been here for me and my wife what but what i feel in my spirit is that god wants you to know that you can win at this you can win at this life and how you win is you you you wake up tomorrow and you become the devil's worst nightmare [Applause] amen let's worship let's worship let's stand up now what has happened if you if you felt what's happened in your in your heart actually what has happened is because we're all together and we're all of like heart like faith your experience what's called the corporate anointing you're experiencing you're experiencing not the anointing of a person in the flesh you're you're you're experiencing the whole body being together and in one accord and this is where jesus said if you will agree is touching any one thing it shall be done for you paul said i am convinced that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him until that day everything that you have has been given to you by god and you will produce from what he has given you and you will produce a crop from that from your talents and from everything it's not too late there's my dad it's too late he can't come back but i'm still here i can do something [Music] it's never too late raise your hands i want you to talk to god right now on your own and i want you to talk to him as though tomorrow is your last day and i want you to talk to him as though okay tomorrow's my last day what would you like me to do in the next 24 hours and i want you to believe anything i want you to get out of your mind right now and i want you to go down in your heart and i want you to see what god has put inside of you and i want you to offer yourself up to him right now and i want you to accept the holy spirit's anointing that's in this place it is a supernatural it's tangible right now it's it's an impartation from heaven i know what i'm talking about and just receive it right now i break the powers of the devil over you i command every evil spirit to leave you now in the name of jesus every hindering spirit every lying devil you're free you're free in jesus name that's it you're free i break addiction in jesus name i break trauma in jesus name i i rebuke rejection you lying devils you're not rejected you're not a victim the lord loves you and tonight he has spoken to you don't pass this up [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 71,285
Rating: 4.9315109 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: pbzb80eNkIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 36sec (8196 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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