The Nephilim, Hybrids & Familiar Spirits: What They Don't Want You To Know!

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oh [Music] says [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] how pleasing it [Music] or how is it [Music] how is it is [Music] how pleased it is [Music] how pleasing it to is before you no better place no better place than here with you and there's no better place no better place than here with you there's no better [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] in the shadows [Music] we've come to dwell come to dwell with you no better [Music] all the safety the safety of your presence [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no better place no better place than this no better place than this [Music] you're so much better so much [Music] so much better we let go of everything we thought we knew we grab hold hold of your truth tonight we let go of everything we thought we knew our hearts they're reaching out [Music] grabbing hold of your truth oh we're letting go [Music] of everything we thought we knew [Music] so much better so much better it's so much better so much better so i let go and i grab hold of the truth you're releasing over us tonight [Music] spirit of truth come tonight come and speak to our hearts [Music] speak to our hearts speak to our hearts [Music] spirit of truth [Music] oh or praise into your name jesus [Music] unto your name all blessings your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] all glory until your name all [Music] into blessings name of this [Music] your name jesus jesus oh jesus [Music] [Applause] to your name to your name we give you highest praise father we give you highest praise [Music] exalted in every nation every generation you are victorious and mighty you are victorious [Music] [Music] [Applause] that you are good [Music] faithful to the ages [Music] faithful faithful faithful you are faithful you are faithful you are true you are good ever present always constant when you are always constant when you are always [Music] thank you lord thank you father thank you father for your presence thank you for your glory your goodness lord we thank you that your goodness is passing before us tonight everybody will see you everybody will experience your glory lord lord the most important thing tonight is that you are here thank you for walking among us thank you for being with us thank you for sending your spirit to dwell with us lord we just thank you [Music] if you're in this room and you're thankful for his presence let's say amen together amen praise god thank you you may be seated we're so thankful to be back in dalton georgia how many of you this is your first time ever in one of our conferences wave huevez wow where have you been thank you for coming thank you for watching online we love kevin and kathy they love coming to dalton georgia this is her home away from home these days and in fact one of the ladies that came in tonight she was skipping on her way in uh she was ready to go so you're welcome to skip on your way in leap jump whatever you want to do uh but we're thankful that you're here and um i want to give you a few announcements we're going to take the offering in a moment but i want to give you a few announcements on your schedule and it was right on your schedule it says we start at 10 in the morning it is actually 9 a.m uh we have so many wonderful things planned tomorrow that we had to push it back so or push it up whichever direction it is it's 9 a.m so please be here at 9 a.m the doors are going to open at eight we have a lot of wonderful things for the kids i'll let kevin say that if he wants to but we have a lot of wonderful things tomorrow for the children and so everybody though please be here at nine because kevin's gonna start teaching at nine or they're gonna may have some worship so how many of you are familiar with warrior fellowships raise your hand awesome that's good news so warrior fellowships if you're a student in our school of ministry we ask you to consider hosting a warrior fellowship which is a bible study a a meeting place where kevin and kathy teach you the things of god every week and you get a pdf you get a teaching but one of the goals is to take what you learned and then go out and do what god's calling you to do in your community it's one way that you can get involved with uh with a kingdom amen if you don't go to one or if you want to know if there's a warrior fellowship near you all you have to do is sign up online you can see where it says where your fellowship link but i want to read two quick testimonies to you that just happened listen to these ready these are warrior fellowships we now have over 1200 of them these weren't in existence before this past january so these these groups are meeting they're they're praying together they're they're listening to the teaching but here's two quick testimonies i don't know where this one's from but they said our fellowship group had an outreach on saturday we handed out the food because kevin is really encouraging him collect food listen to this we handed out the food the lord led us to an area where there was a great need of food and we worship god on that spot where we handed out the food and and we told the people how much god loves them and we prayed for them and we invited to the warrior fellowship that's what this is about bringing the kingdom now listen to this one now you're ready for this i don't know if you're ready listen to this because these are all over the world these are in japan these are in austria these are in villages in india don't ask me how they get the you know but they're there so listen to this the good here's we have good news for you we have an open air service today with our warrior fellowship in the middle of all the government building in berlin germany i mean come on she says hallelujah the police watched us carefully but caused no problems afterwards we went for warrior fellowship into the park had communion danced with our flags and god was present and we did our bible study had discussion in berlin germany come on give the lord a hand of praise oh my gosh i just i feel the lord i mean berlin germany anyway so these are happening all over the world and we're in more and more happenings so if you're not plugged into war or fellowship please go online kevin said kevin and you can get in there you can find a link or if you want to host one then you just become a student and then you go through that process there a couple more announcements here and ushers you can come forward i appreciate it i want to make uh everybody online aware everybody here for that matter that kevin's going to be coming to do a few one-night meetings coming up here we still have room september 6 we're going to be in point lookout missouri so we still have for one night september 7th we're going to be in broken arrow uh tulsa uh tulsa oklahoma area so those online if you're in missouri near point lookout if you're near the tulsa oklahoma area please come see us on september 7th and then on september 8th we're going to be in san antonio texas so if you're anywhere in the state of texas please join us in san antonio if you're anywhere in the midwest in missouri and oklahoma but that's uh september 6th 7th and 8th you can go on to our website under the events page and you can find out uh where you can sign up for that but we'd love to see you there amen how many are ready to take an offering amen well it's it's important to give to the kingdom and uh kevin and kathy have taught us that from the beginning taught us well that god loves a cheerful giver you will never find in any of our conferences any offerings that we take we never twist an arm we're gonna go wonder we're losing money the ship is sinking god has blessed this ministry god has blessed uh the staff god has blessed you and we want to give you an opportunity with the reason that one of the reasons we take an offering is to give you an opportunity to sow into what god is doing so if you're online watching you can do the text to give the numbers should be up on your screen there or in fact you can do text to give here but if you're making out a check you can make out to warrior notes so everybody happy so father we thank you for the opportunity to give to sow into your kingdom lord we thank you that you called up called us for such a time as this lord and we're we're happy cheerful givers in your kingdom you we say lord to give you can count on us and lord we thank you for it in jesus name amen thank you ushers hallelujah how many of you are thankful for the blood of jesus who's washed away your sins and transformed your life amen and it's for that very reason we're gathered here because we are the church amen and we are so excited because everywhere we go we get to meet the partners kevin and kathy's partners the ones that stand up and say i'm going to get behind this ministry and it's because of the partners we're able to go all over the world and we're able to preach the gospel we're able to do all these wonderful things like you can see the simulators we're going to have a kids spirit school this weekend so many special things are going to happen this weekend and it's all possible because of the partners that have stepped up and said we want to be a part of changing this generation and so we want to take a moment and honor and thank the partners if you're a partner would you raise your hand for me real quick oh wow thank you guys let's give them a big hand thank you so much guys and uh if you're not a partner i want you to know that a partner paid for you to come for free tonight paid for your manual paid for everything so you can come and receive from heaven and be blessed isn't that precious so thank you so much partners kevin and kathy love you guys they pray for you every day and you guys are always in our hearts and with that i'm also have the privilege of helping dr zadai with the warrior note school of ministry and let me tell you we are taking over the world we've got students everywhere if you're a student raise your hand let's see how many we got here today hey hallelujah praise god i've got a testimony i've got to share with you okay so this came from a student i started with the mystery of the power words and wow i've got to tell you i got my breakthrough and i got revelation i was studying session three which was on repentance believe it or not you can get a breakthrough studying repentance it's pretty amazing this right here changed my whole perspective and understanding i am so changed so changed and let me tell you something what you're going to get this weekend this impartation is forever it's permanent right but the beautiful thing is is there's so much more for you so much more and that's why dr zaidai developed these courses and developed a school because he wants to be able to impart what he has inside of him into you and it doesn't matter if you're drinking coffee at 2 am it doesn't matter if you're working third shift doesn't matter what it is you can receive from heaven and you can walk in your calling in your destiny right now we have over 20 000 students all over the world that is incredible and we are just about done we're about to i'm so excited because we're already thinking about and planning our first graduation course or graduation for our associate's degree and i can't wait to see those caps and gowns and guess what i want to see you graduating because you have a call of god on your life we don't do this to have a school we do this because there's a destiny and a plan and a purpose on your life that's why kevin and kathy do this and so i want to encourage you if you're here we have half off cards for courses and back we've also ran we got several new specials online right now we want you to come and join us because you're supposed to be a part of this move of god amen amen worship all right no doctor zade kids kids kids kids whoa we have a lot of kids so we have all 60 of you hey i know you i um i guess we've got 60 the the backs we could do for tomorrow morning right for the simulators do you like the simulators [Music] you you better because i donated my sleep to you you know we got we got amazing employees and it's amazing how god can give me a vision and then i can go and draw these out and within a week we're making them and so we have 14 of these that are coming we've got six done there'll be two in each city and the seven major cities that the lord gave me across the united states the two in each city and we're going to form a flight school as well and we'll be able to train the kids and i have all the the contacts between all of us pilots we can actually sign off and give people their private their instrument rating their commercial rating and then actually help them get type rated in an airplane that they would want to fly we have all of the instructors and everything that we would need to do the whole school from zero to being a professional pilot and um so we're in negotiations with that we have we're buying airplanes that we can train the kids with and teach them about the principles of flying as well as teach them about the principles that are in the bible and we're going to train them by starting here in these spirit schools just kind of introduce them to to this and they'll have their own little school on saturdays which will happen tomorrow one of the things one of the things that happened to me growing up was i wanted to be a pilot but my parents my parents couldn't afford much of anything we had five kids so my dad was a professional musician but he couldn't even afford to buy me an instrument and so i went without until i got into college and then i got a scholarship and so i was a voice major but didn't play any instruments they were still too expensive and so my heart is to help kids if they want to be a pilot that they they get to be a pilot if they want to play an instrument they they get an instrument before even if their parents can't afford it and i had to buy my own bicycle i did i remember i remember buying my first 10 speed it was on sale for 1988 at kmart on a blue light special and that i had i had to work four weeks as i i i mowed somebody's grass it was five acres i mowed their grass every week got five dollars and when i had mowed it for a month i was able to buy my first bike and that is not going to happen on my watch a kid shouldn't have to work for his own bike you know amen so anyway there's there's really no easy way to do this i could i could pray and god could tell me what goes to who who but i would rather just the parents and the children if you if you if you're a parent and you have your child with you i want you to come up here right now there's no other easy way to do this and just come up and um the issue the issue with what we're going through in the world today and in this country is ignorance ignorance actually has children the problem yeah and if they could just come back here and face the crowd you know growing up when you are not a christian but you go to church you you like to read the stories in the bible so you end up reading the old testament because it has stories in it so in sunday school we heard a lot of old testament stories and we got to know who noah was and daniel and moses but i didn't have any spiritual sense at all you know i didn't understand what i'd do today because i didn't have the holy spirit so i didn't know god i knew about him and i realized that in the bible the whole goal as far as god's concerned was that the sons and daughters would exceed exceed their parents and that there would be a transfer of wealth and information and position through through a covenant that would be transferred down and then that person would just carry on what god's intention was for the lineage the bloodline and that's how he works he works through families and he works through handoff and so my dad was a professional saxophone player for 68 years and yet he couldn't afford to buy me a saxophone i never had a lesson i still haven't had a lesson but i i went and i got one when i was an adult and i started to realize that maybe maybe we can do something for the next generation if we would just put our foot down and realize we're just really not learning our lessons here we've got to make a way for our children to carry on what god's plan is instead of trying to figure out what happened in the last election [Music] because it's obvious it's obvious what god's will is and it's like are we going to wait until there's another problem to be told what the fix is or are we just going to take care of our immune systems and skip the whole thing because there's always going to be another problem [Applause] and everybody's tied the person who creates the problem is the one that has a solution or they're all tied together sometimes the same patent the same patent the same name is on both patents that's right that's right can you get me backing out very slowly now but the devil if if if a christianity of people in christianity do not respond to the to what the agenda is then they have to create a problem so that they can control and then give a solution so it's it's a it's it's a it's a a game board where you can't win that's right so you just get off the game board okay so what i want to do is there's no easy way to do this but i would i would believe that every parent here would know if there's something up here on this stage besides my own instruments and on our instrument there's something here like a guitar or a violin or a saxophone because i'm doing this tonight my dad is in heaven he's looking down right now and what i'm gonna do for i'm gonna do this for him he couldn't do this for me but i'm gonna he's watching right now i'm gonna give this saxophone away hallelujah and i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna break the chain of whatever was binding you know because poverty binds and god's not poor and and i think that every child if they want to play an instrument should have an instrument i think that every child up here that wants a bike should have a bike tonight i don't think they should have to wait until they're 20 years old moe and grass and to get a bicycle because parents it's not the parents fault all the time we're in a broken world and it wasn't my parents fault they just didn't know but sometimes you need to get in there and throw a little gasoline on the fire and just get things going you know and if that you know so i want my staff to help coordinate this i i if you do not have a bike and you are believing god for a bike then i want you to go there and take a bike if you don't have a bike and you and you're believing for a bike um there's a couple of little ones over there for for little guys that you know the parents i'm just trusting that the chair the parents yeah just go head over and pick your bike up there's some little ones would you would your parents go and pick you the little bikes i don't want nothing left on this stage i don't want nothing left here i want it all gone except don't take don't take uh brittany's keyboard or jason's guitar but you anything if the lord speaks to your heart and you want to learn how to play an instrument then take it take an instrument we've got some violins we've got some violins here we got some violins here hey listen ministry is changing ministry is flipped i'm encouraging everyone that's watching me all over the world we have tens of thousands of people watching sometimes at one time i'm encouraging people to believe ministers to believe god so that they can do this and start giving to our generation that's coming up amen right who wants the sex who who wants to play the sax are you the saxophone okay there you go right let's we got to take this apart um take this off take this off right here pastor ryan this comes off and then it goes in the box and then there's a little container in there so it fits in them so he doesn't scratch it on the way here you go that goes in there your whole life you waited your whole life for this that's a long time i wanted to play it i thought trumpet or saxophone trump sacks okay well you got you got it buddy this brand new there you go all right anybody else want a guitar guitar violin any anybody okay what do you want guitar which one which one do you like there's an electric one here yeah i know you do buddy you take whatever you want go ahead go ahead take where's your mom take take whatever you want pick it pic grab a guitar for him right here i want him to have the purple one there it is right there that's the one i want for you buddy this one right here you're welcome give him this one right here do you like the purple one violins okay make sure you get the book with it thank you [Laughter] you're so welcome you're welcome all right buddy good to see you you like it okay cool really does he got do you got that there's a cover that it okay make sure you get everything in it because there's there's a strap and all that okay all right now we still have some bikes up here and um lots of bikes anybody else you see you're welcome thank you okay and we'll be back in november with with more stuff if we didn't get it this time we'll get you next time okay i still have a lot of bikes got nice pink little pink ones for girls up here thank you you just solved the problem okay that's what it was i couldn't i couldn't find the one i wanted so i bought two of the blue okay good okay all right the only thing i want is a blessing blessing okay father i thank you everything is on me you put it on him father let me be a fire a fiery minister for you and may prosper everything he does in jesus name amen hey buddy you're so welcome oh my gosh that's beautiful all right buddy tear it up up there in those trails well it's a nice one bless you thank you father just touch him cause him to triumph lord every single thing lord come in line in jesus name amen thank you you're so welcome cool you like it does it work is it good she's test driving at first is it good okay we're good three more left okay does anybody here know anybody that it would be perfect to give them that bike would you and you can just be a blessing okay go ahead come up here take them and if they won't let you on southwest with it just tell them to call me no please don't don't don't tell them we're good i just wonder where all the kids went okay my wife says that she's got up too much cash so all the kids that didn't get anything come back up here yeah anybody that did get a bike or an instrument get up here we got cash all right ministering the new ministry how do you like new ministry this is fun amen all right see my wife she's she's got the cash oh my gosh she's got oreo cookies okay quickly quickly quickly yeah they didn't receive anything i need to help help her do it quickly she's just too slow [Applause] okay if everybody would get your uh warrior manual out i want to go over a couple things with you we're going to start this is hilarious i never i never saw ministry being like handing out bikes and cash and this is hilarious but i got to flip the tables we got somebody's got to flip the tables you know man it's one thing to talk about prosperity it's another thing to live it and it's a new sheriff in town amen okay all right buddy i need a five come on baby all right now i'm doing this on purpose so that you see that this is this is what god can use you to do i shouldn't just be the one doing all this you all need to do this you need to come ready to bless somebody bless a child start praying about your street if you see a kid as an ugly bike you need to get him a nice new one you know yeah just you just do something for somebody that can't pay you back there should be no crying in here everybody should be happy amen okay so you got your your new study guide that we just came out with and you also got your impartation cd right yes okay now the spirit of god is in here right now he is so willing to get some things over to you but he is really really more aggressive than we think he's very aggressive about truth and what happens is is we think he's kind of shy and he backs off when people reject him or whatever whatever if there's rebellion these kind of things we misunderstand god god does not make us do anything he doesn't make us do anything and it is the the biggest deception that i found growing up in the churches that denied the power of god but had a form of godliness and that was is that that god will do whatever he wants to do and if he wants to do something he'll do it if he doesn't then fine and you know he'll have his way and he doesn't have his way just look at the mess we're in god is not in control if god was in control all the fruit of the spirit would be operating and people would be able to walk up their stairs to their airplane without falling three times fall three times the steps of of a righteous man are ordered by the lord that's right so if you're tripping against gravity though do you get it steps of a a righteous man or order from the lord you have to see these are all signs so god does not always have his way if he did you would experience shalom you'd experience peace all the time because you'd be living with him in him everything you do would be in synchronization with heaven so if god had his way we wouldn't have to pray we wouldn't have to give we wouldn't have to do certain things we wouldn't have to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions we wouldn't have to preach good news because we believe in it so obviously god is not in control so when people say that it's a religious phrase that god is in control he's not in control jesus said there were two things going on there's a thief and the thief kills steals and destroys okay but he said i have come that you may have life and life more abundantly he didn't just say life but life more abundantly so he he just drew a line and he caused division he caused discernment he caused there to be polarity he did there was now there's a decision because you have two choices but jesus did this to show what that he represented a good god a good father who sent him and when he sent him he went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil acts 10 38 because god was with him well of course god was with him he was god but he drew the line and he said he really set the bar right there and if everyone would honestly take their life and measure it up to this test either it's either it's god or it's the enemy the enemy is a thief the enemy is a liar god is truth god is good god loves satan hate okay so your enemy hates you and there is no salvation for your enemy satan does does not have a chance to be redeemed and either do any of the evil spirits so there wouldn't be a teaching on warrior justice if justice was not needed if everything was righteous already the hebrew word for justice is the same word for righteousness it's a deck it's the same so god is righteous thus he is just if there's a discrepancy between what you're experiencing on this earth and what god has said it's because of the enemy in a broken world right i'm walking you in very slowly i'm still excited about what just happened here i feel the power of god that children are going to take the helm and we're going to have a generation that is going to rise up and be be strong in the lord you know but the problem the problem the problem that i'm encountering with myself and i graduated finally and this is the problem if you do not own your situation in the sense of this if you do not honestly say you know what i i am having trouble in this area there's there's a problem here my there's there's a handoff that came from my family line that that i'm seeing a trend here no matter what why is it that no one my family could complete college and why did the devil fight me to finish college well do you ever think that it might be the same devil that fought the rest of my family same with everybody in my family getting certain things certain diseases certain weaknesses in the pancreas or in the colon and then the doctor's like well do you have any history of this it's like it's none of your business because what happens is is there's there's a devil there's a demon that's assigned to enforce a curse and then that that demon is waiting for some sort of an agreement and if you're not careful because you got to remember the doctors are just practicing they're not really always sure they're very good at what they do but you have to understand that they don't know everything they're everybody's different you might have this you might have this we're going to find out but then we'll try this it's like wait a minute you might and we try and i just had this vision of a guinea pig all of a sudden like you're part of like some study or something you know but you know no i'll study my bible at home and i'll study for my courses and i'll study for all this but you know when it comes to my body you ain't studying you study at home and when you you get it right you come talk to me when you in other words it's all discovery so i find doctors that will talk to me and say you know what this is what's going on this is what i want to do and then i say well is there anything that i can do on my own is there anything natural is there anything i can do with my diet is there anything that that why does this happen is it something genetic because then i can take care of it spiritually it's going to be a miracle to go into my my genes and change them it's gonna have to be a creative miracle to change your genes even though there's certain individuals that are doing it right now you just don't know it but it's going to take a miracle to change something that satan has somehow got into your genes okay because that's that is the code there it's going to take a miracle but what can i do if i'm predisposed because god would have to do a creative miracle now there might not be a devil present it might be have been manipulated and and caused a a a a mistake in the code which was transferred down that's why it says that curses go to the third and fourth generation and why blessings go it it's all it's in the blood it's in the code life is in the blood it says in the bible that's why jesus his blood is so important because he was not tainted in his genetics noah it says was perfect in his genetics in his in his generations the only eight people that had not been in her bread it says that right in the bible there was no anybody else gonna be on the ark okay so getting back to the thief if god says the thief comes to steal kill and destroy you need to grow up if you're not there yet and just own it and just say you know what i'm being stolen from that's right i'm being lied to and just label it that's the enemy yes amen still kill and destroy so if something is is trying to kill you or someone or something is trying to steal from you or somebody's trying to destroy you then jesus said it's the thief right period it wasn't like a big word study he just said it right okay so the same thing with him i've come to give you life and life more abundantly okay if that's the case then god is not making you sick because jesus only did what the father sent him to do he went around doing good and healing healing did i mention healing he healed everyone there was oppressed of who okay this is acts 10 38 it's already there okay so god didn't send jesus to make people sick because he was healing people and he was working against his father if he was doing that and god wouldn't make somebody sick so that jesus could heal them so god is not trying to teach you something through sickness sorry usually it takes a week in college to get this out but i have five minutes per thing i'm talking about here so i'm going right there for the jugular for everything i want to destroy the works of the devil because jesus already did but it's up here your immune system your immune system was given to you by god to heal your body and to protect you but your body in a fallen state does not always have everything it needs to operate the way it was made originally so your body always wants to heal itself and my doctor says we're just helping god we're just helping god heal the body wants to we're just helping it if we need to cut something out we do if we need to give you something to help you in that path then we do but honestly life is really in the blood and life is in the fruit of the vine it's in the substance of this earth because we came from the earth so we have to eat things that are carbon-based and and water-based and there's there's all these things that our body needs because that's how god he took it out of the earth and made us so everything we need for our body is down here i'm sorry boy that was loud happy happy so the foundation of deliverance is really god's justice why because it was never meant that we would need deliverance so if you need delivered what it is is something has infiltrated either your body your soul or your spirit and is dictating your life it's it's influencing you to live way below so you could change your diet and miracles happen and god didn't even breathe on you why because the body is earth-based and it is it is uh subject to these laws in this realm and it needs certain nutrients from the ground so that's why jesus he could raise a girl from the dead but he said give her something to eat immediately because if not she would die again because her body experienced a miracle but then it needed something in this realm to sustain it and start to build itself up again because she had been dead i don't know if you've ever had that happen to you but you you come back to life i mean your body is like okay i need a happy meal or something here right away like right like because that's that's your body needs it needs that okay your soul it needs input it needs data it needs it needs experience it needs to be able to touch things feel things have interaction so it's your mind your will and your emotions and you need to be able to interact and so you you you seek understanding you seek experience you you develop skills you you need you need to experience these things if those things are taken away then a person starts to suffer so they need relationships they need interaction they need to be taught they need to experience and and get their brain their organic brain and it's attached to your emotions and there's all kinds of things that you need and then there's your spirit which is the eternal part of you but it's it's in a fallen state so you have to be born again of the spirit in order to have that come alive so you're dead to sin until you come alive and the spirit is is able to just come in and mesh with your spirit because it's the same kind of substance it's spiritual so god's a spirit those who worship him worship him in spirit and truth but yet you saw us plucking strings and hitting keys and blowing into things and creating sound but what's behind that is spiritual there's a spiritual substance that comes with it it's the same with the soul it's very powerful but it's not permanent soulish things are not permanent so it surprised me that but it didn't surprise me that what happened with with the churches when when when the tests come you really find out what what you're really ministering to in a person in in a congregation and people that you minister to the permanent part of you is is the spirit and it's eternal and when you minister to that part of you then that ignites you to be in in the spirit which paul talks about and we're going to talk about this weekend in romans 8 but if you minister to the soul all you're doing is is is causing people to feel things like peace and comfort and you know and yet if i hug you you're gonna need another hug so from somebody it's not gonna be it's when you eat you need to eat again when you see your family member that you want to see them again um when you you get a degree you you want you want it to go even further or you want to learn something else you encounter something and you think well i can't i climb mount rainier now i want to climb mount everest which is twice as high or you know etc you know just like that because it's a soulish thing it it's never really satisfied because you get hungry again you want to learn more there's more to learn um you get tired of some people because they're they're freaky they start freaking out on you you just need new friends and then you know it's like everything changes right in those in this realm but there's eternal part of you does not so what i found was i i suspected for a couple years that there that there was really a ministry towards the soul in the churches and not the spirit and i would talk about this before all this happened and the lord kept telling me to talk about it i'm like i'll do that but what where are we going and then he showed me where we were going and i tried to warn people this is what god's will is but i i also see that if we don't pray and if we don't repent that we're going to be put into these situations that are pretty tight and hard and it's because there's a remnant that's hidden within the hole and sometimes god chooses to put us into the desert to see what's in us and that's what is in the bible it says that that he he wanted to see what was in them and obviously they failed the test and and they all fell dead and you know even in the new testament ananias and sapphira fell dead jesus couldn't do many miracles in his own hometown we see these failures we see that the guy in corinthians who was told paul said turn that guy over to satan for the destruction of his flesh you know this is like you know we're gonna have baptisms baby dedication then we're going to turn charlie over to the devil it was just part of the it was part of the service i know and we laugh about it but you know it's like at what point does somebody stand and say you know what i think we i think we're off in other words like when does it happen see it doesn't happen because people that speak for god men and women in the past they weren't heroes when they were alive they were persecuted by the church or robert's got his tent not because he likes tents he was kicked out of the church because he said that god was good he said that god was a good god and they kicked him out because you're misleading the people by telling them i'm serious look it up you're misleading the people by telling them that god is a good god it's pretty clear he isn't so he's intense so people were not heroes when they were alive they wanted to kill every prophet they killed all the apostles come on let's be honest they were all they spent a lot of time in jail and at what point do we just stand them and say you know what we're off so what we reaped in the last couple years was was exactly what was sown we sowed into people's souls as ministers most of us a lot of us did i didn't but but many many people were just trying to take care of people make them feel comfortable and and give them an experience in church but see it wasn't enough to get us through what we just went through and and that this and there's always a group of people in every generation if you study the church always always has the remnant and each generation has someone who carries a torch over to the next generation and and then those people they're like on fire for god and they speak and then everybody goes toward them and then somehow man gets involved with it and makes it a brick and mortar thing and then before you know it you're being controlled i just summed up america but i'm talking about the church a shepherd is supposed to take you to still waters and green pastures and protect you and serve you serve and protect that's what's on every police car that's what the government's role is we hired people to serve and protect us not to tell us what we can believe or what we can carry and not carry now listen to me it's never been about what everybody makes it about this is to cause division everything that you are encountering is the enemy coming in to steal kill and destroy it has nothing to do with life listen if you got to give away 100 gift cards and free fries to go get something that they say you need to talk about free fries all right come on you've got to be kidding me no think about it if if if if you've got a solution skip the fries that's right skipped the fries he came and he gave life he he had solutions but he said here is how it works my father has sent me and the words that i speak are not mine they're his the works that i do are not mine i do nothing on my own he said the spirit who is coming after me he will not speak on his own he says it he will only do what the father tells him to say so right now if what i'm saying is from the father then then it's the holy spirit but if i'm saying something that's not from the father the holy spirit would not speak that through me it's good i mean if you're going to bring the holy spirit into it and let the spirit minister through you don't you think that the spirit is going to say what the father is saying okay you get it well what is the father saying truth jesus said that he's going to he's a spirit of truth he's going to lead you in all truth he's going to speak those things and remind you of what i said and he's going to tell you about the future so the spirit will preempt you about what's coming but it's still your choice you can you cannot listen to it so it's interesting how jesus said you'll know you'll know them by their fruit okay so everybody was trying to figure out what god's will was for the month of november okay but see the fruit of it now even those who didn't agree are now like oh my god why because the fruit which which we already knew but it was a small amount of voices where things were allowed to happen that should have never happened and you know what i've put up with it all my life if you can't win honestly then cheat that's what people think if i can't win truthfully then i cheat to win if i can't win right then i'll steal i'll kill i'll start a war kind of draw the attention away from what's going on just start a war somewhere moving on when when are you all going to read history and figure out there's a whole plan that repeats itself every generation have you not noticed what happens it's not if another thing is going to happen it's when because they have to control you see the holy spirit wants to control you the only reason that we're here is because a group of people said you know what we don't want to be under the rule of england that's right we don't want to be told what we believe we don't want to be what we see in here and now look what's happening we're being told what we're supposed to believe we're being told what we see which is not what we see nothing here just keep moving keep walking so you have to step out of the soul realm and not allow that to be the the predominant guidance it has to be the spiritual thing okay so the foundation of deliverance is god's justice because what happens is is that he has to pull his sword of truth out and he has to insert it into your life and he has to show you what the truth is but it's shocking if you've been fed soulish things all your life and you've developed a framework of how you live and then all of a sudden your comfort is more important to you than your character and what happens is you start giving up things for your comfort and then you can't understand how all of this could be happening but see it you are sold out very slowly by getting you intoxicated by the world and by everything that you see and touch and by power by and by the seduction of pursuing wealth and and having the next thing whatever it is and it's never going to stay more than a few months because they're going to keep you driven to get the next best thing instead of just giving you the thing that they know they have that can help right now they want you to buy the six computers in between when i have friends that what we have now 15 years ago he was working on what we what we had had just years ago he was working on that 15 20 years ago and i know what's coming because he told me that too he told me what he was working on and what hard drives will look like and what what screens will look like there won't be screens there'll be discs that project straight up and i'll be able to preach all over the world if you have that disc i can stand on this disc and they can have their disc in dubai and i can stand right in the middle of their church right now live and they will not be able to tell that it's a projection so i'm waiting for that i'm waiting for that to come because then i can i can just preach everywhere and then go to my hotel room no fuel no in-flight beverage or meal anything nothing well don't you think that if this is the way man is in his intellect and his soul how much more a god who is spirit who sent the holy spirit to us to not only be with us but be in us and then also oh that's not good that's all the devil's got he's messing with my simulator messing with my simulator if the spirit of god is also wanting to work through you not just live in you then that becomes spiritual activity because the spirit is spirit and he and and jesus said it's spirit to spirit soul to soul and he said that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak so he says all these things to show that there's different parts of us so what happens is is this was all a scheme to get people intoxicated in their soul over themselves occupied and then bam but see the whole time this thing has been working it was working three and four presidents ago the same agenda they all were friends they're all laughing right now as i'm talking where you all been you look at me like it's all new this is the agenda of the antichrist spirit okay so what you need to know is the truth the truth is that the antichrist according to paul if you want to bring the bible and paul into it he said that the son of perdition the evil one the antichrist he cannot come forward until him who is is holding him back is removed and you know who that is i go no paul we don't he assumed that we understood that thessalonians knew that it was the church and the holy spirit within when the spirits removed chaos will happen within 30 seconds lawlessness will happen i'm not talking like what we see now in portland right i'm talking about invasion where my my police friends they pray that they go in the rapture if they're if there's if there's a snatching away they want to be in it because as soon as the spirit is removed lawlessness will happen and you do not want to be in a cruiser with a badge because there will be no there will be no restraint see the law restrains you but the law of love says that you would not do these things and you wouldn't need a police officer or a military because you would walk in love and that's why jesus said you can fulfill the whole law with these two things which is actually three things he said he said love god with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself so that's three love yourself love your neighbor as yourself and love god if you do this you fulfill the law well they had they had over 600 laws when when god gave them 10. they had 613 or whatever it is how many tassels are on the tallit so god gave them 10 and they turned it into over 600. okay but jesus said if you love god with all your heart and you love your neighbor as yourself you fulfill all the law how is that well because you're not going to do something to your neighbor that you would do yourself you would only do what you would do it to others as you would want done unto you and if you love god you're not going to be rebellious and disobey him and live a a corrupt life because god loves you first he loves you more so when he loves you first and he loves you more then you love yourself and then you love your neighbor because he forgave you and you got to forgive them so he sets he sets the domino effect he sets it into action by loving you more you can never pay him back and so you forgive because you've been forgiven but see the emotional part of it is where we suffer because that is where it starts to wear on people and it affects your body because your soul is attached chemically and electrically to your body your soul your emotions affect your body your thoughts affect your body okay all right so the foundation of deliverance like if if something has moved in then justice has to be served righteousness has to be introduced in order to expose the enemy first and then expel him but so if you didn't have god's justice or righteousness you would never know that you've been infiltrated or deceived or living below your privileges you would not know because god has to introduce himself into your life and talk to you and show you through experience you have to encounter it and and encounter god's love to love you have to encounter god's love you can't do something you haven't encountered you can't go to work and operate something that you don't have any knowledge of you even if you wanted to you you just what would you do first no i mean you know i would stay away from the red buttons i wouldn't push those and i wouldn't and they say don't cut the red wire you know if you're going to disarm something don't don't cut the red wire you know think you know i'm joking but see you don't really like you go into an environment that you're not really familiar with you want to learn but you you need somebody to teach you and then you need you also need to encounter it so the best way the best way to learn something is to yoke yourself with someone that already does it that is why jesus said take my yoke upon you he said that because he said he said my burden is in other words your yoke with him is too oxen and he's going to carry the load it's going to it's going to be light he explains that all he said he said my yoke is easy my burden is light learn of me in other words that's what they did they always took one old oxen and they put a new one with the old one and even though that young one would want to pull and do his own thing it was yoked to the big one and the big one just sat there like you'll learn just relax i got this and they're like working you know just like a puppy and then the older dog's like dude if you want a snack just look cute you don't have to like you don't have to destroy the couch you know no no you get what i'm saying it's it's mentoring you learn from someone who's doing it you just watch and you learn it and before you know it you're doing it that's what jesus said as the way we do things but if i just minister to one part of you then that's the only thing that develops so then you have a bunch of of carnal christians paul called the corinthians who everybody thinks they're spiritual because they're being used in the gifts but he called them carnal he said i wish i could address you as mature spirit-led people but he said you are mere babes you're carnal you're on milk and you should be on meat by now he said i wish he said this in chapter 3 of first corinthians after he talks about how the spirit reveals the deep mysteries of god and that we have the mind of christ talking about the deep things of god he does in verse 10. then if you read the whole way the end he says but we have the mind of christ and he goes i he goes right into chapter three goes i wish i could address you as spiritual see what he did was he he inserted the sword of the spirit into their carnal carnal life into and their soul could not judge that sword because the soul is not trained to operate in the spirit the soul has to be trained to yield to the spirit yes so all your knowledge all your emotions everything about you has to stay in check so that you experience the heightened spirituality of of an encounter or a life and you it's supposed to add to your encounter spiritually it's not supposed to guide you but if you look at christians they make mistakes all the time because they're being led by their soul thinking that it's god but it's because that voice is loud because that's what you've fed you have developed your soul and that's where demons come in demons come in to talk to your soul and make you feel things and think things and it's not the spirit of god the spirit is a spirit he's going to talk to you in your spirit in your heart that is a still small voice very seldom is it loud very seldom does he make you do anything you have to be transformed paul says in romans 12 by the renewing of your mind so your mind needs to be renewed it's not saved your spirit's saved okay so the the foundation of your deliverance is warrior justice i want to go through this with what happened the lord has had asked me to write this and then i'm going to have you shut your books i'm going to teach you something new tonight that i've never taught before in this way so i'm going to go through this because david is what the lord asked me to use as as this the story about warrior justice about what is it when you encounter god and you experience the spirit and you experience the other realm you experience the kingdom of god the powers of the coming age all the things that happen when you're baptized in the holy spirit when you have the holy spirit inside of you you encounter the eternal realm and that realm does not have the limitations that we have down here so immediately it's it's heightened for a while when you become a christian but then after a while it becomes very frustrating because your spirit's alive but your body and your mind are not and they fight the new so-called way of life because they are they don't understand spiritual things your body and your mind do not understand spiritual things and unless you train a bit you have to renew your mind by the word of god it says paul said that in romans chapter 12. so david therefore departed fence this is in first samuel 22 1 and page 13 of the king james version david therefore departed fence and escaped to the cave of adalam and when his brethren in all his father's house heard of it they went down to him and so the spirit of the lord led me to do some word studies which i did extensively not going to cover all that here but you'll by me talking to you you will get what i gathered over hours and hours of looking over different hebrew words in the old testament to figure out what the spirit was hiding that he wants to reveal in this day because everything in the old testament is types and shadows the bible says of things to come so the old testament is given to us as a prophetic announcement of what is going to happen in the new testament so we see the fulfillment of old testament scriptures in the new testament we see that fulfillment and every word counts even the so-called mistakes in the bible count it's interesting because you know hebrew maybe i'll get into this in greater detail tomorrow but it's interesting in the in the hebrew you don't have numbers the letters each letter there's 22 not 26 there's no vowels so you have 22 letters no vowels they added those little hash marks on the letters later because it was the biblical hebrew is really dead no one really speaks that language as a major language anymore what it developed into was a street language which is called aramaic so in daniel it started to happen and daniel if you look in the original manuscripts there's a place um i believe it's in chapter one at the end of chapter one or into two for just until like chapter three it actually switches to aramaic daniel starts writing in aramaic instead of hebrew which really looks the same but it's not it's very much more colorful and that is how in the new testament and you have uh translations like the passion translation which is taken from the aramaic which was the the language of that day that jesus spoke you know you you you have to understand there's street language it's more colorful and so there's some words that you couldn't say but you could say it near make and there's some things that aren't translated in that color that they were because english is actually one of the worst languages to translate into okay so you have to to tell your truth my professors and blame them but they told me that the most accurate translation besides the fact that the nsab is you know word for word but the actual flavor of greek is the amplified so it ends up the bible gets really bigger because it becomes more wordy because it needs to be wordy in order to take what's being said there like why did paul when he had seven different words than being the same thing on the surface in english why did he pick the word he chose because there were there were several words that you could use that you would just see it as apple but the word in greek is a red apple with a dark spot on the left side it's more descriptive at times so anyway god wants to get certain things across you so so in the old testament it talks about the size of the labor and gives the cubits around the diameter and it's hebrew letters of course so you have to know like okay right there that that word there it's a word but it's also a you add up though the letters and it's a it's the 30 qubits but when you add up the specifications that are listed there it doesn't turn out to be pi in other words the pi is 3.14 but you know six seven whatever the whole way out that causes that's the formula that causes the curve it so like when you add the specifications up it does not equal pi which would not make it a the cir correct in what's listed there but the word there when you take all those letters to add it up it's misspelled and there's an extra letter there but when you add that into it a mistake it adds up to pi it adds up to the correct circumference the length of it to equal the curve to make it 3.14 the whole way around whereas if there wasn't that extra letter there it's wrong so it appears that the scripture that somebody slipped and made a mistake but that wasn't a mistake the word is intentionally misspelled so that the mathematical formula works did everybody follow that please don't let me repeat that again i'm exhausted i didn't come to teach you science here but what i'm trying to show you is is that scripture is given to us for teaching us doctrine but it also is prophetic it's everything was done to fulfill something that hasn't even happened yet but it always falls into it okay so adalam the cave of adalam the word for adalim is god of justice so david was hiding in the cave of god's justice and he was hiding from being killed right so saul is out doing his thing because the whole the whole thing was needed a recall on the vote so david's anointed for 17 years by samuel 17 years he was anointed king he's hiding in a cave the cave of justice cave of adalum and it says that the people it says that the people came to him 400 who agreed to join him and he formed his government in a cave called god's justice 400 fighting men does everybody follow me that's how god gave me this whole manual you're holding is off of what i just told you and i just built it from there praying in tongues and writing for weeks until it was done and it's the best work i've ever done but next week i'll have something even better so don't don't build a memorial to it but this is what i want to tell you is this is how god operates he inserts himself in in a cave in a trailer home he doesn't go to the mansion see everything there's meaning hidden in your name so when god shows up every time god shows up this is what i encounter recompense okay i encounter recompense why because i've learned the personality of my god if god shows up he's right and i'm wrong and if i've been wronged recompense is coming which is happening to me all the time it's happening to you all the time you're always being wronged because it's wrong down here but when god inserts himself into your cave that you're hiding in he's the god of justice he provides for you the group of people that you need to be around and from those 400 when saul went out to battle they killed him right after this and he became king david became king but it started in a cave and if you read what the qualifications were of those people do you know you know where i'm going first samuel 22 1-2 let's see if you all qualify for the new government david therefore departed hence and escaped to the cave of the dome and when his brother and his fathers heard of it they went down hither through they're we don't even say that anymore and everyone that was in distress okay there's your first qualification any everyone that was in distress everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto david and became a captain and he became captain over them and there was with him about 400 men this is how david's god chose to start david's government busted disgusted and disappointed busted disgusted and disappointed and this is what i've learned about god from reading his word and the spirit of god who's always right there to coach and mentor me just like he does you is i've learned that when he shows up he shows up as the end of the matter he he actually shows up at the as though it's the end of it and it hasn't even started he he's he he he talks about things as though it's done and it hasn't started yet he calls those things that are not as though they were so when god shows up and visits me like he's doing right now he's visiting me right now and it's better than a free fry [Applause] when he visits me it's recompense i know it every single time he visits me by his spirit it's recompense why because i know where he's going he didn't show up to see how i was doing he knows how i'm doing he knows i'm about ready to backhand somebody because i'm done i'm done with injustice i'm done with the silencing of of the voice of the people okay i'm done with that okay well all i have to do is go to my cave my cave where god where god meets me the god of justice why justice always brings recompense now think about it if justice is served what does that mean it was ruled in your favor justice was served right that's what you say justice will start why that guy is going to jail and i'm not or whatever so your deliverance the foundation of your deliverance is god inserting himself into that which is his justice oh my gosh the clocks here move so fast this cannot be right that's 10 to 9. that was okay i will but you know this no there's this is really not this is messed up i know there's no way there is no way okay so demons demons so when you're talking about the title of this whole weekend which is not even the manual you have it's the next manual that you're getting this weekend i just wanted to like make it look like i did something from that manual [Laughter] what what you need to know is that there are three creatures three entities three types of creatures three different echelons of powers there are certain things that they do not want you to ever know or understand one of them is the nephilim they do not want you to understand their mode of operation their intentions the hybrids they don't want you to understand or know about their mode of operations and familiar spirits they do not want you to know certain things and understand their mode of operation so they pushed me too hard this week so i'm going to tell everything okay so you have real quickly to give you the outline for the new manual that i'm calling it as though it was but it's not but it is because it's going to appear just weeks from now and it and it's the the book will be the nephilim the hybrids and familiar spirits what they don't want you to know and they pushed me too far they all just pushed me too far they thought may you know we'll just keep a little pr see how far we can get and they just they i've had it okay the reason why is is not just for me what it is is it's the injustice of the people see every person that they want to kill is someone who would actually stand up as the voice of the people when the people were being oppressed if you think about it robin hood rubbed from the the rich and gave it to the poor right and the people loved him but see that really was king david king david was the anointed one and he was the he represented the people so they would sing oh saul slayed his thousands and david is ten thousand well that didn't go over well what happens is is that if you start to get momentum to where you're actually doing more i'll get that in a minute then all of a sudden when you start to be used by god then everybody around you including leadership will get jealous and then what happens is you know like like like if we have trespassers coming into our airspace and we don't know where they came from and we don't have the technology and they have pictures of it well the government wouldn't want you to know that they can't protect you from something so it doesn't exist and they ridicule people that see things from the other realm because they can't do anything about it because they deal with it with flesh and blood and they can't deal with the other realm because they're not spiritual but they have evidence because these things come through you get it so if something's coming in and it's not from china or russia it doesn't have anything on its tail that identifies it because it's round and has ugly little creatures in it well then what do you do with that well you ridicule anybody that sees anything like that why because we don't want the people to know that we can't do anything about it why because you lose control of the people yes yes like you're because we would fire them right amen no think about it okay yours to serve and protect you're fired is this too much for you okay so david king david he was anointed of god he was the one chosen but there's some shenanigans going on with the voting so he sat for 17 years hiding i know what lever i pulled is that enough [Applause] so this happened thousands of years ago i mean nothing new right okay so god's will was not done which just finishes my introduction now god's will is not always done but justice when it comes i see it don't you see it when god comes and ministers to you he visits you you have something to happen you get a bike or a violin well then that's justice you feel it it's recompense it's like you know wait there is a god there is a god in israel there is a god in zion there is there is an almighty god whose arm is not too short that he cannot see see what happens is is what you would have had to work for you just got for free like that well if i were you i would run to the cave of justice i would just run and wait and let god do his thing because it was already set and anointed god already knew joshua and caleb they believed god and they did they announced the good report two only two people a remnant well after everybody else died then they believed them but it was too late they're all dead all right so we've got going over this i'm going to shut this because i'm going to do this very kindly with an attitude because i i i'm very irritated so i don't want i'm going to block the comments so no one can comment on these videos i will not write anyone back i will not explain anything there are so many scriptures find them yourself it's pretty it's pretty close i don't got time for this i don't got time i don't got time for this girl where's your shoes some of you know what i'm talking about there's a video out they were interviewing this lady what happened my apartment's on fire so girl where's your shoes i don't got time for this anyway look it up on youtube i don't got time for this okay anyway there comes a point where this is the way it is the scriptures lay it out you have you have a serpent who is not the devil you have a a creature in the garden that was more subtle than all the others you have an animal the serpent that was more cunning than all the others which made his personality close enough for something to come in and possess it okay does everybody understand do not write me you have to take this scripture literally okay so when nakash in hebrew is talking to eve which is a man with a womb woman man was not taken out of the ground was taken out of man if god wanted to make woman like he made man he would have done it he didn't okay he took woman out of man it was a man with a womb this is the proper order if he wanted to make them women women like like he made men he would just take the dust and made him but he did this because this is his way of doing things period he might not even discuss it with you this is just the way it is okay but it's very important to understand demonology believe it or not because god has authority and order the way he does things is not always explained it just has to be accepted okay so when nakash when that serpent spoke which is a bright and shiny one his name in hebrew that you can look up in isaiah and in ezekiel it's not lucifer it says oh lucifer thou has fallen if you look up the hebrew word lucifer is not there in hebrew hallel is there the bright and shining one the wise one which is nakash in his character he was the it was a bright and shining a creature calls him a chariot jared when you read isaiah 14 in ezekiel 28 you need to do this i don't have time for it i've already taught on this stuff i need to get on with the agenda okay so you have you have eve somebody just kicked a can yes you have you have a serpent a creature talking to eve not to adam i wonder what it'd be like to stand before adam because adama in hebrew changes eventually to ish common man so the sons of adama stopped at a certain point and then you have ish mentioned and then you get to chapter 6 and it says that the sons of god the upper line went into the daughters of men ish not sons of the sons of adama went into ish moving on this is what the bible's this is what is what's there so at a certain point they were not allowed the godly line was not allowed to come down were thousands hundreds of thousands they said at noah's time there were millions of people on the earth because they were all having babies for hundreds of years get over it they marry their sisters it's not like today i don't know how that happened all right so you have eve eating on the fruit giving it to her husband and then you have god coming down talking to them face to face in a fallen state he couldn't kill them they still lived for hundreds of years in a fallen state cain he came to cain and sat with him and coached him says don't you know if you do right you'll be accepted but you must master it sin desires to have you it is crouching at the door but you must master it he tried to face to face in a fallen state outside the garden that's how amazing man and woman was it took hundreds of years for them to die and god was still able to look at them face to face and talk to them in their sin are you following me okay so god pronounces what appears to be curses but really what it is is okay you numb skulls this is what you just done you opened up hell you opened it up and this is what's gonna happen he didn't he didn't like say okay i'm gonna slap you for this you just did this to yourself and here's what you just did here's the result of what you just did come on now the punishment was a result it was there because they did what they did he didn't have to do a thing come on now because of the fallen state every single being adam eve and the serpent we're going to encounter things cain's marked okay he's going to get beat up everywhere he goes right it's a result of a decision they made it is not god slapping them god is a good god the consequences were there if they chose to do that but they never encountered because they didn't know evil because their eyes were not open to it we were never supposed to know evil we're never supposed to die we're never supposed to encounter sin we never have to separate from god we're never asking what his will is ever we're not we're not supposed to live this way down here wondering if it's god's will or what's happening now why are people falling up the stairs why why what is going on the disease of the week it's a fallen world it's broken people tell you what you believe they tell you what you see what you don't see they tell you how you feel tell you where you can go and not go okay this is a result of a of the creation in the image of god choosing to not be who they were they already were they chose not to be that thinking that there was something that they were missing they had everything okay so moving on from i want to talk about the nephilim because the nephilim nephal nafal in hebrew means fallen ayim is always means the plural so you have cherub and you have cherie being you have nephilim plural meaning many fallen ones not fallen one you have yah you have elohi which is god singular you have elohim which is what moses uses through the whole pentateuch the first five books of the bible every time god is mentioned it's used incorrectly instead of elohim he says elohim god's poor instead of pandai which is face the word is constantly used panayim plural my faces shall look upon you with favor not face my face the word is the word we use for presence my face says shall go with you moses we read it as presence there is no word for presence it's paniyim it's faces plural elohim is plural used as a singular noun which is incorrect is this too much okay so why did moses do this because he saw the truth and he had to portray it with a word okay so he says god says to the serpent your seed so the devil has seed your seed and the woman's seed the woman doesn't have seed man has seed women have eggs okay the woman's seed her seed is going to crush the seed of the serpent but he's going to bruise the heel his seed the serpent seed i didn't know the serpent had see but the serpent's going to bruise the heel of the seat of the woman but he's going to crush it just like jesus did when he crushed him and made a show of them openly destroyed him destroyed him did i mention destroy he destroyed the works of the devil that's what the bible says okay so god tells that there's going to be a hybrid there's going to be an attack of the serpent seed against the seed of the woman the offspring the offspring so genesis 6 is not a big problem you have hybrids angels don't have male or female parts jesus said when you die you won't marry because you'll be like the angels who are not given to marriage no reason to have an angel have a baby because god makes angels for one purpose and has to serve him and to do his bidding they hearken under his voice they are flames of fire he can make as many as he wants but they are not redeemable so nephal nephilim is used there the nephilim were on the earth in those days the fallen ones were on the earth in those days and conjunction the sons of god a whole another thing and the sons of god went into the daughters of men there's three things there's three parties here read it king james hebrew homebrew any kind of brew you want you read it and it'll say there's three different things happening here angels cannot procreate they don't have the proper parts god made man and womb man to start a family angels or servants they're of a different species who don't procreate do not write me do not waste digital ink so there comes a time where all of these fallen people the sons of when you look at canaan it's a clue and you look what happened at the ark and you look what happened after the ark and after that they were there again and they popped up again and then david had to take out all the giants you had the sons of god that lived six to 900 years across the timeline at the top to the time of noah and then you have all these issues common man that were having is going down this way this way it got to the place where these could not touch these because genetics there and genetics here cause six fingers six toes if you look at genetic defects in the in engine in the code you'll see certain things come up in the genes and the recessive the way it works is you'll start to see six toes and i can name the actors and actresses that you know that have had their sixth toe removed and their sixth finger removed i can name them there's 34 of them look it up on the internet must be true no okay because ogg and some of these these these giants they had six toes six fingers and they were huge that's because you have the godly line of seth up here and all this shenanigans down here going this way and it got to where they looked at the daughters of men and desired them and took them the word there is kidnap they became this this is this is where what what went wrong not only that don't even get me started on the animals because all of greek mythology you'll find out when you get to heaven you'll find out all that junk really happened with half man half animal why do you think the animals were destroyed why was there only a certain amount that came they came that i mentioned came to the ark on their own we're on the ark no dinosaurs and we're going to get into this because dinosaur is two words look it up just like mortgage two words death grip mort gage death grip dinosaur is dying terrible soros is lizard terrible lizard check it out terrible lizard okay so that's good so you have the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman the whole thing about the genealogies that are in the bible which you can tell how long we've been in existence it's not millions of years i mean the earth might be that old but mankind you can do it with the genealogies that's why they're there if you add it up and you look there was never a place where one of those people that had inner bread got into the bloodline of jesus christ but come on now let's be mature if a lamb had a spot on it it was rejected from sacrifice why it was a genetic defect and it could not be accepted the sign was a visible defect genetic flaw everybody follow me so a spotless lamb was accepted so jesus was the spotless lamb slain from the foundation of the world but we had genealogies because god knew that satan was going to nail that messiah when he came he wanted to infiltrate the bloodline of human beings so that we could never have a redeemer in a human body that was purely human is everybody follow me jesus came back to die for a human being not for a hybrid not for a giant not for an alien he's not going to go to another planet and die for an alien we are only the ones in all of existence that are in the image of god jesus came as a man a perfect sacrifice perfect in his generations if you look mary it was perfect if you look at all the genealogies it skipped all the giant races so that satan's plan was i got you after the after the crucifixion he was going to god say gotcha i got into the bloodline back here he's not fully human so why do you think they're after your dna right now why do you think they're trying to alter it's it's because that has been the case since genesis chapter three come on now all looking at me like no no this is it's it's a three-year-old a third grader not a three-year-old but a third grader they understand this you know the square the square uh peg doesn't fit into the round hole okay it's it's that simple angels don't do these things this is this is the godly line coming in and crossing over now nephilim the fallen ones there was a group of angels that left their abode peter talks about it they're the fallen ones the nephilim they are in chains right now peter says it so forget about it forget about it the fallen angels are in chains those who left their abode are in chains just read jude read peter read your bible okay there's millions of demons because each one of us if you sit and listen to all of us talk about how big the devil is that we got at least a couple million on just on each of us but you know dear lord the stuff we're going through so how could a couple hundred angels that left their abode which the book of enoch talks about the couple hundred that came down to mount hermon they're the fallen ones the nephilim this is it i'm giving you one more chance you've got cheriobim you've got seraphim you got taraphim mentioned in the bible and you got nephilim any questions drive through to the next window please they'll think about it these these were the fallen angels nephilim they are not the hybrid race the giants goliath was not a nephilim it says that the nephilim came down in those days and the wording is they influenced man to sin they left their abode and made man leave their abode and they did what was improper oh man get the car ready i can just tell you it's like no no the listen to me can it be listen can it be this hard really does it have to be hard don't make it something it's not right angels don't want to have intercourse they don't even know what you're talking about they just stare at you like when i was in heaven i was not i had not even been married yet i didn't care if i ever kissed a girl i was standing in the throne room with the righteous men spirits that have been made perfect was on mount zion i was standing on the sapphire stone i don't care about kissing a girl i could care less about anything except who is seated on the throne i didn't think about my parents i didn't think about nothing i didn't think about my school bill kind of glad i got out of that no you have to pay that now no you see what i'm saying you're not attached to any of that anymore you're like the angels in heaven i could care less there was no neither male nor female up there did you hear what i just said maybe i just didn't say atlanta there's neither male nor female in christ we are all equal we are spirits of righteous men made perfect on mount zion we're all sons i go over well do not write me listen that's just down here it's a lot of stuff down here that you leave down here and you'll be glad for it you don't need you don't need you don't need to rent some space to store stuff in heaven you just leave it you don't need it there's so much you leave that you that is your soulish life okay so the fallen ones came down influenced men the sons of god to go into the daughters of men sons of adam into ish god repents that he even made man it says i'm going to destroy everything there were only eight it says that were perfect in their generations were there is genealogies or genetics period they had not been infiltrated in their genetics so they were the pure stock that would be in the ark that would go over the water to the other side and reseed the earth the same covenant that he spoke to adam go forth and multiply and take dominion over everything he said to noah noah he said the exact same thing to know go forth and multiply and take dominion dominion it's not a machine you take dominion over everything that's what he told noah so that's what he did noah did it but then they popped up again and so now in the cave of adalam justice comes and david is told in psalms 89 he said there will never be a time where there is not someone sitting on your throne psalms 89. now now think about this when people were lined up on the streets and jesus was walking by what did they cry out son of david have mercy on me and they would be healed why because they recognize the genealogy of the promise that's why his blood is so precious that's why his blood forgives sins and heals the sick raises his blood cleanses uh it completely washes it away oh i forgot that i have to close my god okay so you have hybridization coming from the fallen ones enough of them instituting the idea of teaching men how to sin and then because they gotta the fallen ones gotta get them to do it because they're in a body okay so they get man to sin and they think now we got them the seed now is inner bread in to humanity and we got them so god says not so fast i went ahead when i created the earth if you check it out in chapter one of genesis he actually put water for no reason under the earth and it didn't even rain he had the water hidden underneath and he had water above the terra for vermont and he had it below it and he had that planned because he knew what was going to happen and he said guess what and he pushes a button and the earth floods and it rains for the first time and the earth floods and destroys everything why because god put that water when he created the earth because he already knew that man would fall all right amen jesus was slain from the foundations of the world that's pretty early before the foundations the world before we needed a savior he provided one he already planned the water to come up he destroyed the hybrid race okay but the problem is is that these are spiritual beings but now they don't have a body okay so what happens is they don't want me to tell you this that's what i'm telling you if you'll be gracious enough to let me keep talking for another 30 minutes if you'll be gracious and if you have to go you have to go but you know i didn't come here i didn't come here just to hang out because we're way past it's time to fly it's time to just leave the runway and get in the air and we got to have tools and understanding of what's going on be around us and people do not understand what's going on around us okay so these people lost their bodies in the flood okay so they're still where they were the angels that fell are chained in tartarus these disembodied spirits there was no problem because they were hidden until jesus shows up and he goes what do you have to do with us son of god have you come to torment us before time don't send us out of the area see they were right where they were before the flood in a parallel world without a body and there is no redemption there is no resurrection for them because jesus didn't redeem them he redeemed fully human beings and obviously according to scripture i have not crossed the scriptures in any way obviously if they were qualified they would have been on the ark but they weren't perfect in their generations right have i said anything wrong perfect inner generation is only eight on the boat everyone's wiped out their disembodied spirits that's why they seek embodiment because they seek expression because they cannot do a thing to a human being and unless they are have access so they they prey on the weakness of fallen man by beating them up killing stealing and destroying beating them into submission making them think that they're not in god's image and so they never come to the the the place where they get saved because they're not good enough but the price has been paid to redeem everyone okay so we're all redeemed by the blood of the lamb but people go to hell this is a travesty because paul said that we have a ministry of reconciliation to the corinthians in second corinthians 5 he said we have a ministry of reconciliation we're supposed to go out and compel people to come in to announce that their sins have been forgiven that's what it says they're already forgiven so no one should go to hell but you have to acknowledge with believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that jesus is the way then you shall be saved it you have to acknowledge the way that god provided for that redemption which is just us announcing the good news come on now but the blood it was the blood the demons would scream when i would cast them out they would tell me it was the blood that defeated us they would they would they would tell me don't talk about the blood it destroyed our works it it took it destroyed us don't mention the blood okay well what about the name of jesus oh that's a very powerful name don't mention that name very powerful that's what they say very powerful like thanks for letting me know now i don't even have to give them a scooby snack or anything it is like start because this is what they did to jesus as soon as he got on the scene all of a sudden we had all these demons but they were always there but no one no one had jerked their chain like jesus did and all of a sudden they don't want to leave the area they're in they don't want to be tormented before their time so that means they are going to be tormented and they don't want to leave their area because that's what they work a matrix in their area to keep people in bondage because it's genealogies right why do you think you deal with the same thing your parents did because you have to break that devil yes that's good he's assigned to stop you oh come on everybody's like this is good okay so you have the the fallen ones and then you have which are are uh responsible for teaching men how to sin and causing the hybrid race which was destroyed by the flood but it snuck through and that is very interesting because it did sneak through and i know i know that's it's just not time to talk about that but it appeared on the other side and then david was risen up to take out the giant race and where did the messiah where did he come from david so you have goliath was from gath so when david took his head off it clearly shows that he went to jerusalem with the head so he takes goliath's head from gath and then jesus is crucified on golgotha goliath gath yes and i guarantee you the head of that that skull was right under where that cross was i guarantee it i guarantee where he was crucified was where david planted the skull of goliath and you think your life's random okay that's good enough introduction we should go home and then start tomorrow but i haven't even got the familiar spirits see the familiar spirits see they don't want you to know a person who decides that they want to traffic devils which is forbidden by the scriptures as far back as the law and a person who was given over to necromancy and witchcraft and the occult was to be put to death there was no redemption for them why deliverance was not available so they were put to death in the old testament they had been defiled and there was no deliverance but see god's righteousness and justice was demonstrated through jesus christ and now we have deliverance just like the devils wouldn't even say a word until jesus came on the scene that's just all those millions of disembodied spirits are are just rolling and reigning all around the people david it says that satan tempted him to count the fighting men first time it's mentioned god said don't count your strength your your your strength is in the arm of the lord not in your armies you don't boast in your strength and so counting your men is like sitting and counting your money just like a win can come and blow all that money away at the picnic table you're counting on your army can be wiped out so you're you're you don't trust in horses and chariots and armies you trust in the lord okay your help comes from the lord okay so satan tempted david to count as fighting men in sin he sinned okay so that is like one time where you see is that a bug that thing that thing might i think he's better than i do my god that thing is huge is that a dinosaur he's like going around like hey you got any snacks he's like walking around like okay so familiar spirits they if they can gain access to a person who will traffic and operate in that realm they will tell them so if you go to a witch and they sit there and they read you what they're really doing is they're waiting for the spirit you get a spirit you can read this in webster's dictionary you don't i can give you all the i have it all on my laptop i've already done the studies for this weekend but if you just look it up operating in this according to the dictionary is when you get a spirit that becomes a pseudo or a part of your personality so there's two of you is what it says in the dictionary there's two use familiar two you become two is what the meaning of it is you're not to operate in familiar spirits okay so a spirit one of these disembodied spirits who is worked himself up in the ranks and has others under him he will find someone who wants to be involved in witchcraft like john ramirez when he was younger and they they flatter them and take them and give them more and more and more power and what they have is they have a human being who is rightfully on the earth has a belly button came through a womb belly button legally here and you have a illegal spirit who is disembodied who has no right or authority to the earth has to hijack a human being in order to operate and has to get a body to hijack in order to manifest so it it works in the soul realm so they get into leadership above you to control you but they work in a cloak way in their soul they become part of the person there's two you so a witch or warlock meshes with a spirit and so the will of the spirit is now the will of a human being who has a mouth has a will and has authority as a human being has expression and can manifest anything in this realm that that spirit wants them to well what was the reason for the hybrid race it was sexual misconduct so what is prevalent today it's the spirits that were disembodied because of that sin that are influencing everyone in some way why is it so prevalent why is there so much confusion why why is there confusion you don't know who you are you don't know what you are well god defines that right okay if he made it man and woman then that's the way it is okay now anything else is because of a fallen world or something else but it doesn't make god change who he is and what he did at the beginning just because things are broken and go a certain way okay so the witch is told by the spirit i i've seen this happen i watched the witches operate and the spirit comes up right beside him and says okay their mother's name is sally her her sister died two years ago because i killed him in a car wreck the spirit knows because they're the ones that did it and tell them that so the person's like oh my god how did you know that it's a familiar spirit they've been following you and in a flash that spirit will say find out what their mother's name is and a spirit will go like that and come right back like that at the speed of light at the speed of light you can go around the earth eight times in a second an angel could go around the world eight times in a second when the sun goes out in the middle of the day it just goes poof done i'm done i'm done with my atomic fusion i'm not going to light up anymore it takes over eight minutes for us to know that it went out that's how far away it is at 186 000 miles a second light is traveling 186 thousand miles a second it still takes eight minutes for us to know that the sun just went out so an evil spirit can go and find out information and because this person whoever it is not pastor mike because he would be working for me if he was but a person is able to hear that's why they call it peeps they say they peep or incantations is all those words are used i just don't want to pull out all those scriptures there's there's like 18 of them they those who peep peep look peer into look so this is the hook this is the hook and this is where it gets into the prophets in the body of christ it says in a year you're you're you're uh you're going to be dead what ain't gonna happen to me so the witch says in a year you're gonna be dead or they say your brother name them will die next year and then you'll be a year later i've this is not i'm not making this up there's already these are people i know who have had this happen okay if that person who has just been amazed that they know that information it then they're like okay whatever then their brother dies a year later well then they're next did you get what you said but they're not next so if your parents died of something do you have to die of it okay do you get it but we need to know your history of your family because if you're pre-disposed of this we need to go ahead and start cutting things off your body now because they're gonna you're gonna get cancer anyway i have friends that did that but what did you just do they go well i'm pre-disposed so i'm just going to have it done now like you just lost a body part because you're predisposed to what a christian a christian because a movie star had that happen to her had something removed from her chest her chest had her chest removed so she went and got her chest removed because she found that there was something in her jeans this is someone i know a christian well it's predisposed so it's probably going to happen so i'd rather just have that removed now are you going to have your chest removed because you might just stop eating captain crunch or some you know everywhere just don't just start seeking god and don't don't just don't do the things that you need i'm trying to tell you something here these devils do not want you to know none of this and i told my i called ryan i called grind i said i'm spilling all the beans tonight i'm going to spill the all the weekend i've had it you you all you all you all think you all think wow my angels are watching over me right okay well then why do things still seep through because they don't come to fail i believe that we are to work with god and he works with us it says that in acts that the apostles they preached the word and god worked with them worked with them performing signs and wonders confirming the word that they spoke there was a so i'm not going to be led into temptation i'm going to be delivered from evil to quote a famous person like jesus that's what he said to pray lead us not in temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the glory and the power forever amen thy kingdom come on the earth as it is in heaven thy will be done on the earth as it is in heaven and this is where we find ourselves in the situation this is why this is why we are in this situation we are because we have been waiting for god to do something that he has already told us to do and it's a remnant we should have a stadium full of people we we have a thousand thirteen 1300s sign up thousands show up that's fine but what about everybody else that needs to know that there is a world you you believe your angels are with you well then why is there failure why is there still things that seep through why do we get sick why do why do we have trouble making money when people cheat and make more money and they live they live to have 47 years in congress they live forever it is mathematically impossible when you have friends that were intercessors that prayed that fasted and they died in car crashes in their 30s they were men and women of god that just fought they fought for me they prayed for me when i was a flight attendant and they a driver hit them and killed them okay but yet we got people that keep living in evil and doing evil and and nobody stops them nothing don't listen to me isn't that enough what i just said to show you that if angels are present and yet these demons are still able to operate that maybe it is you that has been given the authority and not them because you have a belly button you are a human being is everybody following me okay so you have the nephilim you have the hybrids and then you have familiar spirits the familiar spirits will tell you what they're going to do but it'll appear that it's prophetic and if you believe it then they have legal right to have the legal right because you're in agreement with it and if you pay money then you really sealed the deal that's why they ask for a donation they read your palms it's like you know what i got highways on my palms here's going in the canaan land and then this one is going to the throne room and then this one is my next miracle so oh no see how that i mean i'm serious i grabbed my hand i didn't even ask i grabbed my hand okay oh that that's short that means you're you got maybe 10 years 11. i'm serious look actually i cut myself with a knife when i was 11. and that's why that did it's not this is man-made that wasn't dear lord okay all right so we are supposed to know what our father's doing and do that jesus said at 11 you know i was about my father's business mother actually he started calling her woman that's when you know something's going on woman it's not my time yet woman he did he said he didn't say mom she said it's not my time yet woman and she had an attitude because on the way out she whispered to the guys whatever he tells you to do do it no pressure okay so evil spirits like right now they are waiting for you on your way out to talk you out of everything that the word of god has just shown to you they want to steal the word like black birds just take the seed as you're sewing just be right behind you coming and taking it why because they don't want you to have a harvest they don't want you to have a harvest of the word of god in your life so they come immediately jesus said after the sower sows the word they come immediately to steal that word why because it is really hard to get rid of an orchard but it's not hard to get rid of a plant it's so quick you got to remember it's not 30 60 100 it's it's fold that's exponential so you keep multiplying what you get to the to the nth power so at seven at en n to the 17th power it is absurd and incalculable and yet it is end to the 87th power to actually do an experiment where a puddle on the earth produces a human being a human genome out of a puddle there's not enough there's not enough matter time to do the experiment n to the 87th and yet end of this 17th power which is multiplied by multiplied you keep multiplying the number by the number seven after 17th power is absurd this is from the miles of scientists but yet they said oh look a human being popped out of a puddle do you know that half of the amino acids that form the genetic codes you have amino acids that are actually is this too much because i can but they you they actually you know if you look you got al9 and you got all these different amino acids that attach themselves and form the genome i mean the mosquito i have the mosquito genome and it is like 15 feet long just a mosquito okay but half of the amino acids are toxic like l-strychnine so random experiment as soon as you get maybe n to the 76th power and you get l-strip nine in the genetic code it destroys the whole strand and you have to start over again 50-50 chance of it turning out wrong and a failure every time you do the experiment every single time and yet you gotta do this for years there's not enough matter in the known universe to take all that matter put it into a puddle and see what happens and and any anybody that's that that'd be honest knows all this because a flight ted of praise and tongues knows it so what do you think they know they can fix my knee right now but they can't keep me from the flu they can they can fix my knee right now but they don't they can fix diabetes right now israel already has i'm asking you something do you really understand what's going on around you because it's all about the deception of getting a human being to believe something that's not true and siding with it and then becoming a worker bee for iniquity well i'm not going to work for the devil he works for me i don't work for him he's defeated okay all right jesus i broke a record okay jesus said that you shall trample on serpents and scorpions and have power the word there is authority over all the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you it's exactly what's in hebrew in psalms 91. he is quoting psalms 91 which means if he can quote it i can quote it that's right if he can believe it then i can believe it he ties the old testament scripture of psalms 91 to my insurance policy in the new testament don't be mad at me jesus did it he he brought the old testament into the new testament so now it's mine it was mine anyway but you know how people are territorial about that little thin page between the new and the old that blank page it's just just enough to blow your nose you know it's a tissue paper it's not the same god of the old testament is the same god of the new testament at what point are you going to be upset enough to stand up and trample on serpents and scorpions so this is what i do if i'm going to take if he gives me one verse when he when he quotes in the new testament one verse of psalms 91 well you know what i'm just going to take the whole chapter if you don't mind that's right okay well it says that nothing shall come near you and to harm you that a thousand will fall in my right hand and ten thousand or a thousand percent fall ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near you well i want the whole package just just wrap it up i'll take the whole thing the whole cow the whole car i'll just take the whole thing i just don't want a t-bone i'll take it off okay well this is what you have to do it's just a smaller group of people that we have know but we have 20 000 students as of two fridays ago we broke 20 000 students we just started the school two years ago not how long has it been now no it's been two and a half right oh it's the churches 1200 churches in nine months okay so there are people out there that are done and isn't it time to just know the truth and let it just fall where it does but you've got to be careful that you're not hoodwinked bamboozled or whatever you want to say by the devil into thinking that what i've just told you isn't true because i just laid the scripture out for you we went through it at lightning speed these disembodied spirits they cannot win and they hate you and they are not going to give an inch unless you make them amen so it's time for a recall that's right amen you know it's time to just say you know what devil i think you have had power long enough that's right amen because it's all it's all it's all in the bible that jesus defeated you and he said he's made a show of him openly but he says he's destroyed destroyed the works of the devil and and it isn't it true i mean it's in john i checked it's still there even even the nearly inspired version the niv has not taken it out yet it says that to those who who believed on him he gave them the authority the power to become sons of god what is all creation groaning for that the sons of god would be revealed that's what it says in romans all creation is groaning because they fell with us okay so we could do some music now just a little bit the drive-through windows are closing though but they i think listen what these evil spirits what they what they what they hope is is that you do nothing they are holding on for dear life we are the authority on the earth listen in the time of jesus religion didn't didn't do it he called him a brood of vipers let's get let's just teach people about relationship with god let's teach people about the love of god about the goodness of god leads people to repentance about that that god has good news and good he's a good god and he's not doing all these terrible things and that you know what whether i'm well or sick i'm still believing whether i'm rich or poor i still believe i'm not going to change what i believe when i was poor i believed when i'm rich i believe when i was sick i believe when i'm well i believe when i'm in jail i believe when i'm free i believe it doesn't matter what matters is the eternal value that was placed in us from the beginning if any of you want to give your life to jesus christ come up here and i'll pray for you we're just gonna worship a little bit we are starting at nine in the morning we will start worshiping at quarter till nine and we will we will begin and we're going to have a kids session before lunch as well or administer the kids and you'll get to see that and then in the afternoon the kids will will get their training in the simulator and then we'll have our afternoon session as well that will start in the afternoon around 2 30. but you will wake up tomorrow morning with the same power that you feel here it will not dissipate this is permanent you all have been chosen [Music] i just heard you i heard i heard an evil spirit i just heard an evil spirit say we're done they said we're done all right we're done hallelujah see because jesus christ jesus christ you know i even i even called i called john ramirez i said can you come to dalton can you come next week the dawn he goes i can't i said i said you can come anytime you want and minister with me he's a warlock and he's a born-again spirit-filled christian [Music] he he said kevin he said if i was a warlock in new york still and i saw you on the street i would run the other way that's what he told me he says because i can tell you you know it you believe it he said he said what you know i learned from satan himself and you learned it from god you learned it by going to heaven he said i went to hell and learned this i learned i learned how to deal with the devil from the devil himself i said i have never met him i met jesus i feel maturity in this room let's let's just stand and i want to i want you to confess this with me and thank you for being so patient this teaching tonight is so important to me so important to god now this is what the spirit of god is saying loud and clear in my ears and i want you to repeat what the spirit is saying over you in this room right now i hear him louder than anything else right now he's saying your value was determined long ago in heaven do not let anyone diminish that that's what the spirit is saying i'm prophesying to you that's what the spirit said he said you tell them their value was determined in heaven long ago do not let anyone or anything diminish that value while you're here i stand i stand in the presence of god and i'm telling you i'm telling you to live and not die i'm telling you to prosper i'm telling you to prosper and not wither up i'm commanding the earmarked provision to come to you that was already provided for you that the devil has held back from you i command it to come to you now i command healing to come to your body i command all your crazy family members that are freaking out right now to get with it i command i command every child every child every child that has ran away that you're waiting for them to come home i am commanding right now the angels [Music] to go retrieve them because it shall be you and your household shall be saved yes you and your household shall be saved that's what was told to the jailer when the angel came and opened all the doors and he was gonna fall on his sword he said you and your household shall be saved father the anointing is here the holy spirit and the and the power to heal is here so we just raise our hands and we receive supernatural healing right now in our bodies we speak life i speak life to your lungs i speak life to your blood i speak life to your legs and to your organs to your mind i speak in life i command you to live and not die healing is coming through this room right now in the name of jesus [Music] every knee is going to bow someday and and acknowledge that jesus christ is lord every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is the way if you don't know him get up here right now and give your life to him i break witchcraft over everyone in the name of jesus every every lying devil i break your power by the name of jesus and the blood of jesus and i stand firm on all the will of god and all the word of god over everybody's life and i prophesy fire from the holy altar fire right now in the name of jesus fire fire [Music] and the lord he wants to whisper your future to you he wants to whisper as he walks with you he wants to whisper your future to you he wants to tell you the plans he has for you good plans an expected end plans for you to prosper an expected end the lord loves you hallelujah oh my god the glory of the lord is here lord lord do what you've never done before lord do something you've never done before reach out and heal the whole place lord everyone healed everybody deliverance has come deliverance has come deliverance has come [Music] say it i'm done with you devil now say your power is broken by the name of jesus [Music] any one of you can do this any one of you can i'm just set an example and then one day i'll just disappear and you all do this doing this is a favor for the lord i'm telling you you're all supposed to be doing this wherever you tread your foot is yours [Music] come on now your spirits are lit up let's sing let's sing in the spirit come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause there's just something about that name there's just something about that name oh the name that breaks every chain the name that breaks [Music] his name something about his [Music] breaks name chain it breaks every chain it breaks [Music] [Applause] something about his [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] every day always [Music] there's just something about the blood of jesus [Music] [Applause] enough and your blood has [Music] always been enough there's just something something about your mind oh there's something about the blood of jesus [Music] and it's always been enough it's always been enough it's always been enough it's always been enough it's always been enough it's always been enough it's always been enough it will always be enough always be enough always be enough always be enough always be enough just something about the blood of jesus there's just something about your name [Music] it's always been always been enough for me always been enough for me always be enough [Music] just one drop just one drop more than enough [Music] it is my truth that your blood is enough for me this is my truth your blood has always been more than enough for me this is my truth nothing can change [Music] thank you for your blood thank you for your blood god i thank you for your blood thank you for your healing over me i thank you for your blood i thank you for your blood i'm sorry [Music] [Applause] so [Music] um um [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 82,689
Rating: 4.9254079 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 30sec (11130 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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