How to permanently get rid of familiar spirits - Kevin Zadai

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foreign so oh open open open open open wide open open open open open open wide over us this morning and open open open open open open wide open open open open open open open open open open open open open open open and then i saw the angels ascending and descending from the open heaven over eyes wide open the heavens wide open ascending and descending upon us upon us there's an open heaven can't you see it this morning there's an open heaven there's an open heaven oh the glory of the lord the glory of the lord we were leaning to the still small voice to the still small voice leaning and leaning into our beloved to the still small voice the still small voice leaning and leaning in as you whisper the secrets of your heart to us leaning in leaning in as you reveal the secret of your heart leaning in leaning in leaning into your come and follow me come and follow me come and see the mysteries i'm revealing come and follow me come and follow me come and follow me oh come now come come and follow me come and follow me and follow me and see the mysteries i'm revealing before you come and follow me come and follow me and follow me i'm gonna take you to wide open spaces come and follow me come and follow me come and follow me come and follow me i'm leading you to wide open spaces come and follow me come and follow me come and follow me to wide open spaces come and follow me come and follow me come and follow me it's worth it's worth it it's worth it yes come follow come follow come follow me come follow come follow come follow me it's worth it all it's worth it all come and follow come and come and follow hmm cause your yoke is easy and your burden is i'll come and follow cause your yoke is easy and your burden is i'll come and follow after you this is my joy to come and follow come and follow to let go of everything and follow follow you oh so cause your yoke is easy and your burden i will is you cause your yoke is easy and your burden is will follow you cause your yoke is easy and your burden is light i will follow you i will follow you cause your yoke is easy and your burden is i will follow you cause your yoke is easy and your burden is you i will follow you cause your yoke is easy and your burden is light i will follow you i will follow you all my days cause your yoke is easy and your burden is easy and your burden is easy is easy is easy your burden is easy your burden i is follow you yes i will follow or the way may be narrow but i will follow i will follow i will follow i will follow holy after you all the way may be narrow but i will follow i will follow i will follow i will follow but i will follow cause you'll never lead me astray you'll never lead me astray the way may be narrow but i'm gonna follow i'm gonna follow i'm gonna follow you oh my whole life hmm jesus thank you father that jesus has been given the name above all names he's the supreme ruler the supreme ruler of the universe everything he says overrules any government on this earth thank you for your justice coming forth from the cross and you've spoken well on our behalf to the father jesus i thank you for your testimony to the father that we are forgiven and that the books that have been made about us before we are born are sealed and sure i thank you lord god for letting us worship you the dalton georgia taking back our country amen hallelujah hallelujah oh oh uh i um there's some okay hallelujah uh i used to make kids stop crying on the airplane because you got 150 passengers looking at me to make do a miracle so i would go up to the kid i go you think it's bad now you wait till you have to pay rent and buy your own food i said you have it great and they would look at me and stop crying because they said what is this guy saying to me it would work anyway the lord's presence is surely here and the move of god has started here in this building in this place and i'm so excited that all of you that labored to make this happen in dalton it's been many years and and happening before even i knew about it people were laboring in prayer here and you know if it's good enough for a real president to come and speak to you here and a real general to come and speak to you here then it's good enough for jesus christ too as well to speak from this dalton convention center this morning it's good enough for him you know something's going on here in dalton that the president would come and speak and that a general would come and speak and people that love god would come here now remember not that long ago asking dave and myra and chris to take me to the airport because the lord said one day i will fly into this airport in our own jet so it wasn't that many months ago i didn't know was going to happen so quickly but i stood in that airport stood in the lobby of dalton airport and i prayed in tongues until i saw my jet land it took it took a while and i just stood there i walked out i looked down the runway i looked day on the other side of the runway and i kept praying until i saw my jet on approach and it landed and sat in front of me and parked and then just a month ago it happened so you see today this morning it already happened it already happened in the spirit a long time ago there is no clocks in heaven there's no calendars there's there's only times and seasons of the father that if he chooses to reveal them to us he will but if he doesn't it doesn't matter it still happens anyway you know and it's up to him according to acts chapter one it's up to him to interpret and to reveal the times and the seasons it's not for us to know everything and this is spoken of in acts chapter one about prophecy that some things are reserved for the father himself and yet you can stand there and pray in the spirit until you're taken to your future amen i kid you not and get a peek because i want to know what my father is doing and if if my father is having a jet land at the dalton airport with me in it then i'm going to stand there until he shows me if he chooses to but even if i hadn't seen it it still would have happened anyway but sometimes he allows his children to be involved intimately with his plans and this this place is sacred the lord has chosen this place there are seven major cities like this and many many others that are are going to develop into those seven major cities but we are being obedient my friends right now in zurich are just waiting for me to tell them to pull the trigger and our school will be translated into four languages in as europe as i make a call and pull the trigger the kurdish will be able to take our school in their language hallelujah as soon as i as soon as i make the call i can do it right now arabic will be will be the main language for our school just like that just like that they said we're ready we're ready to do it in arabic we're ready to do it in kurdish i have friends who speak farsi and the minute i call them iran will have our school whether they like it or not can you get the cards out of the outer pocket there on my outer pocket there's a there's there's a place in the spirit where you don't back off when you hear from god so these cards right here i'm memorizing for my test that is actually in a year to become full captain on my jet without any other pilot flying with me right but i go i go over these all the time i'm going to go over them while i'm teaching you because i i can do a whole bunch of things at one time but see you too you can too you've been told you can't but i'm preparing for a test that won't be for another year but i'm going to pass it because i'm being diligent every day it's the same thing with your walk with god who told you you can't do something i'm studying for a test that's a year away and i'm teaching you as well i'm memorizing all the emergency procedures to become a captain alone without a first officer okay so what else can you do what else can you do because a year from now i will get this rating i don't care who's president i i really don't care i'm going to boost my immune system and i'm going to live and not die and i'm going to keep on going as though we got plenty of time why so this is my dvd series on the end time events end times advances i'm going to prosper and be in health as even as my soul that's my property 12 dvd set summed up in 33 seconds now listen okay you can have a seat you see the spirit's still going to minister minister to the children as though they're going to grow up and beat the living daylights out of the devil so it doesn't matter what wars are going on rumors of wars earthquakes hurricanes it doesn't matter whether our leadership speaks or they don't speak it's almost like i wish they wouldn't speak but it doesn't matter what they say because let the redeemed of the lord say so like start prophesying from your spirit jesus went around and he spoke what his father was saying and the spirit of the lord is always saying something because god himself has said a whole bunch of things and he is repeating he likes to hear himself talk so the spirit of god is speaking truth all the time but the spirit of god as a person is not just the words on a page and he's not just someone who who comes upon you and causes you to speak in other languages or be used in the spiritual gifts the spirit is a person who's a counselor who's a standby he's one who comes beside you and defends you he enforces all the legal documents that have been written about us he is a lawyer he is an advocate a lawyer he enforces the documents so he enforces a covenant that has been made he knows all the fine print of your covenant and so he's always willing but he is only willing to do what the trinity has already agreed upon and so he they have already agreed that no one should perish but everyone should have eternal life god loves the whole world and he he has already determined that everything he does is so that everyone can go to heaven everyone even people that fall upstairs you have to allow god's grace and mercy to give people time to repent and if they don't repent then they go to hell and no one no one wants to go to hell but people go all the time even even those who are in witchcraft that come to hinder our meetings they end up like last night running out in the middle of the meeting or they come up here and get saved but you can't just sit there whether you're a good witch a bad witch or a sandwich you you have to make a decision and witches won't stay in the service because if the evil spirits have to vacate with that witch staying here they will get beat those witches will get beat up and those evil spirits they'll lose their power the evil spirits will not come back they'll be mad and so a witch will have to leave if the evil spirit has had enough and he's about to leave he has to take the witch with him and that's why they'll run out they don't want to lose their power but the devils have just about heard enough about warrior justice and they want to leave they when they hear the word of god so i have noticed this i have watched ministers that have evil spirits and a ministry and i'm watching them get up and back up halfway through and they're standing i'm like what are you doing and i was casting out devils and i realized because i had suspected some activity with this person major a major uh prophet you know familiar spirit very accurate but but not one of the gifts of the spirit right capital s it's a small ass so we'll get up from the front row and walk back halfway congregation where are you going where you going what happens is that they can't move in that gift and call people out and give them their social security number it's like well why do they need to know their social security number now everybody knows it and it's now it's identity theft so why would an evil spirit oh come on i've had evil spirits friends of mine casting out the devil the door goes i know your mother's name she goes i know my mother's name i don't need you to like that's supposed to impress people so what is it why would you be impressed you can go to which and have them do that have you ever thought about that what benefit would it be for me to know your social security number everybody's like oh my god you don't have to be deceived anymore you see it draws you in but see what you really came this morning is not to hear me blab off your social security number or your address but to hear that he who the son says free is free indeed what jesus would say so i've been told you're not going to use the gifts of spirit in our service you're invited but you can't use the gift spirit you cannot give an altar call you cannot take an offering what's left but all the other speakers were allowed to do that but me you think i'm making this all up we don't go back there all right so the holy spirit if he is going to speak through you what he's going to speak is from the father because jesus already said sir sir you moved you were over here last night you were trying to trick me weren't you that's why i can get a perfect day on my test i remember everything even where you're sitting last night the holy spirit was sent to take the place of jesus on the earth okay so jesus said i'm only speaking what my father is saying i'm only doing what my father's doing and then he said another one like me is going to come and he is going to do the same thing he will only speak he will not speak on his own it's kind of wild when jesus says that about himself and then the holy spirit he says the holy spirit will not speak on his own either and it's pretty wild how jesus says listen i don't even know when i'm coming back only the father not the angels or the holy spirit think about that so jesus doesn't know even though people still ask me when when jesus coming back and we were just with the our friends from iran who who got out of there they they looked at the koran and the bible and in about a year they decided jesus is the way and now they're pastors went to the same college i went to but um we were ministering in in an undisclosed location we have a lot of uh of of iranians who have escaped their country and so they're they're we put them in different places and um we help with boarding and uh all the things they need to get you know in different countries other than the united states which i'm not going to mention but uh we we would go minister to these these different locations so we would travel sometimes half the night just to get there and do this thing do different services and so i'm i fell asleep after doing the service in another country but we were driving back to do another service in a few hours and i fell asleep and i woke up because the pastor's wife i heard my name she goes kevin kevin and i heard as i came out of my sleep i'm the pastors beside me driving on the highway i heard um what i heard was when are you coming back and so i'm like well i said well i think it's july but let me check my calendar what she really asks is kevin you know when jesus is coming down so she's excited it's going to be in july the pastor knows exactly what happened so he's laughing so hard he has to pull off the side of the road and so it's a big joke around among us that you know jesus coming back in july you know but um the holy spirit the holy spirit if he's going to come upon a person and speak to them there's there's a couple things that he's going to do and there's a whole bunch of things he's not going to do but yet one of them is what i said he's not going to reveal information where he's going to cause your identity to be stolen and he's not it's not a show it's not it's not like going to a circus but it's become that and you know we see now how that is where god has judged he literally has has judged a church and i'm talking about an audit i'm not talking about he's killing people but he's he's the sword comes down and it's a two-edged sword and it just divides between soul and spirit now obviously there's a bunch of soul and not a lot of spirit but now we're getting back on track okay but the holy spirit when he when he does speak what he what he does is he reminds us of things that jesus had said because that's what jesus said will happen he's going to lead us into all truth jesus said lead us on to all truth that he is the spirit of truth and that he leads us into all truth but see truth the the word truth in greek is is a higher standard than just facts see we in we we say stuff that's totally opposite of what it like we say oh that's amazing well it's not a maze we say it's shocking it's not shocking i can't believe that well yes you can you just saw it but you say i can't believe that okay don't let me go through this because the dictionary is full of words that we use like this that are actually the actual anti what we say is is is called dark speech it's it's called jesting course jesting in other words you're saying something that you don't mean and then you wonder why god doesn't answer when you use his name in vain when you use his name in vain when you call upon him and you don't really want him then that's crying wolf okay so the holy spirit is an advocate he is only going to say what jesus already said he's only going to say what the father is saying he's going to be revealing truth to us because he is a spirit of truth so truth is the word reality as a better translation so the word truth is reality whereas a fact can be disproven you know there's facts that they said that the four-minute mile cannot be broken it never been broken and then somebody broke it and then within a week there were three or four other people that broke it same with the sound barrier same with the atomic bomb they thought it would completely start to dismantle all the fabric of creation with those atoms being split that that would start to unravel something and so there was a they weren't really sure about a lot of things they were practicing on you like some doctors do so they practice they test things well i don't want somebody practicing on me i want somebody that knows what they're doing and i need fixed doc fix this thing you need to practice go home and do it in your own lab without me but don't push something on me to see if it works enough said so the holy spirit isn't testing using you as a test facility he's not trying something god doesn't try anything does everybody hear me so everything that god says it it's isaiah 55 he fully intends for it to come back and produce what it was intended to accomplish so it doesn't come back void it comes around like a boomerang because everything is cyclical so where it starts is where it ends and the sooner you get that thought the sooner you're going to understand your god and you're going to understand yourself better it's all cycles so the same spot where you were thought of and you were sent to your mother's womb is the same spot that you will stand on to give an account for your life it's the same spot you just go right around and what he gave you is all you're responsible for you're not you're not responsible because you didn't get a guitar last night you're only responsible for what you got if you got a guitar you better be playing it and i better hear about it better see you on youtube see because i want to return on my seat i want i want to return on the gift that was given that's what god does he he puts stuff in you you're not responsible for sally your neighbor you're only responsible for yourself okay so the holy spirit is not going to say anything contrary to what has already been spoken he's only going to enforce the documents that are written already so you have a document in heaven written about you if you want to believe the bible it's psalms 139 verse 5 says i've gone to your future and i'm standing there and i've paved the way i've actually numbered the steps to me and that is that is the steps that we're supposed to take so we can walk he they've already in your future is what it says in verse 5. the passion translation okay you also got verse 16 that says that each one of my days was written in a book before one of them came to pass you can't take that out of the bible it's already there there is so much in paul's writings which is why i spend a lot of time in there sometimes 10 15 hours a day just this week i've logged more time in paul's book of ephesians for a course that i'm going to be doing a word for word commentary on ephesians this week i've logged more time in that book than i would at a full-time job or flying or training for you word for word money on chapter one probably at least 50 hours of study and i've been to heaven but see it doesn't matter i don't know everything and and the mo when if i would would have not went to heaven i would have had to find out everything that i know by reading the word and praying but i saw some things i'm like it just made me hungrier because i saw this whole life as rigged in my favor if i do what's right which is that the holy spirit is not going to talk about you if he's going to talk through you he's going to talk about his father or the father not his father but he's going to remind us of what jesus said if he's going to speak he's going to speak what what the father is saying he's going to speak what jesus said he's going to speak about the future but he's going to call the things that are not as though they were and the thing that is is that prophetic words have to be spoken in order for them to be activated by faith in a human's spirit so if they are not activated by faith i end up just like jesus did in his own hometown he can't even heal the sick in his own hometown why because the people didn't discern who he was because he was a son of a carpenter he was not the son of god he was not the messiah he was that guy that lived down the street that built tables and chairs and so he couldn't do any miracles there except he'll a couple people with with minor elements it says so the people's faith or lack of hindered the son of god from doing the father's will because god went around doing good through jesus and healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil period god through jesus christ went around doing good healing everyone you know it says in the greek everyone that was his intention he never made anyone sick okay so the spirit was working with jesus the father was working with jesus and so jesus says now this one like me is coming i'm gonna go to the father i'm gonna send him back so we know he made it to the throne because the spirit came on the day of pentecost so we know that jesus made it to the throne you know that he didn't get lost on the way there he made it we know that that's the evidence and we know that through taking over our tongue that he got the rudder because james is still in the bible isn't it so our tongue is a rudder steering the whole ship so that's why jesus said not kenneth hagin jesus said that if you'll speak to a mountain and it be removed and you believe in your heart not your head in your heart that what you say with your mouth if you believe it it shall be done period that's it period doesn't matter it doesn't but there's no fine print or waiver or you know asterisk that you got to go down and it's like all these you know like metropolitan life you know have all these fine print your insurance policies null and void if you do this this and this i'm like i guess i can't even leave my house then well then what's he used to having insurance see because jesus knew that if we were hooked up in the spirit in this in your spirit with the holy spirit if you're hooked up with him and you spoke according to what god was saying that you couldn't fail it you couldn't stop what god was doing because you were being used as a conduit you weren't you weren't like you weren't like doing helping god you were yielding to god and this is what stops familiar spirits from working all of a sudden they don't know your social security anymore social security they're they're spending don't worry about because they're spending it right now on on the roads and stuff anyway so they've already dipped into it congratulations you just bought your retirement just bought a highway somewhere or whatever else they choose to spend your money for that's your money the bank the bank's making between seven and 15 on your money every night they're paying you a fraction of a percent to hold your money but they're making huge amounts of money off your your money okay so how much more god when he invests in you and he puts the holy spirit in you and you learn how to yield and not help god but just yield to him then out of your mouth comes things from the other realm and from the future and this stops evil spirits it stops the familiar spirits from working in your life familiar spirits are those who have been assigned to your bloodline and you know it all i'm just telling you out there one bad comment and i'm blocking all of them just go ahead i will block them all because these evil spirits you should see they get all upset when you start revealing all the secrets and they start like threatening you but that's it that's all you got is digital warfare you see the holy spirit always leads you into the truth he always speaks the truth everything about him is the truth it's not facts because you could be sick right now that's a fact but it's not the truth the truth is is that peter said by his stripes we were healed quoting isaiah 53 which is kind of that's that's profound that isaiah could say that but then in revelation it says that the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world so jesus was slain before you we we even on the earth so we're already healed you're already in your future you already make it okay so it's really ridiculous for a christian to go to hell and and and sell out their birthright like some ministers and people do they denounce christ and they say you know i don't know what i believe anymore it's like you got to be kidding me you trample under foot the blood of jesus to treat it as an unholy thing you testify publicly after you testified that you're saved and that jesus is the only way then you testify that i don't believe in them anymore it's happening all the time and they're people that i i that have changed my life how could that happen an evil spirit a familiar spirit comes in and starts to mimic the holy spirit that evil spirit becomes your counselor instead of the counselor okay so you cannot science is based on facts but the truth is still to be known about a lot of things because science is really just observation just look it up you observe but you really can't even predict a trend anymore because you can take data they call it extrapolation you can take data and you start to see a trend then you can extrapolate out with the data and just draw the curve and then when your stock tanks and it doesn't work then you're like scratching your head well it's done this before for seven years well guess what seven years of grace for that stock is up it wasn't in the data it did it wasn't predicted in the data it's the same with interpolation you can take you can find out what the atmosphere was it was four atmospheres to r1 now at the time of abraham the the gravity the the magnetic field of the earth there are indications that it that it gets cut in half sometimes every 1400 years light is slowing down if you take the readings that were in 1903 and you take them now and you do the plus or minus three percent for error light is slowing down so light is not a constant so einstein was wrong the c in e equals m c squared is not the c is n is the speed of light it is not a constant but he thought that light was god so he thought that being jewish that he thought well if god is a constant i'm going to use the speed of light because god is light but see physical light is not a constant spiritual light is constant god is spiritual light god god is wisdom and knowledge that is a constant not physical light physical light has photons photons are a substance sub that substance is manipulated by a fallen world it it can be manipulated by the the altitude that like the naval observatory clock they took it yeah it's supposed to be the most accurate based on the rotation of a barium or whatever it is the substance is in there with the rotation of the electrons around it it's supposed to be the accurate but when they took the clock up in an airplane up into the upper atmosphere it sped up why because the magnetic field of the earth was actually making the atoms and the and the electrons cycling around it was was slowing it down so it's just a fractions of a second but it's it's it's enough that that's a new fact so you have to add that to the formula now but even after you have all the facts and you have your formula god could sneeze by accident and blow your formula away like he could just do something beyond what you get it so you want to be yielded to the spirit and minister by the spirit you want to live by the spirit and it doesn't mean you're falling down on the street every every time the lord breathes on you or anything like that you don't jesus didn't fall down and say wait a minute like wait a minute you know fall on the floor you know or he like like when god was talking to him he didn't he could hear clearly and still eat eat with the disciples deal with their idiocy their heart their hard-heartedness their fear their doubt you know it's interesting that jesus addressed uh unbelief all the time but if i would i might i could thin the crowd down to 10. if i talked about unbelief all the time because then all of a sudden it's you're going to have to judge yourself on that word but jesus talked about unbelief all the time he always he always came at them and yet you know people can't you know you didn't receive because of your lack of faith see and it come against that but let's see jesus did that jesus jesus said it was your lack of faith why did you doubt peter's like soaking wet can i have a towel i'm soaking wet you know i fell i've fallen and i can't get up and he jesus has to yank him up and he goes why did you doubt but see if jesus came here and said that he'd probably get away with it but you know not me because if i start confronting people about their unbelief is why they're not receiving then you've got to judge yourself and then instead of doing that you're going to say why are you so judgmental right did you hear what i just said we could break for lunch now after that okay so the holy spirit comes with truth not facts but see what's going to happen is he's going to be it's going to seem in your face at times because he's going to take you right to the wall and you're not going to do any shenanigans with him you know you're not going to do any word plays you know where's where's waldo you know like looking for waldo you know all those games i mean jesus used parables because at times he was so in people's face he had to use parables well there was a man it's really you it's really you but there was a man just so they wouldn't drive him out they wanted to take him and throw him over barlow hill one day i mean that hasn't happened with me yet maybe i need to preach a little harder i don't know but jesus had all these things happen but you know if jesus came here he would he wouldn't seem as nice as you think he'd be it on certain points because he would say there's many of you that are sick and die early because you do not disturb the lord's table who would say that and you're thinking you need to go get a jab he could fix certain things just by talking to you and saying well here's what your problem is okay so the the holy spirit where were all these bugs does anybody spray go in jesus name it's a caterpillar it's going to take him at least a week to get across the floor he's he just stopped and looked at me see what are you looking at you want a piece of me so when the holy spirit comes he doesn't have anything to sugarcoat he doesn't have any story time he just wants to tell you the truth and he wants to lead you into all truth which is the word reality which would just completely wipe away the facts if the facts don't match up to the truth so there's these words in our vocabulary many many things that we say we shouldn't say because it's dark speech it's it's course jesting really and you're not saying what you mean and so you're steering yourself with your tongue in a direction you really don't want to go so that's why you can't really make fun of someone because they're in the image of god and you can't speak against them because god has made a man in his image and you you know james says this so don't get mad at me james says all this but you can't have salt water coming out and then fresh water coming out you know i can go through all this stuff but see you have to be careful that you're saying where you're going and you're saying what you mean and he said well you know then you know you're not funny you're not fun to be around because you're so serious it's like well yeah but i'm steering this big ship i want to end up right and if jesus judges me because i didn't do what he asked me you're not going to be there to defend me but you can you can be here criticizing me every day or you criticize each other but i don't want to waste my words on criticizing someone else i want to want to use my words to cause the direction of my rudder and make my ship go my my body my life go in the proper direction now when you do all this evil spirits cannot operate because you have chosen to turn yourself over and be possessed by the holy spirit so you have you have possession by the holy spirit and as the holy spirit starts to gain the the different compartments in your soul not just your spirit then a christian cannot be possessed but a christian can be hijacked through wrong data so they can take they can take they can take your ears and your eyes and they can feed you wrong information they can take your feelings and feed you with false information to get you off course to steer you off and this is what happens with ministers who get familiar spirits is it it starts with an act of disobedience and they get lazy and then they don't they don't minister to themselves and they don't let the holy spirit minister to them and so they get off they get lazy i can't believe i'm saying this get the car ready they get lazy in their relationship because they're relying on the gifts the gifts aren't theirs the gifts operate anyway you could be living in sin and still be used in the gifts of the spirit oh boy see because they're not yours you don't get any credit for being used by the gifts of the spirit you get no rewards it wasn't you amen you get rewards for being for yielding yourself for being a friend of god you get you get rewards for diligently seeking him he lets you catch him he lets you find him and you get favor and you get payback but the holy spirit is an enforcer of the covenant so he's going to tell you this is what was agreed upon you're going to call unto me and i'm going to answer you i'm going to show you things that you know not of because i've made you righteous your steps are ordered they're numbered okay so psalms 89 verses 3 and 4 the new living translation says this i have made a covenant with david my chosen servant i have sworn this oath to him this is in verse this is in chapter uh i mean page 17 down at the bottom i will establish your descendants as kings forever they will sit on your throne for from now on until eternity okay so we know that jesus was the son of david and that now his throne is occupied by the messiah forever so this this came to pass all right going over to first for first samuel 22 verses 3 through 5 at the top of page 18 and david went thence to mizpah of moab and he said unto the king of moab let my father and my mother i pray thee come forth and be with you till i know what god will do for me and he brought them before the king of moab and they dwelt with him all the while that david was in the hold and the prophet gad said unto david abide not in the whole depart and get thee into the land of judah which is the word for praise so get in the praise david get out of the hold and get into praise you'll follow me like i said last night everything in the old testament is a type and shadow it's a prophetic utterance for the future too as well okay so the lord is really prophetically telling us okay you got in the cave you got the 400 got your government got your your army now gad comes and prophesies get into praise it's interesting that first before he went to praise he went to mizpah or ms pay which is the word for watchtower i'm talking about jehovah's witnesses either it's interesting that he was first he first went to the watchtower and then the prophet came and told him to get in the praise the lord's speaking to y'all watchtower is a vantage point where you can see what's coming okay do i have to interpret everything for you you're getting it gad the name god in hebrew means troop so the troops the troops come david's in the watchtower and they go to praise so gad a gad appeared and and joined david so the troops the troops are there the watchtower is there they're going to praise now this is where familiar spirits this is where all the enemy the evil spirits when you when i just it's going to take you hopefully not a year but it will take you a while to figure out what i just said to you but this is what i'm trying to tell you is what this is what's happened in the spirit so the remnant has gone through this process now it's interesting because what you don't see that i want to tell you is happening in the enemy's camp right now what you don't see i'm going to show you what's happening right now in the enemy's camp but it's not known but it's happening you ready first samuel 22 6 through 10 the king james at the bottom of verse 19 or page 19 when saul heard when saul who was supposed to be god's king for that nation but if you remember god didn't even want them to have a king he wanted to be their king but he did this because they asked for it so he did it but then if you remember david was already anointed when he was a boy to be the next king because there was a recall vote because there was suspected fraud all right so saul was staying in gibeah under a tamer to marist tree in ramah with his spear in his hand and all the servants standing about him okay now listen this is what happens to the enemy because saul became an enemy saul said to his servants who stood about him hear now you benjamites will the son will the son of jesse which is david give every one of you fields and vineyards and make you all captains of thousands and captains of hundreds like what he saw the favor on david he saw all these people going to him that he heard about it and now they're in praise where they were at the watchtower they're in praise god joins them a prophet and all of a sudden he starts getting in the controversy in his mind thinking everybody's going to betray him because he's he's he's nothing he falls up the stairs he he's he's losing his power see here it says here jesse will not the son of jesse give you fields and make you captains because the favor of god was on david so underneath there is this undermining in saul happening his power is waning it's it's starting to buckle under the pressure of what god is doing but it's not known to david or the 400 it's just happening he's getting he's getting really freaked out saul is getting freaked out here so he says you've all that he just announces you are you reading this with me all you've all conspired against me and there is no one there is no one who is who reveals to me that my son has made a covenant with the son of jesse jonathan and there is not one of you who is sorry for me yeah we're not we're not or reveals to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me to lie in weight lie and wait i thought you were in charge as it is this day then doe egg the edomite who was set over the servants of saul said i saw the son of jesse going to nob to em abimelech the son of ahitab and he inquired of the lord for him gave him provisions and gave him the sword of goliath the philistine okay might be the strangest verse in the bible but there's a lot of weird information there why did he tell him that you see in witchcraft when you're operating in witchcraft in the flesh then you have the fascination with you know put a curse on somebody you need their hair you need something that belongs to them to give to the let the evil spirit who's a hound dog sniff it so you get a possession then you take the you can take your hair sample to a witch and you can of the person you want to put a curse on you can pay them ten thousand dollars and john ramirez has a warlock he could have he could usually took about three weeks to kill a person by an evil spirit he charged ten thousand he would do christians for free he told me and if they were weak he could do it if not the spirit would come back and say there god won't let me touch them don't hate me so there's a fascination with the sword of goliath see god didn't have david kill him with any of his weapons he used the weapon of the enemy against him and cut his head off with his own sword there's something in that when god does these things so what happens is is what they're doing is trying to produce fear in you and it turns on them and they become fearful on their own it turns back into them and so their weapon is used to slay them that's what you don't see and feel yourself you don't know that but it's underminingly they're living in great fear because at any one moment if they don't keep drinking blood they're going to lose their power and what they're doing to children it's it's all the satanic rituals that give them their power but if that is if that is taken away or if the evil spirits are done with you then they leave so if an evil spirit doesn't have results they will go and find someone that they can have results with so as a christian if you allow the holy spirit to enforce the covenant and to lead you by speaking the words from his heart truth not facts calling things that are not as though they were what you're doing is you've become inedible to the lion that seeks whom may devour you taste terrible he's looking for who he may devour but if you're not edible he seeks someone else this is how you get rid of familiar spirits familiar spirits i won't mention the state because some of you might be here from that state he'd be offended but there was although all the crew members knew like if we flew into this state the like on the east coast new york new york connecticut all those people people just get in your face if you just get back in their face say sit down or you're not you're going to go on the next flight hey sit down you okay we're cool you get in your face you just get back i grew up in pittsburgh that's where he was you know what are you looking at and then they like you yeah in this state the most effective way to deal with those people is to ignore them because they want attention so if they don't get attention it is the worst thing it is the worst thing that could ever happen to them when you marginalize them when you minimalize them so they sit there and they say stuff to you and you just like that's it so you're emptying your clip on me now now the whole flight you have nothing left to say we have nothing else to talk about this is what i found with people that operate in rejection the thing that's driving them is they don't feel value so they want attention it's just like children if you don't give them positive attention then they'll make you give it'll be negative attention but they will throw a fit they just want attention they don't care how they get it it could be negative or positive and people that are in rejection they've got to have attention they've got to be the center of attention and that is because they are in rejection and i if people are needy you got to give them space because we're all needy we but we have to mature to where we're we're outwardly giving instead of always needing and receiving we become a distribution center see the holy spirit wants to use us to go forth out of us with with all the provision of god in every area so i'm not waiting for someone to give to me i'm doing it because god told me to do it i'm not waiting for the money but we're not in debt and we're not going to start crying and taking offering right now because i'm a distribution center okay so there have got to come that point where you mature to the place where you don't need attention because you are and people they they would love me if they knew me but they just don't know me you get to the place where like if that person knew me they wouldn't have done that because i love them i would do anything for them so evil spirits are rejected they are locked out they there's no redemption for them no matter what they do no matter how hard they cry or plead they are never going to be redeemed ever so they're locked out of the physical realm until the day of judgment where they will be thrown in the lake of fire but they're roaming the earth now and they're not the angels because peter said that the angels like i said last night that left their boat they're chained right now these these unclean spirits that's why they're called unclean they're not angels the reason they understand you is that they were like you at one time but they have no redemption no chance of coming back and they hate you and they're going to do everything they can to destroy god and destroy you because they have nothing they can't win and when a person like that it's just vengeance and torment they're terrorists but the whole idea is is that evil spirits are in rejection so if you want to get rid of familiar spirits and you want to do it in a one session course which you're in right now don't have to buy the book you don't have to buy the cd you don't have to do anything just thank god for warrior notes okay it's rejection if you do not give their word any power if you do not acknowledge them so the mode of operation of a familiar spirit is is that they do things to get a response from you and to somehow get you to believe that this is the way you are and this is the way it's going to be and you get to where you just allow it to happen before you know it they're driving your life and it's amazing it becomes predictable what's gonna happen next yeah you're gonna everywhere you go the person's gonna reject you and say the same thing but they don't know each other you're in a different state how could somebody do the same thing and you'll start to hear yourself say this always happens to me when you do that you've just agreed with that familiar spirit and now he brings his friends in and starts it and i'm telling you if you do not acknowledge their power if you do not acknowledge them if you just minimalize everything and you laugh because they're in rejection they throw a fit and that's why the devil will say he said to me do you know who i am i go you don't know who you are i marginal i i minimalized he contests me because i told my publisher my own publisher now but i told my publisher satan's i kept telling you do not capitalize satan's name yes they said that's grammatically incorrect it's grammatically incorrect i don't care i don't care so they had if you look at all my books they put a waiver in there that there's some things that are misspelled but that is at the author's request there's a reason for that when i mention the father it's capital f i don't care i said turn it back i said change it back the father heaven is a place it's capital the spirit is a person he's part of the trinity he's capital s when i'm talking about a human spirit it's a small ass when i'm talking about an evil spirit it's a small s because i'm an honor i'm an honor when the when the scribes were writing the hebrew text when they got to the name of yahweh they got a fresh quill fresh ink they some of them we went and took a shower every time that the name of god so in genesis it was like every every other sentence they were getting a shower but but when they're writing the name of god it's like well we i feel like this culture has lost respect for the the sacredness of all this stuff okay so when the holy spirit is ministering he's not going to want you to talk about yourself that's not ministry no no i can tell stories about myself as an example because jesus gave examples and a lot of times i've talked to people that are way more powerful than i am in the ministry and they say that the stories that you tell they people can attach themselves and relate because it's happened to you and so what i do now is i just don't hide i don't hide my jet yes because you already know the story that i gave it up and you know that there's no way that what just happened could have happened but it happened anyway you know that i wasn't pursued because for years i told you i left all that but in a couple days i will get into my own jet and i will fly it back to my home and that is because god is god that is not because kevin is anybody it's because god remembered something i gave up 41 years ago and he wrote it down and he didn't forget it okay so that story goes out there when everyone else would hide that they have a jedi but see that is the testimony of my faithful father in heaven because everyone oh you all know that i'm not that good so now we're doing the kids program that's why i'm dressed this way this morning because i'm going right to the kids program after i'm done talking to you i'm not going to hide my wings i earned them the faa says i can fly my jet i earned them i went through terrible things with one engine and all kinds of weird things happening just to be able to be qualified to show that i could handle anything under stress in an emergency so i've gone through all my tests but see it's the same thing with our christianity we go through all these tests and trials you don't think there's a reward you don't think that your father is somehow going to get glory through this you kidding me he's going to use everything but you have to yield you don't get in there and help god that's right you yield and you yield to the spirit so the spirit is wanting to say some things that are completely contrary to your circumstances completely outlandish that if anyone heard it they would think you were in pride because the lord the spirit is talking you up that your royalty that you have privileges as a child of the most high god and the the holy spirit would be enforcing the royalty the position that you have the relationship you have and all of the covenant rights that you have that paul talks about through all his epistles they're all listed there and the holy spirit is wanting to constantly enforce those but if you start talking like that you'll start living that because it's already in you everything you need for life and godliness is already in you all the precious promises that god has given you i'm quoting peter word for word by the way that through these promises we can be partakers of the divine nature and escape the corruption that's in the world through lust this is talking to believers that are still on the earth this is not when you get to heaven and while you know you think you're going to have your little cabin on the edge of glory i'll be in my mansion because you will be too and you're like where's my little cabin on the edge of the door and jesus is going to tell you that is not scripture that was a that was a hymn what was in scripture okay so for all these years for four years now i have held back because i have to build the body up as a whole to the point where we're all in agreement on the basics but see the whole idea about a meeting like this is to speak prophetically i mean really to the mature i should be able to speak the future what god wants for you and for where you live and everybody around you i should be able to speak the will of god and not get criticized for it even even even if god does not see his word performed through his people he still has to proclaim it he doesn't do anything except he he speak through his prophets first okay but the truth must be known but see the truth is not always done but that does not mean that we give up because jesus didn't give up because his his people didn't in his own hometown didn't accept him his mom he stopped calling on her mom and called her woman because because they went to they went to do an intervention one day they had the camera crew there if you remember they came to meet with jesus so we need to talk to him he's gone mad it's in the scripture he's gone mad and the disciples were saying that they said your mother and your brothers are out there they need to talk to you well it was an intervention it was so they can take him and get him some help because he's you know he's lost it no he didn't lose it they were judging him in the flesh he would not go out he said i'm not getting in that white van and you taking me away to that he wouldn't come out this is what he said he said who are my mother and brothers all of those who hear my word and obey it that's what he said okay so that's the truth and it hurt and mary walked away oh that boy and jesus said oh that woman see he had separated himself from the soulish part of it because it came time to where the truth was a sword that was doing that and that's what's happening right now and when that happens it starts to tear at the fabric of the enemy's plan it starts to tear and you start to see the holes and it starts to unravel and then they're they're making amendments to the amendments and they're saying things and saying we didn't mean to say that and then they got a hand a person a list here are the reporters that you ask questions for and they're so confused that they look at that and they announce that i'm only allowed to use this list and then ask somebody that's not on the list a question to where it causes a meltdown and they have to take them away because there was a fox in the room we still on they haven't taken us off yet so the algorithms are working they're back here we told you just follow the list but don't announce the list don't announce that you have it do not ask the fox anything but jesus did this all the time with the pharisees he threw it right back at them and they go well if we answer this then he's going to say this if we do this then he's going to say this so they just walked away you see there there's coming a time where your spirit has been judged by the holy spirit and judgment is a positive thing you know you want an audit because you want to know your progress you don't want to find out at the end you failed when you could do something about it that's called discipline it's called god loving you i mean if you want to bring hebrews into it it says that god disciplines those he loves he's just treating you as a child even though discipline seems hard at the time so when something impossible comes i go okay lord what are you up to i'm ready i'm ready for the show i'm ready for the fireworks i'm ready for the celebration because you're up to something it's a showdown see i automatically know that this sickness will not end in death i the the odds are against you congratulations now a miracle must happen it's a setup no i mean that no the people in here that know me i would do this i would do this and talk to one person or even five people that would listen to me for years and years and years didn't have a microphone didn't even own one didn't have a camera didn't have one partner helping nobody praying for me except my wife and yet i would talk just like this for years and years with no platform and if it was taken away from me i would still just do it i'd find somebody i got plenty i got plenty of squirrels that need redeemed in my yard those things are crazy and they just sit there and they know they know they know they know i told you right i had it i spent four thousand dollars on one contractor to fix my roof and my attic from them got that fixed then spent another two grand with someone else coming in and that was it that's it eight thousand dollars for what or six thousand for squirrels and they sit there and look at me and they know that i know and at night they're having babies just like evil spirits just like evil spirits just like i don't have them babies but you know what i'm saying okay so this is what the lord you know and you can just criticize me well don't just don't even bother we'll just block you okay i the lord told me because i have all these really nice things that shoot but some of the bullets are as big as the squirrel you know i'm not going to waste one one round anyway i can't fire within the city limits anyway at least you don't tell anybody i don't know what that explosion was sound like fireworks no you just don't do that okay but i found out that certain like a bb gun or a pellet gun it's really not a firearm in the wording you know to get a lawyer and the lord said he told me the the the verse in chronicles where it says just go out just go out you won't even have to fight okay so i bought a pellet gun with a scope i mean a really nice one the scope was more expensive than the than the rifle and i was so surprised but see it's not a firearm really it came to my doorstep amazon delivered it in the original box with a picture of it on the outside well i i noticed there was no squirrels out there and i went to pick it up and take it in because i'm thinking oh my neighbors like think i'm some sniper or something which i was but you know and the lord said no leave it out there so i left it out there i've never shot it never had to i left it out there and the squirrels disappeared for like two weeks cnn fake news they communicated among themselves and they said just stay away from that that that address i kid you not and now they kind of sneak around they call like cats you know say we're low what happens when the old testament covenant which says that i will place the fear of you on all your enemies what what happens if it's not the fear of god it's the fear of you what if if just what the old testament says is the enemy's going to come at you in one direction and flee from you in seven that's part of the old testament covenant in in deuteronomy 28. if you love the lord your god and you serve him with all your heart and you obey these commands i'm giving you this day these things shall happen to you if you do not these things shall happen to you two item menu you don't have to sit and stare at the menu there's only two items one's very bad and one's very good how long does it take you to order your lunch if there's only two items when you decide to serve the lord your god and it's a heart decision and you decide that he is almighty god and that he comes in and enforces that covenant then evil spirits know that immediately they know when you know because something happens inside of a human spirit when they're fully convinced so it's not just the born-again experience it's not even the baptism of the holy spirit it's what paul said i know in whom i believed and i am fully persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him till that day when you know that and you know you can't lose because you live forever with him then this life is more about the kingdom and dominion amen and paul says whether i live or die you know i live i'm going i'm going to be with the lord but if i'm going to do it down here i'm going to glorify god my body but if not i'm going to go be with him but it's more better for me that i stay and help you see paul was fully convinced he said he said this i take hold this is in jail he wrote this i take hold of that which christ has taken hold of for me see he knew what jesus christ had done and he took hold of christ and christ took hold of the prize for him and he held on to christ and christ held on to his inheritance for him and he committed it to him and demons cannot operate with someone like that because they're in rejection so what they do and what i was believing for this morning as i'm talking is that these evil spirits would start raising flags i'm waiting for the white flags to rise behind your head where they just give up they surrender now i remember this i remember worrying all week about an athletic event that i had in high school i was really concerned this happened a couple different times but you you train and you know from the stats that they publish weekly of the other of the other schools that i mean even on your best day you're not going to beat these people in your events because they post everything so they post every event so if you're in one of those events you can look up and see how far they threw the javelin or their how much how high they pole vaulted or what they ran the mile or the two mile in those are facts but it's not the truth because it hasn't even the race hasn't even happened yet there's variables involved they could have a bad day and you'd have a good day they could come at you one way and flee in seven and all you have to do is show up you know what happened i remember this we showed up after worrying for a week i i did everything i can do to train we stood there on the field and they never showed up they forfeited they chose not to do that event because they had another one in a couple days that strategically would get a lot of the individuals into the state championships to qualify so they rested they they forfeited that one and so we won we got the point but see i worried for nothing another time when the times were being called out on the laps there was no way i could beat these guys i mean i'm talking about number one number two number three and number four i was going to get fifth and i was the best on the team for my team but they were so good they were all probably gonna go to states in different individual events it was impossible for me to beat all of them so i thought i would listen this is what we do every day i think if i could just keep up with them my time will be so good that i'll set a personal record and a school record even though i'll probably get fifth you follow me okay this is what you don't do with evil spirits will do this they will set the bar really really low and make it hard for you to even obtain something i'm telling you the truth if you don't want to hear the truth then i won't tell you the truth but this is what's happening in your life all the time and i'm hoping that i see some white flags going up around you because it it's over that's right i want them to i want the evil spirits i'm pushing them right now i'm pushing them to where they opt out because they're about to get back blasted and they know it because the glory i can feel the glory come in i have valid glory coming in right now okay so when i heard the first time i thought that is that's like four seconds slower than the pace like what i'm doing i could do with a milkshake in my hand like what are they doing well i didn't know it but they had just had a meat and they were worn out what do you think is happening to your enemy right now see he's going to show up and you think oh no and he's worn out he just doesn't want you to know it he is just about done with you the enemy is just about ready to just give up you've warned him you've worn them out because you're diligent you're faithful and you can outlast the devil lap two same thing i'm like you know what i could do this backwards so i just broke pass but when i went to break past they blocked me the whole way out to where i'd have to you know you're running you're running a couple extra meters or on a lap if you're outside they knew that so wait until this straight away they all moved so that i'd have to go out to lane five or six they're all covered like this well the one guy wasn't paying attention he's turning around to see where i was and so i slipped through from the inside and i sprinted the whole last lap and won because all that was pen up i had like three or four seconds per lap in me i was being held back and the scenario that was being painted to me was my limitations but it was not god's will same with you when are you going to realize these evil spirits are working to create scenarios open y d gates and let the king of glory come through who is the king of glory it's the lord god almighty open wide ye gates let the lord come through you you're the gates he's in you open wide he gates and let the king of glory come through i think he wants to say some things through you i think payback is coming i know it's coming but payback is inside of you because it's a deposit that paul talks about everything that you're ever going to need is already been given to you through the power the rest in your so rejection is what the familiar spirits did not want me to tell you this morning they operate in rejection that's what they know so if they can't push you they'll pull you they'll either drive you or they'll prevent you but see your sheep you're lead you're not driven you're not dragged if you want to know how a disabled a familiar spirit is assigned to you you ignore him you minimalize him you marginalize him you you you go you know what don't get me started with what's written about me because the lord god has already spoken in favor of me and um you came at me there was one of you but i don't know how you're going to do it but you're going to flee in seven ways you better start running right now seven ways this is gonna it's not gonna be pretty you're kidding you're gonna tell me that god is not going to do what he has told me is going to happen you're you're kidding me you're you're going to withstand can you imagine a christian a christian family member withstanding what god wants for you can you imagine that can you imagine a christian you you talk about sin you talk about sin there the worst sin is not the people in hell screaming it's a christian who decides to confront and withhold god for a movie in another christian if you are a christian and you start to work against god come on now there's not a scream that's even comparable in hell you cannot speak against the holy spirit jesus said you can speak against me no is this in the bible he said you can speak against me and the father but if you speak against the holy spirit he said you will not be forgiven in this life or in the next i don't know about you but it sounds pretty bad why because the holy spirit is the enforcer of the covenant he is the one that is the counselor the advocate he's the one that has your case if you work against him there is no hope don't you see that god got your tongue when he got you the holy spirit the holy spirit went after the tongue of a human being because if he's got your tongue he's got your rudder is there anybody here that gets us okay so you want to speak the document you want to speak the covenant you want to speak the word of god because that is legally binding in heaven but it's also relationally binding because god favors you you're a friend of god if you don't resist him he said he through hebrews the author of hebrews said that the people in the desert but through their unbelief did not enter in so promise that he said you make every effort to enter into the rest into the promised land he said he said don't be like them who fell in the desert because of their unbelief now he's tying the old testament to us in the new testament saying don't be like them so malachi chapter 3 if you read verse 16 through 25 which nobody does because everybody talks about the tithe in verse 10 and they beat you over the head with it which i tithe because there's no other insurance policy ever in the bible where god says test me in this and see if i won't pour you out such a blessing so people are upset but they if they would realize it everybody be upset with them too if they would just listen to it's nowhere in the bible does god say test me and see if i will not pour out you outside of blessing that you cannot withhold it and he says i not you i will rebuke the devourer for your sake so he rebukes the devourer for your sake that's a great deal at ten percent that's a low premium okay but moving on there was other things that god had issue with that he's spoken through malachi malachi he was speaking through him some issues that he had with the people and he said he said i have some other stuff i want to talk to you about he said your words have been stout against me you've spoken against me now everybody listen here you've spoken against me your words have been strong against me and they're like well how have our words been stout against you and he's this is what god says you say it doesn't pay to serve god that's what it says it doesn't pay but doesn't it say that god is not mocked a person will reap what they sow so if they're saying that no i sowed this and i didn't get it that that's mocking god because god can't be mocked if you sowed corn that's what you get if you say well no i sowed okra then you're mocking you're mocking the sower you're mocking the seed giver you're getting you're mocking god and so it doesn't pay to serve god that's what they said and that's what's happening right now and that's why there's a remnant there's why there's a separation that's why ministry as you've known it doesn't work anymore that's why uh church as you know it doesn't work anymore because it's not meeting the needs of the people but see the whole thing was is that it was never meeting the needs of the people if it was done in the soulish realm it was just it was placing a band-aid on it it's just like pharmaca it just masks the symptoms it doesn't take care of the problem so you're paying something to mask mask the symptom to take the pain away or the symptom away when really if you just fix what's wrong and he concentrated on that and spent the money on research for preventative which means you got to boost your immune system because your immune system fights cancer and it certainly can fight the flu but it has to be in its tip-top shape and if you look at what's being put in your body it's deteriorating that not only that you have i gotta mask this somehow so i don't get the algorithms but you don't want little things that talk to your you don't want something n a with an a r or d and you don't want them talking and dismantling and telling messaging on messenger you know do this because you don't know what they're really telling you know it could be siri rogue she could be rogue instead telling your your body to do something you don't want it to do yes so there are technology that's being placed in your body that's messing gene and telling i gotta stop or i'll get kicked off you don't know what the message is and i'll tell you what siri has an attitude and so does alexa so you can let them run your house your temple you want something in to say this this and this do you want that okay your body already knows through the t cells that it destroys cancer it destroys disease the white the white blood cells you know i'm not a doctor just go read your body is set up to heal itself it just needs the proper nutrition it needs everything and sometimes it does need it of course you need a doctor at times but it should be assisting your healing strengthening your immune system helping you to get back on track for whatever you're fighting because it's a broken world but i'm not going to mask something and the holy spirit's not going to mask it he's going to unveil it and then you're going to deal with it with truth not not just trying to figure it out okay so right now within you the spirit is saying things as though you're going to win as though you're going to live as though you're going to succeed and the angels if they would visit you they would tell you i have been sent to escort you into your next phase they would be there it's already happened they would tell me don't do that anymore you're hindering us they want you to only speak what god's saying because they hearken unto his voice so if you're saying what he's saying then they know you're on board with their mission if not they're working to try to get people in your life that will talk you into your next phase if they won't find someone that will help you personally they will somehow get you to someone who's speaking the truth to get you back into line because they cannot make you do anything now the holy spirit inside of you cannot make you do anything but this is not a spiritual suggestion when the holy spirit speaks it's not a suggestion but yet he has to honor your will but you can grieve him right now in this service right now if we would honor the holy spirit like we're supposed to there would be no one because i've already seen it i've already been taking the future i've seen everybody in this place on the floor everybody not no one could sit in their seat anymore the power of god the glory of god came in i see that all the time and it doesn't happen the reason why is we do not honor the holy spirit as a person who is here to enforce the blessing the covenant he's here to enforce what's written about you in heaven the angels are here to enforce what's written about you in heaven if you're not doing any of those things then it is our job to make ourselves available for a briefing from the holy spirit to get us in line with what god's doing in your life and then the angels can work with you then the holy spirit can start to take you into the deeper things and then you can come to a corporate setting where you're not in need you just want to give you want to help other people and then that corporate that corporate uh gathering where everyone is in agreement nothing can stop that corporate that corporate setting nothing anything we would agree upon would be done anything we agreed upon and see these familiar spirits know that so they keep us in a small place they keep us isolated they keep us wondering if anyone else would even understand what what you're going through and the fact of it is we're all going through it there's no one immune because we're down here in a broken world so the spirit is wanting us to turn in our diapers and our bottle and want us to yell start the grill i want meat i'm serious this is usually where the witches leave but if anybody gets something of the bathroom i'm not blaming them as a witch but this right now what happens is is uh if an evil spirit has a hold on somebody in their soul in their mind will emotions or in their body they have a sickness no not every sickness is a demon but we're in a broken world and i'm blaming the devil for everything since he's the one that caused this so i just blame him for everything even if he's not even in the area but this is where if an evil spirit is present or in any way operating which all of us have to deal with it because there's always going to be something trying to oppose us because that's what they do but this is the point in the service where your spirit is so ignited and lit up that it starts to bleed over into your mind will and emotions and when it does that it starts to invade the apartment that that demons live in and all of a sudden you're like wait a minute and the lights go off where an alarm on your phone goes off you know either or and the devil says it's time for us to vacate and you know it doesn't matter whether you believe a a christian can have a demon can a demon have a christian is what you should be asking how much access did you give him i mean you know you made a couple of sets of keys and gave it to him he just shows himself in so many of us have dealt with demonic activity even after we were saved because the demons are like dogs they you got you know you they don't just listen to you the first time when you're holding bacon they think that's their bacon and and you've got to be strong and stomp your foot and you've got to say no and demons don't just leave because you say leave i mean jesus dealt if you look at the stories they didn't just go they argued with them and then they then they threw a tantrum with being in the person they threw the person down and tore them it says they didn't sound good but no the sudden god just told them to leave and they threw a fit okay why did jesus have to lay hands on a person twice to get him healed why did jesus not heal anybody in his own hometown why did jeremiah say to jerusalem 400 years before the destruction of jerusalem why did he say i have a good and expected end for you plans for you to prosper expected end jeremiah 29 11 daniel was incarcerated in babylon with his people from jerusalem when he read that and realized that's them 70 years they're up so he started to pray and the angel came he saw himself in the scripture and he said this is he said you're going to call on me and i'm going to answer and you're going to i'm going to take you back into your land he said this is us he's reading jeremiah the scroll of jeremiah so he starts to fast and praying like this is going to be easy because it's already rigged it's right there that's where you got to get in your life where you look in the bible and you see yourself and you you know you're you know the angel showed up and said we heard you the first day you prayed but we've been fighting the devils to get to you why because it was rigged so jesus gave him one more chance he taught in jerusalem he's the night the the time before right before he went to the cross he went up on top of the mount of olives looked down on jerusalem he said how jerusalem how i long to gather you together like a hand gathers her chicks but you would not have it you would not have it you resisted me he said you didn't discern your day of visitation just 30 years later 30 40 years later the city's destroyed the temple is destroyed it sounds like jeremiah missed it but he was speaking what god's plan was plans for you to prosper have an expected end now daniel saw that in the bible and and was reading the scroll of jeremiah in chapter 29 and took it by faith put it in saw that that was his people in in babylon and that the 70 year he counted we've been here seven over 70 years were overdue and that caused an angel visitation and a deliverance that caused everything to flip because he saw himself and his people in prophecy this is the point in the service where you start to see your destiny and you start to take hold of it and you're not going to be like those who fell in the desert through unto belief you're like no our words are not going to be stout against you lord and it says a book of remembrance in malachi says a book of remembrance was written about those people in malachi that got together they sat around it says and spoke well of the lord and it said a book of remembrance was written by him he says i will remember them in the day they are jewels in my crown and they will have a place with me forever read it it's in melody but this is us we choose not to opt out with our words so all of us in here are in agreement but see you thought you thought that i had to lay hands on you you thought if i could just get him to lay hands if i could just get a prophecy from you i have done nothing but prophesied to you for the last four and a half years amen i've done nothing but personally prophesy to each of you without touching you without calling you out without creating a circus up here these floors are hard you don't want to fall down and hit your head you don't need a fire tunnel you got holy sapphire you've got the holy sapphire stones that are in heaven when god shows up he had a sapphire platform well he shows up in a service i trust me this is really cheap compared to what is really there because god makes it holy your life is hearing and obey it is not experiencing a fire tunnel i could prophesy you know i have prophesied to people it still hasn't come to pass and it's their fault can you believe that i told them what god had for them and they did nothing well if god wants to do it it'll be done it's like well um like jesse tells me he tells me to do something and he goes you're burning daylight why are you still standing here and i've just learned just to just go do it in fact now i just do it and then tell them well you get to know you get to know how it works if i prophesied to you then paul told timothy he said wage war with those prophecies that i gave you he said fan in the flame the gifts that was given to you by the laying on of my hands well if it was just god's will you know you got the apostle paul saying it well he laid hands on him he prophesied to timothy well then why would he say fan in the flame those coals in you that were given by it was a gift by the laying on of my hands he said fan it in the flame well why would he have to do that if it was if it was a supernatural gift that god gave through the hands of paul why would timothy have to fan it in the flame well because it it got cold okay so why would you have to take the prophecies and speak them out of your mouth and wage war with them if if it's in stone and god says it's going to happen well if it's god it's going to happen if not it's a false prophet what if the prophet's just supposed to deliver the word he's not supposed to perform the word so what about jeremiah are you going to confront him did he miss god about jerusalem no because you can see that don't be like them who fell in the desert because of their unbelief is anybody hearing me you hear the word and you mix it with faith it's the new testament covenant we live by faith okay so paul says this paul says this he said we know no one after the flesh now he says we don't even know jesus christ by the flesh anymore we know him by the spirit so jesus the last time i checked you seated at the right hand of god yes and it says that he testifies on our behalf yes to the father that we're his the holy spirit is within us as a deposit it says guaranteeing the full payment at the end so we just have a down payment and i can hardly stand it when he is activated in me i can hardly stand the deposit let alone the full payment can you imagine my flesh would just melt i would not be able to stand it so here's the prophecies first of all you're doing better than you think you're doing because the enemy is shaking see this every scenario in wartime there is a point where it flips but it has to do with the mental condition of the soldiers it has to do with a point where they're worn out and it's whoever starts to deteriorate first so even in war i've read the the log books and the the different um writings that you can read about pilots and they were completely out of armament but they still had fuel so what they would do is they would take their f-16 past the speed of sound and go over the troops who couldn't hit them at over the speed of sound no matter how hard they try they would just go this break the sound barrier over them at 50 feet and the shock wave would just start cracking and and breaking things apart and it just deteriorated the morale of the troops so they just like burnt their fuel and then returned to base went back to the tanker and got more fuel and then went home so they didn't just leak because they ran out of armament because they understood psychological warfare so that's the way the enemy the enemy i mean i'm just using scripture but it says that in revelation that that the enemy was wearing the saints down that that was their their whole goal was to wear the saints down and so the the the you have this this point that has already happened in the spirit where we've won it's turned but you don't know it because the enemy doesn't want to admit that they're really getting their white flag out but see this isn't just like you you shouldn't just be focused on your country or your state you should be focused on your own spiritual life because you you you win no matter what even if your elected officials hide you don't hide but see you don't have to go and try to produce fruit you do produce fruit because you keep with repentance you don't have to try to be anything you yield to god and you let him change atmospheres yes i'm telling you the truth the the lie that you've been told is that you're left-handed or right-handed that your iq is this that this is what you're supposed to do and nothing else and the whole time is is what i know and what you see happening in me is in four years i wrote all of that and that's on my time off i'm studying for a test that i will take in a year even as i'm talking to you by the spirit i'm going over emergency procedures for a test that's a year from now and i can do all that you go why because i found out when i was in heaven that i've been lied to about about what a human being is really see listen governments that are controlled by demon spirits are the same as demon spirits in this sense is they want you to be limited because they lose control if people find out like you're you're sitting there thinking that ain't right well then automatically it's a conspiracy theory it's like no not a conspiracy theory you did it on znn well it's been fact check yeah you own the fact checker fact checkers fat fat checkers and then and then the test you take you wouldn't believe who owns those two companies now in the last month a test it's bought by so god's gonna make the enemy drink his own poison but you gotta stay out of the way okay so i don't want up here to be any more spiritual than anyone else i don't want to appear that way but what happens is you start talking about heaven you start talking about these things then people automatically think but see you don't understand any one of you if you would have had happen what happened to me if you would have went in to have your wisdom teeth taken out and you would have had happened what happened to me you would be up here and i would be home watching you and i'm not kidding you that is how silly it is for somebody to exalt a person so i i don't mind i'm going to do the kids program i don't mind coming in a ball cap when i prayed i didn't even take the head off i know that's that's disrespectful to some people but you know what the high priest the lord told me the high priest wore a hat in the holy of holies it didn't have it didn't have a picture of their jet on it but you know any one of you if you would have had happen what has happened to me you'd be you'd have a you'd have 11 tables full of books too because you would have seen this whole thing's rigged i can't fail i get a second chance to live and do this life right so i'm going to do way more i'm going to do the job of 80 people at least because i've been given another chance to do right if you saw what i saw and how easy it is to do the lord's work it's just yielding and letting him talk to you and say lit and and to talk you up and to say you know what we're going to do some things together that are going to be written forever as changing history i go okay lord as long as you get credit for it because i'm not this good so really really if if one of these children if one of these children become a senator or the president and they can actually walk up steps without tripping and it was because i brought them a saxophone what would it matter how much i paid for it that he would stand up and say you know what senate if you don't have this on my desk by tomorrow i said i'm going to have you all recalled what if it was over a saxophone it could it could be anything like that a bicycle you have no idea you know what a child you can talk to them in different ways think about it where i'm at right now my first plane ride would was i was 25 that is not right my grandma had to pay for my ticket to get me home from college my first plane ride after i gave up flying f-16s so if you had happened you would understand i flew on my own jet here but you have no idea what that is saying to me as a child you have no idea you can't you can't judge a person if you don't know because the holy spirit wants to say things and nobody's allowed to judge you spiritual person makes judgments about all things but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment don't get mad at me paul said that in the second chapter of first corinthians so if you shake when you pray who cares as long as you get rid of the evil in our country who cares how you shake or you pray or if that's all if you miss meals and you don't talk to people that much but you change history you change a country no one even knows you can't even pronounce your name right what are we to judge if they shake why they pray do they shake nations when they pray that's what i want to know do they shake a nation they play a tambourine okay what do you play at least they play a tambourine well it's not in tune well either are you because devil's fear and they do not want you to know how effective you are father i have done and i've done everything you've asked me to do and i ask now that by your spirit that you would finish this and i prophesy life to this dry dead bones i prophesy life and i command the body of christ to rise up in the will of god for this time the body being fully knit together in one accord and i pronounce revival in this place i pronounce the open heavens in this place and i prophesy to all of you to dream again i prophesy to all of you to say yes to what you don't even understand yet it's too big good good just step back a couple feet it'll get smaller you've got to see it from god's perspective it's too big because you're so close to your miracle it's all in his plan nothing that you have suffered has gone unnoticed the lord is with you i prophesied life back into your dreams i prophesy life back into your hope i command your bodies to correct in jesus name i have compassion on the crowds just like jesus did it and he healed the sick he had compassion on them lord we are weak within ourselves and we need your strength holy spirit just roar just roar within us your word roar within us your will all hindrances go in jesus name i break every familiar spirit in this place i command every foul line familiar spirit to go in jesus name i break the cycles in in jesus name i i command every hindrance every demonic entity to go in jesus name you're gonna start to feel free i'm not kidding you this is not a test evil spirits are leaving they have come in close proximity to you to lie to you it's the blood of jesus so so i'm going to help you a little bit like right now the spirit the spirit is whispering to you i'm with you he's saying let me embrace you and take you i'll walk with you and i'll show you things you know not of that he's actually saying that i heard him say that to me and i've been to heaven but he's saying he said let me take you and show you things you know not of he's saying i'm with you he knows where you're at and he wants to walk you out the enemy does not want you you're not edible you're not manipulatible he's done with you it ends right now in this service i'm telling you by the spirit of god hallelujah let's worship him let's worship oh life life life life life life life life life life life every dry day thing coming back to life life life life life life life life life every try in dead place coming back to life in life life life life life life life life life oh we speak life we coming prophesy coming back to life cause i won't leave you where you are come and take my hand come and take my hand come and take oh cause i'm bringing life to every dry dead place every dried dead place i'm bringing back to life oh i see where you are i see where come and take every dream inside of you coming back to life every promise inside of you coming back to life this is your destiny love come on this is your time your time to arise you i've never missed a moment i've been right here the whole time i've been right here wake up now it's time to rise and shine i'm locking the door before you for such a time is this to love to love to love i'm gonna revive everything inside of you you thought was dead breathing in my life my life my life instead oh come breathe in my life come breathe in my hope come breathe in my joy come breathe in my peace come breathe in my grace or for such a time as this you were born you were born you were born for such a time such a time as this and i promise you haven't missed your moment i promise you haven't missed your moment i promise you haven't missed your moment just taste it fast keep your eyes fixed on me i promise you haven't missed your moment oh you haven't missed your moment no you haven't missed your oh for moment a time as this and life life life life life cause i am faithful and i am true i am sure i am strong for you cause i am faithful and i am true and i am i am strong and mighty for you i am faithful and i am true and i am i am strong and mighty for you and i've held every tear filled right here in the palm of my head i've held every tear every tear every tear you cry in the palm of my cause i promise it's bigger and it's better than you could imagine that you could find what i have for you so let go of everything and grab home grab hold of my hand i'll never let you fall i'll never let you down i'll never let you go just gravels you're mighty to save us you are mighty we can't thank you enough i can't thank you enough would hand out claws and those claws were taken and evil spirits would leave people and they would be healed so if you for any reason need a contact point come up here and get one of these claws that we prayed over just come on up and um take one of these claws and then after this is done we're gonna um talk to the kids a little bit then we're gonna break for lunch but if you need a contact point if you want something you can sleep with have with you if you have someone who is sick someone who's having problems even if it's yourself just just by faith take one of these claws and take it home with you okay hello um um there's could i have my microphone there we go anybody else need a prayer cloth week i brought i brought plenty so that everybody should be able to get one i got 1200. now the reason we do this is because paul did it it's not superstitious i didn't charge you for him so i give out prayer shawls i don't sell them to to sell my anointing i have them on the book table available for a price but i also give them out but it's it's a contact point good okay so if you could go get those two um in back of sydney in front of sydney right here god yes all right thank you oh me you knew what was in this room right now if you knew that this was the defining moment the deciding moment the things were about to change for you if you if you knew just the small step it takes this is not an offering teaching this is not a fair tunnel i'm telling you by the spirit of god from right where you're at the defining moment is here in this room i'm telling you things are about to change for you transformation because the spirit and the word agree the word has been spoken the spirit agrees with what he has already written so when you preach the word you preach good news the response is is that you have a heart change i've done everything except stand on my head for you i'm telling you what he has done for me and my wife he will do for you it is not it is not that i'm his favorite we're all favorites this is the lie of those evil spirits that keep you in a small place that make it think that it's just for certain people if your name is isaiah or moses or enoch those people were nobodies that's why they became somebodies they were nobodies paul said that the apostles are at the end of the procession as though we're the trash the off scouring of the earth he said i consider it nothing except to know him that was at the end of his life the more he knew the more he realized he wasn't telling you if if you're at your end congratulations this is your graduation day amen hallelujah he's calling you by name right now there's a song to be written about that you've called my name and i've appeared before you to honor you and to say yes even before you speak call me by name i've appeared before you before you even speak i say yes i am so fully convinced of jesus christ and when he calls my name i say yes immediately and he hasn't even told me what he wants i just say yes because he's my breath and now i live i live by the faith of the son of god i live and i produce fruit just like you you'd be surprised how pleased the father would be if you would just tell him right now that you're fully committed to him fully love him and his purpose on the earth that you want to be part of it you wouldn't believe how much he loves you just to talk to him right now make those familiar spirits scurry away call me by name and i appear to appear before you before you even speak i say yes so so so okay me um okay okay um i feel in the spirit that i should start to minister to the kids i would really prefer that you stay for this half hour while i teach them but i understand if you need to go to chick-fil-a and everything like that i understand you go early but i would really like some support and i want to just talk to the kids give them their ground school so i can sign their certificate and then talk to them about what's going to happen at one o'clock they're going to fly in the simulator and they're going to be taught so we're going to start that and i understand if you have to leave but i would appreciate if if there's anybody that felt like they could stay and support me in this i need prayer for this because this is really god's heart when he appeared to me and told me about all the things that were going to happen in this nation and what his intention was but that if that it was unless there was repentance and prayer that was not going to happen he told me to turn my attention in this time of darkness to turn it towards the children and so we started all the children's programs and we're also starting the homeschooling and we'll be able to take uh from my from what my staff is doing we are getting approved for all 50 states for homeschooling so it'll be from kindergarten the whole way to your bachelor's degree and um so the lord when he's when he visited me about what was going to happen to this nation a lot of people wanted to focus on the fact that everything would work out fine and i was kind of telling them well you know that's not what i'm seeing i'm seeing cities burning i'm seeing food shortages i'm seeing a lot of stuff and no one wanted to listen to me they all wanted they hear the good stuff and they also wanted uh to sensationalize it and i'm really sad for that because the warning i had was i knew that the whole nation was not going to turn and so i knew that i knew that i had a focus if he's telling me to focus on the children and start churches in the homes i knew what he was saying i knew where it was going because why would he tell me to do homeschooling and now it's like the thing to do right and the same thing with with with what happened with churches now you know there's 1200 churches meeting every week and i'm preaching in their home so the this this this kid's thing is very important to me it's it's a way to touch the kids with something that's very interesting and fun and and so i'm going to teach them a little bit about flying for a half hour so that they get what they call ground school and then i can sign their certificate and then they're going to all line up there'll be 60 kids and they'll line up and fly the simulators which are to the point where i could have an faa official approve these for actually logging time they're not approved but everything is set up that that could happen in fact what i how i learned to fly was much worse than what i've built and then they approved it so i have no problem i have no problem that these will be approved but what i want to do is i want to give the kids a parallel to the spirit realm on how things work in the laws because in god is revealed in creation it says in romans 1 that that no one is without excuse because god is speaking through creation and there's a lot of laws in effect in this world that are parallel to the spirit realm and so flying is really a really cool parallel to how god god talks to me and guides me it's all principles that are fine so anyway you all if you need to go for whatever reason you're released until two when we start the afternoon session but i dressed like this so i could just go right into the kids thing because i want to give them time nobody gave me time and then one day when i was i was actually at southwest airlines a captain a very very senior captain he came to me and he told me he said i feel like i heard that you want to become a pilot and um i need to talk to you and he says your name kevin i go yeah there were only 8 900 employees at the time in southwest now there's tens of thousands over a hundred thousand but he said someone someone gave me all my ratings to be a pilot as a gift because the man was a godly man and wanted to do it so he said the man made me promise when i was 16 years old that if he does this for me that i would he would do it for someone else and he said you're that man and so he trained me for free it was 250 000 worth of training and then he provided an airplane for me which was very expensive and things like that so i'm sharing all this with you is because this is my way of giving back for what that man did and and i just honor that man his name is jim webbington and i just honor him if he's watching he believed in me and he he did something he didn't even know me and um that's the way i want to be to these kids i want to they don't have to know me they don't even have to thank me i just want to do this because someone cared about me and he didn't even believe like i do he's in a he's in a different religion than mine it didn't matter god used them so anyway you all release if you want to if you can stay and intercede i'm going to call the kids up now and um we're going to either sit them on the front row or or on the floor or both and if you all if you all that are filled call to the lord to just sit here and watch me teach i guarantee you you will learn something about the spirit realm while i'm teaching even though it's just about flying and we'll see you at two if if you are leaving now anything else mike all the kids that are have silver wristbands okay and the kids that registered because we have so many kids and we only we actually built extra simulators so we can handle more kids but if you have a silver band on your arm then you are registered and we will ask you to come up here you'll be given your flight manual and i'm going to teach you for a half hour and then at one o'clock we're going to start the simulators and you're going to get your manual kleenex or something kleenex kleenex kleenex or something clean actually i mean we can cut it and do it as a separate one later i can cut it right now and you have a separate one if you like yeah uh well your were your kids uh flight school flight ground school playgrounds flight training ground school okay thanks you did good they'll be familiar it's very silly oh yes so it'll be another one it'll be another book yeah if you want me to stop it okay all right i need i need the manual i had my manual and my stuff right there right and i have a flight manual i think yeah yeah and also and they're gonna he's gonna restart it i need all the kids over here
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 94,584
Rating: 4.9193954 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: ggqBLhnmi40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 50sec (10790 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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