Let God Free You Today! Taking Off The Limitations! Session 1- Kevin Zadai

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eeks in it's already happening in the spirit right now but but you will think back at this year and you will see that you were being in preparation for what God is about to do on this earth and I know that there's been a lot of people have said that for thousands of years in the in the Bible and you know it's always you know it's coming you know but I'm telling you it's here you know it's not coming anymore and in the grace of God and the mercy of God is is beyond words the best gospel that can be preached is one without words and that sounds strange but when God starts to manifest in a person's life that to me is speaking louder than anything anybody can say to me I've been promised millions of dollars I've been promised everything you know and words become very cheap when it doesn't manifest but what what I love about God is is that he loves to show himself out he like he likes to manifest and if you notice we've all been robbed in this life the religion that it promises things and a form of godliness but denies the power of it and we've always been robbed you know like think about like I'm almost 60 years old and I feel robbed most of my life because I was not told the truth that was there in the Bible I I relied on people to interpret the Bible for me and that's why I do the school and I'm doing this this morning is I'm trying I want to teach people how they can have a relationship with Jesus where he can reveal himself to you through and the Word of God becomes alive and becomes a place you live it's an actual environment that's the environment of heaven that that the religion won't offer you I just came down with a healing I feel really good right now and so I I because I was robbed and when I was in heaven you know you can't you can't put yourself back in your body and you don't want to and everybody's celebrating you everybody's happy to see you everybody loves you in heaven and Jesus is more than what you've ever been told Andy and then all of a sudden you realize what what you could have had down here if people would have been faithful to do what they were supposed to do and you see it like that I saw that shepherds were not faithful that the apostle and the prophet they they made themselves exclusionary and then and then and they were supposed to be the ones that were sacrificing their whole life to build the body of Christ opt-in to unity and instead they were causing it to be exclusionary to we're like you know I got you know I'm not gonna even go there because everything I say is recorded for hundreds of years and people watch it thousands of years from now so anyway I you get my point is that I fit I really I'm being honest I feel like I've been robbed of what I could have had so when I was brought back into my body and Jesus spoke these words to me he said Kevin if you go back you cannot fail no one talked to me like that on the earth any you know this this Jesus that we believe in he quoted himself for 45 minutes to me and it was so powerful because it was the same voice that made the universes come into existence and quoting himself and I'm thinking I've been robbed well I don't want to be robbed anymore how about you well here's how you do it you allow the Holy Spirit who is the master of his realm he is the one who understands the spirit realm it's his world we have to let him have his way with us so everything that I'm doing is to to cause people to realize what what you're going to realize if I don't tell you when you get to heaven you're gonna be there's gonna be a part of you that sees you're gonna feel emotion but it's gonna be in control you're still gonna have your emotions and you're gonna see that you've been robbed but what you're also gonna see is is that you were still responsible to treasure-hunt you were still you were still responsible for finding out seeking God diligently because he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him so I'm doing this this is my third year now I probably spoken almost 900 times in these three years I've put out almost a hundred different CDs on different subject I've written probably twelve books now it's almost a book every quarter four books a year study guide every month I do I just did 22 TV programs with Sid Roth I was at my studio before we flew in here and did three more three more classes idiot it's not really normal for one person to do that in three years plus I just cut an album that's in production right now that is off the charts is called altar fire we captured then we just played for 90 minutes and captured heaven and put it out as an album and it's not normal for anybody to do this but I felt like I got robbed for the last 50 years so I'm gonna make up for it I always sent back and I can't lose and and the church doesn't want to hear that no I can sit up here and tell you things that Jesus told me and and I won't I'm not invited to certain churches because if that's a little bit too cutting-edge they call it but what it does is it it causes division just like when Jesus spoke when Jesus spoke it caused division because the fabric that we were put into by birth being here there's a sister systems that are set up and there's religious system that's inter woven in what we believe even if we don't like religion and you have these filters and when you meet Jesus you realize that you don't need your filters anymore I want to be vulnerable I want to turn myself in if I'm having problems with anything I just want to turn myself in I don't want to keep pushing a bad position I mean when I'm in the air do you think I can't pull the airplane over to the side of the road and I had to learn how to work through things Jesus told me something that I never share I'm starting to share things I've never shared before because I know I offend people but Jesus told me he said you know I've called you to be this and he quoted something in in Ephesians chapter four he said I've set you in the churches this he said but just so you know not everyone's gonna like you in fact people are gonna hate you and I'm like and I just become a Christian I just told senator Hines from Pennsylvania that I'm not taking the nomination to the Air Force Academy that I'm gonna be a I'm gonna be a minister and I'm like you got to be kidding me everybody would love a fighter pilot so what could what could be so bad about being one of the fivefold ministries in a church and people wouldn't like you and I found out what it is is that I want the truth even if I can't handle the truth to quote a famous person you know but I would rather know the truth and if I fall on the wrong side of that at least I have a chance to get it right right see so I'm not gonna push my position all my life and it's a bad position I look at scenarios all the time and I know I mean because of my training I know I'm not going in there do you know that there's ministers that are dead right now because they told their pilots to take off and take them somewhere and if I was the pilot I would say find an airline because I'm not taking you because when I would look at the logbook I'm saying they didn't fix this and we're not going with this and besides that the weather where we're going we don't have enough fuel to hold for 45 minutes which is the law so we got to have extra fuel on board hold for 45 minutes and we've got to have enough fuel to go to an alternate Airport and try it there I'm not going and they'll probably say your fire to go good at least I'm gonna be alive I'm not I'm not I'm being honest yeah I listen to these tapes I get everything because I'm a commercial pilot I get all this information from the NTSB and I read through it and I wouldn't take the ministers that are now dead is everybody here is this too much for you ok what's the same thing if you if you want me to speak to you you want me to just tell you something fluffy well mean it makes you feel good but the thing that is is I Jesus is a kind of person who wants to change because the next move of God is transformation it is honestly it is now there are so many people in here that I've never met you but I've seen your faces before and it's freaking me out so I need a minute to pray I'm seeing people I'm looking at people I'm thinking I know these people but I've never met them so something's going on here my head intercessor for our ministry just contacted me and said this is going to be an historical meeting today I've been putting this scenarios with the Lord where I can't win and unless I depend on him my next breath was his exhale so as I'm inhaling I'm inhaling the breath of Jesus right now when I woke up this morning was a gift to be alive so I don't really care if you don't like my shirt or not because I'm breathing now listen think about this if you could just identify with me for a second I've been given a second chance to live and do it right and I didn't I didn't come here to tell you about all the fluffy animals on Noah's Ark because the next move of God is the move of the Father and I don't know if you know this but he is loved and loved love drives out fear so the whole room is going to have to shift because we're the spear the Lord is there's freedom and Jesus told me if there's not freedom in the room it's because my spirit isn't there but I didn't I didn't dedicate my whole weekend to come and have nothing happen I'm serious i right now you know what I really want to do I want to go to Walmart and I want to buy a bunch of bicycles and I mean I'm being totally honest with you I can't wait to go and buy bicycles for children right now because there's kids right now at Christmastime they're they're gonna get bikes because someone was brave enough to obey God and it ends up being the minister that's what I want to do right now I want to go to Walmart and buy a bunch of bikes for kids I just might do that on it instead of eat lunch I've already talked to Dave about it but I would rather do that and affect a child then come here and tell you something about the fluffy animals on Noah's Ark so for 40 years I used to have fillings but I think they just got a fell out I'm stalling from teaching you because the Lord speaking to me about a bunch of you but here's the thing the Jesus I met he wants transformation which means he wants to change now you don't know that because you think you want him to code with you to Starbucks and see what he orders and then you're gonna find out like what he likes and you're gonna try to relate to him on your level and what happens is is you get what the man at the Pool of Bethesda God he was waiting for the water to be stirred again and that hopefully Jesus would kick him in because the first person in your heel and he's complaining to Jesus because he doesn't discern who Jesus is and Jesus told me that this is the church they're waiting for some random supernatural act of an Old Testament covenant that they might get a touch or get what they need from God in a random act when the head of the church the healer the one who created the universe is standing before this guy and he discerns gee he discerns Jesus is being a helper that could help him into the water and not as a healer and that's where that's where the church is as a whole right now not not everybody but I would rather I've had a five-year-old prophesied to me in South Africa that read my mail and no one knew what she knew so if the child is able to yield to the spirit that much then it kind of embarrasses everybody else it's kind of embarrassing to me that took a five year old I being pieces because I don't get words from people and don't I'm not asking for any but I need a word too but I don't need some fluffy animals story of a prophecy that the Lord loves me I know that but this girl said all Jesus when you were up there you didn't show him the flowers that smile when you walked by and he wants you he wanted to see those will you take him and see those I'm like how does she know that that's exactly what I asked the Lord I want to see there's other things I didn't see she just read my mail and I turned her her mother and I said my god she goes oh she's a known prophet in our country I go she's five years old she goes yeah he should go to a piano and play the piano without lessons and write songs so I just wanted you to understand me that that I'm not doing this for myself I already know what it's like to live in this world I already know what it's like to live in heaven and heavens better in every way but down here we're gonna do it right if we're gonna be here and how we're gonna do it right is we're gonna have an HR p-- edge about us in other words you don't give up you don't give in I looked into Jesus's eyes and I was made in the image of God that's enough for me I don't have to look at every mirror that I walk by and you ought to do the same thing you ought to stop focusing on your physical appearance and worried about your looks when you already were made in the image of God and this is just your earth suit it's very cheap Big Lots has them it's just a costume now listen to me I'm trying to tell you some perspective here I'm finishing out this year in acceleration but I'm telling you something the one thing that I'm seeing is that Jesus is not going to come to you at Starbucks especially because it has a mermaid on the cup you know but but do you understand me he has come to that he has appeared to me in Starbucks and he never mentioned the mermaid because he wanted to talk to me but here's what I wanted to tell you I can tell you what city is in but then my minutes would be watching and they would know I'm talking about them but we were having we're going to do a citywide event and I was meeting with all these ministers wait were sitting around a table and as I'm about to talk to them Jesus walks in and walks up and stands behind one at one of them that I can name too that you would know and he says to me he says asked them what they would do tomorrow if they knew they couldn't fail I go you ask no I wasn't like that but I asked him I asked him I said and these are all people that I consider above me because I don't consider myself as being anything special we're all special but at the end of our life when you appear before Jesus the only thing that counts is what you did with what he gave you not what someone else has just what you have and that you did with it it's as simple as that and that's why I ask them that and their jaws hit the table and they couldn't answer me and they had a vente in front of them it's a large coffee what I found is is that religion is is interwoven within the very fabric of the way that we think so we interpret everything by the filters that have already been placed in but we don't know they're there that's why science has to revise everything they believe as new information is brought to light it see scientists as to observation so there is a difference between fact and absolute truth absolute truth that was established before we were created in heaven on a throne that has foundations of righteousness and justice and truth within the throne that God sits on and when he established truth it was without us being in the meetings he established everything the way that he wants that he laid out his throne room the way he likes it he did invite you then they met and they decided to make man after all this was established in heaven they decided to make man in the image of God and that that the conversation that went on it went like this we want a people that will talk to us commune with us service because they want to and we want to reveal ourselves to them and we want to be good to them and everything that God does is so he determines what he wants in his heart and then he does it but he does it through words so he speaks so I saw that they that was brought up that if we make man in our image that we're gonna have to give them free will hello this is never being preached but I was privy to this conversation and I didn't know for years how to talk about this stuff but I'm not holding back anymore in order to have what they wanted they had to make us in their image which was a huge risk because we aren't God that there's a risk that we would think we were because we look like God we would want to be like God so they decide we'll give them free will but they're gonna fall because the risk is there so we need to provide a way of redemption so Jesus was selected to go back and be the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world to quote a scripture so you're not worried about what I'm saying here is in scriptural the book of Revelation clearly says that he was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world Paul said that all the good works that we do in Christ they were predestined yeah so so when I was there I saw that they had this conversation and then they are you ready for this so while you guys are arguing about all your things that you believe it don't believe if it doesn't fall under a good god it's not doctrine that's from heaven because God's a good God and everything he did everything you see here I'm not kidding you they made it for us everything it was done it was perfect perfect and any told Adam go and have dominion over everything own it it's yours whatever you name is your that's the way it's going to be multiplied take over have dominion and then God did the most amazing thing he knew that Jesus would be hung on a tree so he put a tree in the garden and he said don't eat from this this is mine I saw it it wasn't an apple tree so don't get mad at my Apple Computer as nothing to do with doctrine I just use it because it doesn't crash and I didn't pay 666 bucks for it either like like everybody says so I'm just dissolving all this stuff I read everything everybody writes then I delete it that tree was placed there because they knew that and unless God made something for himself and said don't touch this you can't handle this that people would think that they were God they would think they were equal with God so he put a tithe he put a tree that was just his and he came down and ate from it in front of that of an even he ate from it in front of Adam and Eve every day and Hallel who was over hello was the cherub that was over Eden is this still honor you guys okay you guys are looking concerned you listen this is the way it is if you want the 1400 hours of Bible study to prove it then you can stay here for the next three weeks and listen to all this but I'm just telling you this is the way it is God did everything for us he doesn't need anything except fellowship with us this is what that's the only thing he needs he needs you he placed a part of himself in you and he bought you preemptively so after they decided to do this they created all the world's it was perfect then he put the tree in there and Hallel ate from it his eyes were open now I'm not telling you this stuff because I'm not allowed to tell you any of this but he ate from it his eyes were open and then he saw good and evil because no one tempted Hallel there was no one to tempt him but iniquity was found in him it says and he fell and he saw how he could get man away from God he had to get Eve to eat from the Apple no not the Apple she ate her eyes were open that she ought her husband eat and here we are today could it be that simple yeah because Hallel touched something that was not his and man touched something that was not his it was the Lord's it says that Hillel was perfect he was the epitome of perfection it says in Hebrew thou was on the mountain of God you had the seal the sum you were the sum of perfection well what happened to that being his eyes were open you see the one thing that God kept from us is that he could handle knowing evil and not do it but we cannot is everybody understand it so I can go on the reason why we have truth the reason why we have submission the reason why we actually walk in a crucified Life down here is because God knows everything and we don't and the reason why we're in the situation we are is because we were told that God was keeping something from us he was not the serpent said doesn't God know that if you eat of this you'll be like him well excuse me doesn't it say in Genesis 1:26 that we are like him were made in His image right God is not keeping anything from you he's giving you everything through Jesus Christ at the end of this age which is right now by the way we are standing at the end of a dispensation and you are about to be honored when you appear in glory everyone in heaven will want to meet you everyone including Elijah everyone will want to meet you because you were chosen at the end of the age to wrap this up you were I'm telling you the rosters were already made you are here as a Christian because you chose to be a Christian that has to do with freewill which is a god part of you you have freewill there are people going to hell that shouldn't go to hell because they chose not to but I want you to go home from this weekend knowing that God has set a table in your honor before your enemies and he's honoring you it all has to do with the Holy Spirit unveiling the truth not facts so your limitations their facts like you can't fly an f-16 you can't shoot a gun maybe you can't so but see with proper submission yielded 'no supplant and training any of those things are possible but there are there limits to you now because you have not the understanding or the experience but once it becomes familiar to you you're fine thank you for yielding to the spirit I really appreciate it we just need to get everybody else here now listen to me if I was doing this for myself I would do things differently I would do things with draw attention to myself instead I'm trying I'm making everyone else my equal so I can go to my back porch and drink tea because I'm retired I don't need money I don't need friends I don't need anything except to please him who sent me back no no I know you can't grasp it I'm not being unfeeling I actually do have feelings but I face death so many times and I looked into people's eyes of people that wanted to kill me and I met Jesus and I can't imagine someone wanting to kill him but they did and they did it in 3 and a half years of ministry I've been in a ministry 3 years I have given everything I have of myself I have worked extra I have paid for things for people extra on my own I have given the biggest offerings in to my to the churches that sent me in because people won't give to help the church out I don't need the money my employees do because I got to pay them but you understand I don't need I don't need to do this why would a minister have to go to the place he's speaking and be the biggest giver but see the tables have turned I have a I have an unlimited supply I have 14 different ways that money comes at me and those are the ones that I see it's the same with you there are 14 different ways that money can come to you but it's not about the money I need time I need more time I put 38 hours in a day right now so I need time more than I need money but see what I need from you is I don't need more friends I need people that will hear from God and do it okay so like like my friends are the people that hear the word of God and do it does that sound familiar because one day Mary you know the that you say she's the mother of God but their God doesn't have a mother Mary was the mother of Jesus Jesus came as a son of man don't get me started jesus said your mother and your brothers are here because no these are my month pointing to you guys these are my mother's and brothers those who hear my word and do it to get it his attachment to this world was no greater than the mission that he was sent to do which was to redeem which there was no drama involved in it no the motor emotion had to be in check so that he could be obedient so he set his face like flint towards Jerusalem and he did it to where Peter when he when he misspoke by an evil spirit Jesus said get behind me Satan when Jesus when he was told by Peter I'm not you're not no you're not going you're not gonna go to Jerusalem and die he said you're not this is not man speaking this is Satan speaking right now he's speaking through you and so get behind me okay well all that you know Jesus is his friend one day sitting with it Starbucks drinking coffee and all of a sudden he's he's telling get behind me Satan Peter an apostle so you have to be careful about who you have as friends starting next year so I'll just start now but you got to be really careful because I'm seeing things happen I mean my staff sees it they know people that you had never believed they are they are getting disqualified what was what is underlying in the fabric of a person is starting to be revealed and what happens is is a religious spirit is what confronted Jesus all the time Jesus never spoke against Rome he never spoke against impeachment never spoke against the government never once he even said pay your taxes he said so we don't offend them here's ours but the sons are exempt to see you know but just so we don't offend him go down and get the fish supernatural provision but he never spoke against Rome you know who came against them the religious system come on every day every day he's healing the sick raising the dead he's providing for people he's preaching the good news he's taking bondages off of people and they're crying out to him son of David have mercy on me and they're getting healed but the Pharisees came out and said who do you think you are you know do you think you're greater than I am he goes yeah before Abraham was I am he saw my day and rejoiced in it they said well you have a demon because so I'm driving Devils out by a demon he goes well that means his kingdoms divided he said but if I'm driving out Devils by this finger the finger of God then the kingdom of God has come upon you and what he said the Lord told me he said when I said that I was talking about the finger that wrote their law and tablets a stone they knew what I was saying when I said that fray they knew exactly I was quoting the Old Testament where Moses received the law on tablets of stone written by the finger of God so he said this finger is what's casting out Devils what he was saying was the same finger that you have built your whole religion on is the same finger that's driving out Devils right now what are you gonna do about that okay so getting back to the garden when we found we were pushed out God followed them out talked to Cain try to talk him out of what he was going to do talk to him he said don't you know if you do right you'll be accepted but you must master cuz sin is crouching at the door the temple door of your heart but you must master it and he didn't and you couldn't kill man I mean man still lives six seven eight hundred years Adam 930 in said in the fallen state Moses because he spent all that time with God he could God couldn't kill him because he said at 120 this is it I'm 120 I will not strive with man in Genesis chapter 6 he said listen this is it 120 is it because you're freaking me out no he had to end it he couldn't let man live any longer because they were evil and that creates a momentum on the earth that's why he had to destroy Babel because it says if we don't stop them everything they imagine they'll be able to do we forget that they had unity okay yes Lord there's a lot of people in here you're not going back the same because there is no there is no saint it's done there is no past somebody got upset about that so I'm saying it I hope they're watching as you can tell I'm just I'm finished I'm finished with the way that religious people think you didn't get born again through religion you got born again because something that you cannot replicate in a lab happen to you inside of you and you need to get over it and everybody needs to get over it you cannot reverse engineer the born-again experience you can't lay it out and say this is what it is and yet you your whole life from now on is based on the fact that you had a supernatural event happen inside your spirit and old things have passed away what does that mean well you know it says in the Greek same thing old things have passed away okay if they passed away then where are they so your past is gone [Music] [Applause] so the conversations that Jesus had with the Trinity they knew that if we had unity they knew that if we agreed on anything it would be done so now that we have the church we have the fivefold ministry we have all the gifts of the Spirit and we have the the fruit of the Spirit manifesting through us if we stay in unity anything that we imagine we will be able to do is a sound familiar because the day of Pentecost reversed Babel God separated the languages he separated the continents in the days of plague all the plates separated he did that because it men what work was evil and if they agreed on anything they would be able to do it according to Scripture right okay so now we have the right belief system because we're Christians but we don't have unity see Satan went after the unity because he saw what God did he said so I got to keep everybody fragmented everybody has an attitude toward everyone else and we can't even get together get along and you know what I'm done with it Paul the Apostle said that the Ephesian to the Ephesians he said God sets in the church some to be apostles prophets pastors teachers and evangelists this is for the the unity bringing people into the unity of the faith so that we would all come to the fullness of the body of Christ on this earth which which is keeping back the Anti Christ right now you because you woke up this morning are keeping him back Thessalonians was written by Paul because everyone thought that Jesus was coming immediately and they were quitting their jobs so that's why he told them if you don't work you don't eat and he says the son of perdition is not gonna show up until all these things happen and he says actually he's being kept back and you know who's keeping him back but no we don't Paul yes we do it's you you being here the Holy Spirit being here is keeping back the Lord Jesus himself told me every generation had a Anti Christ in the womb Satan doesn't know when his time is going to come he doesn't know so every one that adds up to 666 was it every generation has one come on he'll think about it we keep it from happening so why I tell people listen we need to be the prophets and the Apostles and the Apostles the prophets teachers pastors evangelists we need to beat them we need to be yielded to the spirit and speak by the Spirit we use all the gifts of the Spirit but it says that he's given to each individually severally as he wills not as you will but if we yield to the Spirit we start to speak to one another and sit ha Psalms and hymns I'm so drunk I can't talk Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs making melody in our hearts and building each other being filled with the spirit not drunk with wine as you but but being drunk in the spirit being full of God having joy and having an edge about us which is absolute truth so I'm not gonna tell you something that's just gonna make you feel good I'm gonna tell you something that's gonna change you for the good Jesus told me he said the problem is is that people are so earthly minded that there are no spiritual good I go that's opposite of what my parents told me all my life they said don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good I go how's that working for you how is that I did I said how's that working for I said the Bible says and my dad said don't bring the Bible into it I'm like dad we're talking about Christianity here you got to bring in the Bible well thank God he got saved but I couldn't change see I couldn't fold just cuz it's my dad my dad is in heaven right now he's laughing right now and smiling as I'm preaching because his last words to me he called me didn't even know he was gonna die but he called me a month before he died and he's in tears and he said I just want you to know how you're affecting the whole world he said we are so proud of you you are changing lives he said I've never heard anyone like you I want you to know that the day that you pulled that tenor saxophone out of a box and started playing it and made an album he said I became a believer because I'm a professional he was a professional for 68 years he said it took him a year to get a sound out of a tenor saxophone he said I watched you pulled out of the box and play it in church he said you're changing the world that was the last words I had with him he died this is the man that wanted to kill me that threatened to kill me that beat me every day beat me every day and my sisters if you call them right now they don't know how I'm still alive how did you even live I would hold my breath hoping that I would die every night but I didn't change because of my circumstance I love my dad and he became a Christian and he's in heaven now waiting for me and he would he would want everyone here to hear this that we have no choice now but to fulfill God's heart and that is to fully accept our salvation even if we can't explain the born-again experience but old things been passed away here is the biggest thing to take the limitations off your life you got except one thing when I was there with Jesus he is the most amazing person that you will ever meet he was so amazing that I begged not to come back because no one loves me like him he thought of me and breathed me in my what mother's womb he let me go inside of him and watch the whole process happen I he what they let me walk into his eyes I watched him think of me and formed me inside of himself and then he went and I went into my mother's womb and I was born in a drive-in in a backseat of a car was conceived out of wedlock but I wasn't an accident is there anybody here it didn't matter [Applause] my parents were privileged to have me to get it I saw that everything that Jesus had in his heart for me went in that breath into my mother's womb and he let me see all this and he took me back outside himself and now I'm three feet away from him and he smiled you turned out just like I thought of you that day he said I love you he was so proud of me that I didn't want to leave someone like that because no one likes me like that no one loves me like that see he invested hid part of himself in me without the minion himself he invested in all of us he spoke words over us he wrote books about his and then he breathed that into our mother's womb that's what Psalms 139 says in verse 16 in verse 5 it says that he has paved a way to our future made a path and stands there and he said also you are behind me protecting me from the hurts of my past so he surrounds me so whether I drop dead right now or I lived to 94 I am pleasing to him and I am a total expression of him on this earth and so are you so before I get into this because this is just my introduction this is the most profound thing I've done in everything I do I think is profound but this the none of my publishers even know about this book yet they will know because they're watching but this book is a work of the Father God from heaven to the people taking the limitations off because they were taken off before they created man see see you'll see what happens click click click click you have to understand in order to undertale if you want to help me to help you you've got to accept the fact that there are no boundaries in heaven like there are here the boundaries are God himself and the most valuable thing in heaven is not my driveway that's made out of gold in heaven it's people wherever I go I am the currency of heaven money is just paper or metal it's a cheap invitation that Satan invented to become a middleman is this on Satan invented the whole monetary system to keep people in debt because he can control it but you're the most valuable thing no think about it if you had a chip if you had a chip and you could walk through the store and it's implanted in you which will happen but it's not gonna happen for a while cuz I'm gonna I'm gonna stop it I mean you might well join me but I can go anywhere and I'm skinned I can actually just take all my groceries put them in the cart and walk out and as I walk out it registers me here and it also takes all the scans of everything adds it up and puts it on my account that's doable right now I mean I've seen things more than that that aren't even invented yet I've already seen things that are beyond what you can even think right now that are gonna happen okay in heaven when you go somewhere it's who you are that is value you you're the currency of heaven so wherever you go if you've laid up for yourself treasure on this earth you sewed into others you've given of yourself to others not just your money you've given your time your patience like like on the airplane I used to make announcements in the flight because the flight attendants were done they were gonna quit and we're just on the first flight of the day that's how bad that people can be sometimes it'll make people like they used to you know and so they're complaining to me you know like we're done you know I'm gonna call in sick like no you're not I know what's wrong I think it's like so I just get on to make them laugh not the people just to make the flight attendants like so I don't lose them I would make it announce I said hey if anybody has any extra patience could you pass it up because well we need an SMS some more patience you have any patience anybody anybody there and everybody realizes we're being kind of stupid here and acting up because you know we didn't break the plane you know we don't have the authority to do that and I didn't make that thundercloud so you're delayed because we just don't want the wings to but don't be mean at the flight attendants you know but instead I just say hey is anybody have any extra patience because we need it up here right now you know you get people to laugh it kind of disarms them but what I saw was if God already loves you and he's already provided for your vision it's called pro vision so he he gives you provision then he gives you a vision it's everything's opposite of what we've been trained in the religious system I don't have to be I don't have to try to be Kevin I am Kevin my dad I will he will always be my dad my I will always be his son it doesn't matter if we're not talking or he's mad or whatever he's I'm still his son it's the same with God you don't cease to be family just cuz you're acting up he just need a back hand sometimes you know no I'm just clear you know do do you uh do you see into the spirit right now are you seeing in the spirit what I'm trying to say to you is that God has already provided for you before you even encountered you he thought of you I mean if we believe the Bible right we have to believe Psalms 139 if we're gonna throw some 139 out what else can we throw out I mean call it the NIV the nearly inspired version they'll throw it out for you for free they'll start taking out all kinds of stuff when when are you gonna realize that the way this started was with perfection and excellence this whole thing was perfect in six days everything was good so now Oral Roberts in the 50s he announces that God's a good god and the churches says you're not coming in our churches anymore he's not a good God I was like well what is he then bad god well who's going to come into your church if you preach that God's a bad God wants to beat you but think about it in your very FET am i right in your very fabric about what you think you're always like standoffish toward God because you don't know if you're going to get them at a wrong time remember the girl meant with a little girl in Sunday school they went through the all the books of the Bible and gave little synopsis on a child's level about each book of the Bible and at the end they she asked the class okay so you know just tell us Sally what what is it that you got out of this what did you learn about God at the sixty-six books and this is what she said she said well what I learned was is that it seemed like God was in a bad mood in the Old Testament but then when Jesus came he got in a good mood okay so even if that is true then we are in the New Testament right when are you going to be pleasing enough when are you going to be holy enough righteous enough don't you understand now that it has to do with yielding to the spirit Paul said that we know no one after the flesh we don't give any provision to the flesh and then he said this those who yield to the flesh cannot please God he said those who yield to the carnal nature are enemies of God because the war is between the spirit and the flesh it says that read it in chapter 8 of Romans in fact you should read Romans every day I read it every day y'all want to jump in anytime I'm not doing this for myself like I said right now I need a platoon of believers on this earth that that are just gonna say let's do this here's what it has to do it here's what it has to do with it has to do with fear the fear is one of your limitations the fear of failure but what if God has perfected you in love and you're loved and well I feel the power God oh I usually just do my albums myself because I just get rid of all the drama that way with musicians so I just pray and I play 14 instruments myself I just have to do them not all at the same time but there's technology that does that so I do all the tracks but there are times where the Lord will tell me okay bringing this band and bring this a few people in and I sit with him I go listen you're gonna pray in tongues and you're gonna listen and if you can add anything to this and it's God then you talk to me and there are times like my last album nobody could add anything more than what was done and so I said okay wrap it up then I did all six instruments it got billboard charted and I'm not even living in my car in Nashville is anybody here do you understand I'm not a musician so this one he told me that this is who you're gonna use and you're gonna sing on this when I go I get to sing finally because that's something I can do they said yeah you can sing on this one but not a lot you're just gonna do some boos and ahhs and get it I said okay Lord okay so I did I laid I lay the tracks but this what I did I called these people I brought them in they all three of them pretty much almost died of mold in their house they lived through it somehow and they they are so thankful to be alive I go you qualify to be on my album that you know what they say this is not about us this is about what God has I go you're gonna be a male here's me you know I'm a lot of musicians don't talk like that okay so I bring them in put em up in a hotel bring them over and put them on on my studio all everybody's wired up and ready to go and they're like okay what do we do I go I go to my piano in my violin or my cello they're my flutes everything there I go here's what we're gonna do we're going to be in the key of D D minor we're gonna go to the key of E E we're gonna go back into D minor and I said we're gonna play for 90 minutes and you can't do anything wrong you ready they go I should just follow me so we play for 90 minutes it's in production right now at 48 minutes this got rid of the stuff that didn't need to be there and the environment of heaven is on that album further than anything in the last three okay why because God had ordained that this be done before I was born and he just needs people that would allow perfect love to drive out fear I don't claim to be a musician I have a degree in voice and God won't let me sing on my albums because it's something I can do but what I can't do is play an instrument but if I turn the lights off or down and I pray in tongues I can pick up an instrument and play it something I can't do what is it that is happening in your life right now are you being stopped from doing something that you can do or use being stopped from doing something that you can't do you have to start asking the questions and discerning in spirit what's around you because if you could see what I see right now I see no Devils in this place not what I don't know if that's ever happened no one what I do see is fiery ministers sent from the throne they're everywhere this is flipping me out and they've come to do the will of God and you happen to be on that list [Music] [Applause] so Jesus appeared to me three years ago and he said I want you to write a book on what happened to you I didn't want to I went 23 years without writing it because it's so sacred I didn't want to do any of this I had a bag just to teach a a Sunday School class no one would even give me their pulpit I had to teach Sunday school because I begged to teach because I needed to teach I had gone to heaven but I wasn't allowed to tell anybody and so nobody used me nobody considered me now everybody wants me everybody wants my time but that's why I'm telling you I don't need friends anymore because it's pretty cheap you know what I need I need people that will realize their value that the god of the universe chose us before time began purchased us before we needed purchased set this all up and you're looking at your limitations and all it is is a fabric that's been inter woven into your very beam by a religious system you have been indoctrinated falsely oh yeah I've been taught I've been taught in the intelligence field they know exactly how to get everybody moving in one direction exactly how to do it disinformation so something that exists and they know it exists and they know that people know it exists what they have to do is try to get them off a little bit so they plant people that are testifiers of something and they're false they actually work for the CIA so they'll actually testify and say well this happened to me and this is what I saw it get people off just a little bit and the whole time what they're really doing is it's inserting enough deception in there that they can be disqualified at the end so if you are witness to something and they know you've seen something that you know you've encountered something the government knows they cannot take away the fact that you know the truth so what they have to do is discredit the witness I'm telling you ahead of time that's what's gonna happen in 2020 if you see what the Lord told me is next year 2020 is a year of perfect vision he told me he said this sermon is going to have to go to the epitomy that the top in a Christians life next year because not everything that appears a certain way is that way I don't trust anyone I don't care I don't care who they are I'm just telling you this right now I don't care who they are Paul said this you have many teachers but you don't have many fathers he said I am jealous over you because I birthed you you're mine he was jealous over them so it wasn't about the teachers that you put around it was the fathers he said I'm a father and what I want to know is anyone that submitted himself to the Apostle Paul they had to prove themselves no I'm only gonna say this once but Paul told Timothy to prove himself study to show yourself approved he didn't give Timothy all the responsibilities at once he gave him all these guidelines for the church so it doesn't matter who gets converted do they have a father do they go to church are they are submitted to someone now listen to me they're still pastors and last time I checked pastors are over churches if it last time I checked Jesus said that the church is the one that the gates of Hell will not prevail against Church was God's idea I am NOT going to train someone and give them a church in my school unless they've proven themselves because I'm gonna foot the bill and it also comes back on me when they screw up so I'm not just gonna ordain anybody or give them this or that I'm telling you this because next year you're gonna see a lot of things happen but you need to be spiritually discerning and here's your secret John 1:12 Jesus said that though that John said this of Jesus he said those who adhere to his sayings who loved him he gave them the power to become sons of God the word there is XO Ziya not Dunamis Zosia is the word used for authority I saw in heaven that my limitations were based on what I was told by a religious system I saw that Jesus said if you go to a place and you forgive their sins they're forgiven if you don't they're not forgiven like what he said that you have your bind on earth is bound in heaven whatever you permit on earth is permitted in heaven whatever you forbid is forbidden Jesus pointed to the Pharisees and he said you're complaining because I claimed that I was before Abraham he said it's written in your law that ye are elohim to whom the word of god has been given and it's an irrevocable because it's already written in your law so what he gonna do about that they were complaining to him and he goes what wasn't it written in your law he was just jabbing with them but what he was put was quoting is is that Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 means a whole bunch to God and it doesn't mean a whole bunch to us but he invested everything in us from the beginning and he wants a return on his investment so you're gonna see many people coming back from the dead having this same story and and don't worry about me I'm fine with staying at home let them have it do you know what it's like to not need anything I need nothing I don't want anything I need nothing the only reason I'm doing this is because he's smiling at me right now he's smiling at me because we had a conversation that's not written in any book but I'll tell you a little bit of the conversation we had that I've never written fact there's people here that work for me have never heard this before but there is a point where Jesus and I had a conversation without our lips movie and I saw that the father doesn't defend himself and that Jesus is the most misrepresented person on the earth and when I saw this I said that to him and I wrote that in the book but this is the conversation I don't talk about is that the agreement was is that I go back and I let people know the truth and the truth is is that this thing is rigged in our favor completely rigged in our favor if we hook up with God's heart for this generation we cannot lose no when I first came here I didn't need any invites and the invites said we've got 55 people in Chatsworth we can't pay for anything so you're on your own with your airfare and it's a two-hour drive and we can't do anything for you about 55 people and before my manager could get that out of its mouth I said we're going the Lord said it's permanent so here I am three years later but look they called me they said wheat you won't believe this we announced your coming and three we had to shut it down to 350 people and someone's come forward it's gonna pay your airfare and your hotel but we need your seats can you sit on the floor that's what they called it that's the conversation right before I got on the airplane so I come here and the people that meet me at the door they go do you like your prophecy like oh my god I prophet said to you this whole thing a year ago in Mississippi they go yeah that's us were you guys there you got were you there at that first meeting Mississippi it's my first meeting I ever taught I preached on and he said call these people up I'm like I'm not doing that he said this is and this has happened but this is gonna happen I go Lord they might work at the vegetable part man at Piggly Wiggly I don't know like what if I'm wrong but I called them out and they were the ones that invited me that started all of this but this is happening everywhere in the world everywhere in the world we go we got to go to bigger buildings because the churches can't hold it we have to go we had that we have to go in Switzerland we had to go to a Catholic Church because there was no buildings that can hold us but the reason why this is happening is because God's heart need to be revealed and Jesus the conversation we had was is that I need to tell people the truth about the personality of God you're like oh who do you think you are you know the personality of God it's like well you spend time with him you kind of get to know him a little bit and I got I found that within me was a religious system there are things about me that I thought were just the way I am and to God it's not just the way you are you need to get rid of it I'm like know that God loves me just the way I am yeah he loves Hitler and he's in hell no think about he caught he loves everyone but love and his purest form is discipline what what what is it say in Hebrews so we nobody'll quote this stuff because their churches would turn into Bible studies instead of sixty thousand people if you start preaching the gospel you know not a lot of people are gonna like that the book of Hebrews says that if God disciplines those he loves he's treating you as sons I love when God tells me no because he just saved my life no you see you're not there yet I can tell I can tell you're not there there should be flags and tambourines right now let me know don't think about it the god I met Jesus I met the Holy Spirit that I met they are all for us if not we would never been in existence anyway and if he really didn't care about us he just wiped us out and do nothing but he didn't do that okay he's cool to take it a little bit further before we break here's what I saw also he didn't just give up on man because of the failure he doesn't like to lose so he rigged the chess game in his favor so everything he does from now on is all rigged for you to win but you haven't been told that until now okay be cut no because that don't don't stop there because there's a whole nother life ahead of you now Jesus told me tell the people this is a conversation we had you tell the people that if I was all out to dog did was to get people to heaven then why when they came up to the altar and there gave their life to be more born-again why didn't I just rapture them right then because there'd be no need to be here he said my people are down here surviving when they should be down here thriving [Music] this should beat them in Dominion see this offends people so oral robbers had to preach intense because he said God was a good god can't believe he's saying that that's what they was at that camp so they wouldn't have him that's not that long ago okay so now you got somebody comes back and tells people that they are the currency of heaven and that God is waiting on us to wrap this up and he cannot send Jesus back until China comes in until Middle East comes in until Russia comes in he's - he told me I couldn't mess this up he's five feet away from me he said everybody's wrong about the timing of the end times he said all of the books that are written about the end time scenario are not linear he said their visions their flashes of visions and they're cyclical and they are initiated by a trigger event that has not happened and he said Kevin on your watch it's not going to happen that's what he told me so you know I offend people to say I'm done I'm done I'm at the end of my three years here it's just the last meeting I'm gonna do the next phase is beyond belief we've already got ready for it's a seven-year cycle now and it's going to be mostly worship and I'm gonna let the father come in and heal people deliver people and I'm gonna go home I'm we're gonna do services where we just create the habitation of God and and God's gonna get all the credit and I'm not it's already happening it's been happening for years with us but you know it's starting to catch on that this is the way it's gonna be okay so here's here's the thing that Jesus showed me and I know that you need to hear this is that because he has not taken you when you got born again you're not down here waiting for him to come back I already saw him come back the Apostle John already saw him come back he's already come back but he hasn't come back yet Jesus hasn't come back but he's coming back but I already saw it because it's already done see and I'm not even trying to push your brain into Fry's own but I could do it I could do it and it's not predestination like you think Calvin was wrong predestination isn't something where God just does what he wants to do without you he gave you a will and you can choose but he already knows what you're going to choose so he chooses a flight attendant who can fly the airplane he chooses a flight attendant come back and play instruments and he can't play instruments I'm a flight attendant but I can fly the airplane but I wasn't allowed for 30 years I can sing but I'm not allowed to sing I don't even want to be in front of people and you wouldn't even know that but for 30 years on an airplane it was burnt out of me I was stuck with 180 people five times a day and it got burn out of me I'm not afraid I've already died so I'm not afraid to die I've already failed and now I'm not gonna fail anymore because Jesus told me come back and you cannot fail everybody's waiting for me to fail you won't believe there's people on the sidelines with popcorn right now oh he'll fizzle out I was told by a great apostle he said you'll last about a year and a half and you'll be done that was three years ago now my school has 60 100 students in 11 months and the only reason why is my next breath that Kim comes to me is from the breath of God he's given me CPR and this is the key to taking the limits off is your life is not your own newsflash Paul said it 2,000 years ago no well a little less than that but 20 in in in 68 AD your life is not your own Corinthians you've been bought with a price he said in fact your body is a temple the Holy Spirit it's no longer here as Jesus Paul said it's as though Jesus's borrowing my body and doing his ministry through me well that guy got it right but you wouldn't hear that today much in the in the ministry that you here with ministry these days it's really focused on too much on people the person to where you gotta have somebody to hand it off to if I build this around me then when I'm gone what who's gonna carry it on see I have to make warrior notes about you so I Jesus told me come back replicate he said replicate me Kevin and everyone I'll replicate myself in you then you replicate me and everyone else you trained everyone to do what you're doing and he said we can wrap this up he said we can wrap this up really quickly I mean three years and three years look what has God has done with one person is is crazy enough to say yes I mean I do you know who yo-yo ma is the cellist I had to watch a video just to see how to hold the bow and I made an album I made an album using the cello after watching a yo-yo ma performance in New York with a close-up of how he held the cello he told me to buy a soprano saxophone which is like the hardest most unforgiving instrument there is he told me to buy one so I got one a real cheap one and then he told me to go to the master of the soprano sax keniji so I got a concert I got right on the front row right on the front row is a lot of money now I'm not in the ministry nothing don't have a pulpit don't have a board I'm not a nonprofit but me I'm not prophet I'm nothing I don't even have a non-profit I'm nothing i sat there and my wife was went to the restroom before it it started just to show you how the Lord works I have thousands of stories like this that I never tell but I just feel really close to you all this morning I sat on that front row she comes she goes hey Kenny G's out there sign in his album do you want to meet him he said he'll meet you the Lord told me you buy a soprano sax I don't even know how to hold it it's at home I'm at his concert in the front row it's not Christian he's actually Jewish his real name is Gorelick Kenny Gorelick calm Kenny G he's a hundred percent Jew can you believe that that the boy that came back from heaven went to a concert that was not a Christian concert but the Lord said he's my man he went to Christian school I know people that grew up with him and they that the Jewish people would send their kids to Christian school so they grow all his band they grew up together the keyboardist that plays for him they went to school together Christian school together okay so I go out there and I meet him and he goes hey make sure you where's your ticket at he said put it in the slot over here he said I'm giving away one of my saxophones and he said hey but if you don't get it he said here he said here's the guy here's my manager just call him and we'll get you one so of course I didn't get it but I called the guy and I own Cathy where's Cathy ad where's my wife how many saxophones from keniji do I have now five i sat there and watched how he held it I watched Holly put it in his mouth and I watched everything about it and I went home and I did it in the dark listening to this group called the Rivera's the Lord told me that I can listen to their album in the dark and just play with them so all 14 instruments that's how I learned in the dark listening to the Rivera's because the Lord told me that they were the ones that could tap in to the other realm because if they could just get together and do an album in an hour just totally prophetic and the Lord told me to tap into that sea so he sent me to the world now and he's asking me to tell people you don't have to go far to tap in to what God's doing you just get in within the flow of what God's doing in people's lives and you flow with it it creates see you don't have to be the leader you just have to be behind the leader and let him take all the hits and you just get in there see I don't care if I get credit for this because I already have please listen to me Jesus himself the head of the universe the head of the church he said you've been faithful well done he already said it and then before he said enter in which really bothered me when he didn't say that he said would you consider this so he started to show me the future he started to show me the incited workings of the Spirit of God and the angels and the demons he showed me every single thing about demons I have no more questions but I can never teach them that all because of the religious fabric that's involved with people's thinking they will push back from it but you know it's true when I tell you because you're dealing with it yourself I know exactly what these numbskulls are doing I know exactly why they're mad because we're in and they're out boy you put your they want to destroy your lineage they want to make sure that nobody believes that God is a good god and the buck stops right here people are gonna see that God's good the people are on the sidelines waiting for me to fail they're gonna eat a lot of popcorn and get really fat but they're not gonna see it happen I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna fail because the head of the church said if you go back it's not about you and you will change this generation you will do it by telling the people the truth about what you saw and you heard and I'm the least person that to choose because I don't want the job and Jesus told me this is what he told me he said you're perfect you're perfect for the job because you don't want it I don't want the money I don't want the notoriety I don't care I would preach to to people if you showed up I did it already I've done it for years had gone to heaven and taught a Sunday School class and while I was teaching I had somebody in there monitoring what I was saying there are pastors my pastors who saw me on Sid Roth did not know I work for them they did not know that I'd gone to heaven they saw me on Sid Roth I kept my mouth shut for 23 years I could fly the airplane I was asked to transfer over and take training to be a Southwest Airlines pilot by my own company and they made it the way perfect for me to do it even gonna keep my retirement intact my employee number you just got to go fly smaller jets for two years will full set it up for you I will get you in the simulator and we'll get you up to speed and you'll be right back in two years it's just the requirement you have to be captain rated to be a first officer at Southwest Airlines you have to have a captain's rating that's why that's why that company is so successful I mean we've messed up but it wasn't when I was there not that process caused me to get everything or is everybody hearing me or no everything comes to me now because I don't want it know if I'm telling you if you go after money it'll stay three feet in front of you no matter how fast you run toward it it will always evade you but if you ignore it and look at Jesus Amazon will be delivering to your house every day every day my staff knows this I I do this test every now and then dick to kind of shake the cage you know what's giving Tuesday on Tuesday I don't they they get the same little guy have givingtuesday so you have to give to a ministry or something on Tuesday so all everybody's you know hey we have a goal here Facebook's gonna match it give to this ministry you know we have this goal we have this much money coming in and I'm like that's flippin like well like and after like 14 of these I just said Lord you know what is our ministry need we're already financed for the next seven years with every all the equipment 13 high-definition TV cameras we got 13 different TV sets not sets that you watch I'm talking about TV furnish two sets paid for we pay our rent a year ahead of time you know why because we can't and these people need to see a Christian she starts crying you're kidding you want to pay it I said yeah I says cutting money's no problem and the whole time we're living by faith like everyone else but I am NOT going to be bound by fear and I'm not gonna manipulate people okay so I put out I put it out I says you know what it's givingtuesday that warrior notes has been so blessed that we don't need anything so give your money today to someone else that needs it you should have seen everybody's like you know there's no minister that does this there's like well okay because I'm not afraid I'll go back to work if I have to have you doesn't bother me because I believe in what I'm doing but see you should believe in what you're doing when you go to work you should be believing that you should be the highest paid employee at that company because your value is is they are being blessed Southwest Airlines prospered while was there if you look at when I was hired in July of 1988 and you saw when I retired in in 98 97 2017 May 29 years if you look at our stock the day that I got hired and the day that I retired it split 13 times I became a millionaire as a flight attendant I didn't put nothing into it they gave me that stock every year I did nothing to it I didn't even pray for it and the stock has done nothing since I retired and when that when I went to to switch it over cuz I can't take it I can't take any of my retirement cuz I'm too young so I don't want the government to get 50 percent or 47 percent so I just like I said let's just put it away and we'll just we'll just uh I'm gonna do this and God is gonna provide God has provided for us in every way but payday is coming fifty nine and a half is coming but when I transferred it over and that's just that's just that part that's half the other half went to when I transferred it over the people called me they said how did you get all this money because they handle millions billions they're the high end people they handle billion they said you're only you're only 56 years old how did you get all this money anybody that works for until this age should have this much in there and it should be as you have six times what you should have six did you hear me because I didn't chase after it and I went to work every day and I got Awards at my company because I was actually nice are you hearing what I'm saying because this is what this is what's happening to you right now you're realizing that God could set you up without you being involved now did you meant did you notice I didn't even mention giving because that's not this is not has nothing to do with my giving I was audit by the IRS because we're giving half of our income away but they don't audit us anymore because I have receipts for everything but they said mr. Zaidi no one does this I go everybody should try it they said we don't even know how you live I go I'm fine are you all here so the giving part of it I'll make you all jealous so I don't even want to tell you the thing of it is it is so set up because of your value in heaven that money has nothing to do with it but you're not getting this yet and all my friends you should I see that all the friends that I work with I had thousands and thousands of people that I miss dearly at Southwest Airlines all my friend thousands of like every one of them didn't even deserve to be there they could be anything these people were like professionals and everyone but they wanted to be a flight attendant those people were so amazing to me I never had one of them thousands every day I witnessed to everyone I could all my crew members heard about the gospel every pilot every flight attendant everyone heard about the gospel no one told me to shut up no one told me to stop no one in any way indicated that they didn't believe me ever but yet the religious people they'll stay up at night writing books but I look at these people now I look at my friends because I keep track on online with them they're still working they're still working they're gonna work till they're 65 I worked until I was 56 and I'm doing this and I'm getting younger because I'm looking at them and I just left them three years ago and they're getting older and older and older they're aging and I'm looking at me and I look exactly in fact when I'm on the airplane my friends I won't say a word I'll just sit there on the airplane they'll serve me and they're not even making eye contact with anybody because they're afraid of you know because people are so rude these days they won't even make eye contact like I'm like they don't even recognize me I have to come up that says hey you're gonna say hi like Kevin you're on a plane I go yeah you served me coke sprite and you stood theft on my foot at least once thank you looks so good and I thought I thought to myself there is something that has to be different about the blessing of the Lord the favor of God on a Christian who knows their value and that God values them and it starts to work with them confirming him the word with signs and wonders what if one of them is that you're a wonder and you're a sign so I got out of this thing where manifestation is so important to me that I forget to be a Christian oh boy this is not a carnival ride if you could feel the power God in this room like I do you don't need hands laid on you you notice I don't lay hands on people and we'll do fire tunnels we we don't blow into Mike's wave people with jackets we don't take thousand-dollar offerings because that is so low level and some of its profane but do you understand that what you're experiencing here is the body the corporate body of Christ in their full authority of manifestation as sons and daughters of God and this message was held at the end of the age even though it's always been available but I will take the hits for it someone has to tell you how valuable you are and if I'm wrapped up in myself and keeping you as a permanent customer to all my conferences then if I'm wrapped up in that I'm not going to give anything away and I'm not going to tell you all my secrets cuz you won't come back do you ever notice I tell you everything so do you even do you use your cell and if you don't have money you can have anything you want off the table just don't take a shopping cart back here just take one item but I give you I give you the manual I give you the CD that's my partner's pay for that yeah you're welcome but see if you do this do you realize that there's not enough places on the earth for me to speak it's gonna keep growing and growing and growing because it's not about me well when is everybody gonna realize that the value that Jesus placed on people as a whole is completely across the board it's the value is the same we're all just as important you don't want to be a prophet everybody wants to be a prophet but all the prophets I know don't want to be a prophet the price is too big they pay and I'll close with this I mean would this be it would just be the time to quit I can't quit but I will I came down with a healing so I'm okay no here use it here's what happens I mean honestly you can ask anybody that knows me they have to tell me how different things are in this ministry because I don't know anything else I just don't fail if I see a scenario that I'm gonna fail I step back I don't go toward it I step back and I say Lord where are you taking me because if that's a fight that I can win I'm and you're with me I'm going in there and mess up the devil but if if it's not what you have for me I'm not going in there you have to send me so I constantly you can do this as a mother you just step back one step and you say Lord are you in this what are you doing right now with my children do I step in what do I say with everything every person that comes and talks to me I step back one step and I look twenty years down the road at where they end up now until I given you all my secrets but every one of you if you'd come up to me God has showed me twenty years ahead where you're gonna end up any and then I ask him can I talk them out of this and put them on the right path and and if you'll hear me if you're on the right path I'll say you're doing good they're like that's my word that's your word keep doing what you're doing don't touch anything so if you notice I haven't even open the manual that because every everybody I'm looking at it's like I know you all and as I'm looking at you he's telling me what to say this is totally unscripted but what I'm doing is I'm giving words of knowledge to people and I'm not looking at the person as I'm talking about them I'm turned the other way there are people in here there are people in here right now I could pick out there's so many of you I've never met you but I pray for you every single day you would even believe there are people in here right now point to them right now there's so many of them they don't know me they don't know I'm even talking about them right now but I pulled their picture up and I pray in tongues in in the fire from the altar of God for them every day they're in this room and I ask God to bring them here and they're in this room and I don't know how they got here now I'm not kidding you you and believe how many of you are in here because I prayed for you is there a place is there a time where you can say yes to what God is saying to you is there a time or place could it come now could this be the point where you realize that God has brought you to this place so that you can take over you can take over what this ministry is about I want every one of you to take this over every one of you can walk in this you don't have to die and come back to find out what you should know right now you don't have to have that happen you can humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and you can resist the devil and he's going to flee from you and then you could yield yourself to the spirit and say Lord this isn't about me this isn't about money this is about you and you are going to have provision for your vision you're going to have anointing that you can handle you I've actually in Switzerland it's not ever turned off since Switzerland that was six months ago I I cannot even handle it I've had to ask the Lord can you back it off can you back it all I've never thought that I would say that but I right now I can't even function hardly it's so strong on me but do you know that that's what it is for every person it's for every person I saw that demons are dreading the day when a Christian knows that they have to obey everything a Christian tells him when that the devils look in your eyes and they know that you know it's over it's over what did Jesus do Jesus went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed the devil what well it says that he came back to destroy the works of the devil he told people I'm gonna drive out demons and you're gonna drive out demons in by name you're going to drive out demons well that sounds kind of rough because you're displacing demons from their the domain that they have taken over which is someone else's domain do you understand that there's people that are in bondage because a demon has come in and domain eyes them misty I asked people a ton you what I encountered even possessive I used to encounter at my job there are people in jail right now that'll never fly again because of a demon there are people where I was armed security where I had to handcuff people because they were so demonized that they were they were doing they were gonna kill me I didn't shoot him I just handcuff them but I asked them what have you done to let the devil a nail you got 15 different entities talking at you at the same time and their mouth is not moving the person's mouth or tongue is not moving I got 15 entities arguing with me and all I wanted to do was do my 12:00 midnight to 7:00 shift without firing a shot that's my goal every night and I got I got 15 demons talking to me and they're they're so scared of me because they know I know that the name of Jesus is powerful and they also mentioned that they said please don't talk about the blood I go thank you for letting me know so I called my friend Bruce I said Bruce can you get over here he goes it's 2:00 a.m. I go I got I got a hot one here I got I got demons I know it's okay I'll be right over he comes over to the guard shack he takes out his Bible and I said these demons mentioned the blood of Jesus so why don't you like to educate them so he said let me tell you about the blood of Jesus any preaches 4:15 the demons start flying out of the guy so I saw that we are a sign to this generation we are a wonder as our lives because they display the glory of God it's not us it's us getting out of the way Dalton was given this area was given to God a long time ago I'm just coming to wrap it up God wants to make good on his word for this area he made some promises to people that are in heaven right now and they're reminding him of the promises the covenants that were made here in this town so really it has to do with a previous generation who had an agreement with God made some commitments and God's gonna make good on it so people find themselves doing the will of God that was established before their generation which is a missing link and a missing thought in our process our thought process so I'm an answer to have previous generations prayer and I don't want to do any of this but I do you know because it's fun but I'm not doing it for myself I'm doing it for you God wants everyone to know what he did for them on the cross but he also wants them to know about the place that is in heaven where were seated with him Paul talked about it in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 he also refers to it in chapter 3 of Colossians and he told the Colossians don't set your affection or your or your mind on things below but on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of fishin's he said you're seated with him in the heavenly realms so that can offend everybody because I haven't offended everybody I'll tell you that when Jesus told the seven churches he I think it was Laodicea he said the he who overcomes in his victorious will sit with me on a throne read it and weep even the nearly inspired version didn't take it out and the thing that offends people is is that I've already died so you can't kill me I will die again my body will and I'm glad to go you haven't hurt me but if you reject the whole counsel of God then what you've got is eternal hell it's a real place and Jesus said there's a narrow way and few find it but that won't be quoted in the mega churches and I'm not against mega churches I just want to know that if you preach the full counsel of God if you still have a mega church by 12:00 noon then you got yourself a real church did I just say that because I'd rather speak to a group of crazy people that believe God and want to hear the whole gospel but you know you mentioned the crucified life you you you and you start to talk about the things that Paul taught then everybody starts whoa whoa whoa whoa you get into that sons of God thing well then what aren't we slaves of God it's well God's not that good really what passed by Moses in the cleft of the rock his goodness and it was so much that Moses had to be told to die because he couldn't die did you notice that at 120 God had to take him up and say die he had perfect sight perfect everything he we forget this stuff Adams still lived 930 years in sin outside the garden in a curse so what's limiting you we probably can just close out the seminar now that's what's limiting you is fear and fear has to do a torment and fear has to do with you not be perfected in love God is love but love in its purest form is disciplined can you stay in there when you can't even go on another day I'm begging you stay in there it's going to get better it has to get better and even if I give my life for Christ it would be an honor okay so I'm done I'm done but I have a couple questions for you when when did the gospel become about money I just I'm just honestly asking you you think you crazy I am crazy I may have like 4,000 people hate me but I have a whole bunch more like me too but I want to know like when did it become about money Jesus never asked for money Jesus it's never recorded that any money went into that bag but plenty went out of it whatever happened to supernatural provision now I'm just asking because by God at the worst time to do it to write a book on finances and call it supernatural finances and was all about financing the harvest about like supporting what God's doing on the earth and I pushed it through anyway I mean even have anybody write an endorsement for it because everybody's afraid I don't care so I just put it out there and it's doing better than land any of my other books with no promotion but I want to ask you something when what when I studied Western civilization when I studied the demise of every known power world power there were five characteristics that we determined and I had to take it Western civilization three times because I failed it twice because I told the Lord the whole time I'm taking it why do I need this and Here I am quoting from the book I did take it three times music I didn't want music I told her I'll never use music and journalism I failed them all I talking music I to take the courses for Theory four times and I got a D Western civilization I finally passed it with a D journalism English I finally passed it with a C and now I'm using all that stuff here's what we found is that is that the way that Satan brings people to power it's by getting them to dedicate themselves to the agenda of Satan and then he gives them success so I can honestly right now I get actually like get 14 of these stack them on each side get some lights and a smoke machine get some way to blindfold me and I can beat that keyboard and if I've given myself to the devil that won't be in the top 40 within it within a month have you ever listened to it if you can even tell there's a chord progression in some of this music have you ever listened to the stuff that makes it to the top if your ears aren't bleeding it's because they if you find out about it they tell you I gave myself over to Satan I we did a ritual in Hollywood in order to get with our parts in the in it we give ourselves over and there's all this favor there are people that you know I've watched a minister and they have familiar spirits and they are 100% accurate dude sorry if I offended you man I've had demons say I know who you I know your mother's name I go I know my mother's name give me the last four digits of my social security number well now everybody knows that because you just told everybody that doesn't impress me what impressed me was when a prophet says this is what you dreamed last night and this is what it means because that's the Daniel Joseph type I'm just gonna stick with that how about Sam Samuel not one word ever dropped out of his foot to the ground it was so bad in the Old Testament that God made a law that if a prophet missed it they were stoned then everybody want to be an evangelist maybe that should come back okay I'm asking you this I'm asking you these questions because the things that happened before the demise of all the Grecian Empire the Roman Empire the Persian Empire and and some of the dynasties if you really read study I had to do all this stuff I found that that there were certain characteristics that happened yet that caused the downturn of ass's of that civilization from war power one one of them was the exultation of the human body one of them was exalting an actor above the original person so like if Brad Pitt plays a fireman then he gets glorified as the fireman and he doesn't even know how to hold his garden hose right okay but we exalt him so I if you want me to go on I'll quit if not but I saw these characteristics where where we that the education system the least paid the teachers are the least paid that's crazy instead of putting the money into preventing people from becoming felons and then having a prison system that's overloaded why not nip it in the bud by having teachers and paying them well and let them teach people how to act right and live right right it's preventative it's kind of you know you know John Wayne said this life's hard but it's even harder when you're stupid when do we learn from history I saw Jay I'm this going to be nice about gender confusion was another one I saw that every one of them started emphasizing money as success having money was successful but how about kids that want to come home for Thanksgiving they want to go to church with you in other words if they don't do that that's their choice but what I'm saying is what if we started to emphasize the things that keep a civilization intact that generation intact through the culture of heaven where we value each other and we think more about each other than we do ourselves because that's the way Jesus was Jesus sacrificed everything for us and he in tears and I get I know I'm gonna get hate mail but in tears he said to me he said I didn't go hang on a cross so people can just go to heaven he said I did this so that they can replicate me on the earth my ministry and walk in victory and bring in the harvest in their generation which means that we need to be in the work place we I was told I was not allowed to be ordained when I graduated from not my for my four-year program I was not allowed to be ordained by them because I wasn't married they would not send me to the mission filter Guatemala so they were asking me to find someone to be my wife so they they could send me as a missionary you can't go by yourself I could do it I've been by myself all my life do you know I gotta have it you just alright I'll have an interviews for wives right is there it's a religious system so they didn't send me so I went to another college got another degree and then I went to get ordained by them and they said while you work you got to quit your job and live by faith like oh I am living by faith that's why I'm working they're like what I go my job is my mission field it's not my provision they're like what click click click and I can hear their keels there's no place like home there's nobody because they don't think I said this is not my provision what well if you're gonna be ordained by us you cannot have any other income you got to live by faith I said what is faith and then they're like why you know you're gonna tell us what faith is where the head faith school of the world so I'm not gonna do that well then congratulations because the Apostle Paul couldn't get ordained by you well they don't talk to me anymore now listen to me so I went and with them and the Lord the Lord told me when I came back from the dead I was home three weeks went back to work I was practicing at church I was gonna be traveling that weekend and singing now I'd only been back three weeks from the dead I just committed to this so we had to fly and sing and play for a guy named chemical met and this guy named Israel Houghton who was who said you're going with me on this one well I had a car like this is what happened God's came in my car after practice and I called him and I said I can't go this weekend he owes him what I go he goes why I go well God's in my car and he told me I'm going to Seattle this weekend I'm gonna meet my wife and Israel Houghton's like silent on my phone he's like what did you say he goes you know what knowing you you're you know knowing you you're gonna you're gonna meet your wife this weekend and I did and he helped us move in when we got back and Nellie doesn't call me anymore you know because he's kind of popular but here's what I wanted to say to you interesting that when I went back to the Assemblies of God to get ordained now that I'm married they sir all know you married the wrong person because she's been married before okay I didn't tell him I had a woman pastor they've been really for fun but you know anyway I'm joking around here I'm trying to show you your limitations are inner woven into your thinking the greatest the greatest law is love there remains these three faith hope and love but the greatest of these is faith well that's what I thought because that's all I heard I'm serious but then they won't ordain me because I work is everybody here I'm trying to show you that my limitations were placed on me not by above but by this down here I am the only thing that I am required to do is is to love people I am to oh no men anything except to love him the greatest of these is love by love causes me to believe the goodness of God leads me to repentance is what Paul said so why am i preaching hell I'm not I tell people they're going there if they don't repent like the witches any of you witches that are in here I do this everywhere if you come to mess up the service it's been a little long on waiting but you got a couple minutes to get up here and repent because I'm going to cast that familiar spirit out and you're not gonna have your power anymore is everybody in here that's a witch and you want to get rid of that right now get up here and you can give your life to it two minutes oh yeah yeah at Fort Mill did the same thing which came up here repented and demons start flying out of her right in front of a Sid Roth on the front row she got she's got delivered saved and spoke in tongues and I didn't even take an offering and I didn't even pray for her she started speaking in tongues you know what she had done her spirit was crying out to God because on our book table we had a little book called why tongues she had it in her hand she was inquiring about all this stuff and she had these books in her hand and she came up to give her life to the Lord she had that book in her hand she got tongues she started speaking in tongues [Applause] that was you [Applause] I didn't recognize you because your face you look you look like you came from heaven see the thing that is is that the thing that is is manifestation comes because there's transformation but transformation is not cheap in Jesus with a broken voice so I can offend everyone in here he said I didn't come back and suffer for all that for people to live on the fence he showed me a white fence and all the people he had just taken me to the CEFR so this this place if you picture this as the throne room it just pictured that it takes you a whole day to walk across it but it's like this and there's this huge platform and the father's right here and it takes a whole day to walk across it so it's it's much bigger but right here was a a throne and here was a throne and then there was another throne but I didn't see who was on that I was just thinking was the Holy Spirit but I don't know because I couldn't see that and I wasn't allowed looking to father because Jesus told me if I see his face then my body will melt if I go back to it my body will die because it can't handle the perfection of heaven because it's falling but that's a whole nother story all right so father's right here Jesus right here and I was seated with Christ over here I just want to fend everyone in a throne right here and as far as I can see millions and millions of saints and white robes at the end of the age I had been ushered to the end Jesus had already come back and they were all worshiping the Lamb and Jesus was getting hit by this beautiful substance that was coming from the breath of every saint and it was coming up and washing over him to where he was starting to fall back in the throne and slide and his head was now against the back holding him up and he was like this and he's smiling and he's just he's just getting washed over by waves of glory coming from all of us and he was receiving the reward for his suffering and the place was shaken from that that song that was being sung of the redeemed in one voice and the Sapphire stone and then he took me to the outskirts because I asked him I said why am I here I want to get down so I try to sneak off as you've heard me say this before I try to sneak off the side because I wanted to get down on the front row cuz there were angels down there and there were people that were falling and angels were falling and worshiping face flat and I said that's what I want to be and I don't need to be here I don't even know why I'm here because I felt like I'm not part of that you know this is like this is his time you know and so I try to sneak off and um the Lord stopped me he said no this was I he said I bought this for you everybody that overcomes sits with me on a throne and I had to come back and look it up in the Bible because I thought man Jesus is being unscriptural I didn't know what's in there and I was a scholar which shows you how much we know okay so he took me from that place he took me out to the outskirts and this is the conversation that we had that why I was sent back that I don't really talk about but that white fence and what it was I don't even know what I don't even what you call it really because there was a place where heaven ended and it went down to the earth somehow I don't understand it but all the the river of life it actually flows through heaven and then it drops off and it comes up inside of us may Jesus said in chapter 4 of John's he said that there be rivers of living water coming up from us the same river that came from the throne is coming up through us the same power that rose Jesus from the dead is inside of us as quickening us according to scripture anyway ok so I saw all these people sitting standing there at the fence and Jesus had tears in his eyes and this doesn't go over well but he said I didn't suffer and die for this he said my people are asking how close I can get to the fence and still make it to heaven but live in the world and enjoy the pleasures of the world when they should have been asking me where you stood on that sapphire stone the hottest spot in heaven was right there at the throne the seat of power of the universe and then there's the the sapphire was so hot and holy and it's beyond belief and he was head tears in his eyes and then he told me about Psalms 91 which I was told I can't share because I'll lose people but I'm gonna share it with because I'm not afraid Jesus told me that only certain people qualify for Psalms 91 because I asked him why are all my friends dying of all these diseases car wrecks arrows by day you know arrows by night why are they part of the ten thousand that are falling when they're not supposed to be touched it says that these things will not touch you right it says that right they will not come near you and this is what he said to me he said they don't qualify i oh i went to the best faith school and they and we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus we're as holy as your holy I am positionally secure through the blood of Jesus he said oh this isn't has nothing to do with position this has to do with relationship yeah he said what did I say to the people that came to me and drove out demons in my name healed the sick in my name he said I never knew you when is the last time you've heard that spoken in church when's the last time you heard a sermon on the narrow way whenever you heard the word repent in a service I have to give away the crucified life CD serious everybody wants the the financial provision one you know everybody wants a CD the Lord said you can only give it away if you give away the crucified life with it they have to agree to take both like a whoa so you you you you have to you have to buy the crucified life crucified live CD and then you get this financial freedom on free no I'm just kidding so Jesus took me down a hallway oh it doesn't end he said you have to qualify in a relationship to walk on this sapphire stone yeah Enoch qualified because he pleased me because he feared me he walked in the fear of the Lord when have you heard the sermon on that that's another one that's not very popular you know how many I how many uh I you know how many views I have on crucified life waiting on God fear of the Lord I have hundreds of thousands on you know the ones that everybody wants to hear but how about the ones that really going to help you the ingredients of I mean I just don't I don't want something that looks like a snickerdoodle it better taste like one better have lots of butter in it you know don't if you knock the butter out it takes away half half the taste of anything okay so with the gospel you got to have it all so when has it become about the money I saw that at the end of any age at the end of any civilization that we start to focus on the things that destroy us and it the only explanation for it is is why do they these five I didn't mention them all but you get the point they all repeat themselves exactly and every power that ever existed on the earth they were all putting the power and were demised the same way the five it has to be the presence of evil spirits it has to be the spirits of darkness that are influencing so next year discernment is going through the roof for every one of you because you would not believe what's inner woven within your mindset that's wrong it has to be revealed through fire you're gonna have to submit yourself to the holy fire you're gonna be baptized in fire I just heard the Lord Jesus Christ say out loud he said let no man deceive you I mean he said that a lot in the Bible he who has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit say every one of you are gonna thank me for this message even though it's hard every one of you in heaven will thank me because you don't see what's right ahead there is such deception coming that even the very elect could be deceived if that were possible if that sounds familiar because it's in red now what would be so powerful that even the very elect could be deceived maybe it's something that you haven't prepared yourself for maybe that's why you're here because I want to tell you something when I was in flight training I never flew a perfectly good airplane in the simulator because I'm not gonna waste a hundred and twenty dollars an hour flying a good airplane because my a five year old can do that I'm certainly not going to go in a real jet which is 2002 I'm gonna do it to fly from point A to point B to get bit in my in to get ready for my tests to pass all my fa exams for jets I fly imperfect jets in a simulator and I learn how to manage problems I don't sit I said why is this happening to me god I tied this week why my engine quit no I fix it I get ready to land and walk away from it I don't blame God I don't blame myself I take care of the problem I'm speaking to you alright now just so you know if you haven't notice I went into the prophet's mental when something bad happens I take care of it I step back one step praying in tongues I go Lord what are you doing here because this is a fact but it's not the truth come on to help that person that's a three feet in front of you flap in their jaw they're not talking by the spirit see take a step back what do I do Lord he says laugh laugh that's that's disrespectful well they're being disrespectful they're speaking by the devil right now if you really hear your father's voice it might be a little different than what you've made him you don't have to listen to this she just in Z formation is dismissed you see someone who is loved and valued and knows it they take care of things listen to me everybody stand up and when you stand up listen to what I'm about to tell you you are the answer to someone else's problem the reason you're here is to help someone else to be there so that they don't do you know how many emails I get saying I was gonna take my life and my phone fell and came on to your channel and you started saying prophesying exactly what I was doing at the time and I watched the whole show and I'm a Christian now you know how many times I hear I Kevin I was watching you on Sid Roth and some and something inside of my stomach started moving and I can see it moving there they're messaging me on Facebook I don't message because I don't have messenger anymore and I never asked for money so do not give money to anybody that asks you for money you know I have a website you can go and give there if you want but do not give to anyone there's thousands of dollars being given to people that that are crooks I don't ask for money this lady Facebook she messaged me when I first started the ministry she's in India and she said Kevin I just watched Sid Roth and she said while you were talking something inside of me hates you and it's moving around inside I mean I can see it inside of me bulging in different parts of my body what do I do and I said um just repeat this just say Satan in the name of Jesus I command you to go she doesn't respond then I get a text I'm on the floor it's choking me I can't it's not letting me say it and I'm on the floor and I can't say it please help me my wife is there she saw the whole thing I said here just hold the phone up to your eyes and I typed this is Kevin's a Thai son of the Most High God I command you to leave now and it left she said it left and I follow her she is now going through villages evangelizing but I've never met her see this to me is Christianity and it's all about the body of Christ amen and it's so hard to quit but we got to quit yeah father I know but I can't you know I can't because I have to have to break I have to Isis for me this is too much for me you have no idea I mean is there anybody else filling it with as I'd like it this is what I walk in all the time it's not longer 110 or 220 it's like 550 voltage 220 221 whatever it takes yep mr. mom no okay father in the name of Jesus thank you for all the people in part right now from heaven everyone touch every witch in this place I break the power of the devil over you I Drive out every familiar spirit I forbid you to operate and I Drive you out right now bye-bye every familiar spirit go in Jesus they that's it there you go bye-bye Dalton is dedicated to God it's the Lord's the Lord saying to me there's there's parents in here the horses say in the decisions that are hard that you have to make are for the next generation you have to do what I'm asking you to do with your children because it has to do with another generation they will affect a whole generation you can never pour too much into them fire fire in the homes of everyone fire right now fire holy fire it's just getting started Laura I'm just getting started your children are gonna grow up and affect a whole generation but until that happens you're going to affect a whole generation the horses I've appointed you I've anointed you I've visited you and now I'm going to inhabit you I'm gonna come to your dwelling places and I'm gonna stay fire the Lord's releasing all your provision just just love on him the Lord says just smile at me Lord says just smile at me thank me rejoice in your salvation and your provision shall come quickly take care of those around you lift the burdens of those who are weak take care of the orphan and the widow take care of the children and your light shall break forth I will answer you Oh somebody come up here and get me I can't I gotta go and I can't hold these people any longer it'll just keep on going somebody take the mic for me let's just go there's no easy way to do this thank you guys I'm sorry you all I held you too long but I love you [Applause] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 312,971
Rating: 4.8274169 out of 5
Id: _Zd_q4_VNUA
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Length: 148min 10sec (8890 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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