Understanding The Personality Of The Holy Spirit - Kevin Zadai - Session THREE

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[Music] God is building his kingdom on the earth and he is inviting you to join him he's given you gifts talents and abilities so you can release heaven solutions and strategies into the earth when you join in on what God is doing you will immediately step into the realm of heavens abundance and blessing order today Kevin's brand-new 60 day devotional supernatural finances his exclusive three CD set provision for your vision God wants to help you with your finances in his brand-new 60 day devotional Supernatural finances dr. Kevin zayday takes you on a 60 day journey to help you realize that God is not limiting you and right now there is provision for your vision in his exclusive three CD set provision for your vision dr. Kevin seed I gives you unique glimpse into the invisible realm of God's kingdom financial system that will help you to clearly discern God's will for your finances access the battle strategies of heaven concerning giving and receiving establish the link between praying in the spirit and supernatural finances receive from heaven as Kevin prays over you order this exclusive offer today and he will also receive dr. Kevin's a days soaking CD destiny this instrumental soaking CD will help to create a heavenly atmosphere as you meditate on the goodness of God order today Kevin's brand-new 60 day devotional supernatural finances his exclusive three CD set provision for your vision and instrumental soaking CD destiny for a donation of $29 to order call eight eight eight three four zero one four six zero with offer code one zero zero three or go online to Kevin's a.com slash offer you have a supernatural advantage access the unlimited supply of heavens economic system it's time for you to discover how to engage and partner with the Holy Spirit in your finances and step right into the greatest move of God the world has ever seen [Music] hello everyone dr. Kevin's a tie with you welcome to our Saturday morning session of our spirit school on the personality of the Holy Spirit I'm so excited about what God's doing I hope that you have been studying and I hope that you have downloaded the free pdf so you can follow along with me I've got all my notes there so that you can go step by step and I got a whole bunch more scriptures and what we'll get to because this is such a big subject but I'm believing God for miracles I'm believing for transformation in your in your life I want to see the fruit of what God's Word can do and I'm seeing it in my own life but I want everyone on the earth to hear about the knowledge and the wisdom from the father God about Jesus Christ and what we have in him there's so many good things that God has done for us as though these spirit schools are going to help transform your life and you're going to see the fruit of God's kingdom coming out in your life and in the lives of others around you we were talking about Romans chapter 8 and we're gonna get back into that but first of all we just want to remind you that my new my new study guide is out on the holy fire and the name of the study guide is called encountering the heavenly sapphire and this is the whole work that I've been working on for three and a half years to get out and it's finally out and so I have cut it in half half price just for this weekend and you can see the link down there and you can go ahead and log on and get it from Amazon you can go to my website it's the links on there and and I'm just gonna bless you with a fifty percent off the bridge it's brand-new it's probably the best subject I've ever taught on and we all know about holy fire because of the things I've mentioned before about that but this is what God is saying these days he's talking about the Holy Spirit and about the baptism of fire and so I did this study guide so enjoy that also we have a impartation recording a download it's called the Holy Spirit and that is half off that'll be $4 and you get that in this description down below as well you can on that and then it's $4 for that and that will back up a lot of what we're talking about and you can put that in your device and listen and it'll help you get the impartation of what God is saying this day also remember that where your net school of ministry is going strong with with over 10,500 students and we are excited to announce that we have 75% off to courses agenda of angels and life in the spirit our 75% off and I'm just gonna bless you during this time so that you can take some courses and God can help disciple you into what God is doing on the earth through this move that has already started and also lie besides life in a spirit and agenda of angels which are 75% off I have a place called victory which is a smaller course and that one is half off and that is also in the description so you've got those three courses that are reduced you've got the download the CD download that is half off and then you've got my free PDF and don't forget about the Sapphire book the encountering the heavenly sapphire which is talking about holy fire which is really the devil is really really upset about that whole thing because I'm exposing the background of what he knows about holiness and how he is trying to destroy humanity on the earth by getting people to be compromised and to getting people to stay away from God but we're gonna tell the good news of the gospel everywhere we go so we're gonna get right into it and just remember that this weekend is very special because the Lord told me to go ahead and have spirit schools every weekend until the devil backs off and lets people go because we're all in our homes we're all experiencing all these these shutdowns and everything and the Lord is not shut down so we're not going to be shut down we're going to preach the gospel preach the good news we're going to see people healed and delivered we're going to see the good news preached and the spirit schools are part of the outreach of the warrior note school of ministry so if you can't afford right now to take the courses then I am offering these things for free on YouTube and my partners pay for this the partners are paying for all this and I just thank my partners for helping me out and thank you for praying for us thank you for all your giving everything you've done I appreciate it and I'm gonna get right into it we were talking about the fact that the enemy of God can be your flesh so you cannot please God if you yield to the flesh and that's the bottom line no a lot of a lot of Ministers and ministries are backing off this message but we cannot ignore Romans chapter 8 we can't just focus on certain things and not get a full menu of nutrients and from the Word of God so to speak so it says here that those are in verse 5 I'm going to start back where we left off on Friday night if those are you who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves but those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities for the mindset of the flesh is death but the mindset controlled by the spirit finds life and peace ok so here we have it we have people who I've encountered and you've encountered and you might have been in the same situation before because I remember when I I'm actually embarrassed right now at some of the things that I thought some of the things that I did as a Christian thinking that that I was right and I'm embarrassed to tell you the truth on some of the things that I've matured out of and and I know that that's just part of life and so you might be embarrassed even after this weekend once I start to talk to you about what's in a word and what the Jesus has shared with us that you might be embarrassed as some of the things you thought and this is just part of maturity you shouldn't you should just go on but I was amazed at how spiritual realities are always present and that with the Holy Spirit wants to motivate us and and and help us to acquire understanding that understanding has to do with seen and hearing so if you look at something you can see it and you can hear it but do you understand it so it's it's a it's a step beyond just seeing a hearing but it's all part of the process so the Spirit of God could tell you something but then you have to you have to ask for understanding he could he could show you something and and you're okay that I see that but what is that what is going on there it's like a mystery so the Holy Spirit his personality wants to come in and reveal things to you so that you have understanding so one of the steps is you hearing one of the steps is you've seen but then there's another step which is understanding and the Spirit motivates us to seek God to the place where we have understanding about spiritual realities so when we look at something we have to be able to understand it so that's what God wants to do this weekend he wants to show you something and then he wants to explain it to you the mindset of the flesh is death but the mindset controlled by the spirit finds life in peace okay now verse 7 this is where we left off yesterday in fact the mindset focused on the flesh fights God's plan and refuses to submit to his direction because it cannot so it's impossible for the mindset of the flesh so with you know like I said there you've met people you've known people and it might have been you yourself you have this mind set and it is focused on the flesh and you might not know it or you might know it but it fights God it actually is what is causing people not to enter into the fullness of the Spirit so the Holy Spirit is wanting us to decide if we're going to shift our perception by the Word of God or if we're going to continue in deception and this is the bottom line so people will not tell you a lot of ministries are backing off because they're afraid of losing people and losing money and losing influence and I'm not concerned about that what I am concerned about is in this age and at this time right now we need the pure unadulterated Word of God and it is a sword the Word of God is all it's always been a sword H they saw this sharper than any two-edged sword even to the dividing between the soul and the spirit so your spirit is born again but your soul is not born again it needs to be transformed by the Word of God according to Romans chapter 12 okay if that is the case then the sword of the Spirit is going to come in and cut it's gonna separate between the soul and the spirit it's gonna show you what's your mind and your will and your emotions part of you and then what's your spirit it's gonna cut in divide in between those two it separates them that might be painful because you might be wrong you know did you ever think that maybe you could be wrong I mean I I know that I could be wrong and that's why I'm always learning is because I'm not I'm not gonna be silly about things and and say well you know I know better and then be in Pride and then God can't speak to me and help me and there there are individuals that are that have that I know have died they were very prideful and they they because they were prideful they wouldn't take input and and now they're they they have passed away they've been they've been in situations where because of pride they didn't ask for help they didn't did follow procedures and they were killed so this this this weekend we're learning from the Holy Spirit the mindset of the Spirit so that we can receive from God and receive input and in Pride will blind you that so the the the mindset focused on the flesh fights God's plan and it refuses to submit to it but when the Spirit comes in he coaches us and empowers us to walk in reality and that's what you want that's that's what I want I want to know the truth I I don't care how much it hurts but see the sort of the spirit it might come in and it might be a little painful because it's gonna affect your mind your will and your emotions which is part of your soul and you're going to have to decide do I want the truth or I do I want to be right you know and and you have to decide if I want the truth but the truth might hurt and that is why I can't back off I mean even if people would would would not would not want to support us in any way if they would pull their money or pull their friendship or whatever I would have to keep going with the truth because that is what God's called me to is is just to preach the truth and not be manipulated by people that are saying well you know then we're gonna make it hard on you you know that you can't let that happen to you you've got to decide that the truth is worth everything to you and it's gonna set you free the truth is gonna set you free and I would rather be free then be supported even financially by people that are controlling so I'm going to preach the truth and that's what's happening in the world today is people are choosing messages that will cause people to be to be friends with you and be happy and support you financially and so a lot of ministries get under pressure when they preach the truth like this but the bottom line is is that is that we need to hear this so that we can mature and that's what the problem is and and I saw this when I was in heaven that that people only go so far in their maturity because the level of the word of God being preached though the sword of the Spirit is not is not allowed to go past a certain point so people don't mature past a certain point so you get that you understand that so you can actually withstand God by operating in the flesh and I just don't agree with any of that I don't agree with with the process of people not allowing the the word of to be preached in its fullness so what is what is the truth here what is it that has has come to you and you've resisted in some way well I want to I want to tell you that you cannot resist the Word of God you cannot resist what God is doing in this in this this day because if you do everybody around you is robbed and we can't have anybody getting robbed so if you're called to the fivefold ministry if you if you have gifts of the Spirit that that you have inside of you and you don't yield to that then everyone else is going to to suffer for that you and we don't want that do we we don't want anyone suffering for anything so that the Spirit of God he has a mind set and he wants to take that mindset and transfer it to you now in order to do that he has got to have your attention you've got to yield to him and if you don't yield to him then what happens is is that that you stay right where you're at and you might even go back some there might be something happen to you that is even greater you know and worse then then what what I was happening to at the time so if the Spirit has input in your life and you start to see your self mature then you you're strengthened you grow on so the Spirit is talking to you and he's telling you certain things and if you listen to him you're gonna go on and a year from now you're not gonna even believe right now what a spiritual giant you will be and what God has done in your life because it all has to process from the spirit realm in your spirit and then come out but the hindrances come when our mind is not framed by the Word of God and and I'm telling you this because the Spirit is so strong right now that I'm just gonna deviate from my notes because if I if I don't if I don't if I don't to say what spirits saying then what happens is is people get robbed just like if you don't do what the spirits saying you're going to get you're gonna be robbed I'm gonna be robbed and the the devil comes to steal the Word of God when its own and his his design is in your life right now Satan's plan is is is to keep you from maturing and to keep you from receiving from God so you have to place yourself in a position where you can receive now how do you do that you allow the Holy Spirit he his personality is he's he's a counselor he wants to come in and talk to you he wants to show you some things and if he does that then you have to do something about it in other words if you're informed and you have information then you're responsible and accountable for it and I'm finding that people they they they say they want the truth but then when they're told that they don't do anything with it because they count the cost of that of doing what the Spirit is saying and they have a choking point I call where they they cannot go any further with that so when the sword of the Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes in and he divides between the soul and the spirit like it says in Hebrews chapter four then we have to judge God as faithful and trust him and and and be accountable if we don't make that step then you stay right where you're at and so this this weekend in this Saturday morning session I I feel the spirit God's Australia I'm overcome right now because I sense that he's saying that people need to hear but then they need to be accountable to what they hear and then implemented into their life so that they can go on now here's what I know you have been told an amazing amount of secrets amazing amount of mysteries that you're not going to hear from just everybody because of the costs of of preaching a message about the crucified life about living in the fear of the Lord and in holiness and and talking about repentance and and talking about holy fire with with the Sapphire floor and all the things that the Lord Jesus has talked to me about any how he sat with me and instructed me and told me step by step what to do for the the next several years in my own life and ministry but he's also mentioned all the people that he's assigned me to and he told me to tell the people you all view all over the world certain things just within the last week and a half he's instructed me to go in certain directions and tell people certain things so what I'm sitting here talking to you I'm not doing this to hear myself talk or even to feel good about myself I don't need to do any of these things to feel good about myself and you you are motivated by the spirit so if you're motivated by the spirit and you want to learn then Jesus is saying certain things that I have said on these broadcasts and on these in these schools that he personally told me to say to you but I don't announce it as such you know if I would tell you how I received all the teachings and if I would explain to you all the things that go on in it behind the scenes then it would seem so supernatural to you and spectacular then you would have be all ears but what if if you didn't hear that for me what if I was just telling you things but it's still just as supernatural that I'm being instructed by the spirit to speak well see this is how the spirit wants to bring how bring you into this he wants you to be walked into this to where your mindset is the mindset of the Spirit and he has cooperation with you and then the Angels have cooperation with you because the Holy Spirit and the angels are already on the same page they're coordinating with each other and then when the angels are assigned special missions for you they come to you each one of you has at least one angel and there's actually several angels that are involved with each person as a Christian because they're there they have different assignments you have a guardian angel but then you have a recording angel you have an angel that ministers for you as well so you you know I have several different angels because they all have different roles they don't they don't do what what they want to do they do what they're told and when they get around people that do what they're told then they have a common ground with that person so you want to be that person but I just want to tell you that the Spirit of God when he is having me do these these sessions it's because he wants you to know something and you want to know something but see you shouldn't look down on yourself you shouldn't be down on yourself you should allow the Spirit of God to take you into the next step but the next step means that he is going to say something to you through the Word of God and it's gonna cut and at that point you're gonna have to decide if you're going to go on with God or if you're going to to stop right there and you're gonna say Lord I can't go on because if you if you say you can't go on then then everyone else around you suffers as well because that's what's happening with the body of Christ right now so Satan his design is to stop you from maturing just to slow you down and to shut you off so that it affects the whole body so every every minister every ministry they should be in the ministry to build up the body they should be bringing maturity according to scripture anyway in Ephesians chapter 4 maturity of the body of all the Saints coming in one Accord so that we can turn outwardly after we build each other up and start to minister to the world and let the signs an wonders flow without any hindrance that it all has to do with our mindset so in the scripture we have the description here that the Spirit of God is not going to fight God because He is God but the flesh will so you have two things going on here you have the Holy Spirit who is your friend who is your advocate your standby your counselor he's inside of you and he's talking to you and so this this is how you do your day you wake up and you tell the Holy Spirit hello you you acknowledge him as your friend who has been there waiting for you to wake up and then you allow him to be part of your life you started to talk to him you tell him that you need his help you you explain that in your flesh you're weak but in you Holy Spirit I'm strong and that's what you do every morning you wake up and you say hello Holy Spirit thank you for helping me thank you I'm all ears today I want to hear what you have to say I want you to lead me into all truth I want you to lead me into all reality and then he starts to tell you things and what he's gonna do is he's going to tell you the truth and it's based on how much you can handle the truth is how far he's gonna go with you so he's not gonna push you past a certain point because your will has to allow him to take you further this is why people are where they are there's a stairs a standstill going on because you have not allowed the mindset of the Spirit to take you into the spiritual realities so as we go on the Lord starts to show you that there are certain things that you're doing because you're there certain things that you're thinking that are wrong so I believe you're following me here because the Holy Spirit is taking you by the hand saying listen here's where you should be going the direction you're supposed to be going but because of your mindset because you framed your mind just like the disciples they thought that Jesus was gonna set himself up like we said previously as King physical King over Jerusalem and Israel and when that didn't happen they started to feel afraid and so that's why in in John 14 he had to do the discourse that we've already gone through in that in a previous session you have to allow the Holy Spirit to coach you into the actual truth and frame your mindset so Jesus had to start to send them in another direction but of course you know Judas did not not make that that adjustment and so he turned Jesus over thinking that Jesus was gonna fail and then of course afterwards all the other disciples came together and were used mightily of God because their mindset changed and they went in the right direction so the Holy Spirit after you've introduced yourself to him in the morning and you've you've said hello and he's right there with you but you tell him I want you to take me by the hand and wrap I want you to wrap me up and clothe me as we talked about and and start to escort me in the truth and help me Holy Spirit to be able to accept the truth and as you do that he's going to show you okay this is where you're wrong your actions are wrong because your thinking process is wrong and he's gonna start to tell you that you're not a victim anymore you start starts coaching you into the fact that you are in overthrow and that you're walking into this overthrow where you're your authority as a son and a daughter of God is overthrown flipping it on your enemy now what happens is is these familiar spirits that are all around you they've been assigned to your bloodline and they they just watch you they are enforcing a curse that is happening for four generations previously you have been assigned in your generation to break that activity of those demon spirits so by acknowledging the holy spirit there's going to be an on a fight immediately so all of you right now as you're hearing this The Devil's that have been assigned to you they're gonna start freaking out and they're going to do everything they can for you not to hear what I'm saying to you right now but the Holy Spirit is wanting to show you that overthrow is is is already happening and that these familiar spirits have to go but how you break that up is you start to flip it on them to where you tell them that you're going to be very forceful and they better leave now because they are the victims they have been defeated by Jesus Christ Jesus has made a show of them openly he's came and defeated and he destroyed the works of the devil and so we are far above everything that we do works together for our good because we love God so we start to acknowledge that we have sonship and the Spirit of God inside of us as we get into Romans chapter 8 verse 15 it says that we have the spirit of adoption within us and where God through the Holy Spirit cries out father father but in in Aramaic it actually says that we have we have a spirit of acceptance so the spirit of acceptance the Holy Spirit is a spirit of acceptance in other words there's a transaction that happens right now in your spirit as I'm talking to you that the Holy Spirit says you're accepted you are beloved you are a an adopted child that is accepted not rejected when that happens immediately like right now as I'm talking to you the evil spirit surrounds you all over the world right now as I'm talking to you right now they start to freak out because they do not want child of God to hear that because then they lose their power and as you continually reinforce all these things and that's why I do what I do everything I do is to create such an environment that you can create an environment of overthrow to where you start to victimize the devil you flip it on them and you do that by surrounding yourself with all kinds of media so that's why Satan is trying to get all the media trying to control the news trying to control everything about you and because your environment is so important he knows that so my whole calling is through the media to create an environment where you can grow and mature because some ministries have backed off the message because of fear because they're afraid that they will lose money they'll lose people and then they'll lose influence but see the thing that is is it Jesus never was concerned about that because he was speaking what his father told him to speak and it was really a strong message but he didn't back off and he didn't suffer any he was never sick he was never in LAC you never see where he was borrowing money from his disciples he wasn't ever sick he didn't call in sick one day tell the disciples take the day off because he's sick you know no he came and he went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressive that well he was giving money out of the bag the money bag but he was never he never says that there was money going into it it was always there money was flowing supernaturally so you can't back off in fear and the message has got to stay strong and pure okay so the spirit of adoption is the spirit of acceptance and the devils do not want you to hear this because they know that their end of their influence with you is is is it's happened and it's happened right now the Holy Spirit is ministering all over the world you're starting to feel the the power of the anointing breaking the yoke that there's a separation coming because the the Spirit of God through with a sword has come in and started to separate between your soul and your spirit which are two different things two different words so Paul to the Thessalonians and fourth Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 he says spirit soul and body there that was your whole being he was talking to them about the three parts of man so the spirit comes in through the Word of God and it cuts and it separates between soul and spirit is what Hebrews chapter forces if you can read this in verse 12 and when that happens it shows you what of God and then what's of you at that point you become accountable you say good morning Holy Spirit I I acknowledge you I need your help today I need you to help me I need you to talk to me and then the Holy Spirit's gonna say well if I tell you something are you willing to do it because we already established affected it that Jesus said if you love me and my father passionately you obey my commands love love of God is just as much obedience as it is a feeling so you hear the Word of God and you receive it with joy but the parable of the sower says but then the enemy comes in and steals that word when the the cares of life start to come and things start to choke it out it doesn't produce a crop so that's what's happening in your life all these familiar spirits have tried to enforce the curse that they were assigned to a force through the generations previously in your family line and the Spirit of the Lord right now in this spirit school this weekend is announcing that you have the spirit of acceptance in you which means that God has accepted you that you're not rejected well the enemy that's how he keeps people in a small place if they don't go on into acceptance then they don't mature and then I suffer because you're not doing what you're called to do you you are called to do a powerful work for the Lord and because of this spirit school he's telling you you're accepted you're loved you are able you are worthy and I'm going to walk you in that's what he's saying right now I'm gonna heal you I'm gonna deliver you I'm gonna provide for you and you're going on because I love you and I accept you see the Devils around you they influence the people in your family and your friends to say all kinds of things to you that are working against that and then you go to work and all those evil spirits are talking through people but it's not obvious I mean you know trust me when when Peter was talking and he said something that would that Jesus addressed as Satan you know Peter did get thrown on the ground foaming at the mouth and then speak that to Jesus he said it as though it was Peter that's how these evil spirits work you know you don't have to be used to the devil by being thrown down and in and foaming and manifesting all that I mean I've seen I've seen people say stuff they'll even bat an eye you calling themselves Christians and they were speaking by Satan these are evil spirits that are working against you so your environment needs to be be controlled so your environment is create it creates a place where you grow and when you grow you start overthrow because you're not rejected anymore so the Spirit will take you into it this adoption this acceptance and then overthrow happens okay then the evil spirits start to have to to go to work back out they start to get pushed out and as they do that they're gonna start looking for weak points in people to try to get to you you just keep going you just say you know what I'm going wrong with the Lord and I'm going to mature let the Holy Spirit speak to me and I'm gonna get rid of the stuff in my life that's hindering me and that's what he does every day you acknowledge him okay as this happens the Holy Spirit will start to come in and you get into Romans 8:26 where in your weakness because you've humbled yourself and you acknowledge that the flesh is an enemy of God that your flesh is gonna work against God it's selfish in a selfish response is what you get you've you've decided not to feed your flesh anymore well then the evil spirits don't have a way to control you or manipulate you anymore because you're unreachable you don't answer and when that happens the Holy Spirit gets even more momentum in your life he starts to talk to you even more well then you get to the place where he comes in because you're walking in the fear of the Lord and humility in your broken and yet you still you still are happy you still live you're you you don't respond out of pride you respond out of honor and respect to God and you say Lord you know what I'm willing I'm willing to do whatever but I need your help empower me with resurrection power you see the same power that rose Jesus from the dead is dwelling in you and it's gonna quicken your mortal body so this book of Romans chapter 8 is talking about how you go through this transition of discovering the weakness that you have in the flesh but then allowing the Spirit of God to come in and judge the flesh and separate it and separate your mind will and emotions and then get you to a place where you respond not out of fear not out of doubt but you respond out of love you respond out of acceptance because God says through his spirit inside of you right now I accept you you're accepted you're my beloved child and now all the sudden you realize that you're being escorted into God's house and this is what I saw I saw that everyone just in the next in the next few months that the Holy Spirit is gonna take people into God's house I mean literally people are gonna start to see that they're part of the family of God the father and the father's house has many rooms and you are part of that family and so you get to live in God's house and you see that everything in heaven is for you that he wants to provide for all his children and that everything that he has you have so I saw this I I was in God's house and I saw that everything that he had was was for us so now on this earth when I lived down here I know that my father's going to take care of me because I'm part of his family that means that he pays all the bills that means that he takes care of every provision that I have and that means if I have any problem with relationships that he comes in and he takes care of that and he tells me what to do now Jesus instructed me from now on that there'll be a transition of people out of your life and people into your life there'll be a h.a exchange because certain people have decided they're not going on and there there's an exchange happening here where God will bring in the willing people the ones that are hungry into your life and you might find yourself with a whole new set of friends some people won't won't be able to go on I'm not called to to go to to go and tell people that they're in sin I'm not I'm not supposed to judge people that way I'm called to encourage people into doing the the good the the righteous acts of God in other words I encourage people to be who they are in Christ and bring the body in the unity okay if I if I do that if I tell people the right then they're not going to do the wrong and if they do the wrong it's because they've decided to do that but you don't need people in your life that are going to work against you and God will give you a wisdom so the Holy Spirit will start to talk to you about relationships he's going to provide for everything for you because you're in God's family now and you're in his house so God is going to help you to get along in every situation so as the spirit comes in he's very powerful he has a resurrection power so his personality right now as I'm talking to you the impartation it's coming to you right now through the media is that in your spirit you know that you have been given the authority and the power to become a son of God and because of that in that that incredible resurrection power that has been given in your spirit right now it separates between your soul and your spirit and you know which way you should go down deep inside of you and the Spirit will come in and super intercede it says in Romans chapter 8 verse 26 it talks about it comes in as a super intercessor taking your situation in your weakness and causing you to come forth in power he becomes the super interceder in your life taking you way above what you can go on your own the reason why is is because you were humble in your weakness and you didn't respond in Pride you said Holy Spirit today I want you to take my hand and wrap me up and take me into truth and you tell him that you can handle it you can handle the truth but I'm telling you as soon as you do that like I said these familiar spirits that have been assigned to your bloodline they're going to freak out they're gonna do everything they can to get you away from this truth but just stay in there with them and as you go through Romans 8:26 you start to see that the Spirit of God is super interceding in your weakness and causing you to overcome so that you are speaking mysteries to God in the spirit and we're gonna be getting into that in the next session with my wife Cathy we're gonna have her on and she's gonna talk about this with me how the spirit comes in and gives you words in a different language to speak to God because you're praying to God he's praying out mysteries to God he's taking the will of God that he knows the Spirit of God is taking the will of God and causing you in your spirit to agree with it even though your mind doesn't know you pray back to God the perfect will of God and then you don't agree up here because you don't know what you're saying but you agree down here and God accepts it so the spirit of acceptance inside of you overcomes all the rest of you your mind will and emotions because the spirit intercedes it's super intercedes with words that are not in understanding in the understanding realm see Paul said in first Corinthians chapter 14 verse two I believe it says that our mind is not fruitful it does not comprehend when we pray in tongues when we pray in the spirit we do not comprehend what we're saying because we're speaking to God we're speaking mysteries unto God this is what's happening here in Romans 8 so you're the Holy Spirit in the morning when you introduce yourself to him and you say hello you tell him that you want him to super intercede and you beat you yield to the spirit and if you don't have the your prayer language from being baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues you need to ask God for that and yield yourself to that it's not a mental exercise it's a spiritual thing where you it bubbles up from within you and words that are not your own language are being formed and you speak those but it might sound like baby talk but it's because it's another language and it's it's too late for you to tell me that this is not legitimate because I have spoken in languages that I don't know but people who know the language have told me what I'm saying and it's happened more than once so it's kind of too late to tell it to tell me that this doesn't exist the the speaking in tongues is in the Bible and speaking in tongues has not ended because we like I said Paul said when perfection comes word where there'll be no more tongues because we'll be perfected but that has not come he spoke in tongues more than anyone and he wants Apollo the Apostle would want us to speak in tongues because the Spirit of God is the one who's super intercedes in our weakness praying out the perfect will of God that's what the Bible says so as you progress through this eighth chapter you start to see that that God is walking you into maturity so you would tie that with Jude verse 20 where it talks about the fact that when we pray in the Spirit of God we're building our cells up because what did Paul say he said when you pray in an unknown tongue he said you're praying out mysteries but it's not revealed to the people that might hear you so in a in a setting where you are corporate a corporate setting he said it's better to prophesy or it's better to speak what the Spear saying but say it in your language so that everyone can hear you and understand what you're saying and unless someone can interpret the tongues so when you pray in the spirit in a corporate setting if you're gonna address the whole the whole corporate corporate gathering then let someone stand up and interpret by the spirit the gift of the interpretation of tongues and announce what was just said and he said it's better that a person prophesy which is just in the known language so in your personal life when you pray in tongues you don't have to have someone interpret for you because it's just Paul said it's just you speaking to God but you're building yourself up in the most holy of faith and staying in the love of God so the building up causes you to mature and then you can actually pray and I all I do this I asked the Holy Spirit can you give me the utterance in my in my language can you give me the interpretation and so I've learned to yield to English because that's my language yeah I've learned to speak it out after I pray in tongues if something would come to me that I could say in my own understanding I do it and the Lord has shown me that the the he will allow the spirits who say it what he said in tongues to say it in in my understanding as well so this is what you do every day you allow the Holy Spirit to walk you into maturity now when you've done all that and you say now Holy Spirit I want you to manifest yourself today while I go to work while I go shopping wherever whatever I'm doing I'm gonna go spend time with my family I'm gonna go spend time with my friends I give you my tongue I give you my every part of me I'm siding with you I'm not gonna resist God's will and his purpose okay when you do that you'll step outside and you'll start encountering people you've gone from this personal time of praying in tongues building yourself up and letting the Holy Spirit super intercede for you and you've allowed him to to say Abba Father through you the spirit of acceptance is in you Romans 8:15 and he's speaking out the acceptance the father accepts you as a child you're you're fully legally his he signed the adoption papers and the spirit of adoption is confirming that and the devil's start backing off so when you encounter people you you start to encounter people then you're walking with the spirit so you're walking with the with with God and any evil spirit that is around anybody else is they're gonna recoil they're gonna step back and they might even respond so people will start to act up they'll start saying things that they would normally not say and people start their personalities will start changing you see the Holy Spirit now has got you his personality is starting to become your personality and you don't you get to the place where you're not a victim anymore of course then you go into overthrow then what happens is you get bold and that's what they prayed in the book of Acts they got beat they got persecuted and they got back together after they got out of jail and they were beaten and they were told never speak in the name of Jesus anymore so they went back to their their brethren and they prayed and that the prayer was give us a spirit of boldness get-get up give us boldness to speak in that name and they became very bold and you can pray for that spirit of boldness to come on you because see the personality of the Holy Spirit is very bold he is part of creation you know he was part of creation he was brooding over the earth in Genesis chapter 1 when God spoke from his throne things were made created the Holy Spirit was hovering and brooding over over the face of the deep and he was right there to to execute every word that father spoke so the Holy Spirit is very bold he's very very focused and he wants to get things done so he's not he's not lazy and he's not late he's he he's nothing like us and in in that in that sense so when his personality starts to come over into your personality which is why I'm doing the spirit schools because I want to get everybody on the face of the earth that's a believer on the same page in maturity to where the Holy Spirit can just at one moment start speaking through you so when you're out and about the personality the Holy Spirit is going to be stronger and bolder in you then people have known so you're they're gonna start to see that you're that you're changing what that is is is that they're seeing your personality becoming more like the Holy Spirit but the evil spirits that may be around your family members and your friends and then you know your co-workers and you know just fellow human beings you know they they might be entrenched in these people well they're gonna recoil at you know they're gonna start to to respond or back away and you just keep staying in the overthrow that we've talked about in previous spirit schools and you do not allow yourself to become a victim you refuse to accept that you say no you know I'm walking with God and he's doing some things here and and you start to minister to the person you start to talk to people no matter where you go that's why when you go to church you're supposed to have a word you're supposed to have a song it's a Paul said when you know everybody you know the Corinthians say everybody has a song everybody has a prophecy he said let it be done in order so everybody came to church wanting to give a word he said let the prophets pp let them be in order he said don't let somebody stand up and interrupt somebody who's already speaking by the spirit because the Spirit of God would not interrupt himself so he was given all these different parameters because everybody had a song everybody had a word everybody was wanting to share had a tongue interpretation a tongue they all wanted to do their part but he said let it be done decently in an order okay so now these days you know you never hear hardly ever hear these things and most services so we got to get back to the place where we're coming to church with a word we're wanting to minister and you know just teach a Bible study get involved with the prayer that's your church you know just find a place an outlet where you can exercise your gifts and and if not you know just just do what I'm doing you know just just find an outlet and and go for it minister from acceptance minister as a child of God that's accepted and you you push back the devil everywhere you go so the Holy Spirit starts to move into you to where your boldness goes to a different level and the devils start to back off and then people all around you start to to get with what God's doing or they resist it and leave and this is just part of the separation this is what Jesus explained to me just just a couple weeks ago and and he explained this to me that that this has already happened that the in the spirit it's already happened you're gonna see the response of it over the next few months but it's just part of the separations you know there's sheep and there's goats there's wheat and there's tears there's wise virgins five of them and there's five unwise virgins there's there's people that hear God's voice and obey it and there's people that hear God's voice and don't obey it there's the there's the religious people that have a form of godliness but they deny the power of and there are people who walk in love who really genuinely care and they want to see God move that's the people that I want to be around that people that are hungry to hear the voice of their father and want to do the will of their father and and don't want the credit for it they want God to get all the glory for it they want God to get all the credit and that's that's you and I we just want to do what God wants us to do and we want him to get all the credit for it and and God will make it more about you when you make it more about him and that's what's happening right now like right now as we're talking so the Spirit of God is going to take you into this place where you have interceded way ahead of the calendar day that you're on so you'll pray ahead days ahead so that when you are out and about the Angels are bringing people to you and you have a word and you start to say something to a person you start witnessing to him but it's because you pray days ago in the spirit and interceded I found that I was actually calling names and interceding for people that I was gonna meet days ahead and then I would meet these people and have a word for them but it was birth in the spirit not on the calendar day that we're encountering at the time but previously because there is no time in the spirit so your life is going about to change after this weekend and you're going to live in Romans chapter 8 and you're going to go step by step through this and mature when we reach maturity when we're perfected in love then we obey God we love God and we love our neighbor as ourselves so that we fulfill the law when we love God and we love that our neighbors ourselves and and and it does say there Jesus did say as ourselves so we love God we love our neighbor as ourselves so we love everyone we love ourselves we love God and because we're fully accepted that's why we love ourselves not because we're self seeking now this transfers over into ministry now your personality has changed so you're gonna start to see people come up there there there are there all of us there are nobodies but there's somebody in God because they've chosen to walk in the fear of the Lord and in humility and in brokenness the Spirit comes in he's super intercedes in our weakness raises us up and lists us up into the heavenlies and then there is this amazing ministry that comes forth and people are not gonna believe what they're seeing through you yeah and you thought you were just called to be a mother or a father or you know what whatever and the whole time God is using you and grooming you and getting you ready for your next phase the word no matter where you're at now you understand this that it wouldn't matter to me it wouldn't matter to me if God told me to do something I would just do it so when you didn't know who I was when you you you you didn't know the price that I paid just like I don't know the price you paid but I went ahead and acted as though I'm going somewhere to happen someday for God and then when it happened it's no big deal to me because I've been living this since since 1980 when I became born-again that was I'm in my 40th year now of walking with God but I was always in my spirit where I'm at right now but I'd had the work it's out and that is what's gonna happen to you the spirit is going the spirit of holiness is going to come in and start to transform you causing you to triumph over your enemies see Paul said that he always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus he said I take hold of that which Christ has taken hold of for me your existence was because God spoke you he wrote a book about you and he proclaimed your end from your beginning before you were even born and as a Christian you have to accept Psalms 139 he's already been to your future according to verse 5 of 139 he is standing in your future he's paved away to your future and then he goes behind you and protects you from the hurts of your past that's where you're at in God in a timeless realm in your spirit right now so the same Holy Spirit that operates in that realm in your spirit he is coaching you he's he's your advocate and he's telling you that you're in overthrow he's telling you now that when you go out you're supposed to be speaking by the by the Holy Spirit to people all the time and you'll have to I don't have to act obvious about it I mean like right now as I'm talking to you I am actually in the next thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ I'm standing with him right now and this life's already done right now I'm not really where you think I am I'm talking to you from the other realm and another time because in the spirit there is no time and I'm coaching and saying things to you by the spirit to get you to finish right it hasn't even happened yet but it has happened in my spirit I'm standing here or sitting here talking to you and I'm telling you by the spirit that you have nothing to worry about because your future has already been determined by the writing of God's hand in a book and that if you'll agree with that the devil's will have to let go because you're agreeing with God and not with them the overthrow has already happened we've already taught on overthrow now we are in to this place of synchronization with the Holy Spirit where his personality becomes part of who your personality is and people are going to have a choking point where they can't handle boldness they can't handle the fear of the Lord they can't handle the fact that you have a yoke breaking and anointing on you and they'll they'll either they'll either go with you or they'll walk away and then you just let people go and you let people come and you like God through that you're a whole the Holy Spirit inside of you judge what you're supposed to do but you don't judge them gods or God God that's God's business what you do is you be obedient to what the Spirit is telling you and as you start to see these evil spirits break apart you know and and they start to have no power over you then then you'll have to go out and start to break those powers everywhere you go as well so constantly but after you God gets your domain in your environment secure and now now you're you are secure the angels are working with you and you and your environment then when you go out to work and when you go out and about you have to realize that there are still domains that need to be secured and the angels will go with you but you have a word right here in your spirit that comes out of your mouth that's fire and you tell people you know you just need to trust in the Lord and they're like excuse me what what you say I go you need to trust in the Lord the Lord has written a book about you you need to give your life to Jesus and let that book come to pass because God sees you as valuable he loves you he's forgiven you of your sins if you'll acknowledge Jesus is Lord this is what you say it doesn't matter if they want to hear it or not the devils don't want you to say these kind of things but when you encounter people if you are happy if you're just nice and happy people know there's something different about you because people just aren't like that but this romans chapter 8 as you walk through this the Holy Spirit is going to take you to the place where at the end of chapter 8 it says that that that we are more or Super conquers not just conquers we're more than conquers souq Christ Jesus he is causing us to defeat every circumstance in our life so he he the Holy Spirit gets such free reign in our life that he gets in there and starts working us as we get to the end of Romans chapter 8 we see that the Holy Spirit has causing overthrow not only in our lives but then in other people's lives so you could like right now there are people that are encountering oppression all around you but once you overcome oppression and depression once you overcome what is whatever it is that the assignment that the devil has come against you with right whatever it is right now once you establish your domain by allowing God to accept you because he has already and you become his child which you already are but you acknowledge that and you see that you are in the heavenly mansion with God and you are part of his family which means that all you everything you need and ever imagine is provided for you when you're in heaven everything is available to you no matter what it is it's all there for you it's it's just truly amazing how God thinks about us everything about what you where you live is based on what you like and when I came back here I realized that the father's heart is still the same for us down here but because we're in a broken realm we're in a fallen realm down here in the physical realm it's our separation and we die down here but we live forever in heaven our spirit is eternal so in our body we have to fight and in our mind we have to fight but we can win we have been given the ability to overcome so when you get the end of Romans I see this this truth that I saw in heaven it's the key it's the mystery it's the mystery of walking in the spirit down here is that the Holy Spirit will take you further than you could go on your own so whenever you feel like you've gone as far as you can go the Lord told me to tell people that your next step after that is a supernatural step in to the miraculous so you actually want to live on this all the time in this edge where you're weak but yet Paul said then I made strong so in my weakness strength is revealed so he said I'd rather glory in my weaknesses so that through my weaknesses God can make me strong and get glory for it so you've overcome and the implementation is is that every morning you wake up and you acknowledge the Holy Spirit and he comes and he starts to build you up and grab you in your weakness and lift you up and you start to pray in the spirit when you pray in the spirit you get to the place where you see you hear and you understand and there is a overthrow in your words to where when you go out people say whoa you know what they sense is something's different about you and then when you talk you say you have Grace on your lips you you talk with grace and you speak to the person and you value them you tell them that God values them but they have value in heaven and that God wants to make them safe you tell them that you tell them about Psalms 139 you tell them what I've talked to you about in Romans chapter 8 and the Holy Spirit has his way no this is this is the key no no you don't you don't hear this kind of teaching but this is what what he does he creates the environment that you're walking in over on to the other person while they encounter you they're encountering your environment your your environment of being synchronized with the Holy Spirit and they'll start to feel the power of the coming age you'll start to sense freedom and though since the overthrow this is your ministry it's a it's a Ministry of reconciliation where people encounter what you encounter and the devils leave and then all of a sudden they want to give their life to Lord Jesus Christ and then you just you just lead them in the prayer and the commitment you have them repent of their condition of sin and then you have them accept and verbally acknowledge Jesus as Lord and they shall be saved and then you give them instruction and then you get them into a place where they can be discipled this person then has experienced the environment of heaven because you're walking in it so I'm called to build up the body I'm called to get people to the place where they can do this so that they can also go out and witness to people and they get set free and then you can disciple these people and caused them to be spiritual giants as well and then before you know it every person that gets saved will influence at least seven people so I influence all of you times seven because I influencing you you influence seven people and then they influence seven people and then before you know it it gets to be this huge number of people being influenced and then the world gets to a place where the end shall come because the world has heard the gospel so what Jesus said and I'm Matthew 24 talking about that once the gospel is preached in all the world then the world the end shall come but not before then there's a such peace right now and I just believe by the Spirit of God that you're being ministered to in such a way you see you cannot let the fear of man get you to back off the message and you cannot let money get you to back off the message if you have to be in a studio by yourself with a camera in order to do what you got to do then that's what you got to do if you got to sit in front of your cell phone and talk to the world then you do it Paul got locked up in prison the devil thought he had him but they didn't take away his pencil his pen and his parchment so he wrote he wrote letters to the churches and now we have the Bible we have the New Testament we have his epistles because the devil couldn't stop God from talking see they they tried they try to incarcerate Paul and they couldn't stop what happened we still got his letters and we still have the Bible so whatever you're going through whatever it is that Satan has tried to lock you out of and keep you in a small place I suspect that this weekend through the personality of the Holy Spirit teaching the Word of God has allowed you to be activated to the place where you've been given permission right now on this Saturday morning to move out into the realms that might may be unknown in your in your in your physical organic brain in your understanding but in your spirit you know that what I'm saying is true what is it that you can do because that the devil can't stop you you're you're gonna live forever in the kingdom of God you're gonna be in heaven you're gonna receive rewards for everything you did down here all the wonderful things that you did for the Lord Jesus Christ you're gonna be honored for it so now what can you do right now that would would please God you cannot please God unless you have faith without faith it is impossible to please God also you cannot please God if you yield to the flesh we've already talked about this so by the spirit if you yield to the spirit you will fulfill the righteous requirements of the law you you are obedient no when you follow the spirit he's gonna manifest that means that witch's curses against you are broken that witches have no power over you that means that any curse has been put upon you is broken it cannot be effective every demon spirit that has been assigned to you because of the sins of your father's they can not operate in your life everything is broken because you're more than a conqueror that's the truth right now so let's just start there with overthrow that you're not a victim anymore and that you are adopted as a child and as a child you'll live in the household of God and the household of God has everything that is needed okay so you're gonna live forever and you're gonna get rewards for what you're doing down here so let's just start right there and let's live our lives today by allowing the Holy Spirit and his personality to overcome us and to take us Paul said listen it's as though Jesus has taken over my body and is living his life and ministry through me that is your job description is to yield to that beautiful Holy Spirit he is a person he is part of the Trinity he is Almighty God and He is the spirit of acceptance that is in Romans 8:15 but he's also the super interceder in Romans 8:26 but he's also the more than a conqueror in the end of Romans in Romans chapter 8 verses 30 on we have the most powerful proclamation of overcoming and if you would see yourself go into that place as a room like you just walk into it and then you see your graduation from not only saying no to the flesh in the first couple verses of chapter 8 but then you get to where you accept the acceptance of being a child of God as an adoption a certificate but 8:15 then you go to super interceding where the Spirit comes and takes hold of you in your weakness isn't in verse 26 then you get to the more than a conquerer and in more than a conquerer you can look at a devil and they'll just leave they they'll show themselves out I don't know why this isn't being preached like this but see Romans 8 is as is your life's checklist that you follow and Jesus instructed me just last week to tell the people to live in Romans 8 and use it as a reference and as a checklist to walk in to their calling so that we all are rerouted onto the right path at the end of this age to make sure that this generation finishes properly I am going to write the books that I need to write I am going to do the shows the programs the CDs the DVDs the books I'm gonna do it all I'm gonna do all the programs for children everything I'm gonna do it all so that the next generation doesn't fall short I'm not going to hand off my responsibilities to the next generation I'm gonna do my part and so are you so that we can wrap it up what happens is and I know that you don't you might not know this but when I was over on the other side I saw that all of us are really have a lot more potential than what we know but I saw that whatever we don't accomplish has to be made up for through someone else I saw that that for for instance some of the things that I'm doing like with the music that's because someone else did not do it you know I don't even consider myself as being you know in that field of music but God said I've chosen you to do this but he said that there were many people that are called but few of them are actually chosen because they don't qualify with their obedience they don't they don't engage God with their actions they say it with their mouths that they love God but if you love me God said you'll obey me the obedience causes a manifestation of the will of God from what is written in heaven to come into this realm when that happens it sends a shockwave likewise I'm talking right now there's a shockwave going out as I said that because all the evil spirits feel the shockwave of obedience there is a shockwave of obedience because you've just yanked something from the other realm into this realm and when you do that it shudders it vibrates this physical realm and people will will fill it so you start yanking things in from the other realm and all of a sudden people don't know what to do because they can feel it so they're gonna respond according to what's going on spiritually around you in and in their life but if they sense by the spirit that you're speaking by the spirit and you're living by the spirit they're gonna come alongside with you and be in agreement because the body of Christ is in agreement you know in spiritually we're all on the same page but we fight God we fight each other because of evil spirits because we have wrong mindsets so I know that this has helped you and I believe that the transition has happened and it's happening right now but this was necessary you know this is why I was sent back what's happening right now this is this is predetermined by God in this in this dispensation in this time that the Church of Jesus Christ hear the truth and stand up and start to fulfill her destiny as a Bride of Christ we have to be without spot wrinkle and the Holy Spirit wants to do that he is the person assigned to get the bride ready how he does that is he uses each one of us to build us up so Holy Spirit builds you up then you build each other up so the fivefold ministry of the church needs to fulfill their calling every man and woman that's called to the fivefold ministry needs to go to the exact balanced center of their calling and walk it out and be willing to die will be willing to go without if it means fulfilling your call as an apostle as a prophet as a pastor to teacher an evangelist are you willing to walk away from everything in order to do what God has asked you to do because if you are willing you are chosen you're not just called you're chosen and when you're chosen then you get everything because you passed your money test you're willing to walk away from everything that's what all the disciples did but they were always provided for and the Lord is just saying that he is gonna provide for you this time that we're going through is just to show you in your weaknesses that God wants to make you strong so the Spirit of God right now is coming in as I'm talking to you and he's building you up I can feel the power of that there's no condemnation there's therefore now no condemnation for those who are gracious as we we've already talked about you're in the case against you is closed there's no accusing voice and then you get your certificate of adoption and then the Holy Spirit comes in and talks to you and super intercedes for you and then he takes you into overthrow and then he takes you into more than a conquerer and at the end of your life you're smiling because you know that you please God because you walked in faith you believed and you received you received the promises because you saw him who is invisible you were after God and he's he is the author and finisher of your faith and he started this whole thing he called you by name before you were even born his plans and his purposes will always stand so right now as we close I'm asking you to hook up with the Spirit of Truth and allow your personality to become more like his personality to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit to be in self-control and to be patient and kind to walk in love love is patient love is kind the fruit of the Spirit being able to be self-controlled being able to to work out your salvation with fear and trembling manifesting the personality of the Holy Spirit so I believe this has helped you and I know that the power of the Holy Spirit is right now manifesting so just raise your hands and just worship God right now just Thank You Holy Spirit Holy Spirit have your way right now everyone just raise your hands and say Holy Spirit I give you my life completely I want your counsel I need your help you are the spirit of deliverance deliver me right now deliver me heal me thank you for the spirit of adoption thank you right now just thank him just thank him for adopting you thank you for being a counselor thank him just thank him say Lord Thank You Holy Spirit for being a counselor spirit of boldness on you Holy Spirit just have your way with the people and and I see the devil's just backing off just completely backing off they're letting over your finances they're letting go of all the opportunities you're gonna see so many things break open because those Devils were blocking it and now that they have been told to go you're going to see freedom right now in the name of Jesus so many healings right now and just let us know if you've been healed just let us know anything in the comments just let us know what has happened to you because this is an amazing time and I know it's not in vain I know that God has his way with his people and the Bride of Christ is going to rise up and Lords gonna come and take us away with him it's gonna be soon and we're going to please him while we're here because we're gonna demonstrate his love to that world thank you for joining me and we'll see you tonight Saturday night with my wife Kathy god bless you many people go through life wishing they could understand the realm of the spirit and the warfare that goes on behind the scenes in his brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 dr. Kevin say die helps you to develop your ability to engage the enemy on every level Kevin's brand new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 will help equip you to learn to recognize God's direction for your life encounter clarity and knowing God's battle strategies against your enemies exercise your authority as a believer walk in increased discernment through the Holy Spirit's power and much much more in this exclusive offer Kevin also prays impartation prayers on each CD to help you in your advance against the enemy order today Kevin's brand-new study guide and exclusive three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 for a donation of $29 u.s. shipping and handling included to order call eight eight eight three four zero one four six zero with offer code one zero zero T or go online to Kevin's a.com slash offer it's time to stand up for your rights as a Christian and give the devil a headache [Music] you you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 54,229
Rating: 4.9214253 out of 5
Id: FI-wz4sh_Nw
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Length: 87min 53sec (5273 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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