Encounters With Gym Douchebags (Story Time)

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I have a story time video for you guys not one not two but three stories in one video because today I wouldn't want to swim a couple dumbbells on three separate bins appendages warning this video is going to be a very extra to the point where I think of all the ones you just channel my inner [ __ ] hello let me introduce you to my inner [ __ ] this is who comes out when there's Teddy and Reed people around and professionalism gets thrown out the bowl I told you we're gonna be extra today I warned you grab your popcorn get your drinks grab your wine Fievel it's story time this is a gym story time video and I know some of my walkers don't go to the gym so let me fill you in on something when you're at the gym especially during peak hours and you're on a machine someone during your time at the gym is going to want to probably work in with you especially during peak hours and a specialist Knisley if you're sitting on the machine floor Everest someone's probably going to approach you and ask how many sets do you have left and if you respond with 7400 billion million sets then they are most likely going to ask you if they can work in now working in means that you need to share the machine you know that thing that we learned in I don't know preschool because one it's not yours and two it's actually a rule at most gyms so I'm training a client and it's her leg day so I want to warm up four quads on a leg extension at my gym we only have two leg extensions and today of both leg extensions were taking one by an older man who has walking issues so I wasn't going to ask him if he can get up and down so that we can work in with him the second leg extension was taken by a middle-aged man who likes the boxes imaginary friends in between sets nothing wrong with that but I don't like him and this is the general that the story's all about so I'm gonna reserve the right to be quite salty now this time he wasn't fighting him invisible opponents this time he was texting and sitting on the machine so I bounced on over there thinking it's not gonna be a big deal he's texting he's on a break it's probably not gonna be a big deal to let my client work in for a measly 15 reps to warm up so I pop on in and say sir can my awesome client back here get in a quick set just to warm up and he looks up from his phone and does this I have two sets left and I said oh I understand what since you're on your phone are we able to get a quick set in while you're on your break you know since you're on your phone just sitting on the machine not using it he will lift up from his phone and takes us to picky hairy fingers and does this I have two sets blessed I have two sets what puts his fingers near my face so now I'm at an incline chest press with my client so I have dumbbells right next to us so that she can go into another exercise right after she's done with her chest press we are standing about this far away from the chest press so on counting her reps one two keep your chest up back straight core tight three four and suddenly from the corner of my eye I see some man just starting to take the weights off of the chest press that we were using about 0.2 seconds ago so I keep saying sir sir-sir to the point where I have to like kind of get his attention with my hands and say sir we're actually using this machine right now and he did ask what's that me like and continue to take weight off the chest press so I said sir I'm not sure if you heard me but we are on this right now I mean my clients water bottle is there or phone my clipboard and her towel is right on the bar and we're standing like on top of it so and he continues to take weight off so I had to take this weight out of this brown man's decrepit hands step in between him and the chest press and put the weight back on to where I originally had it and then I stepped away like how the cartoons look at the people that they hate and he gives me this look back like how dare I not give him this chest press and I'm sure you'll like maybe he's from a different country maybe he doesn't speak English you know how I know he spoke English even though he said not one worked me because he got on the chest press right next to us and spoke English the whole time he was on it on his cell phone making business calls so I started taking clients at night before I started taking clients at night a lot of the other trainers were telling me how much a douchier the people at night work and I was like nah I can't get much juicier than the douchebags are in the morning so I show up at the gym all happy to see my client get ready to give her a good workout my first client my very first clients so we head over to the single cable Tower now our single cable Tower is connected to three other machines a assisted pull up right across a lab pull down to the left and AC to cable row to the right spin gym is packets p.m. this is prime our if we've got that after-school high school kids we've got the after work individuals and our college people and then the people who just want to go at night so we are jam-packed swapping sweat everywhere everybody's a nice big closed happy family so we head on over to the single cable I'm all happy honestly the gym car does not bother me it just gives me a lot more entertainment and people that talk to you so I'm in a relatively really good a happy mood so there's nobody on it right all the machines around it are taken them so the only thing I've seen or the single cable Tower is an empty really tiny water bottle thrown off to the side so I asked around all people are on the machines around us is anybody up using this and they go no go ahead and use it I say okay I'm going to so the cable machines up here and I'm gonna change it from a bar to a rope and it's more like I'm on my tippy toes I'm quite short I'm 5 - I'm very much hobbit like so I all my tippy toes struggling the change of its cable because I'm I'm run other shorts so I'm changing it being all happy and I flex my questions you know being all trainer asking asking you know their goals how to tea this weekend all that strainer and then out of nowhere this man and an extremely unsatisfied angry face he looks like Winnie the Pooh and balding is urgently rushing over in my direction so I think it's closer I set out were using this machine and boy did he answer my question he rushes up to me and says you know I was here so I'm just like no I I didn't how am I supposed to know you were using this machine when you were all the way across the gym using another machine and he says yeah that's what you people always say but what do you mean but you people money what do you mean by you people you females you you black females you black people and you women you trainer what do you mean by you people that is but I'm not following this you know you stole my water bottle of course I'm on the machines let me just get myself together whoa a little um yeah but at that moment at the gym with Winnie the Pooh standing in front of me saying all those wonderful things I lost it so he picked up the attachment I was originally on it and starts to try to like maneuver me out of the way not today Michelle come on the crews in prison are horrible orange is actually a really good color on you put the outfit suck I grabbed it out of hands you guys it was not point your finger when I started to just go off it was pinky pure pinky and my face in his face I mean imagine a 5 foot 2 it was really just like this like telling him off like that when I say I'm short I'm sure but feisty like a chihuahua I'll bite at your ankles so I was like warning I am NOT going to since there any of these words out so I want you to feel what I was saying and I grabbed the attachment from him and say work do guys this man was shook now that's what I remember saying now my girlfriend he was off to the side so there was a few more to say that bit more as thugs thrown in there and apparently I sucked on that damn water bottle but I don't remember that part the whole rest of my steps I was in a bad mood just looking at this dude leg ball he was at the water fountain Bobby was doing cardio while he was walking out the gym yeah well that was the story and boy do I feel so much better when I talked to my youtube family talking to you guys just takes that anger right out of me so thank you and what do you think that I overreact what woods do in this situation and have you yes your cute little face right there have you ran into a gym douchebag and if so tell me the story in the comment section I read all my comments and love here your guys's stories don't forget to share this story time video cell to my channel hit that notification button on pick the thumbs up button and if you like leaves pictures of food pictures of pugs pull then follow me on Instagram and I will see you guys next video may be my inner [ __ ] will make an appearance in those two [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 129,559
Rating: 4.9370427 out of 5
Keywords: Gym douchebags, The gym douchebag, alphamales, gym douche, story time, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: gtUWrtVCyQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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