Nike Obese Mannequin Promotes Obesity?

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Michelle have you seen this okay let's click this and see what it is I think it's great so Nike has released an overweight mannequin in one of their stores and some people are very happy and some people are pissed saying that it promotes obesity quite a bit of you have sent this to me and I think a lot of you are thinking that I'm gonna be like oh no how can I do this darn you Nike and I'm not I mean I did just big but it was like part of part of my act okay but I think a lot of people are expecting us business people to be like oh my gosh why are they having obese mannequins but I have seen most of the fitness people saying that this is awesome because I think it's gonna motivate more people to just be fit I'm not one that gets motivated by seeing mannequins I personally think people feel way too much focus on small things like a mannequin rather than just putting their focus on getting healthier and being more active but if a bigger mannequin is gonna motivate you guys to be more active and healthier than I am rooting for that mannequin she I've never been someone to feel bad about myself by things like mannequins or you know Barbie that has an unrealistic beauty standard I played with tons of Barbies I never had that thought like oh I want to look like this when I get older same thing with the Disney Princesses when people are saying that unrealistic beauty standards and just you know their proportions are not realistic I lost so many Disney Princess movies and just Disney movies in general that have you know the super 20 ways Hughes bacon hips as you guys know I have a boxy ass waist washed all them and I never went through my head that oh I'm going to look like that when I get older when I was playing with the Barbies that kind of a little glimpse of my brother watching Dragon Ball Z and I guess that motivated me a little bit more because I guess from my memory all I can remember is always wanting to be but maybe that like influenced me like the other girls got influenced by the Barbies I'm not sure I never watched Dragon Ball Z when I was little just caught a little bit that my brother would watch so I can only relate too much to the comments that I see that are saying oh if I was a little girl I would be so happy to see this because I thought of mannequins as just things that showed off clothes the mannequins didn't look like me then and they definitely don't look like me now a short little stubby stubby legs miniature human so I guess I've never really gotten into that but I can understand why a lot of people are happy about this so if a mannequin motivates you and makes you more connected with Fitness and makes you want to wear the clothes and then get active and move the healthier I am so happy that they are doing this so in the comment section make sure to tell me what this mannequin means to you and now it's time for my favorite part of all time about the internet is the comments where everybody is either happy or complaining let's read what they got to say I'm not against being inclusive I also didn't think it was a dig towards plus-sized women when an athletic fitness company only featured fit mannequins why do people take offense to everything now well so a lot of people I'm not sure if it's just from the fat positive community but a lot of them think that having only fit athletic models or thin models is like insulting to obese people because it's like them say that obese people aren't even there or they're not worthy of a matic and I always see those a little inspirational post saying that obese people are worthy so that was where that comment is coming from legitimately makes me tear up thinking about how this will impact girls and women to feel normal in their own body how many mannequins have looked at la Guang Angley and felt inadequate I personally have never ever ever felt that and I was a pretty thick girl before I lost my weight so I would be actually really curious for anyone that is obese do you longingly stare at mannequins why can't you just say mannequin so the original post said overweight mannequin and they were upset that they said overweight mannequin and that they called the thin mannequin just the mannequin but they said overweight mannequin about the overweight mannequin but I think it's normal to say overweight mannequin because it's like a new new thing I don't know I mean I feel like that's kind of like they're complaining over or something stupid follow-up question are they actually plus-sized or are we calling a regular size like an 8 or 10 it's less life like the modeling industry does so pretty much they're saying like are they actually a big or they just like Ashley Grammer sighs people are always saying that she is not blessed sighs enough what about mannequins for people who are not model thin or plus-sized and this is kind of my problem with this all inclusive like fashion thingy because from a business standpoint to make a manic and that fits everybody that includes every single person that's a lot of money wasted on a mannequin to me a mannequin just shows off the clothes and then you decide to try it on and then if you don't like how it looks on you then you put it back it's kind of hard to replicate every single body type it just doesn't make sense from a business standpoint to meet anybody who's Boston cause business can totally chimein I really want to hear what you have to say about that because I feel like that's a lot of money that you should be putting into your clothes or your marketing yes now they just need to make clothes that actually fit plus-sized to kind of thing with Nike you guys like they don't fit plus-sized people correctly because I don't wear a lot and I feel like I said I shop about Ross if there's Nike there I will buy it but I also will buy like adidas and whatever else kind of thing that I find that's super cheap but in a couple of those comments they were saying like oh well Nike doesn't fit as plus size girls anyway because I've trained quite a bit of like obese women and a lot of them are usually wearing Nike so I'm curious to know do you guys like Nike for me like a lot of the pants don't fit the way that I like them and I'm not obese so I don't know if it's just the way that they cut their pants or my boxy weights not a fan of this it feels like they're jumping on a bandwagon of some sort here Nike are a sports company and this doesn't shop sporty to me so like I said before obese people can actually be quite athletic I've had plenty of obese people freaking fill it in my workouts and a lot of thin people that look atletic can't even do a couple push-ups without getting their heart rate like spikes out of whack with that being said though I do think it's more of a marketing thing because as we've seen with tests holiday on the cover of Cosmopolitan Sports Illustrated magazine and everything else trying to include this whole body positivity thing it is a big moneymaker right now and they want to get those people as I'm used to saying clients because of my job consumer it's awesome now drop the plus and just call them mannequins like I said people focus way too much on this mannequin thing Jess be happy that there's a plus-size mannequin and buy the clothes if you want and if you don't then move on just one store that's ridiculous should be an every store so like I said they're in one store and some people were upset that they'd like didn't like mass-produce these things and put them in every single store but like I said from a business standpoint it might be very costly to print out two different types of mannequins why is this a plus-sized mannequin and the mannequins that's we're already there are considered the norm this is all so ridiculous what people just like to complain I mean she does have a point more people have that body shape in the one over there but I mean if you don't say flesh size on it where are the girls that are bigger going to be able to find the clothes for them that like like oh god it's like you like I probably should never speak because I think I guess the word plus-size is offensive now I don't know what to say I'm gonna offend someone Nike just got themselves a new client this is so overdue see that's great she jelly is is gonna buy some activewear well period this looks like me with a very like unsettling face well I see like unsettled I'm not sure if camera is like happy or neutral or like frightened finally real people featured I'm there's still people that look like the other mannequins I like when people say like Oh real people like first of all they're mannequins and second there's still like people that look that can resemble the mannequins that have been around forever Bishop help plus-sized ladies feel better about getting active and if that's what it does and I am all for it I think that's awesome I want people to be excited to go to the gym or workout and be more active all well being cute while doing it I don't know about you guys but when I wear cute outfits it does motivate me to be more active with my cute active wear I definitely still think it's a marketing thing to bring on more a different type of consumer but if it gets everybody motivated that's a good thing and that's what I think I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that subscribe button make sure to thumbs up this video I also just binge it on a tray of Blondie's and I made a video about it so if you have trouble with overeating and binging and you think that someone like me is perfect then it just all goes away it does not and I posted a video and I linked it below two videos and one day because I know a lot of you guys struggle with that so go ahead and check it out guys always ask me where my programs are I link them all below the fat-burning program and my special programs like my obese adverting programs all three levels beginner to a beginner to intermediate is on there add mass will be coming very shortly whole bunch of other stuff on there if you have any questions just make sure to email me or send me a DM or leave me a question in the comment section on my Instagram and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 61,945
Rating: 4.9531951 out of 5
Keywords: TESS HOLIDAY, SPROTS ILLUSTRATED, NIKE, eff your beauty standards, READING COMMENTS, weight loss, weight loss journey, weight training, nike academy fitness, nike fat manequin, NIKE PLUS SIZE, PLUS SIZE, FAT MANNEQUIN, SELF CONFIDENCE, BODY CONFIDENCE, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, MICHELLE, MCDANIEL, SELF LOVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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