White People Start a PETITION to Replace Black Littler Mermaid??

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all right we thought Yoshi here trying out for the part of Ariel and you know whenever you're ready and go whenever you're ready you can you can you can start man the song started whenever you're ready you can start alright next just well I missed you guys I went out for the part of Ursula and Yoshi went out for the new part of Ariel and they had the audacity okay the audacity to tell us no I mean we are talented drop a note baby I mean how could they not because they said they were looking for something new something to change it up something more diverse doesn't get more diverse than us how could Disney screw us over I watched this when I was just a little girl I just serve this I mean we deserve this because we both want this Yoshi is honestly born to play this part and it pisses me off that they didn't pick her because she clearly looks like Ariel good at those idiots pick at Disney Studios oh oh it's a black girl oh then we good fair I spoke with my channel and if you are new here hi my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a cosplayer a personal trainer and mommy to a future actress pug named Yoshi I'm the mom of a future actress pug acting pup my baby's gonna be a star so if you haven't heard the live-action version of the Little Mermaid is going to grace the screens and the movie theaters some time in the future and some people are very paced and some people are very happy and by that I mean white people are very pissed and black people are quite ecstatic and as always it's another white versus black extravaganza people argue about the color of a cartoon character Disney's live-action The Little Mermaid will star a black Ariel every Disney Princess for the past 30 years has had Ariel's face now Ariel has a new face Disney's forthcoming live-action Little Mermaid is set to star actress and singer Holly Bailey of the RV duo Chloe ex Holly as Ariel variety reports that means that one of Disney's most iconic princesses is going to look quite different this Ariel will be black black [Music] and the people of the internet are all discombobulated because of such things so I usually tell you the end of the video before I read the comments but I will tell you my opinion right now darling I would be lying if I said I am NOT excited to see a black girl play as a lead for an iconic Disney Princess I mean I love Tiana she's strong opinionated was poor her father died she saved the prince it was broke himself and honestly quite a douchebag playboy in the beginning started her own business without a help of a man which became a very successful business I might add and she is forgotten and not given you had 1/4 the amount of credit as that girl that turns things to ice so the little seven-year-old Michelle is wheeling because Wow a girl that has the same color as me I have hair like that really makes me feel awesome even as an adult as I'm sure many other black girls wear bra skin girls are feeling because most little girls watch The Little Mermaid when they were little and as I said before I never really wanted to be one of the princesses but it's always nice to see a little bit of color in a famous princess I personally don't care please roll under a couple of conditions are they talented can they see is the acting going to show me is it going to pull on my heartstrings and make me feel some type of way if it escaped or the role to hop on this whole train of over all inclusive we're gonna have everybody be different look different every different body sizes different shapes colors everything and she didn't earn the [ __ ] off of talents than you but if she got the part because she was amazing and she did an amazing job during the audition and the casting director was blown away by her performance good for Disney for changing it up honestly between you and me honey I think they're just doing this to get some black points and they totally are from a lot of people and they will get my black points all right here Disney see this you're gonna get these once I see the movie and if she's amazing all of these black points are yours either way I think it's awesome I'm excited because Disney and I'm black and I'd love to watch another black girl get a lead role and hopefully kill it is that bad baby but I don't care it's the truth from me honestly sometimes I wish they were really random and just made her indian or asian because let's be real they don't really have that much representation on lead roles in America at all but that's not what's gonna get money black versus white does it always just stirs up some awesome reactions so there's a new hashtag called not my Ariel you know a lot of people were saying not my president with Trump so they're doing the same thing with Ariel because she's black and she doesn't have the classic white skin and iconic red hair that the original Disney character had so I thought it would be fun to read some comments to you guys so in pineapple papaya avocados post they say it's really sad day for Disney fans then they post a picture of Ariel with her foot up and then right below it is the model that's gonna be playing Ariel in the future film petition to recast Lincoln by oh oh my god people have the time to get a petition to recoil my like you I can't why all snowflakes so damn pressed that she ain't white though the og story of the Little Mermaid was made in Denmark 1837 and the author didn't give her name a race or anything like why are y'all so damn pressed y'all have 12 other white Disney Princesses and Ariel is a cart a cart oh okay she continues down below a cartoon fish whose skin tone has no correlation to the story y'all need to consider other things too like the singing and the acting and Halle has an amazing voice better than most of y'all's fave and she fits the personality of the character too like damn last time I checked fishes had no ethnicity and then pineapple papaya avocado comes back and says because it's sad to see your childhood fantasy get ruined especially if she was your favorite princess Sarla seven one six says hashtag not My Little Mermaid people are really upset about this I understand wanting more diversity but why not make more princesses why change a beloved franchise I mean like I said at the beginning we also at having Princess Tiana she gets forgotten someone who might not know me meek might think I'm acting biased but I like it stories if it wasn't a good story at that but it was great and I really feel like it wasn't really pushed out there because she was black would love to hear your guy's opinion on that once again I am very happy that this black girl got a a conic princess role I think it's super cool to see different types of people play a role and see how they portray it just like with cosplay I get a lot of messages saying wow you like are able to cosplay all certain characters and I get these from like little black girls and they're like I'm always scared to cosplay because there's not that many black characters but you motivate me to be able to dress up like these characters and put my own spin on it why not I think it's amazing she doesn't even look the slightest bit like Ariel I will shave my head some of these people are not cosplayers you don't have to look exactly like the role you pick and choose certain things and little accents from the character that you love and then you apply it to your own body and that's how you portray the character but they all were so faithful to the cartoon version cry fees not when it came to my favorite Disney Princess please go support this me at white underscore Ariel just hope her weave stays on underwater okay that was kind of funny but have you seen the magic tricks people can do nowadays with wigs water ain't gon stop no weave no mall so um where is Gemini brush up on your weave methods you can play in a bug's life live-action but not this you tried I guess I like the people who are trying to play it off like this chick is like the most hideous girl ever she's gorgeous can they just make a new princess and leave the classics alone they already tried that Tatiana was a freaking boss and no one cared and now we have a blackberry all calm down people it's not that serious truly sad laugh face no shadows wind a little girl from Harry Potter destroyed Beauty and the Beast kind of to you guys like I was so excited for Beauty and the Beast I didn't care who played it I was actually very excited because Hermione was playing it and I liked Harry Potter and I wasn't too sold on the whole Beauty and the Beast acting thing I feel like they just kind of went with a girl who looks like Belle instead of getting an actress who really could portray the personality of the singing and like the skill to sell this park so maybe they listen to the reviews on that and did something different with this movie stop using a person's race against them Cinderella was portrayed by blondes brunettes and the beautiful brandy afro-american oh my god remember that movie I watched it so many times I still have the songs downloaded on my phone the good old days when we didn't question how a white man and a black woman birth an Asian child we just took it in and accept it because we love to Disney and we loved the story growing up through and everything my god just be quiet enjoy the movie make it fun for your kids calm down this chick has talking on my Ariel four times so in the beginning of this video we were really upset that yo she didn't get the role and it was kind of like a little joke you know know there's people out here that are very pissed because they look like Ariel and they didn't get the part and they feel like they deserve the part and the girl who tried out for it doesn't deserve it and so they're very upset this girl named herself Ariel who is or are you Ariel bees or something something like that I feel like it's Ariel and then and then the last letters but she is very heartbroken that she didn't get the part or someone who looks exactly like the cartoon didn't get the part let's read what she has to say a black girl cast as The Little Mermaid hurts us share to support green checkmark hashtag not my Ariel and she is a beautiful girl and she does look very much like an Ariel a traditional Ariel would look but at the same time you do have to think about is she telling it can you sing can you act can you sell the story did you ever just think that little black girl is better than you at those things it all comes down to talent unless you have some type of connection and appears like you don't go calm down and enjoy the movie but before that let's read some of the comments stop this we need a real Ariel cry faces white people have so many princesses and all black people have is Tiana don't know why you're complaining I mean true right we have one princess and like I said she's forgotten like they were really getting mad over one Disney princess being black I feel like it's a lot of grown-ups being upset because they grew up with this and they want to let that other Condorcet they want you know their whole fantasy to come to life it's a fantasy you can make it whatever you want fantasies aren't really you know that right and people have different versions of two seas hashtag not my Ariel every time I've seen a redheaded little girl today I've thought about this we will always immortalize the Little Mermaid so a lot of redheads are very upset because this is the only princess that they can identify as Sam I wonder how that feels there isn't any latina princesses and I'm not crying that's another thing there's no Latino ones I wish they would come out with like some latina princesses Indian princesses Asian for instance all different types of princesses that have really good storyline and put good quality work in them and get pushed and marketed like frozen dead I feel like they won't be as popular though unfortunately the producers and whatnot are gonna do what sells how does it hurt you that a black girl was cast because there is thousands of redhead girls out there who was associating themselves with a Little Mermaid since the very childhood why it wouldn't hurt us imagine if the same thing has happened vice versa and the main role in the cartoon The Princess and the Frog was given to a redhead wouldn't black girls be offended once she does have an okay point because people would go ape yeah but at the same time what a slap in the face okay let's take the only black Disney Princess and then make her whites not really quite the same Ariely the race of Ariel has zero correlation with the story as it did in princes of the Frog so try again and I think she's correct and I haven't seen princess in the frog in quite some time I shouldn't watch it whenever I make these videos I always have to rewatch the the video that I'm talking about but I think in princes in the Frog they were living in certain housing that a lot of black people lived in it was very historical the race of Ariel was never really a main point it was the fact that she was half woman half fish that was the point and and she now has two legs so a lot of people in this girl's comment section was saying oh you should have thought in the role you're perfect for this role you're a perfect Ariel not a Disney fan right now thank you darling unfortunately just because random people on the internet think value are perfect for the role doesn't make you perfect for the role why didn't she put herself in front of a producer and then be better than holly was so you know how a lot of people were commenting that you know as a young girl they had red hair they couldn't identify with any princesses and so like they need her to obviously look like Ariel because they need her to have the red hair well sources say that the new Ariel is going to have red hair so there's literally nothing to worry about she's going to have classic red hair while she has brown skin yeah everything's fixed and everyone can stop fighting because she's got the classic red hair so calm down so I don't know about you guys or if this is just a talk that comes up with your friends but I know absolutely no one not one person nobody in my friendless and I have friends of different colors white black Asian anything I have a very diverse friend group and nobody is upset that Ariel is black the only thing that my friends care about is is the movie going to be good because we love Disney Ariel could have been Chinese I would be super excited and super happy if the movie and the acting and the story was great and I think that's what most people want out of this but people who are getting all upset about this and literally have the time to go on Instagram and complain start a hashtag have nothing to do and probably complain about everything in their life especially the girls that we're saying that they should have gotten the part because they look like her let me tell you something about acting honey so look isn't everything you've got to have that talent so calm down you're looking a little bratty there were some extremely hilarious memes though that I just want to share with you guys and just brighten up the the mood what started with me clicking on this the Lord of the Rings The Return of the King who's dying because black people are so intense with this they're going crazy on the internet with this they got Beyonce in the back center oh my god with his jheri curl so then I found myself in a whole bunch of different beans keep complaining about the little mermaid and guess who's gonna be next the rest of Ariel sister is about to be like yes keep complaining and we gonna remake Hemans ass too and then there was this really cute drawing a by Carlos grandmother draw that I thought was very cute I wanted to share with you guys so it's just a couple pictures of the new Ariel hugging the classic Ariel both of these super happy you've got the older Ariel fixing the black Ariel hair and also fixing her crown because that's what supportive women do you are going to do great no need to worry I want you to have my dinglehopper for good luck oh wait I forgot sorry to change the mood back to Kalon is there just this one that was kind of funny it's gotten reposted oh wow I have watched this movie over a hundred times in my childhood I have never recalled Ariel having that color skin tone girl Real Talk doesn't buy the foundation skin tone is not your strong suit next and that one was funny to me because just be quiet so you guys know my opinion you know the people of the Internet's opinion now what's your opinion remember I read every single comment and I think by the time but I post this I'm going to be sick in bed with a heating pad and a glass of ginger and tumeric tea waiting for you guys to comment because I'm going to be bored so entertaining me you guys and make sure to hit that subscribe button hit the thumbs up button if you like this video and I will see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 75,522
Rating: 4.7738571 out of 5
Keywords: not my ariel, not my littler mermaid, the littler mermaid, ariel, black ariel mermaid, black ariel little mermaid, black ariel motorcycles, white people petition new mermaid, white people petition the little mermaid, live action little mermaid, little mermaid is black, live action disney movies, live action disney movie trailers, live action disney songs, halle bailey singing, halle bailey, chloe x halle warrior, disney, michelle, mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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