Taking Worlds Worst Traffic & Making it Disappear in Cities Skylines!

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look at that that has gone all the way down the highway all the way to over here wow that is really really bad and this more into a roundabout rather than a about hello everybody and welcome to the next picture city with me biffer here in the city of Lockwood sent in by a doctor bird oh thank you very much for sending in if you would like me to fix up your city whether it's traffic or industries or you need some beautification some parks doing you've got other issues then check the description below it tells you how to submit your city and then I can take a look at it I don't promise to fix everybody city I get sent so many but I pick ones that I think will make a good video and then we get stuck in so we have traffic here and we have we have ships that are just going through each other like that traffic is about 40% so sometimes you get cities that are a complete disaster and the only way you're gonna fix them is completely rebuilding them sometimes you get cities like we've seen recently they're absolutely perfect and they've still got traffic and then sometimes you get cities for it you can just somebody just really loves and enjoys the game they're not a city planner but it's still a pretty darn good city you can see they've spread out all over the place they've worked their way up to all this sort of stuff is they've got cargo planes coming and going look at that now fortunately some locks on the highway so we won't talk about that hopefully the place complaints can avoid that we've got our industry area up over here which is pretty good but some of the areas with traffic let's just find out oh we've got art this is always what something that causes a lot of traffic yeah there we go so we've got some traffic coming up and down there so this area needs to be sorted out we've got some traffic problems in this area down here as well it's all backing up but if it keeps going it's gonna hit the highway back here we've had we've had a morning up at the hospital this morning my my little own my youngest needed to have some tests nothing to worry about but you need to some tests and we were up there all while say all morning all day it's like four o'clock - and bus four and I'm back so I'm just seeing if I can get a video done of you guys for tomorrow we've got this here and also you know just Metro this little Metro just goes round here yeah anyway so there's that and we've got this a maybe it's a lots of little pockets that we need to sort out this is backed up right onto the highway and it's causing issues over here I am gonna start here because this is looking pretty bad so if we come out of that view we can see it's coming up here yeah and it's gonna start hitting back here any moment soon that's going rounds here and it's this one this turbine interchange where the merging is two lanes into one which is okay when the traffic isn't too bad but as you can see the traffic is pretty bad so some rules of thumb all 43-percent there we go so laws of thumb when you're doing the things like this you don't want all these lanes far too many lanes and if you have a look a bit closely as well lots of people crossing over so it's obviously a busy area so what we're gonna do we're gonna do two things we're gonna change this to a three lane highway like that I'm gonna see if I can just ever so slightly use the Move it mods and turn this more into a roundabout rather than a about which is what it looked like oh you've got a double lane road here going in an adult well that only needs to go out doesn't it you only need three coming in for you going out what we'll do with that being a minute so that's that and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna say on the roundabout I thought you can hold shift bang does the whole thing then we'll do the nose on the roundabouts can go through the junction that we speak about episode after episode and it makes such a difference so they don't stop when they get to this Junction they keep going round if that is what they wish to do and then of course we need to help the people so we're gonna put a path or two in here and then we're gonna do one over there so now everybody can get around from every side of their islands and hopefully that will go a little bit better and it will keep moving things a little bit smoother and there we go we'll coming on yeah let's let the traffic go down a bit and see how that helps and we'll come back to that area let's just remember where it is yet it's over here helps okay it's by the farm area right there yeah we'll come back to that right let's continue we've got an area over here that's really backed up look at that that has gone all the way down the highway all the way to over here wow that is really really bad well the first thing I'm gonna look at is when they come off the highway down here what is going on here you've got that coming on going up yeah you know having that you're not having that sorry is to check on the lanes here to see how this is going and you know what the easy thing that we've been doing recently to fix that or 47% traffic is going up is to grab our two-lane highway this was in the mass transit DLC everybody that doesn't listen the mass transit don't listen and then you type in the comments oh and got that what we're good so there we go so they can get down there and that gives us one lane for going off two lane for going straight on we're gonna do the same on the other side the lane mathematics so that's good to anyone it wants to go past can go past and then we're gonna is this what is this I'll tell you what we'll do this but take that out I'll also say you quit Zippity let's use the mod here hold shift everybody coming on gives way yeah then we'll do this one if you're on the roundabout go through the junction go through the junction not you you get through the junction and you go through the junction and then you've got that again you've got that problem where when they first come in they're gonna bump into each other but as it moves along which is going to take a while things will start going better okay we're gonna do that we're gonna have this road go over the top like that so they can get in without getting in each other's way we're gonna stop these guys turning so what's gonna be the quickest way we'll just use this tool here and say no you can only go straight on and then you hear one just straight on one for lights that is it so anybody leaving this area has to go through there and what we're gonna do is I could see what you've done here you try to give people more access to the highway I'm gonna do that but we're gonna go over the top like this yeah that didn't help the shape of the roundabout did it but it was horrendous already ah there we go not too bad so now they can leave if they want look this is all going it's getting better what do we at 47 it is getting there sometimes you just need to let these things run and then over here oh look you've got this right here and look at your train traffic oh my life okay that's my chair squeaking all right let's just check this roundabout here you've gone through a two-lane that's fine as long as it's set up light let's do your priority signs and straight through and then we'll do the lanes as well so we're gonna have only one lane for going off and one lane for going round one lane for going off when they forget round one lane for going off one leg for going round and the last Junction like that so that will get that moving but then having this right by this is just nuts absolutely nuts because this happened basically everybody is getting in each other's wine or trying to go out so we really could do with moving that like just midway through the setup for this area here as you can see we've got a little what I like to call cargo sponge in here so the traffic comes off goes through there comes along here drops off comes back round that joins the roundabout over here we've got a secondary roundabout off of our main roundabout there's a few things you're gonna get this you're gonna get lots of traffic still coming out of where the cargo station used to be even though it doesn't exist anymore I've then disconnected some of your train lines got the main train line comes down under here goes through here and goes past you've got this and passenger station right here which did sort of connect then you've got another cargo station over here and it's just sort of too much I'll be honest and so let's just take a quick look let's this I mean having that connection right next to there is nuts you can have you one coming off in your one going in but then you get this where they're sort of blocking each other so I mean what you could do is do it as one way so if you get your one-way train tracks this one here and we can say look you can go up here there we go so that now comes out of there and goes that way and that's gonna stop trains coming in from this direction hopefully bypassing this and going down there as well what I do possibly want is a bypass oh my goodness me that is far too close together like you've got this you've got this bypassed around the minute our mainline goes straight through here so I'm gonna try and get a bypassing then try and hook this up somehow I mean ideally you want your cargo and your train lines all entirely separate but hopefully this will get going yeah let's get this finished off and then hopefully all of this traffic look it's moving nicely I've disconnected some of these rows from here as well so they're not all connected to this row going through so once you come past the roundabout you can just keep on moving and we don't want these guys to stop here so we're gonna say you keep going through and I've done a bit of lane management there so only they can go in everybody else has to go left to right keep going so anybody that wants to come down here has to go around the roundabout back up again it just stops any cars crossing over that is looking good and then these can unload nice and quickly look they're all lined up the right way so I think get in each other's way or there we know it's silly but there we go and that means these trains will get moving well that is running much better than it was before yes we've still got trucks appearing out of nowhere down here where the cargo station used to be but that's fine and where these back up because they always do you've got a nice sponge here plenty of space that you can always make bigger just so it doesn't back up onto your highway that is the way to do it right let's find another area that we can fix up what are we at at the moment 53 percent okay so we've got this little area down here looks like we've got a one-way roads coming in and hitting this roundabout the first thing I'm gonna do is check this roundabout let's do all the give way signs and stuff for people coming on let's do the I mean these two roads here are two flows to each other this one going down here and we might be able to make it work let's give it a go so everybody on the roundabouts gets to go through but not you so that's gonna do that why is that a one-way road there this is like whoops wrong button so all these lanes go down into one little tiny Lane can't we not let people in we've got going in down there oh okay all right I'll see what you've done well let's just change this around look let's use the net picker to pick this road to Annette what it is and then we can just upgrade the whole of this to that load you just don't need all of those lanes and then that should get things shifty fine let's just speed things up a little bit and that should just sort of hand block itself reasonably quickly ever again that's not too bad so this is unblocked this is unblocked this is unblocked and the less cars coming down here the more these can go and then once all of those have gone they won't build up as much I don't think I mean you've done this thing we've uses great big six lane roads in massive one-way systems but I'll allow it I'll allow it today but normally it's like don't do that what are we at 54% that will just get that moving a little bit quicker we'll come come back and check on these things but I think that's not doing too bad whoa what have we got going on over here Wow massive tailback so you got the highway here two entrances to the highway in this thing with far too many lanes is that both directions ah that's yeah you got a road in there going both directions as well as one go I don't know what's going on here well we're gonna immediately change that to three lane highway and that yeah that's fine and then we're gonna do the roundabout fix thing there we go and then we're gonna do this so you can go you can go you can go and you can go so that will get that moving and you've got this road here which is not going in there turning right there coming down there and then going back up around there so this the idea of this road here is to get people to move quickly up this way and you've also got a load of trees in the load you can actually easy fix that I use the move in mod select a junction go up and down there you go and it just rewrites the road and removes them for you so here we are gonna say you can just keep going so we are gonna get that one man we're gonna change this as well to a slip road so let's do that you've just got one lane in there and we're gonna say no you're not turning that way you just keep on moving not seeing you just keep going and this one here we're gonna change to an asymmetrical roads so some of these extra loads by the way network extensions - is the mod that you need three plus two so let's change that so you got three coming down still for these guys over here but now we've only got two coming up which Plus this little slip lane brings it back to sweet again so that's just keeps that going and then we'll say anybody coming up you can go straight through you can go straight to yeah so that just keeps all of that move in so that's that and then these coming down here we don't walk going up that way so we're just gonna say it's just pause to say you hear that come on come on now come on it's there I can see it you go there and then everybody else you go there and there so that stops there the what are you getting in each other's way and then we'll just say everybody in that joke you keep going you keep going don't stop just keep moving and just keep moving and then here you've done the same thing when you're placing loads turn the anarchy mode off there we go so let's just have a look at this so that's gonna take a while to clear all of that up but it will believe me and then down here we're gonna make this the main road let's just check yeah so I've held I've used this one here add floor two sides held shift it's selected the whole road and everybody coming on now has to give way so what we're gonna say is and you come off this roundabout you can't go up there you just have to go straight on and you have to just keep carrying there we go and then we're gonna say you go through you go through and the same here you go through you go through okay that's all the way to the end and then coming down here we only want one lane for turning left so we'll select that road and say one for left straight on and straight on we'll go to the next Junction one for left straight on a straight on one for left straight on the street and then we get to the corner note one for lastly on the straight on and then it's the corner so that should just get that moving a little bit more we could do the same coming down the other side as well so of course then it's one for light straight on a straight on and then we do the same here wonderful light straight on a straight on and that just is gonna help things keep on moving here why are you stopping there oh I know why you wanna let them change lanes here so when you're coming up here change lanes if you wish there we go see if you want to get into the lane to turn left what's gonna happen here it's just gonna too many people are trying to get up here but we don't want them to do it we want them to go all the way along there so you're not gonna do actually I'm gonna just rescind all of that that I've just done and make these roads one-way coming out and if you want to get round there you figure this way around the back cleave it all up what are your coming in okay oh this is getting tough okay I've been letting the game run for a bit and this is the roundabout that we fixed before that is pretty much cleared out that's going really well traffic is at about 71% at the moment a couple of changes here I've changed this road going out on this road coming into a three lane highway just to match up with our three lane highway on our roundabout here I've also put a little tiny slip lane coming off the side there because a lot of this traffic that's coming along here wants to come off the side there so that as helps let's go back across to our Oh where's the thing that we set up before here we go it's gonna be down here somewhere yeah here we go there's hardly any cars here at all that is fantastic and we are at let's have a look 67% so still got the bits that need working on so yeah I'm gonna continue looking around the city but the average we've done so far are doing pretty well oh and here we go this is the other area we set up remember with a little load that went over the top that is nice and clear as well they'll be pleased to see that what about this little island we've got here big main road coming down the middle lots of traffic going on let us see what we can do here let's first of all check out the roundabouts this is a bit silly you don't want a little tiny road like this going into a great big Road you might as well just give them all three lanes to get stuck into so let's just use our little tool to grab that a lot great that you don't want anything in the middle that is like the worst thing you can do on a roundabout so we're gonna delete all of those and what have you done here you've like I think you've used the roundabout builder after you've done all of this and yeah that's what we're gonna do we're gonna use the move it model and we're gonna shift that do you know what I'm just going to delete it yeah let's not talk about that there we go um and then let's just have a look at your loads here yeah not bad let's just make sure this roundabout is set up correctly there we go keep things moving it's only got two lanes but we can do that we've only got two lanes I really do recommend doing your lane management like this to making sure you've got one lane going off from one lane coming around so we do that yeah and then if you're gonna do that there we go is then you want to make sure as well that at each Junction you can say it's okay to change lanes if you wish so coming on going round probably only need the one going around saying change lanes but I'm doing both anyway whoops there we go do you both on they're just they've got place to change lanes and you my friends I'm not gonna be in here anymore good bye good bye so that will clear that up that will help this we want this to be a main road down here so let's grab that and do shift and then we'll just change that bank wait get off give way there we go that keeps these guys moving also what we could do is they're basically trying to go around there to leave is we could just give them an extra little slip lane to get out of the city easily 54 percent nose drops wow that has drops a lot yeah that part needs to move I'll move that in a minute we're gonna say you go up there I move anything right on the roundabouts you just don't want it don't anything right on the roundabouts all right next to the roundabout yeah so they'll go up there and then we'll say when you get up there all we want you to do is to go that way and then we could change that again for that asymmetrical road that we use before this one so then things match up correctly yeah like that you've got the two lanes plus the one lane and we're just a little bit of lane management there and that will just keep moving or take out the traffic lights don't need traffic light and we'll say you just keep going through keep going through keep going through you can keep going through and that might just help everybody trying to get out of here just a little bit more so that's the end this end again you've got a roundabout that you've you've had an icky on while you were building it so let's just do that and it's got four lanes we'll make it work we'll use this there we go so that can do that we're then gonna take off any of this in the middle we goes I've set that roundabout up correctly bit of a move if mod to change the shape of it and that will just get all of this moving and then this down here where you've got you've done the one way in and one way out thing again you've got a big old car go oh you've got a big old car go thing going on here I see I see now we could make that one way or we could just put a roundabout at either end that might be the way to go just to keep this all moving smoothly let's check out this area here I've done a little bit of work so we can see the load coming in on the road coming out is much clearer we've got a roundabout here and that's all been set up in the way that you know how roundabouts work and then heading up here towards our cargo station I've got an asymmetrical rose and one of the lanes will split off here into our cargo sponge about to add a little bit of one of those in just some extra road because every now and again you'll get a load of cargo traffic coming through and he just needs somewhere to back up to so it doesn't fill up your main road and then the other two lanes continue on down here this was one of those great big three lane roads with the weird turning lanes like these ones here I've left it round here just doesn't really matter just get cars driving over each other this shouldn't be used in huge big sways like this it's meant to be just used at the end of a junction but anyway anyway I've left that this is all two-lane roads coming rounds here and then when we come out I've done a bit of lane management here just to keep all of this moving so these guys can come down here and go light and use this lane to go on the highway that way or use that lane to go on the highway the other way and they just keep going through the junction these go straight on these go straight on these go straight on and can change if they want so the ones coming from the other direction can get onto the highway here they've got this road that goes that way or this one that goes underneath and joins that one and that just keeps it all going there wasn't this other road that came up here I've removed that if they want to they can come down here and go around and it's fine you can see this road down here is causing all sorts of problems everybody wants the middle lane hang on a sec yeah let's just downgrade all of this two lanes either way there we go you just don't need that it's just that's not the way you use that roads there we go and we just do that all the way around the outside now just help people decide what they're gonna do with their life there we go it's amazing how much difference a road change can make there we go so that area there look at that it's been solved and it's working really really well this is a little bit slow coming out of here they keep stopping they shouldn't do I've got it set up so they don't I don't think there's any stop signs in there anything let's just do a quick check no stop signs or anything but that is where it's at really well I'm really pleased with that okay so we're finishing up with traffic at 79% which i think is pretty darn good for this city and there's a lot of other things that need changing and fix in which I'll let you do for yourself don't forget set your roundabouts up correctly and do your lane mathematics as well three lanes if one goes go down to two lanes if one comes on go back up again that sort of thing makes a world of difference and look at that truck holding up the roundabouts come on your Monet drive properly yeah I think he's a bit wired by the ambulances never mind if you've enjoyed this one don't forget to hit subscribe in the notification bell and leave a like as well and I will see you very soon for some more fix your city thank you all for your support as well take care bye bye I think I've missed out a give way sign on there I'm gonna fix that see you soon bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 196,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines broken, cities skylines expert
Id: ykYYO0pjCA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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