6% Traffic...You Won't Believe It Until You See It...!

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you know sometimes I'm sent a city to fix and I load it up and I look at it and think you know what on first glance that just looks great there's some nice little junctions in here not much traffic this really can't be that bad surely and then I have a look at the traffic menu and it 16% all the roads everywhere so now I'm thinking how bad can this get because it's absolutely horrendous let's just zoom in wait for the game to catch up and check out some of these junctions I haven't even started playing the game yet it's literally still on pause and it is just traffic absolutely everywhere oh my goodness so what I'm gonna do is do what I did yesterday I may or may not put a time lapse in but how bad can this get I'm gonna leave it there I'm gonna put it on fast speed and see whether that goes any lower by the way these warnings turned off as always like let's go 15% that was very that was a very quick drop that was 14% owner 11% I haven't even left the room yet 10% I saw there is this gonna be the worst one I've ever fixed I think 4% was the lowest 3% something like that let's see how it goes we might actually end up losing all the population before it gets too bad I don't know always getting worse we're down to 9% I saw the look at our vehicle limits here it's still at 75 77 % vehicles oh mama Oh 8% oh my goodness me it is getting worse we're losing so much population though 36,000 what I'm probably gonna do is see how bad it gets and then I'm just gonna reload the game again as it was sent to me because this is horrendous oh I missed it there we got 7% how low they're gonna get before we've run out of people that really is the question isn't it just notice 6% I'm just replying to some comments in the background they just got the potential to be the worst one ever oh my goodness me okay I think we put this poor city through enough we got it down to six percent as you saw in the time-lapse we've lost a ton a ton of people so why don't we dive in and try and fix this up let's follow this traffic in and see where the problem is so the cars are coming down here they're going over the top here yep continuing down this road here chock-a-block chock-a-block chock-a-block chock-a-block and then we've got this junction some are coming off and they seem to be coming off and joining back on again are they doing stupid things like that let's use the in-game tool pick this road you're gonna let me pick the road junction routes yes no they're not okay that's good come on that menu thank you so then coming down here oh my goodness me lots more cars jewelry Inc right no one's going straight down a lot of shootin off and I can already see we've got all the lanes being blocked by people want you to go up here you know what we're gonna do my goodness me that's noisy you know what we're gonna do here we're gonna use the lane tool and we're gonna say straight on straight on and that one's turning right and then we're going to downgrade this to two lanes and I reckon that is just instantly gonna solve a load of problems so two loans two lanes to lanes you didn't need to do both for that did we we just need to downgrade it so now anybody along here that wants to go straight on can go straight on it's three lanes there one two three we need that to be three lanes because this has gone to four then it's going back through let's just do some lane mathematics here I'm not gonna go that far back got this bit here got four lanes oh I see what you've done because you got that wandering in one going off down to three lanes there we go look and then another one goes off so this can go down to two lanes and this is gonna help one comes back on back to three lanes there we go three lanes three lanes one goes off that's a two lane so hopefully these guys are gonna start moving along once these idiots of move so anyway it comes up here comes down there and then they're all turning around and going up there to come down over here ah so this this is the main problem okay let's just pause one second we need a proper Junction in here where people can turn around if they need to and where they can come on and off um I do have a selection of intersections so let me find a good one for here most of these are from Timbo if you want to check him out on Steam as a load of good intersections but let me find a good one that's gonna fit in here and solve the problem force okay I've stuck this little intersection here with a roundabout have done nothing counts to set it up yet let's just yeah all the cars are gonna disappear we should we'll help the traffic a bit some of them would dive back onto the roads yep there we go so we need to just make sure this is set up correctly let's just yeah we've got some stop signs and traffic lights and all sorts of things so let's take out any traffic lights of antique and this is basically gonna act as a roundabout none on there that's fine all the roads coming on off here we could just do a little squeak along the top here we're gonna drop this top road down to two lanes across there and across yeah so that helps sort in our lane mathematics for us this lane that drops down here I'll be honest I mean it they're quite big lanes I've gone with just what the asset has got I think we might just leave it as it is these are moving along here yeah let's just let everybody work out what's going on while we sort out this roundabout and then we're gonna put some giveaway signs and things have a hold shift just to zoom out yeah that's not going anywhere it shouldn't so everybody coming arms got to give why a and then this one here we're going to say if you're on the roundabout as always you can continue through the junction but don't do so if you are coming onto the roundabouts like that there we go so these moving down here I've got a specific lane for coming off they can go on these I've got a specific link for coming off and then these are gonna start spreading out a bit as we will always see that once the majority of the traffic's gone down this sort of walky walky Lane switchin thing won't happen as much and ideally this wants to be one lane this wants to be one lane and so do these so I might just adjust those to be one lane and that just helps things a lot there we go all the way around excellent and then just here we can just do this and say don't cut across each other don't cut across each other don't cut across each other and then the same on the other side well there we go there's a good example there you need to do it because there's so much traffic here you don't really need to do it could there's not much so if they cut across the lane it doesn't really matter right we're gonna leave that one running and then we're just gonna follow this along here and see what's going on so we've got lots of people coming down here coming down here we've got this all getting a bit halt people walk e and then we've got everybody coming off here now I bet this Lane can change in fact let's downgrade this Lane through the middle here and we'll do the same the other way whoops there we go so now we've got a dedicated turning lane and two lanes straight on and already you're gonna see let's watch this you're gonna start seeing some of these guys diving out and coming down here come on don't show me to be a liar yeah there we go some of them are doing it there you go look you can see it's getting better there's still a bit of walking walking Lane switching going on but we'll let them do it you can see that it works so now as the traffic goes down that's gonna start working much much better and the same here as well yeah what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna stop them lane switch in a bit so close to this Junction we're gonna say no Lane switching I'm doing shift des by the way so let the No shift s just get all of these movie and all of these movie and I might just do the same here just to say look stop with the hokey-pokey Lane switchin you've got three or four nodes you can do it back there I want to get this node under here there we go get it all moving nice okay well come back for this little bit up here yeah we'll leave that we'll come back to that let's have a look what are we up to already up to 23% perfect right so what have we got here we've got loads of people all using that one lane to go off so we're going to adjust this road through here so your love of these fixes today that we're doing can be done on vanilla because doing Lane mathematics changing the type of road that you've got three lane one comes off down to two lane another one comes off I'm gonna keep this to two lane through here because this one's gonna enjoy then I want it back to free again to go through there any little slip road you've got coming out like this make them one lane just makes it a heck of a lot easier and then that should oh here we've got two lanes going I'm hungry three lanes let's change that to two lanes and then what I'm gonna do here yeah so we've got a dedicated turning right lane and then they go up here and then because we haven't quite done the lane mathematics correctly we're gonna do that and that and then we probably have to do the same the other sides we've got a dedicated turning lane there and then we haven't here yep so we're gonna say you go that way and then you go that way and you go that way excellent and that might just help that a little bit I'm just wondering those do the same the other direction yeah I'm really the same the other direction as well so we're gonna say two lanes all the way through here oh also save quick see my-my-my that was a quick save we've got four lanes going on down here which I really don't think we need see let you've got this slip line up here single lanes please single lane slip line that's all we need two lanes this wombats a three I would then you've got not much traffic coming down here just keep this three lanes if you really want to make a four lane to help these guys coming out you can just do where's me four lane or me roads in the wrong order just do like one little section like that and then they'll merge back into three and then when you come back down here it goes back to one lane off to laying on just makes it so much easier and then we just need to add this little thing here which like you can see there's not that much traffic coming through but in case there's a sudden burst we'll do that we can hear the growing and the upgrading which is fantastic let's help these guys and girls here there we go we'll say stop getting in each other's way there we go and then what's happening along here they're all coming off and then they're all getting stuck on this okay let's just maybe have a look at this these sort of things I don't really like we need a little roundabout or something in there trying to get this thing lined up in the right place but yeah anyway we'll go with that that's fine let me just just a couple the loads and things there we go let's see how that works that should just keep things moving on here a little bit better I need to do a bit of work on this Junction because we've got traffic lights here and let me just see if I can just take those out and just keep these guys going there's so many lanes along here which we don't need so what have we got six lanes there plus two this needs to be four lane one why do we have a nice four lane one way nice fat roads I think think we do do we yes a little bit annoying because that is gonna change the thickness of that but there we go and then hopefully those should line up a bit better and then down here ideally this needs to be around about just because it's so busy so we are gonna grab our highway roads this one here make a three lane roundabout maybe a little bit smaller excellent all the little buildings we don't need you're gonna disappear and traffic manager should automatically have set that up yeah there we go just to keep this thing flowing a little bit let me just turn those off there we go and that I'm guessing that's a one-way road that should really help this section keep on moving which will clear up all of this down here which will help all of this along here as well oh just noticed some traffic lights on the roundabout my bad does have only that side no that should be good I'm just checking these guys aren't coming down here and then going straight on some of them seem to be doing that let me just use the ingame tool to double double check where they all go in yeah one or two but most of them see none of them are coming up here if I check this road oh yeah there we go yes look most of them are going up there there's any one or two though going straight on okay that is fine by me let's maybe just let this run for a while and let what are we up to 26% and let all of this go down I'm just wondering whether a little bit of work on this Junction there's not many people wanting to go off let's just check there's some that want to go off okay so I'll tell you what we'll do I'll do my lane mathematics on this one as well and that might just speed things up a little bit now looking at this the Lord of this traffic coming down here wants to come off and there's only two get into this section here there's only this little Junction here and then this big one only attached is that yeah you've got your junctions only attached in like a couple of small places we've got this down here so if we attach this to this area you're gonna get yeah I think a better flow of traffic there we go I've decided a little intersection like that and you can extend that load going either way as well just to keep things moving and hopefully we'll see some people diving down here there we go look already to come man the roundabout and so uh yeah I like to turn around or to come down into this area and that is certainly gonna stop a whole load of traffic going down that way so what am i oh you've got one lane for coming off yeah that's fine that's good we'll leave that going we'll come back and have a look at that so this is getting really chock-a-block coming along here what is happening so again you've got this situation where you've got this whole area but one little slip Lane coming in that load for going out I mean nothing all the way up here so they're all coming down to here a bit what we could do is here is that a little slip Lane going onto there let's do that so I'm gonna take it go like that just to give them another little option and then what I might just do is just do the lane management here it's not pretty but let's get that one you're gonna give me this piece of road here that would be nice this one go on try it again I've got it like three times oh oh come on now there it is let's go underneath else there we go so that lane for coming off the other two for going on yeah and that might just help some of these guys that want to get up here to actually move and I think this could do as being a little roundabout as well one more thing I just want to change you've got so many lanes coming down here is absolutely nuts using these six lane one-way roads I mean the next sort of size down you can use is four lane one way which I mean a lot of these buildings need to be grown you don't get your trees and stuff but otherwise it's just it's just far too much far too much I always forgot to work connect this back up again sorry people that were using it lime steak - say let's get all this going there we go we've also got this road that was coming down here and I might just connect that back up over here somewhere I've just added one more slip lane here coming underneath in the hop over the top just to cut down the amount of traffic that's coming up to here can as you can see sort of builds up and goes down and builds up and goes down so hopefully a lot of these guys will start taking this over the top and it's got to about 60% this is pretty clear this gets quite busy so what I'm doing now is I'm just using the lane tool to check where is it these people want to go most want to go straight on some want to come off and go all the way up over here so if it's possible to add a little slip Lane look see summer coming up here some are coming down there you know little slit lanes here and there do make a nice big difference what are we a 58% so we are very slowly getting there so we're sort of steady at 60% we're not going too bad but one thing that we don't have which we really really need is you've got buses you've got buses lots of people using buses and we have no tram lines we have no metro lines we have a couple of train lines but I need to take a look at those and then that is about it so we've got a couple of monorail we saw those we desperately need some at metro lines so let's just take a look at the area that we've got here so we could have we can have a nice ring of this side which is quite big isn't it we could have three rings maybe a ring here a ring here and then another ring up here because then it will cover the areas that gonna grow and then connect us in between them maybe something like that I think would work quite well although we do have the monorail but some of your lines a bus lines got messed up there yeah because you've got monorail lines so maybe we'll just hook in to the monorail lines that you've got it doesn't seem to be one here although it's working mmm interesting because I'm just thinking rather than setting up a metro going all the way around you know we haven't got one down here ok interesting ok looks like there might be some sort of bug there is actually two monorail lines going around here let's have a look where this one is unless that one and the blue one is here as well so yeah there is one of our lines but they're just not showing up ok so I totally what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some metro in and yeah we'll see how many people we can get off the road using the metro right just a catch-up is what I've done we've got this loop going around here and we've got this loop that goes all the way up there's pretty big probably bigger than I'd normally do but yeah that's just what I've done and then we've got this third loop over here huh I've not put anything at the top there it's pretty empty and then what we've got is some stations that are near by to each other so these two here if they want to move from one to the other we'll put a little crossing paths in there's a couple there they want to move from one to the other and we'll probably put some sort of crossing over here somewhere I think we'll find yeah there's a station there in a station there so I put some parts in so they can easily get from one side to the other and then I'm just gonna go around all three of the loops and set up a clockwise and an anti-clockwise line and I'll change all the colors as well so we can easily spot them I know this isn't the way that some people like to do it but it's the way I like to do it it works really well in the game so yeah we are gonna go with that and then I'm gonna be back with you what I'll probably do is I might just let it run for a little while I've also hooked in the metro to the train station because that's got obviously the built-in metro connection so that should never go along here so that should help as well so yeah I'm gonna let the game run for a while see how many people are gonna start using the metro and getting off the road and then I will be back with you putting all the paths by the way connecting up our metro stations so ya all should be good to go once I've got this all set up [Music] well just doing some very very quick bad maths 1800 people already using this that is absolutely brilliant so that is 1800 cars off the road already fantastic why just having a quick look around this is the first Junction that we changed you remember and we're now getting people coming down here and going through this way so that is working much much better okay this is the second Junction that we put in which is moving pretty smoothly pretty smoothly it's still built up a little bit up the back here but it is just very busy so yeah Polly pretty pleased with the way this one turned out and this was another Junction that we put in we've got some pretty phat lanes there going back six lane road always complain about them on the roundabouts there but I've just left it as it is and it's working pretty good it's working pretty good pleased with this one as well and then I fixed up the train line we've got this one he's got two passengers that's got a hundred and thirty and the Metro look at that working really well that figures just going up and up and up and the more people that use it the less traffic on the road let's just have a look yeah a few people using your monorail but I think they're preferring the Metro over that which is actually fantastic [Music] well we've managed to get the traffic up to 75% I'm pretty pleased with that and we've grown bigger than we started off with and there's plenty of demands so what do you think of that fix let me know in the comments below thank you very much for watching it forget to subscribe if you're new and - leave a like as well and I will see you all very soon for the next fix your city take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 192,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: U3Fy6g6jJD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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