Fixing Traffic SO BAD the City is GRIDLOCKED in Cities Skylines!

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welcome to the brand-new city of pivots uber where the traffic gets as low as 7% everything is just absolute gridlock as we look around the city there is traffic everywhere let's just come out of this view thank you to Matt Goss for sending this in let's take a look at the city in this views as you can see not a huge city about 30,000 issue population but we have got traffic backing up absolute deadlock every single place you look it is absolutely nuts through the main part of the city here there is traffic there is traffic there is traffic everywhere so we're gonna have some tips here for perhaps a smaller city may be the sort of cities that you're making and see if we can fix this all up so let us dive in okay so where shall we start let's just take an overview look at the city and we've gots highways that run that ran the outside and then they go down here we just turn that around we can see it connects there then the road comes back in goes through the middle here and then connects up you've got nice highways around the outside of your city but what you've done here is you've got your highways come straight off and lunge straight through the middle here let's just have a quick look at your roads so you've got your roads running one way straight through here and then one way straight at the other side with a load of cross roads over here now if you want your highway one in Bunning through there I would do a raised highway and then some junctions coming off but before we do that let's just let's just start over here and take a look at this so this is not a very good highway connection you're gonna have cars backing up on there so we are gonna pause the game and we are going to remove some of these that is not how you want your highway to connect and then we're gonna have something down there as well so what we can add into here is another one of these intersections [Music] there we go so you can have your highway connections coming off there at some point in the future you may want to change those for these larger ones if you start to expand over the other side but for now that's fine and then what I would do is have a little roundabout coming off of here and off of here as well and then before I upgrade any of the loads or add them on I always add these little braces going through the middle here there we go just to brace the highway and if you do that you can add loads coming off of any place and it doesn't change the shape without those braces in the middle there it starts deforming the shape of your roundabout so then when we add these roads on up here let's grab the highway we can sort of do that one from there and go round that one from there and go round and the highway is still the correct shape [Music] [Music] there we go excellent and now what you can do is upgrade your other roads you can also have a little cut through here and so the cars can get from one side to the other let's just use a smaller road something like that there we go and we'll upgrade one well upgrade that one and we'll just connect those two together yeah there we go and then we want this access coming into your city so we'll probably just use the same sort of road that you've got going on here well that was handy my game crashed as I did all that so I've got to do it all again so it looks slightly different you'll know why I've just moved used to move it mods just to line this up with this side over here I think we're pretty close let's get those two roads together they would go so what I would do now is yeah you've got this one road going in and out here I would maybe make this one Road coming in and out and not have these two roads going in and out and creative it gets to be a bit more busy we could maybe take a look at that and change it yeah these are gonna have to go somewhere else and maybe let's just take a look at the roads that you've got going on here it's a lord of Industry here and you've got this one load sort of goes round that white connects I would maybe connect some of these up a bit more let's get rid of all those I just use my net picker so I pick the road that you've got and I would say maybe do a few things like this give them options to go different places okay so there we go we've got only way access into here and then we've got better access into here as well a little cross road if they want to do that you can even run this low down to here we wanted to give them some options but let's just stick with that for now so what have you got going on down here again you've done the same thing you have your highway running through and you just put a little crossroads and things off of here so what we're gonna do in this section is we're gonna get rid of all of these like that because that is just a nightmare waiting to happen and it's already happened whoops that's a needle eater too worried but that's okay because we're going to move this Highway let's say delete it we can't delete that bit it's outside the city limits but we'll start from here and we're just gonna remove all of this and make it a raised highway instead [Music] [Music] here we go so we've got that raised above like that and then we're going to sort out this connection over here because again you've got loads coming down here that a connection up to your highway that's that's just not how you do it so let's take those out and we're gonna add another Junction in here and I think this is large enough over here that we could actually have a proper cloverleaf junction like that in this section I think that would be helpful so I'm just deciding where to put this and you've got this piece of land over here I'll remember to connect these one up again don't worry you've got this big piece of land here because I'd like to make use of all four sides of this Junction so I mean if you sort of stuck it there then you haven't got much space to do anything up this side if we put it further down here then we can still connect up the highway you could use the right-hand side to come into here the left-hand side to go out to there and I think that would work much better so let me see let me see I'm gonna put it here and then we'll just sort of see how that goes [Music] and then you've got this road that comes up here which you've tried to sort of add I'll see what you've done you've had roads coming off here so it can go across the highway join there go this way but it is just yeah you don't want any of this you don't any of this like this so let's get rid of all of that because once you get your loads connected up in the correct way you'll find all these little things that you try to do to help your traffic you just won't need them and you don't that cross over there excellent we'll come back to that one so now you can have a proper Junction in here that connects down to over here why okay now I didn't realize that you weren't playing with unlimited money the last few cities I've looked at had unlimited money so we've spent all of our money so I'm gonna give you a little I mean the city as its set up now is working fine we've got the connections where we need them but a little tip for getting lots of money which you may not have seen before cuz I don't want to take a loan I don't do anything like that I don't want to cheat and get myself money and all the rest of it so we are gonna put all the tax rate up to the maximum amount we are then gonna unpause the game money and its fastest speeds there we go and we're gonna keep that going until we start losing people because your city was doing a nice profit we're making money which is good that's just why we're doing that let's just take a look at these over here so we've got people coming off there which is good people coming off here which is nice already things are moving more smoothly around here and I'm glad I got this connected up before we run out of money although this section here is not connected up at all is it so let me just do what was now we've got two hundred ninety eight thousand and we losing people okay perfect so that is the time you would stop and then you would just put everything back to what it was and you've just got a nice cheeky I will call that cheeky rather than cheesy boost of money so for this section over here what I am gonna do is let's just use this road net pick a tool here to get the right Road there we go so I'm going to connect these roads up underneath so they can get from one side to the other if they wish unfortunately we've got a thing there but we use anarchy I'll move that post for you out of the way there we go there we go and these ones here are not connected so how about we connect you to you another pillar we need to move they're all connected at the end and that's fine and you can expand down here if you so wish before I forget let me move that pillar we're gonna shift that one over that way Bing there we go and was there another one yeah this one over here let's just shift that one over this way that's using the move it more by the way if you didn't know excellent so these are all connected to each other we want to connect this section over here so I'm going to just learn all we've got on my way station now what's going on oh okay well tell you what let's get the junction sorted up for in here so I'm going to use this space over here and have this connect so I'm going to do a similar thing here that we did over in this area and what I'm going to do here is try and make use of these different Road connections that you've got so we're going to take this one here let's use the net picket there we go and we'll run this one into this section there we go in oh we've got a train line running through that where does that train line gonna go and that's gonna go over there okay so let's just remove this for now just so we've got some space I'm just wondering yeah let's just run that one straight over this industry area isn't too big so you should be okay then I'm gonna connect this one to this area over here so let's run I'm gonna go straight for me let's run that straight and then we may come back and revisit what's going on here in a bit so that's just to leave this so I'm just looking at the way you've got this set up it's all a bit Winky wonky isn't it let's delete this one out here we've got a train line that doesn't go anywhere okay there we go so all of this is connected again we've just got to connect this section up here and we need a junction I mean we could have another little Junction off the highway here let's just see which way oh that's not connected properly which ways a car's gonna be going let's have a look at our load so where it comes down here you could have a couple of off Rams but we'll see how the traffic goes before we start doing that and then what I'm going to do is just connect this across here although this one might not stay in and let's just want that connection to the road yeah like that and then I'm just gonna use move it more just to try and dig this one down low enough so it doesn't look weird under here there we go doesn't look too bad that goes underneath and now the powers all connected your trains are all connected let's just connect up this train line and in this one you've got coming through here and I would maybe just connect that up the top here just for now so you've got like a nice little Junction area so let's grab this road there we go and we're gonna curve that one round to join up to there that should be fine there we go so this is now connected around there and you'll probably find you can use this area if you want to expand of course and continue your highway going that way so that's good just your train lines haven't quite sorted themselves out because we haven't looked at this yet we'll come back to that just want to see how the traffic's going in here oh we don't have a load connected properly there that's my bad let me just fix that there we go that should all be working nicely excellent now these roundabouts here I mean you could do the traffic manager fix all of these you may not have to do by the way this is a mod the traffic manager president edition mods I use the stable version here we go so let's give him why coming on is that not just pick that one that's weird it's almost like that's not connecting there ah what's going on there let's just have a quick look see we can ah look it doesn't look like it's connected properly no it's just to leave that bit and do that again yeah there we go then what was going on there but that's fine but you put give way coming in like that or let's delete these four roads in the middle and the same over here I'll set that for you but you get these traffic manager mod free-form the Steam Workshop which you can go and grab that there and then we can also do that on these roundabouts that we set up here although the moment the traffic isn't too bad but if it builds up as time goes on then you'll find this will be quite helpful and then what I would do at this Junction where it comes in down here just to keep this running I mean you could add a little roundabout on there but what you could also do is we're gonna use the lane tool here Lane arrows and say this one here you can only turn lights so that keeps them going this one here you can only turn left so that keeps them going so they're not crossing over each other and it we got these coming down here as well haven't yet there we go and then we'll say this one here you can only go right yeah there we go so no one's crossing over each other which is good we'll do the junction restrictions here little pop-ups for the man that's handy just to keep everybody moving so all that means is if anyone wants to leave they've got to come round and go up this way and anybody coming in can just keep moving and they've got access to the whole thing anyway that's fine ah yes okay we've got this highway that runs through the middle here and then we've got another Junction here well for this section here let's just pause the game again you don't run a load straight into your highway I know some people are gonna be saying well that's obvious but not everybody is an expert at this game so let's keep our Comment civil in the comment I do delete a lot of people's comments that are just unnecessarily mean we've got to be you know let's be accepting of the community not everybody knows the game as well as everybody else that Junction is gonna be quite close to this one I mean if you had the option of buying another square I would do so many build a Junction connection there but as you don't I'm gonna put this one in and also as this is gonna be your busiest spot I'm just gonna move your school over there out the way what have you got here your hospital can we move that as well let's move that off to a side road then we just got some houses along there that'll work much better and then you've got a choice and we could put a roundabout in there if you wanted to or what I will do just in this case and again we'll see how that goes and I'm just gonna take a six-lane Road there we go and that can go straight in like that and then can use the lane restrictions over here or the junction lane tool forgotten the name of it already there we go we'll connect that one and we just want all of those to go straight on to nobody to hook her hook a left there that'll be good and then the junction restrictions here we can just keep all of that flowing in and out I'll leave the crossing on there and I think many people will be crossing then all these cars are going to end up going there you may find a roundabout here would be nice and helpful but as it stands now that is gonna move nicely this is all moving nicely this is good get a bit busy there but that's fine we're expecting that yep that's not bad let's check up here this is going okay this is going okay let's check your traffic 70% fantastic so let's look at this little section going through here you've done a similar thing with your highway you just literally bang straight into the middle of your city and we are gonna change that I'm gonna leave these roads that you've got in here we're gonna have to use a little bit of space that you've got up here everyone's complaining about the tax twelve twelve twelve twelve twelve twelve twelve I've left it all at twelve why are they complaining it looks like eleven percent so Kay we've got to keep in mind with your tax rates they'll be happy yeah see these guys are not happy with the tax rate tax is too high basically because they are living in and we look at that the pollution and landfill a landfill site oh my goodness that is the worst place for a landfill site it's not nearly fill up eight so if you move that they would be happy with the tax rate these are unhappy with the tax rate probably because they're right by a noisy road let's check the sound here look very noisy Road noise pollution and then you've got what's this coal power plant yet you want these outside your city do not put houses near these things these are unhappy with the tax rate because of the noise and the pollution yeah so at the minute the best tax rate you can get away we then keep everybody happy seems to be about ten percent okay so I think what I'm gonna do here is I am gonna completely move the highway that we have running through the middle here which actually turns into smaller roads a bit further on there we go excellent and I'm just gonna make sure that all of these underneath roads are still connected that was entirely the wrong button yes you use the net picker this one here thank you very much are gonna go along and connect all of these ah there we go and then we're going to run a larger road along over the top so I'm gonna take one of these six lane road reject if highway plenty of space for driving on let's just go up there we go and we're gonna run that along the top maybe go so high [Music] there we go we're deal with this end in a moment so now we've got that going there we can connect the highway to it so let's grab our highway roads and we just do like a normal connection we'll go in there there we go just a bit of space for getting in and out and then we'll do the same lane management here that we did with our other connection from six lane to highway we don't want anybody doing aue so we're just gonna say turn right turn right and turn right and that one there yeah there we go so they're all going to turn right and then we'll turn off the junction restrictions so they can go straight through the junction in and out without stopping now we want to make sure they can get to all the different places in the city that they need to get to I'm trying to sort of think of the best way of doing it because normally if you're going to do something like this you would not have these roads so close down here and all these people by the side just so you could have a little bit of room to put in your Junction but what I might just do is just steal a little bit of space say from just here I'll keep spotting you know I'm gonna do is these things here look that are causing problems in the middle coal power that can go down here with your industry let's find a little spot that isn't this is pretty here with your industry out the way there we go and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set that to empty and then while in the video is empty we'll move it [Music] okay so I've connected this big roundabout underneath here we're not going to have those roads on the side connect like that so that was just so there we go we could get that thing in and then we've got another road under here which should be able to delete there it is let's get rid of that so I think we're gonna need to lose this road here yeah which means we're gonna lose a few more houses there we go not too bad let's clear out some space so then that one that some roads down to this and don't forget we've got the cross beams on that sir there we go to keep the roundabout circular so let us connect here and we're gonna go up there and I'm going to be the same and go down there and then we're gonna do over here there we go just move those back a little bit and then we want the connections into here now normally coming off with a junction like this you want then a nice big fat fast road going through but you've already got your city all built up so I don't want to sort of mess with that you know too much I am trying not to mess with the interior design of your city so we're gonna just bring this road into here and just sort of see how that goes you've got a junction that's too close right next to it there I'm gonna actually connect to that junction because why not yeah and we'll see how that goes we'll see how that goes and then I'm gonna do a similar thing over I would say over here okay there we go so we've got that load coming off I've actually carried on this road all the way up to connector here so if anybody wants to come in here and come off this side they can we'll see how this goes as I said it's far from perfect but I'm just sort of trying to fit this stuff in around what you've got already what are we up to traffic wise 76% not bad so we just need to keep an eye on what's going on along here so let's just take a look at this now that we've got all this work in so we've got these people coming on here or causing problems well that's fine because you've got three lanes and one lane goes off so what we're gonna do is take a two-lane highway and let's get rid of that turn that to two lanes and then we've got two lanes on one lane which will then nicely feed into this area here to one and then what they're gonna do is switch in here somewhere which is not the end of the world but that's fine and then I might just do the same over here we'll just don't grate that there we go so we've got one lane going off two lanes going on then they merge again over here so just to help those outs when they're coming on at just in case it gets super busy we'll do that excellent and that will sort that out there we go keep that moving and then they get in all chock-a-block over here they're lane switching lots of them want to come off down to here so let's just see what we can do here we're gonna stop these guys here you can only come up and go into there just wondering whether this section here we can downgrade it to four lanes instead of six that might be an idea so let's grab at this one I'll show you why so we've got this Lane here and then two lanes going into three and we're gonna stop them doing any weird u-turns and things like that so let's keep that going we're going to take out the traffic lights excellent and then we're going to say you can just keep going through so you can go through you can go through you look at that clearing up already which is fantastic and then we'll do the same on the other side take out the traffic lights we don't need them and you're gonna go off we don't want you Lane switching around there and we don't want you going left and right so you're going to go here you're gonna go there and you're gonna go there these are all set up okay so that should just keep moving and then we'll do our Junction restriction straight through straight through straight through everybody is happy just realize I've got these lanes going the wrong way that totally confused me let's just double-check these are okay up down up down yeah that's fine case we've got the top section sorted out and then down here we just need to make sure that these guys are giving why there we go if they're coming onto the high out onto the roundabout like that and this one here and I would do that there we go on both of these then you just want to go around the junctions like this and make sure you turn on that so they can go straight through the intersections I've done that on every single Junction for this Junction up here that we did earlier I did actually end up putting a little roundabout in there and it's fantastic and something that I didn't realize so when you're using the roundabout builder which is a model as we've mentioned before and you pick the size that you want so let's just go over that Junction there and I was told in the comments thank you very much at the plus and minus key on the number pad will change the size of this for you so that is very handy in just a very small one in there let's just kept this little entrance moving nicely so I might just do a similar thing here and that is not too bad that's moving but where you come off this big roundabout just to keep things moving so if we look at this Junction over here the second one that we put in we could see a lot of the cars are coming off joining coming around and they're sort of getting a bit caught up here which is slightly annoying is I'm gonna get the lane tool here and I'm gonna say you can only go right into the city and you can come into there let's have a look you can only go straight on so that's not going to stop any of these guys coming in and you can only go right there we go so nobody's getting in each other's way and then we'll take the lane restrictions tool and say just keep moving just keep moving just keep moving there we go so anybody coming in is going to move to the right and keep going anybody coming down here just gonna go straight across anybody coming from this side is just gonna come and join this and keep moving could help these actually for coming off here by giving them some more options so let's just grab one of these roads and we're gonna take that farm back here down to that you come at that side and it's actually gonna join onto there just to give them another sort of route off and then whether this is a good idea or not I'm gonna give these guys a way to come out so they can come down and go straight up instead already we can see this this road along here's got hardly any coming down that way and I think once we've let this run a bit then we're gonna get more people coming up there that old one much much better so again there's a lot of people backing up in this lane to come off and go into there and head off into this area so we're gonna help them out of it by adding a few little off ramps I mean we could just add a little one coming off there we could maybe squeeze one in there as well yeah definitely think we need a little mini roundabouts in here just to keep this area going so let me do that there we go excellent and then we just check that the roundabouts been set up okay which the roundabout build it normally does for us it has it has that's really good so that is moving much much quicker and just to help keep things move and I just to rearrange these junctions a bit little tiny roundabout there and there this road before came down and join there so I've redirected it over to this roundabout and then you've got this wish sort of little road now right next to the roundabout here I'm gonna connect that onto there well that's not gonna be that busy let's remove that one and we're just draw that in to the end there we go and also around the roundabouts anything quite nearby I've just removed I'll remove that one as well just so things don't stop so I've let the gate London for a while at 79 80 % so that's a lot better than it was before and you've just really got to try and keep an eye on your load planning so always have access to highways around your city make sure if the highway comes into and goes through a city that you just keep it nice and separate you want to think if you're running on a highway if you're driving on a highway don't run on the highway if you're driving on a highway that you have you have the option of just driving all the way through without stopping I mean we've sort of compromised here a bit with the change in the road but they can go all the way through join this main road and then back on the highway again anything particularly busy when you come off the highway stick around about in there very good even the little small ones like this that just keeps things moving quickly on and off the highway and then give people lots of options to get everywhere and there's a few roads down here where you've sort of built like this section and then this section was separate and that section was separate and that section was set for you want connecting loads going under the highway like we've got here to give people the option of not to go on the main road which is fine so we've got that now all the way along and I was gonna look at you trained I've just totally run out of time this has taken me ages to sort this out even though it's a teeny tiny little map so hopefully those changes will stand you in good stead you can find the links to the pre and post fixed cities in the comments below check out the pin post if you would like to send me your city and if you would like to check out the new DLC the campus DLC I have an affiliate link below in the pin post as well that you can check out so thank you very much for watching look at the next video on the screen as well I bet you'll enjoy that I don't see you very soon thank you everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 302,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, how to fix traffic, cities skylines meteor, cities skylines tornado, cities skylines tsunami, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial
Id: rZW3zPbyRoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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