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so as I have said last episode we will be taking on the tower boss today and before we do that I didn't really get to show you the changes that I've made in my base so as you can see I've expanded the base quite a little bit this would be pure organic base as you can see there's only the ranch the house that I've made and the breeding and some wood farming and there's a logging space right there I I also removed the stone mining I put it on the production base so we could make a lot of things more right there lot of things like this legendary Spears Ultra Spears yes so I've started to make those and hopefully we get the schematics for the armors because I wanted to make a pile armor that is higher than the common common Rarity so yeah and before we jump right into our fight make sure to whack a like on the video subscribe if you guys are new enable notifications leave some comments down below so yeah let's get right into it so the tower boss would be here oh it's really near on my other base the mining base so and here we are the nearest Waypoint here I I can I could I could have teleported right at the tower entrance I but it would take me on the top of the tower so yeah after fighting this one maybe we could try to catch the boss here if the glitch is still working I'm not really sure I haven't checked the patch notes just yet if they patch that if it's still working then it's good but if it's not then that sucks so I I don't really have any idea what kind of Boss we're getting into but yeah let's see oh it's another waifu it's so cute what the heck oh she's a liline user this would be an easy fight for a [Music] blazow so she's like a druid but Lily and Lin oh her name is Lily but I don't really think I don't really know why he's the leader of the pal Alliance thing oh what why am I the one taking aggro hello is it because I deal the I I dealt the first damage is it that one what what level is this one it feels like his your HP is so high 69,000 wow we went from 30,000 to 69,000 zo grease bolt only has 30,000 if I remember correctly and why is her Ling dealing water damage water type damage so that's why BL knock is actually the getting quite destroyed maybe let's switch out M it's quite a lot I'm loading yeah it's nearly done huh we only have to deal 10,000 damage I think the boss are scaling On My Level don't you think so because I'm already at almost level 50 that's why they've got so much health I think hey we got it I'm so sorry Lily oh what's happening to you what is happening to [Music] you so that's it huh that's quite quick not going to lie that's quite quick but yeah as I have said let's try to catch it can we battle it right away again just in order for this to work is we need to be able to get in quite quickly oh yeah we good I could join it I join again right away so let's test this out it still works where's the small settlement this the easiest way to get those cards to follow me yeah you to in order to get this glitch you need the PF guards I think they're called PF or pdif the guards just the guards I don't know what they are called that took quite a while PF you need the guards to attack you or rather to attack the boss with and you need to refrain from dealing damage to it then after them attacking it you just have to throw the ball at the back of the boss so yeah let's see if it would work it's quite laggy let's see if they would follow me here oh where's the tower I'm so slow why am I so slow hurry up faster faster faster go go go go [Music] go are they still chasing me oh they're still chasing me let's hope this works yes yes yes let's see let's see let's see we're going to skip on this the intro yeah they're here so we need to make sure that they're attacking her and not me or rather they attack her even it fits just once hey don't don't aggro to me where are you agoing to me I need you guys to attack [Music] her uh uh uh oh hey where's the guards I'm going to die in here oh there it is did they damage it oh I think it's patched or we do we need to be at the [Music] back why are you Agro to me there are a lot of guards there Agro to them I'm not even hurting you I think I messed this up already oh I'm poison again it's fine if we die here it's not really that much of a b gu we can do this again we have to we try this again we just need to not hurt any anyone I guess Agro to the guards why are you attacking me I didn't even deal dealt damage to you what the the heck quit attacking me quit chasing me what do you want from me yeah I guess I need I need to get on her back for it to work it's because I can't see her back I think the back damage bonus is supposed to be showing before I could catch her but the thing is the aggro is not really moving away from me I need the aggro to be on another person for this one to work it's like they're ganging up to me what the heck maybe I should just reset this one I don't think I could get this one right now my items would spawn outside anyway so yeah let's do it again let's get my stuff back first oh I'm going to die that's dumb really dumb I forgot that I don't have the my my glider suit let's just hope that he won't die from C let's have her heal me let's see there you go I'm wearing the wrong one so yeah let's go for round two kind of hate that the tower is not facing right at the Waypoint it's really annoying let's go in where the guards here here here here hey hey hey hey [Music] hey attack her attack her not me not me yeah there we go we got it that's a guaranteed every time then let's now respawn ourselves and the guards won't chase us anymore I've done it perfectly on the second try yeah that's good now we need to get our stuff back first then let's check out on the boss that we caught so here we are at the base this is the production base yeah they really don't have any passive skills so you can see the bosses because I think they're not supposed to be caught anyway and as you can see the illustration when you get when you check them details the trainer is not there but if we put it on our hot bar and we summon them there it is so you can see there's Lely why oh I almost butchered them what the heck would have been bad yeah she's not really she doesn't like to get to get petted by me I think yeah maybe because she has a trainer already as you can see there's D at at top of the head the top of her head yeah that's not really the first boss that we got because I've tried the glitch on Zoe I forgot to show this to be completely honest forgot to show this to you this one Zoe and GIS Bol yeah as you can see there it is there's Zoe hey hey hey where you going and as you could see he's bigger than the typical GIS bolt let's try to mount them oh that that came out so wrong try to mount the gz bolt with Zoe look at that oh my God I I can see your shorts Zoe what the heck yeah that's really cool that's a really cool glitch to be completely honest I don't think I don't know if they're going to patch it or they're going to retain that one yes it's kind of fun to do to be completely honest it's like a a hidden mechanic on the game that you could catch bosses so yeah yeah let's check out the stats first as you can see it retained the stats as a boss because it's definitely not meant to be caught anyway has 69,000 Health the attack and the defense is not that high but yeah the health one is quite op GIS bolt is also so H has a really high Health when I caught it when I CAU it it's like 30,000 Health it has like 30,000 health because it's only level 10 I think 10 or 15 when I caught it and it leveled up quite a bit so it's already at 66,000 it's kind of fun to have them but not it's not really fun to use them on battles because they're you can see they're quite op you'll miss out on the fun if you use them to be completely honest with you so yeah I think that's all is there anything that we could do right now should we catch a Legendary I have legend legend sparce but I don't know if we could catch a Legendary right now should we try you know what let's try it let's try it if you fail then we fail so what legendary should we go for jet dragon yeah I guess the jet dragon would be pretty nice first legendary for us but that also means we're going to switch out suak Aqua after because as you all know jet dragon is the best flying mount in this game I mean we could have two fers but I kind of want to have a yonti on the team to be completely honest as a water type yonti is really op for a normal monster it's really op I I think it's also considered as rare one because it came from a huge huge dump egg anyway is it is it dump no it's dragon egg I think it's a huge dragon egg as you can see I'm still looking for huge scorching eggs here because maybe one of it would contain a blaso even though I got a lot of Blas muts right now for just from breeding but I kind of want to have another one from the wild because I need a good passive skill for it oh yeah as you can see there's jet dragon OBS just froze once more when I'm trying to catch it a while ago yeah I kind of want to chase this one I think jet dragon jet dragon gets full damage maybe we could chuse this one just for you guys to know uh just for you guys information I only I'm only using one monitor I only have a single monitor while recording so I don't really I can I not really noticing when OBS is freezing so yeah so sometimes I had to I have to re-record everything from the start so yeah yeah let's let's try to get the back bonus then why is it always facing here don't look at me you're too fast I can't really catch up to it if I'm holding down Q let's try that's a back bonus right no let's run let's try to get it to fall here we could get it to fall it's not AG it anymore I think where is it yeah I think it's not Agro anymore because sometimes if I'm battling some bosses for some field bosses I I'm using the terrain for full damage just to get them to just to defeat them quite pretty easily so kind of want to try it on this one this guy maybe we could damage it really easy is he going to follow us is he going to follow us that's not going to hit me my guy follow me here follow me here what are you doing there can we hit you we can we're not really doing a lot of damage because it's a dragon type but I guess we could Chase it from here yeah it's not really reaching oh oh oh oh oh that going to hit us almost almost hit us oh that's a big attack hey hey hey follow me oh it died what the heck it going to respawn it's going to respawn right I don't know why it died is it too far high up I didn't expect it to die I just wanted it to be damaged for a bit then I'm going to try to catch it that's really funny is it going to respawn if I get back here should we try let's try yeah let's try so here we are once more and we're going to attempt it again if it already responded but I don't know if it already responded so let's hope it did I I didn't really expect it to die just like that to be completely honest I I I overestimated its health I thought it would survive that but I guess it didn't sit here oh I I was quite far I don't know if it already respawned or it if it would be respawning but the other bosses are respawning so it's definitely respawning and you can you could ever even breathe it so it's definitely going to respawn but I don't think it respawn right now maybe it's going to take some time for it to be that's really that's really unexpected I didn't expect it to result into that maybe let's just end the episode right here so if you guys enjoy the video please show some love hit the like button subscribe if you guys are new enable your notifications and leave some comments down below I'm I still find it funny so yeah I'm going to see you on the next episode of B world peace out
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 3
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ExKwXOoNaF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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