5 Ways to Avoid Pal Depression and Injuries!! PalWorld Tips

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oh hey y'all how's it going fatty here we're going to do something a little different today taking a break from Arc and going to do some tutorials again but we're going to go on to power world now if you guys are like me you guys have been totally obsessed with this game it has been so much fun and really enjoyable but if you're playing on a dedicated server like I am every morning when you wake up or every time you like relog into the game your pets are just starving they're injured or damaged as you can see right now in my base uh this first base I'm going to show you everything is happy and it's going really well well and then I have my metal or other resource farming base kind of in the lava area and you're going to see it is going to be the total opposite everything is going to be depressed they're not starved right now cuz I just recently got them food but they're all injured depressed and everything like that and it's just not a good it's not good you don't want to deal with that so I'm going to give you guys five different tips that you can do just to kind of keep that from happening all the time so the first thing we're going to talk about is it's going to be your farm setup now the number one thing that I want to kind of just preface with this video is the best thing you can do is just prevent them from getting hurt in the first place so you don't have to deal with that and there's a lot of little things that you can do um so what you want to do is get yourself a farm now the most important things that you can Farm are lettuce tomatoes and wheat you always want to have berries because berries are just a really good thing to have around but primarily wheat lettuce and tomatoes cuz there's a couple things that you're really going to want to be able to make now when you're setting it up I like to make sure my farm is on foundations I find that to be really helpful I don't like to put it up above like where they have to use the stairs if they don't have to because that just creates little issues where they could get stuck but if you do have to do it make sure there are several ramps I also find that they tend to use these two over here a little bit more because it's a wider set but then what you want to do is keep everything together so they're just not having to go as far I've noticed sometimes if they're having to travel across base they'll get distracted by doing some other kind of task so if you keep all your farm guys together they tend to just kind of stay huddled up together then the other thing you want want to do for your farm setup is make sure you have food that is ready to go see they ran out of the food I've been putting in here and then they start to store Wheat and you really don't want to start see that or store some other things so what you're wanting to do is put your feeding trough really close so they're not traveling very far to get to the things that they're going to need to get to but then only have slots Avail available for two things so right now I'm feeding them Pizza it seems to be one of the best things that I can kind of give them for like cheap early game meals and then I just store berries now for the other slot you want to put something that's just non perishable honey is another great one or cotton candy those are really easy ones to get on your farm but then what you want to do is just fill up those last slots so they're not putting things in here then you have a bunch of berries so if you run out of this first food they're not going to starve but they're also not going to gain any sanity but we'll talk about that in the food section so keeping everything really close together really helps now if you can put your beds close to this as well it's just going to make it a lot faster cuz they're not going to have to be traveling every time they have to take steps it's just slower and slower food production and the less food you can make in a short period of time the easier it is for them to starve and the more time you're kind of wasting just making food now when it comes to food food has sanity that's what kind of keeps them happy so you can't just keep them fed that is not really enough to do the job what I like to do is the better kitchens always are going to be able to make better things we still have like a normal first starting cooking pot and there's a lot of good recipes that you can use in here just kind of starting off when you look around always start near the bottom but if you get the lettuce like I said at the beginning you can get lamb balls this one is really nice increases their work speed you don't have to have a nicer cooker than the original cooking pot and then all you have to do is Farm lettuce and lamb ball um mutton and that's not really a hard one to farm and then you can also do uh herb roasted lamb ball as well uh this does defense and not work speed I really recommend lamb ball because not only is going to keep them foer for longer increase their sanity more I believe this one is 23 sanity that they get but it increases their work speed so then they're also going to be creating food a little bit faster all of these ones I only take one ingredient I find that their sanity is not as um boosted and they don't give you like the work speed as well so early game I would say just focus on grilled Lambo so get that lettuce up as early as possible if you're not quite there yet you can easily grow wheat and you can do Jam filled buns these ones are not amazing they do give oh gosh uh they give a decent amount of Sanity I cannot remember off the top of my head right now it's not as much as you're really gonna want to have possible but in early game it's just wheat and berries it's not that difficult to make um so let's just compare it to pizza because Pizza is my current favorite it giv six sanity which is not awful cooked berries only give one and then Pizza is going to give you 23 so as soon as you can get to the next level of cooker you can make pizza now I like to have um all the stuff to make cakes for breeding so you know having milk flour honey eggs all that kind of stuff um so if you just grow tomatoes as well you can make pizza and now Pizza is really cheap to make and it also gives you that increased work speed as well as it just keeps them Fuller for longer so I like to make that it does take four ingredients which is a little bit more than some but it's easy you can get all of that stuff in your base without having to leave now if you are willing to farm some stuff up I really make I recommend the dud mud chowder this one i f i Farm dud muds to get high quality po oil I just go out I capture a whole whole bunch of them to get the high quality po oil then I get the raw meat and then I just take those sell those uh at a vendor and then with that gold I just buy more highquality po oil just to get a lot a little bit quicker but then I always end up coming back with this raw raw dun mud and it is one of the best foods as you can see it is like way down it's a rare it does increased work speed and you stay Fuller for a lot longer so it is one of the best ones to make and like I said you have to farm that high quality P Oil a lot for endgame so that is one of the best things that you can do now the third tip is just general base design I have noticed right now everything is in good conditions but every once in a while there will be one or two Pals that all of a sudden say they're starving but where everything else is fine now inside of our base is it's really fun it's we just like really tried to build it up very aesthetically and had some good time with it but we have a lot of these small one staircase one in staircases and they just tend to get stuck in different areas like this as well as I had a tier uh two tier Farm before I uh made this new one and they were getting stuck in there all the time um just randomly in these doorways after you pull them in from the pow box they get stuck so maybe not having a PO Box in such a small confined area and more outside of it as well as just making sure you very clear pass will just keep them happy because if they get stuck and you're just AFK for a little bit they can get depressed and hurt and injured and no one wants to be making a ton of medicine medicine takes way too long to be able to even mess around with that so if you do those things that will definitely help help out as well as always just number four is check your check your pals I know I have a lot of Pals right now so if you put them in your base you can always hold F and they're going to have these passive skills and I know a lot of these passive skills are really nice they have the work speed plus 30 so that makes it really nice for this one the work slave but there are ones that are like unstable and different things that just make their sanity drop a whole lot or just make them not a great worker I think all of mine I've checked here so they should all just be pretty decent but um you know you just want to be very careful about what Pals you're putting in CU if you do put in um what is is it drown no uh I know there's like the masochist one in particular my wife was playing and she had an Anubis that was a masochist so was really good for fighting and stuff but she was using it as her like base Anubis and it was lower like 50% or 20% um work speed and you definitely don't want something like that CU that's just awful so check those passive skills they are just huge and you want to make sure you have nothing that lowers your sanity cuz that's just going to make that much harder and then the final tip is if you're going to be logging off for the night and you don't really need to farm up a whole bunch of resources you have everything down and it's just looking good the best thing I always tend to do is I always have like my boxes set up in different ways my first couple are just the random stuff I'm taming but I usually do my last slot of ones I use uh in the base or the ones I like to pull out and then I like my boss and my shinies and then I usually just keep one tab where you can just pull them all out for the night if they are in here they're not going to be losing food they're going to actually be gaining um a little bit of their sanity and stuff like that so they can just kind of chill out and be happy in here for a little bit and then when you come out in the morning just you know pull them all out I tend not to do them too crazy fast cuz then again sometimes they get glitched and then when they get glitched that's when they starve and that's just not a good time for anybody but yeah with those five tips you should really avoid having them get injured and depressed and if one or two of them just do then you're not making medicine for your know you're entire base which could be up to 15 Pals and that's just a pain in the butt to make all of that so I hope these tips help uh if you guys are looking forward to more power world uh content in the future please don't forget to like comment and subscribe and I will guys see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: The FattStuff
Views: 21,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to stop pal depression, palword tips, palword sick pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld how to, palworld, palworld tips, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld how to play, palworld review, palworld how to change, palworld what to do, palworld pokemon, palworld best pals, palworld guides, palworld early access, palworld game, palworld creature abilities, palworld creatures, palworld tricks, palworld creature, palworld abilities, palworld new gameplay
Id: 5dsDhU4polA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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