I Played PALWORLD On HARDMODE, Big Mistake.

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hello everybody and welcome to the channel we're playing power world today but we're not just playing regular power world we're playing hard mode and I'm sure you guys have been seeing all everyone been playing power world but most of the people I'm not going to lie they're playing on casual versus hard mode where everything will kind of kill you in one shot resources are really hard to get for example in casual mode if you mind a tree you'll get 40 wood hard mode maybe you'll get 10 my point saying is hard mode is hard and we're going to be playing it today all right we should make our character you know somewhat like me okay this is the closest one youall get all right here we are so I actually have a little bit of experience playing hard mode the stats we're going to ignore are attack defense and work speed because you can basically have Pals that can do that much damage defense it's not really going to matter cuz you'll have armor and attack also won't matter cuz you'll have Pals and Pals will be attacking for you and also to be doing damage for you now there are going to be two places that I need to make a base at I might make a base here honestly just cuz of how close we are to spawn so right now my goal for this series is to beat the game I'm literally not lying hard mode is very hard you will die die if someone sneezes on you it's stupid oh my gosh it is miserable see if this was in casual you would have 40 wood instead we have eight now here's the thing we want to get a ranch as soon as possible too because if you can get a ranch you can also get a uh you can get a Vixie that can kind of basically make automatic spheres for you which is really nice early game uh 93% Capt rate that's good enough nice we got a lamb ball R first pow Also let's make a roll let's not say Pokémon at all this round or this this this play through all right let's see if I can find another pal sphere lineing around this little freaking thing right here this little ass hat that thing killed me immediately in our first goddamn time planing bro it's an [ __ ] it will not listen to you I hate you D awesome it's also useless I don't think I've ever used one if this escapes I will strangle my all right we'll make our base uh here I guess cuz it's a flat area all right we're making steady progress looking good looking good first episode we got to let we got to lay the land all right order of business all right let's look at our technology obviously we need a PO Box all of these things are good we're going to get an old bow with some arrows um our goal right now is is we need to get to level I'm going to say level five level five to get a ranch all right reason why we want to get a ranch is cuz we can get Vixie now Vixie they spawn near the desolate Church area which I'll go to a little bit later and um what they do they can graze at a um at a ranch and when they graze they actually drop something really really nice they drop Pokeballs and arrows which are going to be really really cool cuz obviously we're early game so we can just Spam Pokeballs and level up faster instead of buying it at the shop I used to buy them at the shop but that's not really what we're going to be doing I like how I'm talking like I I know what I'm doing but in reality I really don't I hate Peng gouet with a passion I'm out nope I don't know what's with pen gouet but they're so strong I do like me a fox Park if we can get a fox Park that'd be real nice I also got to remember that if I die I lose all of my [ __ ] all right another way point real nice real nice we got some Fox parks by the beach Let's uh let's jump them we also want to get an ik thir deer I think that's what they're called they can chop down trees they have a level two logging which is real nice all right now we're going to get a fox Park I'm so godamn slow I'm going to kill some yeah lamb ball does real good damage at the beginning that's the only way we can kind of deal damage oh my see half your HP incinerated gone like the [ __ ] wind 40 how how I couldn't get it at a 43 percentile is insane all right 80% that's good enough just if this was casual you'd be in my nuts right now oh wait wait Lambo don't kill it Lambo don't kill it 89 that's it that's my last ball there's no way okay all right I was about to say I was going to throw something at the wall all right well now we got a fox Park well this when this thing heals up it'll be real nice all right now let's uh let's get this a lift monk Effigy and then I think there's an NPC that you can talk to here and then they'll kind of give you some some stuff can this fox Park leave me the [ __ ] alone ooh Rocky egg all right here's the worst thing about hard mode okay the absolute worst goddamn thing when you play hard mode eggs take I [ __ ] you not almost like 24 times longer if you play normal mode an egg will take about like what 5 minutes if you play casual it's actually 1 minute if you play hard mode it takes 3 hours and that's not even a large egg a large egg 36 and if you don't think that's insane you're losing your godamn mind is that a large damp egg do I want it if I get it I will literally be waiting there for like years so maybe not oh wait there's a chillet up here now usually every single play through I do I want to get a chillet cuz chillet are fast dragon types which are real nice you can spam Dragon Blast too oh wait there's tanies up here oh might want to get a tany oh there's a skill food tree up there all right so there's some T fans and then tanies so tanies are real nice cuz tanies can kind of do everything when they're younger or at the beginning they can chop down trees move things they can Farm I believe all right let's see what we got we got acid rain dragon oh we got a lot of good weapons let's see at the fox Park I guess the chill's here yep and there's the little these little T fants here they're not too hard to fight actually how did you miss that oh all right I might get the [ __ ] out of here guys I'm not liking this situation all right Fox park that's good I got a t Fant that's real nice there's the chillet and I'm also going to try to leave oh wait I kind of want a tany I make bad decisions folks I make bad decisions only bad decisions in this world come on 86% that has to be it oh we're so good at this goddamn Game Dude hard mode my ass bro look my balls all right tan is real nice cuz tany can do everything right uh yep planting handiwork lumbering Gathering transporting real good also tany um let's teach tany Dragon burst wait dragon's good against dark type we don't really need that water's good on fire type we don't really have a lot of fire actually it's fine I'll just teach it tany cuz tan is kind of funny well now our tan is [ __ ] insane um okay I kind of want to build a base now wait why is there a level 11 Toko too here all right tany [ __ ] up that pulet let me see what you got what is that oh it's acid rain I'm like what are you doing bro you missed oh just tany got moves oh my god tany let's make a common Shield a cloth outfit a feed box and then let's make a ranch and a normal parachute all right we got the ranch we needed the ranch that's good stuff good stuff what if we just kind of running go go go go we're a shot right we're a shot this is kind of stupid we're kind of wasting pal spheres it's just fun right it's fun you throw your balls at someone and you run away ooh a rush or wait kind of want a rush or rush or are real good rush or mine ore and you can ride them what is this why is it red you've got to be how many [ __ ] are there there's four Rush ORS my tan is getting godamn B it killed the y'all are doing [ __ ] cannibalism bore on boore assault does this count Brown on Brown crime or something dude stop leave just let me get a rush or yes tany you're you're awesome you're hot what one hit I'm losing faith already you're telling me there was an entire goddamn pack of Rush ores and The Syndicate group didn't even shoot one of them they shot me like eight times all right folks enough Lolly gagging I wasn't playing serious before but now I will show off my real strength and I uh oh God this sucks oh this sucks tell you what now folks all right you see my eight pack right here I've earned this why do I why am I getting wrinkles I'm like I'm a 13-year-old boy how am I getting wrinkles I'm on my journey to be the very best how am I already stressing I have nothing to worry about oh a Vixie we need a Vixie uh can I just get a nice back bonus yes I can I'm out of here eeve everywhere on my butt I just got a Vixie with a pure back bonus I'm also about to die so I'm running away boom it's level four not bad we could use that oh my God tany please oh my God tany you you shouldn't have 50% come on it's like flipping a coin heads give me that [ __ ] heads easy oh I still kind of want a lift monk I want an SMG can you can you stop running away uh 40% you know what am I really playing on hard cuz this [ __ ] doesn't seem like it let's see we have a cloth oh we have an epic cloth outfit schematic H that's very nice because that means the normal defense will be a little bit higher all right now where should I make a b should I just make it out spawn I'm going just make it out spawn look at this place come on you can't hate it can't love it either but you can't eat it let's get our lamb ball out you're going to help me work work work work let's put on all right let's do a lift monk L monk got some cool stuff we can build a wooden chest uh the wooden chest obviously we're going to going to put temporary right here so this is what we're going to do we're going to build a wooden chest a campfire for light after I put everything in here because I have so much God dang stuff in my inventory all we got heat it seems a visitor is arriving towards the base for what go back home dude hell are you talking about there's nothing to see here quite literally nothing if you want to sell me stuff go for it but you're not you're not going to get what kind of businessman is this guy know you're target market I'm broke I'm not who you want all right me and LOL we're building this bed boom go to sleep easy bam wake up all right we're hungry whatever right guess what base upgrade base upgrade bam now we're going to make a feed box but we need more wood right we need more wood folks we need more wood so no tan is a real good worker I'll tell you that he's the only one that can chop down trees all you guys are [ __ ] useless all right I'm going to make rush or um damn Ranch Sak hella crap maybe I should make a all right let's make a feed box first cook up some berries all right tany I know you're like you're trying to help out but I need you to cut down some trees big guy Rush is already getting us some rocks right there good boy I want a godd dang Ranch folks I want to get my own ranch all right we'll make the ranch boom we'll put it here it's fine don't overthink it Asian don't overthink it why does it take 3 minutes to make this thing it is a whole goddamn Ranch what am I talking about I'm so spoiled look at tany putting in the work lambo's doing a little doing all right where's lift monk a lift monk I like the effort on lift monk wait what is that pair of testicles on lift monk that can't be a necklace that's a that's a pair of testies right there look at lambell working hard it's like Kirby at it all right cool we have a ranch we can put Vixie in the ranch boom what what are you talking about this is a farm what what are you talking about is this hardwood because they're stupid or something what is going on is it cuz I built it in the freaking wall my my brain's not working are you telling me that you want me to relocate the ranch that took me like 3 minutes to build I don't know where else you want me to make it I'm not building that y'all can build it I'm just saying all right I need to build three straw pal pal be to get rid of the quest on my screen cuz it's so annoying is it working yes oh my God why did it take you so long on to graze see look Vixie is already given us pokeballs it's so easy it's free pokeballs so now we should have unlimited Pokeballs and also I think it also makes arrows if I'm not if I'm not mistaken here's what we can also do we can put down a wooden chest here so then every single time Vixie grazes an item and tany or lift monk is moving it they just drop it in the chest boom then they can do something else all right can I get a Wen spear now or something it's actually kind of crazy how much you can get done in one day this is the second day we're playing right now cuz every day is about I want to say 20 to 30 minutes ooh Tanz pretty God dang wood baby let's like get some rocks here all right so I think my plan right now is to just focus on leveling up we're doing really good progress for our house but right now we're really being held back by the fact that we don't have unlimited Stone cuz we don't have the uh like the stone mine and we also don't have unlimited trees cuz of that and we're in an area with basically no trees and no stone in our little base but once we get those done we should be able to kind of progress a [ __ ] ton see look at all these another pal spere ooh maybe we might get another Vixie we're going to get a few of these more pal speres the more we get the merrier and then we'll go out and then we'll capture kind of like whatever we just kind of need experience at this point we have nine Pokeballs and then 25ish arrows oh wait we can make a rush hor saddle we're going to need Stone and palum already wait no we need to make a PO gear Workshop oh my God my brain all right this one tany smack its ass I mean not I mean kill it I mean not no no ooh tany with that D tany is MVP oh my goodness I really want to get a rush for saddle when we get a rush or saddle we can spam its uh dashing attack and that not only does a lot of damage to make getting Pals easier it actually helps getting mining ore everything's a little spread out but it's going to be worth it I think working hard hardly working bitching balls uh something let said on as sleep oh we got a cloth outfit as well that's nice thank you kativa for making me a cloth outfit even though I'm the the one that made it okay so that means we don't have to freeze around at night which is nice and we get a little bit of Defense we got like 70 more HP my character's built so weird oh it's cuz I'm holding a God dang pickaxe wait I also kind of need to kill some lamb Bells hold on oh my gosh tany what the hell oh we needed those it's okay that's all right tany I'm not mad I'm just very surprised you killed them in one shot we Carter guys you put your back into it I'm just saying I can see you you need 30 wood once we get 30 wood we can build these straw pal beds reason why I want to make them is cuz I need to get another Minion out I mean I need I need another pal out too easy too easy we're going to hit the Stone Age so soon base upgrade Boom the LIF monk is LIF monk with the 18 Wood okay okay I need 20 God dang Stone folks I mean we got 12 right now oh my God they're also mining wood too oh perfect and then we have Vixie making us Pokéballs in the back for more workers see everyone in China had it figured out that's why they have so many sweat shops there all right we can make a berry Plantation I guess we're going to make it I'll say honestly like here L up you guys fix this up look at that look four pal spheres literally from doing nothing we're just Base building can we can we move get out of the way I don't want I don't want no trouble I don't want no trouble this is my house I don't I really don't I'll invite you for dinner please don't [ __ ] with me all right and then we needed that 10 stone for that saddle and then once we get this we will literally do Drive buys on Drive buys boom 17 Stone I got a glock in My Rari Rush our saddle help me out here tany I wish there was a way that you can just kind of tap F to work cuz I know I get it you're not going to be tapping later on in the game but early on I do not want to hold like especially when you're crafting like a gun like a gun takes like you need to put your thing on there for like all right Rush saddle boom boom we can now ride rush or and look look look look what we can do all we do is sand blast throw sand blast throw it's that easy sand blast throw sand blast you're dead sand blast last you're dead and look ore right charge up boom you get five ore but on casual I believe you get 20 only problem is pouet are kind of strong look you can do a sand blast but you're not going to do that much damage and you're also going to fall into a cliff sometimes let's head on over so there's all the basic area mobs whatever we don't want that we are trying to get some Dixies oh A din awesome we're going to [ __ ] off uh spark it dead it pick that up um we're going to need electric types for uh the P King fight or not we're just going to get [ __ ] in the ass um let's head on over across the bridge or not it's a 50% heads it's a heads see told you it was heads all right here's what we're going to do we're going to climb up here and we're going to go over to the next area my goal right now is to get an AR Sox our Sox You' you've seen them before they're like fire bows they're really nice cuz number one they're fire damage so it's really it's like very applicable to a lot of enemies or game withit a jol hog Crist why is there a jol hog Crist there never mind it's gone ooh Some Vixie I need some Vixie hold on nice or not oh we got Vixie that's all I really wanted Aro is nice cuz it's early game it does fire damage also you can ride it so you can like use it for like a damage boost you know you just hop on and then you oh my God I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm come on like I said it's one hit you take one hit you explode into a million Kaja Duba piñatas dude anyway while we're here holy crap how many freaking balls you find
Channel: ayejae
Views: 4,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld hard mode, PALWORLD HARD MODE is actually HARD, palworld hardmode, is palworld hard, palworld hard mode playthrough, palworld guide, ayejae palworld, ayejae, ayejae palwolrd playthrough
Id: Y_DyLK_2I-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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