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so today I'm going to be showing you some more breeding combinations to get some stronger piles that I've been using for quite a while now just take note that some of these are unique combinations and some of these are not so the unique combinations are the ones that are limited to the breeding combination that I've used in this video and those that are not unique combinations are are pretty much easier to get because you could get them from breeding some other combinations rather than the one that I've used and I will be attaching a spreadsheet that contains all the combinations that you could use for this breeding sessions that you will be doing some point in your playr in this game before we jump right into it if you find this video helpful please hit the like button subscribe if you guys are new enable your notifications and let's go so let's start off with the unique combinations first the first one would be a lilene and the only way to get a lilen is if you breed a Manda and the petalia together liline is a really good base pile considering that it has a planting level for handiwork level three Gathering level two and Medicine production level three so maintaining your food inside a base would not be a problem if you have this one and it's a really good partner team once you've got those legendary gears or not even legendary just higher teer gears and fight bosses with it because it is a really good Heat ER I haven't really used it myself just yet because I've yet to obtain the schematics for the legendary gears or even rare gears I've only had uncommon on so it's not really ideal but it is a really good T to have and for petalia if you're so if you're wondering yourself how to get a petalia the easiest way to get it in my opinion is to breed a beacon and a fak as you can see on the video I've used a beacon and a for get myself aalia because I've gained access for a beacon a at a really early stage of the game so yeah I think that's the easiest way to get it so the next one would be feries and for feries you need to use an Anubis and a vanm as its breeding parents in my opinion feries is not really that notable when it comes to uses because it's works durability only kindling level three and transporting level two but if I want a transporter I might as well use Anubis as a pal base for transporting and for kindling I might just use something like your moonside ignes or a blaso or something like a repo but I guess if you want an an all-in-one base pal you might as well go for a feries the next one in on the list is a shadow beak a shadow beak is a result of a an aagon and a kitun cross breathing it is also a unique one so you could only use aagon and kitson as its parents and when it comes to a base pal Shadow beak is not really that useful it only has Gathering level one so it's not really suitable as a base pal but if you're going to use it for battle and as a flying mount it is really good and another butt never use it across the water because it doesn't really fly above water when it drains its stamina while flying above water it will drown unlike any every other flying mounts that you could use so in my opinion if you're looking for a flying Mount it's a lot more Alternatives than this one but it's a really cool design pile so if you're going for the looks then you might as well have this on your team because you could still use it for battles so the next one on our list is going to be menting menting is not a unique combination when it comes to breeding so you could use another combination for its parents but for this video I've used a Manda and a shadow beak because my shadow beak contains a lucky passive skill that I've got from my kitsun so so it's got that attack buff from the lucky passive skill and when it comes to work suit ability I think menting could be good for Mining and lumbering but can get overshadowed pretty easily but themes like Anubis GIS bolt or something like that but I think menting is a really good early pal if you could get if you could get an access on it an early stage of the game but yeah if you're looking for a team that could do both Mining and the lumbering I guess menting is your choice so the next for the next one on our list is one of my favorite pales that I've got which is war sec I didn't really get this one or earlier but I wanted to have a pretty strong version of this one and in this video I've used two combinations for it just to get the passive skills and the first one I've used my metting Mena sting I've used my Menace thing that got a lucky passive skill on it and a Manda just to pass them the passive skills on the war SEC and warc is really useful when it comes to transporting and lumbering this also one that you could use as a lumber because it has lumbering level three and transporting level tree so it would do all the work by itself when it comes to that and it's also a pretty strong T if you don't have a ground and grass type t on your team you could use this one and aside from it it's really cool looking another combination that could get you a warc is a sweepa and a relaxus because my sweepa has a ferocious and Burly body passive skill and I want to pass them both on my War set so it would serve as a tank and a damage dealer all by itself when it comes to battles and as for the last one you probably saw this one on the video the other day I think it's just yesterday I don't know but it's the suzaku aqua what one of the limited ones I decided to put this on this video just so you could single it out you could see how I got it the only combination that that you could use for this one is a suzaku and a yon tide suzaku is pretty much all over the desert so you could get one right away or if you find some wild huge scorching eggs on the desert that would also contain some suzaku but if you're planning to breathe for a suzaku you pretty much needed a higher cheer monsters for that the most basic parent that it has is a cry links and cry links could only be found on the snowy mountains which are level 37 and above so it's pretty much a challenge to get it if you're getting a cry linkx then you might as well just get a suzaku all by itself so yeah I guess that's it for this video I hope you find this one helpful in your adventure on this game in P world I'm really enjoying this so might as well share the knowledge to you guys so yeah and if you do find this helpful please hit the like button subscribe if you guys are new enable your notifications so you could get some more updates and when I post the videos that I've been making and yeah I'll see you on the next episode peace out
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 60q_G7iln58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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