Exploring the World in Search of New Materials - Enshrouded

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and happy Friday everyone it's the end of the week as we roll into the weekend I've uh had the itch today to play some more enshrouded uh if you didn't catch it earlier we were playing the uh the stress test for nightingale uh game that i' I've been on the um what do you want to call the focus group or whatever with that for a couple years now uh it's exciting that it's finally coming out uh had some fun out with the this afternoon but this uh this evening I wanted to dive back into the adventure soore around on our glider a bit more and see what other cool things we can find welcome every who's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks every who's clicked on the join button to become a channel member thank you all very very much for the support it's really appreciated and a special thanks to our top tier mistakes are made members for choosing that top tier membership option uh you're all fantastic check out my new my new Dapper outfit we built this the last time we played uh significantly better armor than that horrible ripped padded thing that we had actually looks like we're wearing proper armor now instead of something we fished out of the trash and just duct taped to our body helps a little bit too with uh a little bit more protection which is nice uh when we played the uh I guess it was last night we beat uh we beat one of the bosses in Pike me's reach or I guess the boss in Pik me's reach uh that was a fun battle but we have more things to explore and find uh there's uh some other materials in this game we still haven't found yet like tin for example uh I'm sure there must be metal somewhere the blacksmith's request way over there wow um all right we're got to go on on a Grand Adventure today and try and find stuff so we can uh unlock more things do some more crafting that dude was scary oh that big uh the big dragon thing that was in that keep yeah that was something else um I've got uh I've got lots of wizard pants here hold on just delete those this is Amir the fell wisp wyvern head well he was more than a head when we fought him it was like his entire body chuga chuga chug oh no that's not uh that's not a YouTube problem that's an issue with uh clicking on the map hold on I got to turn off my replay buffer that turns automatically that'll help a little bit with that the map of this game for some reason chugs my system down uh it's kind of it's kind of crappy but what are you going to do um okay we have uh we have four chests here I think I'm going to need to make some more storage um so let's make some more of that I want to make another one of this these uh medium magic chests we're going to need to make the medium chest first and then uh we can turn that into the medium magic chest one at a time perfect that'll give us more space for stuff I got to get used to the controls again I was after playing nting Gil this afternoon I got all the buttons all mixed up on myself there we go uh no oh crap there we go jeez uh all right I just put this one on the floor over here we can stack the three High relatively easily but I guess we could snap them too that'll probably keep them all better lined up keep turning off the snapping for doing certain stuff got enough arrows uh I don't know what we have right now no we have we have one when we beat the boss last night I had a single Arrow left just one so lucky we'll call that lucky um I got the silver keep from Pike the key from Pike needs reach I don't know what to do with it now that I have it we got that wyvern head uh I should see if uh oops there we go uh I should see if we can upgrade the uh the flame here now now that we got the head of that thing here strengthen the flame we need goo we need indigo plant we need copper ore uh I mean those are all relatively easy to get I think the goo is made from Bugs if I'm not mistaken so let's make some of that quickly so I have it on hand I think we can make that with this guy oh dirt shroud liquid and Bug dust so I got to get some more shroud liquid cuz I was only a to make four more there we need to make a bunch more of that then the copper will be a thing to get too I guess mind you if I don't have copper I can't really make more arrows so that's a problem I guess we can make some of the scrap arrows for now even though they're not as good not there over here arrows oh I do have enough I've got a couple copper bars we can make uh well we made one badge I need more Twigs again I swear like this game is when you are when you're an archer in this game or you play with the bow it is really just a never ending need for Twigs it's it's perpetual I'm really going to need to like take some more time with my farming and plant more out here speaking of which the Corn's kind of grown up here now so now we've got corn is ready to harvest uh I forgot to replant the chamomile but we've got lots of this stuff here maybe before we go anywhere we'll deal with uh deal with the farming so these have a chance to grow some more of these there we go watch for the kid we roll all the corn and all these blonde kids start wandering out of the field for some reason wait a minute my daughter's blonde oh no this is problematic uh uh oh I made the roasted corn so that gives me plus two strength plus three Constitution which I guess gives me more Health the Regeneration is good the stamina is awfully good uh I mean we'll take the corn with me but it's actually not super useful I I haven't been able to find any decent things that we can cook just yet what we got in here A whole lot more corn seedlings so we can plant those we've got uh some chamomile but I ran out of water I forgot about the water situation I had um let's just we'll split the stack and put well wait we got 10 for each one of these so uh whatever we'll put like eight in here rest of these will turn into linen over here there we go I'm going to need more cam meal so we got to get warm water I guess uh we'll hit up the uh the well that's over here I should try to like Mark a couple of Wells on the map at least until I get to the point where I can craft my own cuz I don't think I can do that yet I should probably check once I can craft my own it's sort of a non-issue cuz I could just get like an infinite water supply but uh for now we're stuck scooping water out of this well just have her dire here oh that'll that'll fix all the problems does ma m law or the [Laughter] plumber NOP oh I got no stamina I can't fly not stamina it's uh Magic for that uh all right so we'll get the water in here so we can finish making that cam meal that I was starting well maybe not finishing it but it'll make a bunch of have a meal anyway uh split that in half put like five of them in here for now take half of these out too so much corn need 20 linen per well so stock up oh for a well yeah yeah yeah well the thing is like with the wells you can you can get infinite water out of them if you want to cheese it a little bit just pick it up and put it down over and over again I don't know if I'll do that or not cuz I tend not to cheese in games too often except this you know combat strategy is one thing but like manipulating the game to get infinite supplies of something is not something I normally do so I don't know we'll see I might make a couple but we're going we're going to be growing lots of flax so I don't think we'll have too much problem staying on top of the linen it's really you need linen for a well though it's like we're making some kind of cheesecloth to filter the water we Haul out of the well um I still have 32 of these corn things I going to have to make my corn field bigger seeds for camomile well I have five of them on me right oh wait a minute uh are these chamomile yeah these are the chamomile seedlings and then I've got um uh I've got some more of them crafting right now let's put these in here like go and THS I put the goo in here too I guess oh I need uh is my dirt in here yeah there's my dirt somewhere here I left my hole I don't know where maybe I left her in Tiana ah okay got the hole the agonizing organization yeah not exactly organiz okay bust this sucker out okay so here's the uh this is the dirt we're making this at a farm soil leave a little path in between cuz I do want to actually set up like different plot areas here maybe uh so we'll put that there and then we only need to put the one down because we got the magic power of the rake it's chalk full of raiky goodness holy crap what just happened okay hold on the rake was was not oriented properly um Houston we have a problem there we go we oh I made I made flying dirt okay go me so this all becomes uh the Fancy Farm soil that grows crops faster which is nice from our one little [Applause] placement but I don't want it to be elevated cuz it won't match the other fields so we'll go over here and now we can just level it all off and this will give us fields that match the other fields aside from that chunk of dirt that's flying in midair there we got to solve for [Applause] that there we go it's like magic there perfect can't have rocks in her fi we're going to pick those up there we go I'm my game just like spreading that Farm soil but it doesn't count as Farm soil oh really how can you tell I mean these things have all grown pretty good for me wish I would actually tell you what this so so like here if I if I dig this up oh I just got regular dirt oh it used to be Farm oil I think they I think they changed it uhoh I broke it I broke it ah [Applause] crap so much for my fancy dirt just wrecked my whole [Laughter] field uh maybe I shouldn't put it down that low maybe that's the problem let's maybe I'll leave it elevated a little bit this time maybe the maybe it doesn't like when you put it down flush with the ground [Applause] [Music] [Applause] anyway it could be they saw people doing this little exploit on uh online and they were like hey let's let's solve for that that's that's not how that's supposed to work didn't mean not producing all the dirt cuz it used to be you could like you could spread it out like this and then if you if you pulled out your pickaxe and chopped into it you get Farm soil see it's still Farm soil I guess maybe it was just it didn't like me leveling it [Applause] downward anyway this is all Farm [Applause] soil it's the Magic The Magic of the rake so I spent one Farm soil placing that very first piece and then because I mined one up my net cost in building this farm field is zero pretty sure it's not intended to work that way but it does all right that's planted let's stick our camomile over here all five of them we got a lot more going on again how dare you you have symmetry I've got snapping turned on so it's it's actually it's snapping in a reasonable way right now when I was uh when I had snapping turned off they were kind of all over the place which is how I normally plant if you ever watch me play Don't Starve Together that's a game to get infuriated about how I plant things floppy raid hey floppy thanks for the raid welcome anyone who might be dropping in from floppy stream okay it's going to take a little bit for these things to uh craft so I'm not really in a huge rush for these um we'll just let it do its thing it's going to make most of Cam meal there which is all right cuz we need that for that food buff that food Buff's pretty sweet put our Farm soil away upu too I guess look at all them swords in in chat what if your cheat works on clay and such it works on pretty much any any surface you do yeah so like if you put down regular dirt cuz you have a couple different building materials you can make them out of um and then you use the rake you can uh you spread them around I think the same will work even with Road pieces if you put a road down I think you can use the rake to spread the road might be worth trying welcome everyone who's droing in from floppy stream all them fancy swords to Arms we must defend we're under attack so many swords who brought the shields hold on a second we got to go we got to go two arms there we go ah hey Sky how you doing okay I've got uh I've got my mace I got my shield we've got a little bit of food uh we should probably head out and do a little adventurez uh I got to put the rake back here though I don't really want to bring that with me just takes up extra space I roasted this corn but I'm kind of not happy with that I really hope there's uh stuff we can cook like better recipes with later on because the food recipes we have right now sort of suck the cam Mt is great this endurance one plus three decks for the vegetable puree plus seven stamina recharge that last for 5 minutes this is worse than I thought it was cuz the honey gives like more than twice as much even only lasts for a couple minutes I don't know added ingredients and stuff idea what happens if you rake and go off a cliff you get floating land no I don't think you do um you have to do it within the the confines of your well we can test it on on hold on a second we can test on one of those Mounds over there I'm pretty sure it has to build up from a c certain level so it can only build up so high but let's check cuz I mean I did make that floating dirt with the uh Farm ground there or whatever but that was only like a little tiny bit the way the rake works is that um wherever you oops wherever you start the center rings on it that's the level to which you're going to level the ground around it so if you start to level you get all this busness but I think if you yeah it's just say ineffective it won't do it because it's too far away the lower ground is is too far down there it'll even out the sides on this thing for me wherever it has just a little bit of a dip but you can't extend it like out into out into space kind of thing so that rules that out ah that flight didn't work so well welan all wherever you stand the land has become a little dip that's that's right wherever I stand the land gets a little bit less intelligent at least you've got reasonable expectations uh I want to see if I can make any more of the healing stuff I can't remember if I got enough stuff oh I do now that we got some water we can a little bit of chamomile we got uh more healing all right sorry for the lag when we go into the menu hopefully it's not too bad now that I have the replay buffer off um but I think it's time we head out I I've got to go all the way over here for the blacksmith that's pretty far away though so I think I might pick something closer I don't know what this is buried two entry seems perfect let's go there as we get farther away from where we uh we start the game we'll find some more materials we got uh amber last time I need to find tin still so we can make like bronze and stuff did you make arrows uh I did make some so I have uh I've got a few scrap ones and I've got 51 copper arrows I should probably try to be at least a little bit judicious with my arrow use uh we need to go down there I'm pretty sure we're going to be landing in the fog oh what's that building over there go see what that building is Yay good game hey kisser oh we got some of the reddish fog over here I can't even go over there I got to upgrade my uh thing a little bit more which I guess me we should probably focus on getting the copper and stuff for been slacking off I landed up here can I actually get down without falling there we go this a church some kind of a oh yeah I need more shroud liquid too actually oh yeah I found a chest rank of stamina plus one stamina plus one stamina regeneration yoink NSE Lynn with a super chat good evening I really like this series I'm really enjoying this game too this is another one of those games that I I've waited on for ages to come out um I didn't have in the inside scoop on this one way I with nighting Gale but super excited to be able to play this when it finally came out that's the reason I took time off work to play it oops that was the wrong button but I guess that works we got to go here now we're going this way I should chop some of these down we'll get some more of that uh shroud juice or whatever it is shroud liquid juice liquid whatever it's all the same i' low on shroud wood too so may able dig this up also be the wver like minutes before you so we're about the same progression but different builds nice to watch awesome yeah I haven't really focused focus on making like a super powerful build or anything I'm just kind of picking things as I go I'm sure there's going to be if there isn't already I'm sure there's going to be all kinds of different build videos out that people have like oh pick this skill and that skill and this skill and yeah I largely can't be bothered doing that I'm kind of I don't know if it's laziness or just I like to I like to explore and discover things on my own without just copying someone else's build even if it's not as powerful but we can resp any time which is nice doesn't even take that many runes to do it so if we want to try out magic build later we can do that too okay so the question mark is down there but it's got like a whole area circled that does not look exactly inviting oh we're at the bottom like a waterfall kind of thing here only there's no water I think it's on the other side I don't want to drop in here CU we might not be able to get back up no it's got to be down there I don't even know what I'm looking for this feels like a bad idea but all right [Music] huh maybe it's not specifically where the question mark is maybe it's supposed to be like just somewhere in the area well mostly Archer build but I'm teetering into a warrior build now for some bonuses nice yeah I I've uh I've been using the bow a lot cuz I like using bows in games but uh I have to say like the melee is way more effective it's just that if you can shoot something from long range without having to engage with it sometimes they'll stand still and let you kill them probably would help if I knew what I was looking for here hold on an eternal spell Waypoint oh I that's cuz I set my Waypoint okay so the uh Quest is an eternal spell this one here certain spells are imbued with magical energy such spells are called called Eternal spells they don't deplete when used the staff ammunition they can be used indefinitely these spells are scattered throughout the world but one was buried alongside its former owner in an underground grave find the buried tomb and retrieve an eternal spell okay so there should be a buried tomb here somewhere buried here now I you know where to oh [Applause] god oh got too close to that thing oh that's not what I wanted away bugs well that cost me a little bit I lost some on my shroud time I'm not going to lie I kind of thought I would just find like a tomb entrance or something here when I if I have to go to the specific area and literally dig it's buried oops the wrong button again ah what's this stuff I only got 2 minutes left I should probably try to get out of here before I get myself stuck might already be stuck actually oh I got I have no more uh no crap I have no more Mana available I can't fly upwards us still we have a problem there's no way out of here found it okay um I can fly back across that way if I got Mana back it looks like it'll get me out of the Shroud if I can get if I can get far enough oh no I think I'm just discovering more shroud uh I got to go I got to go this way I guess oh there we go that could have been a problem this is more enjoyable to watch I like valheim but the art style doesn't do it for me I actually really enjoyed uh the art style in valheim mostly because of the lighting effects like the you're right the graphics were they weren't anything to write home about I feel like the lighting really elevated it but I do like the art in this game too got no more Mana almost exactly in the middle of that Circle huh all right just got to get back over over there oh I'm going the wrong way now should probably pay more attention to the compass when I'm playing this game that might lead to to Superior results how about we don't hit the cryptic back this away old veritable Lake over here it's an odd game where you can see really far unlike most games so the map becomes misleading yeah well it's uh it's interesting cuz you can see your stuff like when you go to the top of the the uh the towers and things the teleportation Towers you can see your he from like forever away we like I can see my house take the road Took The Road Less Traveled by it and made all the difference that's interesting little marker here there going to be more of these markers here somewhere I don't know if that's like a Road post or never really noticed whether they have those in other places or not and I just went byy them paying attention or maybe there's like Road Post that'll Lead Me There OHP wait here we go this is it buried tent perfect oh my God it's dark in here yeah a little hord and door right away I think we're going to have spiders call me crazy yeah there we go give me your string a he poisoned me little jerk that was rude what I ever do to him ignore the squishing tombs aren't so heavy on the lighting yeah I mean it makes sense it is a tomb not a whole lot of people need Lighting in here especially the residents but at least the the flame does jump ahead so you can put your torch away it punched me gave him the right to treat a home Invader that way curious if I can mine these skulls it kind of looks like oh I can cu say it looks like a know but I only got I did get some bones out of it interesting so if we need to find bones we can just mine a tomb I guess it's not a tomb that was a big whiff good miss my friend these little skeleton guys bring their road light B walls are a bit creepy even creepier tombs that uh tombs like that actually exist yeah particularly like uh Under Paris and Rome so I don't really trust this sarcophagus I feel like the bad things are going to happen when we open it but there should be the spell we're looking for Eternal ice bolt level six p FY oh no that's too dark all right where's the shortest way out of here timmies timmies bring me a donut I could use a donut me my waistline couldn't use a donut but I could I need to get out of the fog again let's go this way minute 40 three to get our butt out of here near this Tower so I should be able to get out right here there we go we're free all right we got one thing done got ourselves a fancy Eternal ice spell 35 damage 45 Mana cost 6 second cast time ET tural version of the ice bolt this spell damages enemies B impact and slows them afterward they do not deplete so we got our first uh infinite shot spell for our staff that I never use used to have a Tim Morton closed about two years ago oh really I guess at the states uh Tim Morton has a tough time competing against Dunkin Donuts you open the sarcophagus and find huh the two morons they're literally everywhere oh there's a whole Army of them out here what are you guys up to that shot me a point blank that was so rude I don't know why they were here but took care of them they might have been planning a raid or something we saved the neighborhood all right we need another point of interest to go chase after uh actually there's a flame right down here let's go set a way point there that's not that far [Applause] away I love all the houses and stuff they have in this game oh there's a den there we can get some sticks while we're here I interrupted dance rehearsals they're like and five six seven oh my God he's killing us now they'll never finish their grand production here they were working on a uh their own presentation of cats we've got and ruined it I think this is the kind of fireplace I need to have in my in my base got really lame ones right now I need like a proper like overly built one should see what kind of like Stone pieces I can make now that might make an interesting looking one nothing in this building all right well oh these markers are everywhere okay I thought maybe that marker I'd seen was like a marker for the tomb but clearly [Music] not see like we already got rid of the bees hey D gaming how you doing I love how you m sticks when I just planted like 200 shrubs well the mining of the sticks is pretty quick uh I planted a bunch of shrubs but I didn't really I I didn't spend a ton of time doing it part because I need to get more water oh although actually the shrubs are made with um with just fiber but um the other planting requires water um but I didn't realize you only get like one one stick per plant really so I mean I can get quite a few of them just by jumping in here and Mining like twig central plant 200 trubs release uh Reed the fiber and then when you get home you collect your plant as needed yeah does take a little time to produce all those things whereas uh because the map resets outside of your flame alter I can just go back to the same cave over and over again and just spend a couple minutes digging it all up what is all this roots from something it's almost like the wolves or pigs or whatever this happens to be a den for cuz they're both have dens um it's like they collected all the sticks in order to make themselves like a comfortable place to lay down but I don't know how that would be comfortable this would go a lot better if I was actually using my bus for things was running around out there with no Buffs on cuz keep forgetting to eat the food took a lot of effort for the wolf to fill it up with those twigs and I just ruined it yeah exactly over and over again they keep refilling in it I keep emptying it I'd call it a symbiotic relationship but it's really more parasitic since I often kill the Wolves too I'm at it got to kill the host you know just imagine whatever Beast lives in here w Bears whatever come home after foraging and dang it they wander in they're really tired they don't even notice that the the the floor is now 5T below the opening 10 ft or whatever that is uh I kind of dug myself in here I got to dig a tunnel out wolf traps yeah I love the way the lighting works like that's that's right that's exactly how it would be like coming out of a cave where it's just so bright you can't see anything until you actually get out love that all right so that net me 60 Twigs anyway reasonably quick enough uh I don't really need oh oh I CAU a firefly somewhere along the way uh I don't need this stack so we can just delete it something with dirt oh what um what Rings am I using here need stamina 10 Health 30% mana and 30 Health wonder if I should take the one that gives me a stamina boost instead plus one stamina plus one stamina regeneration I do like that it adds to my regeneration rate where this is just a fixed amount but I don't know this one's 10 stamina no I'll keep what I got this red fog down here I can't go into that'll kill me pretty sure we're not going that way where's this flame sanum thing there it is ah crap keep H the space bar I thinking it'll stop me from flying instead of hitting the right trigger if you hold your breath and run fast enough you won't die I'm sure yeah you got to just pass out and start breathing again you're right you won't die what's this down here fuka ceremony Hill sure let's go there I don't remember why I had that but I guess we can look it up oh I need these berries too I should grab these useful for making more healing potions and stuff what's going on the ceremony Hill Lo the cave find lost equipment investigate the hunter Camp there it is fuka ceremony defeat the vuka brawler oh look at that dude the vuk created a champion in their Camp defeat the vuka brawler the vuka ceremony Hill to return peace set that as the active Quest I guess or if I have to kill all his friends on the way in there but I'm not opposed wonder how tough this guy will be need to get a thingy on the TV so I can put cryptic the large screen yeah the larger the screen the better oh my God look like he's been beating up his friends oh yeah they don't like me I don't want to fight all you guys at once let me take care of like these guys first and then then we'll deal with the big boy oh crap I lied tough for you that is tough he looks tough oh dude you ruined my attack that was rude these guys are level nine I'm getting healing that's cheating oh down here friend I really don't need these guys healing the big vooka brawler oh that's okay buddy now now you're in for it he says as he runs away was not right it was not right at all fet this guy a okay yeah he's he's he's he looks pretty reasonbly tough head up that backstab damage though baby what's he doing you sleeping he's turtling you talk about this not liking my stamina situation here he's like don't hit me come on bua he ain't so tough he hits me with that even when he hit out of the way oh what was that stuck in his hair oh Stam sucking right now need to get something to boost my stamina regen aside from that little ring that it was only going to give me [Music] one come on friend yeah there we go Quest complete suck it sir brawler level 9 staff all right maybe I'm a little overleveled for this fight we might have got here a little later than I should I could have taken a blessing well without it should have grabbed that before I started I guess the Beast runs through your veins a I should have grabbed that thing before I started oh well we still beat him I like I said I'm pretty sure we were overleveled for this like this is a mini boss more than an actual boss it is yeah was a little mini boss fight he had like a boss health bar but you weren't so Tiff oops take their fur with us all right another Quest down what we [Music] got I want to go up here TR to make my way over to the blacksmith area over there if I can get there um problem is going to be all that Red Mist is sort of in the way let's go to the top of that Tower we can fly a little bit love this game me too so far I'm really really enjoying it I like the exploration of it the building's fun the combat's good I mean it's not super complex combat but it's fun fun to do at least I love adventuring around the world it's great bu tandry that's not what I want wait a minute where's my oh it's over this way more over that kind of a way see that red one over there I can't go into if I go over there can I even reach this [Music] thing it may not be able to that might be too far I might have to upgrade my thing first so let's work on the upgraded stad I need copper uh somewhere here I had copper this is [Music] Clay that's the carpentry Camp that's not the copper sorry about the lag when I'm in the uh in the menu here it's kind of a pain in the butt but I can't do a ton about it oh here's the copper here do they host multiplayer servers dedicated or is left for the players to host multiplayer uh you can get servers to host the multiplayer game but they're not like um centrally hosting it when you play single player you're not on a server at all it's all just local play okay we got to dig ourselves a hole again holy my stamina sucks forer playing solo on multiplayer servers cuz I'm just weird yeah I've seen um like companies like what it like bisect host or whatever I don't know all the servers I don't generally rent them but um there are servers you can rent or whatever to to host a game Dy hole I'm regening my skills let's check where I can spend some points uh increases your endurance increase stamina by 10 per attribute point for endurance I kind of want the endurance but I've been trying to expand down into this tree down [Music] here I have a blunt weapon right now would rather have a [Music] sword but I think I I might put the points into here so I can extra 10% blunt [Music] damage my damage outp put a bit try the stamina ring to see if it makes a difference while mining yeah can't hurt character uh put it in place of this I guess where's my all right see how the stamina recovery is with a plus one stamina I'll find a new better sword shortly yeah I'm sure I will fortunately like I said it only takes like 10 runes to resp I think so changing skills around is relatively easy I mean that plus one stamina recovery is actually fairly significant it's not crazy but it's uh it's noticeable I think takes so much chopping to get a little bit of ore so what was your opinion on Nightingale well I've uh I've known about Nightingale for quite some time now um I joined a focus group for that a couple years ago um when I was in Florida on vacation actually I joined the first call for that that would have been I think 2 3 years ago now 2 years ago um so I've really been looking forward to it coming out um now the it was a bit of a weird um weird play today because they they started us with a bunch of things unlocked and I just broke my pickaxe go me uh we started with the game with a bunch of things unlocked which made it a little bit weird for the progression cuz you're not really sure what you're supposed to be doing but it's a uh it's a fun game I like it I'm really looking forward to playing more of it my only Prim my primary question with it is like what will the late game be like so like early on when you're unlocking things and building and exploring and everything's new and fresh uh obviously it'll be like a really fun game to play I think and then it will just be like okay well how does the how well does the late game carry on cuz um in all the the testing and stuff we haven't really gotten to like a late game scenario oh I got his head what if I should I should probably hold on to that just in case it's useful for something aside for like mounting it on a wall which you know is fun also but so far the heads have been used for upgrading the flame so it's possible that's [Music] involved although it is common I might so is this one I don't know whatever yeah I really looking forward to nting Gil coming out it doesn't come out until the 22nd um but I might have some content for it before then even I can swing it the top lower explosed wood look oh out here the uh yeah it's like framed in blaster or something almost yeah I like it too okay I've got more of these potions in here I think yeah there we go I guess I used up all the Shroud juice so we got 14 of that bugs uh Power 23 is not going to be good enough we Salvage that I guess I should put the Eternal spell somewhere where I can find it again not really that I'm using it but stick it in there pull out of the ring cuz I might want to swap that back all my runes no way I used them all there they are jeez okay what else do we need for this thing all right I got to get goo I need five more of the Indigo plants I didn't realize I didn't quite have enough of those oh it's the ore I need not the actual bars a bring me bring me back my ore okay so we got to get goo which is uh I forget I think it was water I needed for that and then uh Indigo plants let's check the goo situation e oh the shr Lookers that's what I needed all right we should be all go out everything's goua now I just got to get the uh the Indigo plants uh which we can find those actually back where I was mining the copper [Music] about [Music] here Goodland are is really beautiful yeah the environmental detail is great I have an ex-girlfriend that wishes stamina Rings were a real thing h didn't like starting it uh how it did because of the confusing direction of what to do oh yeah yeah yeah so they actually so um in their Discord thing they were talking about how there was uh I think some internal debate about how they should start it out whether they should give supplies or not starting with a certain number of things unlocked originally they were only planning for a total of 4 hours so so they were thinking like let's let's give people some stuff that they can do a few things with and instead of starting at the very beginning and not being able to really do anything uh but then they ended up extending the um extending the stress test uh and so you really could have started fresh from the beginning that's all right when it comes to the normal play when it when it releases it won't be like that it'll be like starting right at square one I think I got enough Indigo plants now that's I needed five of them right we'll take extras just in case there been times I've been wrong and picked the wrong number I know hard to believe I'm I'm almost never wrong but as long as we're here we might as well also get some more copper I know I'm going to need it where's that hole I made in the ground there it is we're going in the surpris the trust us didn't have multiple uh multiplayer servers available yeah I think you could do two-player Co-op but um I think that was it but the whole thing is server based so like like even when you're playing single player you're still running on their server so I guess if they had enough people in one way or another it was still going to test how much they could handle although mind you multiplayer is a different animal think you can plant things like flowers and bushes uh in just any soil yeah you can just plant it right on the grass I put it in the farm plots cuz it looks neater and the uh if you use the Farm soil it increases the grow rate what if the seed box would can upgrade like grow boxes so you don't have to manually plant I don't know I know they're slow like when you're when you're making seedlings in those seed boxes it's a real slow process nobody got time for that yeah this will be useful for them sticks make more arrows I haven't been using more copper for arrows than anything else I think think how much time mining copper right now hundreds of saplings could be made yeah I guess once you spend the time doing all the planting and everything and all the time that's required to actually produce the the uh the seedlings I should got a bunch going while we're out adventuring just so that when I get back I've got a whole bunch I can plan old school Super Chat I've never died so often as in this game I love it makes you play ahead I assume you mean plan ahead thanks for the Super Chat yeah I like a CH challenging games that's why I like uh Souls games you I don't know you feel a sense of reward when you actually succeed cuz it's not easy actually got to work for it plus there's that whole like dying in the Shroud thing I've done that a couple times this game's had you laughing your mistake oh yeah yeah I keep accidentally hitting the wrong button maybe it's just me I'm good at hitting the wrong button though oh that okay it's still there for a second I thought my torch like fell through the world kind of excited to play Dave the diver in a couple months when it comes to PlayStation oh it's going to PlayStation that's cool that's a fun game that that company that made that game has such a weird amalgamation of things coming up like they're the that's the same company that's making that naan game the The Zombie Survival game or like zombie extraction game I guess it is uh there was something else I saw that that're making too that's coming up there was Al just like a completely different genre don't mind dying a lot as long as it makes me spend more time recovering gear than progressing the game yeah if you yeah if you get like a death Loop it can be frustrating obviously or if you're run spending all your time running a back to your stuff I mean the nice thing with this game is when you die you don't lose your gear you just lose the like the resources you were collecting so it's still worth going back to get it but it's not like it just cripples your gameplay I feel like that's a good compromise this a good job of killing you dying three times yesterday to bees really I guess I'm going to have to play some icas soon I haven't seen the bees yet the dogs are the bees or the dogs of bees in their mouths and when they bark they Sho bees at you it's good compromise if your potato don't bring resources to difficult fights yeah exactly or even if you do they'll stay there indefinitely until you're finished and then you just go pick them up afterwards you know unless you literally can't reach them it wasn't the day before yeah NAD actually got reasonably good responses probably because it was just an early play test it was free to play so nobody felt uh nobody felt like they'd have their money taken or anything I got more more comments on that video about people being looking forward to what happens with it uh than I did negative commentary there was very little negative commentary for it which actually kind of surprised me cuz you know how gamers are always negativity say that as a gamer Chas you back to your base too really how far will they go will they just like not stop pursuing you all right we have enough to upgrade this thing now strengthen the flame this will give me access to another alter which is good uh three character act bonus it give me a longer time with the Shroud and then we can get the higher shroud passage too got everything we need there flame of four baby maybe I don't know how high up you can do I I know eight is the maximum number of activations you can get oh mint mushroom meat okay we haven't even gotten anywhere near that same thing with fossilized bone ammonia gland tin ore reos oh my gosh we're making tea and Fel monstrosity head so most of these things I haven't even seen yet actually all of them except for the spark the spark is the only thing I have seen so we got clearly we got some Discovery to do diggers ever fix or rebalance the near instant cave punishment pneumonia no I feel like they should just make that go away it's so pointless I don't I've never understood the the pneumonia in that game you're literally wearing a SPAC suit that lets you sit underwater indefinitely you don't get ammonia under the water but you do in a cave suddenly went from no knowledge of the mint mushroom to needing dozens of it yeah exactly H okay um I've got uh I've got all this copper ore I should probably smelt up as much of it as I can I'm sure I'm going to need [Music] more yeah I need more charcoal got some copper bars there we'll take that going have to do two stacks anyway well no actually I'm lot of charcoal I've got enough for two stacks of copper but I I'm going to need more charcoal so let's um see if we got any logs up anything in here there's some logs 204 of them even get that going I had some stuff going out in this ceiling bed too I forgot about uh so we got tomato seedings we can plant some Tomatoes I like tomatoes I take that water back and then the camomile should be ready in here there we go camomile if I put some more water in we can make some more flax there's my flax there we go we'll get that going oh I don't need well 70 flax yeah yeah actually I'll PL 70 why not we could use a lot of flax it's definitely going to definitely going to be something we need a lot of pair of the stuff we'll get our more arrows cuz I want to have some actual ammo when I go out that would be really novel I make them into poison arrows too H poison arrows acquired we got a 101 but only one of them one of them is not poison but I should move this bench outside too still night time let's go to sleep make a day what's an extraction shooter so uh like tarov for example is an extraction shooter the idea is you drop into an area or you go into an area you run around in loot potentially shooting at other players and sometimes NPCs to collect Loot and then you have to try to extract the loot from the region they've you've entered in order to keep it if you die you lose all your stuff any equipment you had with you when you went in uh as well as anything you might have collected uh while you were in there you lose it all and so you're just you're just trying to go in and extract loot all the time over and over again that's pretty much the entire game [Music] loop I feel like these are snapping in straight rows here what's going I guess it is I the dirt's the dirt's Crooked who made all this crooked dirt oh that one's bad or was it the heck why is that one flying all right whatever this is really uneven considering I rake this all level it's really not cooperating very well good grief oh my lord it's even snapping and I still can't do straight lines H for everyone with OCD you're welcome okay uh put all this corn here I got room for some tomato plants in here the exciting world of video game farming son's tractors uh we can get a little closer to these Horn's already ready okay so this second match of corn look fast it grew so this these ones I planted over here this is definitely not counting as Farm soil cuz look how these ones haven't grown yet but all these ones are ready so that's the difference in speed rate growth rate of the the Farm soil so the mistake I made was when I put it down and spread it out I then leveled it down to ground level I'm going to have the same problem over here so I think when I get when I get around to redoing these uh I'll need to make sure I keep the ground a little bit elevated like that so we make sure that it's actually counting as Farm soil mistakes are made as usual fortunately that's a minor one uh oh well we can take that in the meantime I I need to see about more water think I'm going to put this other ring back on cuz I need the boosted magic for my flight ability tuck this ring in here for now mistakes is cute though nobody watching the stream as OCD they'd still be claiming or cleaning the pc/laptop prior to turning it on aha unless they did a really thorough job of that ahead of time cuz their OCD can build them to plan and be prepared um that salt mine I should probably hit up just to do the quest what's this one over here grind teeth Grotto sure why not let's sounds fun think Fun's the word I don't have a decent flight point near there I guess this is the closest I can get right here I'm going to go get the salt mine first though and I got to make a point in keeping an eye out for uh for Wells I can steal some water from too cuz I'm having water issues I don't like it but that's how it is is oh sure like a hawk or something or an eagle that's cool so we're looking like right in the edge of that fog over there past the uh the farm there where we got all the crops before Oh I ran out of the te oh crap okay I got to make more of that more of the chamomile tea that stuff's good got like a 35 minute buff on it it's like the only buff that I can take that actually has some duration hey Loa how you doing we planning and follow when they had no stap oh yeah I see that being a pain playing on this building down here what even is that above the fog line at least see you I don't think they take fall damage though sadly oh God who do you think you are cuz I attacked your home means nothing level five I should have done this Quest so long ago I'm in an area that's like super low level compared to me now okay it's over that way somewhere you can roll uphill physics be damned so the salt mine's down here somewhere found it we're a little overpowered spores and sickness I believe the Shroud to be spores tiny almost minuscule fragments that spread through the air now condensed heavy and potent they cling to Airways eyes fur and skin they spread the fungi released these spores upon contact but their Roots might have been anchored below us for a long time we awoke a slumbering malady at the Earth's core when we built the first Elixir well distilled the f still the first Elixir the mysterious Wanderer opened the floodgates to ruin says balazar I think we found them oh nope just a point of Interest I mean I don't even know how much salt I need I might might be worth grabbing a little bit since I just happened to be here throw my torch down so I can actually see what I'm doing here I have a decent supply of salt I think cuz I mined up quite a bit of it earlier not from here but from a different spot but again I guess as long as I'm here takes up with me feel like the foundational concept of an extraction game shoot her otherwise but it does seem to be a delicate balance compared to many other genres the moonlighter for example oh yeah moonlighter is a good game the the catch with the most of the extraction games now is that you're you're playing against other players so um the skill Gap can be enough that you you could be you could be playing a game you'll never really succeed at just because the uh the other players will just obliterate you one would hope not but it's certainly a certainly something they could happen Eon salt mine I wonder if there's anything other well I mean actually any loot I find here is going to be really low level so probably not going to be the best place to spend a whole lot of time get the loot while we're here though Misfortune maze level five my faculty is sharp as ever the thumping leads the way a bold beautiful pounding it rattles my bones but wets my my pallet my shy compatriots have no taste for [ __ ] or so it seems as they departed while I slept we just broke it into the tunnel where deep at the end the wonderful buzzing seemed to sing No Matter more for Bertram I say forward hole all right so they dug into something probably a bunch of bugs let's find out what's in here Critter Nest y that sounds about right I hate Critters in this game kind of a nuisance a low level just chop up their nest and they can't come back it's dark in here though H wrong button is it just me or is there a glow coming from this pile all right maybe not thought I could see like a glow from like a silver chest or something I should be conscious of how much time I got left here in the trown too all right how do I get out of here now up the hill behind me is clear but I don't have a way up there little jerk oh mager you all right I need out got to get out of here my God where's an easy way out go this way oh no come on yeah suck it shroud all right well we got the mine that was all I needed to get over there that was just a little point of Interest thing to grab uh there is a flame sanctum down there I haven't gotten but I I don't want to go after that let's go somewhere more interesting um uh if we grab this Shrine we might be able to fly a half decent distance toward this thing so we'll try that there a Bob get to the chopper okay I didn't put the probably should put this on here to track it grind teeth Grotto what's the quest for that one reach the Pillars of Creation discover the Shroud ofis the cave find the blah blah blah give the farmer strawberries or uh flavor remind them of their old home which used to be bountiful Oasis in exchange for the berry she revealed location of buried treasure a trash pit at Glen Wood's end oh good trash crucial investigation something sinister is overtaken Glenn Wood's end large town the far reaches of revelwood C didn't explore don't see one here for grinwood Grotto that's interesting all right well we'll see what it is anyway it's a bit of a way a th meters I'm not going to be able to fly that far for sure um all right I'm currently flying I don't think you're supposed to jump on these this is even to get me to the hunting thing I might as well have just gone like teleported to the hunters yeah literally I flew as far as my uh my flame alter I could have just like come straight here oh well your daddy and what do he do bent you little jerk oh respawn Point interesting they have a respawn point there what does that say about the surrounding area there's a building there what building is that all right 500 shrubs planted oh my goodness that's a lot of shrubs he must use a lot of arrows they've got traps in the entryway I think he spotted me I was going to try to backstab him but too much for that whoa one of these guys oh god listen that acid attack they their weapon do is nuts what did that having the fact they're like painfully persistent oh god look here buddy I don't like [Music] you there we go that one wasn't too bad what was that oh just a provisional sighte I thought it was green for some reason all right we got this wand I can salvage I can salvage this thing make a little space in here Salvage that this thing I don't need either see what fun toys they have here oh crap heasy buy what's my turn to get an acid sword I don't know I want one though those things are pretty strong haven't really gotten any cool weapons in a while oh crap okay that's about enough out of you big boy I CAU me looting maybe he was napping or something might be upset that I interrupted map see a little to my poison copper Arrow Jerk It's too fast hold still wonder if I can get him caught in the Trap AR there too you know he's actually not that bad if I just block his attacks oh Okay I lied level up as long as he doesn't hit you it's fine it's when he hits you that it's a problem Poor Little Wolves really I pick that lock to come in here only to have like nothing but wolves in there hey lird thanks for clicking the join byon welcome to dery Fox appreciate the support to Team Green the odds are something cool in this place a lockpick will be handy think that applies to all attacks as long as they don't hit I suppose this is true but when I when I was blocking his uh his attacks was working pretty good I me I thought before when I blocked with the shield you still took a certain amount of damage through it but it didn't really seem to be taking much might have been a like a stamina or a durability hit though what we got here who's shooting at me they might have been down below heck was that where' that fire shot come from oh this guy thanks for the bombs oh no don't use that no no stop oh you can't stop the fense with this one does it do anything that makes it stand out as a survival game uh it's not really it's more of like a it's more of an adventure game than a survival game it's it's similar to valheim in that sense so like if you don't eat food or whatever it's not like you you don't live um instead the food provides a buff it's really more about like the exploration and Adventure the building there are bosses there is progression they've got some quests and stuff it's closer to um like an really open-ended RPG as opposed to uh like a straight Survival game if feel like valheim it's it's it's really in that vein but uh it's really not like a hardcore survival game it's got some cool things in it like the glider is Fun the building's pretty neat seems to be pretty flexible what the heck is this thing oh it's like a giant wheel they can turn welcome to Willow Crush guess this is where they crush the Willows sparkly noises no chest up there though no up there huh a weird little [Applause] camp Oh what exactly were they crushing I know it's it's called Willow Crush but we could have really been crushing trees right and who killed these guys it wasn't me wonder if the bees got him that'd be funny paper Bill maybe oh jeez I didn't invite you in I heard a crack early in the morning I was man in the grind Mill it was creaking all Wicked I pushed harder something blocked the mill to my horror some fool had climbed inside buried by Roots his body was swollen and Bloated the juice from the plant leaked flesh leaked from his lips oh that's gross chista was laugh of him and brush it uh brushed it under the floorboards next to the Grind Mill before the morning Bells rang if the head of Sanitation finds out I can kiss my bonus goodbye under the floorboards next to the Grind Mill one are the floorboards next to the Grind Mill well which one's the grind Mill there seem to be multiples of these things oh right [Music] here there's something under there why his body's glowing red just you can find it ring of rapacity minus 20% Mana plus 20% Mana Regeneration all right that's fun who says the lore in this game isn't useful huh oh I passed a flame sanctum back there oh well get that later playing in the mud I'm [Music] Beast what's rapacity uh I don't know but in this case it has to do with [Applause] magic what there's fly in there that was weird there's a well there I need that pretty funny when the water is like the most valuable thing here for [Music] me Hey where's the guy that shot at me oh it's a broken well I can't even use it guess those explosions don't hurt their friends no Friendly Fire huh where's the guy that was shooting at me now ah dang it there was a trap under there is stop shooting at me down the basement oh it's dark in here aren't get empty but we can repair that's good with two of those capacity Rings you have almost infinite Mana for magic casting oh that's sweet so you get lower uh lower overall Mana but you just recover it so fast it doesn't matter uhoh I ran out of meat how's that possible oh crap pay more attention to things uh I'm going to have lower hit points for a bit cuz I don't have meat left it's cooked we eat the raw stuff but oh [Music] crap think we can find a bed here somewhere in this little town bet this little house here's got a bed in it somewhere or Tavern whatever this is this is a Tav there's beds can't sleep in these ones dang it thought it was so clever for a second hey why can't I sleep on those things where are bunk beds not allowed oh crap rats it's a lot of rats man a that bed's broken can't went for trying today you don't sleep in bu beds are too much fun a see leave it to games always trying to ruin fun a weird growling noise want to read this note here too oh look at all the bombs sweet dear Oscar you've always been my favorite nephew young and spry Oscar my old bones rattle I can hardly care for the Lush pasture anymore shame such sprawling Fields ripe and bountiful perfectly for a young glad as yourself I'll leave this peaceful Homestead in your caring an I think you failed you oh crap there's a [Applause] door can't find a bed for the life of [Applause] me that um sounded large yeah Wonder want if there's so many bombs right here I don't know I haven't seen anything big here hope it didn't smash the bed in here ah nothing's got a mattress on it they're just determined not to let me sleep the night away here mind you I wouldn't have seen that chest if I hadn't been awake at night look at that glow Archer trousers I look how many hidden things there are in this game too like there's even places you can like dig into the rubble and you'll find stuff underneath there's a healthy glow over oh look at all the rats They're All Dead what killed them ooh that's a gold chest Little Star mace level 11 so not really fools brother you betray me with the rest you're all cowards I shall dig my own Elixir well and have all the elixir in Ember Veil I will no longer rely on the old ways the old names this is the dawning of a new a age the age of zth I don't want that kind of flass that is but it's very mysterious this guy's been doing his own alchemical cooking this is he's got a Ste down here he was making moonshine that's what he was doing who knew the Elixir all this time was actually just moonshine ah get up there must have more brother even now I can feel its strength coursing through me the Elixir is a miracle why I'm beginning to feel like a new man join me in a raid on The Elixir still tonight the others won't have the inkling of who did it we'll have all the we'll have Elixir for months yeah but a shred of loyalty to me meet me at my tent at Sun at midnight cheers Samuel stream jump back to the beginning oh that's weird see that too much oh my inventory is really full uh Delete don't need Rubble that can go we don't need rock that can go two Salt's not going to be terribly helpful um two fiber three logs all that stuff can go right how's this thing compare that's uh that's level 11 this one I have is level 17 yeah that's not going to match up I can go hold on of the Ring of opacity cuz that might come handy if we ever decideed to go with a magic build those are gloves I don't really need your trousers can go too soon we'll have all the room we need plus 20% magic damage plus one minute in the Shroud 20 Mana cost got a few of those things I've been stocking them up at home oh that's weird I could see through the mountain there was something in there two for one special ow could use some stamina sir he's already in there can't climb that the these slopes if there we go if you hit them at the right angle you can get up even though you shouldn't be able to all right this place is cleared uh I think we're going to have to follow follow along the edge here I probably can't go over top of this mountain unless nope nope I can't get up that one oh crap fall in there yes it's usually the cat it's got to be the cat's fault he's actually been sleeping this whole time he's like right next to my desk not in a convenient spot that I can put the the cat cam on but he's uh he's sleeping right here okay uh well I guess we're going down in the shroud oh yeah we need more of those oh God right in my head I was running out of those for making poison arrows so that's kind of Handy going this way wish I knew what quest is related to I don't even know why I'm going over [Music] here can't stop shooting once you start it's just so disgusting oh the uh the orange stuff they stick on your head yeah it's it's not cool sun's coming up for a second I thought I was getting into the Red Mist and I was like oh God I'm going to die got to go across here I guess Ryan teeth grot we made it sort of BET it's up there I got to go yep there it is how the heck do I get up there now see has a nice balance between uh bads and story yeah the and I like that that we're like you constantly uncover things about the game as you're exploring you find notes places that give you some flavor to what's going on but uh also give you uh points of interest on the map that you can go check out what is in here nothing little bear cave fortunately the bear wasn't home it's a piggy that's right Pig get porked oh God stupid rats God I eat those things jump out of nowhere little jerks oh on the plus side we can cook food here let's see we got some of this stuff we can cook up cook and I'll get my rested buff back new got wrenching moment of the game sunrise or death it's kind of neat how it lights up the fog that way though liting makes a big difference in [Music] games all we got that uh direct use- 75 stamina minus 4 stamina regeneration G I'll get right on munching on those things I think we can actually cook with [Music] those excuse me shame they don't have uh thing here to repair my stuff um okay I want to get up top there but I'm not sure if I can [Music] that was the wrong button a dead end cave looks like somebody was mining here how the heck am I going to get up there I could chisel a walkway up the mountain but that's kind of a little excessive yeah I know we can mine the mountain but it's just it like this is a timec consuming activity I do like that the terrain is completely uh completely malleable in this game you can just dig anywhere Pat with the 12 month bever bu this is a cool game keep up the great work thanks Pat yeah I really like it I'm having a lot of fun exploring wish I slip and slip and slide my way back down I get the rest of the way up from here no uh there we go oh can't climb up that one though there we go we did it landed chisel our way partway up Victory Is Ours oh crap maybe not let SP too soon I got to go higher still to oh there is that snow up there be getting up into the snower area first Mountain apparently we've gone up uh smaller mounds and stuff before but they've mostly just been like uh small variations of the topography this one's like a full-on mountain thought I found snow and kenchi ones that did not end well oh really oh jeez oh Lord okay this really is a full-on mountain the pass I need is up or not the pass whatever the thing is I'm looking for is over there oh dang is there not another way up there try to avoid finding as much as I can here on let me jump up there there we go oh deep snow and I'm Elixir crazed apparently this is deep snow it's not what is this deep snow from Miami it's not even over my feet making me run more slowly though that's crazy is it true this game is made with voxel uh yeah in the sense that you can like completely dig away at the ground like if I just walk up to a spot on the ground here we can just chisel away and make our own little tunnel see you just dig anywhere you want wow this is cool no pun [Music] intended can't say I like that deep snow debuff that sucks oh my God I completely overshot CL climbing to the top of the mountain I wonder if there's anything up there there's lots of map over here this might just be like an area that's not developed yet though in the game feel like we're trying to clb climb Everest it's a big Ravine I'm not going to cross over that all right well I overshot so I guess we'll just fly back this way oops give me on the ground oh oh no oh boy oh that was bad oh stamina bad okay there we go look at that Perfect Landing but where is it wait where is this thing oh it's got to be down below me I came all the way up top here for nothing I bet location below yeah dang it it's literally right underneath me [Music] probably known as no man's land yeah that that territory up in the mountain there I think is either just like map territory they haven't added in yet or something where is that cave okay this thing's uh this thing's killing me here grind teeth Grotto there's it's got to be like a much lower entry point maybe even though it marks it here on the map it's definitely not right there it's it down below station below I spent all that time climbing up and meanwhile I had to go down that's really something the worst that can happen right crash into that red stuff down there there it is all that time going up and it wasn't even up it was down [Music] here what a waste of time oh my God I should pay more attention to the arrows on this game but at least we got to explore we climbed a mountain go us oh there's a route in here okay I I see you all silently judging me it's all right I get it three skill point let's see what else is in here now suck it bugs there better be something good in here after all that [Laughter] work that's just clay isn't it yep clay don't really need clay right now we're not building anything that requires bricks nothing nothing but the rude in here which I guess is okay we got the skill point out of it but uh be nice to find some cool treasure we struck out big climb up the mountain all for nothing Ark of samith Ain bricking okay I'm going to try to get over here flame sanctum might be I wonder if it's worth going up here and flying around this way I'd fly to probably about here and then run around instead of trying to to cut up through here I don't know after for nothing exploring is fun yeah I mean that I was making a point of exploring today anyway so we still got the route so that was good we got a skill point out of it got to explore and see some cool things that's uh that's good too I'm already back over here let follow the mountain along the right here this time Trail I think on the trail we can get uh where is it here status details on the road R stamina which is [Music] good on the road again I just can't wait to get on the road again ooh what do we here stumbled on something sucking pig give me your bon oh he stunned me that's one tough Pig progress also headaches after weeks of in-depth study I found parallels between the simplified ancient phonetic characters of to the historic origins of phenomic human writing I theorize that the modern alphabetical system may have uh may be derivative of the ancient syll sadly the investigation could not continue due to a deathly and strange odor emitted from nearby openings turns out my partner was highly flatulent uh it's clouded the minds of my researchers and caused everyone headaches just like the ancient writings but worse why did the Ancients not simply create a traditional alphabet instead of relying on multiple unique overly complex symbols for every single syllable pictograms would have done the job too Lorraine Crim listen here Crim don't question the Ancients chasms which split the Earth nestled within the Starfall Kingdom a Chasm so deep its contents have eluded us from Millennia no secret can resist illumination by light of the Eternal Flame an archaic evil Brewing growing it must be buried flooded sealed Humanity should never brush against these tendrils of pandemonium H interesting investigate the strange letter story of rot discover the Shroud [Music] Obelisk it's got to be a different Obelisk than that one found an Alis good I don't know what that one's about though oh let's turn that way point off neat oh flew right into a plant those guys up to the Roy Jenkins oh that was a big Miss I hurt myself let's just patch up a little bit dang this that's it for here just that one little chest so teams jump attack can save you from fall or can't save you from Fall damage yeah I thought it did I don't know I uh clearly didn't succeed that time wait a minute can I go up that Tower there a ladder or a staircase in here no where I oh wait hidden [Music] door I can get up there oh so close oh that hurt all right probably nothing up there anyway you ever played Monster Hunter uh you know I never have actually I'm aware of the game but I've just never played [Music] it how close are we to the mark of Seth it's in this shroud more clay up here too steep to go up that way though I love crunching my ankles and rust it's so satisfying how's that satisfying is it the sound effect is really like a delicious crunch or what nobody likes their traps are these These are these are mines oh crap I didn't even step on them oh wait I've been here okay this we came over here when we were looking for something I don't remember what I was hunting for but we were hunting a thing we found it here see you suckers ow right into a trap oh God on my [Music] weap suck at dogs I don't think I want to be in here I maybe not I maybe we got to go through let see ah dogs oh right one of these caves wait is this the one where I ran into the uh the Berserker guys first I think it might be yep oh crap I don't really want to be in here but I would like to pass through see suckers okay we got through let's go to here two Sparks on that one sweet uh my inventory is super full I should probably bounce back home don't necessarily need to come out this way again although there is stuff over here glenwoods end but I can get there by flying from here and then running I think so we'll just uh we'll zip on home and unload why did that gliding head first into the bear trap clamp under your head that would have been awesome they dive head first into a bear trap and get stuck there that would been great start at begin stream and judging by chat I got some funny stuff to look forward to well yeah you know mistakes are sometimes made not by me oh I hit the wrong button no I just literally was just saying mistakes are not made by me well uh lockpick crap I don't know what I had in here and what I didn't that sucks [Music] so if you hit r instead of shift to R it puts everything in the Box not just the stuff that's already in the Box just for the record case you were curious you see we're leaning towards some sadistic Tendencies um potions can go in here oh really I'm already full in there too God dang need more storage boxes uh Nails can't believe I don't have nails somewhere leave that behind we'll make some oh I got um Sparks here too let can go in here keep the bombs on hand those are usually handy organize the box please oh not going to happen I don't organize nothing I'll get them organized eventually I have a wall of chest in valim and uh I have five chest of just for heads yeah you collect a lot in that game this did g organized done what not going to do that where are we here gee sort storage uh it's not really organized though I don't know sure it sorts the contents of the box but it's not like it's putting all the right things in the right box me I don't know now I feel like I'm never going to find anything can't organized it's that's the rules you just can't find anything if you organized catch you later 135 okay let's go oh wait let's check our seedlings here all right we've got uh flax seedlings we've got um that's it good times oh I should make some [Music] Shrubbery must have a Shrubbery select like 45 of them so that that's a couple hundred that's that's pretty good we go plant our flax out [Music] here although if I'm going to plant the flax I probably should plant it in soil that's going to grow more quickly like the fertilizer stuff so I I got to grab soil and the ho too left our fancy hoe in here jez fancy where did I put the dirt see now that I sorted I don't know where to look for the the dirt there it is found it it is organized organized chaos I almost I almost never organized my storage boxes in games sometimes I do it just because it bothers [Laughter] people other times it's just cuz I I can't be bothered is that going to line up feel like that's not going to line up all right not [Applause] bad [Applause] we're going to need a pretty big patch for those uh shrubs we're going to plant too I guess [Applause] eventually make this as reasonably smooth as I [Applause] can there we go it's perfect trolling viewers is the best it's a hobby ah I didn't mean to put that there okay uh snapping tool is on so that people don't get upset at me about that didn't line up at all that was weird instead of going sideways it' be easier if I walked in a straight line I can see when it's lined up properly something stopping me from planting behind me I [Music] guess that's it already already God dang let's get some Camile we can make some more tea oh that reminds me I'm going to need water too no snap trolly layout is best I agree with you Mark I caved into pressure cam meal question on the game cryptic when you said you were saving some equipment if you're ever going to use the a magic rout uh is that for this character or can you have other characters in the same save no it's it would be for this character you can respack any time you want to with your skills you just go to your Al your flame alter and it costs a small amount of runes uh and then you can resp your skill choices so I've been holding on to like some of the like as I find equipment for different types of things that I'm not using I'm keeping like the best tiered stuff of that type and just getting rid of the other ones that way as I uh as I Stumble up stumble upon things I can uh I can use it later if I decide I want to was that 10 nine I want to make 10 okay and here we're going to need uh I know I just set this for shrubs so I I think I'll make the camo meal on the other one commo mile um there it is Select those in there get a little bit of water it's only going to make four of them cuz I only had four water but uh I've got to get my hands some more water that is definitely a musthave well I should see actually see if I can make them well yet I don't know what I don't know what I have to get in order to make there it is water well boom 20 Lin wooden bucket make Metal Sheets uh okay how we doing for the linen over here 11 I'm going to need to bring some charcoal and metal scraps over there to make some that I think this it's kind of a nuisance is um when you're putting stuff in some of those boxes not the boxes like the crafting benches it doesn't actually pull from spaces in your inventory does when you're crafting it with a character but when you go to their like table or whatever it just doesn't it's weird any we'll make those once we have our own weth will have infinite water the world will be ours or something sleep time if you're based in the uh area of the game told you to build first there's a ruined camp that as a well it should give you 15 water every day or so no it gives you 10 actually it's uh it's right behind here that's what I just ran over and grabbed water from you get it gives you five per day and it it'll store up to 10 um it's like like right over there you mean yeah unless there's more than one well in that little encampment but I think there's only the one could be mistaken it it's happened at least once [Music] before uh all right let's drink the uh drink some a meal where to next we going to go a little farther a field here I want to go all the way up to here crucial investigation we'll go here to fly there at least partway haven't seen much of yet but it looks like uh a bit easier than valheim but it can't say um in some ways it's easier than valheim yeah uh there's you can definitely get into death Loops in valheim that I haven't really encountered in this so far particularly since when you die you keep your equipment that kind of makes a bit of a difference what is that dark spot on the side of the mountain there right right down there that's weird um but instead you're dealing with the Shroud so you you could potentially die to the Shroud but it's uh it's not uh it's not crazy [Music] difficult okay I got to fly off in that general direction I guess the hole you Doug I don't think so that's a different area of the mountain I don't think I was there could be [Music] wrong oh crap couldn't stay on at that time all right let's uh pop some stamina here the raw jenin Bigfoot was found game over looks like it might be a cave over there maybe oh no I was hoping I could skim off the rock but got too close maybe it was just a might have just been like an error where it wasn't drawing in what was supposed to be there okay we're going to go between these little Mounds here and then up north probably put a waypoint on that crucial investigation oh yeah look the stuff's not loading in textures are all getting screwed that's weird this is where the spider cave was that we went in between the mountains Giggles what are you doing tonight cryptic oh we're just going motor boting and you're right up there between my mountains level 15 stuff over here die spiders evil spider scum experience scroll I'll take [Music] that plus there's something hidden here I think that's it I think is this a pig down over here that's interesting the pigs are learning architecture they've got like a little framed out doorway on it kind of pig builds that way that's not the way I want to go I want to go north the wolf done over [Music] there not far now Glen Woods End oh wow look at this place I think he's seen me tangle with the wolf now hey Kryptic have you ever played dotless uh would you consider playing it on the big update this year uh I don't know if I have ever played dauntless there are so many games it's really very hard to keep up with them all I've met the Wiis wiver and he's tough that was a fun fight [Music] though cool little boss dude that's how hide in the bushes here you'll never know we're here we're stealthy like some kind of weird ninja and clanky armor can't fix up buildings can you well you can uh if you can build a flame alter nearby uh I guess you can strip the pieces off the buildings you just like you have to make sure you're CH choosing the right type of piece in order for it to let you there's a basement there's a rat going to assassinate this rat thought I could backstab it but it wouldn't let me ow his friend didn't like it saw you rat you fooling me where's that dude I was trying to backstab where'd he go oh there he is oh he saw me really that easy cryptic Fox Master stealth suck it wolf all right what have I got to do here um we've got glenwoods end landfill oh that's where the some of these like they've left something buried in the landfill right see if we can find that in the trash pile somewhere here by the way everyone should like the stream so we can make our favorite streamer Rich uh I would not object but I don't think think lik don't translate directly to money but uh I do appreciate if like if people are enjoying it they uh like certainly don't [Applause] hurt those are more explosive mines I got a all minded out over here too there's the trash right there delicious I'm looking for something here I didn't see me I was in the trash okay he's moving on uh all right so somewhere in here there's something we want had a quest that said something oh it's probably there we go gold chest Archer helmet I already got one of those that's a waste feel cheated ah I was targetting I moved away he died before I go up there I want to check that house what in this building can you shoot mines uh I know I maybe suck at spiders let's try yeah that works oh there it is I could hear him I was like where is that spider I don't like spiders freep me out just too gross try trying to see if there's something in the chimney there is something there but what is that a bell or something I don't know if I can break this or not need to a mage build for this uh you know what I can buy the game yeah mage build is really strong apparently I kind of wish I had tried it out but I also really enjoyed melee combat in these games so even if I go Mage I won't go like hardcore Mage it' be like a weird mix be like a warrior mage of some kind almost rolled right [Music] off I may have created a problem for myself maybe I shouldn't have dropped in the chimney there's a battle beig tree yeah this is true but I but the battle mage tree is that like uh just using all your spells for combat purposes or is it really intended to be like a blend between Like a Warrior and a mage kind of thing axe works better on chest for the record oh man that's bright what am I even looking for here I have a quest for Glenwood Zen I had a quest question mark for it but Journal CL the creation investigate the strange letter that's the blacksmith thing reach and lo The Cove you've heard rumors of collapsing Cove near the capital the area in research lost equipment lost in the shr oh there's a bow for this one found signs of athlin squeeze travel through rwood you must have a camp nearby explore the hunter camp and look around oh I should totally go there cuz there's a bow in it for me let's set that one as my active Quest we look around here before we go and there's a flame Shrine here I need to get back going to go do other things uh now that I remember to do it I might actually binge all your Elder Ring videos tonight never got around to it before well thanks shade have a good night thanks for dropping in enjoy the Elder Ring videos I think they know I'm here who is it is it goons goons H goons ow a it's got to be up here there it is we found it give me the Flames I just wanted to look around that apparently is an old chimney can't get in there though or fireplace whatever oh that's one of those big uh evil dude mother things oh you jerk who's shooting me is he who shot at me it might have been the guy that was walking away over there but I don't know why he would walk away after shooting me very rude never time the hits on these guys I don't think I have a respawn point over here do I I should be a little careful about picking a fight with this thing they kind of tough is there an anchor point in there I can't and see if I can climb up out of its reach okay I get up there scavenger gorg of maton her hit points popped up but I'm not even fighting her right now unless my attack did damage through the wall or something got go back to where I was yeah if I could get up high enough there might be a point where I could like get in through a roof top and be on an upper level where I can just pelter with arrows I don't know though oh crap oh oh man uh all right that's a problem um this was an open chimney it was it wasn't a closed one can I get out of here please I don't know he has room to swing a pickaxe in there but all right grief I was going to try to use the chimney is like a launching point to get up high over here but uh turns out it was open who knew that one is too probably shouldn't walk in there okay there's lots of openings on the roof over there so I think I can lift up over here and then plun she's down below she's aware of Me Maybe she's not actually it's about to be Get Wrecked I'm up high enough she's not attacking me I guess we kind of cheesed it this isn't cheese this is tactics what's cheesy is that she's standing still and letting me shoot her oh head shots are working for her I thought they had a helmet that protected them from head shotless I'm shooting it in the opening of The Mask maybe there we go Quest completed crucial investigation okay so that was the quest objective sweet and I learned something today oh what level staff was that 32 and a gold thing [ __ ] bow level 15 power 24 it's worse than what I have crap well son of a crap they really wrecked this house in here Quest complete score all right so that's done lost in the Shroud we have over there um what was that Quest that I picked up where's the journal oh right here show it on the map okay so it's actually not that far away problem being there's probably not a straight line to get there but we'll try I got to go East that way oh good repair my stuff Matrix jump yeah watch developers Cod into the threshold for them to Grapple up to you or something yeah wouldn't that be a thing lots of bombs again something else hiding in this jail oh crap come on dogs you talking about this buddy oh man he recovers fast from that suck it those Berserker guys are mean man they hit hard you're a horrible Jailer I what you're talking about [Applause] feel like that guy should damage himself when he does that he like lobbed all of his grenades right on his own head it's for the stuff let's respawn ra Fox uh they respawn when you refresh the game so like if you leave if you're playing single player and you log out and you come back in they'll reset uh outside of that I'm not sure cuz I haven't really Revisited a lot of areas in the course of like one play session but but everything that's outside of your flame alter resets chests resources everything uh when you log out I'm playing single player so it's like every log out for me but it might be different if you're playing on like a multiplayer server where it stays active oh hey oh oh what happened there it's going flawlessly and I blew it probably C some more meat uh let's go this way well actually there it's not I'm on fire uh it's not going to let me cook there dang it Get Wrecked oh I found a note we found a note from investigator llin my illustrious King I write with troubling Tidings Glen Wood's end is falling to ruin as if a great cloud of sickness and Decay has settled over the principality the people have let their left their homes roads and daily way of life crumble all this due to a substance they consume called The Elixir I've taken samples from an illegal Distillery and I'm currently studying them this Elixir seems to make monsters out of men so I bolted my door at night is that what the mysterious flask is The Elixir it's funny got a whole lot of those all right let's blow this posle stand we go see if we can find this Quest thing the uh textures aren't loading in and flying in too fast like see more games go to the I Am Legend rout where you think you're the uh the hero of the whole game but you're actually the villain you decimated so many villages this game so far yeah but they were full of bad guys you know they they weren't they weren't full of good guys at least they're bad as far as I'm concerned you know who writes history the Victor I don't know if I have to go up or down to get to this thing maybe cruising around this mountain Point here I have a feeling I need to be up there oh man it's got to be shadows that aren't loading in right that way we got close hey blood moon how you doing we should collect the Shroud and use it against enemies of smoke bombs oh that'd be sweet except they seem to be already Modified by it somehow they don't they run around in it like they're not it's not affecting them what we got here so we're going down there I see chest a little little bit too late ah wolf ma 32 damage wait the one I have is like 35 isn't it yeah I already have this sword oh planks nice italion the battle by the bridge I know you must have been there the ones that fled had Terror in their eyes the Shroud they said with a trembling voice the Shroud blanketed everything still the armies of vgo continue to battle please tell me did you breathe it in are you still in there my little brother leading the flock as Commander I survey the valley with the when the sun is highest in the sky but I detect no motion I put my ear to the ground but hear no marching of heavy boots if you're in there please give me a sign talion I'll carry you out of my back just like the old days your sister aalan holy crap I got dark fast what the the heck like instant night oh good there's a c here we can sleep we have a little nap here in this open tent I'm sure nothing will come in and murder us in our sleep it'll be fine are you having fun yeah I I enjoy this game I like it we're having a doing a lot of exploring today finding all kinds of cool stuff checking out what areas of the map we haven't seen yet inventory is full uh mean I don't need one of these don't need Rubble or dirt one Bone's not going to do me a lot of good three Wood's not going to do me much [Music] good long way from home I've entered the thicket plenty of cover but too much mud I'm leaving Footprints I missed the solid rocky mountain path and kicking Pebbles down chasms to wait for the echo a strange odor hangs over the bog foul and fermented it reminds me of the distilleries near howling Pike decided to avoid Glenn Wood's end too much activity and I taste copper in the water bad Omens I'll drift away from here as soon as possible okay so that's going to send me another path over to here what's in here though doesn't open abandoned Hunter camp but this is not a hunter Camp I've seen this same type of building somewhere else before I wonder if it's content they're going to add in later ancient Bridge to the guard of the north guard of the north Lord Borgo you blighted demented adversary you're a mad raving shadow of a leader I want you to know following your orders makes me sick a troll I paid in BL a toll I paid in blood no Army will protect you I'll cross every Chasm scale Every Mountain and Brace against the bitter cold I'll push myself beyond the physical capacity of man to find you and what I do my name will be true I swear in my brother's honor brother's honor Ain scree I don't know who that is but they don't seem very happy if I had to guess oh this bridge that's cool level 16 baby oh we found oh oh I don't want to drift down there yet we found another uh route we can chop out that cool or that um that bridge is epic up there very cool ath oh A's the hunter is that who it was okay I've never paid attention to her name I guess I just keep calling her the hunter all right see what happens when we dive in [Applause] here pleas land on something safe oh crapo almost blew that a skill point before I even finished chopping and I had a skill point that was crazy okay now where's the point we've actually got to get to here location reached it says I don't see her Camp here anywhere ah it's deadly shroud we're not going there up there owow you jerk what's this other guy okay he's toast oh crap oh good I thought I was going to fall right through there's a guy up there whoa waa big dude oh crap can't get up there or there I got to get this guy out the way first oh that hurt it's me oh not going to Target that guy or do I ow you shot me little jerk where's my bow somehow I shifted my bow around move that when I was going to cook I think he broke D thunder brw come back without killing you oh you reset that sucks ow that's my face okay now which pile's his there it is oh there's the bow Fel uh Power 17 how does that compared to the bow I have power 27 a man that Bow's junk it's never going to get up to power 27 even with all the upgrades on it feel highly disappointed that is a lame weapon I mean I'm I probably was supposed to do this Quest sooner on and I just uh I'm a slacker that one's power 24 and it's level 15 it's better than the yellow one like what's up with that how do you give me a legendary bow that looks that cool it is that lame powerwise come on I don't need Flint stone that can go uh we don't need Critter parts so much let's take this other bow out of here sell it we can't really sell it but you can break it down into runes um night wind bow so this one's going to get three upgrades it would probably get to level 27 in power also based on what this is 1 second draw speed six stamina cost wait six stamina Cost Plus 33% Arrow speed what a bow that's fueled by the dark Shimmer of the Shroud oh neat much higher Arrow speed on it vicious plus4 magic shroud damage headseeker skill skill shots restore five stamina huh it's stamina back shooting in the head but it cost you six stamina to use it well the other bow doesn't that's funny all right I'm going to pour it out of here cuz that Quest is done back home it's cool though it's also 0.6 second draw time instead of 1 second seconds yeah so slightly faster it it's less damage now but once I upgrade it it'll be really similar still snow yay a new game oh we've been playing and shrouded for like the whole last week I'm kind of addicted to this game right now welcome still snow happy uh Saturday I guess put away all this junk we don't need okay I want I'm going to upgrade this bow because I'm curious what it'll look like once we upgrade it uh this sword I do like the sword as opposed to the mace but it's going to wind up being similar damage anyway so I'll just keep the mace I guess especially since I already put the point into blunt damage uh this bow power 24 Salvage that one Salvage this Salvage that thing it's a shame This Bat looks really cool but that it's just not going to have any power a bat used by commanders of the northern guard or power for energy flows through the user increasing their pulse and allowing for faster shots it's a 6 second shot vicious precise increase critical hit chance plus 3% uh shroud damage Mana Le brutal increases critical hit damage by 20% I mean maybe it would balance out just based on like the crit bonuses and stuff I don't know yeah I don't know let's let's try it out what's the worst that can happen I've already got this arger helmet I'm going to delete that thing uh where's my runes now there we go let's do some upgrading see what it looks like I'll upgrade them both see what they're both like oh my God I can't get the there we go enhanced equipment fell Commander bow 18 power 19 power 20 oh level out at 20 22 power so five less power slightly faster attack speed increase critical hit damage by 20% so if I get critical hits with it it'll do more damage theoretically maybe than the [ __ ] bow I'm using critical hit chance increase critical hit Chance by 5% H I don't know them there are some dangerous words what's the worst that can happen yeah I mean I do that all the time I guess this one here that gets up to 27 power which is the same as this [ __ ] [Music] bow kill shots for four restore five stamina but it costs six stamina to use this thing but 33% Arrow speed I I'm thinking the arrow speed affects the range of the of the bow but I don't know for [Music] certain find something to shoot at uh it's the B I'm still using a ranger which one the [ __ ] bow or the uh or the Fel Commander bow it's level 20 it's funny that it's level 20 but it's lower power than my level 18 I was at Old level 14 with 17 power fully upgraded but sweet backstab critical bonuses oh yeah oh so that one hits for 59 52 but you can definitely pour the shots out faster oh right we can make our well now too I think got to take into consideration that the DPS on it it's a good bit higher yeah it does seem to be you know what let's go with the uh we'll go with this fancy yellow bow it looks cool too I'll scrap the other ones so we'll go yellow bow final [Applause] decision lot of stuff man uh got a little bit more meat put the moms in here we got water uh okay what was I I was growing something wasn't I oh I do I need a little more linen for that well we need to get more linen wish it had higher Arrow speed though oh this bow yeah so it's uh 7% I guess so that's not Epic 33% on that shadowy one I had there but I already scrapped it Rel for the win okay we throw some water in [Music] here oh actually this is already up to 50 let's change this over to uh [Music] flax give me linen should have some cam meal we can plant there we go cam me seats oh I should really fix this other plot of land too going need my hoe and some dirt got to get my dirty hoe he that I put the dirt there you are [Applause] for [Applause] there we go so this should be all the the faster growing soil now Bo that one snapping up to the side of me that's super weird that's it for the cam meal is the Shroud moving in no there's a little bit of fog that kind of shows up around there's a spot of shroud right there that's kind of always there you get the fog in your base and everything it's kind of annoying okay I should have enough to make the well now I think oh wait I got to get the um plates to make the bucket yep just need the bucket [Music] anything else why is it red oh I don't have the masonry tools a crap okay I got to get his tools we can get ourselves a well that's annoying all right well it's already 12:30 at night uh I think I'm going to crash for tonight already streamed for like I don't know 6 and 1 half hours today in total thanks so for coming to hang out while we played a little bit more and shrouded uh thank you for the super chats and everything as well uh if you don't currently subscribe to the channel click on the Subscribe button come back and hang out with us another time uh we'll obviously be playing more and shrouded uh when night Andale gets released later this month we'll be playing more of that and various other games in between thanks so much everyone I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 15,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded let's play, enshrouded first look, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded ep 1, survival building game, mistbury catacombs, enshrouded building
Id: CCXVyy3AN2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 0sec (11700 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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