I Survived 100 Days in Palworld...Here's what Happened.

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my latest addiction for myself and millions across the whole globe has been the latest hit game po world I enjoy this game so much that I thought it would be fun to take on the 100 day challenge that all gaming YouTubers do when they find a game that they like uh so here we are we're going to be surviving 100 days in power world I have a few goals that I want to achieve Within These 100 days and they goes as follows one I want to beat all the towers and I want to go to the huge tree that holds the truth two I want to build the best base and three I want a full team of Lucky Pals I want like good lucky Pals you know what I mean like I want some I want some umph lues that's the goal for this video and please this took me so much time to film to edit a lot of time when into this so please watch it like the video and please subscribe that helps me so much let's get into the 100 days for this challenge I'm using the normal World settings the only setting that I did change was the setting to drop items on death I made it that I wouldn't drop my items um that's mostly just a personal preference that's how I play in my main world I just don't want to have to worry about trying to go pick up my items [Music] [Music] the story of ass hatus begins and as atus has a dump truck like oh Lord he coming I have no idea why I made as hatus so thick but honestly you may not like it but this is what Peak Performance looks like oh my gosh we got a lamb ball with muscle head what wow okay that's actually a really good start for us yeah 30% attack that's going to be wow that's really that's going to be awesome I'm really excited for this this is a good start oh my God so I had this is the first time I've ever used lamb ball in a party I mostly use Lambo just for its I mostly use Lambo just for you know a farm or sorry a ranch when I have one uh I had no idea that you could literally use it as a meat Shield that's that's horrifying but hilarious all at the same time for the first few levels of our playthrough I beat Pals to death with my fist like it was my day job although I do feel a little bad about that it was survival of the fittest and unfortunately as hatus is definitely the fittest I made my initial set of tools I made myself a couple pow balls and I ran into a pretty interesting kativa oh my gosh we already we just got an artisan kativa wow that's crazy we've got some really good luck with the mons we found oh oh god oh oh God this is death this is death nope we're out that was an accident oh Je Jesus okay so anywh who uh kativa having Artisan is going to be amazing especially for early on um when we don't have access to you know higher tier Pals kativa with Artisan is going to be fantastic cuz kativa it you know it can do handiwork Gathering Mining and transporting and having Artisan is going to increase its work speed by 50% so that's going to be great um but it's I I I have so many kativa right now because they all increase my Max carrying weight so right now my weight has been increased by 150 so each kativa you have in your party will give you an extra 50 lb Days 1 through 5 I spent a bulk majority of my time trying to level up as much as I could while I was leveling up and exploring around the area I did find some pretty cool Pals here's a few of them a ferocious Cris dude what has been my luck with these Pals I've been getting oh my goodness of Vanguard Fox Sparks that's nuts actually wow an artisan Fox Parks that's that's nuts so we'll use that when we need to start incubating eggs and when we start refining ore down into Metal Ingot that's going to be amazing we we we've had such a good start the place that I chose to build my first base was right beside that runed castle you can find in the early region I really just like the aesthetic here I'm sure it's going to bite me in the butt because building around a pre-made structure is always a pain in the butt but I'm here for it I think we can do do something really cool with this Base by the end of the 100 days I got this funny shot of depresso living up to its name I want to die I don't know what it is about pulet but this pal has a blood lust like no other I don't know who pissed it off in a previous life I I I don't know all I know is penlet scares me uh thus I named Mine eater of worlds after I finished building the base up and getting it to a point where my base Pals wouldn't starve and they could function without me I decided to take Eater of Worlds out and we went and raided our very first Syndicate base [Music] camp no no no no no no this wasn't me trying to capture a human in a pal sphere this was definitely just a misclick and not an opportunity to make a lot of [Music] gold all I can say about this is Eater of Worlds lived up to its nickname I caught Vixie cuz what Vixie will do when Vixie is at the ranch it'll dig up a pal fears and in early game that's going to be great for US ah there we go Vixie is now at the ranch and as you can see we already have paler building up oh that's going to be that's going to be so nice early on the main goal for days 6 through 10 was trying to get a mount now not just any Mount but a fast mount I'm talking about something that has Runner or something that has Swift I originally was thinking about potentially using a dire H how but honestly they're so annoying to fight and just capture a lot of them that I've decided I'm actually going to go for an ick fear deer and if I'm saying that wrong honestly teach me how to say it right um I'm just just a for warning I know we're like 10 minutes into this video but I will without a shadow of a doubt butcher a lot of these pal names so anyhoo we wanted the ich thire deer ich th deer the I the ik thire we wanted we wanted a deer okay we wanted a deer that it wasn't just a normal deer but it was a deer that had the runner passive and if you're not familiar with what the runner passive skill is it gives your pals a 20% increase to to their movement speed getting any riding Mount with this passive was Paramount for these 100 days while hunting for the deer of our dreams we got really lucky and we found this amazing [Music] combat that's nuts we got Artisan on tomat Wow right after that we had our very first raid and I think we did pretty well for the pals we had at the base all right our first raid and it went pretty well wow and then finally right after our very first raid as if the PO Gods themselves were looking down upon me this wondrous Beast showed up and then this happened oh we got runner oh my God that was crazy that was so fast wow wow that's that's amazing uh sorry sorry oh gosh I'm very excited about that that was so quick okay cool well we are set now for our very first ground Mount I'm very excited about this wow oh it's so fast oh this is amazing as any normal person does when they get their very first riding amount that has the runner passive I went on a little bit of a Power Trip [Music] potentially okay I get it I was unhinged get oh my God you suck get [ __ ] you're cool and you suck after getting my newfound Mount and regaining my sanity I spent days n and 10 just mining ore working on my base and just kind of being a general nuisance to the local pal population now on the night of day 10 something interesting happened because we found our very first black market pal Merchant so all three of these are relatively early to find and kind of fell bat but Mari Mar marith I don't know any who this thing's kind of hard to find uh in my other playthrough I have 50 hours in game and I have never seen this in game before so I think we buy this I don't know what messenger of death does but I think we get it oh looks so cool oh I see so if we ride it it'll add dark D damage to our attack that's kind of fun it is the start of day 11 and I don't know I'm feeling pretty confident so much so I think it's time for us to fight chillet chillet is potentially one of my favorite Pals and uh I don't know let's see if we can catch it and if we're lucky maybe it has a crazy passive on it all right here we [Music] [Music] go ah we got it and it has Dragon killer okay interesting uh but because of that we can now unlock the egg incubator that's awesome all right since we have chill it now though uh unfortunately Eater of Worlds is going to have to leave our team and we will bringing we'll be bringing on the OG chill it as we get better Pals we're going to be constantly changing this team up but as of now I'm pretty I'm pretty happy with how things are looking I think we have a really good start after we fought the boss chillet and we caught it I decided to work on the base for the rest of the day and after that I thought it would be a good idea for us to actually get a flying Mount um getting a flying Mount is going to help us you know get more fast travel points and therefore we can get more technology points it's just going to make our time here in this world much easier and more accessible to us now originally my favorite flyer is actually van worm I don't know why uh on my main save that was just the very first flyer I ever got so maybe it's just kind of a Nostalgia feeling but I feel like van worm's typing of dark and fire is just pretty strong that being said it's still early on in the run where we can't really get a van worm safely at this point although I did have to settle for a different flyer the flyer we got was actually incredible my god wow uh so we might have just got our you know first flying Mount um I'll have to look but Swift I'm pretty sure Swift is even better than runner uh we'll go back to the base in one second but if that's the case we just got a amazing an amazing flying Mount yep 30% increase to movement speed oh my God that's nuts that's crazy right let's see what level we can learn to make Nightwing saddle oh we can make it now we just need to get some more technology points okay I'm thinking the fastest way for us to get two technology points uh let me check what my level is yeah the fastest way it's going to be just grabbing new fast travel points so let's go do that real quick so this was the current Mission I wanted to be able to get Nightwing saddle so I could fly on my swift bird and to do that I needed two technology points now in my head the way that I thought getting two technology points would be the fastest at the time was going and getting fast travel points because every time you unlock a new fast travel point you get one technology point for it would have been great and that would have been all you know good and dandy but I was faced with something that I wasn't prepared to face okay I know I said we were going to look for another fast travel point but uh let's do this dunge it's level 13 we should be more than ready for it huus my own huus that's what I faced because I thought it would be a good idea to go into a dungeon and normally going into a dungeon is great because I I love exploring dungeons you're able to find some pretty neat Pals you can get some good loot and you can get some good materials the problem is is this dungeon took me two ingame days to get out of I am so confused with this dungeon I uh huh it was singlehandedly the most confusing dungeon I have ever been in and at this point of me recording this voice over I have over 70 hours into this this game and it was still the most confusing [Music] dungeon oh is that the tree it is oh my God we finally found the boss room God that was miserable oh it's gumas well that's fun oh I didn't mean to kill it dang it I didn't know that was going to H I didn't mean to do a head shot I thought that was going to be a body shot dang it all right well that's the very first dungeon we've done on this save and it was awful once I got back to my base after what felt like uh years since I've been there I made Nightwing saddle and then I leveled up the base days 14 through 19 were spent exploring getting materials and leveling up my pals there was some pretty cool things that I accomplished though I took on the boss pen King and caught [Music] it I died by a van worm randomly at some point I was raided by fan girls and I do indeed feel somewhat violated I caught my very first Dino awesome and it has some amazing passes I took on the boss cess and I even caught it too I fought the boss grin tail and I also caught it and it might be one of my favorite cat Pals to date I fought the boss chill it again with a hope that I might get lucky with potentially getting either the runner passive or even more Lucky in getting the Swift passive oh man wow what luck Okay cool so we just got our new uh we just got our new land Mount um as much as I like the deer honestly chillet is one of my favorite if not my favorite uh palmon and getting one that has Swift wow that's uh the luck there gosh I'm so excited all right let's change out the deer and we'll put we we'll put uh chill it in now seriously I I don't know what my luck is on this 100 days but I have been so incredibly lucky thus far it has me slightly concerned on what the future holds for this playthrough and then finally I leveled up enough to craft mari's saddle day 20 hit this is tea day also known as Tower day we've made metal armor we've built our crossbow from The Uncommon blueprint I found we are currently level 23 and I believe we're ready flying to the tower though I felt a sense of unease I didn't have a pal that was a ground type and I wouldn't be doing a significant amount of damage since I didn't have a super effective type I realized that the only way I would be winning this battle was by brute forcing this win with my own skills with that [Music] crossbow [Music] hey the fight raged on for what felt like hours it really was all finished in maybe 5 minutes AR Sox was the MVP by far it took GIS bolt down to around 3K health and at that point I decided to throw in chill and we finished off GIS Bolt I decided it'd be best to celebrate the victory my team just obtained by dancing on the warm corpses of my enemies chill had other ideas with grisal but it deserved it we now have four Towers left and after this win I feel like this game has really opened up to whatever we want to do as of now I think our best bet will be building our team up days 21 22 and 23 were filled with getting LIF monk effigies leveling up my team and exploring I decided at one point that I thought it would be a good time to go to a higher level area to get some loot from chests our first stop on this Quest is going to be the wildlife sanctuary 1 this will be an amazing spot to potentially get some rare stronger Pals now going here could pose some problems as it's illegal to go to these sites in this world the pidf will hunt me down if I'm caught so we'll need to be a little sneaky going here was such a great idea we got our next flying Mount the cutest of dragons elf alran yeah elfran I did also catch an aerobe too but let's be real here aladan stole the show since I have aladan now I realized that I needed to get leather for its saddle I left my base and I heard the sound of a lucky pal two things one this was going to be our first lucky of this save file two I realized I wasn't recording so so therefore I didn't actually have a reaction I didn't have the video of me finding it so as any YouTuber would do I decided to recreate it I was going to fly back to my base and then act surprised the lucky was really close to my base and unpronounced to me Pals will despawn once they're out of your eyesight and if you look very closely right there you can see my lucky pal That Never Was day 24 was a sad day that all being said you know I realized that the base needed some work and to do that I was going to need resources do you see a reoccurring thing here in this series for the next couple of days I'll be dedicating literally all of my time to Gathering and building our lowly base up oh hello dear viewer the morning of day 27 hit and it was time for my Redemption that's right we found another lucky h oh my gosh oh that's amazing I'm so happy we C that wow on day 28 I decided it was time for a second base this base would only be used for mining ore cuz that's the big thing that's holding us back right now and I am so tired of mining it myself for me to make a second base I needed to level up my base to 10 I already had the first first condition met but now I needed to make a cooler box which meant I needed more Ingot I went I got the ore I refined it built the cooler box and then I leveled the base up to 10 I earlier scouted a nice place that would be perfect for our metal base the area I found has multiple metal nodes this will be the spot for the second base I got some materials and I headed that way I worked on the new mining base from Days 28 to 31 and now it's pretty self-sufficient I plan on changing these wooden walls out with stone at some point but right now these will suffice for the next few days I wanted to focus on leveling up getting materials and again getting better [Music] PS [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] after spending all of day 31 running around catching Pals getting materials etc etc I decided to work on my main base I dealt with my storage issues and made them look somewhat prettier I then had a raid happen on the base but we made short work of that I then decided I wanted to make an area to incubate eggs unfortunately I did not have enough an ient parts to make the incubators so therefore I decided to run a couple dungeons to get some ancient parts so I could make those [Music] incubators [Music] oh my God is that is that our boy is that the pulit pulit I don't know any who we now have a new Eater of Worlds holy crap That's so exciting and it has Vanguard oh my God what a cracked po oh that's amazing I'm so excited 10 out of 10 day 37 was a magical day we have a lucky Eater of Worlds now that's right we got a lucky Pang gullet with Vanguard nonetheless he's so big H I didn't realize I was on day 37 so what you don't see is me logging out of my game going back to the save to verify what day I was on and then logging back in you don't have to believe this if you don't want but I hit the record button as soon as I logged back in after I verified we were on day 37 and this happened okay I literally just stopped recording uh because I needed to check what day we were on which this is day 37 but I hear there's another lucky and it's a LIF monk oh my God I what is happening right now oh my God day 37 is popping off day 38 and 9 was two days that I decided I would dedicate to just trying to level up as much as I could you know I still have four more Towers too so I really needed to get on it the only thing of note that happened during these two days is on day 39 I went and fought the boss patalia and it had a pretty cool passive of artisan I spent a bulk majority of day 40 mining or at my mining base and although I really do enjoy this base and I like the concept of having a base that's dedicated to one single thing this base really did not meet my needs yet you see I I wanted this base to be an automatic mining base where my pals will mine ore without my help I realized to do this that we need some good mining Pals the best mining pal that I can think of that we can use here will be a pal called dig toys I actually made a short about dig toys on my channel if you want to get more information about it all you really need to know is that it is is a great mining pal so our main goal for the next few days is getting a few dig toys to run this mining base we'll need to gear up for the hot climate and we need to make sure that we have enough pal spheres for this so let's get to work on day 41 I did the thing that I always do I got sidetracked rather than gearing up for the desert and getting dig toes dig to sees dig multiple dig toys I decided to work of my incubator rooms now once I had them set up I realized how much of a mistake I made by building my initial base here having a lack of space for Base building in this game is incredibly detrimental like I said earlier at the start of this video this caused problems that being said there's really nothing I can do about it now once I can make my third and final base that'll be the base that's going to be the quote unquote best base that I talked about with my goals for this 100 days challenge now that I finished my sidetracked task it's time for me to finish gearing up and getting a few dig toys I made a lot of pal speres and I started my journey to where I knew the toys of digs were to be [Music] found day 42 and 43 were spent destroying the local population of dig toys I now have a total of 13 so honestly we should be set for a little bit at the mining base I'd like to get enough to fully max out one or two dig toys using the pal Essence condenser but that'll be a metric crap ton of dig toys but we may try to max out a couple by the end of the 100 days since we're not even halfway through yet I would like to get an artisan dig toys well I don't know if that's even going to affect how fast it works but I don't know I'm just going to keep catching every dig toys I see and see what we get you guys want to watch me do something really [Music] stupid now we leave okay that would have that would have been really cool if that would have worked oh no it's fine it can't get up here right yeah look at it it's dumb on my way home to my base I decided to take on the boss quiver it went absolutely swimming ly and we caught it but by far the most interesting thing that happened is what quiv dropped once we caught [Music] it that is the first time I've ever gotten a legendary schematic oh that's amazing yeah we're for sure going to have to make that wow that's that's nuts editor megabits here and I realized now that Quin did not drop that legendary schematic I have no idea when I picked up the schematic and to be honest I'm sure I could scrub through all the footage and try to find when I picked it up but I'm going to be real with you guys my folder for this 100 days is like close to 200 gigs of footage um so let's just call it a happy accident tend out day 43 we stopped by the mining base and dropped off three dig toys the three that I chose were the two diet lovers and the runner dig toys I relieved pen king of its duties Mining and I gave it the most important task of defending the base at the sandbags she's adorable and the best little [Music] trooper on day 44 I built World eater the lucky penlet a rocket launcher did I just kill World eater I hatched my first three eggs the electric gave us a dozy with the passive of mine Foreman the scorching egg gave us a flame Bell with the power of Gaia but the real treat was the huge Rocky egg oh my God I can't believe we just hatched a war SE on our very first huge Rocky egg that's that's nuts wow it's day 45 and uh hey hi do you remember when I was trying to get aladan It's s battle and I said I would do it back on day 23 well I finally did it just 22 days later on day 46 I wanted to run around and catch a lot of penlet and other Pals so I'd be able to use the pal Essence extractor to power up my pals while doing this I realized I never fought King Paka so I flew over there with aladan and we fought it it was definitely a little harder than expected but we got through it and we even caught [Music] it on day 47 I sold off some Pals that had some bad passives to a black market pal merchant after that I flew around and I tried to get as many LIF monk Effigies as I could could find I ended up with 18 figs and I leveled up my capture power to level five day 48 and 49 were spent working on my base I built up the start of my factory and I leveled up my base to 13 the athetic of this base really isn't how I want it so at the end of the day this is mostly just going to be a functional base you know again our third and final base will be the base that we will make look pretty we're officially at the halfway point of this series because we are at day 50 I wanted to gauge where I was with my level in progress so I decided to try and take on the free pal Alliance Tower I originally thought I'd be mostly using our Sox for this fight as the boss Lily and Len are grass [Music] type uh h [Music] boy was I wrong we were not ready for this fight I somehow clawed my way towards Victory but it was an absolute struggle I did have to sacrifice World eater but it was worth [Music] [Music] [Music] it at the halfway point of this series we've knocked out two towers now and it is clear to me that now we only need to focus on leveling ourselves up and leveling up our Pals days 51- 65 we're spent on an absolute grindfest of leveling up ourselves and our team I took on so many bosses we fought Mand Delux and we accidentally killed it we attempted to fight WBO but I forgot arox and we failed miserably so I went back to my base I crafted refined metal armor and that increased our defense considerably we grabbed our Soxs and we went to fight WBO again on our way to actually fight Wombo we found a floating large common egg EG normally I skip over getting common eggs but with this one Defying Gravity it has to be amazing we fought WBO and caught [Music] it and then fought the boss a a robe [Music] we fought the boss bushie and caught [Music] it we took down Brun Cherry aqua and caught [Music] it [Music] we fought the unol boss and caught [Music] it we fought the relaxasaurus Lux and caught [Music] it we fought boss Deacon caught it and it had the passive [Music] Vanguard and then finally we fought boss elizabe and we caught it [Music] too after all of these bosses and my grinding I got to level 4 43 at this point I feel like we should be ready for another Tower boss but first things first we need to get better Firepower the crossbow did us some good but it's time to make our first gun and rather than making a massive amount of ammo and using my resources up I'm going to head to the settlement in the desert area Dune shelter now up until this point in this game I've saved all of my treasures I've gotten from bosses and dungeons I'll be selling all of these items so we can get enough ammo to not worry about it for a while by selling all of our Treasures I made 990,000 gold from it it's day 68 and it's time we're level 43 our pals are ready to fight we have a gun we have the uncommon refined metal armor and we have the hypers shield based on our current team I'm thinking the next Tower we're going to tackle is Axel and orer orer is an electric dragon type so we'll need to utilize ground and ice I'll be heavily relying on chill and War sect I can't help but stand here and look at the fires of Mordor I I mean this Lake of Fire and power world and I'm filled with unease I don't know what it is but I don't feel like this fight is going to go [Music] well [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] our first attempt against axel and orer was pretty miserable I realized that I myself wasn't putting out enough damage to keep up I ran out of handgun bullets halfway through the fight so that really didn't help anything honestly I think our best bet is to craft better weapons and level up a couple more times so I will see you in a few days hey you it's been a while how are you these days it may not seem like it but it's been a whole week days 69 through 73 we're spent grinding so much there's so much grinding good God so much grinding we leveled up quite a bit and we changed the team up we had some cool things [Music] happen and we had some unfortunate things happen oh you got to be [ __ ] me level 50 oh my God all right dude this is going to be so bad all right well here we [Music] go no no dude audible gasp they added Latios and laas into this game oh [ __ ] no no no no no listen dog I just wanted to look at you I'm sorry I'm so sorry you're not going to follow me down here though right that would be crazy you're not going to follow me down here you're you're going to stay up there and go back to you know doing your loto things what oh oh God I when did you come down here what oh oh we're so dead we're so dead oh my God I just wanted to do this for the bit I just wanted to make fun of the fact that it looks like Latios and Latias and that happened oh oh God I'm cold I'm so cold okay so after the Latos you know ended my existence I put this huge dragon egg into my incubator and it's done now and let's see what we get this is the very first dragon egg I found on this series and it's a huge one so hopefully it's not a relaxasaurus that's the only thing I don't want we got a yman tide ignis oh my God that is amazing here we are on day 73 we've leveled up we've got some good gear we've got some better Pals and honestly I think we are actually ready to fight Axel and ozerk the fight wasn't nearly as difficult as last time getting a better weapon and having ammo for it really helped out war saac and chillet did absolutely fantastic I did throw Yanti ignis in there uh like as a buffer to let war and chillet heal up a bit but everything went as good as it possible could have oh my God God woo wow that was so difficult oh my gosh I can't believe we did it wow I am so happy oh man that was [Music] hard after we won our battle I looked through the technology tree and I saw Lily spear I decided to craft it and I wanted to see how Mee fighting was in this game I I feel like fighting with melee weapons has for sure been neglected you know I understand guns are cool and they're really strong but I don't know man sometimes I just want to beat up a pal with my own two hands Lily spear has 450 attack the spear cherished by Lily punishes those who neglect their Pals wow okay we'll to try this out so LLY spear it is pretty powerful but good Lord the sound effect for it is like nails on a chalkboard for me I mean listen to this on day 74 I wanted to explore more of the map I wanted to get most of the Fast Travel points if not all of them editor's note uh that never happened never never got all the Fast Travel points during my exploration I found a spot that I think will be an amazing place to put my final base oh okay uh so we'll we'll still have to explore around but honestly I think this might be the location of our third base I really like this area and like having the bamboo around huh yeah we'll we'll mark this on the map and yeah that might be this might be where we put our final base that looks that looks really [Music] cool I fought dud the procrastinator i f boss fell bat and caught it and I accidentally went AFK because I made lunch I got so bored of exploring so I decided it was time to start building our final base I'm going to go back to the area that I scouted out before so here's a compilation of me building it what what what you doing up there living your best life [Music] disrespect your surrounded it's once again tea day this time we're taking on Marcus and the fire type fais the main Pals I'll be using our pen King and chill it and we'll use Yanti ignis as a buffer if those two need to heal I personally think that we're ready for this fight we have 22 days left to beat the last two towers and visit the tree of Truth so we got this [Music] h [Music] haha okay I lied I didn't have this I forgot to buy more ammo and I didn't change the move set for pen King we'll do that now and see how we Faire later you see your boy got distracted raed we first went AFK again for over an hour because my door Dash order arrived I ate it and then I may have fell asleep on the couch like the old man I am after that I flew to the desert and I fall at menting we beat it but didn't catch it I then took a lot of resources from my first base and I moved it to my new base while doing this I realized that Manda was odd I looked at its status and I guess it developed an eating disorder due to stress what I wanted to try leveling up just a bit more before the next Tower so we fought [Music] Anubis God this fight was far more stressful than I thought it would be we did Prevail and beat it though after my Sidetrack Quest it's now day 82 I think I'm ready to try the tower again I was not ready to fight the tower again although it pains me to say this at the 3 minute remaining mark on our fight my gun was broken I had no ammo and chill it my boy was knocked out I took off my armor and I let the boss knock me out so what does this mean for us because right now we're capped at level 50 which means our Pals can't level up anymore and we can't level up anymore therefore our next best bet for you know training up our Pals better is going to be using the pal Essence condenser it's time to get to work [Music] we caught a metric crap ton of pen King and I decided before I was going to use the essence condenser I should probably breed a few and try to get one that has some really good passives so we need cake lots and lots of cake as we waited for our first egg to be made we worked on the base quite a bit I realized some of my bigger Pals were getting stuck in the area that I made for their beds we fix that and continue building the base up the first egg is ready to be incubated oh my gosh I'm so excited now we're going to wait for a bit and with the power of editing bam this was absolutely an amazing start we hatched a female pen King with Artisan Burly body hooligan and abnormal at this point if I could trade out abnormal for Captain kids ferocious that would be perfect if we can get that I feel like we would make a Godly pen King now we wait for all of the love making to ensue okay the first egg was a total anomaly we didn't get one of the passives from either parents while I waited for the second egg I did decide to run around for a bit to try to maybe get a lucky we didn't find any but I still had a good time the second egg from Captain kid had hatched but it was a bust the level of luck I need to get all of the passives I want is just going to be crazy if I can't get the passives on the third and or fourth egg I think that I'll just use the pen King that has the four passives that are pretty good okay egg three was Straight Up Gas we got ferocious Burly body abnormal and blood of the Dragon this may be the one I'm going to hatch one more pen King just for good measure then if it isn't better than this one I think we have our winner here while waiting for my final egg I ran into Lucifer and Satan seriously who the [ __ ] were they well we died but we're back with another egg okay the last egg was the dud which means we have our winner with egg number three now let's power this thing up it is day 85 and jet dragon jet dragon jet dra jet dragon Jet Jet ragon I have no idea how to say it the the the the the Latios Latias looking thing still decimated me I was unwavering in my will of exploring more of the volcano area I fought the boss aagon which looks absolutely amazing by the way this was the first time I saw it and wow I had full intentions of catching it but Sanic my amazing chillet had other plans on the way back to the base I also found another huge dragon egg let's see what it is okay that's not bad at all uh I wish it were another dragon egg but I'm not complaining we have 15 days left and honestly I feel like I'm at a loss here 100 days in this game is brutal you know I I had high hopes for what I wanted to do but I am running out of time fast for the next 5 days I got resources I made stronger weapons just so I could potentially fight fight the tower again on day 990 and Prevail at one point uh I got tired during my resource Gathering and honestly I just kind of gave up we got some better gear we have a pen King that could potentially be god tier and I don't know I feel like I was ready to fight Marcus again and hopefully for the last [Music] [Music] time [Music] oh my God oh my God oh that was so hard oh Captain Dreadful you're [Music] amazing I wow I did not think we were going to beat that holy crap that was absolutely insane oh my God so that wow wow we might be able to beat all tolers oh that was amazing oh my God it's 1:00 a.m. on a Monday night oh I hear a lucky it's a lucky unival no way oh that wow it's like the game is saying congratulation here have this lucky oh I'm so excited uhoh don't die oh that was too much damage that was [Applause] [Music] scary it has ferocious oh my god dude wow oh wow I don't even know what to say I don't even know what day we're on I don't know how long I was in that tower for but oh my God we might be able to do the last Tower and potentially see the tree of truth I don't know but it's late I'm getting off goodbye it's day 91 and I am in an all out Mad Dash to get ready for the final boss and hopefully see the tree of Truth first first things first we need more ammo for sure the last Tower boss is Victor and Shadow beak as you can probably tell by its name it's a dark type this means that chillet is going to be the biggest asset while fighting them we're going to need to get more chillet to use the PO condenser on ours though that's step two so for the next days until day 95 or so we will be prioritizing ammo and getting more chillet we caught enough random chillet to be able to actually use the pal condenser on our chillet for the second time now I did this last night around 2:00 a.m. and at the time my very tired brain thought that you know getting it up to this point would probably be enough but based on the last fight we barely we barely scraped by and I'm thinking we need to get another 32 chillet to be able to move our chillet up just one more tier so here we go [Music] I've caught so many chillet that now when I see Paladium fragments on the ground I think it's a chill's ears I think I need help uh we we caught the 32 chillet that we needed and now we're able to rank up our chillet Sanic one more time another unial no way that's awesome oh my God do not kill him oh this is dangerous holy crap that was so dangerous it has Runner it has Runner oh that's so cool wow it has lucky and Runner oh that's amazing that's that's amazing with chillet being ranked up and me having all of the ammo I think I'm going to need I think we should try our first attempt fighting Victor it'd be cool to get it on the first try but we'll [Music] see [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh my God our first attempt was a Monumental failure I literally realized that within 2 minutes of the fight we wouldn't win it we need stronger Dragon Pals and you know what's next we made some Ultra spheres so let's go get some dragons the first dragon we caught is a aagon aagon a it's the thing that's definitely not a mega Agron [Music] um it has some okay passives but really nothing to write home about uh the next one that I really would like to get would be jet ragon or the uh evil horse Knight guys because they seem op uh you know those guys uh they're the they're the ones that uh ended my pitiful existence a couple days ago we're on day 96 now so we need to level up aagon a bit using pal Souls then maybe try to catch more dragons as the clock is ticking it's day 97 and we just caught a basut I know this isn't a dragon but honestly it looks so cool it's a beast I'm very happy I caught it it's just it's it's cool I like it I'm stoked about it okay suei time to try Jet ragon [Music] again okay seriously like what what hit me what what just domed me was that jet wagons just like murderous intent like I just I I don't understand I I don't get what hit me there today the day it's day 100 and although I'm excited to finish this series I'm incredibly nervous you know it's time to fight Victor I've made an common assault rifle and I've got some relatively stronger Pals and I have High Hopes this is it though if we beat Victor or if we don't beat Victor so let's finish this you and [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ah that's it I tried my best to knock out all the towers within the 100 days but Victor and Shadow beak are just far too formidable although this wasn't the ending I hoped for Life rarely is this video was so much work I legitimately put in over over 80 hours between filming and editing I am exhausted but oh my God I am happy I'm finishing this that being said if you enjoy this video please like And subscribe if you'd like to see me continue this save and do a 200 days video comment on the video and honestly if you're still here listening this I really appreciate you staying till the end wow it's it's over we made it to day 100
Channel: MegaBits
Views: 13,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworldgame, Best pals, best pals in palworld, shiny pals palworld, shiny palmon, 100 days palworld, i survived 100 days in palworld, i spent 100 days in palworld, shiny pokemon, pokemon, 100 days, tips and tricks palworld, best tips and tricks palworld, before you buy palworld, things i knew before playing palworld, megabits, mega, bits, didyouknowpalworld, palworld building, palworld passive skills, palworld building ideas
Id: b-fDcjaU-SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 30sec (4290 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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