Palworld 100 Days Nuzlocke Challenge

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I've given myself 100 days to complete the world's first paleor Nuzlocke challenge before the days are up I'll need to defeat all five pal World bosses which is going to be very difficult considering the Nuzlocke challenge rules I can only capture one pal per area I must name my pals to build a stronger emotional bond with them so I'm going to name her caterpillar affectionately named after the world's largest Digger if a pal dies they are dead Dead Forever and I must and I mean must butcher them goodbye friend you are awful I cannot have two of the same pal I cannot quit to the title screen to save myself from death and if I die it's game over so in 100 in-game days I must carefully capture the most useful Pals build a functioning Work Camp and fight all five bosses without dying once which is going to be extremely hard considering you'll definitely need level 50 endgame gear to fight the final boss trust me I've tried there's also one more power wild specific rule because player level is so important unlike Pokémon it's going to be extremely hard to reach level 50 before my timer is up so I am allowed to capture as many poers as I like for the experience points but if I've caught a pal in an area already those Pals captured in that area must be named a number their number stands for their position in line for butchering and numbers should hopefully make me feel less attached to the powers I have to put on The Chopping Block so let's get into it 100 days nuzlock challenge starts now okay here we go first day on the nuzlock challenge I think what I need to do is try and Rush leveling up as fast as possible so that I can potentially get my first flying Mount take out some bosses and just basically reach end game as quick as possible and once I'm end game then I'm going to think about catching Pals a bit more carefully and I think I'm going to set up around here right my first base because the most important thing is ore so I'm basically not even going to bother doing the tutorial right now I'm going to just run all the way towards uh essentially all the way here right now I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Effigies I think for now I'm going to leave them because late game I may need to respect my skills and when you do that the Effigies essentially don't come back even though you lose all your capture uh bonuses the figes don't come back so I think I'm going to wait till the late game to go and collect those a fast travel Point ah now this looks like a good place for a base we've got a couple Rush on here and I think that's going to be the first sort of pal that I go for and I have a lot of pal spheres to do this in fact I've basically filled up my inventory with wood and stone uh just by wandering around so yes we're going to get our base right here in fact I'm going to just drop a little bit of that wood real quick so I can actually move around then we're going to start the tutorial after running across the map and we're immediately going to start farming Russi toes that's going to be my first thing I want to get a rush or Farm as soon as possible then go get a dict toise and start farming ore as soon as possible because we are going to need so much ore for the late game and if we get started now it's going to help us so much now I've been running around and getting a few fast travel points so we actually have enough to do a bow and some arrows so we're going to go straight for that we need some Fiber so we're actually going to need to craft a stone axe real quick now we can take that and when we use an axe on a tree we get fiber okay now to prepare ourselves for this uh pal like I say we're going to be efficient as we can here we already know he needs a bed so let's build them a bed straight away you know this bed is for The Rush or what should we name the rush or and where has he disappeared to there's the bed now time to make some bow and arrows out the bow the Russ are coming at oh no dude what are you doing not right now yes run away okay I I think they're stuck nice they don't know what to do at least they're polite they won't attack me once I'm crafting never mind how rude that was awful manners right now the arrows let's go oh my God we're almost dead you know I just thought of something would you mind all right we just got to kite these guys would have thought a rush would be so hard to fight ow I me if we die it's not the end of the world oh wait it is the end of the world I didn't even think about that okay okay okay I just need to wait a minute my health is going to regen slowly I have a bow and one bullet should we try we could get a crit shot on this one that's not enough 3% chance and a dream oh and we missed I'm going for those bows got 100 Health if I die it's over already boys oh no come on just a couple but arrows here they come three arrows okay this feels like a boss fight in itself here it comes okay got time for more arrows okay we're in between two Russ this is kind of scary yo excuse me their attacks are pretty awful it's so easy to dodge now that I figured it out hi ow 17% chance let's go oh come on oh dear let's going for some M oh no 83% 83 health 83 Health okay okay it's fine everything's fine try again dude he dodging it don't want to die this early into a nuzlock challenge that would be ridiculous okay three more [Music] arrows there we go oh nice all right um I've got a name for this already let's deal with this one a minute are you kidding me [Music] what the actually one sphere left oh thank you you know what I realized as soon as I put my rash down they died so that's not a great start at all at all um you know he's dead which is a shame but uh it kind of made me think that I have a good name for him you know we should at least give him this respect he deserves that was awful okay well we got two P to butcher which is great let's see what this wondering Merchant has cuz I am hungry yeah I mean I hope you stay here this would be amazing if you did okay with one location down already uh I do feel a little bit disappointed did I realized how painful it was to try and craft those arrows without a handiwork pal so I decided already I am going to go get an handywork P I still want to get a rush or and I still want to dig toys but for now I'm going to focus on getting these skills up I've decided on how I'm going to do it and when I reach level 50 I'm going to resp my points into HP and attack but for now I want work speed almost entirely we'll get work speed weight and a tiny bit of stamina right let's get these arrows look that's so much faster all right that was slow going from My Level 50 account where I have handywork level three crafting things in an instant to then doing that many arrows was rough now I need some Stone and without Rush all here to help me we're back to picking up sticks and stones of the ground now we need to get some pal speres not too bad I believe you have to spend technology points on a campfire but we'll do it I'm going to put this next point in stamina cuz I'm moving slow all right there we go uh do for now 14 P spars and uh yeah I think now looking at the map I just need to mark this spot as a place that I did capture up P so I don't forget later well you know they I can't please they died instantly how are we going to go from this to defeating the final boss in less than 100 in-game days I don't know now this is a bit odd I would say this is under this capture area this whole area here so we still have this whole sort of rocky area above where we can get more rash or I think is where we're going to go next and then I think we're going to go kind of back to the starting area to get a lamb ball you know Lambo are good for handiwork actually you know what now that it's night time I think we should go and try and capture a Daydream because Daydreams typically have really high handiwork level for uh early game and they are everywhere in this starting area that could be an amazing start cuz I need somebody with handiwork desperately um the chest red the depresso what is that there's a Daydream oh ow all right then we'll take that out I'm not capturing you I've literally never seen a depresso before going to go okay there we go I saw a Daydream over here I need to catch that that will make my life so much easier I think it has handywork level two starting that off it's going to be really useful where did you go Daydream there's one yes come on let's eat some bread it is cold so I'm I'm literally dying as we speak my health is ticking down I have 14 pal spheres for a pretty high level pal considering our level level six okay we can do this the attacks on this are really hard Daydreams are going to be really useful as well um because it's the only pal that can be out at the same time as our main pal and that is really really important for us early game to be able to take out more enemies and beat more bosses it is so so important this uh in my opinion this Daydream here is everything um for completing this and we got it that is great let's have a look Daydream handywork level one oh no I was wrong that's fine though that's fine and we're going to call this um you know it's Daydream right we all Daydream of different things and in this case I'm daydreaming of that day I finally defeat that level 50 boss so I'm going to call it Shadow beak in uh you know celebration for the day that we finally kill that boss um you know in my Daydream at least come on now let's go Shadow beak now look at Shadow no no no no no don't die o I forgot shadow will just start attacking everything oh my God that was close we need to get out of here we have a Daydream being caught there we're going to put a marker just to make sure we don't forget this whole area now is indeed unable for capture uh we have Shadow beak here they can gather resources in the area which is pretty cool what I'm going to do is put uh Shadow beak here for now I feel pretty confident fighting rashar on my own the power box upgrade available as well do that we'll leave day brick oh oh no Russ spawn here are you kidding me going have to just take them out this is just man rubbing it in that I didn't manage to get that rush or isn't it it's right it's good for Daydream to get some experience now we have arrows it's just so easy all of this stuff bone leather it's all really important late game so having brushs literally spawn into our base is kind of Handy I'm going to build another storage chest here cuz I'm extremely lazy I want Daydream to be here but look at how many rushers are just walking in I I don't know if I feel comfortable leaving Daydream here I'm going to put daydream in my party and I'm going to uh keep her alive and don't attack just don't die just simple as that day dream simple as that we'll get Daydreams level up I don't have many spheres so I don't want to capture too many uh of these early game right now what a massive deal we'll get one all right so to make this interesting in I'm going to name each of my butchered animals one by one uh and see just by the end of it how many animals we end up butchering yes it feels completely inhumane to label Animals by their number but um don't know how else we're going to do this and obviously uh I can't really start butchering yet without the butcher knife I hope they understand right then let's go towards the desolate Church where I'm pretty sure there's a lot of AE and that was a rhyme uh Rush old palum we're going to get that every time we see it oh look there's so much palum here yes a rush is going to be ex extremely important so once we get our rush or the next step will be to get a Vixie so that we can automate is that a vix no we can automate collecting pal speres in our base which is going to be extremely important for the early game and then later that same Ranch we can replace the Vixie with perhaps a uh Mau to get gold but that's kind of like sort of uh you know maybe day 5 to 10 or something right let's go activate this fast travel point and I think there's a chest in here I might need to collect those mushrooms cuz I don't have much food out of the game ah we can come here to level up as well can't we like I say I'm not going to touch these Effigies until late game until I've reset my stats mushrooms as we go looking for Rush In This Place hope there's one somewhere oh there's a Vixie here question is do we capture this now or do we wait till later I do need a rush or like desperately I think she's going to the butcher stone for now sorry Vixie oh what am I doing I don't need to kill them like that oh well we should make a c of how many Pals we kill that would be funny I think all the rushers that were here just ended up venturing into my base parore where's the rush ore look at thugs I'm not seeing any rash I think I just like made them go extinct or something this is really not ideal okay so I'm not seeing any poers in this area this whole area is split between two it's a bit confusing uh I'm going to go to the beach I think this is sort of the beach area and we'll just try and catch a pal here because I mean hardly anything here anyway oh rure oh my God this is great okay here we go Daydream finally [Music] there we go that should be the next one nice oh this one got the Vanguard skill which is pretty handy and you know to kind of set things on a better stage here I think there's only one thing to do awesome there we go and well you you're number three let's get back and let's start mining eat some bread so we don't starve remember we caught one there so mark that there okay now we can two Pals at the base so Daydream sorry Shadow beak look at this one 2 3 and all four ready to go this we got awesome here we should go and collect stones for us which is wonderful and we got Daydream doing handywork which means they're going to go and pick that up it's not as good as transport but it's pretty similar and we can now do a base upgrade we need to do a shoddy bed we do that we want to upgrade to like I think level 10 as soon as as possible cuz what that's going to allow us to do is create two power boxes at once and that second power box can basically be like a temporary teleport anywhere we want to go we do need more wood so let's get that now also have more stats I feel like early game stamina is kind of important but I would like a bit more work speed and wait um we'll do that after the other levels then we need another bed for the pal I'm going to try and keep all of this sort of infrastructure in the center and that gives us a large open space to work on other things okay you got to do the foundation as well you're really making me spend my technology points it's a cheap way to do it when you don't want to waste wood though right you need a roof who says you need four walls that is good enough to get a bed down which is pretty handy right I'm going to leave these players here and hope they can fend for them eles if any other Rush come put that there small pal nice um let's have a look little quick I think we need some more P spheres arrows are looking good we got a bit of food on us so whilst they're getting materials I do want to get that dig toys now it is pretty high level but I feel comfortable we can do it the only thing is we need a mount we've already captured a pal here where Iker spawn which is a bit of a shame oh we can ride the rush or yeah I mean early game I think that will be okay can upgrade this forgot about that oh yeah we need a feed box don't we yeah we need to deal with that quickly all right so I've got some food down I got a couple more beds I'm starting to realize how much of a pain it is having to go manually get wood so obviously we need a logging site I also need someone who's going to be able to do logging but any handywork P could be good so I think we go to the start get a Lambo and get some Berry seeds there's not really much around here anyway is it and I think a Lambo is actually pretty useful H here come the rush Wares come on now don't give up there we go nice you know what that means five and we got like a whole slaughter house lined up up here and apparently I can't count right uh Daydream you can come with me awesome you can stay here to be honest yeah awesome you can stay here I think if I go away other Rush should not spawn here so now we're going to go here get a lamb ball get some berries and also that should be enough to get me to level s which means I can do the logging site really going to be helpful y doesn't this dude give you something 10 wood okay well expecting more than that right cata cataa um maybe I should have taken a awesome out we'll get a bit of pal fragments I'm not too worried about this to be honest in fact I'm not going to waste time we're going to just get uh Vixie after this cuz remember we didn't capture a Vixie in that area which is really handy there's a chicken oh no way a shiny pal already and it's a cat does cataa have handiwork this is a this is really lucky to get a shiny this early I I have to I know there's a Lambo there but um well I have to all right here we go this is going to be hard for me as a level six to take down a c never mind make sure we don't kill this I'm kind of scared oh caters can cut down trees yeah they've got logging oh my God this really lines up this is perfect 48% charge oh my God no way yes can't believe that what do we name this guy lucky work speed plus 15% this is huge this guy is going to basically just cut down wood for the rest of his life I know it's a shame so we're going to call him Woody for a marker on there so that means this whole area now is EXP explored we need some berries and then we can get home I can't believe the luck that is amazing now I think we need to just you know they're sleeping so we may as well get some wall once we're running towards this place may as well just uh ruin a few P sleep all of these uh resources are going to be useful maybe we'll have add him to the butchering block no H there it is number five right let's get out of here don't die now can't believe that Lu with a shiny I would not have even remembered that cataa has uh oh no they have mining ah well they have handiworks so they'll work on the logging Factory anyway let's put them in the base Shadow be can come here as well now we need to build a logging station logging site and a stone pit as well we need some more wood and stone for all of those so once they're sleeping soundly we shall go and do that oh 1 2 3 4 5 yeah this is getting out of hand we these poor creatures and this is why I got daydream early on that handiwork is well handy so far every Power catering has a very specific purpose and I hope to keep it this way so we can stay efficient and uh beat the uh boss and reach level 50 before 100 days are up ah these lovely little poers are going to wake up to a lot of work to do is uh just lovely oh we need a Berry Farm as well right I think we're going to reset the day just go to the next day here bit of waste of time but uh I'm about to die from the cold that's all the or that the rush or broke nice now we can probably get the logging site don't pit we need three [ __ ] fragments grab that from me boys thank you oh look at this cata C shiny cata let's see what you can do buddy come on Woody ironic that I called him Woody and now realize that uh it's he's going to be mining stone oh well right Daydreams coming with me um and we now need to go get a Vixie now remember there were Vixie here because we want to get the ranch and that is going to basically speed up pal spere creation we send out Shadow beak here is that then we can do this work and Shadow beak should help got a lot of stone coming in which is going to be nice got my next stat increase I think we go stamina this is really slowing me down we got a ranch I don't want this to be too overcrowded so we'll put it here this is why I like Daydream just spawn Daydream to help me with tasks okay that's built time to get a Vixie do we have spheres we have five maybe build a couple more before we go oh the berry Plantation dude look at this Berry Plantation down now there's actually a bunch of well sort of coastal spawns that are definitely spots we can get water Pals now though let's get the Vixie why is there suddenly a troop of Daydreams coming in here come on guys what are you expecting I've already got a Daydream I'm only doing one attempt oh my woody okay well we don't have to worry about our farm being in danger anymore that's for sure oh my God VI's here before that's six and seven I found a chest here I'm kind of string away from the piy spawns I think but uh you know can't turn that down one there nice I need those P cuz I'm running alone now I've been searching far and wide for this fixing I remember them spawning around here but we are um still going we're almost near a small settlement as well which is another fast travel spot so you know we may as well make our way there get that spot otherwise I have to walk back all right we can get that fast travel point we did get a little bit of gold so let's have a quick look at this Merchant real quick I'm going to get a couple of these These are going to be really important later a every time oh there we go finally every time I see a Cris I'm like it's fixie and then it isn't oh don't want to throw hands okay there we go yeah that's it don't die now oh you kidding me thing I love about the bow is you can control the amount of damage right with the crit shot and then the higher damage shot as well really useful okay capture these send them to the chopping block and Escape now two kemis has just disappeared okay oh well both of these are just terrible uh that's fine number seven please oh no number eight now what's vixy's job Vixie will be digging up hell for so Vixie is actually responsible for the capturing and enslavement of all these Powers it's not me it's uh is fixie well I couldn't think of a good name so I'm going to name her caterpillar affectionately named after the world's largest Digger put a marker on the map now let's get back to business now the next thing I need is a water pal just to make sure we get berries on the plantation and we shall go straight to our base here so you know so far we've captured quite a few poers in this sort of starting area obviously yeah chopping block is coming on 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 caterpillar you can go there there we go let's see what kind of uh materials we've got going on here if I go like this I can just quickly check how much we've got in the actual base itself sou do I go of uh there we got 26 Stone and five wood two wood are you kidding me what are you guys up to seems they're not really getting wood and they're doing Stone extremely slowly well let's put a we don't even have enough for a chest okay we need someone to do with the logging that's for sure I needed to just we're going to reset the day and then we need to get a today we need to get a logging pal a water pal and a gardening pal I think if we go towards this way we could actually probably get a monkey which will do the logging and then we'll be near the coast so we can get a water P so we can do two birds of one stone again food is looking okay arrows fine P spheres it's enough let's take yeah we'll keep Shadow big that now this is what we need this is what we need running away but we can't capture it here actually you know what I'm going to actually build this because it's going to save me so much time I think I picked up a bit of wool which would mean we can craft cloth but I need the cluff recipe don't I so there we go oh let's get the cloth just a couple of that and then once we do that if I just get Daydream out and just start that here uh she should start it there we go cool and now we need to go get a bit of wood so yeah basically we're going to get the rush saddle I'm getting lazy walking around like this you know Rush short is not very fast despite the name but uh it's better than walking so essentially we are collecting the materials to get a pal gear uh workbench set up oh no is our kitty cat mad that ain't good all right that's enough wood upset and went to bed feeling down because of bad working conditions are you going to do this to me now oh no also we need to move this cuz it's getting in the way we just need to move it like a tiny bit there like that there we go I can get a p workbench like so I'm going to need to get them a hot spring aren't I they are not happy Pals which they've hardly even done any work we need one more level for the hot springs so these guys are going to have to hold out need tiny bit more pum fragment to get the saddle done and then we will go travel a little further away from home to get ourselves hopefully a monkey and also a just any water power really you know what I've been thinking consider considering our pals are a little bit grumpy and cattiva on our team will mean we'll get a little bit more carry we then it makes sense we just take the whole team with us we'll leave the base undefended production will slow down honestly it's pretty slow anyway isn't it so we're going to go out like this pretty cool nice little team let's feed them all up first um some mushrooms guys want mushrooms how about some roasted mushrooms then there you go that'll do for now we'll get some more food when we're out there that being said it is time then to start oh no we need to make the actual saddle how could I forget get the saddle and now look at this look at Woody come on Woody let's see what you got oh don't go over oh dear okay Daydream then do W he have handywork what he does what he just really wants to mine despite Woody's name my fault there is the rush or saddle so that is really useful once again we can knock our head into some ore uh which is going to be pretty cool but on top of that you know what I think we're going to go here actually uh there's so so many mountains away which is kind of a pain decided we're go here instead yeah we can smash our brains into some ore is pretty useful if we feel like it much faster than mining it and we're going to have a little bit faster movement speed we got one more skill point upgrade as well that means we can get the uh hot spring when we're back I'm going to put that on uh stamina oh no work speed we're going all in on work speed now to be honest also my guy guy is hungry but yeah the mission continues I'm probably going to fight as many PS as I can on the way simply because we need to start leveling up it is that time all right then how many P FS do we actually have look at this look at Woody look at Woody look at him watch this can't believe we got so lucky with this it's crazy Wood's just going to destroy everything and I love it 62% capture rate go on then now I love eggs both in real life and in this game but we aren't capturing any eggs today uh as part of the Nuzlocke decided that I'm being a rule but um yeah right this is number nine welcome to the party we're almost in double digits are lining up for the slaughter house I really want to go down there not looking easy is it well if Woody can do it so can I ow yo hurt man why didn't why didn't Woody get hurt all right anyway collect this real quick I'm not going in the M shaft right now did we collect a h here we got this area but not this area and I think there actually monkeys around here quite often so let's go have a look get our rush out J hog we do need electric types later but there's a monkey perfect yeah we need electric types later on when we get to the higher level production stuff and everything needs electricity but right now electric just really isn't important at all should be pretty straightforward nice little chill dude he's going to go and cut down all of our logs for us so that's pretty good by the way sorry but no dude don't oh my God don't kill him don't kill him don't kill him don't kill him don't kill him okay there we go that was close got die a hell after me when I started this game I was terrified of these things you know nowadays go on Woody do it do it oh my God that was not good enough I'm actually terrified again I I'm terrified come on let's do it are you kidding me don't die Woody don't die all right this is all in good spirit of getting up our levels okay so we have number 10 now at home we also have a monkey uh I already have a name for the monkey and I I'll I'll let you guys know when we're back at base you you're going to like it I think it's great uh put a marker there now we move on over awesome took a lot of damage here have a have a Lambo chest there I hope we get some bread just eating is hard early on in this game got three power spheres kind of useful andies are so easy oh we' run out of arrows dude these aggressive ah they're scary they're scared ah you you know what I'm a little bit concerned here with those guys up there hold up a minute we're going to take a slight detour here Mis that I need more arrows it's definitely a lot better than walking though you know pretty nice pretty nice okay one more technology Point let's get back to the base and name our new addition to the family and um first things first though sorry sir but you are a 10 and by 10 I mean you're 10th in line to get butchered now seeing as we ended up getting a named pal called Woody whose job it is to mine I thought we would name tany whose job it is to cut down trees Steve Minecraft Steve you get it you know you know reverse roles here anyway okay so what we're going to do is put uh him there caterpillar you can come out as well Woody you need to get to work uh and I think that's enough for now we need to keep awesome and Shadow beak which is pretty good let's see if we got any more food tiny bit of baked mushrooms now we really really need to go and get someone to water those plants also we need need a hot spring can we make that now that would be really handy cuz we have some grumpy Powers oh no we need level 9 not level eight okay then well we'll be off let's not waste any time boys off we oh no need bow and arrows okay never mind we are going to waste some time trust me the bow is worth it it's so handy and that's that done let's go back over here and we're going to just go basically go to the next fast travel Point find any Co pal anyone that has a water gun in their face should be good so I think perhaps Ravine entrance to me sounds good and I I think there's a there is a boss there there's a bunch of um water PS can't remember all of their names I actually need these barries finnally enough how fast this is here we go make our way down here then towards the coast to get our first water p and then we've got the basics of our early game base set up and to be honest at that point I think it's time we just start powering through farming Pals to level up and gather the resources over time and then I think once we're like level 15ish we will make our way towards getting a dig toys and then we'll kind of start timating uh or and stuff and then to be honest at that point we just need to try and power level to like level 30 40 and um well that should be pretty good acceler there we go we have acceler although there's a lot of thugs around you know I'm not about that thug life I I'm a I'm a outstanding citizen just capturing Pals but butchering them um yeah know we all do it can't help it all right what is that a kelpy now they live in the water so what are they doing I don't know what has better um watering skills but I assume they all have watering skills so we'll figure that out megas sphere nice yeah these Moz Arenas are actually dangerous dude very dangerous yeah all right here we go here we go right don't attack you're coming on to left I said don't don't attack scaring it away dude come here oh how am I supposed to catch that now look how far away it is what oh actually has quite a lot of Health ow oh my god dude okay this is like a boss fight dude oh my God like I'm such a low level is it doing a dragon attack is it like a b it's kind of like a baby dragon a baby dragon 4% oh dear I don't like this I don't like my odds I don't like my odds luckily we found a what a megga sphere going to have to use it dude 60% chance okay woo that was kind of scary he almost died like what few days in and we almost died two times all right nice there we go and that is helpy water watering nice um now I I don't know if it's just me but this guy kind of looks like like a SpongeBob character his face reminds me of one of the fishes which is actually literally called fish number seven not to be confused with number seven in our PO Box waiting to be butchered very different we need to make sure we don't get that confused okay we got a pal here uh actually it was more like here here okay that area of the map has been palfi and now that means we can get back to our base and uh automate our Berry Farm which is nice uh we're going to need some more beds though aren't we you're going to need some more beds and also we need to get the hot spring down we need wood come on monkey man come on Steve get to mining it's all backwards got Steve from Minecraft doing the wood cutting and Woody doing the mining and also me doing all the work too cuz you guys are slacking off never seen such slow workers in my life it's okay though it's okay guess as they get higher level they'll um speed up which is important got to remember I don't have many Pals usually this early in the game you would have like 50 Pals ready to go you know you do not have that uh luxury okay let's build that up you don't need to come here just to help me with that but I I do appreciate it okay there's five beds four beds oh need one more luckily we do have enough materials thankfully I just find it funny how we've got all these funny names and then there just Steve the most generic name out there I love it okay so now uh what were we doing I yeah we need to not get lost in just Randomness at this point cuz it's going to mess with us we're going to run out of time haven't even fought a single boss yet yeah I need to build the hot spring and also put the pals that's what I need to do fish number seven you can get there awesome you can get there there we go and now we really really need that hot spring so let's go to technology I'm guessing at I'm still at level 9 but how far away are we we are really close all right uh come on then Daydream let's go and fight some uh lowlevel boys fact I'm going to just run around and Slaughter Lambs with an ax I know it's horrible we have no other choice there's a chickp coming with me there you go oh you escaped what are you doing my voice sounded like a chicken there what just happened come here there we go there's a level up that's all we needed to be honest uh you know got a couple more powers in the slaughter house can we change the power box name we should just call it slaugh hell shouldn't we all right that is 11 and 12 climbing on up cuz you know we're Spider-Man out here I actually really like the climbing functionality reallyy cool okay now we go back to the base and we basically have enough level to get this hot spring don't know if we have enough resources for it but this is going to basically no we don't we need 10 power fluids oh we need to go and Slaughter more creatures parum fragment we need seven no problem wood yeah they're coming along with that slowly before it gets into nighttime then what we need to do is probably go here I think there's a bunch of uh penguins and we're just going to go uh ruin their day unfortunately for them but you know this game is brutal isn't it so cute but um well until it isn't box Parks that's the complete opposite of what we're looking for well there's supposed to be a bunch of penguins down here here they are skipping around frolicking around Nice Shot capture on that 34% that's pretty low but uh well hopefully we got it we do nice unlucky number 13 sorry you know what I wonder if that Trader has power fluid cuz this is taking longer than I'd want it to just for a hot spring but uh I really need to do that so I can you know automate my base and then I can kind of go further a field and spend a bit more time out side uh there we go oh okay as you know these guys oh nice um number seven is a good worker which is great that's all coming along nicely now but as I said for the hot spring we need P fluids need eight of it so let's quickly check the shop we got like 360 gold maybe we could sell some stuff potentially all right let's go have a little look at this settlement here we go really do hope this doesn't you know lead badly could tell we could sell Pals couldn't we instead of butchering them now we'll butcher them all right what do you got H fluids a you kidding me you don't have it being cold at nighttime is kind of a pain because we are losing out on a lot of Health all right I decided to come back to the base and sleep because it was getting dark I was dying it wasn't looking good oh wow look at all these P spars good job wow this is why we need the Vixie farm this is wonderful these guys are mining fing down because of bad working conditions this cattiva just keeps on complaining you know you're so lucky to be born as a shiny and you like you're just complaining all day I guess he's a bit of a spoiled boy um what can we do he's a coward he's destructive ah should we just keep him on me at all times maybe we should and then we can put Shadow beak out I think Woody is probably going to be the solution to every fight we ever have and probably my first op what do you mean you don't he's miserable and then he just goes straight back to work he like 90% of the population this is what we all do isn't it we're all like oh I hate my job and then we just continue working doing the same thing oh my God that hilarious come on Woody you don't have to do that okay anyway with that being said I need to go and kill more Pals and whilst we do it we may as well uh get as much XP as we can obviously the reason we're getting uh Penguins again is to get that power flid so we can build that hot spring so they stop complaining about their horrible work conditions I mean they don't even know what's about to hit them we're going to have this thing turn into a rocket launcher Factory by the time we're level 50 cuz we're going to need it and I really hope we can do it within 100 days it's I think day five right now and we're level nine so good going I suppose but you know that leveling is going to slow down right off to uh go and do some leveling a little bit as we get this P fluid soon once we've got our dig toys and we've automated our farm for sort of ore and stuff we are just going to spam leveling by fighting as many creatures as possible and this early Game Spot is a great place to do it cuz there's so many lower level Pals we're going to send out W Woody but command don't attack because he's just going to eliminate everything but we do um want to fight everything we can here we go andl it 103 damage 90% capture rate that's Is Not Great oh well go for this one ohow you're kind of tough for a little boy aren't you there we go this one level on Steve sorry Woody oh we caught the penguin nice so we can butcher those Pals when we get back and hopefully that'll be almost enough um points we're almost level 10 so before we go back let's do that I didn't know that hat comes off like that that's crazy we hit him from here we can that's kind of funny obviously all of these powers are really important for us cuz we're going to need all all of their materials so yeah late game um farming them and butchering them is going to be nice to get all of this sort of late game items Fox Parks water pals are really important get this one fox Park here that's a Nightwing ooh might want to try and capture that actually well we can't can we just remembered we're playing a slot I'm like let's ride that home oh never mind yeah these P spars from the Vic Farm really helpful all right there we go level 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 now before our rro gets upset we can finally work on this hot spring however we need I need two more levels to get the meat cleaver though so we're going to go level up [Music] quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] all right that puts us at level 11 which is still one level away from the hotring which is what we need before we can finally start just going towards getting our dig toys and automating our farm which is really crucial as a first step to actually making it to the end game here we now have a whole page of Pals where waiting to be buted more spheres before we go one more stat Point as well and oh we have three I'm happy with my stamina and work speed mostly so we're going into to wait maybe one more in stamina we just need a few more pal kills and then we will be uh good to go we'll get that butcher knife and then we can get that power fluid and make the hot spring f finally and then it's basically turbo leveling time see 17% oh that is rough yeah there you go don't have many P spheres just realized come on penlet are you kidding me you want me to send Woody on you what he sounds like a gangster name to me he's not a gangster though he's literally complaining about mining a little bit of rock after like 2 minutes uh one more shot oopsie oh well that c uh we need to focus on ones that we've caught quite a lot to get a bit more XP here should be quite a bit Yeah 200 for that one more CERN we'll get quite a big bonus and hopefully that'll be level 12 and we can build that hot spring before all our powers get miserable and sick which would be really inconvenient for us come on now oh that's awkward right I have one megasphere I mean may as well here we go come on I just keep that's not not ideal we need one C what am I doing yeah we've all been in this situation before there's one there's one okay come on out don't get eliminated there we go 100% awesome oh trying to damage it when we have a extra sphere and we're not level 12 yet come on running out out of time let's go how much does it get me for eliminating it 13 XP oh dear all right that should be a big bonus for us there see and we are come here Lambo come on little Lambo the lambo is the cutest pal what do you think is the cutest pal all right finally level 12 that point we'll go into wait okay it is finally time right just to build a butcher kniv so I can get rid of this massive line of Pals ready to uh get put on The Chopping Block I need to make ingots which means I need to go and get a fire pal it's go though so let's sleep oh I want awesome and Woody with me we're going to go find the fox Parks oh well that's lucky perfect okay 57% chance we'll take these ones out as well ow there we go on Fox Parks let's not make this hard once we're here we're going to need some more so awesome it's finally your time to shine sir here we go and okay well you know it's a start how much wait have we got let's fill up our inventory come on now there it is okay that's 500 come on now keep going keep going let's break this entire thing down nice there we go 30 or we can finally those lovely creatures back at home have had an extra long life thanks to wow some difficulties in getting the things we need now we did just catch a fox Parks right here oh we got a raid oh no Syndicate patrol all right cater it's your turn dude I was not expecting this don't mess with me stuck on the other side can they not get across I just realized I think that we are in a spot that is unraidable this is amazing and I'll tell you why late game raids start to get really dangerous and by having them spawn here we are essentially safe from raids now there's a lot of loot there but um don't worry about that now that is so good to know all right I'm going to name Fox parks Trooper because they are going to be smelting iron and that's a pretty famous Iron Maiden song so there you go it's finally time I'm going to build this so I can upgrade my base before we butcher the pals so that I can put all my actual party in my base so I don't accidentally butcher them that would be terrible also not going to lie I kind of don't want my other pal see this I think it's only right we start with the boy who started it all come here goodbye friend you are [Music] awful 29 what is a combat doing here yo can't you say I'm busy you want to be butchered oh my God good job and you sir are awesome all right back to [Music] work don't come here Steve don't look stay there [Music] buddy [Music] ah
Channel: The Survival Merchant
Views: 101,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld 100 days, palworld nuzlocke, palworld challenge, palworld gameplay, palworld survival, palworld survive 100 days
Id: 0DBnfuX1G0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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