Pokémon Fan Tries PALWORLD for the FIRST Time..

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this game is everywhere right now from huge controversies about relations to Pokémon and a lot of people thinking that this game actually does Pokemon better than itself today we're going to be looking at Power I'm going in 100% blind I've seen no gameplay of the game and I'm going to be directly comparing this experience to what I remember about the magic of Pokémon oo I've got a perfect name for an island read if you know you know comment down below if you get this reference right here try hard difficulty I have seen no gameplay of this game okay it looks like we get to customize our character here if you haven't already go ahead and leave a like on this video right now seriously just stop leave a like and let's continue okay body type ooh we got body types oh can customize the color Dam already we got more customization options than Pokemon bro what's going on what's going on I haven't even got into the game for so oh you know what we about to do n okay this is our final character model and we have changed the name so now let me know what's it get if you get the reference comment down below and let's get this game started first time look at Power ooh hold on this game look good already okay those definitely look like Pokemon I'm not going to lie hello breath of the [Music] Wild woo there's no Pokémon game that looks that good in that in that cut scene alone hold on we're already playing okay the breath of the wild reference off the bat okay and damn well okay it is a PC game hold on let me remember hold on bro the Ambiance I'm hearing let's get a breath of the wild shot off the [Music] B hold on we farming Lego fortnite Minecraft aim attack okay I have heard that this game is basically Pokemon with guns I don't know what they mean by that but I assume we are going to find out very soon oh okay we can build okay already got some elements from like breath of the wild Minecraft I'm seeing so far oh I see a Pokemon Bro yo wait what do I actually call them they're everywhere hello now we have to craft a PPH okay what does this do fast okay this menu is giving heavy breath of the wild vibe right now I don't know why I haven't seen anyone say anything I've been seeing so much about how this takes from Pokemon but this so far I'm getting more breath of the wild than anything else right now pals are they called Pals correct wait what we throw hands okay hold on okay I'm going just try to beat his ass hold on Roll okay hold on we got copy movement okay everything takes stamina ooh wait hold on Yo these animations you could tell they there was definitely some work put into this like this is is in another Pixelmon or uh y'all remember that nft Pokemon game I only would probably oh my God hold on we're actually about to die are they healing hello wait how do I use can I throw the wood I'm scared oh my feel like I'm not doing this where you going give me that no way we just got folded by the first enemy in the game oh it is like Minecraft okay you're actually going to be mining for things too I assume this would take like one or two hits with a pickaxe right oh a chest I don't know guys is this really a Pokemon dupe or is it a breath of the wild dup okay we got gold coins a megas sphere a pal sphere a journal oh we've got breath of the no way there's a climbing system too wow that's a lot to be able to ooh damn okay on PC at the max settings this game is currently at the max settings okay it looks like it's getting to be night time now hopefully they don't got no Minecraft creepers or some Lego fortnite Skeletons about to pop up when it turns to night cuz I would not be messing with that hey okay let's see if I can cook these let's see I yeah what's up now doing no damage okay um um I'm sorry it was a joke wait why are they actually kind of scary looking I'm out of I'm out of stamina oh my I picked the wrong fight uh we take fall damage oh my oh my God we're cold how many systems they got you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me okay ooh hold on night time look kind of fire hello the draw distance actually looks better in this time okay let's go ahead and make some weapons let's see what oh 50 damage now oh yeah yeah oh my I just threw my thing it's gone I accidentally press RB I felt like that was a really important item to have gotten early in the game you can see a lot more Pokémon right there if you notice you don't have any dropped frames the pals are not glitching in and out like some games you know we had recently Pokemon AR Pokemon scarlet and violet obviously this game is in Early Access and I don't have any glitches I don't I'm not seeing as many glitches as I did in the first couple of minutes of playing scarlet and violet which is pretty embarrassing obviously the one of the main conversations about this game is the fact that yeah you better run you know better come to you in a few seconds fact that Pokémon has been just slacking in quality and it was only a matter of time before another game would try to attempt and actually succeed in doing the Pokemon formula better than Pokemon does it itself this game is definitely a clear mashup of a lot of different types of games so it's not directly trying to do the Pokemon thing better than Pokemon it's more so got some elements that Pokemon can definitely take some hints from what's up what's up oh my oh my oh my okay do I do I throw my balls now do I throw my balls now or do I wasit hey yo psych woo capture rate 88% come on 95 oh his min oh yeah first pal capture let's go wait hold on does our stuff break is there breaking items in this game oh okay items definitely have durability I was really hoping against that but it's the new fat it's the main thing it looks like we don't take fall damage though so that's something I'm definitely going to take advantage of Hold On Let's test this fall damage oh my okay fall damage is there but it's not too crazy I like how we just spawn into this world and we just start doing stuff like what's the context like what's the story behind this game is there a story or is it just like we're here and we're doing is oh my God there's a lot of Pals over there I don't know if I'm ever going to get used to saying Pals one thing I'm definitely curious about is there like how deep is the crafting system going to go like are we going to be able to create vehicles cools and stuff like that because off the bat this running speed is just not it also can we swim let's just find out right now okay hold on what Pals we got down here okay what what attacks you got Oh my he shoots Fireballs oh my and it has range okay okay we definitely might have bid off more than we can shoot with this one oh you just wait till I get a blicky bro as soon as I get a blicky mark my words I'm coming back here and I'm blicking your ass threat has been detect mark my words bro we are very low on health right now and we probably should not risk dying right now so I am going to run away and we're hungry oh climb okay climbing takes a lot of stamina oh no is he yo he actually just tried to snipe me okay okay okay I definitely need to not underestimate what I'm going up against right now BR I just realized I got into a pal fight without using my to I actually forgot that this was a Pokémon game bro I I was in the what is that oh that's a human Okay welcome I've got some good items in stock oo oh he does oh okay so this is what my gold coins go to okay but I feel like we should buy some arrows just cuz this crafting system is definitely going to get a little crazy really seamless and cool how do I eat I'm actually going to have to Google this oh my God I'm dying of oh why oh my I actually can't read I actually cannot read okay okay okay oh he's sleeping if I throw it at him is there like a dramatic effect like [Music] rcus bro every time I hear that I think something's about to attack me bro oh my where did he come from a level 16 pal and why ises my intrusive thoughts telling me to try to fight him I am level four right now bro I will definitely get demolished definitely gives me Dragonite Vibes yeah let me check back with you in like 100 Stone and 100 Wood later and then we can talk I've reached my maximum items and now I'm heavy wait that's actually kind of oh there's a weight system what the bro they thought everything hold on I can definitely already tell why this is a beloved game like they've got so many different systems implemented from so many different games right now I'm sure this is a treat once you get deep into it this takes 30 oh my god oh we get even slower at as it goes on so the heavier we get is the slower we move that's that's a really realistic I'm stuck I'm literally stuck okay okay okay fine fine now our goal for the video might be to destroy this pal right here cuz I just don't like how it's walking around it's walking around like it's got no problems around my God this takes forever hello two very boring minutes later okay I've actually been sitting here for a legit 2 minutes just to craft these arrows so we're definitely going to need to UPG upgrade that work speed oh oh yeah oh yeah now we're talking ooh okay we got a stagger hold on nice oh yeah now we're talking 90% 100 let's go yo who you pulling up on nah nah nah I don't like how you walking around like where you going face me oh yeah I don't like how you walking around like you don't got nothing to worry about uh oh yeah this is definitely where the main game actually starts okay now we got some stuff and we can actually start capturing and stuff like that okay okay woo oh yeah I like that stagger I like that stagger I like this weapon right here nice it's time for the rematch bro it's time to capture one of those what was the fire enemy called again a fox park that's kind of a lame name oh yeah it's the same one too oh yeah hold on let me set up for this yeah you remember for me get him kativa let's try out the bow wo oh yeah oh yeah we moving in this game now hold on hold on wait this kind of five wait hold on oh my I forgot I got damage like that oh no you weren't supposed to kill it no I can't even be mad at you kativa cuz we really got our get back on yo look at them eyes yeah this is what happens let let this be an example to all the pals around here we definitely Merk that one this bow is really good this what is that King of the Forest mamist oh my don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me Coulda get over here oh my gosh he did not look that big earlier bro let's go ahead and explore some more now that we've got a lot more stuff we we got our crafting out the way this is where the game should open up a lot more ooh got some more Pokemon I mean um Pals oh Forest over there and let's just let's just see what what happens bro I'm I'm with anything at this point we're a little bit hungry let's go ahead and get some food in our system oh we have to feed the pals too hello okay hold on wait I'm kind of liking this game now heating up a little bit okay you're a new face don't tell me you're an outsider yo what is that supposed to mean you saying that cuz of my skin color now that you're on this island why not try to catch some Pals you can get extra XP if capture 10 of the same kind ooh okay so they kind of got like a pokedex thing like Legends Rus I bro I really want to know like obviously they're not to be able to do this but I would really be curious to like hear from the devs and let them say yeah when the Legends RCS came out we was looking real closely at that game like pal Tamer definitely not the same sort of Swag as Pokemon trainer but you know what I'm saying is that a pal no that's just a tree right I thought that was a legendary Pokemon up there bro St just be spawn oh he's sleeping what is that too a tomat he's actually in the worst spot right now cuz I do not want to wake that big [ __ ] right there F dude woo yo the animations for this game is really cool oh he's dodging he's weaving yo the bow bro the bow is fire definitely hold oh my okay we definitely just got one shot that was kind of embarrassing I'm not going to lie don't see okay I think that was the evolve form of wait do Pals evolve bro I have so many questions okay capture rate 5% so if they're sleeping you don't really get an increase even if you hit them from the back okay leg RC is hitting Pokemon from the back was really you know that was really The Meta you know what I'm saying you get right up behind them you just smash them from the backside you know what I'm saying that was really The Meta but I guess that's just not part of the meta in this game I don't know where all these hoop crates Spawn from hold on you're a nice little level right here though buddy might have to sacrifice you real quick oh he's strong Oh my he probably would on-shot me just like the other one what is that that he's got milky cannon from Xenoverse um this is fine oh you can only throw one at a time oh my where you going give me that booty he just blicked me and walked away like it was cool bro I need to level up bad right now hold on we need some more Health it's actually really bad oh look at him over there just thinks he's so cool walking around give me five in-game days and your ass is grass buddy stop the cow oh you weren't suppos to kill it that attack is too fast bro you got to fight this thing from distance oh my yo hold on y'all see my movement though I'm kind of Cy with it okay okay we can do this head shot no kativa nobody told you to kill him oh my gosh what it fended off the pal oh my bro I don't want it to die how did it fend off my paler before come on nope 7 no you bastard bro I knew I shouldn't have shot that shot now that I'm getting a really good look at this game this is definitely a really good looking game going down to the grass and stuff like that you could say like yeah this is a PC game and so like of course it's going to look way better than than any Pokémon game possibly could is true if you just look at it objectively like that but there are games like breath of the wild and teers of the Kingdom that have their methods you know there's games on the switch that look really really good even for the switch I'm just going to use this example put Pokemon Scarlet Violet into an emulator and max out the quality and then put Legend of Zelda terrs of the Kingdom into an emulator and max out the quality there's a clear difference there and it's kind of unacceptable bro like you can just tell that Pokemon just doesn't get the same treatment that other IPS get you know even like Mario Odyssey like you know obviously those are stylized games but Pokemon still is very much too so it's really no excuse for Pokemon to not at least be trying to replicate something of a higher quality like scarlet and violet art style to me is just like the bare minimum of what they could be doing with an open world Pokemon game and how it should look let me know in the comments down below I know Pokemon Scarlet Violet has a lot of its own fans though to me it looks like a handheld game on the switch which is kind of unacceptable in my opinion when we have games like tears of the Kingdom still coming out and just looking much much better you know it's just important to remember that all competition is good competition a good example would be like for the VR industry bro the reason that VR is still kind of Niche is because there's not enough competition there's only a couple of headsets a couple of main big games that are like really pushing the pace of what VR can and should be how much better it could look and feel because there's not enough competition there's not enough new games and Technology showing people what could be so that's why games like this are definitely important and just good to have there's no reason to hate on power world fans if you're a Pokemon fan there's no reason to hate on Pokemon fans if you're a power World Fan what's important about this game success is the fact that it'll show the Pokemon devs okay if we do actually put a little bit more time a little bit more effort into making the quality of the Pokémon games better instead of just trying okay little bug there bad timing for the speech then maybe it would actually pay off in the sales because as of right now they have no reason to work harder on the game and make the quality of the games better because regardless of anything people are going to keep buying Pokemon games they could release Pokemon let's go Eevee today and I promise you it'll sell 2 million copies they can keep going backwards and people will still buy the game and that's just not good for the quality that we really want out of a series like Pokémon you know yeah that's all I have to say say on it rent over definitely need one of those Fox Parks down there there we stupid suck my oh my bro I can't see that fireball coming I just need one more shot come on 60% 80% 99 we finally captured a fox C let's actually go right now okay oh they're fighting each other wait hold on this penlet kind of doing damage right now hello ice type versus fire maybe that's why it did a little bit more damage though something powerful we need something powerful in order to wonder if I should be trying to get these elk these elf Riders does he fight back oh my um kativa I'm so [Music] sorry oh so oh my I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry a lot of D oh my God I'm sorry chill chill you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't I'm dead I'm dead nope I hit a tree why do I keep trying to fight strong bro am I ever going to actually level up in this game hello that D awesome would definitely kill me bro I don't know what I was thinking we just died to some elk bro what can I actually do like how do I get copier do I get copier do I just remain [ __ ] this whole play time this whole this whole experience level seven who crate like he would probably beat my ass hello oh my oh my no his attack is too fast oh we have a fire effect though bro he's actually an air better okay wait don't kill it don't kill it don't kill it oh my God and I just wasted two Poke Balls Fox Park nobody told you to kill them this always happens oh this is that tree we saw earlier bro burdent egg cuz we definitely will fall to our death so whatever is on this tree must be really important you know what I'm not mad at you fox Park it's okay come here come here oh this is kind of cute oh okay okay Fox we good we going over here I'm not mad at you bro we we just got to move smarter bro as a team as your trainer I got to be better and as my can we just call them like poke Pals or something bro who talk about it like having them be called Pals is just actually not the one want that level seven H crate bro I actually want that okay wait for the win okay milky Cannon oh my his mans hey bro nobody told you to jump in okay I do like Fox Park's fire mechanic that is clearly pretty oh my okay okay oh my no that tracking on that wind is actually insane I'm dead this is where I die this is where I die this is where I die I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I'm so weak to everything okay let me not call my Pokemon let me equip my bow Camp him from afar I think that's actually meta okay okay oh my I'm dead I'm literally dead I'm literally dead please please no no I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm R come here boy where you going give me that booty why is there snipe ability so crazy yo I'm about to I'm actually about to rage quit bro oh you're so dead oh you're so captured give me just give me two seconds bro just you wait bro give me two seconds bro let me pick up these pokeballs your ass is what is that Nightwing the W name I can't lie he would probably snipe me out the sky bro nah n nah hold on once I get a hoot crate though we actually might have a chance to do some damage to some enemies we cannot kill him with this shot shoot him in the foot nice your ass is grass buddy how did he still hit me oh his man's oh my come on come on let's go bro I bro how can you snipe like this should have another one oh yeah what's up come on nope oh my bastard yeah sit your ass down why is it crouching so slow bro I can't even teabag properly okay bro this the end of the video we're going to attack that we're going to get that to gossam bro I'm ready all right we've done enough training I've worked my heart off I wish I had a heavy pal sphere bro I just had to throw that one away early in the game come on H crate do some damage I believe okay okay hold on what kind of moving hold on okay he does have a range attack we just got to watch him oh I ran out of Arrow why is he coming towards me I didn't think this through I don't have a long range weapon anymore who CR died oh no come on Fox Park you can do something I only have a close-range weapon actually what am I supposed to do here actually might have had a chance bro cuz his long range abilties kind of oh my God he is destroying my Pokemon right now all right you got it buddy I'm gone I see a meta here I see a possibility okay if we do get 30 more arrows we actually might have a chance here if I can just distract him with Pokemon what why is he CH why are you still coming for meot these P got grudges bro yeah yeah yeah that attack came out frame one so yeah that's going to be it for me be sure to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed this was uh definitely not the experience I expected but everything behind it it's got so many things implemented from so many great games like so I definitely see how this game is selling like it is it probably gets really fun really interesting I was definitely locked in for this sales-wise I get it is this real direct competition to Pokemon I I think it's too early to say I mean a lot of the pals are closely designed after a lot of Pokémon and so hopefully they avoid lawsuits in that category of things but yeah overall it's a really good game yeah let me know in the comments down below how you guys are enjoying power world so far definitely very different than I expected I went into this completely blind leave a like on this video If you enjoyed And subscribe to the channel if you're new that's going to be it for me and
Channel: JadinGaming
Views: 11,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld, palworld vs pokemon, palworld pokemon, palworld review, pokemon, palworld controversy, palworld pokemon mod, palworld early access, palworld pokemon comparison, palworld news, palworld guide, palworld ai, palworld trailer, palworld game, pokemon palworld, pokemon vs palworld, pokemon vs palworld comparison, palworld vs pokemon comparison, palworld vs pokemon design comparison, palworld impressions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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