Quinfall: The Fakest MMO Ever Made

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all right so the last time I covered quinnn fall fall I was interested but skeptical about the game and rightfully so after all the developer was making the grandiose claim of being the biggest MMO of all time with a map 10 times the size of World of Warcraft while coming from a studio who had yet to release a single game that studio V technology was made up of just 56 people which is on the very small end of Team size for making an MMO RPG we also knew that Quinn fall had only been in production for 3 years starting its development in January 2021 and 3 years is about half the time big MMOs require with most of them generally taking 5 to seven years to make and then lastly from the gameplay footage we had seen of Quinn fall it looks pretty rough uh there's no other way to say it specifically things like the combat movement and animations did not appear to be all that good but even knowing all of that I was willing to give Quinn fall fall a chance after all I'm not typically one to completely write off a game before I've had the chance to play it and on the plus side was the fact that while the developer hadn't yet released a game they did have one in development title prior to Quinn fall that went by the name of Kyra online a Turkish MMO that spent a couple of years in beta testing and appeared to be like a proof of concept for their newer game so my general thought was yes Quinn fall looked pretty rough yes three years was a very short amount of time to develop an MMO and yeah they were making some ridiculous claims but I wanted to wait until we saw and learn more before being too judgmental well since that video which came out about 2 weeks ago we have learned a lot more about Quinn fall and it's not looking good with every bit of new information things are getting progressively worse it actually appears like we are dealing with yet another thrown together minimum viable product of a game much in the same vein of what we saw with the day before so let's go through what we've learned about this uh game so for starters remember that Quin fall Gameplay trailer from a few months ago well it turns out most if not all of it was made by other people and purchased from an asset store so in March of last year a YouTuber by the name of neon released a video going over everything that he was able to find in the Quinn fall trailer somewhere around 75% of it that was available for purchase in the unity store this included the animation where we see a character slam the ground and summon up a lava burst eruption this came from the realistic effects packed 4 which cost $42 most of the basic enemies seen in the Quin fall trailer apparently come from this 14 character orc pack which cost $50 the Archer who splits into eight spectral copies well apparently that effect came from the Archer effects pack which cost $22 the Archer itself was actually a purchased character model by the name of 3dom Paladin which cost $40 the enemy the Archer is fighting came from a monster pack for $35 the frost effect on The Archers attacks came from the realistic effects pack three for $28 the attack animations of the character fighting a scorpion came from realistic effects packed four for $42 $ the Scorpion itself came from the giant scorpion animation pack for $25 the water level turns out to just be buildings purchased from the elisium pack which was originally meant to sort of be a City floating in the sky well they took that City and just placed it on top of water that cost them $200 and one of the funniest examples came from the ship sea ocean section so those ships that we saw were not actually made to be sailable Vehicles they were instead supposed to be entire levels playable levels they bought that pack and then that Kraken in the ocean it originally actually looked more like a crustacean almost like a lobster hybrid thing so they just rotated it sticking its tentacles out of the water for their trailer the video revealing this information just goes on and on and on with neon meticulously combing through the Quin fall trailer laying out every single character model NPC attack and spell animations basic enemies bosses clothing weapons and entire Environmental locations that he was able to locate for Pur purchase in the unity store in total he counted somewhere roughly around $1,700 worth of assets and that is just what he found there is probably more in fact we know there is because recently in a new video released last week new neon was back with more evidence spotting additional purchased assets these include the mideval themed City and buildings that were seen in various parts of the Quinn fall trailers this came from the stronghold pack purchased for $65 he then also went through the screenshots on Quinn Fall's website where he was able to find several of them came from pre-built environmental asset packs these included the underground Cathedral a cave system and this desert city he then also actually showed examples of how easy it is to recreate making these screenshots just going through the process of picking an asset pack booting it up in unity importing the level and then moving the camera around before taking a screen grab and color correcting the image that is how they made apparently or this is a great Showcase of how they could have made those screenshots themselves now as has been covered time and time again I I want to make this clear using store-bought Assets in your game not a problem after all it is why they exist people create these assets and put them on the marketplace in order to be used by Studios to help ease the development process and to make it more affordable as it's usually cheaper to buy an asset pack than it is to pay someone a wage to create something similar from scratch so buying assets to use in your game that alone that's not a problem however it can become an issue if all of your game is store-bought assets and you're creating little unique content yourself if all of your character models all of the animations and the environments and even entire levels are just stitched together from store-bought assets that is much more of an issue so for one it creates a clear lack of cohesion with things feeling like they don't quite go together because they probably don't if you're pulling tons of different assets from different creators and putting them all into a single game things aren't going to mesh and we've seen pretty pretty clear examples of this it's pretty obviously why the Gameplay trailer for Quin fall you see a lot of stuff that look super out of place like the giant sandworm the Scorpion and the upside down Kraken and especially the various environments they don't seem cohesive they don't seem like they're made up of one single art Direction because they're not because they came from different people who created different packs that the Quin fall developers purchased and cobbled together and the other issue with using mostly or entirely store-bought assets to create your game is what does that mean for future updates so say if the Quin fall plans to get an expansion or to add new content what does that mean they're going to have to go back to the asset store to purchase that new content to purchase those new levels and those new characters and those new new enemies and if that's what happens what if the people who made all of that original content what if they don't make anything new they'll have to start buying assets from different people so again even further going into the fact that they're going to be adding stuff to the game that doesn't fit together that isn't cohesive and doesn't feel like it belongs all in the same world now of course they could start by using purchase assets and then eventually create and develop their own but they've not yet proven the ability to do so if the fact is true that everything was seen in this original trailer is from an asset store as it appears to be it looks like they've not made much of anything on their own except for maybe some of the randomly procedural generated environments that we've seen with some of these sweeping Vistas but again neon uh various videos have clearly showcased direct one forone copy paste of various asset packs character models weapons clothing enemies bosses environments entire levels the evidence is abundant so feel free to check out those videos if you want a more detailed look at all of that stuff but the use of store-bought assets like I said in and of itself isn't a bigger issue it does paint a picture of uh us questioning whether or not the people who are developing this game are capable of creating their own stuff is cobbling all of this together really going to result in a good game we don't know as of yet but I'm not holding my breath on that one but the store bought assets are just one part of the puzzle there have been many more things that have come to light since the last video first of all there's this thing here where on the developers website in the About Us section they had a photo of their office which isn't too unusual except for the fact that it's not actually a photo of their office it turns out to be a stock image of a generic office that they edited to display their logo so if they do actually have an office location it most certainly doesn't look anything like this now according to the developer LinkedIn page they do have a physical location reportedly somewhere in a university in Istanbul I can't confirm or deny whether or not this is the truth but that's where they say they are now since all of this came to light they have removed the office photo from their website and replaced it with just a basic logo of the Studio's name they did this after people started pointing out the fact that hey this is an edited stock image and not an actual photo of your office there's also the fact that digging through the user agreement on Quinn Falls websites people identified that the game will be making use of a virtual premium currency called vcoins of which the agreement states purchases can only be made through the website and will be non-refundable it also states that vcoins will not accumulate interest okay now one image that we've seen of Quin fall did showcase the games menu and in that we noticed a Store icon that had a giant v on it clearly that is for the vcoins that's where you're buying vcoins or where you're spending vcoins or whatever and speaking of interface parts of Quinn fall Fall's UI appear to display the health mana and character level that is a direct one forone copy of the UI that's used in Black Desert online now beyond that stuff there's the studios prior game that was in development called Kyra online now as mentioned in the last video Kiron line began its development in 2019 this was an MMO based on Turkish mythology and while the game looked lowbudget and fairly dated I was actually somewhat impressed apparently they had released Kyra into beta in 201 20 after only one year of development and it was said to be made by a team of less than five people originally starting with one developer that built up to a team of five and then after a year of development they released Kyra and yes the game looked pretty rough yes it looked dated but it also seemed functional and playable and that was actually one of the things that left me feeling a little more hopeful about Quinn fall but boy oh boy how wrong I was what I missed was the fact that while in closed beta Kyon online had a massively paay to win cash shop and apparently any purchases that were made during beta as far as I could tell were not refunded when the game was eventually shut down in 2021 Kyra's cash shop included all of the usual Fair of paid for resources currencies and progression boost we see percentage modifiers for increasing experience gain currency and ranks reducing the cost of resps and pet experience reduced auction house tax and much more now these came in various pack types the more you paid the higher you tier the better the percent boost that you were granted but what's even worse than that that is that it looks like they were partnered while in beta with this rmt site called bu.com This is a currency and item reselling site that not only supported Cairo while it was in beta but also sells items for ongoing games like lost Arc in fact looking further into some of the various people who were actively streaming Kyo online while it was in beta it turns out that many of them were sponsored directly by bu no game so it appears that what I mistakingly early on assumed was genuine interest in the game turned out to just actually be sponsored streams final game was sponsoring people to stream Cairo while in beta because of the fact that they had an rmt portion of their site dedicated specifically to that game so they were just trying to push traffic basically to the rmt site and that is why there were hours and hours of Kyra online footage online when I originally researched the game so while some of this information has been around for many months now a lot of it started to push to the surface in recent weeks and as a result of this the developer has k came out with a response in fact just earlier today they posted this on Twitter as we continue to develop the world's largest MMO Universe Quinn Falls spanning an impressive 216,000 Square km they're really leaning into this right we want to maintain transparency with our users in our development process we leverage some readymade assets to focus more on refining General mechanics and enriching the overall content our approach emphasizes that the significance lies not in using ready-made assets but in creating a versatile structure that can encor operate them seamlessly and that is absolutely accurate that there's actually nothing wrong with that portion of the statement it's true as I mentioned using pre-made assets they exist to be purchased and to be used that's why these asset stores are there but it's what is what else are you bringing to the game as a studio that actually makes it an enjoyable gameplay experience and that is where the uncertainty lies with Quinn fall specifically there have been successful games in the past that have used store assets that was most notably Pub G was a game that was full of store-bought assets but because the developer crafted a good game a good gameplay experience a good gameplay loop around those assets it turned out to be a good and massively successful title so it is not an indictment of a game that there are store-bought assets but when the first Gameplay trailer that you release after some sleo thing turns out to be made up of mostly if not entirely of store bought assets that raises the question of whether or not you're capable of creating anything to that level on your own as a studio and that's just what it is right now it's a question we don't know and so that does not instill me with much confidence if you're building a lot of the game by yourself but you're using certain buildings or or trees or parts of the like little doodads in the environment that is totally fine but if your whole game is Just assets stitched together if that's the case I can't say until actually playing your game whether or not you as a studio can turn that into a fun experience and that is one of the things we can't tell in this video we will have to wait and see until it actually comes out although I will forewarn you you might want to hold off on purchaseing Quin fall for a reason we'll touch on in a minute but let's go back to their official announcement so they go on to say additionally we choose to identify ourselves as V technology rather than V Studios for a specific reason our proprietary artificial intelligence Technologies this Innovation allows us to streamline the universe creation process saving a substantial amount of time I don't dispute this either I'm not saying that they aren't building the world's largest MMO I think it's entirely possible if what you're building is is just procedurally generated Landscapes besides those Landscapes as we've reiterated over and over again everything besides what looks to be procedural Landscapes appears to be purchased in a store so again that is where our lack of confidence with them as a studio comes from moving on they say presently our aim is to produce a video that showcases the extensive content discussed in our previous video offering a gameplay perspective unlike a traditional trailer we intend to provide insights into various Dynamics from the player's viewpoint point we are excited to announce our plans for a video I I don't want your announcement for your plans for a video I just want to see the video this this whole statement seems just entirely pointless just release a video showing raw gameplay of the game or as close to Raw gameplay as you feel comfortable with this stage of development just show us the game playay that doesn't feature entirely store-bought assets that all of this is completely unnecessary now they go on to say that besides having gameplay footage it will have a Q&A section where they're going to answer some questions addressing numerous details that players have raised concerns about stay tuned for further updates and thank you for being part of the Quinn fall journey I just want to see the trailer these statements are so useless for the most part but I did want to let you know that this is the official statement that VAR technology came out with now outside of this response uh I there's one more thing that I need to mention before we wrap up the video so while I was making the last video Quin fall was scheduled to release onto Steam on January 30th since that time the launch has been postponed the release date on Steam is now listed as coming soon and the game will instead be entering open Beta at some point in the near future now originally on various q&as from the developer they said that all beta testing for a Quin fall would be entirely free however that too has changed the closed beta is free but anyone who will gain access to this has already been invited so if you don't have an email with a code you're not getting into the Quinn fall Clos beta that beta will be under strict NDA they said now the open Beta that they're planning on releasing sometime in the coming weeks to months that is not free it will be requiring a purchasing of a pack through quinnn Fall's website after which you will be sent a steam key to download the game that is not a good sign the purchases that you'll be making to get access to this beta are happening off of the steam platform with everything else that we've learned about Quin fall over these past few weeks I'm going to tell you right now you should be very cautious buying anything thing from the developer directly from their website because if purchases to enter the open Beta are only available on the Quin fall website and not through Steam directly should the game turn out to be garbage which there's a higher probability chance of that being the case than when we last talked about the game uh it's going to be very difficult if not impossible for you to get a refund barring like issuing a fraud uh refund request directly through your credit or bank card originally I was skeptical about the game but I was hoping for the best when it came for Quin fall like sure I didn't think it looked very good and I was surprised that they were planning to release after only 3 years in development that's not a lot of time for an MMO but I was very much in a wait and see for my self mentality I wanted to play the game before solidifying any opinion at this point though even though I've not played uh I'm fairly confident we're looking at yet another garbage MMO that's being cobbled together and released with the hopes of cashing out between Quinn fall heavily relying or being made up entirely of store-bought assets combined with procedurally generated Landscapes the fact that we already know they intend to sell premium currency while also circumventing purchases being made on Steam so that you cannot issue refunds that coupled with the knowledge that their last in development game featured a Pay to Win cash shop while it was in beta and then that game got shut down and didn't issue refunds and then with all of the odd stuff like faking office screenshots their office location being at a university the copying of UI elements in BDO and likely other games we've not spotted yet all of these things come together to leave me incredibly skeptical if not just outright convinced this is not not only going to be a good game it may very well be a scam at the very least we're probably looking at a asset flip combined with procedurally generated terrain and they're going to be asking you to buy their game or buy access to their game not on the official steam platform red flags red flags absolutely everywhere I would avoid this one at all cost at this point we'll see what the future holds but um yeah things aren't looking good right now for Quinn fall fall that is going to do it for today's video though thank you as always for watching hope you enjoyed I'll see you next time
Channel: Force Gaming
Views: 348,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the quinfall, quinfall, the quinfall gameplay, quinfall scam, the quinfall scam, quinfall fake mmo, quinfall asset flip, is the quinfall real
Id: 35vgcakBClc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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