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soil is hungry and soil is also thirsty there it is there's the postal reference I got it out of the way first so hatred is a game and because of its subject matter that being murdering innocent people cuz you're the king of the edged Lords but it's erotic guys the people who made this or satirizing it it's like at first this game got pulled from Steam greenlight but then they put it back and gave in himself sent a letter of apology about it that's right gabe newell felt the need to apologize for something hatred is a twin-stick isometric shooter it's like postal one really like postal one at least on the surface the way the game plays is different for a variety of reasons and you might be asking why this video wasn't called hatred or a perfect hatred or something like that I'm a little paranoid about YouTube being dicks about this I wanted to do a hatred video people expect me to do a hatred video after the pro postal series but hatred is frowned upon because of its graphic violence towards well everyone and everything hatred is the first adults-only game I've ever played without anime titties in it meaning you can't stream it on Twitch and also meaning that YouTube would age restrict this video or to monetize it without a second thought but it's not like there's titties in this game it's just brutal violence which got me thinking sometimes filmmakers in an attempt to avoid an nc-17 rating for violence they use some tricks that I've never thought to apply to video games for example there's a scene and Evil Dead 2 where a Deadite gets hacked to bits with an axe and so they use green blood instead of red blood it's fine it's not the same right this isn't violent it's fun and colorful hatred has a strange color palette right where most of the stuff is in black and white and while this is a bad idea from a gameplay perspective from the perspective of having KD change all the red blood to green blood and editing it's brilliant Katie you don't have a problem with this right I'm a hack that sucks at Lund it's funny because this is never gonna work hatred comes from destructive creations a Polish developer that wanted to make the edgiest game ever but you don't really get that feeling because it's played straight most of the time I get it but this is what everybody remembers hatred for my name is not him his name is actually the antagonist but that's not important what is important is what I am going to do I just [ __ ] hate this world and the human world feasting on its carcass my whole life is just cold bitter hatred and I always wanted to die violently this is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving and I will put in a grave as many as I can it's time for me to cure and it's time for me to die people remember the trailer cuz they didn't buy the game to play it for YouTube you all know the classic lines and all the real nasty violent stuff what about the fact that the logo isn't doom letters why is the logo in doom letters what is important is that it's not really a bad game but actually playing through it is boring to the history tutorial level starts off with you hanging around your house shooting targets executing a person you kidnap before the game started and I know I know the game is going way overboard on purpose still makes me feel weird just to dust according to the developer this was their intention and the fact that I didn't feel it more during the entire game means that I'm a terrible person it takes a lot to shock me unless it's really stupid or if it's just really bad design you learn the basics of shooting movement tossing grenades all of which have some quirks you can't sprint while shooting and holding down the fire button makes your accuracy tank so you got to use short controlled bursts you use the shift key to run at objects in Vault over them when that works which is not all of the time it's hard to know exactly what you can and can't climb over the grenade tossing has a wind-up animation that needs to stop and go away and if I'm gonna toss a grenade I can't sit there for two seconds while everybody shoots me it surprises me that they haven't gotten over some of the hurdles of the original postal game from 1997 like being able to toss grenades over the scenery again this isn't something that happens all the time but it happens enough so I like to search roblox pornography I don't believe in video games censorship generally it's not like hatred is actually about specific hatred just an edgy gentleman who hates society and wants to kill everyone postal did it in 1997 and when you think about it hatred needs to go even further over the top in order to differentiate itself so let's talk about executions because it's probably what got this game it's adults only rating in the first place because they're graphic and also kind of funny because of the look in the guy's face are they gonna be able to see this under the kittens my favorite part about the executions and also the cutscenes at the end of levels is the people who are just kind of milling around in the background when you do this not shooting you they're beginning to weaken sending an army to fight me good no I get it she can't shoot me because she'd break her wrist there are good things about hatred and I'm gonna talk about them now to decide the levels right the environments and how they're destructible and you have to make sure to be aware windows doors even decorations the voice acting isn't as bad as I expected when I found out that the main voice actor used to suit at him he's credited as Clint Westwood I assume until Electronic Arts buys him and shuts him down you're not gonna get the full hatred experience in the first level it does set up some constants though you've usually got a set number of people to kill a big open space that you can steal cop cars and drive through the vehicles control pretty badly so don't even do that once you've murdered a set number of people in that area there's a second objective you'll have to do before it lets you leave there are side quests that will give you respawn points the game doesn't have saves it just lets you respawn a certain number of times without having to restart the level it's a live system basically the only way to get health back is to perform executions which range from these elaborate close-up camera setups to just watching the antagonist point his gun in the general direction of the downed enemy and fire you know like in postal I got to give him credit for actually tying it to the gameplay in hatre though and postal it's just a thing you can do unless you're playing the rampage mode and postal redux where you get score for it and this refills your health completely not bad in theory the problem is you can't count on being able to execute someone you could shoot through ten people and not get a chance to execute any of them because you don't really have the option of wounding them it seems completely random when they drop and can be executed and so [ __ ] tell me to use F to melee them because I tried that it still kills them this loading screen is a [ __ ] lie you can hold down the Alt key to show your objectives and highlight stuff in the environment in red I mean green but I actually mean red which is helpful because you can't [ __ ] see anything the pickups are kind of shiny but the developers clearly knew that this was a problem you rate the police station at the end of the first level and have a listen to this I mean I think it's cool and kind of clever to have their phones ringing off the hook while you're massacring the whole town but it's also ear-splitting and i have to be in here the AI in hatred is hit or miss that's not a pun they do usually hit you it's just that they have a habit of not really doing much of anything while you're running through the place killing everybody and when you're on the second floor of a building you can still see them and it's confusing in the isometric perspective is bad idea and before somebody comments about the first person mod yes I know it exists I don't play a game for this channel with mods cuz I'm not looking at a game the way some third party made it this game I paid for and I'm gonna play for some reason no matter what I do whenever I captured this game I get these black frames I'm gonna say it's a problem on my end they don't appear when I'm playing the game it's just the capture software I mean they're not black frames they're something but that's a KT problem you kids might not know this one time I took some drugs and then banged my sister when you're done in the police station you got to leave the district guess how I never thought it would be so easy to slaughter my own I can feel their pain the suffering flowing through my veins it's like the most intense drug and I need more to shoot uh-huh and it's full of cops the objective is to find a way out of the sewer but not this way or this way or this way or this one only this one so what ends up happening in these early levels as you go postal and the cops swarm you and you have to avoid them because they'll just sneak right up on you and I know there's a radar you'll have to deal with a few police rates during this game in this one you're supposed to kill 20 cops but the game spawns more than that you buddies won't forget to survive the raid part because you're gonna have to deal just as much [ __ ] getting to the next objective marker you jump on a train and you get a train level time to leave this place I can smell some innocent blood it always tastes better this trains going to be a big iron common football hold on tight the ride might get a little bloody where are we the next station is near a nuclear power plant if the antagonists line sounded even edgier than edgy it's because they were written by a man from a death metal band his name is air war cry mur you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me that's not a name that's a racer in Carmageddon you know I was gonna do a bit where I read some of the song titles and lyrics from infernal war the band air war crime were is the vocalist and who've been accused to be in neo Nazis which i think is unfair because they're fans of all human atrocities not just the Holocaust this quote from them sums it up infernal wars the audio lessons of pure in human error a soundtrack to genocide the bank states for the extermination of the weak and ignorant human masses being either a political bad nor an NS p.m. bad infertile or supports wars genocides murders never told death of this beautiful Waterworld he'll soon so he stops the train long before he gets to the nuclear power plant so we can kill a bunch of people at this truck stop and this is when the game started flooding me with police so the - and the side missions wasn't really worth the effort cuz it'll get you a respawn point but you'll get killed trying to do them so there's no reason to do that in my mind if you want to finish the game I killed all these motel residents by accident when I was cornered by the police so I got one anyway I needed it you'll just be walking along when they all show up and it seems like they spawn out a range of the radar at least they went through the effort at doing that instead of just dropping him on yeah because this game hates me uh-huh the next level is a train station which you would have probably stopped at if you hadn't stopped the train earlier but now you got this military vehicle with a machine gun on top and you have to switch between driving and shooting realistically you can't do both at once I've [ __ ] on a game before for doing this wrong so I suppose I can't really [ __ ] on this one for doing it right it still feels like sometimes the authorities show up out of nowhere in this next level in the town where there's a gun show kind of clever everybody picks up a gun and start shooting yeah this place should be your base of operations for the whole level because you'll be running back there to pick up body armor this is the best level in hatred and I guess it's the best use of all the gameplay elements so it's time to throw the player to the wolves the military base is the hardest level by far it's hell I actually died a couple of times you start off in a vehicle you didn't have in the last level you're going into the military base to get some c4 it's so you can blow up the reactors in the nuclear plant and I'm not a scientist but I don't think that's how that works please don't try to correct me on that some of hatreds minor problems become a lot more glaring during this level which is bad because it's the level you'll spend the most time on because it's kind of unreasonable just look there's so much [ __ ] being pro-nazi here it's like sensory overload so let's break down exactly what's going on there's a group of guys here shooting at you but there's also another group outside one of them throws a grenade that explodes here and blows out this wall one of the soldiers outside throws a grenade that explodes that forces be out of this corridor because there's enough damage to the environment so that they could start shooting me from outside there's at least five guys out there I run out into this hallway to exit the building on the other side and then a guy shoots me from off-screen getting shot from off-screen in this game isn't usually a problem unless you've already alerted the enemy well I'm trying to escape I'm getting shot from here and here and I know there's a soldier gunning for me out here this lens flare completely obscures the antagonist as I'm trying to get through a doorway I'm pretty sure the lens flares because of the antagonists flashlight why it has to be seen like that from the isometric perspective I don't know and I would turn it off it seems completely useless in this game but I can't the game turns it on and off what it feels like it there's no option to turn it off there's no button to turn it off and there isn't an option to turn off the lens flares it's not unreal so it needs all the effects on all the time while I'm moving around on this stairwell that I'm cornered in the perspective switches between upstairs and downstairs and the game makes a respectable effort to make sure I'm aware of my position with this silhouette which is still getting partially obscured by all the debris and smoke before I'm even outside there's someone shooting at me from outside and only after I'm dead do I get to actually see where that guy is ok dad time to start again because I have a respawn point but there's no reason for me to use it because I haven't made any real progress they seem to just know where you are and you'll get stuck on stuff in the level because of the visual design it's hard to focus on your character because he saw black basically and the game is mostly black and white so yeah it took me a few tries to do this one so you follow your objective marker past all these guys maybe killing some of them try desperately to get an execution off of them while they surround you and fill you with bullets I had a rocket launcher by now sure but it's it's weird it feels like the rocket is too fast and because of the perspective it's sometimes like measuring the height of your shots is drive the truck in stop shoot move a little bit forward stop shoot blow up all these cars that slows them down look at this this is ridiculous so I get the c4 and try to escape charges should be enough to blow up those who [ __ ] parasites now let's go back my objective marker is now back at the beginning of the level because the military base is right down the street from the nuclear power plant and I choose the game a little bit because the game puts the objective marker at the beginning of the level and when you die the respawn point takes you back to the beginning of the level okay one man conquering an army base nothing to this feeling absolutely the power plant nearby built for their comfort and prosperity it will become their tool much better use of it so that was the second last level and the next one isn't nearly as hard and these guys just stand here and shoot you ammo shouldn't be a problem cuz all these soldiers have ammo for the assault rifle what you have to do is go and place c4 on these two things next to each reactor and then get to the control room and this nuclear power plant is guarded in a way that makes me think it's right down the street from a military base or something since this is my first time playing through hatred I'm not a pro at it you have to sit here and wait to decontamination chamber at least four times for no reason doing nothing I have no interest in killing these people I just want to see a big explosion I don't know I guess this game is excelling at what it's trying to do it's just that it's trying to do so little besides be hardcore as [ __ ] like the ending all-in-all I finished the hatred campaign in about 3 hours that's counting the deaths and the fact that I'm first time player and the ending just kind of pisses me off because the whole game could have been this funny the reactors that's what I wanted you will tell me No you password you guys want to know what the password is because it got spoiled for me long before I played this game and it doesn't even matter what one you answer but the correct one and instead of just shooting this guy who's going to blow up a pretty large section in New York they corner him say he's here make no effort to shut down the reactor which can be overloaded from one console in a control room with a 3-2 cheat code that's all the same character at some point you have to put the fault on the power plants IT security department so the time ask yes perfect [Music] by only water those explosives won't work [Music] you know what that was pretty awesome I'm not disappointed I like to sit through the credits of games that I play but this one just hits you with the writers [ __ ] super loud screaming metal band while the devs names around the knives and weapons and you can fly and kick people I just didn't really do that much there's a survival mode too you know why not get you some extra time out of this three-hour game no thanks to anyone [ __ ] you all okay moveable calm down [ __ ] yourself what we taught it amateur idiot collecting money on that absurd website you know my message is [ __ ] yourself I want to do rampage 3 because it isn't important movie you're easier giving 600,000 dollars if you make a movie about some [ __ ] visit in the forest Marvel Avengers [ __ ] dirt and Cooper Hollywood Marvel Avengers [ __ ] dirt whatever [ __ ] dirt [ __ ] visit in the forest [ __ ] dirt if you make a movie about some [ __ ] durin [ __ ] visit [ __ ] dirt [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] dirt so goodbye and goodbye Hollywood I don't even know where to go after that no thanks to anyone [ __ ] you all accept Lord gaben and our fans I've played bad games this is fine for the most part it's clear that there were people who worked on this game who wanted to make it you know playable this games getting the official civvy stampy you could do worse for $6 on Steam wear it proudly [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 834,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CV11, civvie11, civvie 11, civvie, civvie's dungeon, postal, not important, destructive creations, fps, retro, review, gameplay
Id: y3xdmcViDK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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