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Well, you know I wanted to do something on Rage 2, but I think Denuvo was boning my gameplay. Look at this shit here. Good god. If I were trying to run this on a toaster, I might think this was normal, but come on. It's actually a pretty fun game aside from that. Look at that. The framerate is better, the auto adjusting resolution scale is higher. Good job Bethesda, fuck you. I got kind of bored after like, 6 hours. So uh, time to go back to the Postal well with Postal Redux. I'm not calling this a Pro Postal video because I tried it on hard and got taught a valuable lesson in humility. I didn't play Postal 1 as much as I did Postal 2. I played 2 first, and I got a copy of 1 a little later. Never considered it a bad game at all. Though issues I might have had with it got fixed two decades later by Running With Scissors when they rebuilt the thing from the ground up on Unreal Tech. Probably didn't need that much horsepower for it. But hey, it works I'm gonna be focusing on Postal Redux cause it's the best way to experience classic Postal even if they patched in better mouse controls into the original That's... Just a nice thing to do. The company that put out Postal 2... cares. Postal, the first game, is a little darker and edgier. Maybe even more like Hatred, as it's about a guy who goes crazy and starts killing people. Difference being in Postal, your goal is to eliminate hostiles and not just randomly shoot everyone They don't make that easy since the random unarmed people just run out in front of you. Idiots. Postal ended up being kind of controversial when it came out in 1997. What with the Post Office suing Running With Scissors over the name and politicians trying to make a big deal out of it. You remember Joe Lieberman? That's ok. Nobody else does either. Is that for a videogame [???] This is a thing, uh, that, uh... Comes with the, uh... Or can be purchased with the Super NES. It obviously, uh, doesn't... Quite look like what you're... You've got in your hands. It's called the Super Scope, the gun that you have in your hand is called the Justifier. I hope before it goes out on the market, you'll think again about it. Because... it's more than the name "Justifier" on this. This is a handgun. Pure and simple. And no matter what the name is on it, putting it in the hands of a kid just gives a wrong idea. As I must say, to me, that looks like a... looks like a weapon. And... not like a, uh... A high tech [???], it kinda looks like an assault weapon of some kind. Yeah, Super Scope looks real dangerous. Joe Lieberman, the Postal Service lawsuit, this feels like a flashback episode. I always saw Postal as being fine for a piece of media since the thing makes it blatantly clear that the main character isn't a role model and is seriously fucked up in the head. POSTAL DUDE: Sissy! [gunshots] The Postal Dude is not a positive character. People who think that about Postal are the same people who think that Rorschach is the hero in Watchmen. I mean, what goal does he even have? If you play on harder skills, you get special intro messages to levels that portray him as a paranoid lunatic. (They appear, regardless of difficulty.) These are actually from the original Postal manual and they added him into Redux, and spoiler alert: He doesn't blow up the East Coast in the end. But the response to Postal probably factored into RWS making Postal 2 a little more cartoony and comedic. I'm not sure that helped all that much because the outraged train can't see the difference between actual violence and over-the-top gonorrhea spewing obvious satire. Anyway, Postal Redux is a more or less faithful recreation of Postal. Except it's got all the expansions, which is what we're doing. It's not a long game, took me about three hours. You start off at the Dude's home. He's got a house in this one instead of a trailer and no bitch of a wife to send about to do errands. It's implied that he still has a dog since there's a doghouse and honestly, these cops show up out of the blue, pointing a rocket launcher at your house. First level rocket launcher right out of the gate. Not quite the same original Postal, but there is still a guy with a rocket launcher on the first stage. To finish a level, at least on normal skill, it's about eliminating hostiles. 90 percent. Now, in old Postal, when you did that, you had to press f1 to end a level, which always seemed weird and jank to me. Redux gives you an actual level exit and points you to it once you're done. Still the same setup, with new weapons sprinkled in, quality of life improvements. You know, this crosshair that shows enemy health, better AI, it seems like. Better effects. My only real complaint is that instead of a difficulty slider, you get easy, medium, hard, and nightmare but having this new revolver totally makes up for it. HOSTILE: Stop! [gunshot] POSTAL DUDE: Only my weapon understands me. There's only one issue that annoyed me, which is this weird audio popping. To give you some perspective, that's all the times it happened in the entire playthrough. I don't know why this happens. You think I know anything about audio? Have you seen this show? Postal 1 was an OK game. It wasn't the best and a lot of this new stuff just improves upon it. Some stuff changes between the games like you start off in different places in the level. In the original, you start off at the ostrich farm, right in here with the birds instead of up here in Redux. The new starting placements actually helped the level flow, I think. In the Junkyard, you start outside in Postal 97, and in Redux, you come out of a cave because you just left the Mine level... Hey, wait. Not Important: My name is Not Important. CV-11: Yeah? Not Important: Killing time. CV-11: Magical. Not Important: Human scum! Not Important: One nation under death Yes, you can play as Not Important from Hatred. And I'm gonna spoil how to do it: You open the text chat, you type mynameisnotimportant, and you go to the coat color selection, you click on the coat color option. You don't just use the arrow keys, but that's not all because there's a bunch of filters. You can put over the screen So for the complete experience, you got to use this filter and for the even more complete experience, Katy has to turn the blood green. Yeah, there we go Fucking telling people about my sister. Why don't you use some editorial discretion, you bitch? I have a micropenis. It's like one of those lightsaber key chains! Enemies in the original game seem to feel spongier than the ones in Redux. So, the balance has been tweaked in Redux. For the better, I think. In the original, these blocky guys are all kind of hard to see, but they were colored in a way so you could easily tell them apart and be able to assess their threat to you. I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't enjoy a game where I massacre an old folks home while they shuffle around saying stupid shit. How could I? Or the wanton murder of flightless birds. [Postal Dude commiting bird genocide.] POSTAL DUDE: Now that's a boomstick! There are constants between the old version and the remaster, like the crouch button. Use the crouch button because it will save your life. You can Crouch under rockets. There are rocket turrets. More in Redux than in Classic. There's one in this secret in the Truck Stop that wasn't there before, I don't think. I guess don't hold down that crouch key, because he'll just get right back up... for a... second there... What the fuck? What did you get, a fucking leg cramp? Anyway, the player gets stunned and knocked down by explosions, which is better than being immediately gibbed. But if you're dealing with a rocket turret, this thing can happen. Just a loop of you getting stunned and taking rockets. It sucks. Crouch under rockets. They like to light you on fire in this game too, so, get lit on fire and run right into him, just like in Postal 2! When you shoot the explosive barrels, they'll fly up but then come back down and explode again. The game is generous with ammo, I found. Especially rockets. And like in postal 2, you could fire a normal rocket or a homing rocket. But you also get a napalm launcher, a revolver, a shotgun and auto shotgun, whole bunch of different grenade types, landmines, molotovs, the works. And a decent flamethrower. I find flamethrowers in games are usually kind of shit. Like, usually they don't do enough damage and the enemy doesn't feel it, while it chews through ammo without any real effect. This one's good, though better for crowds I don't know why I keep setting myself on fire in these games! Speaking of crowds, this is the first appearance of the marching band, which should be celebrated! OH GOD OH FUCK And I fucked up at Redux, I didn't fuck up in the original. I don't know officer, was like a protest or something. They lit themselves on fire! Redux makes it so you don't have to select the throwable weapon separately from your gun, which is nice, but wasn't so common in 1997. Most of the levels are the isometric perspective, but a couple are top-down Not sure why. It doesn't make much difference. There's a good amount of environmental detail in the original game that they've increased with the resolution. I don't know what Postal one runs in, probably like 640 by 480? Whatever. It's not important. NOT IMPORTANT: Killing time! Yeah, okay I might not be a pro, spraying and praying with the auto shotgun, but it's about having fun! And where else do you have fun besides the circus? Oh yeah, I'm a clown now Don't you like clowns? Oh, we make ya laugh! Aren't we fucking funny? Pigeon hunt? I thought that got cut out! Jo-Jo, the idiot circus boy. Did you guys know this was a crossover episode? Caleb: I want Jojo, I want Jojo, Jojo, JOJO! This all seems a little bit softer than the original. Not as disturbing, which makes me wonder. why in the fuck anyone thought this was encouraging people to come down with complex psychological conditions in 1997? Besides the usual people who thought video game violence was a problem but bombing shit over in other countries most people have never heard of was okay? [Team America - America, F*** Yeah] The level progression since I'm playing with the Excess Postage option is weird, since it includes the extra levels from Special Delivery and Super Postal, which was released in Japan, and has its own exclusive levels in Tokyo and Osaka, and Japanese dialogue that I find more disturbing, because when you hear it in English, its cheesy and campy, but not understanding it makes it worse. Usually, what happens is you hit the Air Force Base and then it's off to the ending, the Air Force Base being the hardest level. Here's a fun thing. Postal and Postal Redux have two completely different endings. Well, mostly different the first one was a little controversial. See if you can guess why: WTF, Postal Dude? Yeah, I suppose it's a little over the line to have the Dude try to shoot up a school... or, hallucinate trying to shoot up a school, I'll tell you why look at all those kids. They all look the same. They all have blonde hair, they're all dressed the same! It's the Village of the Damned! Postal 1 came out about 18 months before Columbine happened And we all know that one was Doom's fault. So it wasn't quite as incendiary as it would be today, which is why Redux has a different ending. I wish I was better at this game and could pro it. But here we are. Here's your Postal one video you damn dirty apes! And you get an achievement now, for watching all the original credits. You want our autograph, too? I mean, I watched the credits to any game I play on this channel And I'd only ask for an autograph from Hunt Down The Freeman devs. And for completing the game, you get this: "Get a girlfriend". Classy. Fuck you. Sometime in the future, I got to do some more Postal. It'll be a while, but the next thing on the list, it's uh... Yeah, right. I can't talk-fuck What's wrong with my voice? Maybe my balls are sleeping or something. How are you, my babies? You can go, patient Where's my dick? Damn, I knew I should go easy on jerk him off
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 883,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civvie, cv11, civvie's dungeon, postal, running with scissors, remake, redux, review, let's play
Id: CuarviXFIdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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