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Yeah, mostly. I like Sam 3 okay, but it is probably the weakest for me. Second encounter was probably my favorite overall. I think Civvie was right when he said the games gradually got better as they went on by fixing little oversights until they went backwards for Serious Sam 3.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Seth-Broker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah, I was actually surprised to see Civvie enjoyed SS2 the most out of the series. I'm used to seeing most people dislike 2, but it seems like in recent years post-SS3 more are coming to appreciate some of the changes SS2 did. The game had issues, but I think if Croteam had given it the HD treatment they could've polished it up and made it by far the best of the series.

Even with it's issues, it's the one I come back to the most thanks to the variety in level and enemy designs, how large the maps are, and the vehicles. I'm glad SS4 seems to be bringing back all of those with huge maps and lots of vehicles.

I wish Civvie had played The Next Encounter. I'm curious what he would've thought of that one, I think it bridges the gap between The Second Encounter and SS2 very well, especially with the graphic style. Though it makes sense why he didn't play it, given that it's only on consoles. Here's to hoping one day someone ports it to PC even though I think Croteam hate the game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iBobaFett πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think he had the wrong mindset with the game, he thought that every time the game screws you over it was unfair bullshit and it made the game frustrating rather than fun, but to me, personally, every time something "unfair" happened it only made me more immersed in the role of one hero fighting absurd odds, and I also learned early on to always expect the game to try and screw me over, and soon enough I was always ready for anything, and I loved it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Valdish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Folks have varying opinions. Civvie praises Blood head to toe and heavens help you if you attempt a remake of it. I played and finished Blood and it's okay for a build engine game as I enjoyed Shadow Warrior '97 more. Guess I'm more of a Quake 1 fan than anything else.

Serious Sam 3 is an okay game and ditto for SS2 but SS3 feels more classic compared to SS2's over the top style. SS2 has enemy balancing problems which kind of throws out the "double barrel shotty dance" rhythm you do with kleers. The humor is okay as well and the visuals are pretty impressive for a game in 2005.

I've beaten all SS games except Second Encounter and I've only finished SS2 once. I did fire it up again recently and saw how unbalanced the enemies were which made be go back to playing SS Classic and SS3 again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think its ironic how he says that serious sam is torture (although he does admit that he likes the games) but then proceeds to play Blood on Well Done. Regardless though, as a Ss2 fan i agree with what he said about its gameplay. Haven't really played Ss3 yet and i hope it isn't as bad as he claims it is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gaythamkenway πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cursed_user19x πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know why he is bitching so much about Croteam being dicks with their game design, to me it is this pushing the players over the limit that is so fun about these games. Oh they know what they're doing , and it is a fun challenge.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HAL9891 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I personally like SS3 the most. I treated is as an "origin" story (until SS4 was announced it'll be a prequel to SS3) mainly because Sam wasn't "the chosen one" to enter the timelock, he was just a random soldier who throughout the game turned into the Sam we knew. And the levels themselves communicated that as you moved from a COD-like feel into the regular SS-like feel.

Also, Serious Sam 1 and 2 both have levels you could just rearange randomly or take out entirely and it wouldn't impact the story very much, like a bunch of ideas strung along together. Whereas SS3's design feels more like a puzzle, if you take out one thing, the entire game is altered. You could take out the sand worm in the distance, but then the context of the final level is changed for example.

Serious Sam 2 is the worst imo. It just feels lazy with all the glitches, built in audio crackles and stutters, disgusting character designs, Sam's movement feels extremely floaty.. and the overall flow of the game isn't to my liking personally. Instead of enemies pinning you down in one area and you have to dance around them.. in SS2 you can just run around whenever you want, even go straight towards the enemies and mow through them like it's nothing.

As for the originals (the HD versions), SS3 killed them for me. Or at least until I found mods that made them enjoyable for me. Mainly the weapon viewmodels not having any sway to them as you moved the mouse or not having any screen-shaking when firing weapons.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scorponyorpo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] serious Sam is a game series and I know what you're thinking where's Pro serious Sam civvy I'm not a pro at serious Sam I tell you guys all about it but I usually play on normal because I don't actually enjoy my games being frustrating and a pain in the ass and serious Samwell loves being that all over a lot of the time and I could go through every single serious Sam game individually I mean and you will how's that give him the list serious Sam the first encounter serious Sam the second encounter serious Sam too serious sam 3 the upcoming serious sam for planet badass oh you don't know do you my memory banks are stored with the entire steam lives are you gonna listen to the serious sam games i own let's count them down serious sam classic the first encounter serious sam plastic the second encounter serious sam to serious sam 3 b fe serious sam HD the first encounter serious sam HD the second encounter serious sam random encounter serious sam double d serious sam classics revolution serious sam next encounter serious sam advance serious sam v our first encounter second encounter last hope and BFA serious sam kamikaze attack serious Sam spoke ass detour and there's one called serious sam tour mental that just entered early access that i've never even heard of when i would search it for the [ __ ] serious sam games for this gag in this video but i don't want to talk about all those games i don't even want to talk about serious sam at all because i don't think it would make for an interesting video to dissect serious sam because while i enjoy some serious sam from time to time most of these games are designed to test my [ __ ] patience that's why i play them on normal i'm gonna go through the big three main entries in the series using first and second encounter HD Serious Sam 2 which believe it or not isn't second encounter but its its own game which came out in 2005 cuz when I ask people hey you played Serious Sam 2 they're like yeah I played that it was the one in like South America and then Babylon and then medieval times with that giant Castle battle at the end right and I'm like no no it's not but we'll get to that and Serious Sam 3 B Fe which stands for before first encounter and you'll see why you'll all see why so let's start at the beginning as in there's a can into these games again it cannon about a really tough Duke Nukem like dude named Sam serious stone who is the best at killing aliens and so he got sent back in time at the end of Serious Sam 3 which hadn't happened at first encounter so that's left unexplained at the beginning of but to explain serious Sam's mechanics would be redundant a lot of the time because it's such standard FPS stuff guns monsters rooms shoot move continue Sam is aided by a neural interface called the tricks up which catalogs his weapons and objectives and enemies and leaves these little message notifications at the bottom of the screen that pissed me off we're gonna call her nanny basically serious Sam is a horde shooter it's not the return of classic FPS design because it's it's just not even if half the weapons are basically doom and quake guns like the shotgun super shotgun the chain gun the rocket launcher the obligatory energy weapon that has projectiles the two more damage to the chain gun but you have to factor in travel time and the grenade launcher and then the BFG of the game the cannon which shoots a bigger projectile that explodes and can pull through enemies the cannon makes its return in Serious Sam 2 with all these dials and [ __ ] on it and it's really shiny virtually unchanged from Serious Sam 1 which is good the candidate is a standout weapon in the series as iconic as the guns get in these games I mean what else is there yeah I guess the minigun too whenever you get the minigun in a serious Sam game you know shits about to go down my favorite weapon personally is the laser gun which is in 1st and 2nd encounter and in two it's basically absent and replaced with a plasma gun which I guess is a bit more like quake 3s plasma gun than dooms and that game that games weapons are a whole other can of worms anyway what I can say about Serious Sam first encounter is that it's a fine demonstration to Croteam serious engine which was very pretty for the time this hear of Serious Sam HD so it's harder to judge I mean shooters had moved away from having tons of enemies on screen around the time of quake because you know 3d graphics is a lot harder on the system that sprites so this was a big leap this is an interview I dug up I remember reading it a really long time ago it's from old man Murray you guys remember old man Murray there was a center for you with Roman barik the head honcho over at Croteam I've been looking at this article for weeks what the [ __ ] is some enlightening stuff here like did you know that I on storm has bigger staff than that devoted to brushing John Romero haier [ __ ] that man's main is a sign of virility and people who live in houses designed like big box is connected by bear hallway shouldn't throw stones follow-up to what do you attribute the fact that the serious sam alpha test version 0.06 is clearly a thousand times better than daikatana this was like a year before daikatana came out first everything is bright sunny big and beautiful second shipping loads of enemies at the same time gives even more decoration in this environment and third frantic action feeling so serious sam comes out in 2001 and takes the budget game world by storm by ignoring everything half life dead basic two side of a serious sam game you have arenas and those arenas are connected and sometimes you can go through them and sometimes you have to kill everything before you can leave or collect for scarabs or collect for bananas or collect weight eight thirty some more so let's get in our big time travel condoms and sort this whole serious sam thing out where am i CB eleven as uncle has now been captured there is no reason not to send you back to unfortunately you were responsible for damaging government property uh huh I'm just gonna try just your cell point settings real quick buddy okay hey man that was just bats it's cool we're cool I choked you a little while you sleep I have been sounded different for modem yeah we're not doing that that's not happening without a time machine I mean do you guys have a time machine serious Sam's level design is what sets it apart from something like tomb because we're doomed could be complex or even as oh should I do it do it yeah okay dooms level design could be dead simple ahahahahahaha so your normal serious Sam level and first encounter is like this big arena hallway big arena and a couple levels have smaller locations inside but that's not what the game is about it's about being [ __ ] huge and over-the-top passes that test with flying colors it has more in common with something like Smash TV in terms of gameplay that it does with doom or quake or duke nukem which is why I've always been baffled by the comparison to classic FPS and in second encounter the levels were a little more varied where you had traps in certain areas that had like jump pads and messed with gravity some people say that the gameplay is serious Sam is press and hold-down Mouse one which is sometimes true it has some movement and you have to dodge but a lot of that is still walking backwards and the designers do this because serious Sam more than it is a game is a spectacle to see how [ __ ] ridiculous it can get culminating in Serious Sam 2 I want to get the basics of Serious Sam one out of the way first though Serious Sam 2 is a [ __ ] insane drug-fueled fever dream that Croteam probably worked really hard on and spent a lot of time developing [Music] Mary Lou tricks up but Nessie to my friends new Tricia Nettie you can talk okay so you've got your arenas right your hallways but it's different c41 it's gotten a hell of a graphical upgrade from serious Sam 1 it's bright and clean and shiny and like a cartoon even Sam looks different look at him on the cover of Serious Sam 1 and then on to and the tone of Serious Sam 2 is kind of like in the first game but amplified also this game has a physics engine it's not a great physics engine and when you stack boxes to platform on it's nearly goddamn impossible to keep them into place you want cuz nothing really has any weight to it you're not gonna see 20 seesaw puzzles it's like and the platforming in this game is awkward as [ __ ] right because the environments are a lot more detailed I guess but just slip around like when you jump in this game and then you land it's like your knees Bend but then you jump again before they're done so it looks like you're double jumping but in a really shitty way that sucks [Music] [Music] Serious Sam 2 is slightly different with the arsenal like you get an auto shotgun to start with which is this giant unwieldy thing that rotates guess it's better than Serious Sam 1 shotgun which [ __ ] with me so hard even in the HD remaster that pump doesn't go anywhere why and then in Serious Sam 2 instead of a tommy gun you get dual Uzis like in next encounter the console one and they eject three bullet casings instead of one what the [ __ ] the minigun is the same the claw Davich is a parrot with a bomb on it that flies kind of slow but homes in and can be really useful for the 10,000 [ __ ] flying enemies in this game cuz there's 10,000 flying enemies including robots whatever the [ __ ] these things are witches and harpies harpies don't change much between the games except they have tits now hey baby was your daddy a pilot because you [Music] and I don't want you to spend all day putting black boxes over them at least off this time YouTube doesn't care if they're hideously ugly it's for boat and if somebody can crank to it this absolute unit of a super shotgun I love it the old one was kind of boring but this one's just ridiculous I missed the old shotgun serious Sam's enemy Ross there is kind of small starting out which leads to it getting repetitive in first encounter you got your headless enemies regular ones grenade ones who explode when they die the ones that shoot a few projectiles you have to jump over and the kamikazes you know the kamikazes the kamikazes are exactly the same in serious Sam 1 and 3 but in two they're like what and also you've got Knorr which aren't even an enemy and two they're just around doing stuff five million clear dramas I'm here to free the universe from mental yeah just a second I really don't have time for this and they come back in three but in first encounter there are three types of them and there's the little ones the floating head ones and the standard ones that will be around forever then you got the where balls the wearables kind of simulate fighting bulls as you'd expect you shoot and then dodge and they turn rush you again you finish him off your wind-up toy rhinos so the bull fighting is against rhinos you got your little rap Deloitte's with homing projectiles and your big Reptoids with homing projectiles you've got your little robots with lasers and the big ones with rocket launchers that you meet in the first level and this secret that's okay when serious Sam is dull and shitty and dickish it's like this this could be the first secret you ever find in the game and it spawns five of these things and there's a fair number of projectiles in serious Sam that you can shoot down like these Rockets and if you're armed with pistols that sucks so go the secret rocket launcher and you'll be set yeah first area secrets like this telephone booth lobby as they do when will he come this came out nine years before Duke Nukem Forever he must be the one you said the same thing for the blondie guy few years ago and look what happened Oh forever so even try this came out six years before tube nukem forever so the story is serious Sam - is that you're serious Sam fresh off a shooting up for different areas of ancient earth and so these aliens who are aliens but also Serious Sam fanboys so they want you to collect five pieces of medallion from five different worlds and it'll magically help kill mental I guess but it doesn't spoiler alert at [ __ ] dozen [Music] simple right you got to go to tribal land giant land completely inoffensive stereotype land clear planet Elvis land and then another moon and then Sirius the planet Serious Sam 2 is the longest game ever created him it's an endurance test it's also insane Serious Sam 3 is an endurance test it's also boring it has terrible ideas so Serious Sam 3 starts off really slow giving you some new toys like the sledgehammer and you can do melee kills now sort of like doom 2016's glory kills except you still get damaged while you do them the camera is [ __ ] weird and you pick up a piece of a monster and you can throw it awkwardly and not always with any acceptable degree of accuracy why why this doesn't serve any practical gameplay purpose it's not like you get health back from it you might do it for one level and then you'll just give up because it's pointless except for like a quick kill on the medium sized spider enemies or the smaller enemies if you want to throw up [Music] there's invisible walls everywhere to keep you from jumping into places you're not supposed to be and there's invisible walls everywhere to keep you from jumping to where you're not supposed to be and also to keep you from falling off cliffs but not all the time you get a chainsaw for melee attacks but it's a circular saw now I mean that's fine I don't care it's not a terrible melee weapon it's proven by doom in Serious Sam 2 I mean second encounter this is serious Sam - in first encounter and the melee attacks sometimes if you're holding a weapon you just kick the enemy but not all the time because you can crack this dude's neck but you kick these guys but you always take a clears head which is a gamble anyway and butt up I don't know I don't like this it wastes time and leaves you open to attack and it doesn't give you health like in June 2016 and don't [ __ ] tell me it's some new thing invented for Serious Sam 3 because Duke Nukem Forever had executions - and they gave you health back if Duke Nukem Forever had it that it was probably in another game made before 2008 and you know what else this leash is a [ __ ] pain to use and if it were more useful or like you could use it in conjunction with other weapons it wouldn't be such a problem but you have to select it and you can switch weapons fast but it's not like in Bulletstorm where you can pull stuff around because even though Serious Sam 2 had a physics engine where you could move objects around Serious Sam 3 it doesn't have that it has you've got a weight as in weight and not in significant amount of time for this thing to charge up during a serious Sam fire fight and I don't see the point other than throw it in because it's kind of a cool idea it's not serious Sam's idea and while I'm at it neither is this thing that's obviously a man Kubis or this thing that's obviously a bear and a hell I say that shit's a ripoff and I do a YouTube review show there's a million different enemies in Serious Sam 2 because Krogh team got a budget and they tried really hard to make some kind of weird triple A Serious Sam game with cutscenes and haha I see we'll get along jazz that's not bird poop these cutscenes there's one before and one after every single map but a bunch of them are just like one joke or one thing that's trying to be a joke [Music] I smell an ambush oh god how can I forget the electro fish my second least favorite enemy in the first game because they just spawn in the water right there found the most in the sewer level just because you say it doesn't mean it's not bad serious am ii is a lot more self referential because there's more cutscenes and i have most of them recorded but at a certain point i started skipping them because nothing it's important ever for any reason so whatever time machine or no problems out there alone we get in there we recon Grabow we don't hope if everything goes tits up the professor is our top priority are we clear you're flying into war-torn Cairo and it's brown and gritty and everything blends together and everything is really colorful you can clearly see enemies and things in the environment it's really slow and you're going around these copied and pasted environments like copied and pasted a hundred times and everything looks the same I got lost a lot in Serious Sam 3 despite the fact that it's mostly pretty linear and you're looking for secrets like secrets in Serious Sam 3 are hidden in the sense that they're behind walls and [ __ ] platforming sections and they don't really lend themselves to this kind of game you can pick up this armor in level 1 if you're willing to try and understand how to jump all over these janky ledges and figure out what does and doesn't have collision detection and the same thing in level 4 you can get the cannon in this secret here and you pick it up and nothing happens I'm kind of surprised because in Serious Sam games especially picking up major objects and even minor [ __ ] objects like a single health point spawns monsters just to be a dick I need to explain like the designers are being dicks or maybe just throw an enemies at you for the spectacle without really considering how frustrating it makes the game play which brings us to clear Ally [ __ ] clear Ally and don't tell me to jump over the pit of spikes that's not the intended way to do this and don't you say I suck cuz here's me doing it on the second try [Music] it's just a slot to get through and you know the designers thought let's throw ridiculous number of enemies at them and make them deal with it because that's serious listen hardcore Sam fans I'm not judging you I don't care if you like serious Sam a ton it's not my favorite series ever but I've had fun with it before it's not perfect and as the series goes forward it has some serious [ __ ] problems you said you wanted to do this it was your idea to do a serious Sam video - shut up everybody asking for crow serious Sam I don't think I said it like that you called all your fans weird man children with starchy body pillows that cut glass that does sound like me let's talk about the frustration factor a serious Sam it's a game that requires a certain amount of skill to play up until higher difficulties and then it's just sadistic [ __ ] first encounter is probably more frustrating the second encounter I mean this is just trolling these things are Marsh hoppers and you can kill them with one hit so the game traps you in a room and then [ __ ] hundreds of them pour in they get a boss health meter you use your tommy gun usually or I had a minigun I found in a secret that I used a little sure but in the next room they lock you in a hallway with the rocket launching thing and after you kill those a single Marsh hopper appears like as a joke right [Music] most sane people will have a point during a serious Sam game where they say okay that's enough because the game is deliberately going too over-the-top it wouldn't be serious Sam otherwise pro team understood this and didn't want their games to be frustrating you know so people would buy them or so I theorize from the design of these games second encounter introduced some much-needed quality of life improvements this sniper rifle so you don't have to rely on the rocket launcher for hitting faraway enemies and also the serious bomb to clear the screen like in one of them old arcade e-type games Serious Sam 2 continued this trend with subtle but noticeable differences that people hated I guess most of the monsters are less bullet spongy the clear skeletons have less health and are more reliably killed by a single blast from the double-barreled shotgun hell on the easier difficulties in Serious Sam 2 they go down with a single blast from the auto shotgun and the feedback from death and two is well everything explodes into all the colors of the rainbow oh baby there's more enemies into lots more the sheer number sometimes like Serious Sam 2 goes so far that I can't think of a way to top it and I don't think pro team could either oh okay good luck Serious Sam 3 is like a franchise going back in time to watch itself die it's a prequel just like the upcoming Serious Sam 4 planet badass and they add more things to frustrate you like reloading reloading don't start with me and save but saving the pistols in serious Sam reloaded and so did the double-barrel that's a [ __ ] argument and you know it reloading is it sure in three even if the assault rifle holds 50 bullets or the Devastator holds 25 and the shotgun holds 15 for some goddamn reason and what are those things on the side for holding shells when the shotgun is loaded with a magazine what the [ __ ] the rocket launcher is exactly the same so why is there reloading it has no place here another thing in Serious Sam 2 that I love like legitimately love is the grenades toss a grenade a dedicated grenade button very cool it has kind of an awkward arc at first and it seems to come out of Sam's mouth but it's endlessly useful so since grenade buttons became standard in games let's just [ __ ] toss that out four three and let's toss out the bigger more open environments and nature settings that we tried in second encounter and two and go back to the [ __ ] desert it's like the developers were pressing gasps there's tombs in three where you get a flashlight and have to deal with these [ __ ] monkey things I have never hated anything in a serious Sam game more than these [ __ ] monkeys and the arbitrary dark shitty to Marius in three they stopped the game dead they slowed the player down I mean like the player goes slower inside the dark areas why would you even think to do that the dark areas exist to add some variety to the gameplay you know how to did that vehicles they weren't bad turret sections which were usually kind of bad but it was 2005 I just I don't get it I don't get why they would [ __ ] up a problem they already solved maybe they couldn't do vehicles again in their fancy new engine can't even play 2 in Serious Sam Fusion it's like they want to forget it even happened even though it fixed half of all the problems the gameplay and the other sam games had like the walk backwards pressing s and firing stuff was even mitigated by actual level design where you could progress Serious Sam 2 seems like it's more about pushing forward through the hordes through the levels that it is about being driven back by them but in three it's just serious Sam one with a coat of dust sand and some assets recycled from a modern military shooter they wanted to make before Serious Sam 3 was announced crow team was under contract to make a modern military shooter type game then the investors dropped out here are some screenshots these look familiar to you guys at all [Music] [Applause] it's not like Croteam isn't talented but come the [ __ ] on look at this this is dull looking and messy and weird and just awkward and the light is blinding my eyes like okay let me turn off the bloom look man I don't even hate serious sam but i feel like it would be disingenuous to ignore certain problems it keeps spawning these arachnoid scorpions and i don't feel like looking up the name i don't even look it in the tricks i don't need to it's serious sam it's simple anyway hit scanners serious sam one has a couple hits can enemies both of them are these things and [ __ ] them I hate them in second encounter you get a sniper rifle that one shots the smaller ones you know so it's not as frustrating and in Serious Sam 2 the number of hit scanners is drastically decreased there's like two in the entire enemy roster and they show up only a few times during the 300 hour campaign you got yourself a hit skin helicopter hit scan soldiers head scan shotgun soldiers giant hit ski and scorpions again the worst is the little hit scan scorpions most of the time you won't even hear them coming you just hear this sound it's like a shower of bullets they're firing at you they're [ __ ] everywhere and they know that the hits can scorpions are obnoxious and total [ __ ] they know and you're like civvy you can't read the devs minds yes I can okay no I can't there's special DRM in Serious Sam 3 if you pirate the game you get followed around by an invincible mini version of the Big Red Scorpion hit scanning bastard which I would show you with my own footage but I didn't pirate the game so here's what that looks like don't tell me they didn't know how annoying this was so this yellow arachnid bug thing has projectile attack like you can dodge it it's fast but you can dodge it so there are some subtle changes to the basic gameplay loop between games like one and three are actually pretty similar except the dust the dust Serious Sam 3 particle effect system or whatever is producing all this dust and smoke and [ __ ] even when I turn that down it's still blinding it prevents you from being able to see [ __ ] but only when there's explosions mostly it's a good thing you don't use explosives much in a serious Sam game or that one of the most common enemies in the entire series that shows up in hordes from the first [ __ ] level in most cases [ __ ] explodes check this out because the AI is kind of garbage in Serious Sam 3 and the pathfinding is all messed up I got this clear stuck on the environment and I can just gotta show you how this works you can see all the dust he's kicking up right his walk cycle is actually going a little fast right here so it's a little more dust than normal honestly a quarter are that much dust is too much I thought this was kind of rare but then it happened again like ten minutes later but then there's these clowns but then there's these clowns which are like kamikazes but not because they're a little stronger and they laugh instead of screaming so they should probably be the mascot of this show they tried to make the enemies more buried in serious Sam too but okay but this and this are the same and these and these are basically the same except the footballers they throw these at you they're kind of like grenades I really don't like the footballers I don't oh god that is bad Serious Sam 2 has a live system there's still a score counter in these games like you want to get a high score you want to show all the kids at school how good you are it's serious Sam the live system is another anti frustration feature because sometimes you'll die and the game will respawn you after the battle you're in so you'll magically end up on the other side or at the next wave of enemies like not in boss fights you can't skip boss fights most of those aren't too bad except okay so you're in a world of Elvis people don't ask me why it doesn't matter all that matters is that Sam bangs one of them which he deserves after saving the earth so many it occurs to me that Sam has not actually ever saved the earth I just don't know what's going on anymore Serious Sam 2 has a boss where you jump around like this I'll [ __ ] off why can't that just be text yeah like that wait wanna hold on anyway sessile the dragon kidnaps the king's daughter grows apparently the princess had been kidnapped and they wanted me to save her they were also very clear about what would happen if I refused to do it [Music] I decided to take a job hell if the princess looks half as good as her mother who knows the day could still have a happy ending if you know what I mean Sam home wrecker stone I've come to take the princess yes yes it was mistake by all means she's yours you can take her I changed my mind you can keep her she sounds like she has some sinus problems I know that feel maybe you can just get her some surgery okay but why the baby giggles why does it matter if Sam doesn't want a bang or all these do when it's not cocking this prints dude you don't know anything about this girl and I'm tired of this game body-shaming princesses from Elvis land people don't like serious Sam too I mean it is like 72 hours long but there's parts of it I really like the addition of vehicles seems like a bad idea at first cuz in the first level you get to ride a dinosaur that spits fireballs Dino is kind of [ __ ] in the worst example of a vehicle and this is the only time he appears in this game vehicles let you move faster and they have onboard weapons with infinite ammo and they basically control like floaty players because you can still jump and strafe in them you get these hover crafts you get like a spiked hamster ball that you can roll through enemies and there's certain satisfaction and walking a long-ass way for a secret area and this giant map and then you get a vehicle to shorten the time it takes to get back and also to totally destroy this village or this prison camp finding vehicles and secrets this is good good it's good it's good idea I hate crates goddamnit now I have to walk all the way back this great thing isn't even explained in the HD remake in classic second encounter it was this crate bus that the ship you left earth and in first encounter crashed into full these big brain developers here like towards the end of the game you're getting that classic run backwards some shoot thing that serious Sam does because it throws so many monsters actually you can't really do anything else because there's no way to take out so many of them so quickly and it's like I'm running a half mile backwards in this Canyon after fighting 500 clears and we're Bulls and when I'm finally done with that it just spawns a bunch of or clears because I didn't run forward to this trigger to finish the fight I near the end of the game I mean in the last twelve or so hours of the game you get put into this running man game show and you have to run forwards to push through the enemies in order to get to the checkpoints it's the exact opposite of run backwards and shoot is you have to be able to push through these guys quick again the dedicated grenade button really helps with that and when you're not running backwards you have to hold the line and they spawn just way too many of these scorpions like [ __ ] you I'm getting tossed around and shot in the air I'm forced back where it's pressing s and then it's not a [ __ ] wearable with a candid not expect what the hell game this is the third level holy [ __ ] before you end to the ceremonial arena where the [ __ ] is the sniper rifle and don't tell me to use the Devastator it's out the same I don't care if there's a [ __ ] paid DLC that gives you a scope for it there's a sniper rifle in Serious Sam 3 but it's hidden in secrets just like the laser gun what sick [ __ ] would hide the sniper rifle when it's obvious that the sniper rifle is a clear quality of life improvement and a smart move by the devs probably addressing complaints about first encounter and after first encounter the game's tried to make the bosses more than shoot at it until it dies and so now you have to ring a gong or use a ballista or fight a giant building that's sending waves of kamikaze pilots and bombers after you that you have to shoot down from a vehicle that you can't exit like the other vehicles except that one time that I did and after an hour shooting through this goddamn Canyon where they throw seemingly endless waves of monsters at you but don't forget we're a modern shooter now so we have ammo crates with infinite rockets you can spam Rockets forever but you got to make sure to reload that shotgun man I feel like I'm all out of salting this city serious appleΓ­s even if the battles themselves and to feel shorter I mean they are generally shorter but there's more of them and you get a better sense of progression because all the maps are generally shorter you plow through the city center and I spent so much time just going through this one wave of enemies refilling my rockets and then another wave of these spider shows up better spam them with rockets so I catch a bus to the mental institution which is a bad pun [ __ ] that pun it's awful I'm sorry it's just it's not as awful as the boss itself I'm in a hovercraft blasted dozens and dozens of tiny spider blob things while towering spider bot things come in they're huge some of the medium tier monsters in Serious Sam 2 are the size of the boss monsters in first and second encounter it starts thrilled with where bulls and clears at me I could go my entire life without seeing another goddamn clear skeleton after this game so aside from the where balls and clears it's tossing these knockoff Barons a hell at mate which they then ported to a serious Sam HD second encounter expansion pack it's the boss of that I guess this is fine for the Game Boy Advance the mental institution is a pain in the ass and I don't care for it locking me in the vehicle increases mobility but I don't know I don't see the point I guess you've already gunned down most of the bosses and this is a change of pace they're going for variety and these barren things can only be hurt by explosives and high caliber bullets right but I'm already using that stuff because I have infinite Rockets basically just being funneled through this Canyon which looks nice I'm being attacked on all sides there's monsters coming over the walls the walls themselves are shifting changing the arena around me - is it like the first and second encounter where enemies will almost always just teleport in there's effort put in to make them come from somewhere and all the enemies like all of the enemies teleport in with this goddamn awful sound every time in every level and when you finally beaten the boss after like 45 minutes of this mental institution level you get a silly cutscene with an oj joke this was nine years after Duke Nukem 3d and six years before Duke and when you finally get to the boss so there's that giant sand worm that's been on the outer edges of the desert map through the whole game to attack the boss so you can jetpack up throw a metal rod into his back so he gets struck by lightning because if he does and he keeps regenerating his health the jetpack you get a jetpack but this is the first time you ever see the jetpack in this game so you're getting introduced to the flying mechanics right now during the final boss and it's weird and awkward to use there's like an overheat mechanic on the jetpack so you can't just continue to fly I don't have a problem beating clear alley guys it's just dick if you know spawn [Music] [Music] this is getting serious [Music] Easter's and that's how we do it on planet Earth you overgrown space cockroach hey is your dad home [Music] [Music] earth is destroyed mental is exterminated an unknown amount of the human race for lulz I guess all the weapons reload and all your friends are dead until serious Sam for planet badass where everyone's alive again and you have AI companions which you kind of had in serious Sam too so maybe we're going forward again or backwards I'm someone please help me I don't know what's happening anymore don't paint me as a serious Sam hater maybe I'm too old for this Jesus that I still have to play through Serious Sam 2 and that's gonna take at least 96 hours that game is really really long like protein put all their effort into that game making a big boy game that could compete with the triple-a games that were coming out but for what is essentially kind of a niche title that they worked so hard on but then nobody likes Serious Sam 2 so they went backwards and look I've still got a lot of work ahead of me on this video and if I ever make it out I'll do whatever you want just [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 1,556,109
Rating: 4.849278 out of 5
Keywords: CV11, civvie11, civvie, civvie's dungeon, fps, serious sam, sam, bfe, croteam, devolver, franchise autocannibalism, review, let's play, entertainment, retrospective
Id: 3QntpXBjCYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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