Redneck Rampage Deelucks Special

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Man, I fucking love Civvie. Thanks to him I went back to play Duke Nukem, Blood, and the more modern interpretations of the 'classic fps' like Amid Evil, and Overkill. Dude knows his genre and just kills it.

Minor note, his "sewer count" gag hits me in the Spoony Experiment zone everytime.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/Intelligent_Genitals 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I thought this game was just a fever dream from my childhood. I remember playing it on our computer way back when and no one ever knew what I was talking about when I brought it up!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TexSells 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Oddly enough as much as Civvie badmouths it it still looks rather fun. Also of the 50-or-so old school shooters I've been marathoning, Redneck Rampage and Powerslave are the only two I have yet to play.

It looks like it sits in that realm of "Kinda bad you'll have some fun with it" like where you'd find HacX and Ken's Labyrinth.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Levo_Star 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 đź—«︎ replies

The music in this game is top-notch. I still have it on my playlist today.

As for the gameplay, it’s using a version of the Duke Nukem 3D “Build” engine but takes place a lot more outdoors which the engine doesn’t handle so well, so that’s not so hot. There’s not a lot of enemy types but the weapons are fun and the multiplayer is a riot.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/GuyWithPants 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I hope we get some kind of gameplay mod for it at some point. With just a few changes to the weapons/enemies etc it could be a lot more fun.

Also a note on the keys: I did a playthrough via the BuildGDX port and there was an option for colored keys, which negates the whole annoying skeleton key thing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/baddude1337 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 đź—«︎ replies
*cicada singing* *royalty-free country music* [H4MM3R] Well, I'm here to tell y'all a story about a video game, a game on the Build engine, that there weird thing Civvie talks about all the time. and the worst game made with it that wasn't no Extreme PaintBrawl or didn't have the mark of the beast on it! Join me here, in shit creek, and I'll let you in on the whole tale, start to finish. Tits to taint, Redneck Rampage to Rides Again! *royalty-free country music* [CIVVIE] Are you kidding? I can't even do my own intros now? That Patreon money going to a location shoot? Nah, I get it, that's cool. Redneck Rampage sucks. *How'd I Do? plays* *royalty-free country music* Here's a game about two rednecks - yeah, obviously - named Leonard and Bubba, residents of the Arkansas town of Hickston. You take control of Leonard and Bubba mostly just gets hit with a crowbar. Their prized pig Bessie gets abducted by aliens. Remember this, it's gonna be important. Those nasty aliens are cloning the locals who are nasty drunks and crazed old coots, and the sheriff, and this game… Bad guns, bad vibes, bad sounds. Good music, though. *Mojo Nixon's Redneck Rampage playing* Unlike Doom, or Duke Nukem, or most games, Redneck Rampage has like licensed music that I can't play without getting a claim but here's some of it. *Mojo Nixon's Redneck Rampage playing* It kicks ass! It's actually better than Redneck Rampage is! And it's done in the style of psychobilly, a genre I wasn't really familiar with until… right now… And I gotta say, if this is what country punk is like, this is awesome! I guess "rockabilly punk" is more accurate but whatever it is, it kicks the shit out of singing about how much you miss your ex's pickup truck. This kind of music fits the game's broader themes and subject matter perfectly. This is like if you actually got Slayer to do Doom music. There's so many interesting shit about Mojo Nixon that I can't even fit it in this video. [PAT BUCHANAN] There's no one violating the constitutional rights, I think, of this… "crowd", what is it? "Crew" or something other, Michael, that wrote Me So Horny. *Me So Horny remix* [CIVVIE] Mojo Nixon even voices a character in the game, the sheriff, Lester T. Hobbes, because he's an actor too, playing Jimmy Van Eaton, session drummer for Jerry Lee Lewis in Great Balls of Fire, which is probably the biggest movie he was ever in. But what's the second biggest movie he was ever in? [MOJO] Koopa! You're a lousy leader! [CIVVIE] Oh god! Oh GOD! [SMB Movie Trailer] Super Mario Brothers. This ain't no game. [CIVVIE] Despite that career setback, he would appear in Redneck Rampage several years later, and contribute this song, Redneck Rampage: ♪ Your Honor, I didn't know she was underage ♪ Okay, that got weird fast… I feel like this attitude, this gross-out, over-the-top edgy shit here, Mojo Nixon can pull it off in a song. Xatrix Entertainment cannot pull it off in a game. Don't get me wrong, Xatrix can make games. They did Kingpin, which I'm told is a good game, I haven't really played much of it. And when they went on to become Grey Matter Interactive, they made the best Wolfenstein game. Redneck Rampage is bad though. Redneck Rampage is what happens when someone says, "let's make Duke Nukem 3D but with more shit, in the literal and metaphorical sense!" Shadow Warrior is probably still more offensive… but at least it has a shotgun that… Oh, you!… You!… I'll get to you!… Like I said, I can't play a lot of this music, I had to mute it during my playthrough, because despite Mojo Nixon supported free file sharing because he is, and I quote "not an asshole like Metallica," YouTube's bots don't feel the same way. Good thing I'm using a source port, RedNukem in this case, recommended to me by a team of Build experts who all died in tragic door-related accidents. And it's good that I'm using a source port because at least, when I start it up, THE MUSIC ISN'T BLASTING MY EARS OUT! *Mojo Nixon's UFOs, Big Rigs & BBQ plays* I feel like these Build engine games, the Holy Trinity and Redneck Rampage especially, all appear culturally downstream from exploitation movies. Sure, Duke Nukem exists in a macho 80's action hero world, but one where he's constantly visiting strip clubs, blowing away aliens in seedy locales, pooping down dead aliens' throats, this was more comedic in tone, more tongue-in-cheek than Doom's heavy-metal gore and games like Shadow Warrior and Blood leaned heavy into cheap kung-fu movies and B-movie horror respectively, I mean, exploitation movies are rooted in sensationalized violence and other taboo subjects like, I don't know, sex, drug use, gore, destruction, rebellion against authority, but Redneck Rampage makes it even more explicit with fucking Troma posters on walls. A lot of Redneck Rampage works on paper. Like, using Build to do real-life-ish locations that were never touched on in Duke or Shadow Warrior, Blood hadn't come out yet, but it would and had some stages that were similar and much better designed. I wanna say something nice about the game, which is that visually, although still limited to software rendering and a color palette, it looks pretty good. The textures and sprites are actually bigger and more detailed than the ones you would find in other Build games and the designers went to great lengths to add some atmosphere to the levels, they drew lighting effects onto textures, the kind of lighting effects you wouldn't see for a few years in games because of low-resolution light-maps and such. They did have a lot of good ideas. The first level wasn't one of them. Redneck Rampage has… lots of problems… you'll notice all of them from the start. I guess it's good design to make the first level in your game a confusing, ball-breaking mess when the rest of the game is a confusing, ball-breaking mess. So, you're going around shops, barns, bowling alleys, what-have-you, and I'm on the medium skill, which is "Hard Ass", and this ain't fun, it's… You know when level designers like to hide a hit-scanner around the corner? Well, in Redneck Rampage, there's usually one around both corners. Fine, okay, at least it's not TekWar, right? Everything's here, you got your secret areas, some of which you can access by very, very slowly pushing things out of the way. The biggest problem with navigating Redneck Rampage, bigger than the maps themselves being, well, big, and… well, look at this map, long, open road that's weirdly textured connecting all these single areas with buildings that all seem to be designed around the aesthetics… which are good, but I think they take priority over the gameplay, which is bad. I like how detailed this house is, it looks cool, throw some enemies in the corner and we're done, right? We need to talk about the key situation. Pick up a key in Redneck Rampage, sounds easy, how do you fuck that up? Let me count the ways! 1. The keys are tiny, hard to see, sometimes blend right into the background. That's an art design problem, and a level design problem because of the placement sometimes, still not the biggest issue. 2. When you manage to see one and pick it up, it says it's a "skeleton key", which is a type of key that can open more than one lock, in fact it's supposed to open all the locks. This may be confusing to the player, especially on the first level since: 3. Every key you pick up in every level is an identical skeleton key and those keys only open one door, and you don't know which door it is. So, in every single level of Redneck Rampage, you have to see that tiny key, pick it up, and then run around the level trying it on every lock door that you've found. And the vast majority of the locked doors, unlike in say Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Quake, really any game that has locked doors, the doors aren't marked. You have to walk up to a door and press the Use key to know that you "ain't got the key" or, occasionally, "you need yet another kind of key" which is also a lie because it's the same goddamn kind of skeleton key that's everywhere else that you need for these switches. So I hope you found this little basement door in the first level or else you're gonna have no idea where to go and you'll be stuck. That's an 'every level' problem. At least the shooting is good- *deep voiced "NO"* Most of the weapons are terrible. You have a crowbar if you run out of ammo, which itself is kind of like a key because you have to whack your friend Bubba with it to exit a level. You can't just press the use key, you have to whack him, and he's not invincible, you can kill him, and if you do, it's Game Over. It's difficult to do but you can make that mistake. Next up: the pistol. A six-shooting revolver chambered in .454 Casull rounds, now, a 454 Casull round is more powerful than a .44 magnum, [DIRTY HARRY] …which'd blow your head clean off! [CIVVIE] And it can be used for killing bears. This pistol sure kicks like it, but also it takes three shots to down the first enemy you meet and five rounds to take down the second. The Old Coots are shooting you with these too, and then Billy Ray Jeeter shows up, carrying the game's shotgun, it's… *exhales deeply* ooh… *royalty-free country music* "Yer scattergun!" I've never seen such a crime committed against a double-barreled shotgun, So, we've got a shotgun with no vertical spread. Okay, not necessarily bad. Doom's shotgun doesn't. but the horizontal spread is Doom 3 levels of bullshit and nobody is out there claiming it's adding tension to the survival horror atmosphere. I'm not even sure what's going on with this thing. It defies close study. I can one hit the old coots with it, or I can hit them four times. I can unload one barrel into Billy Ray or both, all at the same range, it is basically a melee weapon, but I swear something is wrong with the damage RNG too because just look at it! And another thing! Billy Ray here has this thing where he pauses after getting shot before going into his death state, which may not seem like a huge problem until you're in the middle of a field of Billy Ray's and you have to move on but you lose a second because you're not sure if he's dead because of this, and the fact that the shotgun is so unreliable! Seriously, look at all of these guys! This is the first level! At least, there's a button you can press to YEEHAW. [LEONARD] Yeehaw! [CIVVIE] While we're on the topic of… fucking shitty terrible design decisions that are implemented badly and make me wonder if the entire interactive medium was a mistake, the health and armor system in Redneck Rampage is another one of those ideas that works on paper. On toilet paper. In other Build games, you get a med-kit that has 100%, you heal yourself, it's simple, it's easy to understand. Redneck Rampage has 3 separate pickups that increase your health and damage resistance. Take a look at these meters here… Alcohol and Gut. You won't see them much because I personally hate playing with a full HUD and the alternative HUD that shows it… yeah, get this shit outta here! You get yer cow pies, which heal a small amount of health and increase your Gut meter. The regular health pickups, Large Pork Rinds, give you instant 30 hit points and add to the Gut meter. The other items you can use are Beer and Cheap Ass Whiskey. Beer gives you 5 points of health, comes in a six pack, and the whiskey gives you 10 points of health with each shot, and increase your alcohol meter, which, when it's in the green can increase your damage resistance like armor, but if you drink too much, your controls get fucked up, and if you drink even more, your view gets fucked up and you have to puke. You can mitigate this slightly and get a couple of health points back if you press the Piss button, which doesn't actually seem to leave any piss behind so I have to assume that Leonard is pissing all over himself and moving on. Now, the Piss button. I didn't even know this was a thing until my most recent playthrough. I've only gone all the way through these games in DOSBox. And the key for pissing isn't listed in the setup menu. I wondered why. Pissing brings you back to life. And also leaves this message at the top of the screen saying you cheated by using this unlisted key-bind that still totally exists! That they left in! That has a game function already! But no, they couldn't possibly have put more dev time into making more than one kind of key! Sounds a little complicated for a stupid game about shooting aliens and saving your pig, and you're right, it is! But that's not a reason to immediately discount it as an idea. The problem is that, at least in the first Redneck Rampage game, I feel like I was picking up way more booze than food, so trying to balance these little meters out becomes a huge issue when I'm sitting around in the middle of a firefight waiting until I sober up so I can properly shoot again. Now, the last time I played Redneck Rampage was… kind of a while ago, probably a decade, I didn't play it when it came out cause I was like 9, so i have no nostalgia for it but I could still feel that something was wrong, it can't possibly be this bad. I mean, it's bad, don't get me wrong, but I realized pretty early that I was having problems so of course I went back into the DOS version to check what was happening. Wouldn't you know it, the DOS version doesn't have an option to turn auto-aim off, the game is built for it, and I've had it off this whole time because it fucks with me because DOS games, especially ones on Build, had shitty mouse controls. The vertical aiming in Redneck Rampage is pretty awful actually, The reason I turn off the auto-aim in the first place is because it's wonky as fuck, so this option here in RedNukem, for hit-scans only, s the happy medium because the shotgun tends to work slightly better with auto-aim on. And now here's auto-aim on, trying to target practice on some chickens. What the fuck? *royalty-free music playing* When you get into the second map and you're still, you know, suffering from the constant hit-scans and juggling health, alcohol, and ammo, my second least favorite enemy is introduced, the dogs. I hate pretty much all the enemies in Redneck Rampage, and there are plenty that do more damage and take more punishment, but the dogs? Well, first of all, hitting them without auto-aim is bad enough, because the hit-boxes in this game are just strange. Two to four blasts from the shotgun will waste one of these dogs. My problem is with their attacks, they bite, and sometimes their bite can get you from six feet away, timed completely wrong to the attack frames. Really, everything you rely on when playing this kind of game is borked, including the damage feedback. I honest to god was playing this in the source port and thinking oh those independent third party programmers don't know what they're doing. No! They were being totally faithful to the Redneck Rampage experience by having a third of your health disappear without any kind of on-screen indication that this is happening. Oh, Leonard says, "Ow!" That's good to know. Horseshit! What's worse than horseshit? Alien shit. These are alien creatures made of feces, and they make even more annoying noises than the normal enemies, which all make annoying noises, and no, the Cusspack doesn't help! Shut up about the fucking Cusspack, I don't care! [OLD COOT] I'm gonna fuck ya! [BILLY JAY] Ow, fucker! [OLD COOT] Oh, Jesus Christ, you god fucknut! [BILLY JAY] Haha, I'll kick your fuckin' ass here! [CIVVIE] Now, Build engine level design quiz for you, if there's a really deep hole that you can go down, that will probably cause you to drown if you keep going, there's something down there to reward you, the deep hole isn't placed arbitrarily, right? Right? One huge problem with the level design, that you might not even think about because you take it for granted, there's no pacing, no escalation. Imagine you're playing, say, Duke Nukem 3D, the second level, just like here you start off in this elevator, clearly a direct continuation of the previous level, You go outside, what's this? A new enemy? Flying pig-cops, shoot 'em down, kill the pig-cop. You understand what these things are, you get the hang of them, they're guarding something. And while Red Light District probably blows its load a little early by having you blow up this whole building at its midpoint, it's still escalating towards something, which is that fight in the strip club. It's a different atmosphere from what you've seen before with different lighting, the way it repopulates the room when you open the curtain and raise these platforms towards the exit. It is the climax of the level. In Death Row, the climax of the level is something different, you're escaping the prison, you come upon a submarine. In Toxic Dump, you're doing an underwater section, in The Abyss, there's a slow buildup to the boss arena with platforming, seeing this enormous ship. The levels build to something. Redneck Rampage levels usually don't build up to shit! The third level in the junkyard actually does do this, so it's an early standout for a competent level. It builds to this arena towards the end with a mini-boss, these Hulk Guards who are kinda like Duke Nukem 3D enemies, in that they fire an energy projectile at you like the regular aliens do, and then they fire these proximity bombs at you like the Battlelords. They're closer to Battlelords because they're tanky as hell, but also you have to blow up their corpse or else they get right back up and they'll give you an Alien Arm Gun, one of the more dubiously useful weapons in the game. It does good damage, and is the best long-range weapon you'll get which is good because this arena has shotgunners up high on the walls. The alien arm gun kicks when you fire it but otherwise it's good for lower enemies because it can one or two-hit most of them. Don't let that distract you from the atrocious weapon animation, consisting of two whole frames, one of which goes by so fast I didn't even notice it was there at first. And you get one every time you kill one of the Hulk Guards. And the Hulk Guards appear pretty regularly going forward. All the time, in fact. I dare you to try and run out of ammo for this thing. In the next level, the Drive-In, you do not go to the drive-in first, because you need to find a key to the drive-in, you have to go to the trailer park which is kinda cool, it looks nice, there's a tornado happening that you can ride on. Cool, I wish the game itself played, you know, like a competent FPS game, because without that it's not really worth the trouble of getting this far into it for the cool tornado. There's actually a lot of Build engine trickery used in Redneck Rampage for room-over-room stuff. It's cool, but I still go into this trailer for the key and could have easily missed it because I wasn't looking closely because it's behind this bowling trophy, which, again, is like an environmental hint because that key opens the bowling alley. The bowling alley is where you get the key for the drive-in, where do you think that key is? Maybe in the area of the bowling alley that the player would be naturally drawn to, the part where they made a functional bowling alley! The bowling ball can be picked up, used, doesn't hurt enemies, has a wind up so even when you attempt to use it, you'll be punished by the first hayseed who gets a shot off at you and the pin physics if you can call them that, don't actually allow you to get a strike Xatrix, this is not 'NAM, this is bowling, there are rules! About that key, maybe it's behind the pins, in that back room? Or maybe just around the place, you know, you'd immediately go to? Nah it's in the kitchen. It's in the bowling alley kitchen. It's in the kitchen. Of the bowling alley. This level will start giving you ammo for your hunting rifle too. You get it!? It's an automatic rifle but it's a huntin' rifle because rednecks. It kicks worse than the Quake 2 machine gun but it is useful, so the game severely limits how much ammo you get for it. Every pickup gives you 30! As soon as you get to the drive-in, you get the crossbow, which will launch dynamite like a rocket. Good. It works. You can toss sticks of dynamite too which are acceptable, I realize that I've been spoiled by Blood's dynamite and I don't think it's fair to hold it to that kind of standard. Oh, and it's missing a frame of animation. And no, they do not fix that for the sequel. [GORDON RAMSAY] Fucking raw! [AX3] CV-11, you're using the Gordon Ramsay clips again. [CIVVIE] Shut up, nobody's here to see you. Keep 'em in, Katie. You know you wanna. *TV buzzing* *bullshit reality TV drama* *Katie sobbing* *TV buzzing* Oh, there we go, some feedback! After this level… Oh… Game drops you into a shitshow here. Shockingly bad design. Run it again, Katie. Run it! Again! Katie! Run it! *laughs like a maniac* LIKE STINK ON SHIT! Okay, I'mma break this down… The level drops you onto the street. You have no idea what's going on, it looks like you lost all your weapons because you're carrying your crowbar again. But then the game auto-switches you to the ripsaw, a new weapon you've never seen or used before, and then you're getting shot, so you move out of the way and the game auto selects another weapon you pick up, the powder keg. You can throw it and shoot it and it blows up. The explosion of the powder keg is a little bigger than it looks. So maybe don't go shooting one immediately. Okay, so maybe you should pick up the powder keg so Billy Ray doesn't shoot it, because he does that, and also you can do the same thing to the dynamite boxes that you pick up for ammo because why not? Why would that be a bad idea? To make your pickups vulnerable to enemy fire? So that maybe if you're trying to get to one, you know, especially that one which is pretty much the only way to permanently deal with another enemy in the game… And the best way to deal with this is to quit the game and re-evaluate your life choices. Dairy Air Farms. Not even gonna react to it, I'm just gonna move on. It is also a very bad level, but when compared to the other Redneck Rampage levels, it's merely bad. The Alien Hulks begin to appear pretty regularly, and I didn't have any dynamite for one so… you know… that was… This level's main attraction is shit. You walk over shit, and it slows you down, even in the air… because God is dead. He died in a fire inside of an orphanage which also claimed the lives of Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, Mister Rogers, Tom Hanks, the person who invented cowgirl, we're done, put that last nail in the coffin of the human race. I hope they didn't hide the item that negates the effects of walking in this stuff behind a shack! Because I ran out of them, see, because hip-waders, as everyone knows, can only be used for so long like that before… Let's move on, the next level has to be better. [LEONARD] I bet this place is just crawling with the damn shit monkeys. *Europe's The Final Countdown remix plays* *sewer count breaks down* [CIVVIE] This is it. This is the one. The worst. I think they set out to make the worst, most obnoxious sewer level in the history of gaming. They got off on it, they thought it was funny. Maybe I'm being too hard- NO! NO! The only enemy type you encounter is those eardrum-violating alien shit creatures, and for SOME REASON, it's more difficult with or without auto-aim, DOS or Source Port, to hit things when they're hip-deep in water, with any weapon really, but most surprisingly with a shotgun that doesn't have any fucking vertical spread! And every time one of these things hits you with their poop projectiles, it resets your vertical aim! The screen doesn't flash red to show you damage or anything but that happens. This is the worst level in Redneck Rampage, which puts it pretty close to the top of worst FPS levels ever made. Being the worst level in Redneck Rampage is like being the Hollywood producer you're most afraid to leave your kids alone with! None of them are a good idea, but one is obviously the worst. This here, this section, which is just ladders and pits smashed together like a child playing with a Lego set where you have to get to a ladder at the end to take you to this part of the level that you've already been to. this isn't layout design, this isn't arena design, this might not even be design! Where is that goddamn dripping sound coming from? Oh, and the ending here, You need to first find this switch, this one, on this one wall above an alcove that you will never, EVER notice, which opens four doors with other four switches. This sign, A0, B0, C1, D1. Right? It's like binary, 1 = on, 0 = off. Binary, as one would use in this absurdly large sewer for this tiny town in Arkansas where people would have septic tanks. You gotta flip that map upside-down for it to be easier for you because… No, you know what, just don't play this game, it's fucking terrible. *royalty-free music* The next level, the final level of episode 1, is Smeltin' Plant, which isn't worse than the sewers, no, it's bad, don't get me wrong, and I was able to sequence break even with the pitiful jump here but that didn't matter because I didn't see the key I was supposed to get because well, look… See, here's a place where you can see the art design and texture work and stuff were really on-point. Let's move on. It feels like they just throw monsters in without even considering where they go this Alien Hulk in this doorway before the… This isn't really a smelting room because it's full of crap. You know what would be cool and fun, if I had to platform over the poop, and cause it slows you down in the air, it makes it way harder than it needs to be? At the end of this, you get to the boss, Ass-Face. [ASS-FACE] You hurt me! [CIVVIE] No, that's what he's called. The fight is over before you know it and… [LEONARD] Chew on that, you pile of crap! [CIVVIE] That's it. That's the cutscene. I don't even think this game was finished. And also, if it wasn't finished, I don't even see the point of having that cutscene because it adds nothing! And it's just confusing if anything. We're only halfway through this. Next up, Downtown Hickston! Is it good? NO. But all the key doors are pretty close together so you won't spend a lot of time backtracking. But don't worry, things get worse. *royalty-free country music* These alluring Kirk-bait aliens are the worst enemy in Redneck Rampage. They are… imagine if someone made the tommygun cultists from Blood into mini-bosses. But this hypothetical developer also sucks at making video games. [VIXEN] Is that all there is? [CIVVIE] They phase in and out, sort of teleport around, they take an ungodly amount of time and resources to kill, they throw some kind of projectile at you that saps at your health but doesn't give you any kind of feedback, but don't worry, they have another attack that does. Coincidentally, the best way I found to kill them was emptying my huntin' rifle into them and stun-locking, which works most of the time… You do get a better hit-scan weapon, them titties! The Alien Teat Gun, which is like the game's most powerful weapon, doesn't kick like the rifle, but finding ammo for it, in this game, well, I didn't even get the Alien Teat Gun until I opened a secret with it three levels after this. After Hickston, you get sent to an asylum where you get your weapons taken away. The asylum isn't as bad as the sewers, but it has a definite "amateur Duke 3D user level" vibe to it. The layout is kinda trash, rooms are copied and pasted, there might be the most backtracking to doors you think you might be able to open but you know, you need another key, that is not the key you picked up that's identical to the key you need. There's a front door that leads out to an enormous courtyard that doesn't seem to have any real gameplay function, except I'm able to lead this Alien Hulk out there from the lobby. there are two of them in that lobby, which is… pretty bare. It all seems genuinely unfinished. Some of it LOOKS cool. Bubba's just chilling in the basement waiting for you to whack him. Next up is J. Cluck's, a chicken slaughterhouse, not much to say about this one either, it feels like filler. The Ruins, I'm not sure what they're ruins of, some kind of factory maybe it feels like another level where the intended progression feels like finding secrets. While trying to find my way out, I surfaced from the water into a completely different part of the level… Vanilla bug or source port bug? I don't know. But I didn't live too much longer because I accidentally shot a crate of dynamite. That one's on me. The intended progression for this level is shooting this bit of rock wall with a sign on it that says "unstable area". You know, instead of having a crack on the wall like every other Build game, and also Redneck Rampage. No! I'm not mad at this one FUCKING bit! Once you get outside, you can see Bubba up there but how do you get to that crazy cracker?… You have to do some platforming. Do you see this? Do you see this bullshit? You're making me platform while I'm hitting the goddamn sky! And with the pitiful jump this game has, that's an accomplishment! Kill the Hulk, detonate his leftover proximity bomb, head into the- Fuck! Okay, I'll toss some dynamite on the body, jump back through the teleporter… No, this game is fine, I can see why people enjoy it. Another filler level, Grimley's Mortuary. I realize I haven't talked about the Sheriff clones yet, the ones voiced by Mojo Nixon himself. They talk a lot, they're a little funny. [SHERIFF HOBBES] I'm the law around here, boy! Lester T. Hobbes is my name, and ass-kicking is my game! Slow down, boy, I'm tryna reload mah gun! [CIVVIE] They aren't unreasonably tanky, they don't annoy me very much so the game doesn't use them as much as any other enemy. The key to get inside is right here. No, it's right here. It's here, I'm telling you. The key is right here. You see it? How about in 320x200? The game's original resolution? HOW ABOUT NOW?! Bullshit! And then there's a graveyard with ghost enemies that aren't ghosts as soon as you kill them, which I guess makes sense in a kind of spiritual or holistic way. Get to them… Get to them Uranium Mines where I get the titty guns and I can be instantly killed by mine-carts traveling at 2 mph. It's one of those levels where you can see the exit at the start, or rather hear it at the start, and you have to go down a few elevators that are locked with keys, in order to hit a switch that opens a door a mile up, a switch in the middle of a uranium mine which has an EXIT sign over it, you get it, it's… signposting… except it's not how you… Some good ideas, some cool designs in these completely sloped areas where everything is all tilted, which must have been a bitch to make work in the Build engine. But I'm still playing Redneck Rampage!… Beaudry Mansion is a big, annoying level where I have to find a bunch of keys and I don't know where any of them go. Here's a tip: any aspiring level designers out there, if you want your player to fight an enemy in an arena, make sure they get into that arena before the enemy spawns or is alerted. Otherwise… What's that? A new enemy type? Flying saucers! A field full of explosive barrels with hard-to-define radius of splash damage! This is just a fucking re-skin of the pig-cop patrols? Get abducted! Don't waste your time and ammo outside, because I did, and that was a HUGE mistake. [ALIEN QUEEN VIXEN] I see you dispatched all of my minions and clones. And you withstood the awesome force of Ass-Face. Impressive. Very impressive. [CIVVIE] Now, on this ship, there's a couple vixens, and the final boss, which is a vixen palette swap, you're looking at her! This is one of the things that SCREAMS "unfinished". She's got the same awful attacks, just lots more health. Maybe it just felt like lots more because the game gives you some health, a couple teat gun pickups and… nothing else in this arena. NOTHING. NO MORE AMMO. Did you waste your resources fighting the monsters outside? Tough luck, shithead! I don't respect this game enough to start the level over so I'm gonna save scum and use my super powerful .454 Casull pistol to win the day! I hate this game. Who the fuck doesn't stock a boss arena with ammo? That's like not labeling your keys. *Super Mario Bros. 3 Sky Land theme plays* [ALIEN QUEEN VIXEN] Ah!… I'll be back!… [LEONARD] Hold on there, madam! Let me get that bad ball outta your mouth. [BUBBA] Ow! Thank you, Leonard. Ho!… [LEONARD] Bubba? [BUBBA] She was bad mean to me! *cries* [LEONARD] Bubba, is that you? [BUBBA] Yeah, it's me, Leonard. I done been transmogrified! [LEONARD] Holy shit! [CIVVIE] That's the end of that. Good thing there aren't any more… *royalty-free country music* So Redneck Rampage apparently sold well enough for an expansion to be made by our old friends at Sunstorm Interactive, who took the awful foundation of Redneck Rampage and made some decent levels to play through. It's still not… "good"… cause the weapons and the enemies and the balance are still kinda bad but the level design is vastly improved. You can tell Sunstorm took a look at this and said, "Yeah, no one can see the fucking keys so let's highlight them!" "The level layouts are terrible so let's make ours mostly not terrible." With the exception of the Bigfoot convention, I really didn't care for it. There's another slaughterhouse map. It seems like you're given more ammo for the rifle and teat gun than before, which is great, you know, because those weapons are useful, and hit things. There's a Fun Park as opposed to a park that isn't fun, although you are playing Redneck Rampage so you could be forgiven for assuming that the park isn't fun. Surprisingly, it's also not a park, it's mostly indoors except for the mini-golf course but it's fine. There's one really vixen heavy level, is the House of Ill Repute which - yeah I guess that makes sense. A lot of the maps are themed after roadside attractions, tourist traps, stuff like that, you go to the Mystery Dino Caves. There is one new enemy introduced in the first level, the gators. After that, you get to Campy Crystal Lake! It's just like the movie! Sleepaway Camp! Blood still did it better and this level feels a little more like classic Redneck Rampage, by which I mean it sucks and I hate it. Similar shitty key hunting, but it's still easier to navigate and they give you the ammo for your good weapons. Any interest I ever had in Redneck Rampage is long gone by Episode 2 of the original game, and this Bigfoot convention level, is also not really very fun. You can only do so much with a bad foundation. I can appreciate the ambition of the next level, the Hoover Dam, but it's still a bit messy and confusing. Switches that raise water levels, a door that you can see is open but when you go back, it's not, because of Build engine bullshit trickery and portal stuff… it's fine I guess. The final map, The Museum of Oddities, has you do the vixen boss again. It's… better this time around, I guess… It's still Redneck Rampage. Trying to put together a timeline is weird, this was released in December of 1997, Duke It Out in D.C. was released in March of 97, Cryptic Passage for Blood was released in June of 97, and Duke Caribbean was released in January of 98, damn Sunstorm was busy. As far as I can tell, during the same year, they were also working on the unreleased Shadow Warrior expansion Wanton Destruction, I can't believe Redneck Rampage had more success than Shadow Warrior. You wanna know the worst part? Of the Build engine games… Redneck Rampage probably got the best sequel. *royalty-free country music* I don't wanna have to come back and do another goddamn video later for a game that's still, at its core, fucking Redneck Rampage!… No! I am not playing Redneck Deer Huntin'! Sorry, kids, I bet it's exhilarating! Rides Again starts off where the last game ended, with Leonard and Bubba on a UFO crashing through MIR, you remember MIR, the Russian space station? No, you don't, god I'm old. [LEONARD] Yeehaw! [CIVVIE] It doesn't count as vehicular manslaughter cause there's no laws in space. [LEONARD] Damn, it's a good thing we got that transmogrifier workin'! [BUBBA] Yeah! Them heels was killing me! *fart* [LEONARD] Jesus! How the hell is a man supposed to take a dump in zero gravity?! *fart* [CIVVIE] I'm glad the game didn't forget its roots. [LEONARD] Let's land her, Bubba. [BUBBA] Okay. [LEONARD] Bubba? [CIVVIE] Bubba accidentally does a thing and then this happens… it's all an excuse to get us to this crash in the desert, this is more of a road trip game. You know like Route 66. They even have another level in a whorehouse! I feel like I don't need to go into as much detail with Rides Again because for the most part, it is just more Redneck Rampage, with some key differences, you know. except for the key bullshit, that's still the same. But they try to put them in places you can actually see them. The effort is still there, they went through the trouble of making this sector here specifically brightly-lit and eye-catching. Right off the bat, you're gonna Area 69. Get it? Is this a New Blood game? You're immediately introduced to new enemies, the Jackalopes, and I mean immediately. They're kinda like the dogs with less health. After that, the Old Coot is back, with a makeover. Game is still visually pretty, good use of textures, lighting effects and all that. Area 69 is thankfully less obtuse than the first level of Redneck Rampage. It's not too hard to find your way around. There's a new enemy, this biker guy here. [LEONARD] Turn around, boy, let me see if I recognize you from prison. Who rapid-fire-shotguns you and says annoying things, so you know, he fits right in. And they didn't make him tanky as hell which is much appreciated. This guy is frequently seen with this cheerleader, and sometimes even… *Me So Horny remix* Exactly the class I expect from this series. You can quick-kill these two with one stick of dynamite if you're fast enough. This whole things feels more like a game and less like a shitty Duke 3D mod. They've worked on the food/alcohol balance, given you more useful ammo, enemy placement seems less random, but the real big thing that must have been all over the promotional material for this game… As soon as you're in the second level, you get a motorcycle with twin machine guns attached to it. Don't get excited, I'm pretty sure they're just a re-skin of the teat guns. which are also still in this game and it actually gives you ammo for them too. Now, about that auto-aim thing, just leave it on, forever, because you can't aim vertically on these vehicles, so unless you turn auto-aim on, you're not gonna be hitting anything. As far as how the vehicles handle, they're terrible! But it was 1998, and vehicles in FPS games were limited to like… Shadow Warrior and Terminator Future Shock and SkyNet. And both of those games had vehicles that controlled better. And you didn't have to wait for them to come to a complete stop to get off of them. Yeah… You have this new rake weapon I barely used, as well as different kind of dynamite ammo with a chicken on it and it's supposed to act like a homing missile and sometimes it does. It's still easier to move around on foot in this map designed for the use of vehicles… And you might wanna do that because you're gonna have to run up and down the whole thing to find keys. It also has these turd aliens again, except re-skinned and it doesn't seem to let me blow them up so I have to rely on my guns hitting them… *sighs* The next level, El Peso, is probably the best of all the Redneck Rampage levels. It's so good they recycle it a few maps later in El Peso again! The whole map isn't the same, it's half this Native American ruins kind of deal, where they do the ghost thing from the last game, except they do it more convincingly by recoloring the sprites green and removing their death animations entirely. While Rides Again doesn't fix all the problems inherent to Redneck Rampage, they're trying, and God bless 'em for doing that. This level here, the Jackalope Farm, could have easily been as shitty and confusing as a standard Redneck Rampage level with the branching paths and different buildings, but they scale it down a little, and- What the fuck?! Oh okay, a big Jackalope, I getcha, lemme… I should complain but they are bikers, and I promise I wasn't gonna be that asshole who says, "They're dressed like bikers but never get on a bike." With the exception of this barn here, most keys and objectives are clearly marked or you can see the goal. There's Bubba, I know I have to get this gate open. Next up is: Wako, Wacko! [LEONARD] Now, if there's anything I hate worse than Bible thumpers, it's Satan worshipers. [CIVVIE] I guess… Wow, this is almost satire. You're spoiling me, Rides Again! [ATF] This is the ATF! Come out with your hands up, your Bible down! [FBI ON RADIO] This is Reno. For Christ's sake, get the lever, blow those maniacs to kingdom come! [CIVVIE] There… So shines a good Build engine explosion in a weary world. You did it, Redneck Rampage! I'm so proud of you! The rest of the level isn't that interesting but it's fine. And that's a huge step up from pube-pulling torment. After that is when you back to El Peso Again, and it's fine. I have a hard time trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go, you're supposed to jump down this pit that I would normally think would kill you. You get back to El Peso from before and it's a ghost town now. I made it that way and I gotta re-kill these ghosts of clones. Do clones have souls? This is getting a little heady, I don't like the philosophical implications of cloned hillbillies having souls… The next level Refinery is pretty standard for the most part. It is good to know that certain explosions are still deceptively small. You blow the place up and escape and it's okay, I don't hate it. That's the end of the first section of the game, you're out of the desert, now you're at Sunny Shores, and they've got another vehicle for you. I don't know if anyone's ever made an air-boat in a game fun, but Xatrix shouldn't feel bad because Valve couldn't do it either. It's still sad to see all this cool visual design in the Build engine done in service of THIS… Sunny Shores is more in the vein of a Redneck Rampage 1 map, because it's way too open, the keys are kinda hard to find, whole sections of it are underwater for no reason. Oh, I'm sorry I'm confusing it with a later level, Lummockston, because they're both big swamps you ride the air-boat through. They're the same fucking level! However, sandwiched in between them is Gamblin' Boat, which is a riverboat level that's, for the most part, kind of awkwardly designed and it's not as good as the one in Cryptic Passage until the end when it's sinking and you have to escape it, which is pretty cool. Good job, Xatrix, you pulled out your Build engine vehicle level! Well, not vehicle like that. You know what I mean. Disgraceland is a parody of Graceland and it's kinda like that manor level in the last game except better and in terms of the atmosphere, level design, presentation, the environmental detail of the whole thing, even though it is literally piss and shit and such, it's admirable. And it ends with a gag I don't hate. See, Bubba went grave-robbing, as you do… Whacking him with the crowbar feels like a nice punchline and the end-level screen times it just right. [LEONARD] Hey, Bubba, watch me pull a tractor outta my ass, haha! [CIVVIE] Moto Madness gets you back onto the motorcycle for a while, see how the roads aren't just pasted awkwardly onto the floor? I mean, look at that! Look at that! And with the exception of trying to drive a motorcycle through mud, we'll say it's mud for right now, it's pretty okay. Then it gets to what I consider the high water mark for the entire Redneck Rampage series. *royalty-free country music* *Derby announcer spouting nonsense* Sure this is janky, and weird, and for some reason, you have to use the moonshine, which I'm not sure I talked about before, well, the moonshine is a power-up that doesn't get you drunk, it speeds you up. It is literally the steroids from Duke 3D. And for some reason it also makes the motorcycle faster. Maybe you pour it into the gas tank. A bunch of ideas just came together here and worked in harmony, perfectly, just once! And then it's the whorehouse level with vixens and air-boat stuff. Where at one point I peek through a hole into a shower to see this girl here and then I violently murder her- What? Is there something weird about that? I thought this was gonna be the last level, because you find these transmogrifying machines with fake Bubbas in them, you fight a super-powered Alien Hulk which, let's face it, when the final boss of Redneck Rampage was a super-powered vixen, I wasn't gonna expect more from Rides Again. But it's NOT the last level, the last level is this quaint little town square of Hickston USA, and the final boss is NOT a bigger, meaner Alien Hulk. It's a bigger, meaner Jackalope. [LEONARD] Mother****ing Jacka-****-alope! Hey, where's the big fancy ending y'all talked about?! [CIVVIE] They could not have possibly talked about a big fancy ending. [LEONARD] Hehe, just kidding. THE END! [CIVVIE] Okay… Everything is just done better in this game… So if you absolutely have to play Redneck Rampage, play Rides Again… I'm not sure you can even buy them separately anymore. I'm surprised they haven't done a reboot of this series. No really, I know it's filthy, politically incorrect, and all that, but they still rebooted Shadow Warrior. And interplay tried to milk this series to death with so many re-releases and two spin-off games! Redneck Deer Huntin' and Off-Road Redneck Racing in 2001. Which Xatrix didn't even make. Hey, whatever happened to that pig they were looking f- *How'd I Do plays*
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 826,452
Rating: 4.9424086 out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie11, civvie's dungeon, redneck rampage, retro, gaming, fps, xatrix, review, recap, let's play
Id: NpUf_1eOwFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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