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welcome back to the dungeon where I play a bunch of boomer shooters from the 90s and get angry at video games joke's on you sometimes I play games that aren't exactly bad like today I'm gonna talk about two games they might as well be one game okay you got that famous movie franchise The Terminator where they made two good movies and three shitty movies and I haven't seen the show that much you know the one with the lady who's a game of Thrones now and that girl who plays all the emotionally stunted female action characters and the kid from Honey I Shrunk the Kids the TV show what's this Nick help shrinks oh no dad's done it again why do I know that in 1995 bethesda made a first-person shooter called terminator future shock this was after a couple terminator games that didn't do so good which I haven't played they look awful Bethesda worked hard on these and they produce some ambitious games oh please god no [Music] no.11 nope nobody here by that name sir please go back to whatever channel lost in production you came from I've been searched from the future I know I don't you're to stop Todd Howard from whatever I don't want to do this really does anyone want to do this look Bethesda jokes Todd Howard jokes they're all over Twitter right now they're everywhere everybody deserves all that flak they're getting from fallout 76 I'll cop to that but those jokes write themselves at this point you don't need me to tell you about it don't serve you so in this episode we're not doing any pathetic jokes or any Todd Howard jokes or anything like that and we're sure as [ __ ] not doing a hacky sketch we're being the Terminator go on an adventure to profess the studio's to stop them from creating a shitty game honestly I don't have the budget for that or Motoko tags on for [ __ ] sake you guys do something about this defense systems in games there we go now we'd get down to business and that business is terminating a future shock which is a 1995 pathetic game produced and designed by a young upstart named Todd Howard in 1995 they just hired this dude out of college and let him produce and help design a game using a major IP but I did get to go to like these conventions I got to go to CES and all the stuff and look at games and when I would go I would go to the Bethesda booth and remind them how great I thought they were and that they should hire me and eventually they did and so I started here in 94 you know pretty much right after I graduated from school wasn't it wasn't long after about a year this is normally where I'd start bitching about how the game shit's all over the source material but to my knowledge it doesn't it's fine the game itself so a little rough but I understand why people have fond memories of it I don't I barely remember Skynet and it's not really as impressive when you play it after quake looking at it as an artifact of its time it's the exact opposite of what possesses to it now it's an incredibly ambitious game with bleeding edge tech that somehow runs and dos is it good it's not the worst it's not even what I would consider bad its competent for the most part and glitchy but you can forgive that and I'll tell you why as part of this deep uncomfortable dive into the past future shock starts off with a full motion cutscene and a horrifying low-resolution as you did in 1995 it's not even that bad you see a nuke in 1995 instead of 1996 or 97 I think I thought that was when Judgment Day happened fine it's a year off it doesn't matter nuke goes off then were twenty years into the future and hunter killers are flying over what used to be Los Angeles the robots brought you to a death camp because that's how they roll and the resistance helps you escape you don't actually see that part happen the story picks up a little bit later like a minute later you put in your callsign it's off to the races one of the guys who helped you escape is dying and tells you to pick up his gun and make your way to a car so you can meet up with the resistance once you're in game you'll notice that everything except your HUD weapon and a few other things are completely three-dimensional a giant 3d environment fully texture mapped featuring terrain 3d enemies props locations using pre 3d acceleration hardware with a regrettably awful draw distance but guys this is a year before quake you might notice you can walk into any building that isn't blocked off and also these scorch craters are radiate you yeah if this isn't giving you fallout 3 or New Vegas flashbacks or flash-forwards I guess especially with the loading screen while entering a building thing you're a goddamn liar this game is the first iteration of a 3d Bethesda engine and I cannot stress how important some of the things in here are let's just start with the controls which are easily mapped to the mouse with actual three look and WASD and a button for toss and grenades I gotta give credit where credit is due this is years ahead of its time you get into the combat armed with a lead pipe like in the movie although you'll never want to use the lead pipe except for like opening crates and an Uzi your week starting weapon it takes a ton of bullets to destroy just one of the robots that's not a complaint I'd say it works in the game's favor you're given a ton of bullets and explosives you're given a shotgun pretty early if you're willing to explore and the game crashed the first time I tried to save so yeah there are some stability problems with these games less so and Skynet we'll get to it in a bit because Skynet is the real star of this episode for many reasons we can't forget about shooting the moon I'd get comments if I did the shotgun is fine powerful enough the feedback and the hits on the bullet weapons are a little small to give you a good idea of where you're actually hitting within the first level you're fighting giant spider robots hunter killers but not your standard terminators yet this is really a good idea because even though an HK goes down way too easy the atmosphere is oppressive enough to convey your situation mostly you're dealing with these chicken walkers and floating kamikaze drones that explode at you but don't do much damage all the enemies explode by the way not just the drones which is fine I guess they're all machines and it looks weird when you down in HK because the explosion is just scaled up so it looks like it's right in front of your face it's weird there's one thing that [ __ ] shapes my taint which is this thing where you can fill your health armor ammo or inventory and the player still picks that stuff up even if there's no room for it in the inventory these games do that so if you needed that health later and you walked over it now at full health e you still pick it up and waste it and the hit detection itself is kind of weird especially with grenades you don't toss grenades right in front of you you toss them slightly to the left you're basically done with the first level once you find that car and now its first person driving sections in a giant open 3d texture mapped world in 1995 [Music] this [ __ ] right here this is why Todd Howard still has a job when was the next time you saw something like this in a shooter sure the vehicle controls are a little stiff I use DOSBox to turn up my mouse sensitivity and the sound of the car hitting the brakes is burned into my soul now this parts from a little later in Skynet but it applies to future shock to player movement is interesting you jump like you're on the moon and your air control borders on being magic you can basically air - it's cool you can't aim for [ __ ] when you're moving so it's not practical the game will sometimes require you to make crazy moon jumps more so in Skynet soon enough you're reporting to John Connor himself and getting missions your first resistance mission is blowing up a big fence and liberating a prison camp you get some satchel charges for that cool but good luck finding the thing because you know everything kind of looks the same and your map is [ __ ] trash it's impressive trash that shows you a full 3d render of the area you're in the stuff you can see you navigate in the moment but if you want to see you know more than that now the map is a great tech demo but it's useless for navigation you can't zoom out enough to see anything of interest you start getting some stronger weapons in these games you get three machine guns two laser guns three plasma guns two explosive weapons believe it or not they make terminators an actual threat in this game they have tons of hit points they're hard to hit with explosive just just look at this with a grenade launcher [Music] yeah terminators all but require explosives to kill and the only one you can aim with any success is the rocket launcher the grenade launcher doesn't have a goddamn crosshair now that's great that's fine it's endlessly frustrating before you get explosives you should be tossing pipe bombs or grenades at the terminators it's your best bet since they tank like a hundred bullets or like five or six hits with the shotgun and as you're doing this if you're lucky the Terminator is only gonna have an Uzi and he'll still take most your health the game does not nerf a terminator which is fine good job and the bullet weapons they work weirdly the Uzi fires one bullet at a time the assault rifle fires a burst of three and the heavy machine gun fires a burst of four the level design and future shock is passable most of the time unless you're in a building and you drop down and get trapped forever in this area because the switch to open the door is on the other side you have to reload to save to get there because you saw the shiny new weapon down there and you wanted it and it turned out it was [ __ ] anyway no I'm not bad not mad the plasma pistol crap useless garbage completely unnecessary to the arsenal it does terrible damage but it only cost you like one Sal then you get the plasma rifle which does better damage and then the plasma cannon but you also have a laser rifle and a laser cannon which are really really similar the laser rifle has a scope on it but since this is in such a low resolution it's [ __ ] useless Skynet fixes this problem we'll get to it once you free the prison camper now everybody's dead there's no human NPCs in this game anyway you get into the sewers we've hit 20 people and these sewers are garbage because of course they are and you have to do first-person platforming on tiny ledges with the floaty moon gravity controls it's weird and awkward and unpleasant [Music] the game introduces these terminators to Kyle Reese talked about in the movie the once before the Arnold ones the old ones then had rubber skin that made them hard to spot it's non human at a distance the game points this out except since there are no human characters in this game you'll never mistake one for a human ever anyway you get out of the sewers and complete the mission and John Connor sends you back into the sewers this is some aggressive [ __ ] hauling you have to find a crash ton or killer and claim it for the resistance because in the next mission you get to fly it you thought we just had first person driving sections oh no we got first person flying sections and it's not descent but it's not the worst you're kind of boxed in height wise but it's not terrible you fly around you shoot stuff I feel like I've shown you pretty much everything in future shock has to offer it's basically the beta for terminator Skynet which came out a year later now I still have the original CD that Skynet came on and Skynet requires future shock to be installed as if it was an expansion pack it's somewhere between an expansion pack and a sequel firstly future shock comes with Skynet if you don't have it installed Skynet will install it for you which is weird right even letting you play it in the new game menu along with the new multiplayer mode Skynet has an updated engine the intro was even nicer [Music] [Music] these games even get to use the Terminator music MIDI fide sure but still good and the crown jewel the cherry on top live-action cutscenes hey major we're here chanting trouble well you know the score we've got nothing but sunshine and palm trees here in LA who could have any trouble oh yeah baby Kyle Reese is here this resistance base is a little shinier and in better condition than the movies would lead you to believe let's roll with it it's fine I don't even care all right people we've got a lot of work to do to keep the robot out of sector three cleared by security whoa whoa fourth wall is down I've just been standing here this whole time Hey couldn't he view one of the prototypes for a new model or something relax Kyle our new soldier here checks out I even had to run past one of the new k9 units I decided to assign him as a field up to the command team major Catherine Parker good to have you aboard this is dr. Hanover our chief technician you could call me Bill hi Bill and our young skeptic here is Kyle Reese you think yeah well you can't be too careful around here anyway welcome aboard oh yeah sure let's let a kid into the war room pure nepotism Conor you should know better are you ready for some action yes sir good marker give him the details on one of those recon missions right the bots have a new complex inspector for surveillance has shown convoys moving in and out of there over the last two days so first off take a look at this sky net instead of running in 320 by 240 resolution like future shock can be set to a crisp modern 640 by 480 great right I mean it looks better except the sky is blue Ida patch the game before it turned black again I don't know oh and the game changes resolutions every time you bring up the menu and between transitions in the level HQ I'm inside the company so every time you pause to the game or save a game or enter a building or change a level yeah this [ __ ] happens how hard would it be to make your man you run in 640 by 480 good news is that scope on the laser rifle is a lot less useless now all the 2d weapons sprites got a facelift just like the major said you head west of the complex not far mind you and this texture map terrain should still be blowing your minds honestly I found the complex a to do searching for a way inside that's not an issue will fall damage it's just that if you fall from that one spot into that other spot that you die in future shock you had some problems with collision in the terrain and you can easily get stuck but they fix that problem now when you get stuck you just die Skynet has some improvements to the gameplay you get more stuff to do more varied objectives like to sneak into the space you have to get on this convoy and okay this is the version I installed straight off the CD from 1996 there's a community patch from 2017 that turns to the night sky black again and fixes some common issues one of those issues is the framerate chunking when you pick up items the display messages take your framerate this game was really unstable back in the day like it would crash so much I don't even remember finishing it with cheats we're in the dungeon now so let's get a patch from the community that fixes the bugs in a bethesda game okay I lied there's one it took a couple of levels before you saw heavily-armed terminators in future shock and Skynet you better be ready to deal with that because there's two of them as soon as you exit that crash box oh look the shotgun hits are more distinctive now you can really tell when you hit something cool we're seeing real improvements here the bots are shooting lasers that'd be much faster than usual so what's so special about this base oh my god if the nuke I'm getting the hell out of here yeah I can see why that's a problem better get out quick you the freakin bots are all over me yup they're all over me this is significantly harder than the last game I don't have any real explosive weapons yet I'm stuck chucking grenades atom which is a mechanic that has not been improved I don't have the ammo to deal with all this [ __ ] this is insane there must be something oh that's a little ahead of its time a difficulty selector in the menu like you can change it on the fly also this clean install from the original CD to faulted the difficulty too hard [ __ ] you let's turn that down the vehicle handling is not better maybe it's because I have to drive in such a hilly area but it's so weird your car sticks right to the terrain and you're aiming bounces around so you need to stop to hit stuff it stop and go which is typical for driving around in la am i right this patch that I installed increases the draw distance but not the distance the AI notices you or the distance the physics take effect it's kind of cool look at this [Music] hey man welcome back yeah man I just cruised heard the most gnarly robot attacks like ever it was harsh brah there's some awesome sunglasses you wearing inside of an underground bunker totally in fuego what the [ __ ] are you doing good to see you alive soldier I know getting out of there wasn't easy yeah no [ __ ] so this nuke that Skynet has is a Hades model it's the city killer John the biggest new giver made they say I can turn a city to die so why didn't you dinette you Hades before damnit nineties kid that's a good point when Skynet attacked it could only launch the missiles that were online at the time the Hades never went into production just one Hades will vaporize the entire city there'll be nothing left no rubble no life nothing absolutely nothing [Music] if I had detailed schematic we might be able to disable it before it's launched Cyberdyne has much data on our new clues anyone they setup dinette for the government yeah let's go to Cyberdyne the environments in Skynet compared to future shock are a little more streamlined and easy to navigate like to get into cyber tyne you have to do a bunch of platforming including this [ __ ] matrix jump right here a strafe running moon jump across this whole street gets to the roof because the front door is a radioactive crater and because any building with the doorway that isn't blocked is accessible you could head into the tech noir club from the first movie which is fine up and running playing music with all the lights and terminators and a laser cannon sitting on the catwalk there this whole area seems a lot more advanced than something out of future shock more detailed more thought-out the map is still garbage but thankfully it's garbage so that only takes up about a sixth of the screen because of the new resolution that's fine you go into Cyberdyne headquarters to a frustrating puzzle with the elevator where you got to get on it at the bottom floor ride it to a secret floor and then get into the secure area and the basement and read some logs and get some files you get picked up by a resistance HK on the roof it's okay it's nothing special but I'm tired eating it around the base I want to go on a mission I want to make a difference against Skynet we've been over this before Kyle and my decision stands hey kid you're gonna bang my mom which let me tell you something Linda Hamilton in 1984 is a damn fine catch compared to the ass you might get in post-apocalyptic Los Angeles I mean you're gonna die not too long after that so we don't need any more dead hero hey you look a lot more comfortable than you did on the top of that roof what the hell happened out there oh man she it was crazy you know you sent one guy to infiltrate that place where Skynet was [ __ ] built that holds all their secure records no big deal I'm fine though thanks for asking that rescue is a fine piece of work Jim we can't afford distractions people we've got to focus on neutralizing the Haiti I need a solution and I need it now actually major we may have an alternative I ran across some interesting stuff on the Cyberdyne system one file concerned a missile test silo and another related to a Haiti's data upload to the USS Las Cruces there's the thing this game does and to a lesser extent future shock did where you go through one of these loading screens and you're immediately getting shot at by a [ __ ] terminator like in this part you enter a room facing the door you came in through and then you get shot dicks another new thing in Skynet water I like to call it specter water because it reminds me of the hazy effect spectres had and doom real transparency is hard on the software renderer there is water in this game but there isn't swimming you sink to the bottom and walk through it you can still drown and the designers came up with a solution to this which is putting a bunch of health items in your path so you don't die I'm really trying to be fair to this game I'm trying not to make Bethesda jokes but to get into the harbor you have to do another one of those this is really ambitious but you probably should have waited a couple years before trying it sections you hit this wall with a steel beam a few times I get what the game is going for but you know the wall cracks before the beam hits it it's a little raw interactive elements moving cranes around so you can jump on the sub itself you can get stuck on the side of a platform like you're standing there but you're not and it's about a 50/50 chance that you can actually get onto it this actually happens kind of a lock oh I should have known those robot bastards booby-trapped the sub come in the damn robots is too tough the robot have something stuck I've got the data but now I'm trapped in here you've gotta get out I remember this part you have to go through the torpedo Bay get in one of the pods and launch yourself out into the sewer oh please God just end me now I'm so done with this gag where you get to do all sorts of fun puzzles involving water and grates and water flow and children eight the missile launcher can lock onto targets now that's nice I'm still stuck in a goddamn sewer for the next 20 minutes until you find a car and chase the caravan that's carrying the nuke on her out no stop now three of them are wearing sunglasses what the [ __ ] bad news people a convoy made it to the silo and the terminators are prepping the Hades for launch at least you got back here alive with the missile data handover any progress I've only had the data 15 minutes Connor time is a lost luxury doctor we're facing a nuclear strike within the hour not gonna lie the guy playing John Connor is way more authoritative than Edward for a long long story short they can't disable the missile so I got a fly in an HK they're against heavy heavy resistance and give the missile some coordinates somewhere off in the Pacific getting there isn't a problem but the final level of Skynet is a [ __ ] nightmare explosives are tight robots are everywhere navigating the silo facility is this place was clearly not designed by robots because it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense let's just start with this one building with ammo stockpiled in it that's also full of radioactive material that turns your screen bright red when you try to collect anything near it Oh in this control room where you have to do something to open up this elevator shaft and I never ended up needing to go down there but there's grenade launcher over there to tease you that stuff isn't as important as the fact that to open the door to the elevator shaft you need to press one of these buttons and all the other ones open traps or spawn terminators in the room with you oh yeah terminators can teleport in this game I would think that would be a top priority for the resistance if they could just teleport out of thin air so this room [ __ ] this room you only need to be in here because it connects to other sections of the building not the first floor though only the second and you get to the upper level so you need two rocket turrets so obviously it's cool if you walk into a room full of them and these rotating things that seem to serve no purpose but if you get caught in one the screen goes completely red and you're probably stuck there yeah no that's laser turrets all over the walls hordes the terminators teleport again just [ __ ] me up I'm sure I couldn't fly in and destroy this missile with the HK once you set the coordinates you have to do a switch puzzle to launch the missile and that's your final boss kids a switch puzzle Skynet's actually a lot shorter than future shock okay so these games aren't bad mostly they're just attention actually did it that robot wasn't sent back to stop Todd Howard he was sent back to stop oh dammit subi you let your Uncle Frank release a deadly virus because you didn't want to do a terminator skin hold on a second let me look at this here oh this is interesting h4 mm er version 4.0 point 1 oh no oh yeah no I've killed my son I've killed my boy [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 667,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cv11, cv-11, civvie, civvie's dungeon, terminator, bethesda, future shock, todd howard, skynet, fps, retro gaming, review, entertainment, comedy, let's play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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