The Best Free Game You Never Played

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 777 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gknuxo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 331 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crazybroyo101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

babe wake up, new pyrocynical video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 827 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Magik_Lamo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1633 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Simp_4_pyro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

when pyro uploads any video over an hour long you know it’s gonna be amazing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 295 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Paracosmptx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 175 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Absorbent7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 904 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notmuchwbu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Welcome back pyro

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/seaforceone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm shitting and cumming from joy. Welcome back king πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/William_Tell_Jr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i'll be honest with you i'm a huge coward and don't enjoy a lot of horror games usually taking off my headphones whenever i expect a jump scare when watching a horror let's play a morbid curiosity i usually scroll down into the comment section to literally hide from the scares 2012 youtube was a golden age for horror let's plays with many e-celebs building their careers of screaming at the funny jpeg that appears on the screen half-life mods were incredibly popular back then with tons of total conversions being released with one of the most popular ones being cry of fear from here i'm in a city in sweden now why am i someone who doesn't particularly enjoy horror talking about a game that scares me when i get a text on my phone literally got jumpscared by my phone i just think it's a shame that cry of fear got bunched in with all the other spooky horror games of the early 2010s it definitely stands out and even though flawed still holds up there's a content warning every time you boot the game up and even though it's a bit hyperbolic i think it's mostly honest the game was developed by team psych scholar these guys are very small scale to the point of the voice actors having to double up as play testers the group was mostly led by andreas romberg nicknamed rumple i'm also called rompo i'm from sweden so [Music] also co-developed by james martian nickname minute now before teaming up rumple made an entire half-life mud on his own afraid of monsters i'm making meats now something he started developing when he was 12. what were you doing when you were 12 i was playing viva pinata in that game you play as david leatherhoff self-admitting into hospital to treat your addiction to painkillers move over max payne i miss the booze free skin gordon freeman is here you go into the bathroom take a long look at yourself in the mirror with ray tracing off and have one last hit time to stop pissing around and get this big guy back into action and like any fallout game you develop an addiction instantly and dropped to the floor unconscious waking up the hospital is abandoned with only spooky jpegs left to greet you the build-up that something isn't right is done great here with events usually happening before or after you leave an area with subtle changes you might not even notice one thing i love is you don't fight a single enemy until you switch the power off to get out the hospital you make the active choice knowing that once you hit that switch everything is going to go to [ __ ] the main enemies in that game are called twitches you can see in early builds they were just re-skinned zombies moving at a slow pace nothing too different from other half-life mods at the time but rumpels sped up the animations before release combined with the limited graphics and how garbage the bass half-life flashlight was it looks horrifying other enemies of note are these weird spider things and a png of a spooky face that spits at you you'll easily be able to tell what some of the enemies were originally based off but for the most part everything stands out and is unique the game later had a director's cut which changed the models instead of just being half-life free skins and added multiple endings with the first three david finding out he's at a psychotic episode and killed everyone with him dealing with it slightly differently in each ending and a fourth where he confronts his addiction to the painkillers manifested as himself now facing against a mirror version of yourself isn't exactly original but i love the concept here he slowly walks towards you and any damage you deal to him is instead put on you even pulling an axe out of his chest the same axe you use as an in-game melee weapon you kill him by poking him with the spear i'm not sure why the spear works but whatever you wake up in the hospital bed from your near death overdose but you didn't kill anyone so good ending furthermore if you get all the endings you unlock an infinite ammo assault rifle which grinds any enemy down in seconds it's important to talk about afraid of monsters because it's set up the foundations for cry of fear both of them have similarities with environments enemies and story the first thing you'll notice is just how much better cry of fear looks in every way well we came from behind which is surprising because it runs on the exact same engine as afraid of monsters gold source the devs replaced the standard half-life renderer with one from paranoia another half-life mud you'll notice they both look similar not quite half-life 2 but nowhere near as basic as the first half-life paranoia is really good by the way they have this feature where you can like lower your helmet to stop enemies getting headshots with the trade-off you lose some vision i love stuff like that in cry of fear you play as simon a swedish man who wakes up in stockholm alone and confused now i've been studying swedes for a while i have five hours on skyrim special edition and i'm very sure that waking up alone in a dark cold alley is typical swedish tradition this this person doesn't know what the hell he's doing i've always felt alone my whole life for as long as i can remember we get an opening monologue of simon saying he's fat alone his whole life saying the isolation has been eating away at him making him a more bitter and vindictive person there's some melancholic shots of stockholm in the game and oh dear lord look at that train clipping simon walking home at night sees a man on the floor asking him for help he tends to him as a car opposite starts up and crashes into it simon then dreams he's in his home nicer half-life 2 poster by the way and armed with his camera he has to take pictures of markings on the wall to progress although some of them don't actually open anything looking into the development commentary it's actually really interesting how this camera works like the rest of your weapons your camera is shooting out invisible bullets so to speak if it finds the invisible object we place over the crosses it triggers the event it's tied to such as making the writing that scroll on the wall appear or a hanging body or whatever the scene ends with a spooky jump scare well this game is no longer slow burn bone chilling and jump scare-free how can i recommend it now simon's woke up by a text on his phone from his mom saying that she wants him home and already you have an objective no pop-up on screen or quest arrow needed you wander around with everything seemingly normal if not completely empty a door covered in blood nothing out of the ordinary every single car interiors destroyed must have been a woman driver this is the one thing i love about this game the majority of the environments are normal places city streets a college a forest it's all normalized and something that doesn't really seem too out of the ordinary combined with the graphics which feels more like scans of real-life images much like dead rising one and it gives you this uncanny vibe of everything being normal but something is off despite how lonely the opening is it's stunning going through the back alleys abandoned bars and hearing the church bell that rumple recorded himself it already helps you feel like you're stuck home but much like afraid of monsters opening it's apparent you're being stalked with figures always just being that little bit out of sight that you can't make out who they are i have schizophrenia again not a new concept games have done this for decades but it's how inconsistent it is combined with the fact simon starts off with the switchblade you instinctively think that at any point you could get attacked because you know having a weapon in a horror game usually means you have to use it when in reality this entire area is a safe zone just to build tension and it does that really well the only downside is on repeat playthroughs you know that you're not in any real danger here after simon tries to pull on a a jpeg of a door handle he gets a text from a number that he hasn't saved to look to his right and with no other way to go he heads into the maintenance tunnels where we get a perspective of the person who's been stalking him the figure picks up a hammer and attacks him where simon has to mash the x key could you actually imagine if this game had quick time events you kill him pretty much in self-defense simon tries to call the police but he can't get a signal underground that is unless you're pewdiepie who's somehow managed to drop his knife on the floor and get killed by the first enemy in the game oh no well done sir i suck at this game i didn't even save my immersion of this game was totally broken as the enemy's body despawned you probably noticed that simon took a couple hits in that encounter usually an enemy's hits are unavoidable because how fast they are but simon can dodge in any direction which chews up a portion of your stamina i only really use the back dodge to hit enemies without treading damage afterwards dodging to the sides doesn't really guarantee you'll be outside their range the greasers however will combine sprint jumping and forward dodging to beat the game in 15 seconds have fun scraping my brains off the wall [ __ ] you also dodging doesn't actually give you any invincibility frames take that dark souls you can sprint for about five seconds which is pitiful for most games but because how confined and claustrophobic most of the environments are it's a great way to quickly escape a bad situation the one thing you never want to do is run out of stamina completely always leave a small amount in the bar otherwise you'll exhaust simon and he'll lumber around unable to even walk for a while and running out of stamina when fighting an enemy in melee is pretty much a death sentence weapon swings don't use stamina but if you can't dodge it's pretty much game over also secret gamer tip you can crouch to regain stamina back just a little bit quicker this is actually a really cool feature and i wish other games would use it more scattered around the world simon can find tape recorders to note down his thoughts they're pretty much your save stations as the game has no auto saving did you just beat a bus and get killed by a woman telling you her youtube career is dying why oh [ __ ] are the views okay tough better do it all over again see i love this system because it forces tension as you know if you die before reaching another recorder you lose everything the best combination this game has is no auto saving and no regenerating health so any call of duty player will have a panic attack as soon as the jelly screen doesn't go away when they're hit the only way to replenish your health like most swedish people is to use dirty unwashed needles found lying around in the street filled with morphine they null simon's pain but taking too many you can overdose losing control of your movement although the thing is healing even on the highest difficulty gives you at least 50 percent of your health back so you'll never really be using more than one syringe at a time they do also give back some stamina though so they can be used if you quickly want to escape a situation that you're not prepared for shout out to the certified trainers shout out to planet after getting back to the streets simon gets another text this time begging him for help from inside an apartment block to get into the complex you've got to do a bit of platforming and even though platforming is incredibly rare in this game i'm not fond of it platforming assignment can be really janky seeming you need to line yourself up pixel perfect to make a jump and you can't slow walk like bass half-life so you'll probably end up tapping your keys to adjust yourself meaning you'll accidentally dodge and fall to your death the [ __ ] was that i feel this could have been easily fixed by i don't know you hold a key to dodge like maybe shift or something so then the game would know whether you're trying to make a slight adjustment or take a leap of faith another really cool feature about the movement if you try to sprint upstairs there's a chance simon will actually trip up and stop his movement completely not being able to sprint until he gets off the stairs it seems to be tied to specific steps instead of being randomized but i think it's a really cool touch that they knew you'd try to run away from some encounters only to come to a dead stuff like someone left a banana peel on the stairs or something one thing to highlight while getting into the apartments is the ladder animations in the original half-life you'd slide up and down ladders but here it's been hand animated to create more immersion surprisingly the ladder system was actually inspired by turok too where the game would slow down and the camera would barb as you physically pulled yourself up it seems like a nice addition but having to physically control simon going up and down a ladder instead of moving on it like you've been covered in oil makes simon much more vulnerable and the devs made sure to exploit that as much as possible inside the apartments simon says something feels off right after the mp3 of a woman screaming plays now the apartments is one of my favorite segments in the game it takes on like a metroidvania approach where you slowly unlock more rooms and floors of the complex you don't feel like you're just passing through but taking back control with each cleared out room becoming its own mini safe zone to save and heal i think the scariest thing about the apartments is how normal everything looks kitchens living rooms gamer dungeons with rgb keyboards a lot of horror games try to cover the unnatural but an apartment complex in the city it's something that's incredibly normal and it's great how the game twists your perception of it although you can tell that a lot of this stuff was muddled from scratch like come on man what what is that bed like i'm not saying i could do a better job but the stone slabs in oblivion look more comfortable it is actually weird how inconsistent some of the modeling is like this bike looks highly detailed well this one just looks like it was nab from roblox or something also small complaint but there's light switches in pretty much every room but none of them work they make an audible click but they never seem to change the lights whether they're on or off i wouldn't really complain but simon's flashlight running on gold source always has this weird effect where it lights up furniture but not the whole room like come on man even afraid of monsters had working lights as you explore you can find notes on the floor of a possible serial killer leading children away only to kill them it's horrible stuff and even worse really hard to read because i'm recording all of this on a 2k monitor and nothing upscales yeah indy there's a game i covered a couple years ago condemned and this part of cryofear emulates it a lot you're basically in a crime scene trying to find a person that's asking you for help all while picking up clues and trying to understand what happened only the victims are still alive as children wrapped in trash bags spring to life to attack you with kitchen knives stat track factory new reselling for 300 and no i'm not paying for child support you can even stumble into the killer's lair where he has pictures of his victims that are so compressed the police could never make out what they were so all charges would be dropped there's also a really good scare when you leave the room [Music] it reminds me of the scare from fear where you climb a ladder see the spooky girl think the scare's over and then you get double-teamed by the spooky man although in that game you can just skip the scare entirely i just want to say as well the sound design for this area is amazing the low buzzing of the lights in the hallways the whistle of the wind as you platform to get to out of reach apartments it's stuff you'd hear his background noises anywhere but this being the primary soundtrack in this area it really sells to you how alone simon is not to say that there aren't more you know unnatural noises like crying from a blocked off room what's that must have been the wind and more in your face stuff like windows being smashed the apartments were actually based off where rumple's dad lives using a real lived in place and twisting it making it more hostile is something the devs have nailed here but i do think the claustrophobia of the apartments does play against itself though especially initially enemies line weight and most rooms being the size of an average uk home there's really not much space for dodging simon has two attacks with his knife a quick slash and a downward thrust but you'll never be using the slash because you'll usually need to have your phone in the other hand to use as a light source using it as a light source because early game is incredibly dark some enemies eyes glow to give an indication of where they are but it's always better to hold your phone just in case one cool feature actually sticking the phone in your pocket with the light on creates a small cone of light on the floor although it's not very useful apart from showing you how many pens have been dropped in stockholm you can't block attacks either so you'll usually have to wait for an enemy to attack hit them then dodge back it's not really the enemy you have to worry about but the environment as you keep moving back after a dodge you're sacrificing space so eventually you'll end up with your back against the wall long corridors it's not a problem but cramped rooms with furniture everywhere you're sacrificing space so eventually you'll have your back up against the wall where not trading damage is impossible also enemies always seem to get stunned by your very first attack so trying to get a few cheap blows in before they can hit back is always a good idea the sweat tactic is to perfectly time an attack so they're stuck in one place without being able to cover more ground you'll also get stronger melee weapons as the game goes on but this tactic never changes when moving through rooms each door fades the screen to black to show that you're transitioning to a new area enemies can't follow you through doors so sometimes it's best to run past them entirely as enemies never drop any items so killing them only really gives you breathing space if you want to be a true sweat hit an enemy then run out of a room their spawn will be reset but their health won't be but of course you you wouldn't do that would you you're not a coward i actually had a problem one [ __ ] crawled from under a bed completely blocking my path so i had to deal with him and it was this really awkward dance of backing up into a wall hitting him and just repeating that over and over the game emphasizes that not every fight is winnable especially when under equipped then why would you have an enemy that completely body blocks you forcing you to kill them to progress the problem is when enemies have an animation of spawning in they're completely immune to damage so when an enemy pops up from a corner you have to wait for them to wave their arms around and go boom before you can even deal damage them and for anyone wondering yes i tried to jump on the one foot tall bed and much like real life it didn't work the game is actually very specific about what you can and can't jump on top of usually unless it's for platforming you're not allowed on it later on simon stumbles into a well-lit normal-looking office where he sees a corpse in the ceiling holding a gun and immediately grabs it obviously for the use of self-defense and i have never felt more comfort from getting a firearm in a video game no more will i have to stab small children like a true british man but defend myself in the most patriotic way possible as long as i can find enough ammo the glock is your workhorse for the majority of the game reliable and never too shy of ammo it has 15 shots per mag but you'd actually be surprised how low damage each shot does with the difficulty i was playing on you could confidently kill about two enemies with one mag but the third was always a risk well why not just reload if you do that simon dumps the entire clip wasting any spare bullets and this creates an amazing dynamic do i reload my gun to give myself a safety net of 15 bullets but in turn wasting any spare ammo i have left over but at the same time the reload for a half empty gun is shorter than a completely empty one as someone who usually reloads after every single bullet yes i am that person this was horrifying as the game punished me for treating it as if it was a normal first person shooter even worse do wielding which is a must for darker areas makes your shots even more inaccurate and you can't reload until you put your phone away forcing you to close the gap as long-distance shots will usually never connect now headshots do insane damage but they're usually not worth it as enemies twitch and move erratically making them almost impossible even when two handing a gun you can use iron sights but it's usually pointless as the crosshair is pretty honest about where the bullet will go one problem i noticed is sometimes firing weapons it wouldn't make a sound but to be fair that's my fault for alt tabbing on a source game the body in the ceiling also drops a key and i think this is a good point to talk about inventory management in the beta simon had 12 slots but this got stripped down to just six three for his bag and three for his pockets all items except ammo take up a single inventory space so a sniper rifle will take up the same space as a small key it's definitely on purpose to create more vulnerability for simon but i feel like you could have easily had like a keychain or keyring saving inventory spaces because you'll find yourself a lot of points dropping weapons for key items for progression only to backtrack to get your weapon unless it clipped into the ground then you need to use your shadowplay recording to find where you dropped it the only good thing is being able to stack syringes in the same slot also when opening the inventory the game never pauses so you always have to be in a safe area when you're going around in your pockets or bag but to be fair you can hotkey items so you don't have to keep going through your bag just to pull them out each item also has its own description for example the key you just picked up is titled hall key and it looks like a key for whole doors i wonder what that could be used for you can keep finding notes of the supposed serial killer becoming more and more deranged eventually just comparing people to meat i love storytelling like this the only comparison i can think of is a terminal in fallout 3. where you find a girl noting her experiences of slowly going insane due to a vault experiment going wrong the npcs and fallout 3 are dated and a system shot two levels of beef jerky but notes like this are timeless finally reaching the room where the stranger asks for help we see a buddy covered in blood with pills and a phone in the bathtub this was the man that asked simon for help but why would he do this to himself if he wanted help the devs explained how the game initially would have had npcs that give you objectives throughout the game only to meet them and find them dead from the beginning wanted to have victims who are trying to give you object objectives like that was the main plot for craft fair in the beginning where you are getting objectives from people who are committing suicide but this concept was scrapped early in development so this is all we have left and it helps play into the confusion of what's going on also simon acts pretty apathetic to seeing a man covered in his own blood this was an oversight as the original version the guy was just dead in the tub and the blood was added later in the initial versions of the cutscene there was no blood the guy in the tub only had the pill over those which made it more realistic for simon to sound like he was confused about the guy overdosing on pills before he got there [ __ ] simon is a really well thought out character he has inner monologues that appear as text but is usually very vocal during cutscenes what the [ __ ] are you doing he was voiced by stig vinson and simon was one of his first roles as a voice actor and some lines are definitely delivered better than doing a lot of others too but what's important is stig voiced simon over multiple years his first lines was when he had very little voice acting experience so simon comes across as quieter and more reserved when near the end of the game he has a lot more brass as stiggers gathered more experience as a voice actor simon himself looks unremarkable and uninteresting too someone that wouldn't really stick out if you saw him in public [ __ ] off the bus juxtaposed with most video game protagonists his face is a scan of rumple the lead dev probably to cut costs of hiring an actual model for the game simon is proof that not every protagonist has to say a quirky one-liner every 50 seconds and more importantly anyone no matter how unremarkable they are can be the protagonist of a story after discovering the body the apartments have a drastic change more rooms are boarded up strange bars appear blocking your path furniture seemingly going against gravity something inception would shamelessly steal two years before the basement is now flooded and the walls start to uh bleed the complex itself has become an enemy working against you to stop your progress even going as far as to break the rules the game is set up remember when i said enemies couldn't follow you through those not anymore i don't like how this room had no jump scares i really don't like that they even put a twist on that twist baiting you with a broken door only to spawn an enemy behind you i'd call this a cheap shot but enemies usually have a distinct sound giving themselves away before they can attack you the apartments also start spawning a new enemy the female version of edward scissorhands oh lord with blades for arms and legs this works for dealing damage to you and giving away their position with the distinct terrifying third of metal the most unsettling thing about them is that if you deal enough damage they just kill themselves outright you don't feel like you've won but they've just gave up now i do want to say a lot of this can come across as a bit overwhelming the bleeding walls the bleeding women bin bag children babies whose heads explode with metal rods [Music] some would even say this is like edgy for the sake of being edgy but trust me this all plays really well into the story you've just gotta stick with me and also subscribe because only five percent of you watching are subscribed the keys simon got from the bathtub is used for the basement down here we find a new enemy but this one doesn't directly attack simon she holds out her hand imitating holding a pistol only for simon to draw the glock on himself you have to mash the fire button or he shoots himself it's an interesting concept the monsters are getting so desperate that they force you to use your own equipment against you and just in case you thought you could switch to a melee weapon to be safe the game has you covered as a baby erupts from the stomach armed with a kitchen knife ready to stab you it's actually horrible how they thought of everything here one thing i did learn here is enemies can kill each other i think he's stabbed they'll never fight each other but if you group them together when they attack they can deal damage and eventually kill each other story-wise it shows how desperate they are to kill you that they'll accidentally attack each other in the process in the basement simon finds a kill room where he picks up a vhs tape you need to use this on one of the tvs in the apartment the problem is there's only one working tv the game tries to show you where to go via a light source to be fair it's actually ridiculous how many times you see a lamp shining on something to direct you where to go i feel this was explained pretty poorly though what they could have done instead is have a tv that was switched on with constant static yeah so it'd make an audible noise so you'd know where to go once you picked up the tape we see the same guy that killed himself in the bathtub with the victim funnily enough both are actually muddled after rumples family the guy who is killing the other guy is actually my sister's man husband i mean and the guy who gets killed is my brother my older brother you just got wrecked by an aristocrat it's actually really easy to forget sometimes that this was made by an incredibly small team there's a code on the victim's torso and one thing i love is these numbers are randomly generated for each playthrough cryofit actually does this a lot where it'll randomize passwords and codes the opening puzzle asks you to find a username and a password they're found in the same place but the names are randomized including the lock on the door so you can't just grease the game on a second run because it's a game that's meant to be played multiple times which i'll get into later punching the code into the elevator simon descends and when he gets out the apartment is even more sick every door barricaded bars sticking out of the ground and the staircase seemingly going on forever it's pretty obvious what inspiration the devs used here but instead of pyramid head we get sora the bus that chases you around instantly killing you when he makes contact hmm i i wonder where they got that idea from shooting him does no damage initially but it staggers him when he reveals his weak spot a huge eye on his back attack it enough and sora kills himself in a vision we can see an empty apartment with an open book on the table this is how cry of fear differs massively from afraid of monsters each area concludes with a boss fight and simon gains a bit of his identity back it's actually a great reward as you slowly piece together how he's ended up here waking up simon sees a man with a gas mask who's incredibly evasive of his questions who's that relax i am not one who are you then i'm nobody what you shouldn't be here it's very dangerous wait why are you wearing a gas mask are you [Music] stupid i can't trust you i don't know if you're real just leave me alone this is the doctor how do i know that because the subtitles say so he's someone you meet multiple times in the game seemingly normal he brought up to simon that he wears a mask so he doesn't change so the current game theory is that there's an outbreak of some sort that's changing people something the last of us would shamelessly steal one year later but i have lost people too you have no idea what loss is bit aside it's the only real explanation for simon seeing the unexplainable you've probably noticed too how like janky all the characters walk and emote during cutscenes they always turn their head before walking it feels very off that's because gold source has no real free-form physics like half-life 2 source so everything had to be hand animated no motion capture it gives off this uncanny vibe that looks kind of like a playstation 1 cut scene but also perfect for the game setting where not everything makes sense and characters moving almost human but not quite it's very uncomfortable to watch but perfect for this game who are you then leaving the apartments the monsters you've been fighting have become even more deformed now crawling on all fours it's really unsettling and more importantly makes them even harder to hit whatever's going on in the city knows simon is making progress and is trying to push back outside you can find a police nightstick replacing the switchblade as your melee weapon dealing more damage overall my favorite thing to do is role players are policemen asking people if they paid their tele license to get back inside there's a door with a number lock on it you could find a newspaper with a number on it using your cell phone you can dial it and this happens oh hello who is this [Applause] [Applause] that conversation was recorded by rumpel calling his own phone with another phone recording that phone and hiding in the closet to make his voice sound deeper i recorded it by phoning my own mobile making it loud then i went to another room and talked and i recorded it from a cell phone now the first thing i thought of is holy [ __ ] i actually have a signal time to call the police daring today aren't we now the game anticipated you'd do that and this happens [Music] inside and i feel this scene alone can sell cry of fear to pretty much anyone it doesn't look that bad watching it through the youtube player but experiencing it yourself for the first time this is terrifying the way the door slams like something has just came in the revving of a chainsaw getting closer and closer the exact same weapon the bus just used five minutes ago combined with dead end rooms that make you think you've lost precious seconds to get out it's amazing and the best thing about it is you were never in any real danger it's all just sound effects with no actual entity so yes i got scared by an mp3 file and i'm not embarrassed to admit it you have to travel through the waterways briefly when new enemies appear ambushing you this is probably the hardest indicator in the game that not every monster should be killed these guys are tanky having more health but moving much more slower they're fairly easy to avoid too apart from the fact that they seem to ignore the laws of physics oh my god but keep in mind at the same time just because you can avoid enemies doesn't always mean you should as some areas you have to backtrack and enemies sometimes stick around i thought i was a mastermind avoiding a ton of enemies in the sewer one time only to come back and find them all waiting for me got him boys these nuts [Music] you're kidding me before the game feels you're ready to be let out in stockholm city you have to go underground into the cave system you can find notes of people talking about work a reminder of normal life before everything went to [ __ ] and some conveniently placed oil hmm if only i had something to stay on fire with i'm not even joking right i shot the oil thinking it would sit on fire uh this truly says a lot about our society there's some pretty claustrophobic crawl spaces here and you probably thought you'd have time to recollect your thoughts nah bro we got we got crawling monsters now enjoy one problem actually noticed is standing enemies aren't really sure what to do when you're in a crawl space so they tend to just stand there so you can line up an easy headshot on the other hand they can overcompensate literally clipping into the wall just to get a swing at you simon finds a lighter for the oil right next to a guy who's committed suicide with a shotgun and yes you can pick up the shotgun also if you pick up the lighter and use it near the ashtray a cutscene plays where simon smokes there's no unlockable or anything you just get a pretty calming cutscene well as calming is smoking next to a guy with his brains blown out good lord what are you doing small details like this always make a game for me and cry of fear is full of them picking up the shotgun and honestly it's not very good as the strongest single shot weapon up close it should have a huge impact that just blows enemies away but it's massively inconsistent sometimes you'll instant kill an enemy and other times it won't even clip them and the sound design is honestly a huge step down from afraid of monsters to be fair it's not bioshock bad do you remember how the uh the shotgun sounded in that game exactly before leaving the caves simon bumps into the doctor again decapitating someone if you couldn't tell the game is trying to show you he's an untrustworthy character hey what the [ __ ] are you doing he locks the door behind him when the second bus mace comes into the room and eats the key the doctor wanted this bus is fairly interesting mace can't take any damage from simon and can't be stunned the only way to hurt him is to charge up generators so they shock the water damaging mace but if you don't get out the water in time you die too or if mace is too close to the platform he'll hit you anyway it's a difficult dance and valves are placed against the wall so you can never really see how far away mace is which is great as i always panicked thinking he was closer than he actually was the only problem was in my playthrough he clipped onto the platform so one of the shocks didn't damage him so i was soft locked and had to do the fight all over again after killing mace the game throws another problem at you you still need to get the key out so you have to go into the next room to find a hacksaw to cut him open it's genius because if you died here by being ambushed by an enemy you'd have to do the whole fight again so what would turn into a usual collect-a-thon turns into pure dread as you check your corners making sure nothing jumps out to one shot you getting the key and leaving the game throws one more punch at simon a nightmare sequence it's funny because if you save here the file is called you will die how subtle i mean we've all seen this before you know spooky long corridor where stuff pops out it's nothing new but cry of fear puts a twist on this too you have to escape the room before you die and remember what i said about stamina earlier yeah don't run out here because you'll be limping to the exit in pure panic as your health drains and you're helpless to do anything escaping the nightmare simon has another vision of a car accident which looks exactly like the car that hit him at the start of the game it's becoming just a little bit clearer what's going on although simon doesn't really agree why was that hallucinations am i going insane wake up wake up wake up wake and finally being let loose on the streets of stockholm and we're rewarded with probably the best soundtrack in the game this is where cry of fear really shines being funneled around in claustrophobic areas from the beginning you've been given entire blocks to explore this is the apartments in the beginning of the game but a much larger scale one really cool feature actually is any of the stop lights actually function you can press them to change the lights although there's not really much uh traffic to stop cars and bins take up the majority of the barriers here even though they are fairly easy to climb on in the real world but if you can believe you're shooting monsters in stockholm then uh it's easy enough to believe that i guess you never get a map in cry of fear so the main way to find where to go next is to use bus timetables they'll show where you are and simon will explain where he has to go to next and sometimes feature a compressed swedish meme about a rabbit did cryofit predict ironic memes there's growths now spreading across the city playing into the theory that there's an infection taking over stockholm huge human flowers are sprouting out of the ground that instant kill you if you get too close enemies are also now covered in growths some stuck to the wall and it's pure resident evil body horror there's no explanation you just have to push past to progress xbox record that oh look a save point right next to a chain door i'm sure nothing bad can happen here this is saw runner a mini boss that stalks you for most of the game something dark souls 2 would shamelessly steal two years later an impressive cut he is relentless with his chainsaw instant killing you if he makes contact you can kill him but he has around 2 000 hp in comparison simon has 100 so you'll never really be able to kill him in a first play through one thing to note is that he actually stands still to attack you so you can literally out walk him being in no threat whatsoever now if you watch the cutscene closely there's an m15 in the room that he burst out of it's near impossible to grab the rifle and get out but if you run back to where you came from saw runner will despawn so you can safely pick up the m15 gold sticker for you now go shoot some children with it simon reaches gustav del park based off the real life location observatory lunde it's strangely tranquil without any enemies i mean all right there's one enemy but it's more of a jump scare god women plus free time is the most dangerous recipe giving these women free reign to do whatever they want you can even hear airplanes up in the sky it reminds me of this scene from 28 days later in a zombie infested britain there's still planes showing that the outside world is continuing as normal and in a sense that's even worse than knowing the rest of the world is in the same situation as you now this park has a puzzle ah cute and i'm not sure if i have a problem with the left side of my brain but it took me about 20 minutes to find out how to solve it there's a notice board with writing on it which constitutes to each animal statue in the park silently she flew quiet as a whisper in the dark she came upon a river and headed south so we know that this is a smaller bird an owl and it's heading south but what's south there's a dial in the park which shows you the axis good now we just need to read the next one the king of all the birds flew higher than the owl gloating as he went so we know that this is an eagle the larger bird but what axis is higher north doesn't always mean higher it could just be south or maybe even in the middle the four-legged carnival sneaked side by side to his prey ready to strike wherever a moment was made so we know this is the lion stalking its prey so i guess that means it's next to it and the final one the equestrian beast didn't want her sleep to come so she fled to the west on calm so we know the owl and horse's axis because it outright tells us but the other two animals it's a bit of a guess looking back on it now it seems so obvious but that's only because i have about 10 playthroughs under my belt solving the puzzle unlocks the shed where you can find a key to leave the park an elite enfield with a sniper scope attachment killing 15 enemies unlocks the silencer and 20 kills gets you a heartbeat sensor they're perfect to use against the new enemy type flight meaning flyer in swedish they're strapped to a bed and spit at you from a distance sometimes they'll try to close the gap and stab you instead because you know we we haven't had enough enemies in the game they try to stab you making it to the gardens simon gets a call on his phone but can't make out who it is hello i can't hear you who is this how did you get my number can you help me what the [ __ ] is going on in this town so now simon has another objective to meet whoever's trying to reach out to him and guess what guys we have another puzzle that uses a notice board for reference this time there are markings on a map for the gardens following them you can see mounds of dirt you can dig up something fallout new vegas with shame all right i'm i'm done with that bit the puzzle itself is pretty inoffensive it clearly shows where the spots are marked and all you have to do is dig them up you can eventually find the key to the apartments to progress but there's a problem where's the shovel i don't see it and i'm not even joking i was playing dora the explorer for 10 [ __ ] minutes trying to find where the shovel was do you guys see where it is well there it is beige and dark like everything in this game the game tries to show you items that can be picked up by flashing them red the problem is if you're not close enough to an item it won't flash at all that's fine for small corridors but a whole garden with foliage and yes i did have to look up a guide to where the shovel was hello everybody and welcome back to let's play cry of fear i was actually never real to begin with getting into the apartment you climb up on the roof we have to jump from rooftop to rooftop how does this make me feel take it away angry joe i mean they managed to give you that rising feeling in your balls you know you know what i'm talking about what the hell is that it's honestly like really relaxing looking at the skyline here it almost makes things feel uh normal climbing to the highest roof and simon meets the person who tried to call him sophie who seems to be his love interest she acts completely normal which worries simon as he feels is the only person apart from the doctor that knows anything is going on they have a lengthy talk simon tries to convince her that there are monsters but sophie seems uncaring only wanting to talk about their relationship i just love how ironic that sounds sophie there are monsters in the city yes but you left me on the red this morning she opens up to simon that as much as she liked him she only ever liked him as a friend and then she jumps off the rooftop wait a second you mean all no [Music] no no no after she falls a carcass tied to a chair takes her place and simon has to fight it now there are three ways to take this bus on you can kill it the patriotic way with firearms you can avoid the fight entirely and escaping to the apartments keeping your ammo or you can type sv underscore joe biden one into the console and the carcass now throws joe biden cubes at you also this bus fight it isn't that great the attacks can't phase through objects so you can literally camp behind a vent for the entire fight and barely ever get punished for it it's probably the only bus that's actually disappointing as it has no real twist like mace or sora did but first you're walking down the streets of stockholm alone and no girlfriend you pull out your phone to watch scare pewdiepie season 3 but it's been region locked depressed you go home to your tiny apartment and spend the next five years making a free to play mud that'll win tons of awards don't be this loser with nordvpn you can view region locked content i never need a girlfriend now i can hear a youtuber exhale on repeat [Music] set your location to japan so you can say you've been there without actually going there and subsequently get arrested for breaking quarantine want to move house for free i've just set my location to australia so i can integrate with the friendly locals as a proud australian citizen i use the affiliate link on screen and have never been happier protecting my online security get that up yeah protect your file sharing so no one will find those pictures you took playing dark souls 2. 4k how did they get you in 4k that ain't me [Music] take this johnny silverhand from popular bug free game cyberpunk 2077. what is this it's my referral link so you can get a two-year plan plus one additional month totally free breathtaking with nordvpn i can hack into the government and steal their most important files here i am at microsoft hq no that's not it no that's not either ah there it is [Music] bill gates well i'm not surprised especially after you double the price of xbox live i do think i can work well with people i might criticize their code a little harshly but overall i like to be on a team i like ambitious goals not today mr gates with my nordvpn subscription i just no clipped at the government building and can now share my secrets you've been trying to hide to the world well guys uh it looks like the secret to getting 10th prestige is to use the riot shield after getting back to the streets you can go up to sophie's body where simon sees himself being rejected by sophie after breaking down telling her how much he loves her i love you sophie i have to leave please i [ __ ] love you just let me go simon sophie isn't a character we knew too well her appearance is incredibly brief but to simon it was one of the most important connections he ever had in his life and the city has taken her away from him the key card on her body unlocks the t and l trading company a real company that rumple the lead dev's dad owned and he wanted to promote his business and cry fear there's not really anything of note inside the trade building currently except there's a chance you can get spooked by a surprise enemy i love this because this enemy is never seen again it was literally made just for this scare and most people probably won't even stumble on it outside and this is probably one of the biggest changes in combat cry of fear has you can tell something is different because the soundtrack has changed the somber tones have been replaced with aggressive beats and thuds this is because someone gave every crackhead in stockholm a glock with the promise of getting more crack if they kill you and much like any man child in a competitive game they rage quit before their body can even hit the floor what it doesn't sound like a huge step up i mean enemy has knife but now they have gun but in a game as slow and methodical as this it changes the combat massively also if you manage to kill any they'll drop a fully loaded glock this along with the fact that they have oversized heads that explode in a meaty shower and a single hit should tell you yes this is the shooty section use the gun we gave you the only thing i dislike is that their bullets are hit scan so unlike melee that has a rhythm to it it's nearly impossible to not trade damage unless you position yourself so they can't hit you you need to get into the subway to get a train home but you need a fuse to power the door first but of course not after being chased by saw runner for a second time and in my first encounter i pretty much broke him there's a gate you can close to stop him chasing you but it bugged out for me and did the complete opposite after escaping you get to the waterfront and like damn it it's just amazing how good this shot looks it's that perfect combination of low-res details that you can't make out so your brain kind of tries to compensate it's like the sky boxes and early spiral games but i think rumple does a better job explaining it so what i did i was walking around in stockholm at the night and and i saw this beautiful view and i thought i should do that in cryofare so i took some photos of of all the street lights and the view so then i when i came home i made them into textures and started making the map and it turned out very good in an alleyway you can find a vp70 another nod to resident evil as it's the pistol leon uses in the second game with the exact same upgrades a bump stuck and three shot burst it's a decent pistol but feels more like a nod than an actual usable firearm because ammo for this is incredibly scarce and once you run out you might as well drop it for more inventory space in a game where precision is key having a three burst weapon it's not too ideal the funny thing is the bump stock is meant to enable you to switch between burst and semi-firing but the devs never added that feature this is actually a problem the game has for most weapons they'll introduce them give you a few magazines but you'll usually never find ammo for that gun again as it was a feature for that specific area i'd keep so many guns on me thinking i'd find ammo later only to never see any again that's why i rate the glock so much because it's the only real gun that's immune to that problem to get the fuse you have to go into the city's college and steal theirs to power the subway doors walking around the college and it's probably one of the calmest parts of the game this slow and tranquil music kicks in every indoor environment you've been to is decayed and abandoned and even though there are no people here it's well lit and it looks perfectly normal it almost feels sterile if that makes sense like it's too clean so you can kind of guess what happens as soon as you take the fuse out the music changes now heavy drums with distorted screaming in the background it's horrible and the only way for it to stop is to get out of the college this encounter alone is the main reason i wanted to make this video the first monster obliterated my health bar and with no syringes simon could only limp around i had to use my phone flashlight to see so my accuracy was already impaired and knowing if i took a single hit it'd pretty much be a game over and i was terrified i had to use everything the game had already taught me monsters making a distinct cry when they see you the fact that i couldn't reload while duel wielding so i had to switch weapons and guess my shots in the dark having to reload in complete darkness not knowing if an enemy had seen me or not it was horrible but in all seriousness this is perfect design you're allowed to explore most of the college where the lights are on in complete safety being able to case your surroundings so you know the layout before you're thrown into the [ __ ] cryofear also has a small variation of enemy spawning so usually enemies will be placed in different areas for each encounter so even if you knew where to go if you died the game might spawn an enemy behind you instead of lurking around a corner worst of all you can find a key to unlock the fire exit to leave only upon inspecting it it's the wrong key and it actually unlocks the door to get the real fire exit key so if you thought you were just about to escape the game debates you as you have to go deep into the college again just to get out i already killed all the enemies but i didn't know that so i stumbled down a corridor checking my corners more than the modern warfare house breach mission and then just before you leave the music fades out and all i was left with was the reminder that i was clinically dead it's great how the music fades out just before you leave letting you know yes you did actually make it we're not going to troll you this time simon has the fuse and we can get access to saxon avenue station which is based off stockholm saint evic's plan which in turn is also the name of one of my favorite low raw songs used in death stranding when simon gets out it's raining now and backtracking doesn't feel like it's padding but a reminder that i [ __ ] made it comparing the footage of getting to the college and returning you've got a confident and armed simon to one that's limping and cursing to himself i've never seen backtracking used like this in a game and it's amazing remember that you have to backtrack the same way that sawrunner chased you he doesn't even want to touch you for the next five minutes you have complete plot immunity another thing of note is the college was based off the one rumple actually attended himself so this is the college i graduated in this map was supposed to be a project that i made at college so imagine playing a game only to realize that your place of education was used there getting into the subway the power is functional and everything is well lit but we know not to fall for the same mistake twice so i still check corners in case any enemy wanted to get a cheap hit on me strangely enough it feels even more isolating that the power still works if it was an old defunct subway it would make sense why no one's here but the fact everything works it just feels so out of place and adds to that factor that you know something isn't right you know if the uh the floating dead people didn't sell that already deeper in the subway simon's phone like any iphone ever drops from 100 battery to completely empty within 0.2 seconds this is scripted by the way and doesn't happen again in the game but when it packs up you've lost your flashlight and you have no way to create a light source that is unless you want to keep shooting your gun but i i don't think that's very viable so instantly you think to yourself oh boy i hope the game doesn't throw me in a dark area because i just lost my only light source players are your new friend now not as convenient as the phones lie as they'd lie around you instead of directly in front of you but it's better than nothing flares also can't be used with ladders so you have to throw your flare before you can climb them the animation is purposely delayed and cumbersome to make you feel as vulnerable as possible being able to only see a few feet in front of you is really unnerving as even in the darkest areas earlier you could see a good 10 meters or so the devs use a lot of audio play here sounds of doors being slammed and clattering usually it wouldn't affect me because it's all been used before but now simon is extremely vulnerable and as someone who was just getting adjusted with the flow of the game i died a fair few times here there's only about three enemies in this whole section but the way audio is used it makes it sound like there's more with every door you just pass through being attacked like they're clamoring on top of each other just to get at you when you finally escape to another subway station you can see the doctor from earlier attacking another person the doctor is giving really mixed signals he only seems to attack innocent people but following him he leaves simon with a key a battery for his phone along with ammo and health you can put the battery into the phone to get your flashlight back although simon never gets a call or text again this is the largest part of the game you have to get two fuses to power this door to get to another subway station that has a train that can take simon home this park gets the most amount of criticism because it relies heavily on backtracking to places you've already been to literally it's come to the point where i no more okay stop it it's pissing me off i don't want this anymore now i did just compliment the game for backtracking with the college but this backtracking is incredibly padded with ares you've already been to that have had a few enemies and now swarming because your arsenal is bigger one nice addition i like however are these tall guys that take up so much ammo and move so slow they're pointless to take on but being hit by one of them is pretty much an instant kill as you're knocked to the floor and it takes so long to get up you'll probably just get curb stamped anyway now the game does try to spice up the back tracking by closing off areas you've already been to before and opening up new routes for example you can now jump through this bus window how do you know you can because there's a lamp that's shining on it now i'm not sure if it's just me but it was actually such a struggle to get through this window it took me about five minutes i'm not sure if my lower health made movement more difficult but it was the most dsp moment i had throughout the whole game how are people able to jump up here look i can't jump up here wow you're not gonna believe it i figured it out this game has a bugged jumping mechanic what you need to do is jump and while you're jumping crouch i even had to watch a walk through just to confirm that this is the way you meant to go and even that guy was having problems why can't i get through here it's gotta be the way there's no way that it's not the way why does he keep jumping all weird and wonky just get through the damn window past the bus you have to move through an office block all the doors are locked here and exploring can take 5 minutes or 50 seconds this is one thing i love like remember how i said earlier that there's no map if you just follow the exit signs you'll easily be able to get in and out of the complex but that being said if you do take your time to explore you can find some really good stuff like health and more importantly a unique flashlight that can be attached to your glock goodbye mother crying to me on text now attack light is my new best friend having a gun that creates its own light source is amazing it lasts forever and two handing it ups your accuracy another reason why the glock is the best weapon don't at me one of the fuses you have to get is inside the apartments from the beginning of the game it's blatant padding but this is something the devs admitted themselves me and james was discussing how we could make the mod even longer we suggested that you should head back to the apartments you have to use a ladder to get in but the problem is you also need to find another set just to get out which gives you two objectives find the fuse but also find a way to get out to be fair i think the devs did a great job with reusing an environment the apartments from when we last saw was pretty much on its knees but now the flooding is even worse more blockades and stronger enemies one big criticism though the apartment is so flooded the basement has basically become a swimming section which in itself is pretty harmless you know if do maternal can have a swimming section then pretty much any game can only you have to swim down here to be able to get the ladder to get out the problem is to get into that room it doesn't tell you that you have to climb over this stack of furniture the game can shine a light source on it all at once but so far the game has taught me if it's over one foot tall there is no way i'll be able to climb on it but you know i i guess this is the exception so what you have to do is crouch jump as soon as you jump out of the water it's not difficult to do it just doesn't look possible because it goes against everything that the game has taught me i mean simon monologues a lot there could have been some text at the bottom of the screen saying i bet i can climb over that rubble you know just something to indicate that it is possible there's also a new enemy type in the apartments slenderman but with a bug for a head what the [ __ ] was that it's a [ __ ] harry potter book for a head they telepathically attack simon blowing his vision and dealing damage just by being near them i like as well how when you kill them they just disappear with a glitch effect like you've removed them from the game's files or something it's really unnatural and finally you reach the room that was boarded off at the beginning of the game the music stops and you're greeted with a blood-soaked apartment where simon has to descend an impossible ladder in the middle of the room where we can hear a voice seemingly talking about him he always goes back to the same place watching it like it was yesterday despite the fact that it causes a tremendous anxiety he insists on returning he insists with therapeutic reasons he doesn't respond well to questions about his personal life and became extremely angry and i mentioned i've been surprised by what he insists on describing us in a black day he told me the other day that he'd been seeing hallucinations but couldn't give a clear description of what he'd been seeing naturally i didn't take him seriously i saw no evidence to suggest this was the case but this of course will make more sense later but it's a huge turning point in understanding simon's backstory if you're already starting to understand what's going on good for you but don't don't spoil it for the rest of us come on man afterwards simon has another nightmare throwing monsters at him we can see the head that did the funny jump scare at the beginning of the game looking almost helpless here trapped and desperately trying to bite simon after you escape you come back into the apartment and the hole in the floor is replaced with a fuse going back into the room you just came out of shows a featureless empty room you're now allowed to leave the apartment but not before i fell to my death thinking that there'd be like an ammo clip in the water oh nice okay yeah i like how there's a water dripping effect inside the pool of water by the way the other fuse is the one you used when first getting into the subway so you have to backtrack all the way through the gardens where sophie jumped to the t l trading back to saxon avenue just to do it all over again to get back to the subway this backtrack felt a lot less inspired the apartments had an actual twist but here it was just the exact same route but with more enemies finally placing the two fuses in simon gets access to the lower part of the subway the soundtrack becomes a lot more sinister here with loud thuds echoing and panic breathing taking center stage which works perfectly for this section because you're up against guys with guns so you have to move a lot more slowly checking corners and making sure you see them before they see you i just love how shootouts are twisted in cryofear to be the most tense and slow sections because running and gunning never really works out a train announcer tells us the only training service is going to simon's hometown the announcer also sounds strangely uh british that's because it's voiced by co-developer minute's dad who's from the uk the voice that is being recorded here uh that is talking is actually james's father going onto the train you realize to unlock the gate and leave you need two fuses the fuses that you use to get here now yes this is more backtracking but hear me out this one isn't near as tedious as the last one look they even gave you a sledgehammer that does so much damage enemies clip into the ground when they die the sledgehammer has a very slow charge up though so it's usually best to attack before you actually make contact with the enemy it sucks because for such a cool weapon you only use it for about 10 15 minutes simon uses the sledgehammer to break down an old section of the subway to find a way to backtrack and enters another nightmare sequence the subway twists and contorts unnaturally one thing that i'm actually really annoyed at here is that they had a pewdiepie easter egg but patched it out of the game if you jumped up to this door you'd be taken into a room with the stefano trophy from amnesia but unfortunately we're not allowed to enjoy that god i i hope i get my own easter egg when this video comes out there's a fair amount of platforming here it's not clear where you're supposed to jump and land and the punishment being an instant death but to be fair the save stations here are very frequent so it's not too much of a problem walking through a corridor simon enters a padded cell with four doors each having a different icon a book sorry when i say a book i just literally think of that meme where it's people queueing up and it's like phone book a book car wheelchair and gun there's also a scrap of paper on the floor my life that fateful night child lay upon the road broken why did you have to take that way so late young man why did you have to be so foolish disillusioned and embittered by his parents words the child was broken physically broken mentally the men in white placed him on rolling chairs how he laughed and so he lived what remained of his life one day fate smiled upon the child and so he came upon the implement of his destruction decisions the outcome was not certain pro-capitulatoris habensu a feta le belli so what we gather from this the child was broken probably by a car the child was broken physically so he was put in a wheelchair the implement of his destruction being the gun and the latin expression at the end meaning according to the capabilities of the reader books have their destiny so the final door is the book finally leaving simon is given one last challenge thrown into a maze he has to find the way out while monsters are meat hooks patrol the maze instantly killing him and being untouchable themselves i honestly really don't like this section it's a good twist on what we've had so far and it's technically a boss battle but it's so easy to get lost only to get cornered and killed [ __ ] get out of my [ __ ] way and you can barely make a mistake here so you'll mess up the patrol patterns of the enemies so they'll start overlapping each other making it even harder to escape i definitely take this over another carcass bus flight though all those memes are thousands of them out there they're all true you can use maps to find out where you are but because everything looks so similar and many pathways overlap i found it easier to just chance it making sure i could backpedal if a monster came around the corner just before you escape simon has another vision a conversation about his health deteriorating it's a miracle he still retains upper body motion from the waist down however there is no nervous response at all not to mention the mental trauma he suffered from what i can tell simon is a deeply disturbed individual who had mental problems even prior to the accident he barely manages to escape but when you go and open the door it seems things have returned to normal is he still there what the [ __ ] wasn't this where i came from no no no no something is obviously not right i should hurry now the main reason i don't like this maze puzzle unless you perfectly memorize where to go you'll be stuck doing trial and error for a while and that's not even the bad part because as soon as you escape there's no safe station and you're swarmed with guys that have hit scan guns so if you die you have to do that whole section again it's probably the only part in the game where saving is just borderline unfair afraid of monsters had a similar maze puzzle but in that instance failure just kicked you back to the start and chipped away some health it wasn't an instant death trying to leave without getting on the train the devs could have just put a barrier with a pop-up saying you know i should get on the train but instead the train starts without you and proceeds to run you over while you're helpless to do anything now that is ludo narrative dissonance using the fuses to power up the gate simon can get on the train and finally get out of stockholm he monologues about his situation and how nothing will ever go back to normal i mean what is actually happening with me mom keeps telling me to get home but why how would that solve any of the crazy [ __ ] i've seen i'll see what happens when i come home [ __ ] off the [ __ ] no of course you didn't think this would be a safe trip back did you this is pretty much the crescendo event of the game using all the firepower to push back whatever's on the train you have these creatures that spit at you i mean looking underneath you can even see a huge tooth mouth it looks like something from 1982's the thing as well of course all the regular enemies you've been fighting throughout the game i mean less about the enemies but the views here are just amazing you slowly transition from the tunnels to the city to the rural woodland it's an amazing feat for such a small team to pull off something if i dare to say so myself breathtaking there's a briefcase at the front of the train asking for uh it's it's feedback so you have to find a foot at the end of the train and put it inside the case trust me but this will all make sense at the end of the video okay just please stay with me the train derails and gets pushed off the bridge and simon falls unconscious but wake up honey we have another platforming segment here you have to platform to get off the train before it completely falls off the bridge it's incredibly claustrophobic and not very clear where you can and can't jump sometimes you won't have enough headroom for a jump so you'll bang your head and fall back down to the start on top of the fact that if you run out of stamina from jumping you're basically [ __ ] waiting to get your breath back before you can even move again i did this segment three times and the first two i always clipped into the train door so i couldn't move as i watched the train fall into the abyss after i escaped i pulled out my inventory to heal only to realize the game didn't only take every single item away from me it also half my inventory space as simon lost his bag which is uh subtly foreshadowed just a few seconds prior [ __ ] my back i hope you guys didn't like try to save ammo on the train by the way because uh you're you're not getting that back the last third of the game it takes everything away from simon your only light source is a lantern and weapon of choice a tree branch better than nothing i guess much like afraid of monsters the last third of this game takes place in the forest the first few areas are just brisk walks from one area to the other no real threat and you can even see the city skyline from a distance a reminder of how far you've come but much like the segment with the flares in the subway the game throws normal encounters at you but because you're under-equipped it's much more terrifying here's a good example you have saw runner chasing you yet again your lantern lights only about a meter in front of you okay great you've just found a door to get out but it needs a doorknob which is left for you as bait in the middle of the map and if you have a full inventory you'll have to drop something just to pick up the doorknob the feeling of losing everything here is played really well so much so that most of the atmospheric sounds are removed and all we can hear is simon slow but panicked breathing now as much as i love this area the next part completely broke me to the point i almost dropped making this video i do want to preface i did this to myself when i start most games for the first time i try it on the hardest difficulty mostly because most games i play lose that early stage tension once you learn the mechanics so it becomes such a drag it then turns into a chore to complete by having a higher difficulty my 8th brain has a theory enemies deal more damage equals more focus to not take damage equals me focus on game more and for most instances this works i care more on higher difficulties because the game engages me more now i'm sure many of you are going to try this game if you've made it so far into the video i did my first playthrough on the difficult setting which is the hardest base difficulty and i could never recommend more for and against something on the one hand i'd barely come out of encounters alive grunting and limping only to sigh and say out loud thank [ __ ] as i found a syringe to boost my health back up and you just can't compare the satisfaction of being barely alive but still coming out on top on the other hand i got practically soft locked in the forest with no healing items and having to perfectly dodge every single attack in a forest full of trees you keep backing up into [ __ ] dodge back man yeah i know i feel the exact same i'd have to exploit the ai just to get past safely killing each one individually then running back to the tape recorder to save you can call me a scumbag all you want but when enemies would clip through walls to attack me i think it's only fair literally clicked through the wall by the way i'm [ __ ] just kill me ah this bit sucks man you should be able to regen like a pip of health right it's a shame as well because the puzzle in this area is fairly simple too all you have to do is get two scissor parts and then combine them together and use it to cut a rope holding a tv above a box if there was a knack here like i don't know putting your lantern away and enemies couldn't see you that'd be great if i had a syringe it'd be fine but i just don't know when there's gonna be another [ __ ] syringe there's even a syringe in this area but it's inside one of the buildings and you have to aggro about five enemies to get there when you cut the rope the physics here are great only this is gold source there aren't actually any free form physics meaning the devs had to model this entire scene by hand it actually amazes me the effort these guys put into something that most people aren't even going to pay attention to and the only thing to really make it look good was to animate it from 3d maps i modeled the box james did the most work he kinda animated it to look like real ragdoll it was really a full teamwork i overanalyzed this area so much from dying i thought to myself why do i need to put a pair of scissors together when i can just steal one of the women's knives that they keep stabbing me with but unfortunately they despawn when they die 0 out of 10 immersion ruined the next area has a sign watch out for the trees and just as we're getting used to the rhythm of this area your boys at team psych scalar [ __ ] it up again women suddenly hanging themselves from trees don't care the message tells you to stay away from the trees but you're in a forest there's not really a good way to get past this area you have about a third of a second when hearing the scream to back away which usually isn't enough time and running through the area you'll pick up damage even quicker don't care don't care still don't care i don't care but it's a good twist on things as they can't attack simon directly so they use full damage instead you enter a bunker and your vision blurs as doors open and close in sequence if you touch a door it's pretty much an instant death so you have to move carefully and at the end of the hallway one of the monsters appear only walking on its hands and using its legs to attack you this thing was actually going to kill me but thankfully its pathfinding broke so i could beat it to death with a branch getting back outside simon briefly sees the doctor entering a building oliver zooms in as well like he's got the hev suit on or something this building is mullenburg general hospital based on the real-life beckham burger you can see the resemblance rumple used when the facility was abandoned with graffiti scrawled everywhere in reality it's now used as an elderly care home but in the 1930s it was the biggest mental hospital in all of europe inside the asylum you can hear rain hitting the roof distant footsteps and the screams of mental patients i like to compare this area to the college in stockholm but in reverse there are no enemies here but this time everything's dark you do go down into the basement to restart the power but this actually brings the enemies out [Music] look man we know you're probably not gonna make it the monsters are coming and your health bar isn't looking great so here's a flashlight and no you can't put it on your gun this time to be fair the only good thing about not having a gun is the enemies who make you turn it on yourself can't do a thing unlocking the lower floors you can see a note there's something strange about dr purnell the doctor that we've been following the whole game there's also a pistol in the bowling alley but it has no ammo i thought i'd actually never be happier to find enemies with guns as killing them we finally get a glock with some ammo in it although two handing it with the flashlight isn't the same as the tack light back in stockholm also there's a shotgun down here but this is the problem where inventory management comes up like i said before it's been halved simon's lost his bag and your flashlight is a must the shotgun is decent for close quarters but what's the point if you can't even see what's attacking you you really have to choose your loadout here because you can't have it all and the most important thing is always to see someone before they see you upstairs simon meets the doctor face to face where he asks him for help he asks simon for a new gun and he'll open up the gate for you he's on about the gun back in the bowling alley and one detail that's great here is the cutscene actually plays out differently depending if you already have the gun or not fine i know i have it already i know there's always that dialogue in an rpg game you know like give me that item oh i already have it here you go but considering how linear this game is and it considers both outcomes that's a really good detail by the way i know what you're thinking and no you can't shoot him i tried but apparently he too has plot armor you have two choices here give the doctor the gun or keep it for yourself either way he throws you the key and shoots you in the shoulder depending on if you gave him the gun or not will do significantly more damage the doctor locks himself in another room because you know we haven't we haven't seen him do that before and when you get past the gate there's a room with a landline and a telescope the puzzle here is to explore the asylum to find the right phone number to call now for a game that has very few jump scares the asylum does pull a few low punches as pretty much around every corner of these morons with axes that run towards you while screaming it wouldn't be too much of a problem but assuming you've already lost a third of your health bar pretty much any hit would put you in a staggered state making aiming even more difficult not even mentioning the fact that you have to hold a flashlight because the upper levels are pitch black also a shout out to this one guy who still managed to hit me before he registered that i shot him in the head [Music] worst of all they pretty much always cover their face with their hands so getting a head shot is even more difficult also remember the screaming i mentioned earlier it actually works against you now as it's hard to tell what's part of the ambient soundtrack or a genuine enemy waiting to attack you i like as well if you investigate this door simon says that he's got a bad feeling that something's behind it only for an enemy to actually burst out a bit later finally i feel rewarded rubbing myself up against every surface like i'm trying to find a secret in wolfenstein simon can find two tablets and combining them gives you the roman numerals that you can use to call the number on the phone again these are randomly generated so you'll always have to go through the asylum to find what the right phone number is after calling the number a man appears on the opposite side of the building holding up four numbers you need these four numbers to get into the attic of the asylum getting access you can finally confront the doctor you can tell it's a bus fight because there's a bunch of guns and ammo for no real reason this boss fight is it's okay the bosses were never really a strong suit and cry of fear only really being used to conclude a part of the game to show that simon is making tangible progress the doctor doesn't fight like any previous buses i mean you are fighting a human after all he actually hides from you and switches behind cover the problem is it's not really specified when you can damage him swapping from cover to cover even though he's out in the open he actually can't take any damage he can only really take a hit when he pops out to shoot you i notice when he hides behind certain boxes if you shoot him first he'll relent but other times it's pretty much impossible to not try damage with him i think the devs knew this because his shots don't actually deal too much damage well not as much as a in a cut scene anyway the game also spawns guys with glocks to flank you from the side it sounds scummy but it's really used to give you glock ammo in case you run out during the fight as pistols are the only real way to damage him trust me i saved my shotgun ammo for this fight and to be expected it did absolutely nothing i love as well by the way being shot by a glock from a random enemy does about three times more damage than the doctor's upgraded pistol there's a really interesting thing actually about the voice actor for the doctor he'd actually hit himself with a belt to emulate pain and smoke cigarettes to make his voice sound more gravely like the effort these guys went to is just amazing also for anyone wondering most people will probably get sick and tired of playing hide and seek with him and try and rush him uh if you do that this happens they could have just added a kill barrier but i love how they did a cut scene in case people got lazy and tried to attack him the only real way to guarantee a win here is to hide behind a box where he can't shoot you but of course you'd never do that you're not a coward are you after downing him simon has another vision of a doctor telling him his medication won't work and he wants to try a more direct therapy the story's 90 there you can kind of tell what's going on but we're nearly there just just just wait another 10 minutes all right simon walks up to the doctor and honestly i didn't even know a gold source game could be so brutal keep in mind they had to muddle each time his face got more and more crushed into the mask you can take the doctor's key to leave the asylum and the pistol you gave him the ruger with a glow side attachment very nice if you didn't give the doctor the ruger you'll instead pick up his five shot revolver you can even do real pistols but seeming how inaccurate is i i wouldn't advise it as soon as you leave the attic you can tell the environment's changed simon's overcame a huge obstacle dawn is breaking outside and you can even hear birds singing it's a huge change as for the whole game your only light source has been electronics but now having the sun come out you know maybe everything will be okay there's this boat segment and although very basic i like it there's no jump scare no big fish that jumps out the water it's just simon alone with his thoughts of how everything got so [ __ ] up but somehow he's managed to come out on top and survive i like as well how this is the only time in the game apart from cutscenes where your character changes perspective simon has to make one last push to get home moving through his town and even though it's daylight the game still manages to take that away from you i mean it's not minecraft you know they're not going to burn up in the morning there's a longer swimming section in the sewers it's inoffensive the only thing i noticed is sprinting underwater does nothing except waste your stamina bar faster simon will push his arms to boost himself but sprinting doesn't guarantee he'll do that the only upside is if you take damage from losing oxygen if you get to a surface quick enough you'll gain most of the health back also i didn't even notice this until the second playthrough but simon's gloves and arms become considerably darker when you get out of the water i know i said water not water shut up man there's also one last saw on a chase here once you pick up a key it's a straight run to and from a hole in the floor and i've never had more anxiety trying to squeeze into a one foot hole before being slashed finally escaping the sewer simon gets to kirkville and gets back home hoping to find his mum the house is completely empty the only noise is a clock in the background similar to the one you can hear in the monologue in the intro simon goes into his room to find a book waiting for him he picks it up and has another vision this time a rugged wheelchair-bound version of himself picks up a gun before being interrupted by you the simon you've been playing as the whole game the black and white filter fades as you realize this isn't a vision but reality now you're probably wondering what the [ __ ] is going on and to explain we're gonna have to do a bit of backtracking simon was an isolated depressed young adult we learned this from the opening monologue i've always felt alone my whole life for as long as i can remember i don't know if i like it or if i'm just used to it but i do know this being lonely does things to you feeling [ __ ] bitter and angry all the time just away at you when he goes to heal his wounds you can see cut wrists from self-harming he was someone who felt the world was always against him his one love interest sophie had turned him down and on that night walking home was the victim of a hit-and-run when only trying to help someone else the vision simon had been seeing throughout the game were flashbacks his rejection accident and therapy all leading up to the events of the game after the crash simon was lucky to be alive but lost all function of his legs he'd be paralyzed for the rest of his life and this would be horrible news to anyone but to a young man who already felt on the brink and now being told he's having half his body taken away from him it sent him spiraling into depression simon has recommended dr purnell a psychiatrist who tries to help simon mentally so we can get back to normality the doctor makes multiple notes on simon one of which we went over in the game the black day was the day of the crash so much trauma at once that simon couldn't move past it i think as people we all suffer with this problem obsessing over a mistake we've made or an event that's happened to the point that it completely consumes you it's good to look back at the past and show how far you've come but it's also easy to get swallowed up and rent to the point that you're stuck in a loop this is how cryofear deals with mental health in such a mature way without it being too on the nose pernell tried to get into simon's head by asking him about life before the crash his home and family just anything to start a dialogue but simon wasn't budging clouded by his mind replaying the same event over and over if he was just a couple meters to the left or to the right or maybe if he never helped that man he'd still be walking to this day [Music] pernell upped his prescriptions as simon became delusional he began seeing things that weren't there and this could have been true or maybe simon was making this up just to have enough drugs to not feel anything at all eventually the doctor realized he wasn't making progress and wanted a more invasive therapy getting simon to write his thoughts and emotions into a book hopefully to get them out of his head the simon you play as is a mental projection of himself while he writes this book all his trauma and fears manifested as tangible creatures somewhat human but not quite and dealing with each one gives simon a slight amount of respite that things might be better than he thought get it because killing an enemy gives you literal breathing room in the game so meta time doesn't make sense when you play as simon because this isn't reality like how he claims later to have just been on the train remembering the train he got into stockholm before he was hit by the car back to the train sitting here like a fool feels like it was just a few seconds ago i was traveling here everywhere we've been to is a place of importance for simon anywhere that was blockaded off was somewhere not of importance in his mind so there was no point going there it's definitely not the devs intention but i like to think areas like this lack detail because simon never walked down that street in the real world so we can't picture it in his mind when he wrote it into the book the apartment is so intricate and detailed because simon lived there after beating the first bus we see a shot of his room the book on the table and even an ash tray full of cigarettes and we know simon is a smoker seeing the door chained up it's something he doesn't want to remind himself of feeling trapped and isolated in that small apartment but later on he has to confront it literally descending into the dark parts of his mind it's funny because first seeing this door i just thought you know quirky sullen hill 4 reference but on repeat playthroughs this door has so much significance now but at the start of his therapy and at the end we see his bedroom where he lives with his mom outside of stockholm it could be plausible that he moved into central to be closer to the doctor for his therapy the apartments have elevator access something he seems to remember well as he uses elevators multiple times and even has to solve a puzzle to unlock it items in the game of relevance too the foot on the train something that was taken away from simon after the crash the sledgehammer used to literally break into the dark part of simon's mind simon switchblade that was most definitely used for self-harming even the magazines simon called the number on you can vaguely see it's talking about depression something simon suffered with greatly and he probably found himself once or twice calling these hotlines out of desperation the disembodied voice reflecting how hard it is to talk about your problems to a complete stranger that just doesn't get it one thing of note is how the early enemies appear almost human wearing clothes and using hammers to bludgeon you these could have been people that simon bumped into while living in stockholm and in his already depressed state saw them as people that just got in the way and maybe even mocked him when he wasn't looking each monster is a representation of simon's inner hatred the fly gears helplessly strapped to their bed how simon must feel losing his entire lower body the enemies with guns who kill themselves when down to their last bullet or if you get too close the sauro bus literally takes simon's legs away from him as he kills you the mace hits you with the force of a speeding car monsters with contorted figures representing how simon's bones were broken during the crash when simon's in the depths of the subway he's attacked by enemies called cytlopram the name of an antidepressant the doctor prescribed him their panicked breathing being a common side effect anxiety the sore runner always testing simon's stamina a possible projection of him in denial of his circumstances the babies whose heads explode uh yeah i actually i actually have no idea uh even the wiki the wiki is really trying to cope how this somehow works into his psyche but i i have nothing it's apparent that simon's cognitive therapy with the book has gotten way out of hand he's become fully manic with any slip up ending his adventure and his life while writing simon confronts his trauma head-on and sometimes it's overpowering to the point where he feels like he's lost everything during the game's nightmare sequences you tread a fine line between the depths of simon's mind and reality you can find pages explaining simon's events like a twisted way in a poem you walk down the corridors of the mental health hospital dr pernell works at you can even see the real simon writing his book writing what you're going to do next like you have no control but you really do throughout the game you're given choices you meet the doctor an extension of dr pernell simon never liked purnell and while he was trying to help simon he found his help invasive and just wanted to be left alone he interpreted purnell's actions like everyone else's a way to mock him treating him lesser than others because of the accident this is why the doctor in the game is so untrustworthy and his ambitions are never clear he believes simon doesn't even exist gives him supplies only to kill innocents and then try to kill him when the doctor asks you for the ruger if you give it to him you're putting your trust in the doctor and his therapy you believe he can help you but if you don't simon doesn't open up to purnell and he just sees him as everyone else someone who sees you as lesser earlier on when you meet sophie it's only brief because she didn't take up near as much time as dr purnell simon loved her but she was a passing memory in his book not someone he'd see every day for updates on his mental health when she jumps it's simon coming to terms with the fact that he will never be able to be with her again and the bus fight carcass is simon choosing to move on despite being hurt or ignoring his emotions and letting them fester into something much more dangerous there are four endings to cry of fear all depending on your choice if you at any point didn't trust the doctor or let carcass go simon racked with grief or take his own life still controlling book simon we find the real simon who put us through all this pain for essentially nothing the hallway twists as his mind dies and you physically have to climb on pages of his book and bitterly enough you use that elevator that simon had to use so many times in the apartment complex as he lost the use of his legs finally confronting real simon who tries to stop you sending waves of enemies after you and using his mind to throw objects to bludgeon you but by using his own work against him you pick up valves from enemies and use them to unlock the gate to confront simon who after everything is completely helpless as you choke him out watching both his and your health drain and finally both of you collapse to the ground dead in the real world simon is dead and has either taken the life of dr pernell if you fail to trust him or sophie if he couldn't move past being rejected by the one person he trusted if you kill carcass but don't trust pernell simon goes to the doctor's apartment probably after a session and kills him never being able to accept writing words in a book as a way to bring the use of his legs back once he became disabled there was no point going on anymore only asking sophie to be shown none of this if you trust dr purnell but don't kill carcass simon becomes self-absorbed and unable to move on from his rejection he thanks the doctor for trying to help him but found it overall meaningless he's more somber here than if he didn't trust the doctor but still chooses to take sophie with him as a spiteful act to have it all to himself the police find her in the bathtub covered in blood similar to how simon finds one of the residents in the apartment in his book the worst outcome if you fail sophie and the doctor simon's monologue is angry and bitter only wishing he could have taken more lives with him if it wasn't for his disability oh i wish i could have taken everybody with me but unfortunately my situation makes that impossible i hope my dead body will haunt you forever have fun scraping my brains off the wall [ __ ] you but if we trusted the doctor with the gun opening up to his therapy and defeated the manifestation of simon's failure and hatred towards sophie he stops writing his book about to kill himself only to be interrupted by book simon covenant blood now just another manifestation of simon's inner hatred the real simon knows the only way to escape this book that's consumed him is to kill its protagonist leaving the apartment and controlling real simon is like night and day moving incredibly slowly and full-on tank controls you can see why simon became so bitter after losing the use of his legs the environment warps around him simon's self aware of how damaging the book has been to his mental health but he's not out of the woods yet around every corner buck simon attacks you using the arsenal you've collected throughout the game against you the shotgun you found in the caves a suicide simon narrowly avoided himself an mp9 what where the [ __ ] did he get an mp where the [ __ ] did he get an mp9 from it is only available to those who have donated ten dollars to the cry of fear donated steam group book simon is so depraved he's unironically using pay to win tactics against you finally simon charges you in the dark using the same flair and sledgehammer you found in the subway eventually killing him simon wakes up from his lucid dream realizing instead of killing himself he took the lives of two police officers that were trying to get into the apartment probably sent there by a concerned neighbor pernell sophie or even his own mother that was always just out of reach only coming up as a text message on his phone doctors testified that simon was having a psychic episode and couldn't be held accountable for his actions being admitted to a mental health hospital for the foreseeable future there he'll get the treatment he needs and improve his quality of life simon finishes his book writing a happy ending saying the therapy helped him a lot he's more at peace with himself knowing his situation but choosing to accept it instead of lamenting in the past he can't forgive himself for killing the two officers but dr pernell is mentoring him and simon says that he's lucky to have him sophie even visits simon he can see the pain he's causing her but she seems happy she's made a new friend who can take care of her and instead of being bitter simon is happy for her although he'll miss the moments they've had knowing that they'll never come back this is one of the best [ __ ] endings i've ever experienced there's no clear-cut good or bad ending simon either let his depression eat away at him to the point that it punished others or found a way to cope and somewhat move on honestly the good ending is the most emotional because he admits his life will never be the same like all of us he's perfectly imperfect he'll still have bad days maybe even more episodes but he's in the right environment now where people can look after him and he can even try to have some sort of normalcy back in his life i mean did you really expect the good ending to like make everything okay like you know this isn't rayman you're not gonna have some narrator saying that you saved the world this is real life after all now cryofib is fairly short you can beat it in about four hours for your first playthrough that's why the game has replay value you get it because you know the the doctors said it in a meta sense on your second play through a door that was locked in the beginning of the game becomes accessible and this is your unlocks room you can find hoodies scattered around the game that you can pick up or depending on what ending you get there's even a hello kitty hoodie if you find the cat from the intro and interact with it [Music] kitty the room has a wardrobe simon can change in seems pointless as it's a first person game but seeing simon simp in a hello kitty hoodie is always a good touch developer commentary is also available now which was great to go through and the reason i knew so much about this game going in i don't want to tell you why i made this i i really don't i i don't i don't think so no no i really don't this this is too much no no no really no no [ __ ] you one thing i really noticed when going through the commentaries is like so much stuff in this game was inspired by dreams that rumple had i really liked those caves actually inspired by a dream i had once when i had a dream i dreamt about uh i love how non-professional it is as well rumple will sometimes try to [ __ ] with you reversing his messages or just speaking complete nonsense hello [Music] is that is that it hello [Music] why would you put that down here there's a bonus mode where you play as dr pernell in the real world consumed by simon's book he has to travel the reverse way simon did to get into his apartment and burn the book ending the nightmare it's a glass cannon run having a revolver but there's no healing items it'll take you a fair few tries to complete it but if you do simon will unlock the gas mask he wears in the campaign which has a night vision filter with the downside of it muffling most sounds so wearing it during a cut scene and the dialogue is even harder to understand the gas mask is amazing and is a perfect companion tool for repeat playthroughs needing no battery and not even taking up an inventory slot you'll quickly see the strings the game pulls when it can't use darkness against you you can find pages of simon's book which can be viewed in the main menu this is more of a guide on how to find more unlockables not providing any real advantages that you know you couldn't just look up online although there is a bug if you don't pick up all the pages on your very first run they disappear forever so uh i had to use a script to finish my book in the unlocked room you can find a package addressed to simon finally learning his surname henriksen when you take the package i instantly remembered of the post box outside the college which prompted you to put something in it you can post it and if you do get to the end of the game and the package arrives to simon's house when he opens it he finds some pills the same pills david leatherhoff overdosed in in afraid of monsters taking the pills you enter the same nightmare sequence he was in at the start of the game you can find a room with a locked door and numbers on the walls the code here is the same as afraid of monsters in that game you'd find scraps of paper on the floor that would spell out forgive me spell that in numerical form and the door will open in afraid of monsters you'd unlock the true ending but here you get david's axe it does insane damage about on par with the sledgehammer but much faster to swing finishing the nightmare simon wakes up to the car crash finding out it was david that was driving it all along i love how like they didn't remodel him at all he's just still a reskin gordon freeman this of course is a joke ending i don't think there was like a laughter track when simon got buddied by the car you even get a different credit sequence here like afraid of monsters it's a really nice touch alternatively you can use the same package simon gets on a door in the t l trading company to unlock it going inside you can see a bait of simon sat on a bench crying to himself you can unlock simon's camera he used in the intro you have to beat the game in under two and a half hours but getting it you can freeze enemies permanently it doesn't technically kill them and it doesn't work on bosses plus you actually have to wait for an enemy's wake-up animation before snapping them but it's probably the most useful unlock in the game apart from the fact that frozen enemies can still body block you so you probably have to kill them anyway only problem is there's this weird bug if you freeze anyone with a gun or the funny bookman and then kill them there's a chance that all the damage they could have dealt to you stacks in one go usually killing you one funny thing i tried to get footage of dr pernell's fight to show how the camera doesn't freeze bosses but what it did do is blind him so his aim was totally off i tried this multiple times and when i take a picture of him it was really hard for him to try and get a shot on me you know so many games just give you a big [ __ ] off gun with infinite ammo and it's nice that cryofear tries to move away from that well mostly anyways also beating the game once unlocks nightmare mode enemies hit harder have more health and you can only save five times for the whole game with a single tape also the tape takes up a slot so uh that's even more backtracking the only reprieve is that you can use your previously unlocked items on this difficulty beating nightmare unlocks an infinite ammo for mass and finally cryofear does one thing right hating the french an infinite ammo for mass is decent but unless you're single tapping the accuracy is horrendous and the camera is easier to get and pretty much better in every single way apart from boss fights and finally there's a ranking system depending on how many times you saved the game shots fired accuracy and how long it took to complete the game you'll be ranked with the highest rating being s probably the hardest thing you could ever do in this game is try to s-rank on nightmare difficulty enemies do insane damage and you can only save five times so if you save too early you could lose an important spot later on or if you saved too late you could lose hours of progress also here enemies with guns are the worst being able to get head shots and instant kill you [ __ ] sake [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god it's punishing to the point of being [ __ ] nauseating as you could miss a jump because the janky platforming and be greeted with an instant death but finally beating the game on nightmare and getting an s rank you get simon's book as a weapon this thing does insane damage spewing fire it pretty much kills any lesser enemy instantly and you can wipe out a bus in seconds also if you freeze saw runner with the camera you can kill him with about 30 seconds of sustained damage [Music] fantastic this finally proves the boomer meme right that book is stronger than phone the fire can even be used as a light source it has infinite ammo and no cooldown and even better it doesn't affect your accuracy rating when using it the wiki even says the downside is it's so overpowered it makes the game boring i'm proud to say i unlocked it legitimately yes unlike this random child on youtube who lied to everyone and simon's book i cheated to get this i'm 11 years old i can't handle it so now you've mastered the single player but what about the co-op that's right cry of fear has co-op campaigns where you play as swedish policemen beating random people for thinking herd immunity was ever gonna work now cryofear has no official dedicated servers because you know it's a free game so you'll have to download a vpn service like himachi this is a hundred percent risk-free and will give you no problems why did i get an ad like two seconds ago i don't get i still like i'm still [ __ ] like i'm trying to launch the game and it just [ __ ] up my whole computer i have skin to make out i don't get [ __ ] hanged i told you man shitty baby city baby man apparently cd baby is claiming my stream yeah chilly let's play [ __ ] craft fear [ __ ] you man there's three co-op campaigns the first you play the main campaign in reverse starting off at simon's house and working towards the city where you stop the car that was going to hit simon i set up a lobby with some morons and honestly it was such a blast oh my god how [ __ ] [ __ ] is this game stop resisting sir get down i've just got the introduction text on my screen and i can't get rid of it [ __ ] hell my paint is insane wait so like what's the lore in this game like what is zombies mentally ill save them oh no there's like no animation he's just on the ground can i smack his ass [Laughter] this is a donator-only weapon sounds like a mosquito oh god how did he get you [ __ ] him [Laughter] how did he get both of you oh my [ __ ] god oh it's just a guy here he's not even come here where to me where i can't find him you see this i'm gonna pay him out boys run oh my god shoot him shoot him oh my god but i got caught on the [ __ ] platform you get i'm gonna use my last bullet on him i used my last bullet on him guys it's up to you to take him down [Laughter] just whack him i'm trying we might clutch it we got it please [Laughter] i don't know where he is look at these games like you're watching he says like you might get [ __ ] like depressed oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] leech there's like some music in here took some screamo [ __ ] damn ah is this copyrighted i'm gonna do a [ __ ] call of duty quickscope nicholas cage i think like nicholas cage if you beat the campaign you can see simon and sophie holding hands while clipping into each other how wholesome the second campaign manhunt you have to find dr pernell as the police have deemed his work too damaging for his patients who the [ __ ] what this one's clearly had a lot more effort put into it traveling to places outside the main game like city slums and abandoned gas stations they tried to have this like vehicle section and as janky as it looks i really appreciate the effort they tried here why is it going so slow why is this building like one meter total you only fail if everyone dies and you can revive each other unlimited times why are you okay when you walk in okay apparently cpr is the equivalent of the left 4 dead 2 defibrillator i didn't even know you could use syringes on each other like why bother i can just save everyone for free [Laughter] what just happened i just fell you [ __ ] leech actual cockroach hey guys give me up i gotta go [Music] i genuinely can't tell what half of it is because the textures are so low they literally just took a picture of a fridge stuck in oh my oh my oh my oh he's gone there's also suicide maps which is the game's survival mode a timer ticks down but killing enemies will bring the timer down faster and enemies drop ammo this time why did you scram the shotgun shells i'm the one with the [ __ ] shotgun cockroach french cockroach is this just zombies but what is this when you die in a video game i don't understand why does a random guy in a wheelchair kill himself when we all die there's a [ __ ] chainsaw yeah it's literally over there's nothing we can do oh okay no we got him every [ __ ] thing in the game book simon also attacks here stopping the timer until he's killed making you prioritize him the last level stands out the most being inside simon's mind the environment is probably the closest to silent hill you'll ever get completing any survival level shows the police busting into simon's apartment before he has an episode overall cry of fear is a phenomenal game it can be buggy and it is very flawed wait no no no no no no no no no no an hour and a half source engine by the way guys funny gmod prop physics crash the game the game doesn't even have physics but it's worth your time and being totally free there's no reason to not pick it up if you want to support them they have a facebook page where they regularly update it with quirky memes i looked more on their youtube channel and there's an unreleased source version of cryofear rumple claims it'll never be released because it was too expensive and no backing from valve which is a real shame because it looks super promising i feel like it would have done to half-life what black mesa did not reinventing the wheel but a nice overhaul for a modern audience i love the small changes they made here like how simon now has a ppk instead of a glock handguns that swedish police actually used to use although some of it does look a bit too streamlined like you can now reload two-handed and simon saves the spare bullets instead of dumping them on the ground like most modern shooters i think this would have worked against the game but maybe it's just a placeholder of course as well half the horror of cry of fear comes from the photorealistic dated visuals and the source version does look more stylized but i feel like it could have really had something if there's any oil barons out there wanting to slip rumple a couple million you know just just just let them know cry of fear is an amazing game that tackles mental health while trying to give something back gameplay-wise you can tell the devs pulled their hearts into this and hopefully now it gets the recognition it deserves wait uh that's that's not funny outro um [Music] in conclusion simon is the perfect example of what zero [ __ ] does to a [Music] to the same [ __ ] despite the fact that it causes anxiety a lot of things you mean [Music] just let not go simon [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i made a promise to myself i think i'm going crazy won't make you feel better [Music] oh [Music] oh fake them [Music] shout out to all the drainers shout out to echo he pulled up in a rover drained my life thanks for watching this video took a while to make and for such a short game there's tons of replay value i wasn't meaning by the way definitely support the dev team any way you can even just downloading the game which you should totally do because it's free and i'm not sure how else i can chill a game anymore by saying it's totally free i'd love to see the player count spike after this video stuff like that is just way more rewarding for me i found an old video of team psych scholar when they finally released cryofear and you could just see them all in this tiny apartment like pouring champagne and getting all excited it's just the most wholesome [ __ ] these guys really do deserve all the recognition they can get even so long after the game's initial release i also forgot to mention that there are some custom maps too not as good as the main campaign but definitely some good side content for mega greases [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god i just got the [ __ ] get out of me oh my god i have over 100 hours on this game and for something totally free with no micro transactions that is phenomenal i feel i talk about games to the point that i never want to pick them up again after but i think that means that i've said everything i need to so yeah thanks again and team psych scholar please look into that source remake because we would all love to see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 6,593,862
Rating: 4.9322338 out of 5
Keywords: Cry of Fear, Cry Of Fear analysis, pyrocynical essay video, pyrocynical analysis, funny moments, horror game analysis, cry of fear co op, cry of fear pewdiepie, horror games, horror game essay, The best free game you haven't played, the best horror game, scariest game, cry of fat, cry of fear gameplay, far cry 3, fat cry 3, pyrocynical, pyro
Id: nTpCsKOzoCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 35sec (7175 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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