You Are Empty - The Stalingrad Chicken Emergency

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As much as I love Civvie's videos, something about this one is unsettling. Maybe it's the giant chickens or the weird nurses or just the accumulation of euro-jank. It's a weird video is what I'm saying.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Arguendo_Tornado 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this went from zero to uncomfortable pretty fast the game I've got for you kids today is you are empty looking at the cover I was expecting some kind of military shooter you know like the calls of duty but Russian and more depressing a little field if you will this intro is already confusing me Katie you see in this cool art style we have a man walking into a building and then walking out of a building and then getting hit by a truck and then some kind of nightmare oh oh it's gonna be one of those episodes we seem to be in an asylum or a hospital though nobody's stolen our penis yet we're low on health let's grab this mason jar of weight health only goes up to 99 I assume so they don't have to put three little light bulbs on the HUD which is a bit odd what does that sound you are empty is a game from Ukrainian developer Mandal art planes to develop I okay we're off to the races now kiss oh oh dear God what the [ __ ] [Music] whenever I boot up a trash game I usually know within about 10 minutes if it's gonna be an episode okay an extremely tall nurse without a face just tried to kill us so you'd think maybe leave the hospital oh boy we aren't even five minutes in and this other nurse is throwing syringes at me and this patient is poking me with a stick through a window I'm I'm not seeing this this is C V 11 I have developed an exercise that may help you with this situation oh yeah the clock drawing test is a screening for neurological issues often related to dementia where the patient is provided with a piece of paper and drawing of a circle and is then asked to fill it in drawing the numbers of a clock followed by the hands pointing to a specified time an abnormal drawing may point to a decline in cognitive ability brought on by degenerative neurological disorder traumatic brain injury or exposure to mid-2000s video games developed in Russia or a former Soviet satellite state while there is no known cure for exposure to what is colloquially known as Slav jank treatment can electroconvulsive therapy the insertion of titanium psychic dampening plates with a post-operative regimen if electroconvulsive therapy vertebra culling followed by a non-invasive transorbital lobotomy please draw a clock the time should read 810 oh yeah okay let's uh all right 8:10 there we go what is the time CV 11 8 10 what is the time CV 11 8 10 what is the time CV 11 uh 8 10 I'm stuck with this shitty wrench right now but maybe it has an alt fire let me see what they bound that repeat attack repeat attack this game doesn't look too bad for 2006 I guess it's got physics and stuff it kind of reminds me of half-life 2 because of the setting oh cool a gun this game apparently takes place in 1955 so we get this relic here [Music] all right this game is really nailing a tone I don't know what that tone is yet that this game is nailing it we got some pissed-off miners there's more health flying around than you can ever use what's in these jars anyway it doesn't matter I started this game on Normal difficulty I'm a little afraid of what hard might be like I mean how long have I been playing this ten minutes if you don't know what to do when in doubt follow the wire the wire goes nowhere but there is a switch yeah okay I guess I didn't have to open a corpse to get that so that's cool no horror experience is complete without demonic dogs hey you get back here you're in the middle of a scripted event what what is the time CV 11:00 um it's uh it's 8:10 okay but none of this is exactly bad the art direction is pretty good the weapons work from what I can tell there's some kind of virus going around there might be a vaccine and I don't have it yet oh yes give me more of that jank we got car keys now let's do the smart thing and get out of here this place gives me the creeps I think this is a game I'm playing it I think we're about to meet some survivors this guy seems okay he's waving me in I think I seem to have arrived at some kind of farm there's nobody here but mutants this guy outside was just calling me a jerk-off I guess I'll show him he gives me a good old double-barreled shotgun which the player-character reloads like an absolute Chad takes no time at all takes as much time as the doom to super shotgun not a great ranged weapon okay we finally meet one of those mutant dogs like the one that disappeared in loading screen earlier you know what a tactical level this game isn't really bad so far stuff is just kind of off it's not very hard because you tank damage and health is abundant the trade-off being that you move this slowly what the [ __ ] am i play some of these enemies are copied and pasted this site lady the miner so it gets a little confusing the plot is sold out through readable Xin the environment which is fine if you don't have a huge budget where you can get nolan north to voice all your characters that's fine like right here these notes look individually drawn and placed something has been wrong with the hens the last few days they are gaining weight too quickly they're growing more and more by the day maybe something has been added to their feed that's not even badly translated good job localization team I would have just said chickens but that would be ridiculous mutated chickens the size of dogs maybe or something I [Music] no no Jesus [ __ ] what they've done to me what is the time CV 11 I don't know anymore [Music] what it's the time CB 11 its what is the time TV 11 it's it's jank o'clock oh yeah this is what I expected to be doing when I woke up this morning oh [ __ ] that's a person a human person who is it mutated its ought to be good you gave them real hell the trouble came from the city yes I'm telling you the reason is there have you seen what is happening it is they you are to blame damned wise men if we could reach their bosses the City Council they would surely say what we must do now the City Council yeah well the heroes usually go through the basements and the sewer and you'll reach the elevator there will be a train that's your only way of getting to the city help you can make it hurry up what do we say about this what could I possibly add to that he's lying about that sewer it's more just a basement but I'm sure there'll be a sewer later well that's spontaneously combusted there are no enemies in this game that shoot explosives at you this game is an x-file all right I get on this train like that guy said I think that's what he said what the hell is this I met with another cutscene but this time I can't explain what's happening exactly I want to oh god okay I understand this too please sir [Music] the iron workers union is not immune to communist mutations I say that like I understand what's going on yep not using those again what in the hell is this guy blinking at me with oh it's a nail gun we get a nail gun okay so falling 10 feet is worse than getting shot by a wide margin got it gotta say the levels are really detailed they went all out on this weird janky incomprehensible thing look at this bit here you're on the top floor of this factory the wind is blowing these guys are flying on helicopter blades I nailed him right in the balls the way the music kicks in and then when it fades you go back inside we got flamethrower guys too I'm gonna aim down the sights of this nail gun doesn't have four more accuracy [Music] through an underground tunnel that is not I repeat not a sewer we end up in Raven home look this whole game takes place in post-apocalyptic Russia it's gonna end up looking like half-life 2 it's not the devs fault [Music] that's a nice explosion the exaggerated physics in this game it's not like in earlier games with physics where everything had no weight it's more like everything is heavy and made of rubber the ragdolls have a very unique way of moving oh we got snipers let's see how fast they can kill me cool not really the best sniper rifle it kills the other low-level enemies well enough I guess [Music] [Music] Oh no I don't know why that explosion happened that's an inaccessible area we finally reached city law enforcement authorities have been put on red alert aren't all alerts red alerts huh communism jokes upon closer inspection the model work on these communists Kuhlman and bad either the way they fly back when hit with a shotgun blast was what doom three promised me all the way back in 2004 and they lied all the bodies did was disintegrate and I'm walking around this city admiring the shockingly detailed design of everything telephone booths you can open props littering the ground it's this juxtaposition of the unnecessarily dark with the flatly ridiculous which really speaks to me on a personal level I'm hiding behind cover to avoid this guy here and wait what next to this statue of Lenin there's a note that says in a world where the work day is short where no one goes hungry where every person lives in a house with a bath in a fridge owns a car even an airplane oh oh I know you guys were trying to sell communism but holy [ __ ] start a little smaller finally a real machine gun I know it's a submachine gun shut up and after shooting all the soldiers we finally gotten into the City Council or whatever the City Council the City Council yeah all right torture chair pumping toxic gas into the room this is the Soviet rush I know we get another cutscene with a flashback to someone who isn't our player character back when he was a kid where everyone laughs at him because he's playing with flies and because he can't do a pull-up but he comes back later that night and does it yeah take that flashback bullies okay we wake up right back in this room not even tied to that chair they took my weapons but nobody is trying to kill me is this predator rules no sport they still seem pretty pissed at me who are you ah it doesn't matter nothing matters anymore nothing at all he may sound British but that's definitely Russian the entire world has collapsed and we have collapsed together with it and me too what's a nightmare they didn't know was supposed to get better better seems that it is too late now though I don't know is this a debriefing or a Nirvana song what is happening if you have managed to survive and fight your way here you may also reach here take this what the hell is this yeah this will help you why don't ask me why what's the film contains everything there is a cinema nearby you will be able to watch the film there go there quickly I'm trying you don't have much time then don't lock all the doors all is not lost yet um oh hey where did that gun go I have a feeling I'm gonna need that nope looks like I'm back to the wrench for about a minute I wish that guy had told his men to stand down so this would be you know easier he could have done that before he you know in games like this you don't expect certain things to work but then they do I can't compliment these levels enough sure they're linear most of the time but the architecture really captures that feeling of style and era Soviet oppression [Music] when that guy said the cinema was nearby he meant I had to take a train to get there which derailed and then blow up half the block and then read a note that says the cinema is just around the corner find a key to leave the housing project from the yard keeper who was dead then go to the cinema and find the projection is to was also dead and then we go get the basement key so I can get a bulb for the projector because old timey movie projectors needed bulbs and for what to watch some weird commie propaganda I swear to God if this video gets a copyright claim for a movie and support a communist revolution I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] for reasons of secrecy it was decided to establish the object outside the city limits the larger part of the object is underground which provides additional protection and secrecy a secret Ray Rice ban was built in order [Music] emergency system wants to be activated should control or the [ __ ] hey that movie was fine I didn't find that man's accent convincing but whatever that never stopped Robert Downey jr. meanwhile outside the theater Oh God look out he's from Jersey you know four Soviets these guys aren't very tanky shout out to the five people who got that joke this game is actually pretty easy so this death is entirely my fault weird how that pistol does more damage than the rifle from earlier we're going towards the subway gotta catch a train to the secret facility or no we're going to the theater but not a movie theater one of the even older kinds that in retrospect might actually outlive movie theaters oh thank you thank you I feel so awkward Oh oh my [ __ ] what is this I don't even know how I can reward you this pathway leads to the hall from there you can get out to the roof be careful they're everywhere I I must go now goodbye let's never mention this again oh hey city I'm still trying to piece the plot together this guy gets hit by a truck in the city and that he's taken to a hospital in the country he makes his way back into the city where he gets a film that tells him to go back out of the city to find a device that mutates people in an attempt to make Soviet supermen now on to the next cutscene which best conveys what this whole plot is about this character the man who invented this machine the camera falling all over this enormous machinery with ant-sized men trapped in it walking by a man being assaulted and seeing the others as blueprints yes I understand I think and I might be proven wrong on this later I think this might be the Citizen Kane of Slav jank now that we're going into the final part of this game I can safely say that the Soviet Union was too humanizing and all-around kind of bad but they did invent this big energy weapon which is kind of cool you know see Elon Musk making these things [Music] there is a meme an Igor these guys just disappear another train ride that's foiled by light wooden boxes on the tracks now the games throwing hard enemies at me and surprisingly not much help at all don't worry I died a couple times but once you get up into this pretty impressive Tower okay new plan hide behind the railing and now we go up the elevator again to meet the final boss Stalin now it's just the scientists from half the cutscenes who gave his research to style and so the Soviet Union could build this machine and put him in it you know what that's overuse I'm gonna go with [Music] he's waiting for me in the test chamber I've been waiting for you but I didn't think you'd show up so soon I have to admit that you have fought hard now you know what happened to this world you know what my great transformation has led to I feel like the money put towards the mutant radio tower could have been used better like on a space program maybe I'm told that it's so one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism space many might think that what happened means the dream has failed yeah yeah this is delightful my days are numbered and you are the heir of it all and you must rule everything the future of the great transformation and the fate of this world are in your hands stay in this world and leave new people forward who exactly am I supposed to lead here the miners the wife-beater mutants the giant chickens you know that's not a man that's a giant chicken but you are free to choose a different path oh thank god the perfect part of mankind and have the right to determine its fate you can go back to the past and stop the birth of the great transformation this will be your choice and your decision so I just sit on this chair right here press one for that horrifying existence you have there and two for stopping that from happening okay no no I didn't make a choice well I stack I saved the world history plays out like normal which yeah that's an improvement but it's not ideal I got the choice of being a god stuck wired into a giant antenna or dying in a gulag the credits roll but what about the other choice sippy won't you give this game total coverage I would but they didn't put the other choice in rather than give you the illusion of choice I'm sure they just didn't have time but all things considered I enjoyed you are empty so much so that I was completely enthralled from start to finish when I started playing it I spent the next five hours of my life going through the entire campaign in one sitting because I had no idea what was gonna happen next oh yes I spoiled the experience for all of you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 569,851
Rating: 4.953506 out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie11, civvie, civvie's dungeon, you are empty, jank, fps, review, game, recap, let's play
Id: iMzAjixbXMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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