Alien: Resurrection (PS1) - Player Expendable

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I remember when this came out - reviewers butchered it over the control scheme. It had this bizarre system where the left stick moved you forward/back and strafed left/right, while the right stick was used to look around and aim. I mean, who would think that was a good idea??

Imagine the state of console FPSes if we'd stuck with that concept. Good thing it never caught on!

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/tinselsnips 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey I know you guys wanted some of that sweet postal for alpha but the game itself isn't anywhere near ready for a video right now so I guess we got to stick to the theme whoa what is that you remember this city where did you get that it was in your belongings cv 11 I I destroyed it it's dead for so many years it haunted me it couldn't be here it can't be here [Music] maybe you shouldn't read from Necronomicon [ __ ] years ago as a young man I had two of the most popular consoles of the 90s the Virtual Boy in the PlayStation 1 I didn't have many games for the PlayStation you know I had crashed one-and two-and GAC's I had Duke Nukem time to kill that game sucked I had Evil Dead hail to the king yeah don't buy recognizable brand name still only bring you pain also Alien Resurrection the game came out in late 2000 three years after the movie in four years after they started development it was made by organs and I could list all their accomplishments but let's use the big one to help develop the super FX chip for Super Nintendo and also a little game called Star Fox so when I say this game here Alien Resurrection is a tactical marvel for running as it does on the PlayStation 1 it was originally a top-down game before becoming a Tomb Raider like third-person shooter before finally switching to first-person all this after getting their own game in the movie Adams owned for like a second the dev team actually went to see the movie itself and they were underwhelmed because they just watched Alien Resurrection the movie the game though I have a hard time saying the game itself is bad and I know what you're thinking it's an FPS on the PlayStation it's probably dog shed you still don't understand what you're dealing with do you it's technical perfection is matched only by its hostility I admire its purity a survival horror shooter unclouded by conscience remorse or delusions of morality it's better than the movie I guess if you can actually play it all the way through just as a refresher Alien Resurrection was the third sequel in the Alien franchise Ripley died in the last one but the military cloned her we used blood samples from Fiori sixteen on ice where you died oh yes they call this planet from alien 3 now Theo is 16 who wrote this trash all right joss whedon it's rumored that he cries if you bring this up to him because they turned his alien parody script into a real movie or so he says or the studio and her feared and they hired a weird french pervert to direct and then ron perlman almost died in the underwater scene listen I've mellowed towards this movie over the years because Ridley Scott can't even make a good alien movie anymore and he's had two chances what people remember this movie for us for how goofy and not scary it was so they made a scary game to go along with it on the old PlayStation 1 that came out about two weeks before the PlayStation 2 did in North America I'm on an emulator now and that causes its own issues but I distinctly remember finishing this game probably 15 years ago with cheats see it's not an easy game to play playing an FPS game especially one with a survival horror bent not easy on a Dual Shock and some reviewers took issue with the game's control scheme get a load of this from GameSpot's review the games control setup is its most terrifying element the left analog stick moves you forward back and strafe right and left while the right analog stick turns you and can be used to look up and down yeah you know how all FPS games control on consoles now all of them it wasn't the first console FPS to do this some earlier Medal of Honor games did this too but say the controls are bad well that's a bit dramatic they're the best you could get at the time one of the pearls of wisdom could we get from this review we're not playing it with a controller I did that a lot [ __ ] that no I'm using a Madison keyboard this time and I know what you're thinking using a mouse is cheating just like in Goldeneye wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong this game supports a mouse there was a mouse peripheral for the PlayStation and this game supported it and it works just like it should smooth like you're playing quake it makes the game a little easier a little critics also claim that the game was too hard normally I would write that office game journalist being bad at video games because it's hard to think of a game being so hard that it detracts from the overall score this game too [ __ ] hard this is one of the most punishing cruel sadistic things I've ever played the deaths didn't think so the games control scheme was apparently concocted by testers designers and programmers who all took to this newfag way of play in the game I mean they're not wrong Mike Wilson the lead artist was quoted in Eurogamer as saying the problem was probably that we all played it too much like that because by the end some of the q18 could finish the whole thing with a pistol so we all thought it was probably too easy when in fact it got slacked for being too hard [ __ ] anyone who completes this game with a pistol has some kind of predictive algorithm for a brain if you complete this game with a pistol and with the sticks you need to be in charge of the drone program or something because you are superhuman even if those [ __ ] bomb my sister's wedding this game is best played in the dark I can understand that the atmosphere the sound design both admirable especially considering the hardware they were working with you still get that patented ps1 texture warp and the models themselves are blocky as hell still the lighting is quite impressive you wake up in a Cell the first mission has you playing as Ripley who you play a majority of levels as with a couple going to call one did a Stefano and one to Christie the game kind of follows the plot of the movie your main goals are to destroy Ripley clones which in retrospect seems kind of pointless amongst some other mission objectives that are more important but you're not here for that you're here to shoot human soldiers [Music] you get some human enemies here and there but 95% of the time it's you against the aliens which is a problem you don't move like you do and say any other shooter at the time you're slow this here is your max speed when you're dealing with humans that's not a problem you got your wimpy pistol which is fine at first it has infinite ammo but has to be reloaded after 12 shots so here's where the game shifts into survival horror here's how your first encounter with an alien is gonna go yeah the aliens in this game are exactly as dangerous as you would think luckily there was a save point nearby I'm also used in save States because if I didn't I'd never finish this you'll understand this more later the save points are very very far apart monitor technology is afforded to be quick saves and I still almost abandon this game I've been playing this for two months the aliens all have a set of attacks that are extremely dangerous clawing leaping using their little secondary jaw an acid spit attack that rarely ever seems to hit you but when it does happen it's like a gift from God because they stop to do it they all move faster than you do so you can't outrun them and if you've only got the pistol kiss your ass good-bye without superior firepower like the shotgun the pulse rifle the laser rifled not the flamethrower because it sucks the shotgun in any other game would own it looks like a double-barrel it's not it fires one at a time and holds four in the magazine it'll take you if you're up close two shots to kill an alien and usually three you have to let it get right up in your face which is a bad idea the pulse rifle though it's decent enough you can down an alien with less than ten well-placed shots you still get damaged by acid splash but not as much as you would in other games like in any of the AVP games you can stand on an alien corpse without taking any damage which is good because oh boy the first few levels of this game are pretty hard not just because of the movement speed because of the way the game is designed ammo is very very tight and the game does the old you pick up an item and it spawns aliens thing which is fine and doom and other shooters because you can move fast here well imagine if doom gave you four shotgun shells and spawned four imps it requires you to kill efficiently and if you don't you're stuck with the pistol and if you're stuck with the pistol you're dead the aliens are especially hard to aim at because of how fast they move in their tendency to jump on walls and ceilings every now and then they get stuck only a few times did they get permanently stuck usually they'll get hung up on a wall it'll stop them for a second before they leap off and continue attacking if you're up against one alien that's manageable - aliens is a problem three or more is a disaster these [ __ ] will leap through you and leap over you to attack you from behind while their friends are attacking you from the front now they mercifully have pain states not so much with the pistol more with any other weapon except the flamethrower which can drive them away like an alien isolation but it takes ages to actually kill them with it and you'll run through your fuel pretty quickly pulse rifle it is unfortunately it doesn't have a grenade launcher like an alien's you usually get a decent amount of ammo for it early on you'll get shotgun ammo more frequently too but like I haven't even started to show you guys what this thing is actually like to play oh yeah alien shootin cool right look at the detail the animations the steaming acid blood all over the walls there are even a couple NPCs around this scientist who wisely leaves and it's not played by Brad Dourif in this game which is unfortunate anything is improved by the presence of Brad Dourif even Alien Resurrection but I get it you can't get the voices of the stars so Ripley slanty Mennella okay so a corollary to my rule about John st. John now includes Lani Manila not that you're much dialogue besides you just you guys don't get it this game is haunted me for almost 20 years after the first level where he plays Ripley it shifts over to call and she has to launch a jam lifeboat before it explodes oh hey she has a motion tracker the motion tracker is one of the most evil additions to the game because you'll hear it before anything actually blips on the screen just look at how close the alien has to be to show up on the radar unlike the one in aliens it's 360 degrees instead of 180 so something's coming up behind you you could see it but it's too late you can shoot open crates for ammo and supplies and there's this one type of crate that's reinforced with heat shielding that you can't blast open with the pistol so you got to waste other more precious ammo on it hoping that there's something useful inside what's this a laser energy clip yep that's useful [ __ ] later when you get the laser rifle which is a pain in the ass but effective it chews through ammo but kills aliens good I only found it in this level if you're ready to get nauseous here's what crawling around advanced looks like in this level you have to do a thing on a time limit which I usually hate but it's not too bad I know how the game operates you collect four things you slide them in here you pull a switch BAM you're done back to Ripley and we need to talk about the facehuggers you all know facehuggers they're the flesh-colored spider leg things that looks like love at first we sometimes forget after all these sequels what the alien was really about anyway with that in mind this game is loaded to the [ __ ] brim with facehuggers dozens and dozens of them they're everywhere and the facehuggers themselves are a different kind of problem than they usually are in the games in like a VP classic a face hugger shows up every now and then and you have to blast them before they have a chance to insta kill you if only this game were so merciful first you'll see face hugger eggs either hatched or unhatched funny thing good detail right if you see a bunch of hatched eggs chances are you'll have to deal with that many face huggers if the egg isn't hatched it's like diffusing a bomb you can shoot the eggs enough to blow them apart before the face hugger hatches if you want to waste precious precious ammo no instead you'll want to use the pistol to lure the thing out and then blast it two or three times with the pistol and then maybe six or seven more times to make sure it's dead because sometimes they play dead and then jump right back up and surprise you even when they hatch you can't predict where they're gonna jump out they could go right onto your face if you're close enough now Alien Resurrection outright forces you to get [ __ ] faced hugged it lays traps for you that sometimes seem to 100% guarantee that you get implanted with an alien it also gives you these items portable auto docks so a face hugger implants you you wake up and you have a new meter on your heads-up display after about a minute when that runs out unless you were radiated away hard [ __ ] core and one of the reasons I find this game so sadistic is that in any other alien game you only have to get faced hugged once and you're dead this game will do it over and over and over and over in a cycle of unavoidable violation the game itself seems to take certain join doing this to you and you think hey remember in alien 3 when the alien wouldn't kill Ripley because she was impregnated even if it is as depressing as a pediatric burn ward anyway no that doesn't happen here they'll leave you alone until you start attacking the facehuggers can't impregnate you again but it's still a numbers game you've only got one alien inside you and they'll turn on you not only that if you're impregnated ship security won't let you go anywhere until it's taken care of non-human presence detected and there are entire rooms filled with eggs sometimes it makes a hatched and unhatched and I can't overstate how paranoid this game makes you get nano or health pickup that could spawn aliens or facehuggers and if you think the aliens are too big to follow you into vents think again I was able to keep the aliens from following me up a ladder once usually they just scale the wall jump on the ceiling they don't care there was one point I trapped in alien inside of a goddamn prison cell and it's still magicked its way out to attack me [Music] the way aliens tend to spawn in after you hit a switch or pick up a keycard it's pretty standard I guess I still hate it because I have flashbacks to play in this game without savestates where you barely scrape by in a fight only to have the game literally drop five aliens on top of you and if you're not ready to deal with that too bad it's back to the save point which only sets you back half a level the way the aliens will wait behind doors sometimes to insta kill you you can't enter doors directly you got to walk over to them from the side and sometimes that doesn't even matter if it'll just [ __ ] kill you anyway so next you have to fight the queen who you can outmaneuver and her attacks have so much wind up that it doesn't really matter now it's time for just a photos chapter this is where things start to get downright evil ammos balanced in this game in a way that I'm sure it's meant to [ __ ] you over unless you're precisely aiming a thing this game expected you to do with [ __ ] sticks you will not be able to deal and then you're gonna have to use the pistol you can't outrun the game's monsters hell there's one place I got them stuck at the top of a ladder and abuse they're too large hitboxes to get through that alien action dived at me away from an explosion what the [ __ ] just fun to research it Katie I gotta have more Dourif as you watches oh look a save point I've been playing for 40 minutes should probably Oh God why would you do this it's all about being able to read the aliens patterns and exploit them a thing that's exceptionally hard to do with the pistol which only sometimes puts them into their pain state which you need to do absolutely need to do you can sometimes one hit aliens if they're leaping towards you good luck getting them to do that or being able to predict when they're gonna do that you get a grenade launcher on this level oh man you know it's fun having a one hit kill weapon that you have to use against fast targets that are hard to hit who also melee you and get your face almost instantly and the Splash Damage kills you just as good as it kills them now the next level with Ripley is called maximum security and it was the most difficult time I had because I was completely out of ammo so difficult in fact that I cheated yeah okay let's get this over with yeah if I didn't I don't think I would have made it through this game I'm not sure whose idea was to introduce human enemies with flame throwers that can take all this damage whoever that was [ __ ] you they're called hazmat Marines and they're bad but not as bad as what we're going into now so this level requires you had five key cards to open a door to gets clone storage so you can destroy the final Ripley clone that's five areas you have to go through and we've already discussed why the story of the clones is pointless have a look at this [ __ ] here see to access these areas you got to hit switches and this one here opens cell blocks a and B but also activates a spawner here which I am 90% sure is broken observe [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's 15 aliens now I've been looking around watching other playthroughs by people who were way better at this game than I am who have way more ammo than I did at this point I don't know how but whatever this thing with the 15 aliens is a bug the smallest number I've seen in playthroughs is three but for the life of me I could not avoid this bug I loaded from a previous save I restarted the level and oh god this one level not just because of this section I saved this one for last before resorting to cheating when I was completely out of ammo when the only way to progress would be well not progressing and there's a boss fight in this level hardest one in the game with general Perez played by Dan hadeya in the movie he's 6 - hazmat guard Sonya takes an absolutely unreasonable number of hits to go down Jesus in commando it only took 3 shotgun blasts and he whips out a rocket launcher a weapon you don't even get until a few missions later which will insta-kill you and once he kill him after all this - more hazmat guys come in so this is easily the hardest level in the game and yeah I cheated through these two cell blocks for two key cards and then on the next level because surprise surprise your playing is Ripley again and I still have no [ __ ] a mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you looking for something healthy quick and safe to give out to your kids the Salah weave you could give out candy which is contributing to America's obesity crisis you [ __ ] monster you could give out apples if you were square but down here in the Department of Special Corrections sublevel 105 we're treated to something even better a true minded body cleanser but my 2-squared day I have neutral loaf neutral loaf is made from all the stuff you love you get bread you get eggs you get milk your garden salad maybe some Caesar dressing maybe some Italian dressing if you want a little zest in there some frozen peas you crush up sometimes a rattle get caught in the mix and they tell me that's an accident couple drops of vanilla some sriracha a dash of red shadow legends and some ice cold store brand Cola and you blend all that up and you bake it and bam it's like a protein bar you're ready to go it's taken years off by life so yeah I used infinite health again for this level and finally turned it off after getting through oh yeah the underwater sections air supply isn't a problem there's all these bubbles everywhere it's fine problem is that the only weapons you can use underwater or the grenade launcher and the rocket launcher that'll one-hit an alien however if you miss your first shot the alien is gonna be too close to you for you to kill it without killing yourself with Splash Damage here's a section with the rocket launcher if you miss get ready to go back to the last save point because there's no hope [Music] this is Christy's level you might remember him from the movie he had two pistols which are in this game and they're slightly better than having just one pistol you get 24 shots infinite ammo it's great for facehuggers still not great for aliens but serviceable is a last resort this is the medium scale so after this the game gets easier you're back playing Ripley again however she gets taken by the aliens and loses all of her inventory where she finds a dead Queen and the newborn which you might remember as this [ __ ] abomination somehow this is more weird and creepy than the thing Joss Whedon wrote for it I didn't have any ammo as ripley before but you get a fresh start and the game's BFG the electric gun you have to charge your shot almost nothing will take down a face hugger a decent charger one hit a regular alien you get tons of ammo for it that doesn't stop the game's cheap and dirty enemy placement from screwing you over at every opportunity when I say that the aliens will drop out of nowhere right on top of you they will and I'm pretty [ __ ] frustrated play in this game with savestates I used to play it on a 13-inch TV with a Dual Shock controller and I don't remember gettin past the fourth level without cheating and even when I did cheat I went through the game once and never again barely remembering this final level where you have to shock the newborn as adjacency around the Betty you hit switches to open doors slow it down and eventually trap it and blow it out into space how else get an alien story end without something getting blown out into space get the [ __ ] out of here so that was Alien Resurrection I'm gonna pay dearly for cheating through those 2 levels but that's ok it's done I can't recommend it unless you're in the mood for suffering some people are it's a thing now put that tarp down guys I'm ready for it oh wow Jesus come on really ok you didn't have to drag it that much [Music] [Music]
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 745,884
Rating: 4.9335098 out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie11, civvie's dungeon, civvie, alien, halloween, review, resurrection, argonaut, fps, recap, let's play, entertainment
Id: SDKB1bsdkL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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