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[Music] [Music] yes hi Vic I've got an idea I want you to go by reporter that's cos you don't want to buy it would you buy the damn [ __ ] recorder Vic [Music] go record that's a really scary down I didn't Italy go and bias you what we got oh good god play or something what is that the trust layer always it's a block try and play it just try to play it just blow it okay okay okay let's go [Laughter] Phaethon what's going to get Harry to do just look really cute taking photos he fans the lady she's human already she's already really angry how is they enjoying this you're meant to be the guy who carry a sad news on this not supposed to be funny the people are lying [Music] john-boy I'm already already including me okay yeah yeah fine comes up to you [ __ ] all you have to do is just laughing okay and if there are real planned i still get the picture if not they'll walk off in this office yeah okay okay you know I feel like I feel all these fringe ELA you're an awkward person anyway so just do that and be out about well we don't come over coming like a like a [ __ ] crying channels or coming we're variety Channel Vica day to wear this next like 20 minutes I just bought a recorder but you know this could be me just so you know this is this is for me I'm gonna get you guys back all right thing is I don't know how it works and I'm okay no no no oh my god well do they know oh no I mean let me safety first but me type in the scraps how's my head this is like a clock this is design for George I whele so I've got the Hat I got Simon a little treat he's gonna dare me and they doubt him to look probably like dr. disrespecting yeah dare me to play the recorder I know I'm one possible play okay let's go all right let's go I see a transformation I don't want to know what I look like right now if you don't define a little don't go find a well what if you knew it was a bit wall [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] your ticket and yeah I look like this bazinga I'm running you two go and dance with amend them but I need you to go all out I've got this way don't what [Music] mix it up get him a check for your customer have you got money I'm sick of this hat is too big it was designed for Josh from his weapon so JJ this is now your okay you've got your recorder that you got me to buy and you ask them if you can wrestle they're gonna say yes and you're in a place fun on the recorder for that I know you know and you're not allowed to move until after and you're not allowed to move until someone puts something in half [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go yeah good idea so Harry fundamental breakdown will do anything I'll make you do something in school we push each other I got the ball and you got the interaction I'm sorry thank you he's gonna hate you [Music] he's stronger than so far get next okay next one [Music] hi you gave him such an easy one I'm gonna make this harder for you talking all of this you have to go be a slug in front of the bus go over there in front of the slug the whole way across you have to slug like you know where you do this what you do that and then move you'll hold his bag on his back and his recorder I'm gonna get a second angle for this good luck good luck you guys [Music] I gotta go to the temple almost as I said I mean you need to go donate now you need to go give him something [Music] we got there where you got there oh you got what do you got for me I got a banjo mate what are we gonna do it out strum it I'm gonna strums on the phone we can do some buskin oh yeah boy just sign if we can find it location one we go like I said you see in the world of song not us yeah as loud as you can [Music] guys in a couple of short circuits and will try to do something crazy I will attempt to choke or not to not even free not even 5 back then 20 but this one football over there [Music] Harry Harry Harry screaming Josh Josh we scream at these people until the moment they come over it's very old house with the Harry Street you want Harry Harry scream no and we'll see suppose we go back Harry screaming oh no no no when these people come up to you scream come on you got this you got this right Vic I dare you yeah solid okay yeah no no no [Music] [Music] oh boy pick the boy make the boy [Music] [Music] mix pretended to be a dog or eight days played the flute to agree with people really badly Simon Simon somewhere now we need to step this up I'm starting my little daily update because I'm about to planetarium face if it doesn't do any guess people it should although is it aggressive the question upside down I want a new cyber clothing hoodie what happened oh you were in the news having Clemen hoodie that was money that was funny in public as well that was funny and in public all right guys it's time double dare you've both got lightsabers ready to rock and roll you don't know how to use it that's right you can learn ok you're going to bump into each other in front of a group of people and then you're gonna exit if you're going to start a fight you're gonna whip out the lightsabers and I want a Star Wars [Music] [Music] my bug you close the [ __ ] there all day so you've got go and clean them clean them go clean and you close well I want you to have a shower in there bro tip down potato jump on top oven and pretend to have a shower Ziggy's top of people like [ __ ] out everything oh yeah I was for having my face yeah I have a shower Lud go go right go right Harry yeah these kids all good about finding the one look No bro you know it is the Seidman clothing drip do you heart drip - you forgot to clean Fabri hey busy day in London let's just really busy today London so basically he I want you and him to a turistic yep I want you to leapfrog each other through the park and every time you have to make a lovely sex noise a lovely sex noise every time you leave each other like like making that noise every time I have you found your sexual mood yeah yeah right one blow the winner and I could go high you ready bend over whoa I know it now it's all good yeah now it's all good right down put it down um coming in [Laughter] [Laughter] I made the video Simon with the back to back - I got you with another one neither this in the biz no it looks good it looks good it looks good it looks good okay so over here flat down there's a group of scouts and you're just gonna go and you're gonna lie down in front of them face down just just on the pathway and we'll see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no one came to help you they just couldn't laugh people walk past you people crazy but next time a fan comes up to our so any kind of person college bus the scream hey weird noises I talk about how they know I'll scream at their screams make weird noises in their face around their face all kind of fades all power places in example your own teammate let's get alone okay moments later [Music] we stand under the Lion King sign and sing I don't know you do that top your voice I don't know ask the venya I never learn it we cross him oh hi Simon so I tell you to go to random people and ask them for directions and then just walk off yep listen to them giving you directions maybe but yet do the timber [Music] dizzle is going to hang from a bar you're going to try it go my man the bar [Music] you got it boy you got it stay strong [Music] now [Music] Keita core solid close your eyes [Music] you got it boy [Music] you got it put it stay solid boy stay solid based on its face solidly based on a solid place on its face on it stay solid oh look its weakest finger this big I'm lucky boy d'arnot let's play bogies but instead of bogies oh yeah oh yeah [Laughter] you only play Josh oh I'm just a silhouette here i'm a loc'd character look at Harry Harry oh yeah I you made me look like a dick it's your turn all right go across the road and do it I'll film from here even if and run down the bus lane screaming I'm a bus [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 9,721,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8xvBJVPSAig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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