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(upbeat music) - Okay boys, welcome to the latest Hide and Seek. We are on Abuki island in the middle of the sea. I'm going to count to 100. - Oh. - Whoa. - [Harry] And you all have got to go and hide. - Wa hey. - All right, you ready? - Yes. - [Harry] All right, three, two, one, go. - Move. - There's only one way to get off. - Off the green. - Right, joke's on you I'm going in the sea. - [Harry] Four elephant. - Bye. - Five elephant, six elephant, seven elephant, eight elephant, nine elephant. - God there's nothing down there, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Spiralis. - Limbs! - Hey yo, that smells real good. - What smells good? That food? - No yeah. - Let's just go and eat. - That's what I'm thinking bro. (men chuckling) - Look at the view, absolute kawarka mate. Absolute kawarka. - What? Is there a good place in here? - Hey you didn't come here first. - That's true, that's true. - Right, so I'm going to drop a little bit of inside knowledge right now. I need a poo, so I'm going to use this hotel room to do a poo. - Hey boys. - What? (bell clanging) - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - Oh no, wait, power, power, power. (foghorn sounding) - That's really annoying. - The Germans are coming. - Wait Tobi, I need your help. - What the hell is that? (plane engine roaring) They're not being very discreet, are they. All right, 50 elephant. - That's jarring, that's jarring. - So you wouldn't think that this place is actually a hotel but it had these rooms. I'm going to make use of this and do a poo. - Now he can hear us though. (men chattering) - Yo, so there's this place here. - All right guys, I'm not in here. Okay, just letting you guys know. - So in this bit, they said down there is haunted. The question is, do we do it? I don't know. Oh look. Oh wait, look at the person that... - Oh my. - Can you hold this? - Can you fit in there? - Can I fit? - Slide in there man, slide in there manoeuvres. - All right, I'm going to put this by the door, so he's going to think, yeah. - 59, 60. - That's a good spot. I wouldn't even, I wouldn't even look there. I didn't know that was a thing. Good bye my friend. - I'm standing on something and I don't know what. - And now, this is me and this water bed, yeah. - 69, ooh, fuck them, all right, 70. - Oh! - Whoa, there's like a poo chute in here. - All right mate, I don't like this. - Good luck guys. - Why are your trousers down? - Look at the poo chute. So the fact is I've got nowhere to go in times like this, do I? - I'd move that and hide behind it, if he comes. - No, cause I don't want him to look at it and go, "Ha ha, I saw someone, but it's just that." - Spot, spot, spot, spot, spot. I'm gonna have to do it. - Whoa! Water bed. (man laughing) Whoa! Yo, I haven't taken any drugs, relax. - [Harry] 86, 87, 88, look at this zoom, 89. - All right, good luck Simon, I need to now find a new hiding spot. - I've got faith in you. - Wait Vik. - Yeah. - Oh shit. (men chattering) - I've got a little stool as well. TV lounge, it's very dark in there, I can't see anything. - For me being on this, it's probably not a good hiding spot. Okay, I'm going to have a look around. - 98, 99, 100. Ready or not, here I come. - And see now ideally I want to go to top floor and I would have liked to hide there but it's too obvious. - All right, where the hell do I even start? Right, I'm going to do a clean sweep. I'll be upstairs, I think. - Wait, this place is nice. - Whoa, yo it's a starfish. It's a big boy star. They've got to have like secret hidden compartments, surely. - And it doesn't seem like there's anyone up here. But I heard a door slam, I heard a door slam. - All right, know what? We're going to make the discount code island. So if you guys want a discount code, use the code island and you'll get a certain discount off your Sidemen Clothing. (man running) - Something's coming, but it's not Harry. - Hmm, okay. (man sniffing) Any Sidemen here? - Vik? - I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. Bro, I flash backed. - Flash backed to what? - Flash backed to when I was inside a box. It's locked. It's a locked box. - I can hear it, okay. Okay, here's my spot. I think he'll take a while. - Bra. (man screams) (man laughs) - What are you doing? - I didn't know you were going to hide here. How is this a hiding spot? - Nope, okay. - Underneath or behind there. Let me see what it looks like. - The fire pit, I bet there a lot of activity over here. (stones scattering) No, you know what I think is going to happen? Ethan being a pyromaniac is going to come and set that on fire later. So if I see smoke going up, I know Ethan's about. (lighthearted music) - Does it open? Does it open? - Bro, I'm not getting locked in a box. - Oh my goodness, no not again. - You will not fit in, should we hide in one half each? (men giggling) - Yeah, this is legit. No you can't close! - Is there somebody behind here? No. - No, I can't do it. I think I did go on a bit. It's not a good enough spot. - Anyway, it's time to actually try and hide and not bump into Harry. - You see, the thing about a Sidemen, the bloody bastards, they always move positions. So what I've got to do is remember any good looking hiding spots cause someone might be in them later. - JJ, that's actually a good spot there. - I know. - But it's going to get checked, right bro. We need to get up and go. We can't have three of us hiding in the same... JJ, are these your shoes? - [JJ] No. Shit, they are. (men laughing) - Take your shoes, hide with them. Bro, that was the baitest thing, your shoes in the middle of... - We can't be here, good luck. - Thanks guys, bye. - What, is this a sauna? Bloody hell. - Dude, we're on a mission, right. We have to try and get up. As Harry comes down, we go up. (men chatting) - Here's the thing, someone 100% is going to go in that sauna later but I've just got to time it right. - Drake, it's Drake. - Vice Admiral Drake. - Okay, bolt hole. - We've got police helicopter providing my bird's eye view in case I need to find anyone. - My shoes are so squeaky. (shoes squeaking) - We need to avoid him and get upstairs, I don't know how. Wait, hold on. - Do we go down another level? - I don't know what, let's go. What is this here? Oh, this is the way to all the downstairs rooms. No one in the hot tub, unsurprisingly. It's hard mate, I don't know what a start. This place is actually, there's so many nooks and crannies. (engine roaring) - Oh my God. I just drank water, I've screwed it up so badly. - I can hear him, we can him. - Shh, no it's fine. (door banging) - I can hear him. - [Harry] I swear to God. - Fuck you poo. - [Harry] Ooh, Vik could have fit in there actually you know, maybe Tobi. It looks a bit electrical though, so I wouldn't trust it. - I was going to go outside, I was going to go outside. (men whispering) - Okay right, let's be honest, there's no one up here. - Ooh. - I don't know if he's coming this way. - No, right that would be sick to jump off, although I definitely don't think we're allowed to do that. - Hide in the staircase. That's a good one, that's a good one. - Fuck, such a (indistinct) I really hope that Harry doesn't come here because it's noisy. - I'll wait here, I'll hear him if he comes out there. So then I'll just go the other way. Okay, cool. - This fucking hurts. I can hear music. Whoa Jesus, it's a bird. Bloody hell. Oh my God. - I think I'm going to be found out, fuck. - I could hear something and I was like, what is that? And then a bloody bird flew past me. All right, cool. - I've got the camera between his legs, so should be hidden. I hope he just focuses on the guy's face. - This place is massive. Everything echoes here. Oh, okay. (door clicks) This is good because whichever way he comes down, I can just run the other way quietly. - I don't know where to start, I don't know where to start. Right, let me follow their tracks. They used this foghorn. (foghorn sounds) - Let me show you where it is. - I'm going to stay here mate. - It said the games rooms are all through there, so I'll stand with the door open, so as soon as I hear him in the games room, that means we can go up the staircase all the way to the top and we know he's down over there. - Okay, I'm going to stand up for now because I can't squat for that long. - Where are you Sidemen? The thing is I'm wearing bright green, so they're going to see me coming. (man sniffs) Smells a bit in here. - He's there, he's there, he's there. - I'm in the bloody... Aw no, I don't want to go in that bit there. We were given a tour earlier and this is like the underground hole. - I'm taking my shoes off. I'm going to leave them in here, this is the Fisherman Room. - Oh Jesus, look at... Boys, if anyone's in here, for the love of god please don't let me come in there. I'm not doing it, I'm not doing it, I'm not doing it. I refuse, I refuse. (man chuckling) - All right, this door looks like it was opened and then shut in a bit of a dodgy way. Ooh, oh fuck, Jesus Christ! Nope, there's nothing in here. - Fuck, fuck, fuck. (man muttering) - Hmm, now that's interesting because that looks like it's trying to stop me going in this door. Oh good god, it's so fucking dark in there. Surely no one's gone in there. Surely no one's gone in there. Ah no, you're staff member god's sake, no. - I can see him, can he see us. - Oh, oh, oh, yes. (doors banging) - I decided to find a new spot. - He saw a staff member but nearly saw me. - Who'd he see? The staff person? - He's gone quiet, I think he might have seen me. I think he might have seen me. Oh shit, in here. - Guys, I'm in the generator room. I'm in the generator room with tables and stuff. I think I've won. - I think once Harry finds people, he'll know about me and come down here. Just got to hope he leaves it for ages and hope the ghosts don't get me if it is haunted. - I'm going to be here a while, aren't I. All right, okay. Ooh, the wine cellar. Behzinga will probably be in here, the filthy alchi. - Yeah, in here. - Why's there... Is this bait? Whatever, I'm going under that, hold up. Help me bury me. - All okay, these boys aren't that grotty, they aren't going to stay in an absolute stinker of a place, surely. - [Vik] Make it look legit. - That's Vik, I need to hide. (man panting) - Ethan, Ethan. (people rustling) - Hello. - I'm scared to go out. - All right. (Velcro ripping) - There has to be someone in the games room here, this is such a cool section. (feet stomping) - All right so, I kind of wish I had my shoes, but I'm in a good spot, look. - You can see the camera steaming up. I'm wearing a coat and I'm on a heated floor under a blanket. I'm roasting. - [Harry] No one in here. Ah this place is spooky, spooky place. - Vik? - Yeah. - I'm moving this little seat in front of the door so just push hard if you want to get out. - Bro, I'm dying. - Good luck. - I'm melting. - Good luck. - Help. - I need to get away from these windows, man. - This is very hard to get in and out of barefoot, so we'll see. - Oh god, it's like a maze in here. (man laughing) - Well, what do we have here? - Got to be a way to turn off the heated floor. - Another toilet. This is like JJ's dream vacation, or Ethan. (man sniffs) Those kids love taking a shit. - I just want to find one person and that will make my life a bit easier. - [JJ] Oh god, it's steaming, it's steaming. Boys and girls, we might have found the ultimate spot. I don't know about you, but I'm might have to, I might have to dive in. (man chuckles) - I think I found myself a nice little hiding spot. Cosy. - I have this plan, I'm taking it off like this. If I hear anything, I'll go into that room there and bang, we're gone. - When you start doubting, I can't cause of that... I have to stand that for 45 minutes. - I'm bamboozled, I'm bamboozled. - Ethan? (upbeat music) - Right then, hmm. - Oh that is nice. - There's untouched champagne, which means Ethan can't be around here. - Holy shit, it's so dirty in here. I think I might move. - I can hear Ethan in the ducts, like I can hear him talking but I can't see him. So I'm literally just kind of stuck down here till they come. - There's no (indistinct) to be down here. I'm completely off the radar. - I've kept my shirt on just in case he does come through, I can somehow run away real quick. Ah it's nice you know, it is nice you know. I also put on a bit of pounds due to Christmas so obviously can't let you guys see that, can't let you see the Christmas fat. - Oh Lord Above, this is hard. All right, I'm going out here. - Like I said, go with Simon, my friend (indistinct). Please, please, please. - Look at the size of that fucking seagull. Oh my god, he could eat me. Mate, what have they been feeding you over here? - Look at me. Aw look at me, I'm enjoying this. This is sick. - Oh, I don't think anyone's going to be down here, surely not. Oh fuck. - So how you guys doing, huh? You guys been up to much? How was your Christmas? How was your New Years? Mine was decent. Went to see the family, ah triggers. (man laughs) - [Josh] There are wellies, just over there I don't want to risk getting to them. - How do I get to the bedrooms? (man gasps) I've seen Behzinga, I've seen Behzinga. I just saw Behzinga, I saw Behzinga, he's gone up there. Oh my god, oh my god. I saw him, I saw him, I saw him, I saw him. - Oh my God, I don't know if you saw that on camera I've just seen Ethan. Now up the stairs, okay we go this way. Oh my god, I've seen Behzinga. Shit, I can't lose him. - Oh I've seen Ethan, he's just gone into a room. Okay, do I follow him looking like this? - [Harry] Ethan just went up those stairs, I just saw him. I got to be quiet, gotta be quiet. - I've gone onto the terrace because... - [Tobi] Ethan. - Yes. Oh, where are you? - Oh fuck it you, I might have some fun with this. - There was a little cupboard in, and it was the generator room and (indistinct). - My god, I just saw JJ, I just saw JJ, I just saw JJ, guys. - Okay, maybe not. - Wait, there's people on the roof, I repeat, there is people on the roof. - Okay, I'm going to at least put on my shoes you know, let's have some decency. - I think I've just seen JJ getting in the hot tub. - Me in heaven. - I just saw him out of his pants. - Ethan, I saw you run up the stairs man I know you're up here somewhere. - [JJ] Oh no, shit. - [Harry] I know you're up here somewhere. - [JJ] Shit, shit. Fuck, ah I have one shoe. What the fuck?! - Vik's in the first toilet. - The son of a gun, is he in the lighthouse? Is he in the lighthouse? - Fuck, fuck, I'm literally... What's going... This is ridiculous. - Fucking hell Vik. - If he's gone in the lighthouse, I'll rate him. - I can't believe it's Vik. - Oh shit, at least my spot was better, right. - No, he's coming up here. I've got an idea, I'm going to cover you. - Okay (men whispering) - It's a lovely view. But I do look ridiculous. - It's too risky cause I thought I'd try and get my size and make him walk in across that bit there. Then that's at the centre of the fork. I don't know what my size in wellies are. - [Harry] No way you're up there. Ah there's actually no one up here. Fuck. - Touch the floor. Bro, I'm dying. (man mumbling) - I'm not letting him get away, the bastard. In here, in here. - [Harry] Oh yeah! - I'm just doing a poo. I was doing a fucking poo there. - [Harry] Yes man, I saw you come up here I know you're somewhere. - I tried the generator room as well. - [Harry] Yes! - [Ethan] I mean, look I went in the generator room. - [Harry] All right, there's no time to panic. There's someone, there's people up here. I know for a fact I've seen people running around here. - Ethan saved me, bro. Ethan just sacrificed, what a legend. - What, am I first found? - [Harry] Yeah. - Fuck, oh that is bad. - I saw you run up the middle stairs. - I don't know what to do. Hmm, yeah maybe not. Yo, is this bird laughing at me? - I thought Ethan was Harry when he walked in. I was like, "Oh shit, I've been found." But I think he's actually done the perfect cover for this hiding spot, I don't think Harry will check here again for a while. - Fuck off. (bird squawking) Okay, I don't know what to do. - Um, do you mind if I go and get my shoes? I took them off cause they were making a lot of noise. They're in the Fisherman's Room. Do you want me to come back here? - [Harry] Do you promise me? - Pinky promise mate. - Pinky promise me, ah okay cool, cool. Well what I know, I'll be up here because I believe there's someone else up here. - I'll get my shoes and be back. - All right, cool. - But don't worry, I will be back. - All right, cool. Ethan's gone to grab his shoes. I'm trusting the man. - Trust me, don't worry you got pinkie, I don't break pinkie promises. - Oh, watch now a mouse comes out of there, that would be terrifying. - But I don't believe it's a clean sweep up here yet. I believe we have more. - I'll have a little sleep. - There's someone, the sauna door's open. - Right, let me grab my shoes cause I am an honest man. But did you see that? Vik is safe, Vik is safe. - Oh my god, oh my god. No way. What? Oh my god, someone's been in here. That's JJ for god's sake. We gotta follow the footprints, we gotta follow the footprints, mate. Buddy bigfoot has left a trail. Where'd he go? Ah for fuck, I can see you. I can finally see you, mate. Where is he? Ah, I'm coming, I've got you. You're done, you're done, you're done, for god's sake. - I've been expecting you. (men laughing) - Were you in the fucking jacuzzi? - Look mate, it was a bit of a madness. - [Harry] Oh my god. - I don't know who he's just got but I think I'm safe for now. - Remember for Hide and Seek you want attractive angles, here's another one for you. Let me wash my hands and we'll be on our way. - It's hard to tell where they are. It's surround sound. I can hear him through the duct over there but he's just found someone, I don't know who and I don't have phone signal so I can't even find out. It's just me and my buddy. - I thought you were going to be in the hot tub. I saw all the clothes by the side. - Yeah and then I saw you coming so I was like, shit. - Oh dear. - Right, time to go and hunt. - Harry's downstairs, let's check on Vik. - Ethan? - Ah he's legged it. (man giggles) - If he's actually legged it, but he pinkie promised me, he can't have legged it. Ah mate. - Oh hello Bog. - I found him. - Was you in the hot tub? - Just don't. - Okay, so I was in those (indistinct) and I said, I was like I've just seen a man in his pants. I got a glimpse of someone in their pants. - Bro, I went up to the port, there were clothes by the floor and there was just like wet footprints going around there. - Fuck. - [Tobi] Look at this Dude. - Why is he always in his boxers? - Nope. (men chattering) - He ran away with wet pants. - What a boy, mate, what a boy. - What a boy, what a boy effort. All right, you know what? Two down, I mean, I'm in a better position than I was a few minutes ago, that's for sure. - Let's go check on Vik. You're still alive. - And very cooked under here. Have you touched the floor? Touch the floor, I'm getting the rapture. - Ah, it's not even like... - [Vik] It's like 30 degrees. - It's proper heated. He's found Ethan and he's found JJ. - You know Ethan was in here, right. - Ethan was in here? - Ethan sat on the toilet and covered for me cause Harry came in and found Ethan and he's just like, I... - Do you reckon someone's downstairs? They gotta be, right? Have you done any of down there? - Do you want to do... - I'll do it, come you've got friends now. - We'll get JJ and do it as a... - [Ethan] Cause three of us are stronger than one of us so we can do it. - But I don't know who would stay down there. - We'll go down, we'll do the... - I feel like he's trying to escape. - If this mother fucker's got back in the hot tub, all right, okay, okay, good. - We caught you, we thought yous was getting back in. - I just want to get changed real quick, I might be while. - Do you have spare pants mate? I can't believe he's got no bottoms. - Just leave me alone. - We're going to have to blur it anyway. (guys laughing) What does KSI do after winning a boxing fight? This. (man laughing) - I wanna move around but this blanket is... - I think these people are all going to have a go at me for moving around. I'm trying to make the video entertaining for you. - So we're 25 minutes in. Don't know who's been found and who hasn't been found. - We are living the Sidemen Show Haunted come on, put it here lad. Come on. Yes, pow. Ooh I hear voices getting closer, they're getting closer. - Right, we're going to get haunted by ghosts. - We're doing the underground bit. - If you want a quality meet, if you want to do one that is so bad... - Just sit on the toilet. - Just sit on the toilet and he'll find you he doesn't go here a second time. - I've done a scan of this before. I've done a scan and these people move, don't they? - Well the only thing is, Bog, can you go first? - Yeah, but if someone's down they're going to the lap and try and outsmart. - We'll hear the footsteps though. - We will. So you want me to go in. - I reckon Josh is in the underground tunnels. That is just such a Josh thing to do. - What, to go into the scary bit? - Yeah, the fact that Harry doesn't want to go into it. - Oh it's a bit wet, I don't like this. (man squealing) I'm soaking. Oh my god, what the fuck. What is that? - Ah, no thank you. - Bro, it's soaking, my foot is soaked. My foot is now soaked. - Oh, I've seen you. I found a man. - Aw no! - Yes. - I can't go any further cause there's water behind me. - You got wet as well? - Yeah, there's water everywhere. - Yes. - You haven't been down here the whole time, have you? - Yeah, you came here and was like, "I'm not going to go down there." - You were there the whole time?" - Yeah. - Oh my god. - Lads, my foot is sopping. - Yeah, you've taken a beating. - I was going to run out and get wellies. - I'm shaking. - That's foul. There's nothing quite like the squelch. - I'm shaking. They're coming from that way. They're coming round from that way. - Right, I'm going to try and find a way to dry this sock and put my shoe back on or something. But this shoe's soaking wet as well. - Who's left? Tobi, Vik and Simon. May I say some of these craft, crafty hiders we have as well. - I think they'll be down here. - You reckon? - Well let's find Twingy first. (voice echoing) - Ah you're going to get tetanus man, you can't be doing that. - I'm not going to get tetanus. I'm going to get tetanus if I carried on with my scrungie shoes. - That was in there for a while, as well. - Oh wow, we found Josh. - Yeah, I was in the haunted areas. - You actually went... - Aw he sat in the dungeon. - Weirdo man. - He even seems to think there's someone up here. - I think there's people up there mate, because I heard someone make noise at me. I don't know where but I heard someone make a noise. - Do you want to check the lighthouse again? I feel like someone might have gone up there. - I say they're in the rooms. - In the rooms? (men chatting) - I could have stayed in the bedrooms. - I was in a dark place. - Harry, you are a dickhead. - I forgot about the bedrooms. I forgot about the bedrooms. Oh, the Fisherman is open. - Oop, nope. (men talking) It would be very interesting to see if someone's in there. - I don't think anyone's in here cause I've already been here. (man groaning) (men chatting) - Do you want to play I Spy Vik? - Okay. Help to pass time, all right. - I spy with my little eye, something beginning with B. (men murmuring) - We have a rod. - Is there any bait on there or anything? - Don't drop it down there please. - It is open but don't drop it, for the love of god. - Wait, there's confusion. (men chuckling) - Bro, there's nothing in here. Boy. (men laughing) - No. - What are you doing? - I'm trying to see what's there. (men chatting) - Can I pee down there? - You can pee down there. - If you piss down there, I'll rate you. - You can, but you can't. - Lay across it bro. - Bathroom. (men giggling) - It's right in front of your eyes Vik. It could be anything. - Okay, I just wanna say that I don't approve. - JJ's doing the deed. (men laughing) - Do you want a clue? - Yeah. - It's by the door. - (indistinct) (man laughing) I spy with my little eye, something beginning with C. - Camera. - No. - This can't be a thing. - Is he in? (men talking) - Aw this is wrong. - Oh my god, I'm probably the first to do this. - I can't believe what I'm seeing. - They're fishing while I'm stuck in this hole. I mean is that winning I guess? - No, no, no, hard willy. - How's he going to get up? - We'll let the viewers play along. - Canvas, yeah. - Fuck, you look so happy that you know what it is. - I invented the canvas boy. - Wait, if the (indistinct) is we didn't need him actually to piss down there, it was all just a joke. - Yeah, yeah it's just a joke. It's just a joke. (men laughing) Hey, I did need to pee to be honest. I feel like if I get out there's going to be piss everywhere. (men chatting) It's all out, it's all out, okay I'm all shaken out. I've got piss on my hands, I've got piss on my hands. There's piss on my hands guys. - All right, now get up. - Oh heavens above, someone's... (men laughing) - Just wash it out. - I'm locking us in, I'm locking us in. - Practise run, go. - I'm not going to lie, that one was perfect. That was very sick. (men laughing) - I meant it as a joke. - I can't believe what we've just done. They're thinking, what a lovely group of guys, he pissed down the... (man laughing) - Also remember that that is three of them seeking. Nothing that they do, I mean Ethan and JJ, nothing they do is going to be quiet. - There's about three brain cells between them. (men chuckling) - Just in case. - Shampoo, shampoo. - Are we putting shampoo? - No, no, no cause it will bubble. (men chatting) - It does honk a bit, it does honk a little bit. - As I said, I don't want to be part of this. - I say you pour the hot water down and then we shut the lid and then we evacuate. - No trace, no face, no case. - What, apart from the fact that we filmed the entire thing? (men laughing) - We're just doing this. Yeah, look at that, beautiful. - I laugh some fish are burning up down there. (men laughing) - We just put shampoo in there. There's fucking lots of stuff in the ocean, so. - We smashed it out of the park. - Right, shut the lid nice and gently. - And we're done with that. - All right, let's find the other guys. - Ladies toilet? Why can't I go to the ladies toilet? - No, cause it's the ladies toilet. Are you a fucking perve? - Bro, are there any females in here? - Bro, get out. - There's no females, we're the only people on this island. (men chatting) - Right, anyone who visits this hotel and stays in the Fisherman's (indistinct). - Oh hang on a minute. Why's there a bloke in there? - That is fucking horrifying. (man screams) - Oh shit. Wait, how the fuck did you get in there? (men chatting) - I've got the best camera holder, my camera's right there. Just as a clearance by the way, his pants were already down. Yeah, just to clear that up. Ethan, where were you hiding? - All over the place mate. - Cause I heard you in here. - Where? - I heard you in there. - Oh, I was in there. - Yeah, I heard you in the generator room, it's a bit of a tight squeeze, ain't it. I'm the same in here. - Okay, they're going to go from running around screaming to just us in the toilet. - Sitting on the toilet. Sitting on the toilet. - Do you want me to pee in there? - No, why would I want that? - Okay, don't worry. We've got lots of stories to tell you just now. - Yo, JJ can you help me out and just grab my arm? - This could be funny. - Okay, brilliant. (men chatting) Fucking hell, what is this? - Whoop, the stool fell. - We've torn this place to shreds. - We've got to put the arm back in there at some point. - No, this is the outfield. - Okay, let's find the others. (men chatting) - Do you reckon that's? - They definitely did with that boiling water. - Was that here before? - What? - I swear to you, if someone was in there they would have suffocated in there, surely. - Why would someone put it next to the door mate? That wasn't there. - Ah it's locked. Vik, if you're in here you're going to die cause we can't open it. (men laughing) - What about this chest? That's unlocked. - There's no way. - No, I mean it's unlocked. You ready? Ethan grab that side. - But there's not going to be a human in there. - Ah. - [Ethan] Imagine if you're there and Tobi is in one side and Vik is in the other. - That would be amazing. (man whispering) - I know a degree of patience is required but (man mumbling) there's only so long I can sit on a toilet for, bro. - It's good ain't it. - I don't know. - I don't think you can fuck on the bed, not nicely. Yeah cause you need something firm to track. - Whoa! - So in the fishing room we've kissing here. - It's a shambles. - Is this what you guys have been doing cause I was in that hole for a long time. You guys were just having meetings? - Pretty much, should we go to the top level. - I reckon they've gone up cause they probably... - Quite a nice crescendo isn't it. - Should we split around the top level. - Vic and Tobi, it's just you left. It's just you, you pigs. I've got a cold foot. - Hey yo, why don't we just eat. (men talking) - You know in the food colour challenge when you said anymore fat jokes? That's why. (man giggles) - Well turnaround, you should have seen the stalemate. (men talking) - JJ was in a very vulnerable spot. He was coming down the stairs (indistinct). - I've definitely been through it today. - Lads, I reckon surely someone's gone in the lighthouse. Surely someone's gone to the lighthouse. - Yo, did someone go in the hot tub? - Yeah JJ, he left footprint. (man laughs) - My foot is freezing. - Is anyone in here? - Yo, this place is banging you know. - Hmm, there's a drone in here. Is there a human? Surely, I'm not going to bail again when it's my house rule and I've got this look on my face. - I have no idea where they are right now. - Where is he? - Ooh, who's in the lighthouse? No one, again. (men laughing) - What a time to be alive. - What's this? - Oh no, this is blow. Oh slow. - Why did they not bait me out? - Vik and Tobi, if you're in there make it look nice. - What you all laughing at? (men talking) - There's something here that... - Do you see on camera? - I hope not, it's grotty in there. - You hope not. (man screams) - I found two people on the toilet. - Well done mate, you were second last. - Second last? - That means Vikkstar's the winner, right? - Single Vik, reveal yourself. - He's not here mate. - Have you checked the lighthouse? - We just checked the lighthouse now. - I wonder where Vik might be. - There's a couple of things that first got here. - Wait, he's not underneath the... - I said Vik, reveal yourself. He is still there. - Oh my god, oh my god. - You know he was there when you found me? - It says internal temperature too high. (men laughing) - You were there the whole time? You can't have been cause... - Yes mate, I did a solid yes. - Oh my god. - He's been there since you found me mate. I told him I was going to do him a solid. But then I got stuck, I was like, I don't know where to go at this point and I walked in and I sat. - I've been bamboozled. - You have been bamboozled mate. - Vic is the winner. - Tiny man wins Hide and Seek, shock. - Wait, wait, wait, whoa guys. We've got to at least have a discount code. (men chatting) - My battery's exhausted lads. - It was island if you want to use it. (men chatting) (hip hop music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 16,326,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: UcSdj1_I4bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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