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- Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Sidemen Countdown or for the slower people out there, the number and letters game. - What? - Why are you looking at me? (guys laughing) - The first thing to do is decide the teams. Now I have already decided who's gonna be on what team. So this will be team one, okay? Team One, JJ. - Oh, okay. - Team Two, Vik. - Please put me on Vik's team. - Team Three. - Please put me on Vik's team. - [Simon] Toby. - Ooh. - Oh, shock. (laughs) - Whelp! (guys laughing) - [Toby] Why have you done this, Simon? (guys laughing) - Vik, your partner is Harry. - Yes! Yes, I've got a neek! (guys laughing) Let's go. - Toby, your partner is Josh. (guys laughing) Which means JJ has Ethan. - I have my guy! - What's up, my G? (guys laughing) What's this for? - So we can write down our word, dude. - Oh, wow. - [Josh] Wow, it's really bouncy! - What's this? - (laughs) It's a notepad. - We are also joined today by Kelly. Can we get a round of applause, please? (guys clapping) - Hi, Kelly! - Who will be helping with the fast round where you will take it in turns, Team One, to choose either a vowel or a consonant. - Can I have a vowel, please? - Do not, no-- (Josh laughs) No, not yet! Do you know what this is? - Yeah. (guys laughing) Can I have a vowel, please? - No, not yet! - Oh, okay. You'll get nine letters and you'll have to try and create a word as long as possible and that will deduce how many points you'll get for that round. - Deduce? - Deduce! (laughs) - I'm smart today! - Brings out the big word! - Check the dictionary. - What? - For deduce. (Sidemen talking at the same time) - We all know it's a word! - I don't believe it. (guys laughing) - Do you even know how to spell deduce? - D-E-D-U-C-E. - Oho! - Ah! - So why you questionin' it? - That was my guess. (guys laughing) (JJ mumbles) - We might just win this, bro. - Round one, you're gonna have 30 seconds. You're gonna choose your nine letters, vowel or consonant, and then you're gonna have 30 seconds to try and make a word as long as possible, okay? Everyone's gonna be involved. So feel free to take it away. - (laughs) I can't breathe! - Can I get a vowel? - [Kelly] Absolutely. First vowel is A. - Um. (guys laughing) - You could see it. - That's his first one. - That's his first word, come on. Yeah! - We have a word of one. - Can I get another vowel, please? - [Kelly] Your next vowel is E. - You know your minutes are gettin' turns, right? Ethan can choose, too. - A, E-A! (guys laughing) - (mumbles) Can I have a consonant, please? At least we can spell a word now. - Your consonant is W. - [JJ] Can I get a vowel, please? - [Harry] I mean, enough with the vowels, enough with the vowels. - Vowel is U. - Can I get another vowel, please? (guy laughs) - Oh, no! (laughs) - Please, can we have a consonant, please? Please. (guys laughing) Please. (chuckles) - Consonant is Y. - Can I get a vowel? (guys chuckling) - Your vowel is E. (Simon mumbles) - Can we have two consonants, please? - No, what you mean? - We need two consonants, please! - [Kelly] Consonant is J. (guys laughing) - No! - And your last consonant is N. - Oh, no! Harry, no! - Okay, your time begins now. - All right. - 30 seconds. So we are gonna be doing this differently. You are just gonna get the amount of points for the amount of letters your word is. It's not gonna just be the winner. - Nice! - But is that a word? - Just 'cause, you know, everyone needs the help. - Oh, yeah. - Your time's up, by the way. - What? - What? - What? - Hey! - Oh, my God. - That was-- Oh, gosh. - Okay. - Okay! JJ and Ethan. How many letters is it? - We've got two. - How many letters? - Well, we have one that's six. - [Simon] Six? - But there's a space in between. - No way! (guys laughing) - No! Not that one. - So how many letters are you going for? - [Harry] Which one do you have for? - How many letters? - So does that count? - [Simon] I don't know what the word is. I don't know what the word is. - All right, the word is YouTube. - No, you don't tell us! - Oh. - You say how many letters it is. (guys laughing) That's what I asked! That's what I asked 10 times! How many letters? - It's six, isn't it? (Ethan laughs loudly) - Just tell me what-- Whatever word you're going for, how many letters is it? - Let's go with the proper one, then. - Okay, all right, four. - Okay, Harry and Vik? - We got five. - Toby and Josh? - Four. - Four. - Okay, can we hear the five, please? - Jew-ey. (guys laughing) - Could you spell that, please? - J-E-W-E-Y. - [JJ] What does that even mean? (guys laughing) - It surprisingly isn't in the dictio-- (guys laughing) Okay, could we get your four, please. - [Josh] Yawn. - Ooh! - Nice. - Nice. Okay, that's a solid four. That's nice. (clapping) What was your four? - Jean. - [Josh] Oh, that was the second word? - J-E-A-N. - Jeans is-- - But jean isn't. - It's not singular. There's no singular. - There's only a plural. - It's a name. - [Simon] Yep. - What about Jeannie? - Wait! - It's not there. - Because I just saw-- - No, so which means you get four points. - Can we go with our six for one minute? - Yes, you can. - Okay. - Not a word. (guys laughing) So you're on four, you're both on zero. Congrats, round one. (clapping) Good round. Okay, round two is another word round. So Harry and Vik, if you'd like to choose your letters. - Let's play this clever this time. All right, constonant, please. - Constonant? - Constonant? - 'Cause he's here! It set me off. - Your first consonant is Zed. - Wait, Zed! (guys groaning) - Can we have another consonant, please. - M. - Ooh. - That's a sick one. - We'll take a vowel, please. - That's a sick one! - First vowel is O. - What is this? What's goin' on? - Take a consonant, please. - P. (guys laughing) - I'm thinking of a vowel. I'm feeling another vowel is possible. - E. (Vik chuckles) - We'll take another consonant. - F. (guys chuckling) - Another consonant, please. Well... - W. - Jeez! - We'll take one more vowel, please. - God. - No, this is, We can deal with this. - U. - Consonant to finish it off, yeah. - And your last consonant is G. - Nice! Thank you. - Your time starts now. (suspenseful music) And your time is up! Okay, Harry and Vik, how many letters is yours? - We've got four. - You got four? - Toby and Josh? - Four. - Four? - Four. - Four, okay. Can we hear yours, please? - Mope. - Mope. - [Harry] Yeah, mope. - Do you know the definition? - A female mop. (guys laughing) - Yes, it is there. It's not a female mop but it is there. - It's like you mope around, yeah. - Okay. - Poem. - Poem? - Ooh! - Lucky boffins! - Okay. - Boffins! (guys laughing) - Haven't heard that word in time! - Okay, Ethan, what is your word? - Gwop. (guys laughing) - Hey, that's a word, fam, yeah! - Gwop! - We got that gwop in it! - It's not a real word. - It's not a real word. - Yeah, it is! (guys laughing) (Sidemen talking at the same time) - [JJ] Oh wait no, we meant G-U-A-P. - G-U-A-P. - Oh. (Sidemen talking at the same time) - Hey, shut up, stop-- (guys laughing) - [Simon] That's guap. - [Josh] Yeah, it's that. - [JJ] Yeah, yeah, yeah! (guys laughing) - Well, I'm pretty certain it's not here but I'm gonna check the urban dictionary. - [Harry] So urban dictionary counts, as well? (guys laughing) - These are really dark. (guys laughing) You know what, we'll allow it! - Yeah! - Going into round three. Josh and Toby, you have the lead. It's also your turn to choose the letters. - Can I get a consonant, please? - Why you asking me? - I don't know. (guys chuckling) - [Kelly] Your first consonant is N. - Can we get a vowel, please? (JJ laughs) - Hey, why are you (mumbles)? - [Kelly] Your vowel is E. - Still on. (laughs) - What you mean still on? (guys laughing) What you mean still on? What's goin' on? - Oh, my God. - Can we get another vowel, please? - Oi! (Simon mumbles) - U. - [Josh] Can we get a consonant, please? - [Kelly] V. - Oh. - Ooh. - [Toby] Can we get another consonant, please? - [Kelly] M. - [Josh] And another one, please? - [Kelly] H. - [Toby] And a vowel, please. - Are we dumb or is this game really hard? - O. - Both. (guys laughing) - Another vowel please. - Yeah. - O, I'm so sorry. (laughs) - What, you're stitchin' us up here. - And a consonant, please. - [Kelly] R. - Okay, you know what, guys? 'Cause you're struggling, I'm just giving you a minute. You go, feel free. (suspenseful music) - [Vik] Oh no, I've got a banger. (Sidemen talking at the same time) - [Vik] I got a banger. (suspenseful music continues) - Josh. - Oh. (Toby and Josh chuckle) - And the time is up. - Great, you wrote fucking R. (guys laughing) The guy wrote fuckin' R there. - Can I confirm? There's also a penis on your face. (Ethan laughs loudly) Josh and Toby, how many letters? - Six. - Okay. - Six. - You got a six? - Yeah. - Seven. - Oh! - I hate bullshit, though. - Can we hear your seven, please? - Proper coverin' his answers! (guys laughing) - Hoover. - Hoover. And I have checked already. It is there. - Yes! Can we hear your seven, please? - Hormone. - Hormone. - Ooh! - Why did you whisper that like you were scared of hormone? (Vik laughs) - That's big. All right, well done. (Sidemen talking at the same time) - Why are you assuming it was Vik that got it? (Vik laughs) - 'Cause he went, "I've got a seven." - Oh, yeah, yeah. - And he said, "Can we call time, guys?" (guys laughing) - [Harry] That's impressive. That's impressive, you gotta give him that. (clapping) - Well done. - Well done. - Nice play. - The next round is the maths round. So you're gonna choose five numbers and try and make the number at the top that is chosen, okay? So you two are gonna go first. Can you choose your numbers, please? - Let's go for a low number. - Six. - Or is it nine? - I have no idea. (guys laughing) - We'll take the six. - We'll take the six. - We'll take the six. - Can we have another low number? - Most people just say four from the bottom and one from the top, but, you know. - 10. - Could we have another low number, please? - You do you, you do you. - Okay, you do you. - Nine. - Can we make that six again? (guys laughing) - You don't even know what the number is. Why'd you want a six? - Could we have another low number? - [Ethan] Oh, no. Oh, no. - Six. - [Simon] There you go, that's a six. - And can we have another low number, please? - What? - Thanks. - Are you sure? - Yes, please. - Okay, so now you're gonna have to choose one of the numbers at the top and then you'll have 30 seconds to go. - Far right, please. - Okay, your time starts now. - Okay. (suspenseful music) - Oh, that's tricky. - [Vik] (laughs) You say that and JJ's licking his lips like it's chocolate. (guys laughing) (Josh and Toby mumble) - Yeah, you say that, but they're struggling. (laughs) - Shit. - You got it. - Yeah. (Toby mumbles) - Vik didn't get it! - I don't know. - You were rescued. - Wait. And your time, your time's up. - I've let him do this. - What number did you get? - He didn't get one. - What number did you get? - He didn't get an equation. - Okay. - What number did you get? - He's got to 90. - Wait, wait, wait, shut up! - [Simon] What number did you get? Don't explain how you got it... - Just say the number. - Just tell me what number you got. - The number-- - He's got through 90. - Is 126. (guys laughing) - Harry? - We got 150. - Josh? - 150. - 150, okay. How did you get 126? (guys laughing) - So we did talk-- - Can we just clear up, when you say we did... (Josh chuckles) - Well, I mean, he didn't help, he just stared at me. - 'Cause you just run the show by yourself. - No, man. I did 10 times 9. - Okay. - That's 90. - [Simon] 10 times 9 is 90. - And then I did 6 times 5. That equals 30. - Yep. - [JJ] So I did 90 plus 30. - Yup. - That's 120. - [Simon] Yeah, it is. - And then there was a cheeky little six just by itself-- - Okay! (guys chuckling) - 126. - Okay, that's close, (clapping) that's close. - I just panicked! - It's close, it's close. They got one 150 bang on. - [Simon] Okay. Harry, you know what? - They both got-- - Yes. - Harry. - Were you listening? - Honestly, it involves three numbers. - It's very simple. - It involves three numbers. It involves two equations. - Oh, man. - Harry, could you explain the very simple way? - Can we minus six from, nine please? - Wait. - Wait. - What? - Wait, wait, wait, no. - Okay, let me do it instead. - Wait, okay, no, no, no, that's fine. - No, let's listen-- (Sidemen talking at the same time) - And then can we times 10 by 5. And then times 3 by 50. - Okay, yeah, no it works. - It was just a little bit-- - Longer. - Yeah. - No, it's the fun way! (guys laughing) - Josh, explain the easy way. - Nine plus six is 15 times 10. (guys laughing) - [JJ] Oh, okay. - Okay, so each of you get five points. We're gonna give JJ and Ethan a solid one point just for pity. (guys chuckling) (clapping) - Congrats! (JJ mumbles) - Okay, we're gonna mix out from normal Countdown. We're gonna do another maths round. So Harry and Vik, if you could choose your numbers. - Take a big one. - Oh, a big one, yeah. - [Simon] (laughs) Bet you could. (guys laughing) - A big one. - I was waiting for that. - And four small ones. - (laughs) Bet you could. (guys laughing) - 10, eight, seven. (Harry mumbles) And seven. - Okay, so you can either choose the middle or the left and your time will start straightaway. - The middle, yeah middle. - We'll go with the middle, please. - And your time starts now. - Ooh! - Oh, yikes. (playful sneaky music) - [JJ] What's that? (Simon vocalising time running out) - Wait, is that-- - Your time is up. - Ah, give us another 30 seconds. - Okay, Simon edition, carry on. (Ethan laughs) - Oh, fuck! I totally forgot how to minus, fam. (playful sneaky music) Oh, my God. (Ethan laughs loudly) - So you forgot how to minus. Did I just hear you forgot how to minus? - Whoa, I-- Oh, man, this is so bad. - Okay, your time is up. What is your number? - 586. - [Simon] Okay. Vik and Harry? - Bastards. (guys laughing) - We got 588. - Oh! - Okay, and-- - What if I'm wrong? - Did you even get the 500s? - We got-- - 750. (guys laughing) Come on, then. Come on then, you pricks. - Josh and Toby, could we hear your way, please? - 8 times 75 is 600. - Yeah. - And then 7 plus 7 is 14. - Oh, is it? - I was literally wondering this, right? - And then 600 minus 14-- - You know what, the thing is, right, I literally stat there thinkin', you've started it, and all you have to do 600 minus 10 minus seven is 583. - [Josh] True. (Ethan laughs loudly) - I was literally there like, you could've got one off. - There was a 10 there, I thought a 10. - Yeah. Well, you guys are-- I mean, you've already told me your number, guys. You can't change your number. (guys laughing) - But what if we realised the maths just don't work? (guys laughing) - [Simon] They've proved their way is correct so they get the five points. - Yeah. (Ethan laughs loudly) - [Simon] They were the closest. - Yeah, let's just not bother with ours then. - No, no, bother, fam! - Bother, bother, come on! - We don't need to. - I've written down that 75 times seven is 675, which it isn't. - Yeah, no, just stop now. (guys laughing) - Let me just see yours, let me just... - This is where he forgot how to minus. (Ethan laughs loudly) - 750 minus 392 isn't 400. (guys laughing) - No, but I was trying to pretend that was 300. - Oh, just pretend. (Ethan laughs loudly) No, you should have just pretended, that was a good idea. Okay, because their way was so far off, I'm gonna give you the pity points. - [Ethan] Nice! - Okay, we're back to the word round and, JJ and Ethan? - Yeah? - It's your turn again. - All right. Consonant, please. - [Kelly] Your first consonant is W. - Could we have another consonant, please. - G. - No. - No. - And another consonant. - (laughs) Oh, no, they've given up! They're breaking the game! - And another consonant. - Can we have all vowels from here on out, please. - No, no, no! Another consonant, please! - JJ, wha-- - All right now, can we have all vowels-- - No, another consonant! Consonant, please! - You can't make a word! - Another consonant! - [Ethan] Kelly, please. - And another consonant! - Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly! - No! - Yes, Kelly, thank you, please, Kelly, yes. - I don't want that in! - No, I do, please, Kelly. Kelly, do it, yeah. - Get rid of the E! - Kelly, Kelly, slap on the two vowels, yeah. - What's going on? You're doing things I'm telling you not to do! - The final one's a vowel, please, Kelly! - I don't want a vowel! - Thank you, Kelly. - Give me a consonant! - Oh, my-- That is awful. - Starting now. - Oh, my God. - You guys have a minute. - (laughs) Good luck, pricks. - They're gonna get a bigger word for this, bro. - Yeah, probably. (suspenseful music) - You're a dick. (guy chuckles) (suspenseful music continues) - There's not enough-- - (laughs) I can't believe what this guy's writing on the fucking paper you got! All right, get me off this team! (laughs) Please, get me off this guy's fucking team! (laughs) - The time's up. - We got a banger. - Okay. We're gonna start the far end. How many letters? - Just a shit load of fours. - Four, okay. - Yeah. - Four. - Four. - Six. - Okay! Can we hear your four, please? - Which one do you want, pick one. - [Simon] The third one. - Fame. - Fame. - [Simon] Solid. That is a solid four points. (JJ and Ethan chuckling) It's well done. Harry and Vik? - Pee-pee. (guys laughing) No, no, no. Game. - [Simon] Game, okay. - [Josh] That was number four on our list. - Strap in, lads! (laughs) - So you guys have a six? - Yup. - This could put you back into the game. - Yeah, what's up? - Get ready, boys! (laughs) - What is your word? (laughs) - Fee-mep. (Simon chuckles) - Fee-mep, could you spell it for us, please? - F-E-A-M-E-P. - [Josh] F-E-A-M-E-P. - [JJ] Fea-mep. - Okay, I can't see it in the original dictionary. So we'll, as normal, go to the urban dictionary. - Okay, sick, sick, sick. - Could we get a definition of it, please? - I walked down the street-- - That's not a definition. (guys laughing) A definition is-- - Oh, yeah! (guys laughing) (Harry wails) - He's just telling the story, leave him alone. - It's um-- - What is it? - Between a woman's vulva and clit. - [Toby] (chuckles) What the fuck? - Okay, could you use it in a sentence, please? - I hit that feamep real good. (guys laughing silently) - [Harry] I wanna go home. - Can we cancel you now? (laughs) - No, please. - Is it good to hit the feamep? Does that mean it's good? - Well, feamep isn't a fucking word! (Sidemen talking at the same time) - I'm trying to be cool. - If you hit the feamep, you know you hit the feamep. - It's like beyond an orgasm. - Do I hit the feamep? - Hey, you always hit it. - Yeah. - How do you know? - It's a word! - Yes! - Fuckin' word! - Yes! - Yes! Let's go! - That is a six, congrats. - Right in the feamep! - Shout to all the feameps! - Yeah! - Yeah! (laughs) Get you a man major feamep. (guys laughing) - Harry's-- - Jesus. - How have they got points for feamep? How have we got points for feamep? That's outrageous! - Okay, we move on to the next round. Harry and Vik. - Oh, man. - We'll go for a vowel, please, to kick it off. - Your vowel is E. - [Vik] We'll take another vowel. - I. - A consonant, please. - [Kelly] B. - [Vik] Bie. (chuckles) - Another consonant, please. - I feel like Harry's actually in Countdown. - N. (guys laughing) - We'll take a vowel. - [Kelly] A. - [Harry] Ooh! - If we play our cards right, we can spell Harambe. (guys laughing) - What year are you in? - Another consonant, please. - [Kelly] G. - [Harry] Ooh! - [Ethan] Right, let's make that I an L. (guys laughing) (Sidemen talking at the same time) - We'll take another consonant. - [Kelly] N. - Ooh! We'll take another consonant, please. And we'll finish off with a vowel. - [Kelly] B, and E. - Thank you, Kelly. And your time starts now. You know what, we've given up on how long you get. I kind of decide when you all look like you're done and stuff. (suspenseful music) And time. Harry and Vik, how many letters? - We'll go for five. - No, we'll take a six, we'll take a six, we'll take a six! - You're taking a six? - We'll back the six, we'll back the six. - Okay, they're going for the six. Josh and Toby. - Five. - Five. - You're five and JJ and Ethan? - Seven. (Josh laughs loudly) - See, can you listen to his seven and then can I give you a five? Just please, help. - Well, let's hear your five first. - Which one do you want? (Sidemen talking at the same time) - Begin. - [Vik] That's a good one. - Okay, there's your five. Can we hear your six, please? - Bangee. (silent chuckling) - [Simon] Could you spell it? - B-A-N-G-I-E. - [JJ] What's that mean? - Bangie! I want to find out from the dictionary. (guys laughing) - Did you mean bangle? And that's a lower case L. - No, no, ban-- - Yes, you did! - No, he didn't. - Yes, you did! - Okay. (guys laughing loudly) - What are you doin'? - It's an I! You can't go against the rules of Countdown. - Okay, that was a zero! It's not there-- - No, no, no, no! - He gave us a chance! - Really trying to-- - Check the urban one, check the urban one. Are we in there? - The urban dictionary. (guys laughing) - Nope. (guys laughing loudly) Okay, so you have a seven. This could be very impressive. - Seven with a release clause of my five. (guys laughing) - Release clause! - Release clause. - Because I'm not so cheap. - [Josh] You picked a whole new team? - Yes. (guys laughing) - Okay. - I'm Brexit-ing from him. (guys laughing) No deal! - JJ, could we hear your seven, please? - Bummagin! (guys chuckling) - No, no, no. - Could you spell that? - B-A-M-A-G-- - There's only one A! - You know what, I would actually try and help you out here, but there's only one A. - Can I have my release clause, please? - Oh, wait, no, dammin-A, I meant-- - I meant. (guys laughing) - I meant, no, I meant B! - Did that meant A? - B? - Bamging! (guys laughing) - Where's the G? - Help! - Bamegin. - Help! - You know what, don't even bother. (laughs) - No, no, no, put G, no, no! - Bamgin. - Yes. And an E, and an E on the end. - Bamgine. - Bamgine. - What? - You have a B in the middle! - Bamgine! - Bamgine. - Bamgine! - I refuse. - No, no! Let me give you the definition! - Okay, as part of my charity work this year, Ethan, what is your five? - I might need you to put the hood ones on just to listen to this. Me and my brothers were gamin' without the G. We're just gamin. (guys laughing) - What? - What! - Gamin, (laughs) gamin. - That's worse than mine. - [Toby] You're gamin. (laughs) - We're just gamin. You short text-- - Ethan, Ethan! You can have minge. - Oh, my God, minge! (guys laughing) - I let you have a release-- - Fam, he said bamgine! - Bamgine, fam! - You said gamin! - You haven't even asked my definition! - No, I said, "I'm gamin'!" - It's 'cause it wasn't there! - It's a word! - No, what you said bamagin! - No, I misspelt. - He misspelt. - I miss word, I miss said. - You still haven't even written your word! - It's there! Bam-- - Don't look at the thing! Don't look at that! - Okay. - All right, how about game? Can I just have game? - Bamgine. - Can I have four? Can we at least have just four, please? - Bamgine! - Can I have four? - I'm sorry, I have to give you a zero. - And you haven't asked my definition! - Okay, what is your definition of bamgine? - Okay, you know when you're so rich that you don't even look at the price tag? - Kill him! - Bamgine! Fam, I'm so bamgine! (guys laughing) - Okay, this is the final word round. (guys groaning) Josh and Toby, could you please choose? - You do it. - Can I have a consonant, please? - [Kelly] W. - And another? - Y. - [Josh] And another? - Are you all right? - K. - Oh, boy, it's not-- - [Josh] And a vowel, please? - [Simon] We're having a little-- - I. - And a vowel again, please. - A. - I chart the vowels. - And a consonant. - And a consonant, please. - [JJ] Fam, what is this? - It's hopeless - N. - [Josh] Oh, and a consonant, please. - Ah? - H. - Oh, no. - This is disgusting. - And a vowel, please? - You need another vowel to save it. - [Josh] And another vowel, please. - You know what, it looks like you guys are struggling so just pick couple more. - A couple more-- - (laughs) Actually less! - Can I have a consonant, please? - Okay! (guys laughing) - T. - Just keep going with the consonants till we get enough. (Vik laughs) - C. - [Josh] How many more? - [Toby] Just fill the board? Fill the board? - It's the last round. (Sidemen talking at the same time) - After bamgine, I've given up. - What's wrong with bamgine? - A vowel, please? - This is the final one-- - Another vowel, please. - Oh, my God no, it's gonna be stressful! - A consonant, please. - It's humour anxiety! Look at that! - F. - [Josh] A consonant, please. - No, this is too much! - P. - A consonant, please. - What's goin' on? - Just give us an R! - B. - A consonant, please. - Help! - Okay, that's your final one. - Can't find any! (guys laughing) - That's your final one right there. - Okay. - What the fuck? - You know what, just go. - You got the whole alphabet. - [Josh] Oh, that's not helpful though, is it, really? - I swear, if you guys make a three-letter word I'll remove (mumbles). - Yeah. - [Harry] The fuck? (playful sneaky music) - The time is up. Josh, Toby? - Six. - We got six. - You got a six. Okay. Harry and Vik? - We've also got a six but we've got a plausible seven. (Ethan chuckles) - I like the part where you used the word plausible. - And JJ? - I have an eight. (guys laughing) - I have my own team. I've got four. - You got four? - I've got four. (guys laughing) - Well done! (clapping) - It's a real word! - What does it say? - It says wank. (guys laughing) - Is that even in the dictionary? - It will be. (laughs) It will be in the urban one, definitely! - Wank is not there. But your teammate has said eight. So-- - No, he's not my teammate. No, no, no. - You said six. - Yeah. - Can we hear your six please? - Hockey. - Hockey. - Jeez! - [Harry] That's a good word. - Could we have a free point? - Wait! - Huh? - Can we have a free point? - For what? - Just wait. - (laughs) Just thought I'd try! - He hasn't got an eight. - Yeah, all right. - We just got a point, let's go. - Nice, nice. - I love that. - And I can't get wank. (guys laughing) - You got a solid six. Are you gonna go for the six or the seven? - Can we test the waters of the seven and then we fall back on the six? - [Simon] Let's hear it. - Fat-neek. (guys laughing) - Could you spell it, please? - F-A-T-N-E-E-K. - Fatneek. Could you use it in a sentence, please? - KSI is a fatneek. (guys laughing) - Yes! (faint thudding) Yes! - Well done. Good word. - Yes, Harry. - Nice. - Get him back. - Okay. JJ. You said you have an eight? - Yeah, I have an eight. - Oh, my God, fam! (laughs) - (chuckles) You ready? - Could we please hear your eight? - Okay. (clears throat) Ak-ni-how! (guys laughing) - Could you please spell it? - A-K-N-E-E-- - It's not even how to spell ni hao! (laughs) - Hey, you shot, man. (Vik laughs) You're not that type of Asian. - Okay. (guys laughing) - H-O-W. - [Ethan] Akneehow! - Akneehow! What? - Okay. Could we please get a definition? - So it's a way of saying hi. (Kelly chuckles) - Okay, could you use it-- - It's absolutely not. (guys laughing) - No? - No. - Hey! - Kelly's not havin' it. - No, Kelly says no. - Kelly says no. - Kelly, has anyone ever come up to you and said akneehow? No? - Maybe neehow but I don't think it's spelt that way. - No, no. Akneehow! (guys laughing) - You can't do it the Asian-- - That, to me, any better! Akneehow! - Could you use it in a sentence, please? - Oh, hey, bro. Oh, hey, man, how you doing? Akneehow! (Josh laughs) Do you have Tourette's? - What? - Yes. (guys laughing) Okay, bye. - Yeah, am I bothering? Am I even bothering? (guys laughing) - He tried so hard! - Uh-huh. - He had a conversation with himself. I think a pity point. - [Simon] Pity point. - Oh, God. - I'll give you a pity point. Okay, after last round's blatant racism, we move on to our final round, which is the maths round. Josh, Toby, it's your turn to choose your numbers. - Akneehow, Kelly. (Toby snickers) (guys laughing) Can we get four from the bottom and one from the top, please? - [Kelly] Yeah. We've got nine, three, four. - [JJ] Ooh, okay, these are nice numbers. (guys laughing) - And three. - [JJ] I do like this, I do like this. - [Kelly] And your high one is 50. - Okay, your time starts now. (suspenseful music) - [JJ] Boy, you got this. (suspenseful music continues) - I'm just so happy I'm not sat there. (laughs) I'd be looking like an idiot right now. Your time is up. - Well, I can (vocalising), keep it going, keep it going, we got nothing. - No, no, no, we're good, we're good. - Oh, do we? Are we good? - Okay, your time is up. Josh, Toby? - 336. - Okay. JJ, Ethan? - I didn't do it. (guys laughing) (Simon mumbles) - 330. - You got 330? - Mm-hm. - Okay. (guys laughing) And Vik and Harry? - Also 336. - 336, okay. Could we hear your way of 336, please? - Three plus three is six times 50 is 300. And then we add to that four times nine, which is 36. So it's 336. - Right, Josh and Toby. - Exactly the same. - Same way? - They can verify the work-- - Nice. (Sidemen talking at the same time) - That was just like the show. (guys chuckling) I like that, I like that. All right, Mr. Knowledge over there. Could we please hear your way of (laughs) making 330? - You guys ready for this? - 50 times 9, that equals 350. - No, it doesn't. - No, 450. (guys laughing) (loud thudding) - [Simon] You know what? (faint ripping) (guys laughing) - It's reality's set in. - How the fuck? - The reality's set it, like, "Aw, shit." (laughs) - Okay, say that equals 350. - [JJ] Okay. - Just do the rest. - Carry on. - He still doesn't have it. - And then 4 times 3. - Is what, KSI? - 12. - [Simon] Okay. - And then 3 times 12. (guy chuckles silently) - It's 36. - It's 36. - Yup. Then what? - And then you divide 350 (Simon laughs) by 36. - Which is? - Which is? - 330. (guys laughing) - I don't even know how-- - It's 3:30, it's time to go home. (Ethan laughs) - You know what, you both get the five points. - Whew! - And we'll give you the pity point again. (guys laughing) The final challenge for today is the daily conundrum. Now the word today is girltina. So you'll have to try and figure out what this is. The clue for today-- - What does it even mean? - It's an eight letter word. It's an anagram of a word, okay? - Stop, stop, hey, hey, hey, hey! - Giving him paper. - Stop. - Wait, what? - I saw you writing. - I'm confused. - Okay. Your clue is KSI was way behind the girl he was chasing, Tina. - What? (guy chuckles) - That's your clue. When you've got it, it's just first person to get it gets, you know what, 11 points so that Vik and Harry can win. - Got it. - What is it? - Trailing. - That is correct. - Bada-boom, bada-bing! - Which means they get 11 points! - Wait, is that it? - Oh, my God. - I want a minute. I could have it worked out in a minute. You know what, you just lost yourself-- - Oh, no. - 16 points. - Wait, does that mean we're second? - I think that's a specific amount of points where I think we might be second. - Oh, my God. - Okay. The final scores are in. Our winners for today on a whopping 55 points and going home with-- - Do we get a kettle or something, don't we, normally? - [Harry] Yeah normally they have I don't know-- - A teapot. - A dictionary. - You can have the dictionary. On a whopping 55 points. Congrats. Josh and Toby, can you pass the-- I ain't trusting you. - Well, what can we say? - (laughs) I knew it, as well. Catch. (loud thudding) (loud clattering) (guys laughing) One of you is on 18 points. (laughs) One of you is on 19 points. - [Harry] Oh, no. (faint drumming) - In the second place, is (drumming escalates) JJ and Ethan! - Yes! - Yes! - Yes! We're not dumb! - Fea-mop! - We're not that dumb! - I'mma hit a fea-mop! - Akneehow! (guys laughing) Akneehow! Akneehow! - Bamgine! - Akneehow! - [Simon] And last place, Vik and Harry on 18 points. - Hey! - Yes! All right, commiserations, guys - I'm lucky. - So that is all for today. Can we get a huge thank you for Kelly? - Thanks, Kelly. - Thank you, Kelly! (clapping) Watch her on Instagram! - I think we were gonna have it pop up on screen. - Oh, okay. (Kelly laughs) - He ruined it. - Well, all right, well then. (guys laughing) - Thank you, guys, for watching and akneehow, I guess. - Yes! (guys chuckling and clapping) - Credits, yeah. We have to pretend to have a conversation now. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah. (faint thudding) (glass breaking) - Josh, man! (guys yelling and laughing) (grand orchestral music) (muffled yelling echoes) - What? (guys laughing loudly) - Tell me that cameras are rolling. (guys laughing) Oh, my God! Oh, my-- - Oh, my God! (laughs) (guys laugh uncontrollably) - All right, that was the most un-Josh thing I've ever seen in my life. - Unreal! (Ethan mumbles faintly) Oh, my God. This is amazing. This video's amazing. (Josh laughs loudly) ♪ Young winner, young sinner, peace out when I'm done ♪ ♪ In her head spinner, cash printer ♪ ♪ Brother I'm the breadwinner ♪ ♪ Bread butter run gunner UMP the soul stunner ♪ ♪ Danny Glover weapon lover end them so they never bother ♪ ♪ Whoa, my life I'm keepin' it all on the low ♪ ♪ Who am I fuckin', oh you wanna know ♪ ♪ Started this all on my own ♪ ♪ With the venomous flow as the C to the E to the O ♪ ♪ I came in Gold with the fitness ♪ ♪ Millions all over to witness ♪ ♪ Millions all over the bank ♪ ♪ Millions all over the business ♪ ♪ Can't come at me ♪
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,953,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen
Id: _unSKgaE47E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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