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Just imagine the video starts of with Ryan:

"Hello boys and girls, today we test stress a capacity of the Screenwave crew"

I think Ryan wins but it would be interesting to see how strong everyone is. There can be a lot of muscles under the slobness.

I predict(bench press):

  1. Ryan 105 KG
  2. Justin 90 KG
  3. Kieran 75 KG
  4. Baloney 70 KG
  5. James 65 KG
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thunderexception 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Welcome to the Sidemen's strength challenge. Today, thanks to City Athletic, we're gonna find out who the strongest Sideman is. Except me, 'cause I hurt my wrist and- - He's a pussy. - I'm a pussy. - He's a pussy. - I'm a pussy. - We also have Shaun here to demonstrate every exercise and disqualify people who have bad form. - Don't look at me, I'm good. - So first up, bench press. - All right, your boy's gonna go first, obviously. 20 kg, easy. - Nothing compared to you. (all laughing) (graphics thudding) - Don't flop this. You've got this, come on. - Whoa, struggling man. Push! Nice. - Let's go on sub count. Harry, you're next. - Okay. - Get that big titty chest working boy. - I haven't been in this position for like years. (loud laughing) - Oh yes, look at that chest. (Harry screaming) - Vik, show us that chest. Come on and then, Vik get that chest working. - Look at that. That's form that. - Someone spot me, spot me, spot me. - Yeah. Look at that low body fat. Look at that. You see it all working. - Hello. - [Miniminter] Come on Papa. - Yeah. Lovely jubbly. - Nice. - No one wants to see that. - Lovely, look at that chest. - All right, 50 kg now. Your boy's up again, do this. - He's just so confident, he knows. - He knows what his titties can do. - Oh no, no. - [Miniminter] Ooh. Powerful lift. Yeah. Look at that. - A bit wonky. (loud laughing) - [Miniminter] Look at that body work. - He just flexed them a little bit. - I got stuck here last time. It was on my chest and I was just stuck. I screamed. - Oh, here we go. - Easy pickens. - Easy pickens. Look at that shape. (loud cheering) - How big's chains? - Big bench. - Super arms. - So low in fat. - Up he goes Papa, Papa, Papa. (loud laughing) Ah, shaken. Yeah he got this. - Yeah, lovely little lick to the camera. - All right, big boy 60. - This is not big for him, is it? - Come to me, Papa. - Use the power of the bandana. - Oh, this is a bit heavy, you know. - Oh, is it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh nice. - Anyone notice how his six pack starts at his chest? - I'm not sure it's real. - Oh yes, Harry. - Give up the seat. - This weighs more than I weighed the last time we filmed this video. but now I'm fixed though. - Nice. Yep. - Easy. (loud cheering) - New record. - I'm 64 right now. You're about to push nearly yourself. - Nearly myself. - Yourself without that hat. - Yeah. Light work. Look at that muscle work. - Yo, the Sidemen are strong. We're strong boys. - Failed at 50 last time. - Yeah. Like work light. (loud laughing) - Geez. I'll do this alone. - Well, that was pointless, wasn't it? - Okay. Oh, big boy league now. 70 kg. Ooh. - That's like his left leg. - Ooh. - Give it the face. We all want smile the whole time. Power. Knowledge, strength and power. - It's just too easy. (loud laughing) Oh yeah. This one's going up easy. Easy, easy. - Phew. - Big star. This is six kilogrammes more than I weigh. So if we're doing ratios, this is scary. - Pound for pound champ. - This is scary. - There aren't enough weights in the gym for JJ. - You got it, man come on. - Push, push push! Easy! Easy! (loud cheering) - Oh, don't leave him hanging. - Nice, you got this. - You're up. - All you baby. All you baby. Yes paps. Light work paps. Easy. Too easy. - All right. All right. 80 kg, uncharted territory. Oh man. You boys ready for this? - Why you lying? - Yup. Lovely it's big. - Pout for the camera. - It's too easy. - 2017, I couldn't this. - 2017, Harry. But that was before that physique. - Yeah. Before the transformation. - Yeah, look at that body now. All you baby. All you baby. (loud cheering) - You still got it. - [KSI] All right. Can Vik do it? - If Vik hit this we all need slide. - On this? - Yes. - Go on, push. - Down, up, up. (men chattering) (loud laughing) - Yep, up, up. Good effort my guy. - Josh representing the senior lifters in the Sidemen. - Up we go. - Come on, Josh. That's you baby. Push, push! - Oh, so close. - Let's go, Bez. Easy, easy. - Yeah. - Three have fallen. - Four have fallen. - Three? - I never took off. - And now we have the big, fat, sexy. - KSI. (loud laughing) 90 kg. - Ooh, hurry. Ethan, you sure you're ready for this?*** - No. - Probably not. Big lift. - Yeah. - He makes it look so easy. Make it look so easy. - Your titties are so big. - Let's go Harry. - Come on Harry! (loud cheering) - Oh, no well. I'm a fraud. (loud laughing) - Yeah. - 100 kg. (creepy laughing) - How much do you weigh right now? - 101. - You've put on weight? - Well I don't know, I keep. - You're a 101? - Yeah. - 101? - Well I'll show you, look. - He's proud of how heavy he is. Like really, really proud of this. How proud are you of your gut? - Thing is I don't want the gut. I don't want it. - But you got it. (everyone screaming) - What happened? - He's under a 100. - Just, just. - He just made weight. - Ethan, welcome to the superior league. 100 kg. The big boy three digits. You sure you're ready for this? - Just happy to be here, to be honest. That's too easy. - He's a big boy now. - Up, come on. - No. (loud cheering) - I reckon I'd have 95, that's the thing, that's heavy. - Yeah, no, thank you man. - Hit PR, hit PR. - We have a winner. - Right. - Try beating Shaun. (loud laughing) - Oh shit. - Yeah join the league. - I haven't warmed up, so I won't be able to do this. - Oh you want to? Oh, okay. All right, let's go my G. - Mr Men's Health. - Light work, big lift. - Oh my word, this is really heavy. (loud laughing) Sorry, I should have warmed up. - All right and that was one. 115 kg. - PB. - PB. God damn. Think I can do it? - Yes. Yeah. - Wait, what are you trying to say? - You've got five seconds to subscribe to the sidemen channel right now. - [Together] Five, four, three, two, one. Thanks for subscribing. - Big lift. PB. Let's go. Push, push! - Up, up, up! (loud cheering) - Whoa, geez. - Shaun, one handed. One handed. - All right. 120, 120 kg. - This is unchartered. - This is levels. - This is, Oh my God. - He guts himself up man. This is so bad, this is great. - You got this bro, big power. - This is nearly two Tobis. - Woo! - Big lift. - One Tobi on each arm. - Tobi just hugging each side of the bar. - Come on, you got this. Power, power, power. Power, power, power. (hysterical screaming) - That foot was off the floor. That foot. If you kept your foot down. - Your foot was in the air. - You need to counter it, yeah. - I'm happy with 115. Damn. - Solid. (upbeat music) - Okay. Next up is deadlift. I'm taking this off now. This is just a dramatic fact. So we're going to go for best hairline to worst. So Ethan's going to go first. - I'm the best? - I think yeah. - Harry's face. - Harry's near the end. - Is mine going or not? I can't tell. - We'll see. Okay, you're first. - Hey Shaun, demonstrate for us. - Feet apart. Coming through here. Back strong. Salt. That's how you do it. - Hey, Bazinga here. Ah. - Oh lovely. Nice. (loud cheering) - Next up is Vik. - Second best hairline in the Sidemen. - Well done. - Geez well done man. - Yeah, solid. Nice work. Does anyone else think he got stuck? (loud laughing) Next up Josh. - Oh I may be old but my hairline's out here. What are you saying? - Nice. Good stuff. Lovely stuff. - Very nice, I like. - All right, Harry. - Thank you, thank you. Okay. - Tobi, we can't see your hairline. That's why you're so low. - You don't need to see it. - That's why you're next. Yep. Good stuff. Love to see it. - Is there anyone after me, or what? - You are the worst person. - Let's see the hairline. - Shut up. - Nice. - Nice. - 80 kilogrammes. (loud cheering) Yes! - Lift, explode. Big one, nice. - Love to see it. - It's me, isn't it? - Yeah, somehow. - Okay Josh. Big, conventional Josh. - Big conventional Josh. Smooth. Lovely stuff. - Lovely, lovely, lovely. Why the face? Oh lovely. - Bro, you look huge right now. - Thank you mate. - Power all day. Nice stuff. (cheering) - Yeah. - We have JJ pulling his hips out. - Ethan Bazinga here, attempting a hundred kilogrammes for great Britain. - Easy. - You're wagging like this. - Ow. - On camera PB. - Go on, you got this. - I hope. - Dragon's claw. - Go on, go on. Oh. - He wears his trousers like Aladdin. (loud laughing) - I put 25 on this end. - My god, Ethan. He's sabotaging. - When I did it, I thought it felt heavier on one side. - That's sabotage right there. I wonder why he was doing this. - Sorry mate. - Okay, actually you 100 now, right? - Actually 100. - Yeah, smooth. Nice work. You got these teeth set up buddy. - Tight. - Easy. Easy. - Thank you. - Nice. He's just so strong. It's just sheer brute strength. I don't need my legs right now. Vik's actual attempt, go on. - [Everyone] Yeah. - That was like the Olympics. Aah. - Easy, all day for this, all day. All day. Every day. - I'll donate my hairline, I'm kind of tired. - Up. - Solid. Can he do it? Go on Harry. Yep. - Strength, solid stuff. - Good form. Nice. Strong lad. - Nice, love that. - Tiptoe teckers. - Tiptoeing into the desert. - That's it, he's just strong. - There's no technique, just lift. (Vik screaming) - Breathe, breathe yeah. - I have spawned the chalk ball. - Can we leave that all over the gym? - Yeah f you Shaun. Was it 120? - Yeah. - He looks badass with that stuff in his hands. It's too easy. - Yes. I wanna take a nap here. - Yeah. Easy. Easy. Big push. Solid stuff. Yep. Nice. Well done there. Big stretch. Push the ground away. Come on, push. Unlucky boy. Good cheer. Big risk. She's gonna go. Push. Yes! Oh, love that. Mr. Bionic. - Yeah, so much better. 1.2 KSI. - Ah yes. - 140. - That was one of me on each side. - Easy. Easy. (cheering) It's so easy. - Yeah, it's easy bro. - It feels heavy, it's not. - [Everyone] Yes. - Lovely. - 140 you know. - Yes, yes. - That was a kilogramme for every year he's been on the planet. Big farmer energy. - Push the ground away. Yeah. Strong lad. - Told you, he's an actual farmer. Up, up, up. Woo! - I hope it goes that easy. - Big push the ground away. Yep, lovely. Easy. - That's nuts how you did that. - 160 kilogrammes. - Oh yeah. Just simple. - Come on, come on. - Yeah. - Josh for it on-camera PB. - Just a life PB. - [Everyone] Yeah. - I was like, I can't it past my mic yeah. - Yes Harry, farmer strength. Big lift. - [Everyone] Yeah. - Good stuff boy. - Let's go T. - Come on Tobi. - Big lift boy, big lift. You got it. Go on, you got this. Go on, go on. - It's not coming up. - Try again. - It's not coming up at all. - Well done. Well done. - I feel light-headed just standing here. - Power, power. Solid boy. Nice. Nice. - Jeez. I didn't think we were gonna go here. I'm being honest. I didn't think any of us to be able to do that. I'll be the only one to do this. Yo, Sidemen are strong. - Big PR pendant. I haven't lifted this weight, so. We'll see. - 180 kg. - Shh. (everyone cheering) Ah. Ah. Oh, tried. - Don't pass out. Don't pass out. - Tried. Woof. I'm fine. I'm fine. - How am I going to follow that then? - Josh is an even space, he doesn't wanna go there. - He nearly died. - I was fine. - Come on man, let's go. Focus. That's not gonna help. (everyone laughing) Come on focus, you got it. - Come on, Josh. - He's a big boy. - Nothing happened. Nothing happened. It just stays there. - Come one Harry. - Ah. - Close that fist boy. - One more. - Think about it. (everyone cheering) - You win, you win. Go on, do it. Power up. (loud cheering) We have a winner. Again. - Second is the best. - The voice crack really sold that. - Ah. - Yeah. - PR, yes. Chuffed with that. - Lovely. Lovely, lovely, lovely, yes. - Oh Harry. Harry, going for the gunsy record. - You're strong. You got this. - No. - Strong boy. Strong boy. Up. Get it off the ground. - It did lift up a little bit. - In third place by centimetres. (upbeat music) - All right, so next up are chin-ups, as demonstrated. This one is gonna be done on height. Tallest, first. - Seven foot, me. - Josh is Josh is the tallest. - Whoever does the most reps, wins. - What's the very minimum we can get away with? - So those who are slightly more vertically challenged, can go on a step. - It's fine, it's fine. - And then for it to count, it's got to go full lockout, chin over the bar. - Honestly, bro, I'm not looking forward to this. - Just chin boy, chinnies. I've been bulking boys. - [Everyone] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, get up, eight. (screaming) - Ethan's close to your height, you know. - Now hold on. - He has a height complex. - So who's next? - All right, you can go next. - This is a hundred kilos going up on the bar right now. - One KSI. - One KSI. A whole KSI. Go on. Head first. Go on. - [Everyone] One. - All the way down. - [Everyone] Two. - All the way down. - [Everyone] Three. - Bring it down, all the way down. - [Everyone] Four. - Lovely. - [Everyone] Five. - Go on. - [Everyone] Six. - Go on. - [Everyone] Seven. - Go on. - [Everyone] Eight. - One more! Up, up, up. - [Everyone] Nine. - Come on, one more. - Ah, no. - He was like, I think Josh is fine. - That was 900 kilogrammes of chin up. - [Everyone] One. - Straight, yeah straight. - [Everyone] Two, three. - Nice. - [Everyone] Four, five. - Nice. - [Everyone] Six, seven, eight. - Go on, yep. - [Everyone] Nine. - One more, one more! - [Everyone] Ten. - Eleven, eleven. - Ah, no. - Well done. That was good. - I'm vertically challenged, can I have a step? Small man on a stool. Can someone please remove it, please. Ready. - [Everyone] One, Two. - Quicker. - [Everyone] Three. - Oh he's banging it. - [Everyone] Four, five. - Come on, come on. [Everyone] Six, seven. - He's banging it. - Why is he counting? - [Everyone] Eight, nine. - Ah. - Go on, come on. - [Everyone] 10. - One more, one more. - He's got, he's got it. - Ah. (screams) - Yes, 11. (group cheering) - Why are we counting? You were counting. - [Man] It's eight, nine, 10, 11, we're going up. - I was using hell of momentum. - Go on. - [Everyone] One. - All day. - Two. - Let's go. - Three. - Yeah. - He looks mean when he's doing it. - [Everyone] Four, five, six. - Go on, easy. - [Everyone] Seven. - Go on. - Eight, nine. - Yes. - [Everyone] 10, 11. - One more, one. One more. Yeah! - [Everyone] 12. - One more, one more Go on, yes go on now. Use your core, use your core. - Ah. - Glad you're counting, we're all counting. - All right, big 13. You got to do 13, no pressure. - Ha-ha. - Come on Vik. - No pressure. It's where he's strongest at. Cause you're upside down triangle. - A Dorito. - You are a Dorito, bro. Beef, flaming hot all the way down. Let go. - Pull it out. - [Everyone] One, two. - Nice. - [Everyone] Three, four. - Beautiful. - Five. - This is good. - Six. - Breathe. - Seven. - Lower, all the way down. - Eight. - Arms, arms, there you go. - Nine. - Go on, go on. 10. - Go on. - 11. - Go on. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Yeah. 11. - Two more, go on. - 12, 12. You're up, you're up. - Go on. Ah. - Woo, well done. (dramatic music) - Tobi wins. - [Everyone] Yeah. (relaxing music) - All right, the final challenge is a plank-off. They're gonna just see how long they can hold the plank. The last one lying, wins I guess. Shaun's gonna be on hand to correct their form. They get one warning. Two warnings, they out. Okay, everyone ready? Three, two, one, go. - [Man] Hello. How's everyone doing today? - Good thanks, lad. - You get double points if you move. - Moo. - [Man] Wait, this is on point system. - Let's look at Harry. - Ah, no. So I'm going to drop with you at the same time. - Well, you guys have now, now done a minute. - Oh, I'm quitting. - Oh, okay. - I'll take it, I'll take it. - [Man] Vik looks like he's struggling a lot. - Tobi is in the zone. - Yeah, Tobi hasn't flinched. Like he's not even moving. You guys have done two minutes. - Oh, did you feel the earthquake. Vik looks like he's soft meat. Oh, well you've done two minutes, 30. And then there were three. - No there's two. - Oh. Josh were you twerking? He's good. Oh you nearly had three minutes. - We love you Tobi. We do. Now it's just me. Okay, cool. - You've done three minutes, Tobi. - It doesn't even look like he's struggling. - That's why I said there's no chance mate. - Three thirty done. - That's sick. - That's impressive. - Just keep breathing. - He's fit. - I know he is. - I'm happy I gave up 'cause fuck that. - Four minutes. - I'm gonna stop at four. - Four minutes, nice. - Four boy. - That's that big six-pack right there. - So that is it guys. The strength test is done. Congratulations to all our winners. I'd also like to say a big thank you to Shaun and City Athletic gyms for hosting us. It's been a pleasure and yes we'll tune in next year. - We'll tune in? They'll tune in. - They'll tune in. You tune in next year when we're even bigger. - Hopefully. - Yeah hopefully, hopefully. Thanks for watching. See you later. - Bye. ♪ Yeah they can't hold us back ♪ ♪ We on another level ♪ ♪ Yeah it's that new age ♪ ♪ It's something special ♪ ♪ Yeah we gonna change the game ♪ ♪ We gonna live forever ♪ ♪ It's that new age is that this is the new age ♪ ♪ This is the new age ♪ ♪ Now they want to play ♪ ♪ 'Cause they tryna get paid ♪
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 20,668,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen strength test, sidemen strength, sidemen gym video, sidemen strong
Id: XuSoqUO2kYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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