Stellaris | ATTACK MOONS! Gigastructure Modded FULL Run! | MAX AI & 5xCrisis Strength!

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greetings sir and sûreté and welcome back to stellaris with me laughter x and of course welcome for once to a full playthrough episode in which I don't play a wide Empire but instead try my best at playing at all Empire something I am notoriously bad at today we are going to be playing a be thinking tree team and by playing a tall Empire what I simply mean is focusing on as many planets as possible not taking every last bit of space and trying to keep our admin cap at least somewhat satisfied we are of course going to go over the admin cap naturally to do our empire sprawl but hopefully not going over it so much that our tech has huge negative modifiers but instead only small ones and then the planets will be focused around tech and stuff like that which means less of a negative modifier more tech than usual all of the research incredibly quickly and then getting the repeatable x' done to a silly degree so all of our ships all of our planets everything are truly perfected and to do this we are the thinking tree team which is a rational consciousness consisting of fanatic egalitarian and regular materialist now what I should mention is we are also using the Giga structural engineering mod what this adds to the game is actually very significant it means there are loads more mega structures now available to us some of them are quite low ends just adding a little bit of research or Empire and some of them are absolutely insane such as an attack moon a moon which is weaponized so it is a moon but it's still going to destroy your world so that's going to be really interesting to say although honestly I doubt we are going to see all of them or even the majority of them since this is my first time playing with the mod and I'm honestly using it more for some of the lower end stuff just the extra research and stuff like that which should make the experience more interesting for a tall Empire apparently the I I should also be using these mega structures so that's gonna be really interesting to see if that actually happens I am of course also using the AI mod to make the AI a little bit more difficult both of these mods will be linked in the description I'm also using the more if I go over to here the more colors mod which is nice and pretty just thought I'd mention it because this is absolutely lovely even if we have ended up going with green and black any wave a lovely thorns so back to our empire itself we are a democratic Empire we are fanatic egalitarian meaning that our specialists output is increased by 10 percent and our faction influence is increased by 50 percent well this basically means is our researchers alloy producers unity' producers and stuff like that are going to be giving us a lot more bonus resource and our factions are very important we must make the people happy and then we get loads and loads of influence which should be really good when building the mega structures we are regular materialists because I want to go into the machine side of things this also increases our research speed by 5 percent which is utterly lovely we could also go with academic privilege for our living standard making our rulers and our specialists a lot happier whilst ignoring the rest but also giving the rulers and the specialists a lot more political power although we could also go with the utopian abundance living standard which is very expensive but makes everyone incredibly happy now if we were going down the route of stealing populations that can be really powerful and you can have loads of people unemployed giving you unity and science via doing this there are some really broken builds out there which use that but for now we're going with a more standard build this time around with civics we are going with meritocracy and technocracy with meritocracy it means our specialists are giving us yet another 10% output so loads of alloys and loads of research loads of unity our leader level cap is also increased by 1 naturally which is utterly lovely with technocracy it means our capital buildings are replacing some admin jobs with science directors these science directors will simply give lots of research at a fairly cheap price which is really really nice our researchers then more importantly produce one unity it isn't that much but it does add up if we're going very very heavy into researchers our researchers are bringing our trees together our people are very nice it seems speaking of our nice people here our traits we are conservation its traditional and enduring because course we are trees we care for the environment we are traditional because we live so long however we are sedentary because once again we are trees we literally have roots we don't exactly want to move around very much originally I did want to go with intellectual and then maybe one of these other bonuses because look at all that lovely bonus research but I just thought it didn't fit the theme as well as this so this is what we're going with we will be genetically modified as soon as possible to become natural sociologists and then eventually intellectual because that's just how the Empire is going to evolve at the moment we're just kind of like this we come from tree land which is of course a tropical world which is accidentally a continental world earlier I wonder how many people notice that random shift mid clip anyway with government ethics will recover that and that's pretty much it honestly when it comes to a ship appearance we are using the plantoids even though I would love to use the Scourge ships which of course isn't mod as well yeah the plants obviously because we are trees and that's pretty much that let's see if I can actually be a tall Empire potentially no but I'll try my best either way focusing heavily on science regardless what happens going to be bringing down the galaxy size by one just to make the game run a little bit better advanced starts that's fine fallen empires marauder empires all that I'll just leave as it is when it comes to crisis strength of course we're going with maximum and we are starting them both fifty years earlier now originally I plan this playthrough to have the endgame earlier than this but since I'm playing at all Empire and since I wanted to try out the gig of structural engineering mod I feel like this is not the time to do that the next playthrough I'm going to bring this really really early and then try and play a really overpowered Empire because I think now be loads of fun and really stressful so that's should be fun ok I I aggressiveness on high we have difficulty on maximum scaling as off because scaling actually makes the game easier so we're going to be leaving that as it is when this is enabled any AI bonuses from the difficulty setting which of course is the Grand Adam all over here will scale up over time starting at 0 and reaching the maximum which is Grand Admiral at the end game start yeah if we have this off it means it instantly starts with Grand Admiral as you can see the bonuses are kind of severe since a few people were asking in the past few episodes everything else as it is yep that's fine well let's begin and so we begin on the left side of the galaxy okay we're just going to allow everything to be active with the gig structures because I don't really know them all that well I haven't looked them up because I find that less fun default go so on to focus on research as much as possible thank you very much sure let's grab some more minerals as well and then as soon as I can well I would like to do is instantly yeah get more researchers all the science all the unity now honestly even when you're going for a high research build starting off with loads of research rather than alloys and stuff isn't really the right way to do things but I rarely do things the right way and I find this more fun food policy we're going with nutritional plenitude increasing our happiness and population growth and with our species hello there mr. tree you are going to go from social welfare to academic privilege this will make the workers less happy but the rulers and specialists more happy and give more political power to the rulers and specialists so they matter more in terms of our planet's stability and since we're going to have as many specialists as possible I think that's the way to go utopian abundant slighter once they have more consumer goods available so our events apparently is the Church of light a cult uprising which I have pretty much just ignored we have decided build the original ships but we're not going to press any further because pressing further causes more ships to spawn in the area around you now you do get benefits by destroying these and continuing the events forward but the events don't give you that much and you need more ships to deal with them like currently have available so for now we are going to be leaving it alone we will go into that lighter as for unity and a traditions we are going into discovery first because I just think it fits the whole theme better then into expansion then who knows we have found a primitive civilization and I know exactly who you are ok so if I'm correct there's gonna be another tomb well yes there is because these two particular species and these two particular worlds are ancient rivals which essentially have destroyed each others worlds so two tomb worlds now why am I so happy to see this well because these lovely fellows are going to be our new citizens because they have tomb world preference which gives them 60% habitability everywhere now 60% by no means is great but it means it's okay to pretty much inhabit every single planet type there will be no red planets these two species will likely become our new dominant species and yes I am invading them this will make one of my factions very very unhappy for quite some time once the factions arrived but it'll make our Empire so much happier science officer petals of lavender has made intriguing discovery now that's a name the aliens on the planets are in fact recently diverged species with the same origin both of them originated on one of the planets where they flourished in early space age sometime after colonizing the other planet their society fractured and an interplanetary war broke out between the new colony and the home planet whoops so we're being the good guys doing a pretty dark axe right now we are inviting these planets tanking over completely but at the same time you're assuring in a new bright age for these people no longer will they be peasants for instance they're simply going to be treated incredibly well by us and they're going to get all of our technological advances welcome once again to the Space Age is over this or in licen demand in lighting them takes a very long time and even then they don't become part of our Empire I think this is the fastest kindest thing we can do at least that's all I'm going to to justify this because yeah this isn't exactly construed completely so already we're going to have one two three four five six seven planets in this tiny little blob that's actually really good on his life and that's almost as many as I want for a while we've captured both of the world so right now in one world have the monuments being produced on the other we have the civilian industries and we have culture shock on both planets this no longer affects individual populations but instead affects the planet itself reducing resources and reducing stability which is kind of horrific now we have unemployed because at one point they did have rulers so for now I'm leaving them on social welfare because this means that the unemployed have normal happiness and produced unity academic privilege sadly loses that bonus utopian abundance on the Adhan produces unity and research points but that's going to be very expensive consumer goods wise so for now what is levers is eventually making them Academical later well holy seconds have better lives actually they're pretty good in terms of their stats just quarrelsome is a little bit annoying less unity still half decent populations I think I prefer this group here just because the single negative rather than double although saying that you have intellectual well intelligent versus resilience resilient is kind of rubbish intelligent is kind of Awesome hmm you will actually make fantastic leaders our first faction has arrived and is incredibly happy with 75% approval lovely and construction discovery has finished leading to technological ascendancy giving us even more research speed and rare technologies being more common and of course discovery itself is also giving us plus temp sent research speed so we've just increased our research speed by 20% we have found a stranded scientist which is lovely for us because there we are level 6 already spark of genius and expertise computing making her a fantastic researcher we found our first for an empire thankfully a very very friendly one which is lovely and there's one more world I really want over here currently being defended by these lot so I think this will likely be all we going to grab for quite a considerable amount of time three more worlds they're all decent sizes well actually no to that pre rubbish but this one's very good all the worlds here are ok yes or grab this have one giant blob of an empire here and then just kind of stick to ourselves keep on exploring once you find something else interesting maybe we'll go for that but for now I am content we have three species making up our empire lots of planets lots of science the two new planets are no longer suffering from culture shock and are now back up to a regular type planet lovely more research what everything fantastic leveling up our admin cap already this time I rushed this tech as fast as I could since currently we have a nine percent modifier to our research which isn't much but getting that back down to zero would be pretty darn nice complete although we aren't really going to get there till we do the repeatable sand I found some more worlds as well so the blob increases in size right now I kind of want all of this of course the Worlds themselves are going to increase our Empire sprawl but they also increase our research quite significantly since of focusing mostly on research so overall it's more research per month even with the modifiers so it's okay it's worth getting it is kind of hurts by more research per month I mean more research percentage naturally the first of their Empire we find is a devouring swarm because why wouldn't it be stop tempting the game here's a guy a world obviously we need the guy a world so this go to ignore that savanna world Construction complete still quite a low admin gap detected like I've said before we could do is ignore the systems and in this jump over to the systems with the planets in but the problem there is that try protection via bastions do not work on systems you don't have control over we've seen that a lot with our previous run necessary at current run which is the children of crisis so he just really annoying since we are going to have a lot of tried value later on since we're most likely going to have lovely planets which are cities six months of society research for a thousand consumer goods okay normally I don't accept those but I just ran out so sure that seems fine to me and let's continue it'll be interesting now let's get all the blockers sorted that's always the best really or at least the most reliable so apparently the caravan has really enjoyed their stay and particularly enjoyed this species and because of that we now have a half species which is intelligent charismatic has natural sociologists and talented however they are slow learners and solitary either way though that's a really good species excluding the slow learners just yeah that's really good ultimate scientists and that should also please our newest faction the Zeno tolerance Foundation which wanted to have at least four different species within our Empire yep brilliant with the devouring swarm over here and if they ever attack us what I'm going to do is make sure I have a bastion here and a bastion here however because we're so far away and they're currently focusing on other things until they expand naturally we shouldn't really have too much of an issue with them but still best to protect ourselves now research grants and healthcare campaign on elbow phone line more research speed and more population growth lovely lovely lovely and you both are going to become research world lovely so now that's available to us as well can you rush over here instead nope you're investigating any scientist nearby not doing anything okay you Survey Research then go back to assisting research the gaya world from earlier is in fact the vial which means what I need to do is find locket otherwise we can never colonize it which is really annoying but still a guy oh well is a guy old and looks things will be a decently sized one we are now going into harmony mostly because the - pop amenities usage is fantastic but also because of the bonus stability when we're finished I've also just grabbed one vision as we have finished expansion so more unity less amenities usage and everyone likes a governing ethics yeh happiness for all well look at that colossal testing facilities the macro engineering testing station one of the smaller of the new mega structures but we also get plus 5% research speed from this it's gonna be a while before we can build this though since I'm only just now really starting to build a power alloy production so is it worth it yeah it is it's a rare tech who knows when it's gonna come back up again and it is 5% research speed which is pretty done lovely simple organism this is a lovely event because it ends up giving us a brand new species for our Empire a fungus species which has really really really rapid breathing I think like 50% bonus habitability it's a really awesome species so yes we're going to begin this finally we have found the curators more research speed okay continue studying the fungoid and I think that's for last one before we get the actual populations themselves which will be awesome there we are we have 15 of them plus 50% habitability plus 15 percent growth speed and they're also quick learners and apparently they're pretty much our ethics is low just fantastic so there we are lovely okay just make things easy let's go to hollow theatres research research I didn't realize but they even have to mold preference so they have over a hundred percent habitability on all planet types that's awesome and so the trees were made intelligent upgrading our ships we may have wireless ships than the other empires of our ships do have the better tech at the moment we are beating all other empires when it comes to our technology that's kind of all we're beating them on but still it's something we have made friends with a corporate empire and because of that look we'll get some things built on a plan it's lovely it will improve our planets and also give them energy so no negatives there also are all of the lovely regular deals non-aggression commercial and research somebody be suss so one of the ascensions and great as long as we don't like I'm still not quite sure which we're going to go with cybernetics genetics or shall we reach out to the divine though to be fair we are materialistic so probably not the last one but still one of the others who finally going down the route of powered exoskeletons because I believe this is what you need to get the robots and the droids and everything else so if we do indeed want to become cyborgs that's the route to go honestly I'm tempted to go cyborg and then not go to synthetic since that's a whole different thing for the game and cyborgs are just really good they get bonuses for their science isn't everything else well depending what leader they are and they have a huge habitability bonus which means basically a hundred percent habitability for all of our species on all of our planets which would be really really good Wow other empires are now pathetic to us in terms of their research also Wow the devouring swarm is doing way better than any devouring swarm I've ever seen I'm really glad I have two bastions can be built here and here because that is gonna be not too long until it reaches us we are at war although they only want one system so worst-case scenario even if we do lose we lose a system though to be fair we lose a system with a really nice station in this and then they climb more you know dangerous being mean what do we want I guess just humiliate we'd only want their territory or anything else so sure let's go with that I want those but the storm fire autocannons would be great right now so these ships here are revealing the truth behind this Empire and its current battle plans it's going all the way around here to enter this system the reason is this is a very weak Bastion it's currently being upgraded but it's half the strength of this Bastion that means that although certainly there's another fleet and probably more than just one heading this way as well somewhere where I currently can't scan so I need to do is get our ships ready to jump over there the problem is this here isn't even a bastion this is just a shipyard so I need to do is save up some alloys and get this defended as well we might lose this war but I'm not going to lose it without killing every last one of these fellows I can attack just in time the bulwark of harmony whilst in a defensive war with another Empire ship a build speed is increased by 33% in addition the ship fire rate is increased by 15% for ships within your borders what a great timing now I think I'm going to leave these for now just because I don't really want engineer evolution I think we are going to go cyborgs so I'm going to wait until we get that available their fleets are gathering up and they're still going towards here at the moment the fleet's they're kind of showing us will not be able to even breach our station so I'm ok with that lots of ground forces though they will very quickly take out our planets though if we leave them undefended this just seems really stupid you're about to attack this system and the station itself is at 4.2 K and our fleet now with the bonus fire writers singers 7k what are you doing yep that is so stupid also we are now 8k because I've activated some edicts so our ships are even more powerful oh wow yeah we are so outdoing them for research they have far more ships but our ships are far stronger ok now this one is going over here so finally they've learned that oh actually fighting here is kind of stupid that's fine by me because that station is actually strong enough to deal with that in fact a ships are strong enough to deal with you but I don't want to lose any ships what i'm going to do is go there myself if you then change your mind in attack here i don't really care because this station is strong and upgrading yeah i Meanwell reform government so that now we are a beacon of Liberty Oh or it could be idealistic foundation plus pipes and happiness is really nice just more stability everywhere plus we are the guys when did the human become a leader that's the only human we have in our entire Empire oh no I apologize not human just the human port rights either why it's the only one we don't even we just randomly rescued this one leader but okay sure you're the leader that's fine everyone gets a chance with an our Empire even the stammering fools like me we're not really very warmongering let's just kill all those so here's why they're acting so silly when it comes to splitting things up right now their fleet capacity is actually very low they have loads of Navy capacity they have all of the alloy production everything else but they can't make very large fleets this is kind of the maximum they can have so because of that they're sending them all at once but they were all scattered to begin with and are all arriving at the wrong time of course they could've just waited but still it means they can't really coordinate as well we have one fleet and because of that if you ever fly to our one fleet one of your fleets you're going to lose horribly we have loads of these this time it's one of the rare resources are there we are and that's fantastic for me because this lovely building gives us ten energy by default and then for jobs which is really really nice then we also I'd like to do is clear clear all those fantastic the veil can be upgraded lovely and continue on well at least you're both attacked at the same time though our orange lasers all really beat yours really we still can't status quo sure the second of the megastructures I believe this is also one of the really early ones essentially what these do is just give you one hundred and fifty or a hundred of one particular research type in this case physics this also gives you plus five cent research feed this bonus research speed I think only applies with these so once we get the other megastructures we don't keep our game plus five percent plus five percent plus five cents only for the basic stuff at least I believe so once again remember I've never actually fully tested this thing out Construction complete well we're now entering your domain so have fun with that and you we're trying to catch up with these fellows and if we reach them first we're going to absolutely devastate them well there's the bulk of their forces to attack them or do I go back wait for them to attack us remember we do get a bonus 15% fire right if we're in our own territory honestly I think I'm going to attack them here just because even if we lose this it's almost definitely going to make a status quo so sure next prosperity your blue lasers are nothing in comparison to our orange ones fools such a nice light show still no status quo even have to being a victor there sure can we claim this oh we could we could take their homeworld oh no I shouldn't I'll blab be so funny though only 200 we'd actually claim a couple of things just claim their heart I shouldn't I know I shouldn't however I want to I really want to here's the thing though we need to take out the station as well they keep on reinforcing we did lose a lot of our fleet there we probably be able to so for now let's not actually spend the influence until we get there right they have way too many forces we are eventually going to push back there's no chance we can grab that world but we are devouring a lot of their forces in the process at least might have been heal yet we can status quo whenever we wish but I would like to victory gives us a hundred influence and makes them unhappy honestly they kind of deserve that right now currently I think all of my ships have auto ships have regenerative hull and really terrible armor no yes build mega structure macro engineering testing station this will give us 150 engineering though will cost us 5000 alloys now and 75 influence then later on another 5000 that's very expensive and this can be built around the star same cost but gives us physics well I'd rather have engineering so sure it's build least one be cool if we could build loads of them since once again that doesn't increase our Empire sprawl currently we're still below 30% penalty which is really nothing technology discovered okay you're healed up enough their force is currently moved so attack and any ground forces we do have let's get you moving as well since it's currently safe to do so well once that ships get back maximum armor wow they have really good weapons though all those missiles but I'm afraid this sours they get upgrading lovely and sure will like a claim here instruction let's free your people from your tyranny oh sure don't know who you are but I'm ok for and being kind with their empires Long's are not attacking us first in which case I'm going to be horribly horribly brutal to them so now if I status quo I get their system yep that seems reasonable though I still kind of want victory let's humiliate them shall we oh we have some refugees fleeing the Ravid oh dear I've loads them apparently so you're new and you're new whoops also at some point these became our dominant species and here is the third and final of the basic mega structures the orbital artificial ecosystem which will give us I'm assuming just going off a hunch here society research ten more influence I'm going to climb this then we're going to take all of this section here that way the trade value is actually maintained nice and easily we'll take this one system here and then that's gonna be the end of our expansion unless someone else attacks us in communications and there we are and you can return home apparently there's a writing coming from one of the Marauder groups they're both over here so most likely you'll have to go either through here or here so they're going to hit a bastion anyway and that ships are only here to say stone throws away so that's fine no real major concern there we now have a defensive pact of our traders which is fantastic and a migration pact as well so lots of good things there whoa that's a lot of refugees oh dear yep that is Co horrific actually I'm just really thankful we're not expanding this way at all and so the site is becoming a reality Wow okay so the Fallen Empire has just declared war versus the hive have fun with the macro engineering testing station on its way we are now also building the orbital artificial ecosystem site which should give us some lovely lovely Society research and now we need to decide what we're going to do here so the our ecology project is definitely something I want for this Empire I want as many our colleges as possible but also the flesh is weak that is really really good especially since now we're just getting synthetics I think we need Robo Groot I think this for now and we start preparing the world's to turn them into our colleges I don't want to go down the synth route this time just because I always go down the synth route so what else do we want well there is this and of course that comes with the model with loads of new things there I haven't known I have simply no idea what any of those do I assume that the behemoth the ring world is a giant ring world which I think you build around other ring worlds but that doesn't mean we really want galactic wonders and we really want master builders so these two plus that maybe so three slots so we have two slots to spare and I don't really know I want there so our ecology is one then we have one spare we'll see when we get there the writing fleet has finally arrived owned by glump and apparently they used that there the wormhole a fleet can probably destroy them but it's gonna really hurt us oh no they interrupted our work now that's really annoying ok fleet defend your space and suddenly all of my bonuses end right as they start the fight that's annoying how are we doing anyway oh we are obliterating them let that be a lesson to their kind they are failures then remember that that's founded by harsha pan it was meant to oh and more refugees don't it care about any of this so chemical plants I suppose it's time to think that really we should have gone with prosperity a bit earlier not so much because it's the most efficient or anything just because of this bonus specialist output that's the whole point of our Empire there we are 5% bonus which is to almost everything so alloys consumer goods research all the good things in life I've only just looked at the auto names our fleet has emerald spike blade silver piercer rash rash really game well our fleets are gonna give the enemy a rash good to know the macro engineering testing station is now online so this is the first of the modded mega structures in the parent I can't zoom in any further when I'm targeting it there we go is that the ring world I think they've used the ring okay so I've used existing assets to make this that's pretty cool actually I don't know what the centerpiece is though but those look like the incomplete ring worlds still that is really cool and that's just 150 engineering that's such a cool concept I bet if you went down a really heavy Ford route so loads of alloys you could have spam the galaxy with these and probably get a pretty good amount of tech now rebuilding for the Fingal's building before as well before the riders attacked me so soon I will have the eco system up and running as well so I've been thinking right now we have been quite pacifistic in terms of our Empire the only time we've ever conquered any areas or anything like that is when someone else is attacked us other than that we've pretty much just stuck to ourselves we've made a few friends and that's it I want to continue like that I don't want to do anything too evil too aggressive I was thinking for a while as soon as this Empire becomes inferior to us which will be very soon we could easily turn them into our tributary then they give us their energy in their minerals that's all well and good but it feels like that's a bit cruel although they are fanatic xenophobe authoritarian which is the opposite of what we stand for since we are very friendly and we are egalitarian it makes sense because that then just stopped them from declaring wars they would then stop being a threat to the galaxy but we still allowed them to be mostly autonomous they can do what they want as long as it isn't something stupid like attacking their neighbors but even then I feel like that's a bit too much I'm not really role playing this particular Empire but even then there's something stopping me from doing that so here's the question how do we go to war with them to make them change their ideology how do we turn them into more friendly people and then give them their freedom I think what I might need to do is change my policies so unrestricted - Liberation Wars claiming of the systems is only allowed during defensive Wars or against by sea a hive mind how are y'all Joe Kay let's do that so we'll basically turn them into allies and share with them our tech our resources and everything else but first they've got to stop attacking everyone and so the artificial ecosystem is now ready okay so it looks somewhat similar to the engineering one it's just the rings are in a different position and I think that's a slightly different piece in the middle so in other words it looks similar except for all of these different things which make up the entire thing I'm good at my job explaining things okay so the last one then is the particle accelerator now I know I can keep on spamming the same one over and over honestly normally I would go for the society one because I really want all that lovely admin cap but honestly I don't want to see all three so there's all three of the basic ones done but yeah I could really see this being a proper build just really focusing on alloys all of your worlds and mining worlds and forge worlds that way you can make so many ships and like so much money with alloys and for science you'd have spam these of course you need to get the tech first which seems to be quite high-end so research then going to alloys right now we've been quite balanced honestly so it's working here as well keen to see what else there is there was a storage one which sounded really interesting okay so we have less than a year until we can go to war honestly one that's happened as soon as possible because I want my research packed and commercial backed and once they're converted to us and they're our allies basically there should be friends with these as well so all three of us can then become maybe a federation at some points what I'm thinking about what do you do look they're making a particle accelerator just like us oh that's awesome so they do use the mega structures that is really cool oh you're at war system is occupied occupied occupied oh is that the falling booty hmm oddly enough the fallen empire is beating back the hive mind however the devouring swarm is still here and is actually now equivalent to us of tech they've caught up they were inferior briefly they managed to catch up that devouring swarm is just doing so well prosperity is finished so now we go into the ecology project and I realize that mineral production is really low right now because I'm once again trying to get more tech oh dear so more consumer goods using up the minerals then the consumer goods used up biotech either way though we definitely want this so thankfully a lot of our planets are already converting over but we need then is more planets using their mineral reserves do we only have one true mining planet oh well that's maybe one of the problems yeah let's convert some of our worlds into mining worlds please OOP okay I fleets now on the move we're going over here and we're going to try and change the ideology of our neighbors this still doesn't exactly make us the good guys certainly or even peaceful but it's probably the most peaceful way we can wage war yeah there's still to be loads and loads of populations who die who are currently commanding the ships when we bombard the planets but we're in neutral Empire we're not evil we're certainly not good we're chaotic neutral like me totally not evil a bit of a major miss play by me finally we're building robots in at least four of our planets and we will be adding a lot more as we choose planets to become our ecology projects so right now I am now making our robots with recycled and mass-produced this way they are very cheap to produce and they are produced way faster remember at this point they are since and getting a reduction in their cost and an increase in their resources from all the other bonuses we've got so far and we are materialist which further makes them cheaper really we should have been doing this why earlier major misplay by mail i make a lot of miss blaze during stellaris because i feel like doing the meta making sure everything is Maxim efficiency without any flavor is a bit boring in my opinion but this one was just complete oversight just really silly so there we are create template all of you equal you long updated well that's neat I've never seen this bonus before this is from being uplifted conservative plus 5s and Happiness Plus 25% governing ethics attraction and then a huge negative to leader experience game yeah never let these fellows be leaders but these are honestly great just regular citizens happy and they'll follow the status quo that sounded white darker than I thought it was going to who's a good sheep species yes you are never be a leader so we are going with the ultimate cheapo build with both our robot species they are recycled durable and mass-produced which means they are cheaper to make they are faster to make and they cost less to keep around well done lads yep both efficient although you are way more fancy well since we're building all the other mega structures from the low end of the mod we may as well also build the kugelblitz containment silo sites something which I have no idea what it's actually going to be the second stage definitely gives us energy but kugelblitz so bullet lightning is how I'm translating that in my terrible German which my grandfather's probably very shamed at right now no ball lightning you'll be ball lightning ball lightning right no yes Google so two things first of all I was correct and I am so proud of myself even though I have never heard of that particular phenomenon in space apparently that's a whole concept of a black hole made of energy or something similar need to look that up far more after this episode is recorded also one more weirdness about my accent so occasionally when you're recording yourself so much weird things happen like you've noticed that you say words kind of weirdly even by your own standards ball ball ball ball basically bull as in the animal and ball in the bouncy thing almost sound the exact same when I'm saying it and now it's weird to me you should never be weirded out by your own accent but right now I am darn you speech therapy you strike again our units are ready for war a peaceful war simply to change their minds about being so aggressive to everything else seriously it's not done you any favors at the moment so you may as well give it up you declare war change ideology peace where there is no justice that can be no peace perfectly said their voice over guy how strong oh my god your stations are nasty wait neutral fleets what's over here that's your fleet of just cruisers okay either way we're going to go over here first so I can move there take that I'm hoping I can take out their ships okay fantastic in that case you know what never mind rest there since you get bonus fire right and they're going where now I'll way back there darn it never mind then catch them off guard take out both of their fleets this fleet is also moving which is really annoying but either way I got both of their fleets and then that's the vast majority of their fleets sorted deal with this afterwards then everything is fine the artificial ecosystem is now up and running giving us 150 at society research lovely meanwhile I think we're about to start a fight yes we are Oh loads of lies as they are not ours where are they did you upgrade to purple I don't know lots of missiles we have no point defense next up let's go with domination I suppose for workplace motivators yeah we needed someone mineral that's fine oh that's nasty don't have enough resources to begin that anyways so it says continue come on well that was certainly way more a knife our favor we only lost four percents of our war exhaustion they lost 17 you are going over here I think no no you've changed okay still going this way though so just the further goal okay you want to grab those on the way so let's do this then we can try and go this way then go to their new capital the Federation is becoming something over here and at the same time I have just made a small Corvette fleet which is now busy taking all of these systems meanwhile over here now realizing the enemy are using null-void beams which is actually kind of cool I am just doing exactly what I was doing before I even knew that so just keep on attacking over and over again avoiding their main stations because they're just nasty and now going for their new capital which is somewhere there it is ello ooh nobles so a noble gives five stability white 5 stability and 5 amenities that is really cool note to self try out Nobles in the future it's one of these Civic choices though I can't quite remember which one right now ok I've conquered that and finally we are doing the flesh is weak so I've put off because I kept on finding engineering research I really wanted to do and finally we had a bit of a break so now we're turning everyone into cyborgs they are fighting their own Bastion which is being very very nasty to them Construction complete those are some aggressive little swarmers did not expect them to lose but yet there we go just ship after ship being destroyed one more world about to be under our control so in this whole section here is basically ours still got a Corvette fleet bouncing around grabbing anything we're not grabbing with the main fleet which is honestly starting to take some serious damage though we are getting very close to achieving our war goals but remember if we do settle status quo a new empire will be created and essentially I'll be all the systems we currently occupy so all this section would become a brand new empire anyway but it would be better if the empire would be one empire afterwards better to have stronger allies and weakened ones our people are now cyborgs lovey could you do that please first thank you then go back to assisting that's great as well so I think that turns everyone into cyborgs yep everyone who was in our empire the time I'm now indeed cyborg except for you apparently yep you're a cyborg you're cyborgs yep fantastic songs the main species are lovely so more habitability more army damage and more leader lifespan which is the important stuff oh I am so tempted by synthetic evolution plus 10% robot output plus one robot modification points and the modification is cheaper and of course everyone turns into a synth there is one species throughout our entire empire which is so much better and I believe what happens is once we get this any organic species migrating to our empire becomes a synth so we have the migration organic growth and this I know I said I wasn't going to go with this repeatedly but remember this playthrough is many many many hours long condensed into two hours I've had so much time to change my mind that I really have it's just the right choice it really is though our energy is about to suffer greatly too bad everyone's our synth in 52 months our Corvette fleet is now stronger than our main fleet after our main fleet is lost so many of its forces also I should have been paying more attention to our trade routes because apparently pirates have been allowed to spawn big sum a dumb-dumb so once again Corvettes the RESCUE broken now I don't like using pure Corvettes anymore since is a little bit cheesy but when it comes to fast response there is nothing better construction now can you take out this you can but you're going to take considerable losses but then you have this whole area to attack okay so instead I'm going to do is wait for you to clear out the Pirates and then you can meet up there there's no rush for this war anyway so that's fine complete there we are we are now doing the repeatable admin cap increase that's exactly what I wanted to see particle accelerator is underway the kugelblitz not quite Oh 7000 dose of the first level and then like 25,000 energy for the second that is horrific [Music] [Music] so two things first of all we have broken through what this bastion and now we're taking everything past here which isn't being protected or lovely we've just broken through this bastion so actually there's three things you go ahead and do that unless you can take it out instantly which you can just about but let's bombard anyway and then our species are now since at least most them are there's a few stragglers here and there but most of them are since and we're turning them into this here so logic engines loyalty circuits and mass-produced so we're made incredibly quickly we're happy and we good at research and I was correct it turns out we can indeed still have quite a bit of growth purely from our migration treatise so what we need to do is have default rights assimilation yes turn everyone into a synth including anyone left so as soon as we get someone moving in we instantly transform them into one of us an upside they do become immortal and they thought the same mind it's not like a hive mind or anything but not being completely assimilated into the collective they're still an individual they're just in a very creepy robotic or a more humanoid one okay with that done I think this will be our very first archaeology project yes it will lovely we are becoming so much more than what we once were just surrender already station with one more world conquered finally achieve war goals and that will convert you into an empire which should love us yeah there we go despite the fact we were at war we are a liberator although we are allied to rivals whose Oh that's actually a pretty big problem did not think about that so these two hate each other the problem with that is that we really like this trade empire so yeah until they stop being hostile to us essentially all it means really is that we can't have a defensive pact with them otherwise we will also be classed as being allied to rival for these guys which would really really suck so instead I'm going to do is be nice here you go I was just a war of you this is to repair my god you don't even want alloys this is to repair all the damage I've just done and there we go anything except for defensive back so research commercial migration I mean that's great for us because more things to assimilate oh yeah and all of our forces please return back to the main base over here lovely now one thing I really need to do is change all of our farms into anything but farms like anything but farms as this completes its build I'm going to go ahead and build a new artificial ecosystem lovely just all the basic stuff so it come on let's be here for the final build may as well war that's broken out and yet that is once again the ring wall I assume they're using a lot of the in-game assets so we are going to see a lot of stuff we've seen before but still really cool I do love this early game megastructures is something I really want to see in the base game desperately so why did I end up going synth after all well two major reasons first of all if sinfully double give robot output plus 5% which is incredible since that's all of your populations but also synth leaders are immortal so maximum level leaders for the rest of the game considering we're going for all the bonuses yeah that's kind of incredible honestly so all the incredibles that's pretty much it I grabbed all the farms no I have not apparently you will eventually become the arcology sure why not well that's annoying despite the fact we have turned them into what they are currently they are still our rivals they've just re initiated our rivalry despite the fact they're quite happy with us and that's because we're friends with these fellows which well they're spiritualists but we're so close to them now and it would be weird to break off this friendship because look corporate buildings everywhere it's really good for us almost every single one of my worlds if not all of my world has a bit of cooperation this and that is really beneficial to us because he gives us bonus jobs leadership jobs even some of them yeah we're gonna be loners we're essentially isolationist despite the fact we've been trying to be friendly with isolation it's not a choice but because no one will love us oh dear hello random Empire yes I will accept that thank you now in the future Oh items now in the future what I really need to do is do another playthrough with the Giga structural engineering model because there are so many more things I need to explore seriously there are so many mega structures in this mod I am NOT doing it just this I'm still tempted not even to put it in the title of this video because of how little I'm currently exploring it though there are still a hundred years before the endgame crisis may occur so maybe I will see enough things to warrant it look at that lovely the kugelblitz containment silo site slowly being built with all of our alloys it's first stage is worthless to us its second stage cost a fortune and gives us 150 energy per month which is really nice maybe I should focus more on alloys I mean our alloys will become science but saying now I think these yeah 25 energy and 5 alloys at keeper 150 science it's not that bad considering the consumer goods cost of regular science but it's not free I do love the idea of just thousands of these everywhere okay fine more alloys alloys everywhere so what I decided to do is break a defensive pact with the birdie trade people over here this way it's kind of canceled out by the fact you've also bribed them and then that should mean that very very soon once these fellows break their rivalry with us which I should do very soon at plus 136 we can then have all of these with them and that will be quite permanent so the migration treaty and everything else will be in effect fairly soon I didn't realize how many people really hated those birdie traders and then suddenly we are now in association with one of the Federation's shop why not that's great for us since you are one of the trade Federation's yep so if we ever completely lose our friendship with the birds we have you multi ID platypus and creatures you're beautiful in your own way apparently really at war everyone's a war a battered fleet of small civilian vessels carrying a mich arse fleeing from the anthurium Revengers have arrived in our space their names really tax laughs hoaxes dyslexia but he continues anyway appreciate that like the video he suffers for your enjoyment their drums of war are really in a terrible position Oh drums of war you chose the worst place I know we're gonna rebel against the devouring swarm you know what good luck ye little plant face good luck because you are devoured once again I've never seen a devouring swarm be this dominance and I think it's because they had the ultimate starting position they had only one Empire near them than all this free space so they had all this free space to expand get all the materials from and then when they wanted to declare war they were so well established they didn't stand a chance even when they made a federation no chance at all just utterly devouring everything though they've weirdly ignored me they know what's good for them wow you are not happy though you have 2% support so I don't really care 3% don't really care I do care what's your problems quite a few things actually honestly we're in tempted to do now is to promote you so essentially what I want to do is get to I think it's like 500 influence oh that's horrible but I do really want to become a fanatic materialist at this point because that also makes our robots better and considering our entire population of synths which still count as robots that is really good so rather than just having a barrier robot upkeep minus 10% it's minus 20% that is so much energy and so many consumer goods though honestly really too bothered by that maybe this is still best never mind we're staying as we are this entire clip was pointless I've wasted your time oh no I haven't living metal you there now grab need domination is now finished which means we can now get our next ascension perk and honestly the three oh really wants our galactic wonders master builders and transcendent learning at the moment we can't get master builders or galactic wonders because galactic wonders requires mega engineering Master Builders requires galactic wonders or void born but we're definitely not going for void born at moments I would love this give your structural constructs which unlocks three mega structures which are apparently all ridiculously powerful but we're not really going for that this playthrough again I will do a playthrough again with Giga structural engineering where it will be a main focus and we will be going for this so thing for now we'll go ahead and grab transcendent learning and hopefully very soon we'll grab mega engineering but I really want that soon so really want the science Nexus since that gives you a research percentage bonus is it worth waiting for though transcendent learning is plus 50% leader level game we have immortal leaders I can't help it I've got to have this it's just so powerful for every one of our leaders which will never die ball lightning can daemon silo built a marvelous okay so ooh someone's inviting me into a federation don't care right now we're doing science science comes before all else now this is sell everything we own for a second place thank you and begin construction of the final version which will give us beautiful energy okay so who's actually inviting us whoa several members so it's all of you over here I suppose ah there is a problem with this though it's a very annoying problem if I become a member of this Allegiance what's going to happen is when this lovely devouring swarm decides to devour everything over here I'm going to go to war with them on the upside though it looks like it's going to have to go through this one first before it reaches any of the other members still then I would like to be part of the Federation I won't be able to own it sadly but that's fine but saying that I do want my own fleets sure for now will join and I forgot will change color that's weird nope yep that's really weird I have never joined the Federation and not been controlled before at least with this mode on nope let's go back to normal I like how he looks before thank you very much still staying with the new Federation but yet back to our usual colors thank you very very much indeed more research labs science is needed well at least you have some protection I guess the Galactic Stock Exchange is now being created lovely that's gonna really really up our energy reserves where am I still getting food from there's gonna be one farm somewhere which I keep on overlooking where am I getting that produced from where oh is it just being produced by the capital automatically okay so I have actually done the right thing whoo-hoo laughs expose something right for once hello a new thing the automated strip mine and nice passive plus five cent minerals which is lovely to see a massive industrial complex covering of planets and excavating its minerals peeling off the surface layer by layer until there's nearly nothing left cool so we turn applied into an onion Oh in that case I might stop building what I'm currently building because that would be awesome to have yeah I'm currently building an ecosystem but instead this barren world will be devoured by our legions and turned into science beautiful just to get all the basic sizes out the wireless covered we you need why more influence so rather than getting that what we're going to do is we're going to spend all of our unity on will to power plus five monthly influence I was really hoping for Scientific Revolution or you know finishing off one of these so we can get another ascension perk but right now we need that influence to get all that stuff done our will is power I will never complete this the kugelblitz has been generated lovely [Music] 142 energy fantastic Federation taxes is it worth being part this Federation I guess it is because we have all the migration treaties now so we're getting since and we're also getting things to be converted into sins so you know it's all well and good I suppose all will become one in the end yeah that doesn't seem correct job assimilation literal I get what's actually happening just that's kind of silly and you're not happy enough sir let's increase for happiness with some theater construction well finally we're friends with these fellows took them long enough research agreement and migration treaty all the things come to our empire becomes since lovely lovely living metal that why we can go ahead and living metal and mega construction fantastic plus fifty percent then once we have enough unity we could also do this to increase it even further but eventually we'll also get the essential Berg forests all the things right now our mine construction site is underway fantastic all we could do is put down one more artificial ecosystem they're saying that we do need the influence to do the our ecology projects which are really really powerful this is cool I want artificial ecosystems everywhere finally mega engineering fantastic which means we can start creating our ring world lovely and then there's all the weird options for the mega structure like the extended ring world's I think we have a mod s so much this much is that the model there in the middle of the full of an empire ships just on its side am I correct with that I might be wrong and I have no idea what the full Empire ships currently aren't actually check that but still what are their construction of ships look like well definitely not the construction ship but yeah it kind of looks like it maybe it is maybe it isn't either why it's about to be finished in its first stage which is lovely ooh walk it complex a massive complex built near a gas giant to seeds its atmosphere with special plant life a large construct built around the desolate world to make it more habitable the dynamic core activation that seems more interesting so grab that first stage one complete stage two now in progress so when this is finished will cost a 75 energy per month but it will give us 250 minerals and considering energies not something difficult to get once you have all of these lovely lovely city planets because of all the clerk's that's a pretty darn good deal cool crystal Harvester empire modifier more minerals which is already lovely and then the crystal mega bore all four rare crystals interesting well I'll grab that next of course just waiting until we can make the orchid complex I'm assuming that's give us food but even if it does I still want to see it lovely increasing our trade value and there we go the complex let's graph that's there we are how much will this cost us there is lots and lots of alloys okay can we maybe speed that along that would be lovely yes we can okay so to begin with that gives us 50 society research then a hundred and then 500 society 300 physics and food well but seems worth it just for the science sure then the food we can do sell just have an automatic trade for our food that's fine a Penrose sphere a large mirror builds around the black hole well that's interesting it can either be used as a very very powerful bomb or can generate some energy yes yes feed on the very planets themselves our industry and our science will not be held back instruction completely ok so with this we have the ability to actually colonize a gas giants - giant colonies possess unique generator research and rare gases districts oh now that is really really needed yes 100% yes go forth centipede robot well it's happened we are now at war versus the devouring swarm oh wow yeah that would crush us right now question where does that wormhole lead so it's this Empire wait where is that in Peyer my blind is it this one just can't see its logo oh of course for logos off off the galaxy okay well that's good so the wormhole is nice and far away so I won't be using that so we'll have to go through here which is still defended by - there strong bastions which I'm now going to upgrade drastically we should be okay to just chill we could help out our allies but I don't want to lose my own ships and that's pretty much the only excuse I'm going to use the war is over we got attacked twice thankfully repelling them both times that the Federation lost quite a lot of space but the devouring swarm lost a lot of its ships it attacked us twice we've 35k fleets something like that both times I was able to repel them though we lost a lot of ships and they had to use a lot of alloys in order to keep our ships just constantly replenishing themselves so it's kind of to slow down everything naturally we're also being raided as soon as that war's over thankfully our battleships are far stronger than their place thank you now that diplomacy is finished I've went ahead and grabbed galactic wonders this way we can go ahead and get ourselves the lovely the amazing science Nexus which will give us both science and a percentage bonus to our research speed and then what we can do is either grab master-builders or give structural constructs I'm very tempted by Master Builders let's just spam all the basic structures because there are so many things I still want to find out adding more mega structures is just gonna confuse me honestly so that can be something for a future video but for now master builders or at least when we're finished with supremacy so as soon as this is finished we can start building our science Nexus because sadly at the moment we can't do both I believe even though it's being repaired am i right for this sadar build mega structure and let's find what we want to build which is of course where are you so here we are the science Nexus so yes idly we can't build this right now even though we are just repairing something else which is a real shame would be nice but nope okay we are definitely coming along nicely though and slowly we are getting our Empire sprawl and our admin cap closer together our admin cap is already 225 the labs are now built so now we can build the complex weather manipulators that is some serious Ringworld going on there also this poor planet must be very confused Oh moon in fact it's poor moon must be very confused do we really need gateway travel our empires this big I think we're okay without it supremacy one more Empire which is to migrate in two hours and here's the thing although you do instantly become a synth when you join our Empire we're also giving you immortality I can see why a lot of people would take up the offer don't know if I would personally but it's a very cool off a nonetheless tell me in the comments below would you become an immortal synth if you offered the choice Titanic ring world a title ring world builds upon an existing ring world system providing more habitable space okay let's grab that also I'm going ahead and building our planetary computer site while this is all going on lovely and there we go more research ultra efficient ring world support systems unlock feature ring world habitat upgrade Wow and of course plus 10% to our build speed which is pretty darn awesome attack moon oh how I've waited to see that in terms of mobile armament the Titan was thought to be as large as it could get their idea of moving an entire moon and using it as a weapon sounds impossibly ludicrous but advances in mega engineering technologies and energy configuration can make those terrifying moons a reality now that's where science should end well there should be a goal of science such an end there should then continue more insanity oh really infamous for their meticulous care of lab equipment has suffered a critical malfunction brought on by a prolonged lack of personal maintenance he was like level ice that is so annoying any scientist we can steal yeah that's pretty rubbish that's pretty rubbish okay I mean you're already level three and you've learned faster so sure still very annoying the question is is there an attack planet I don't know and I'm not gonna look it up but I'm hoping there is our Federation is going to war with the syndicate the syndicates are a criminal organization so sure I'm not actually going to help that happen actually a few of them oh that's not good I should have been paying more attention though to be fair we vastly outnumber them in terms of fleet power so we're fine really that board is closed they can only get through here so just sending the main fleet and just sit them right there then we're fine whoa so the final level of this is twenty thousand dollars and twenty thousand energy that's pretty expensive construction bleed currently we only 1/2 strength since I just jump here as well so we're going to lose some ships but I'm currently building the science Nexus right here so I can't have this worker interrupted because that would be really annoying a skip ahead into the future and there we go this is now finished which means we are getting 650 food 300 physics and 500 society research at the cost of 150 energy 15 that unity and 40 alloys per month which is a pretty okay deal and all the food is simply being sold now what we could do in the future is build some of these where are you somewhere up here I think there it is the bioreactor 20 energy for 25 food so that would actually give us loads of energy but we need more building space so definitely something for the future the game is really stuttering right now as well so I'm going to restart the game and hopefully that'll fix this it keeps on stuttering out of nowhere the attack moon is being built the science Nexus is halfway to being completely fact no far closer than halfway to its next stage which will then be half AI total and that's pretty much that other than that we've just been sitting here defending our space as our allies destroy everything else lovely I should also mention that finally we have all of our ascension perks and I work with Master Builders which means now we're building our mega structures 50% faster in addition to everything else sensually we're now over double building speed which is really really nice and we're still saving up so that we can build our planetary computers because that seems really really cool but requires 20,000 alloys and 20,000 energy and let's increase the speed of our building even further lovely you will like this video and subscribe if you're not already laughs Rex isn't a complete idiot sometimes he's intelligent so you are saving up all of those alloys so you can build a supercomputer to figure out the problems of pretty much everything you will ever encounter or fully operational attack moon what color would you like your attack moon painted so I'm finally building the Ministry of production which I completely forgot existed so I just didn't go down that tech route which was really stupid because this increases the amount of alloys I get by 15% and same with consumer goods really dumb they're just really silly I just forgot it existed simple as that now we do have this the molten world shipyard facility so straight away bonus alloys fantastic so we can essentially build a shipyard around a molten world and then connect it and to increase how many shipyards actually opiod actually has that's pretty cool and even if we don't end up using it more alloys a moon takes flight how strong is it whoa 300 K just shy of 300 K fleet power hello attack moon hello broken think Luna missile batteries Omega annihilation Lance and lunar hangars well that's insane probably isn't the best though versus swarms of enemies most of the weapons here well 5 second cooldown isn't bad but considering all of that power is basically the main weapon against an equal force count any swarm will probably just destroy this thing so make sure it's with friends but still angry moon is go and I like the strong least now probably know but avowing swarm is still overwhelming with fleet Pat how on earth is that a thing terrifying ok you're pure armor so I want more of these everywhere see if we can make a couple at the same time how much influence do we need I think that's gonna be the main thing holding us back where is it attack moon where are you my lovely attack moon finding a moon of the correct size is actually really difficult since he has to be a 5 6 or 7 there we are and you can't simply click and check maybe there's a way to find out I simply don't know also I didn't actually check how much influence that discussed so I'm gonna look back in the footage either way I want multiple of these on the go at the same time if possible I want to win the game via moons is that so wrong ok only 100 influence is actually not too bad I'm hoping we can put the moon in with a regular group as I feel like it's going to be a serious powerhouse versus other large targets but it's going to be picked off quite easily honestly by smaller groups all these groups of smaller craft I would also really love to be able to put this thing with a Titan so we can at least heal it since there's no shields it needs some kind of regen otherwise this thing is going to be popping back to stations constantly to heal up so that would be lovely so you can go there hopefully you can merge with that group to see if they'll even work and whilst we're doing that I currently have three attack moons now all being built at the same time once this one this target I doubt we can keep them all being built all the way till they're finished that's a lot of money but at least we have three to start with also this system is like just yeah how'd you like megastructures what on earth are you okay now it's getting really complex so stellar fusion manipulation okay allowing us to compress and destroy stars we also get this power plant which requires five minerals no.1 of this new resource okay so I assume we get this resource from these two no from this the actual mega structure okay that is really weird but I'll grab it anyway maybe we'll end up using it maybe you won't okay good so you can indeed combined fleets that's really important purely because like I said I need some way to heal this moon especially since we're going to have multiple of them so we're going to have Titans with the healing capability and their only role is to heal the moons this is a very weird run of stellaris this is taking so long to finish but eventually we will have a habitable gas giants yet this is the final one and once again a lot of time needed sometimes you just need to - star we have now reached the outer core apparently strip-mined world that's kind of worrying maps the strip mines on permanence if something makes sense but still that poor little planet its moon is now considerably bigger than it oh wow the planetary computer complex that is terrifying what's that skin from I recognize it anyway still really cool what's this then bonus 100% to research yeah let's get that colonized now please city districts and computing modes okay hopefully that was worth for white that took a very long time to build I wish was building out of the start just how long it took 250 energy upkeep in 250 minerals this is why we are starting to mine a star which will give us loads and loads and minerals currently I can only have one of the attack moons being built up their final stage but still good to know ones on the way we are under attack once again by the devouring swarm well first of all that fleet will be destroyed simply by this but we do have something else which I really want to test out seven moon then in the background you destroyed one of my defense platforms Nene so here's the thing right now our admin cap is why higher than our empire scroll why don't I take a few of these worlds of them whilst they're fighting over here and almost all their forces are over here we could easily take several of these worlds and then convert them all into our lovely lovely synthetics mining worlds everywhere mining and generator worlds I see no reason not to there's the missiles there's the swarm the problem is the doom laser things will be fired on the station so not quite the spectacle I have in mind to begin with but still so there it is instantly taking the station obviously lovely the gas giant has finally been stabilized oh look at that turbine array city districts gas pumping facility and research laboratory all of them having upkeep with minerals though except for the city districts well that's gonna be very expensive but still I wanting the first world has been conquered oh that's a problem so because their hive mines we can't either simulate them that's a shame well we have a problem then because we haven't left any machines here to run anything so I don't know what I can do here since I can't resettle because I'm so eager latarian aha ok so eventually one population will grow that'll be enough that'll then convert into our first machine everything is fine good good good just going to capture this whole area now because why not then take their mega structure well well well that was a science nexus they were building we're gonna have to science Nexus and yes that bonus does stack yes that is fantastic our neighbors are now also since lovely we are truly the best of friends forever now hello fellow since Wow plus 451 value really like us Oh big fight excellent I'll please that's how you buddy fired the laser I want to see it against the ship there's the moon that is really cool you know I've never actually seen that before well the Titans rush didn't fired the first proper shot come on Moo Murray up you're sending in the missiles that's great but you have a massive doom laser probably just used on the station again let me see the doom laser you have disappointed me moon well there we are we ended up making the enemy have status quo they got pretty much nothing really and we've climbed one of their more expensive mega structures along with two of their worlds yep that is pretty darn fantastic lovely that's all three attack moons now being constructed I've built two more strip mines which should be coming online in a bounce well a few years and you are only one stage off actually giving us minerals so we should have just about enough minerals to handle all three attack moons okay so although this is going to really annoy a lot of our factions I just went ahead and I've turned on if we were to policies resettlement this means I can now move our populations manually which is really really useful because some of these worlds are now out reaching capacity they simply can't be upgraded anymore now a lot of them have the unemployment symbol over here purely because there are specialists which aren't being employed so I'm constantly changing things around but some of them are just finished the worlds are at Absolute capacity so being able to move them around to make our other worlds more efficient is definitely the right thing to do also ignore the -23 amenities this is because we have these eight specialists which are all going to become clerks very soon that's going to solve itself and even then I thought other stuff to do there to get that back to normal it's because I've just shifted loads of things the strip-mine is depleted construction now in fact it's a tiny little depleted world which will still give us 20 minerals though so at least it's something not much but something so this is the gas giants we have the gas pumping facilities we have the city districts the wind turbine RI which is really cool for five upkeep it produces five energy and then it also uses three technicians so these things could be just immense power houses we then have the gas giant research laboratory which of course is just lovely lovely research still really cool kind of wish I was building leads a bit earlier because having a few of these would be really good but now we're getting into the light game it might take a bit too long now to really bother with them but still really really cool concept we now have a grand total of three attack moons 825 Kay fleet though to be honest from what we've seen they're not as strong as their fleet power would indicate they are going to need a lot of support and honestly unless we're fighting enemies which only have a few very very dangerous targets they're kind of gonna get overwhelmed by pretty much everything so they're firm but we still need a regular fleet so it turns out I was wrong we don't have three war moons we actually have four so I'm going to do is I'm going to change my war policy and I'm going to attack the Fallen Empire because I want to see these attacks so it was an actual health well here's hoping our Federation doing in the way Wow they hate us at the moment well too bad and where there is no lovely there can be no peace well that has happened say goodbye to almost everything also here are some missiles considering how strong that station was that was brutal now get around there as fast as possible before these borders close please don't destroy the Titans can they not use that laser versus regular ships what's the range on that thing the range is 400 so yeah that should definitely be firing a Titan range is 250 and Titan already fired so they should be firing though it does have like a 30-day cooldown so maybe that's it just hasn't been a month yet technology discovered that was the Titan firing Tyson again oh there we go never mind we definitely can fire at normal ships and it's gone how much bonus armor do these things have now hundred and thirty percent that's lovely oh we've lost that Titan yeah I feel like the Titans always going to go first okay we'll get ready to jump we're going for the capsule the crystal mega bore is almost completely online which will give us minerals and more importantly rare crystals lovely now I've actually been looking up a few things just to see what I've been missing and Wow you can actually weaponize planets but you need the ascension perk to do so you need the Giga structural ascension perk the final one to do that and sadly I ignored that so I wanted loads of the little ones instead with the bonus 50% build speed still think that was the right choice but we could have simply ignored may be transcendent learning and then went with that instead and then still had the planets and stuff so whoops-a-daisy they're also sadly this ring world here doesn't count as a normal ring world apparently and I can't upgrade it I've tried to it simply is grayed out saying you require a normal ring world here there is one but still doesn't work so I need to build the ring world elsewhere first also also I haven't been building some of the other ring world structures we can do for instance I believe if we go over to a normal planet like you there the veil build mega structure there should be an option here to increase how many districts we have there it is the orbital arcology construction size and I think there's a few more as well but yeah there's still a lot of things I haven't covered I might go into this mod again in the future perhaps using some commands so we can get to light game a bit earlier there we are the mega boy is online giving us 50 rare crystals and 143 minerals that is glorious there we are our very first orbital our ecology is sorted that looks so cool why that's giving us bonus generator districts and agricultural districts oh but then of course also just regular max districts so that's all we really need for one of these particular types of planets that is really awesome actually Wow okay so we have begun to siphon the star just need one more month then we can start phase two construction complete this is gonna use up a lot of our energy but of course it's still easy for us to get imaging it's not so easy for us getting minerals so let's do that as well thank you well look at that we have psionic armies from our allies helping us now together machines and psychics destroy the false welcome to outside now with that you're all going to be assimilated and your robots are no longer servile they can simply live on your planets and become the new rulers lovely and of course the main reason why we've done this is because we wanted the research but also these buildings are beautiful I've had to declare war with the devouring swarm because annoyingly we couldn't get these to return home normally when a ship is traps and it can't go through any borders it can go missing in action for a while and then it will appear on your stations for some reason the moons can't do that perhaps because their moons so we've had to declare war in order to grab these systems so I'm just going to go until we can do status quo which shouldn't take too long just take some of these systems here maybe some over here then that's it really it's weird using a normal fleece again but we do need this war to eventually be over so I've moved all of these from our main ship yard all the way down here and they've just captured my science Nexus well what was originally there science Nexus but it's mine at the moment the moons have done a great job just bursting through all the way down here we can almost status quo and honestly after this fight most likely we can and that means we've gained a few systems and this little island here and that's pretty much it I do love cannons Oh aqwal vets are going rekt remember this is the devouring swarm so does have a lot of bonuses to its fleet for instance they constantly he'll have additional fire race I believe and are cheaper this is gonna really hurt us construction I'm so glad I've gave them every single bonus possible okay lovely so taken that back knocked out a huge section of their fleet and they've once again took the wormhole okay grab that back then we will status quo there we are back at peace and just to confirm the science Nexus does indeed stack so there we are plus 15% and then plus 15% again all that lovely bonus research so with our habitable gas giant we also have some unique buildings which I didn't really realize until just now the two I've seen are the floater analysis complex which is three upkeep for ten research doesn't require any workers and then the atmospheric fusion facility three energy for seven minerals that is really good so I'll definitely be grabbing that and let's have some more city districts when we can afford it eventually this gas giant is going to be really really powerful the star lifter is now at stage two and in a few months we can begin work on stage three apparently we picks a good time to destroy the Fallen Empire although they do get some of their fleets back from this event they are nowhere near strong enough to fight back if they fill it all their old fleets they could be a real problem decrepit fools so within our Federation we've had two machine uprisings basically at the same time we have these over here which are absolutely hilarious because they are rogue servitors so yep all of the lovely Federation members here of all became bio trophies almost instantly then over here we have a more regular machine empire taking over now they do have some really really nasty fleets but the thing is their strength is not very high for the amount of ships they have and in terms of tech they're not great but they're not terrible either so I think it's more likely yet - 75% armored hit points there and I assume the weapons going to be weakened they just don't have the resources to keep this sheer amount of ships going off ed eration you silly things be nice to you since lesson one in stellaris only one more stage in the star lifter is finished that is awesome and so the star lifter is complete and it does look really really awesome now I will admit the game at the moment is running very battling I think is in part because of the mods I'm running because normally it's not this bad at this point of the game I haven't going to try and fix it but there's a very real chance I might have to quit the game before the end game crisis otherwise this video is not going to get out by the weekend meaning I've been working on it for over 4 days already that isn't good especially since on the channel at the moment there's a bit of a dry spell of content but I will definitely come back to this mod if that's the case honestly right now I don't think there's any way any end game crisis even poses a slight threat to us with how many alloys we're producing per month all the energy we're producing my regular fleets that's without any of the attack moons are already near 200k and that's without updating a lot of the recent upgrades of techs and normally you have to move out the system for them to thankful effect at least in terms of the numbers so yeah two million near a million near two hundred thousand as this one is just now being made we aren't really in danger at all from anything ok so this is almost an hour later after that last clip and after testing out loads of different things disabling mods re-enabling them testing out different settings in the game I could not get the game to run any better than it's currently running meaning that it's going to take hours upon hours before the end game crisis eventually spawns and by then that we're going to be essentially immortal already if we look at our attack moon there we are we have almost Plus 200% armor that's insane if we look at our damage yep there's a plus 90% there a plus 130 percent we are practically immortal at this point and our research isn't exactly slowing down in fact it's increasing in speed since we still have zero percent negatives from our admin cap this shield here was only going to take six months so every year we're getting on average two maybe three bits of research done depending on what I'm researching we are just immortal we have won the game at this point and because I would like this video to be out at some points I am going to have to call it here I think I will definitely be using the Giga structure mod again in the future but I may disable some of the more powerful mega structures and I'll definitely have a game with less years in it going all the way to 2400 before the end game Crysis can occur is just not good enough and the game can't handle it or at least my setup can't handle the game not handling it so with that I'm afraid I am all out of time for today's video I have so enjoyed recording this but sadly this is where it does indeed have to end there is still so much I am yet to explore this mod so it will be coming back fairly soon most likely but next time I will be trying to balance it a little bit more as I mentioned previously things like this I think are fantastic additions things that the orbital artificial ecosystem because they require so many alloys to build in the first place and then it requires all this upkeep I think these are actually really balanced but then some of the other mega structures a bit less so really they are incredibly powerful to the point of kind of breaking the game at least in my opinion I'm not exactly someone who balances games well when I try so yeah I really enjoyed it there's so much more to explore if we do this again I will definitely have the ascension perk which allows us to have things like the much larger ring worlds and the weaponized planets if we do indeed have the planets and the moons again so much to do thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows us to Lara's as a series you wish to see continue in the future thank you so so much for watching and good bye you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 162,459
Rating: 4.9363589 out of 5
Id: Gy1r7jImJ1M
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Length: 113min 19sec (6799 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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