Stellaris - Warpstorms and their Mechanics (The Secret Mid-Game Crisis)

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Solaris has had some visual upgrades in the 2.7 version and that adds all sorts of beautiful graphical elements that basically at this point puts real space completely out of surface of course there are still a bunch of really cool things there in terms of like planets and stuff like that but Wow the main game is getting there something that I've been wanting for a bit of time to say the least however galactic geography being updated also means that modifiers have been added to the game and one of them in particular is very very interesting basically it adds a brand new mid game crisis to the game that shake things up a little bit let's put it this way but before we dive into that we need to dive all the way back to the 2.0 update apocalypse where galactic geography was actually added back before that particular period we didn't have any galactic geography space was all similar in uniform nothing special was going on in systems but as soon as the 2.0 update landed black holes pulsars and neutron stars added all sorts of cool modifiers black holes for instance added the chance of disengaging being reduced by 50% so your fleets were more likely to die within system same thing with emergency FTL pulsars a big big dealio because you know a hundred percent shield modification inside of a pulsar system is not something you want to ignore full shields let's go on in and of course neutron stars would reduce your sublight speed by 50% again a huge deal now the 2.7 update added a bunch of cool systems like Tiana Beck Alma Aveo as well as updates to the great wound and whilst all of these have new weather systems inside of them they don't actually add any geography elements at least not until this moment which i think is a little bit a bit of a missed opportunity but then again there is a lot of enemies inside the system that you will need to go up against especially Alomar Aveo with all the amoeba can be a huge deal and of course the great roomed with a bunch of aliens inside of it as well as the black hole so you already have those this engagement chance model fire being added to it now this is the point where we start talking about the new stuff that has really really impacted the game first of all we're gonna need to talk about floor yes floor was kind of alluded to in the patch notes before where he was listed as a entity that roams around it is a is an energy sphere that roams around the galaxy but it does a couple of very interesting things whatever it enters a system it will create a local storm a storm in space a warp storm one could almost say now it won't attack you or anything you will get a little pop-up saying that you've met it and that it is seeking for something but overall all it does is well it increases decreases actually the sublight speed in that system by 50% very similar to a neutron star but it also reduces by 8 by 15% now overall it's got 30,000 fleet power but has no armor and it's mostly shield so if you use things like missiles or anything like that you can kill it relatively quickly which is a nice little thing that is added to the game however fleur is only the first step to what could only be described as the citrix maledicte 'm because yes there is a galactic storm within the game it could potentially be described as a mid game crisis because it does have the potential to spawn once the mid game hits and of course you can set one of the mid game hits at the start of the game now this is when the con starts waking up etc another good example of a mid game crisis would be the L cluster for instance although you can rush that a little bit earlier than the mid game if you really really want to now the galactic storm what does it do well as soon as you hit the mid game the game will start pulsing every single year every single year there will be a 1% chance that the galactic storm will start now that doesn't mean that after 2 years there's a 2% chance or after three years of 3% chance etc no every single year there is a 1% chance that this special event will start now once it hits half the galaxy 50% of all stars will have the following modifiers apply to it sup light speed reduction by 50% all your fleets will v be 50% slower and that right there is a huge deal because mobility is everything in this game being able to put today project your power what your fleets is incredibly important which means that warfare is slowed down significantly but there is an even bigger modifier there and not a shield nullification it's the same bonus or malice if you may as a pulsar all fields will be useless a hundred percent shield nullification in 50% of all systems and that right there is something that could be extremely detrimental to your fleets because obviously it takes time to upgrade all your chips to something that can deal with this because all of a sudden you're going to need to swap over to fleets that are full armor and then go inside of enemy systems conquer them all because I don't know what or not the AI actually adapts to this and that right there is something you want to keep in mind do galactic geography is now applied over a period of potentially up to 10 years with a Mac minimum maximum or at least a minimum of 5 years and as soon as the 5 years are up there is a random timer that starts that finishes after five years but obviously you could have a warp storm that last 10 years 8 years but no shorter than 5 that right there means that you have a window of opportunity to go out and absolutely smash anything but there is even more to that let's say that you're fighting the unbidden the unbidden or all about shields this means that once the unbidden spawns as well as a galactic storm spawning at the same time their shields are gonna be useless and you should be able to completely ramp through everything that is inside of their stuff and attack their hull for maximum damage let's put it that way and the best thing about this is or you know not necessarily the best thing but it could be considered to be a good thing after 20 years once the storm has finished once that maximum period of 10 years is done there is a 20 year cooldown soon as that cooldown is the 1% chance a year we'll start kicking in once again that's right so this right here really adds a lot of flavor because all of a sudden space wetter becomes a thing you don't know when it's coming it randomly starts at any point past the mid-game and then there's a 20-year cooldown and then it could just happen all over again and like I said that's a lot of flavor here but there is even more interesting stuff that happens with this and that is the galactic storm interaction with existing galactic geography because it adds all sorts of things because well it's synergizes really well let's say for instance pulsars pulsars have 100% shield modification right so you go into that system while there is a galactic storm and then the plot happens to apply to that pulsar not only will you have the standard 100 percent shield modification you also have the sub lightning reduction as well as the additional 100 shield nullification now the additional percentage does not stack so it's really useless in this case but there is one case in particular where this is incredibly dangerous and that is in neutron stars now neutron stars already have a 50% sublight speed reduction attached to them if you add a galactic storm to a pulsar and this happens to be in one of those 50% of the galaxy it means that you will get a 100% sup light speed reduction your ships will move incredibly slow through neutron stars at least the systems that they are in and that right there it's it's curious because you basically are like okay I can go the war but I completely need to avoid neutron stars because it becomes a huge pain also you're gonna need to upgrade all your ships to armor because well what happens in space is gonna be an issue and if you're gonna go into an engagement where there is a storm armor is good but if you happen to be in a system where there isn't a storm all of a sudden you don't have any shields you just have armor and this causes all sorts of problems so the it becomes really important to start strategically placing yourself as well as your ships within systems you're gonna need to take a look at the enemy empires and see what they are doing and specifically how their systems are laid out and also where storms are and that right there is something you want to keep in mind but yeah warp storms or galactic storms if it's gonna call them Worf storms because let's be honest here even the chaos gods are in the game at this point hello though even though they've been wallpapered over and changed a little bit about a fresh coat of paint I think I think this is relatively accurate in this case and I'm really curious where this is going to go having galactic storms being added having modular amounts of galactic geography being added in and out to the game on the fly whilst also beautifully beautifully visualized is a huge deal now this is where you come in how would you apply this particular system the galactic storm to your approach are you gonna go out there and protect your allies or are you going to go ahead and say this is the perfect opportunity to crush those xenos within their own hive or are these their own homes because you know galactic storms they go everywhere this has been the galactic storm overview and as well as that mechanics behind it and remember be careful with them because they could bite you in the ass be very very careful during galactic storm time I'm gonna thank all my patrons for making this video possible if it wasn't for you well I'd probably be sleeping in a box under a bridge but you know that's a discussion for a other day if you are brand new here to the channel or if you are a regular I started a brand new tutorial series about 2.7 feel free to go and check that out it adds a it covers all the new bases that are in the game whether or not it's a new Enix system or even some of the more basic things that you may have overlooked it's always a good time for learning and as well as optimizing your approach on how to deal with the early game we've covered the basics we've covered expansion economy we've covered exploration etc so all of that stuff is all new and it's out there and I highly highly recommend for you to watch it there's the link on your screen right now go click it it's good anyway anyway were to wrap this up here thank you so much for watching and until next time take good care of yourselves and be careful the weather is pretty bad out there
Channel: ASpec
Views: 157,280
Rating: 4.9600267 out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, ASpec, A_Spec, Space, Weather, Space Weather, Shield, Slowdown, Graphics, Alveo, Space Cows, Space Whales, VLUUR, How to, Tutorial, Overview, Unbidden, Crisis, The Khan, Space Horde
Id: HD3lAUs1A_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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