Spoilers DON'T Ruin an Anime... LET'S FIGHT.

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[Music] has gonna run this the enemy man on popular opinions you hate them I debate them sorry I just I got too excited but there's a reason why I'm so excited because it's another episode of let's the show where I take all of your unpopular opinions and tough questions about anime manga aku culture anything Japan related or rather at this point it's just any [ __ ] unpopular opinion that you have about anything I take all of those from my Twitter and I debate about it in this show that gets a lot of hate and love at the same time and it really confuses the [ __ ] out of me it's been a while since I've done my let's fight episode a couple of months I believe but it's because of the massive amount of support and hype that you guys have for this show I just had to bring it back for all you lovely [ __ ] so without further ado let's [ __ ] fight Indian curries better than Japanese curry oh my god this guy are you serious ever heard of Thai curry it's okay to skip Jojo parts oh no no it's no what no what no it's not okay to skip Jojo part look I get it Jojo is such a long series it's over a hundred and twenty something volumes I know how long it is I experienced it for myself in my Jojo video if you haven't checked that out please do it took me 41 days to film links in the description and I get it that yes the first two parts technically don't have the stands that make an appearance for the rest of the series so it may seem like something that is irrelevant but the really important thing about parts 1 & 2 is not so much about the stands or in this case the lack thereof but rather the importance of the law and the characters because the jamon power the wave power that exists in part 1 in 2 is actually very prevalent to how the powers of stands work in part 3 and later on not to mention as you get to the back end of the Jojo series I'd say from a round stone ocean part 6 all the way up until the currently serialized part 8 the importance of the different families and they can to one another become so prevalent to the story like in part 8 you have to understand who the huge cut the family is who the Cujo family is who the Kira family is and of course not to mention who the Joestar family is because inevitably the Joestar family connects all of the families together especially in the later parts of the series and which part of Jojo do you need to read to get the best understanding of the Joestar family parts 1 & 2 look I'd say if you're just casually gonna go in - Jojo - just read say part 3 - just get a taste of what these stand powers and all of this - Jojo memes are on the Internet then yeah you don't necessarily have to read parts 1 & 2 but I still wouldn't recommend it if you do intend to go on to the later parts and I mean I don't understand why you should even skip parts 1 & 2 considering parts 1 & 2 are easily some of the shortest parts of Jojo part 1 only covers the first two and a half volumes of the manga so it's it's not a lot to skip over and yes it may seem short and insignificant enough to skip over but the contents of which is in parts 1 & 2 especially in part 1 where you have a full understanding of how Jotaro and Gio's connection comes into play in part 3 I would not recommend you to skip it and I mean why the [ __ ] would just give it every part of Jojo is [ __ ] amazing so if you're just gonna skip parts of Jojo you just might as well not read any of it at all some Jubilee films a complete [ __ ] and should not be protected by the Ghibli stamp like ocean waves or pom Poko and we should criticize Ghibli for making shitty movies like that okay I fully agree with you in saying that just because it's Ghibli they shouldn't get some kind of special permission to be completely non subject to any kind of criticism like any other director or studio out there yes if a movie sucks or have some problems then it should be prone to criticism any artwork that is brought into the public space should be subject to criticism but however I'm gonna have to give you a clown emoji in this case because you called Booker a bad Ghibli movie that's a wag opinion brav now I personally haven't watched ocean waves enough times to fully analyze it in fact I don't remember a whole lot about the movie but for me Poppa Cole was one of those Ghibli movies that I grew up watching alongside movies like Totoro and Princess Mononoke and even though to this day Princess Mononoke is still my number one Ghibli movie of all time in terms of pom Poko it is by far the best Tuck artists eligibly movie that has ever come out the thing that makes me a little bit sad especially about Takata your soul Ghibli movies is that taco de sole was the kind of director that really really focused his narratives on a lot of Japanese law and folklore in the case with Han state on our coupon book or it explored different kinds of folklore legends and myths that exist throughout Japanese history the cultural significance of the raccoon and the Fox and all of these animals that make an appearance in that movie makes that movie very very Japanese it is it is very clearly aimed towards a Japanese audience but that's not to say that it's a bad movie yes it isn't like your conventional miyazaki hayao or even jana bye ashie Ghibli film but what shocks me about pom Poko is that even though it was made so long ago the themes and the overall message that the movie is broadcasting to the audience is still prevalent to this day yes it is a movie that focuses on the different types of folklore of the raccoon the spiritual importance and ancestry of these mythical creatures in our real world but at the core root of it palpable is an environmental movie it is about humans destroying the forests around Japan aka destroying the homelands of these raccoons kind of oblivious and forgetting the fact that these are very culturally significant and important creatures to the Japanese culture and you know I still think that problem is prevalent to this day like it's not like you know deforestation has stopped since the airing of the pom Poko movie so yes I agree Ghibli films should be subject to criticism but saying that pom Poko is a [ __ ] movie brah but that's a that's a bra moment a fanbase is not a valid reason to dislike an anime if you don't like a fanbase of a series then just ignore the fanbase you know that is just so much easier said than done especially since in the current climate of the online anime community when you watch an anime series you want to talk about it and usually the first place that people go to talk about anime is and where do you find shitty fan bases and hyper obsessive fan bases of a particular thing the Internet so unless you're purely watching an anime just to talk about it with your local friends at school and never ever go to search up what people think about a certain anime on the internet there is really no way you can avoid said fanbase especially if that fan base is part of a very very popular and successful anime series not to mention that kind of hypothetical situation abroad I would almost be impossible in this day and age anyway because most likely than not the people of today the anime community of today go to the Internet to watch said anime series so already you're failing step one of avoiding a fan base by watching the show to begin with and let's be real there is very few anime that are ruined or deemed as bad purely because of the fan base if anything the anime in question was already bad to begin with and the hyper obsessive fan base is usually the one that just makes you hate it even more like personally speaking I never really saw the hype of my hero academia or sold out online I thought in the case with my hair academia it was just an average shown in show not horrible but not the most amazing thing ever and in terms of SEO you guys already know how I feel about that [ __ ] and I would have been perfectly fine to just leave it there but for me it's kind of impossible to avoid said fan bases when a very large majority of the people I interact with on the Internet aka you guys watching this video my subscribers my friends subscribers my Twitter followers my Instagram followers a part of those fan bases and a really [ __ ] doesn't help when I say one little opinion that can be steamed as nay towards that person's favorite anime and they're the ones that come to bite me and I'm not the one that's out to see the fight but then again me or any sensible anime fan that has a brain in his head can tell you that I'm not going to hate an anime purely because of the fan base I think that's just ignorant at that point yes I don't like a lot of shows but the fan base definitely doesn't help me to bring that anime into any more of a positive light he Suzumiya is a horrible person and one of the most overrated characters in all of anime okay look I'm not gonna deny the fact that suzumiya haruhi the character is a horrible person I mean she is definitely uptight she's definitely a bossy she is the one that coined the kami dead s trope of anime girls but saying that she's overrated I think is a little bit disrespectful to Haruhi summer because most likely than not that one light novel adaptation that you really really enjoy out of the hundreds and hundreds of light novel adaptations out there wouldn't exist without the success of Haruhi that's not to say that you should like how did he as a character or you should like the suzumiya haruhi series as an anime I mean obviously people have their own preferences I know plenty of seasoned anime fans who were never into Haruhi and that's completely fine but saying that she's an overrated character just because you don't like her is a little ass-backwards if you ask me I might have to give you your clown pass at that point because you failed to explain what makes her overrated like what just because she is a character that everybody talks about to this day maybe people talk about suzumiya haruhi to this day because a lot of people like her as a character people still talk about Naruto or Goku to this day but you don't see people going around saying oh no return' goku is an overrated character people talk about her and many other popular characters of the past to this day because they have some kind of likable personality that a lot of people are attracted to and just because you're not attracted to it it doesn't make that character in entirety overrated not to mention there so many terrible quote unquote terrible characters and even straight-up villains that probably do way worse [ __ ] then how did he ever did in the series that are still talked about to this day and that are praised and loved by the modern anime community and you don't go around saying that those characters are overrated can we just drop the whole so-and-so character is overrated or so-and-so series is overrated without giving any kind of explanation as to why you think it's overrated you're just you're just giving yourself an L at that point Google is just Twilight for weebs you know it's unfortunate because it's it's it definitely is starting to seem like that on the grand scale of things and it's such a shame as well because it's just su mente that series to be accessible to everybody and it is accessible to everybody in that sense but the problem is again going back a few tweets ago is the fan base you know back in the early 2000s we had a bunch of myspace accounts that had [ __ ] cringy odd images and you know emo s like anime profile pictures that were taking anime that was seen as a little bit edgy and putting an emo twist on it I feel Tokyo ghoul is is that anime of this decade and it's a shame because in the sense of edginess Tokyo ghoul is nowhere near the most edgy and popular anime out there I actually don't really mind Tokyo girl all that much I thought the manga was pretty [ __ ] cool I just thought the anime adaptation especially the second season was a little bit wack and again the fanbase is just like a little bit too young to start watching it so maybe yeah in that sense it might end up just being the Twilight for weaves we don't really have an anime at that point and I feel there needs to be at least one anime that that fits into that stereotype most merchandise is not worth the money well if you think that my dude then that just means you're not really a merged collector and you know what that's completely okay I for one spend a lot of money on much and do I have any remorse for it no because I like what I collect and I'm okay with paying a what may seem as a grandiose amount of money for something that is very materialistic but I mean hey regardless of before an anime fan or not an anime fan don't we all do that because this doesn't just apply to anime or manga any kind of otaku Japanese esque type of merchandise if you love something so [ __ ] much then people are willing to spend absurd amounts of money to get their merchandise to show their love for that one particular thing I mean [ __ ] I don't know how else to spend my money so that's why I collect and you know look at all this awesome anime merchandise because that's what makes me happy and a lot of people are like that and that's [ __ ] cool if that's what makes you happy dude then [ __ ] yeah go for it but if you think that that [ __ ] is too expensive and it's not worth buying then hey you know what that's okay you can still be a fan of the show just because you don't have any merchandise of that shop the other countries should try to broadcast more legal anime on TV so that we'll be able to watch it legally and to help the Japanese anime industry and to avoid pirated anime you know I feel this is a logical solution to a logical problem but I feel that that's a little bit wishful thinking because let's be real how many of us still watch TV to this day especially the younger generations or the Millennials quote-unquote we are so prone to watching stuff that has been digitally streaming on now computers or our phones or our tablets you know anything that is digital very few of us now go and turn on the actual TV to watch the shows that are actually broadcasting on air I mean my TV in my room is mostly used to play like on the switch and the ps4 I have I actually haven't turned on that TV to watch TV in probably close to a year and that's because things like digital streaming and on the other side of the spectrum pirating shows is just way more convenient and way more accessible I think the only solution to what you're saying in this particular tweet about broadcasting legal anime on TV is if every single anime that ever comes out every single season and in the past seasons are all broadcast on TV but even if I feel we managed to do something like that which I feel regardless is hypothetically impossible it takes away from the ease and control that we have with digital stream because with digital streaming we can watch any number of episodes whenever you want in any order whatsoever whereas if you broadcast stuff on TV it's usually set on a schedule and if you don't follow that schedule or you miss that schedule then you miss that episode and what do you do if you miss an episode you're most likely gonna go on to your Netflix or your Hulu or your kiss anime or wherever you watch your anime on your computer or laptop or mobile phone and watch it right there so yeah bottom line I don't think that is going to be a reasonable solution to this problem toreador it's straight up the greatest anime ever made you know I'm laughing for two reasons about this about this opinion you know one is that toradora is definitely not the greatest anime ever made and two toradora isn't even the greatest anime ever made by the guy who made toradora the golden time was an infinitely better show than toreador ever was don't get me wrong I [ __ ] love toradora hydras my bae but god damn golden time was so much more of an engaging character-driven story than Toradora ever was not every anime is supposed to be able to stand on its own some rely on you having seen the source material like the cogito project you're supposed to have listened to the songs before watching the anime or nothing would make sense same with some VN adaptations I actually disagree with this point for a number of reasons number one anime is supposed to be an adaptation of its original source material in other words it is supposed to take that source material regardless of if it's from a manga or a game or a visual novel light novel era Gabe even something as weird conceptually as cargador project and take all of those elements and put it into a package that anybody can get into and understand just from that some of the best anime adaptations in my opinion are those shows that are just so well-rounded so universally understood from start to finish that there is no need to go and watch or read the original source material unless I really really want to just relive it in a different medium in terms of the cogito project I have watched the anime adaptation I have listened to all of the original Vocaloid songs that are based around the law of cogito project and I've read a decent number of the light nulls but the problem with the anime adaptation is that even after I've already seen some of the original source material it still didn't make sense like what is the point of an anime adaptation when it provides me little to no sense about the lore of a show that I am already aware of and what still makes me even more confused about the law than before I watched it because while me and a lot of attitude is try to encourage people to go and read different types of source material whether it be again manga visual novels or light novels very few casual anime fans actually do we start and end at the anime it doesn't matter how much we love that particular anime adaptation most people will just opt to actually re watch that anime adaptation than to go and read the original source material however in saying that I do think there is nothing wrong with an anime adaptation that decides to just give you the bare bones of a particular series and leave it to the source material to go into the nitty gritty details a perfect example of something like that is the monogatari series because the anime adaptation for the monogatari series has all of the essential information that you need to understand the law of the characters and their relationships to the story and one another as well as providing you with some dope visuals on top of that but if you want to really really get into the minds of these particular characters especially the main character or a doggie then you have to go and read the original source material you have to go and read the original initiation novel series but the reason why the monogatari series the anime adaptation is still so successful is because the guys over at shaft and our Aoki Simba the director of the series has done such a good job of taking only the important parts of the original source material and packaging it into a standalone product that people can enjoy just on its own and that's why I love the monogatari series why does every let's fight end up me just praising the [ __ ] out of the series watch it or read it if you haven't god damn it spoilers don't ruin stories and you shouldn't be mad over it you you know what a spoiler is right I can't believe after talking about anime for six-and-a-half years that I have to explain what a spoiler is but essentially for those of you who don't know it is a piece of information about the show that brings light to the main aspects of a story that is responsible for it going in a certain direction that is otherwise unknown at the beginning of said story so if you hear said information aka a spoiler about a show that say has a potential to go in different directions in terms of its narrative then it does kind of ruin the story because the mystery is gone aka the enjoyment and hype that you feel after watching episode after episode wondering where this story is gonna go where these characters are gonna go is completely and utterly ruined so yeah spoilers they do ruin a story and and we should get mad about it because it is very easily avoidable and is an absolute dick move if you ever do that so here's your here's your clown emoji for you there you go saying an anime or game is overrated is stupid you're basically saying only this amount of people are allowed to like something beyond that is going too far yes again you know what perfectly [ __ ] said my boy I said this earlier on in the video but this is by far the one thing that I am going to agree upon in this video yes can we get rid of the whole so-and-so is overrated and not have any backups as to your reasoning as to why it is overrated it is okay to say if something is overrated if you can explain to me and the hundreds of thousands of people on the internet why but the reason why I struggle every single month with these let's fight comments and opinions is because 95% of y'all [ __ ] on Twitter think that an unpopular opinion is just saying bla bla is overrated bla bla is underrated that isn't an unpopular opinion it's it's barely an opinion so if you want this let's fight series to keep going get rid of those comments but get rid of those comments I don't care if you think a character is overrated I kept you think a series is underrated if you don't give me any reasoning as to why you think that I'm not including it and finally let's not fight no guys with that last opinion that's gonna do it for this episode thank you for joining in to the very end once again if you'd like to join in on the next episode of let's fight then the best place to do it is to go over to my Twitter and leave your spicy and hot opinions about anime or Taku culture anything that you want me to argue about by using that hashtag or less fine and if you have a decently strong opinion that you think is backed up and I have some thoughts about then I'll include it in the next episode and fisticuff with you on it let me know your thoughts and opinions about any of the opinions I said any of the counter opinions that I gave to any of the tweets in this video I'm always interested to hear your strong opinions about anything that I discuss and thanks for watching guys as always like a favorite if you enjoyed subscribe running better keep watching me Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 528,468
Rating: 4.9333582 out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, #LetsFight, Spoilers, DON'T, Ruin, an Anime..., LET'S, FIGHT., Let's Fight, JoJo, Haruhi, Tokyo Ghoul, Twilight, the anime man, thean1meman
Id: tJntLKMgtww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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