J-pop is WAY BETTER than K-pop... LET'S FIGHT.

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yeah how's gonna know when this the enemy man unpopular opinions you hate them I debate them so let's go smash that [ __ ] like button for this gross ass ponytail what uh we're back with another episode of let's fight the show where I take your guys's unpopular opinions tough questions and hot takes about anime manga or taku stuff or anything whatever the [ __ ] it is I take them from Twitter with you guys using the hashtag let's fight and I fight with all y'all [ __ ] because 1 V 1.8 million is is a fair fight let's just say that but my power levels my boys is over one point eight million late over nine thousand get the [ __ ] out of here Vegeta you guys love and hate the show at the same time I love and hate the show at the same time everybody wind slash losing so without further ado let's [ __ ] fight legal anime streaming is getting worse as company scavenge licenses so you'd have to buy so many different streaming services just to see very specific shows not helping the growth of piracy at all look I totally get that you know this is a huge problem especially for people in the West who don't have that much access to all sorts of anime all in one site you obviously have your well known legal streaming sites as well as your famous illegal streaming sites and there are even some other bigger more traditional media franchises like Netflix and Hulu who are kind of jumping onto the Train of anime as well and I get it we have to pay for subscriptions if you want to get full access to them six dollars a month ten dollars a month and there are so many of them I'm spending so much money per month if I want to support every single one of these legal places but hang on a second here because I actually think that this system of actually paying for a monthly subscription to each of these different streaming services that are legal not illegal is actually cheaper than otherwise now you're probably thinking how is paying forty to fifty dollars a month in subscriptions although all these different streaming services cheaper well it's cheaper because let's just say that who the [ __ ] wants to pay $300 for a blu-ray that covers what three to six episodes of an anime no one right and that's why this screaming [ __ ] is working so far because if you think about it in that aspect paying 40 to $50 a month and it actually being you know contributing in some instances back to the industry is a hell of a lot more cheaper than buying the blu-ray now obviously if you buy the blu-ray you definitely know where your money is going because it's going directly to the industry but I understand that with some of these legal streaming services sometimes what they say about giving back to the industry isn't all a hundred percent true and we're just getting jebaited and in all honesty regardless of whether you're that person who spends three hundred dollars buying a blu-ray or spends six dollars a month on Netflix or just goes on to sites like kiss anime and gets all this [ __ ] for free it's really up to you yes there is this whole morality thing of like no you should try and support the industry's to keep this anime industry alive but I mean if you have no access to the first two options then what the [ __ ] else you gonna do let's not all pretend that all of us have pirated anime at least once in our lifetimes and that's not so much our fault it's small the industry who hasn't given us good accessibility options other than illegal options that's why for instance when I collect manga for example I collect as you can see physical books that you can buy in bookstores cuz I know where my money is going and if I can't find it in bookstores then I can always go to sites like book Walker because I know that those go straight back to industry as well by the way if you would like to contribute to that you can use my coupon code the anime man get five dollars off you purchase and the [ __ ] actually does support the industry I'm like what of these other legal sites tell you about I for one when watching anime do have like subscriptions like I have subscriptions to Netflix and stuff like that which I use to watch Netflix exclusive stuff which is usually some of the best [ __ ] to come out in the past year or so but I'm not gonna lie I'm every now and then jump on to kiss anime if I can't [ __ ] find the show I'm watching because that's the industry's problem not my problem look I have enough to spend all this money on manga but I really do not want to spend $300 on my pocket money to buy what six episodes of anime the Ultra HD quality is just not worth of my dude so I get that yes this is kind of a problem but in my eyes it's more of like a first world problem for otaku just don't have the money to spend because if you do have the money to spend even if it is going on - all these subscription websites and paying upwards of 40 to 50 dollars a month you should do so if you really care for the industry if you don't give a [ __ ] about the industry and you just want to watch anime [ __ ] go on to kiss anime bro no one's stopping you sometimes the people who yell weave at anyone who has ever watched an anime or eaten ramen are more annoying than the fans who add a due to every sentence nah nah nah nah they are not they are not are you [ __ ] kidding me if there was two people in a playground one was putting deso at the end of all of their sentences and and they weren't even speaking Japanese I just putting desu who at the end of the English sentences and there was another guy who was yelling at him calling him a weeb I would join the guy calling him a wave I do have agree with the whole aspect of like just because you've watched one episode of anime or just because you've eaten ramen you're considered a weeb no that's [ __ ] ridiculous a weeb is someone who tries to think that they're part of the Japanese culture and in doing so disrespecting the culture from the lack of knowledge of the culture your 90 year old grandma from [ __ ] Ireland can go and eat ramen doesn't make her [ __ ] weave it just makes her a grandma who eats ramen but someone who thinks they're [ __ ] Japanese and puts daesil at the end of all of their sentences thinking that they're part of the culture yeah that's a weave and I am not ashamed to say and yell at that person for them being a weave we need more error manga no no kinda we need more good era manga that's the problem with a whole fair among and that's like the the weird stipulation that people get from err among especially for people who haven't read a lot of era manga they just think it's all just [ __ ] prepubescent boys are ly trash that you know thirteen year olds can jack off to [ __ ] when in reality there are a lot of manga that do use arrow aspects heavily in this story or characters that sometimes turn out to be quite interesting or unique because the genre of arrow is very broad the arrow genre can be combined with all sorts of different things because you have shows like high school didi that have full-fledged action-packed stories and fantasy elements that incorporate arrow into its comedy or you can have shows like Tokyo Riding Hood that is a for an era guru it is a horror psychological that combines a lot of arrow to build up the atmosphere and dark tones of the show I will admit though there are a lot of really shitty arrow and especially in the light novel world there are a lot of shitty light novel series that just use arrow as their pulling power to pull you into the most mediocre story with the most mediocre characters those those can go away but sometimes you can find some shows that just happen to have a little bit of arrow in it and there's nothing wrong with that not every new anime adaptation from an old series is bad I don't I don't know where you got this idea from because if anything it's more of the opposite recently I mean let's think of some older manga series that have been newly adapted into an anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure [ __ ] amazing bananafish [ __ ] amazing parasite pretty freakin good Dora pretty freakin good I don't what series are you talking about bro are you talking about berserk 2015 2016 yeah then I can agree with you on that but no one talks about that show popular brands and celebrities making anime collaborations and talking about anime is a great thing for the industry I actually very much agree with this and I think it's because of that fact that and achieving just in general this idea of people on YouTube talking about anime or people on social media talking about anime has gotten so much bigger and more mainstream what pisses me off the most is when people come up to me and be like Joe if it wasn't for all of these celebrities who are suddenly coming out about liking anime then anime wouldn't be mainstream but in my eyes anime has been mainstream for years and I don't mean mainstream in the terms of like you know you'll see it in Hollywood movies or anything like that I mean mainstream as in like there are more and more people who know about anime and understand about anime than before and the amount is staggering especially in the last five years I would call it like an anime Renaissance has happen is five to ten years ago there was almost nobody talking about anime in depth nobody publicly talking about anime anime has always just been like it kind of a hidden shut-in thing because the term associated with liking anime otaku was considered a very native term especially here in Japan however in the past five years or so that has completely changed there's been a rebirthing a renaissance of liking anime it's become normal now it's become basically what comic books and games went through all those years ago I mean just look at the fact that you could go to almost any random youtuber you want and they have most likely heard of things like Naruto and Dragonball I've had so many times where I've been watching a random youtuber and they're mentioning anime and liking anime on their social media has surprised me because they don't seem like the person who likes anime or is even associated with anime whatsoever if anything that makes me happy that makes me happy to know that there are more and more people who are accepting of this weird [ __ ] we call anime because it is [ __ ] weird let's admit so I honestly don't have a problem with anime going mainstream because it's already been going mainstream for the past five years or so and you know what's the awesome thing about all these celebrities pretending that they know about anime us actual people who have been sticking around in the anime community for a long time can [ __ ] put them in their place now we're the cool kids so have some pride have some more talk your pride my boys it's it's it's a good day to be an otaku people need to understand the difference between bad anime and anime that doesn't appeal to them just because you dislike the premise and intention of an anime doesn't make it a bad anime and you don't have to force yourself to watch it I totally get what this person is trying to say I think they're like you know suddenly trying to hint at the fact that the thing is though I already understand the difference between an anime that doesn't appeal to me and a bad anime hence the reason why I don't go around [ __ ] on things like a lot of yaoi or a lot of Yuri because I'm just not into that [ __ ] however I can go and say that sold out online is a bad anime for example because it is a premise that does appeal to me I do play games I like this whole wall but they have set up just the execution of it was not that great it was pretty bad in my honesty but I do understand that there are a lot of people out there who are just very quick to judge about like oh yeah I don't like this show therefore it sucks like the thing is I've never said anything like that in my videos there are people on the internet who do like saying that just to probably just troll you and get a laugh out of you but you know there are some people like like me I understand that yes there are anime that just I'm not into and there are just some terrible anime I feel that as long as you can justify the reason as to why you think it is just bad in general versus you personally thinking that there's something that you don't like about it then I think you're allowed to say if something is bad or something doesn't appeal to you but if you just say like oh I didn't really dig the show because it kind of sucked then yeah it's not usually a bad show it's just you didn't like it characters are the most important thing even more than the story in an anime I kind of understand what you're coming from but it's also a very way too simplified way of cleaning up everything as Hayao Miyazaki once famously said the characters are the story as in if you have a very very convincing and engaging cast of characters then you can throw them into any story and they will still be engaging however that's if you're talking about a character-driven story and not all anime series are character driven a lot of them are story driven there are a lot of shows out there anime or non anime that focus more on the world that the story is set in rather than the individual characters that the story is set in usually stories that have a giant amount of war behind it usually have a giant built-up universe surrounding it those are more story driven but that's not to say that characters are also important as well I mean you can't have a good story without good characters but then again you can't have good characters without good story either so in saying that characters are the most important thing more than a story is technically false I would say characters and story are equally as important as one another because without one you can't really have another like the only instance I can say where characters are more important than the story is if you're reading something like a slice-of-life where there is really no story behind it obviously the characters are going to be the only central focus but any kind of like action showing in romance drama anything like that usually it's the story that there's a story behind it and the characters are interacting with said story so I kind of agree and disagree with this point it's kind of hard to decide and really dictate like the quantifiable worth there really isn't any quantifiable worth between characters and story they're both pretty important Jpop is a lot better and creative such inspirational than kpop and should be socially accepted by other countries rather than look down upon the only people that I know who'd like J pop / anime songs are those that are into anime we weebs get the weird look by normies always okay I'm gonna disagree with you on that point because as much as I'm not really into kpop personally I would say just from a musicality and artistry standpoint I think both j-pop and kpop are equal in terms of creativity and influence look I'm much more of a j-rock J metal kind of guy I'm much more rocky stuff rather than the poppy stuff and in all honesty like yeah I can understand J pop but I can't understand kpop but that doesn't mean that I enjoy it any less than I do the other what I'm trying to say is that they make a pop out to be this really like factory-made kind of thing where artists are just kind of pumped out to make these like cardboard cutout songs and you know everybody looks the same it's like there's a dance group yeah there's 20 girls dancing and they all look the same because they're all cute but then if you think about it J pop is kind of the same thing as well I mean in all honesty what really is the difference between akb48 and BTS other than the gender and the amount of members there are they both write really catchy tunes they both have a massive audience in their respective countries they both are influential and creative according to both of their fan bases and even people who aren't so into pop music can dig either of their Tunes they can still make some catchy tunes maybe it's concerning the whole fact that the whole kpop movement has made its way over to Japan while and so just from a zeitgeist standpoint the key pop boom has kind of overshadowed the G pop boom but the G ba boom is still there and if anything there is a lot of J pop that also exists it with a Korean fanbase as well like Koreans don't just listen to kpop they listen that other [ __ ] too like Jay pop for instance so I'm not gonna say that J pop is more creative or inspirational than kpop and I'm not gonna say kpop is more inspirational or creative than J pop okay because to be honest I don't personally really care about either of these two I think above both of these J Rock and J metal is way more creative and influential but alas since they are not part of the pop culture they're not part of the pop movement in terms of music they do get overshadowed by things like kpop and J pop but hey that's completely fine you guys go listen to your BTS and akb48 I'll go listen to my asian kung-fu generation okay and in terms of people in the West only knowing J pop because of anime songs and because their weaves that's on them really like the only reason why a kpop is so much better known internationally than J pop is has to do with the fact that the k-pop industry understands the pulling power of an international audience and so they made an effort to push kpop out into the West whereas J pop is in Japan and Japan is a country that is so fixated on their own country and their own culture that a lot of them are so traditional that they don't make an effort to go out into the West if anything music from Japan that has made it out into the West usually a follow suit of things like J Rock and J metal as a lot of the underground scene makes its way by word of mouth out into the West in fact there are a lot of bands like the pillows not banana asian kung-fu generation that have built a dedicated western audience because of word-of-mouth and I'm sure Jay pop is the same I'm sure there are a lot of hidden Idol fans out in the West but the pulling power and the commercialization of kpop has just made keep up so much better known in the West compared to Jay Paul just because it's better advertise it doesn't make it a better product and so that's why I think kpop and J pop in terms of creativity and influence is essentially the same it's just kpop had a few more bucks to push ads onto YouTube the Pokemon Sun and Moon animate good and shouldn't be dismissed just because it's different from the other previous shows I absolutely [ __ ] a gray after I want you to take the Pikachu I was wondering what the recent Pokemon anime look like I'm like I'm pretty sure it's this Sun and Moon anime but I haven't seen Pokemon since like ruby sapphire emerald like 3rd gen Pokemon anime so I kind of wonder what how's the Pokemon anime going because I've heard that it is [ __ ] incredible so I jumped onto Netflix cuz they had it and I watched the first couple of episodes and my boys I hate using the sakuga word but god damn the Sakuya in that show was holy [ __ ] like when you look back like the first couple of seasons of the Pokemon anime it is so slow-paced there's barely any movement it's a lot of still frames it's a lot of just singular motion of attacks whereas Sun and Moon anime is so much fluidity and choreography it actually looks like the Pokemon are fighting in these Pokemon fights so honestly if you are a Pokemon fan just just give Sun and Moon ago yeah Ash and Pikachu look [ __ ] weird right now like especially feel more used to the first gen style of Ash and Pikachu but trust me the amazing animation and just the vibrant colors and sounds will make up for it completely currently airing anime are easier to watch than completely Eid series what what does that mean what that makes no sense currently airing anime are easier to watch than completely add anime so you're saying that waiting a week for 20 to 25 minutes worth of content for 12 to 24 weeks straight is easier to watch then dedicating a day or two to just marathon an entire series what do you want nindroids are just glorified Funko pops alright somebody deserves a slap on the wrist at most I would understand if they were reversed I would understand if you said Funko pops are just glorified nindroids then yes absolutely but nindroids they just glorified Funko puffs no the only reason you would ever give I wouldn't even give my enemies Funko pops like that's that's too cruel even for an enemy Funko pops look [ __ ] disgusting my day like that they look gross they all look the same first of all and I don't want to hear anyone saying [ __ ] like own Android look the same as well because they're actually customizable unlike Funko Bob saw like I I make an effort to take the end out of Funko pop and just just call it a [ __ ] pop because it needs to [ __ ] off honestly opening and ending themes are something that should be watched in order to get the fully intended experience from an anime it's okay to skip them sometimes but some people always skip them then missing out on something intended to be seen by the creators I absolutely [ __ ] agree I am one of the like 1% of anime watchers who actually watches the opening and ending to every single episode or at least I try to because as this comment beautifully said it is something that is intended to be seen by the audience's they have an opening credit they have an ending credit and there are people real-life people who went out of the way to choreograph to animate to direct these openings and endings to match the music that they came with so many people say like oh I don't like watching the openings because it spoils the show but it's like if it spoiled the show then they would have put it in the [ __ ] opening now would they like anime industry people aren't that dumb guys they're not gonna put a spoiler in the opening or ending of a show they'll give hints they'll give foreshadowings of different things that might happen in the story out of context in the opening especially but it's not a spoiler it's not a spotlight the only reason you think it's a spoiler is because you've probably read a spoiler about that foreshadowing because think about it if you're an artist especially that's like if you took all this time to draw this amazing piece of artwork and for people to just be like yep whatever like how would you think about that like I would feel pretty shitty going through the effort to make say a video like this and you guys skipping the first a minute or two of the video there's a lot of hard work that goes into openings and endings and in honesty I do watch all the openings and endings to every single show i watch because sometimes the show I'm watching is so [ __ ] that the best part of the show is the opening and ending so my boys I know it's like a precious three minutes out of your life that you're wasting on an already wasteful life of watching 20 minutes of actual anime but try and watch the openings and endings because people put effort into those and they're really good you're missing out on some good [ __ ] deaths can be amazing depending on the situation a death can drive the plot and make the story more meaningful anime like äôt killed off characters too quickly before time to connect and feel before the loss yo I in April's death was meaningful and helped wrap up the story beautifully this is a phenomenon I like to call in storytelling as over killing and it means exactly what you think it means this is one of the biggest reasons why shows like a coming a kill wha so crap in my opinion because death in a story it shouldn't be a thing that you just toss in whenever you feel like you need to create some drama in a story or whenever you need to feel like some conflict needs to happen in a story death in a story is so [ __ ] heavy because that is one entire entity you are basically eradicating from the entire construct of the story and I mean that's not to say that like completely killing off characters too many times is a bad thing I mean obviously Game of Thrones got famous because of that but that's another reason why I for example don't like fairy tale because they killed off Makarov like what five times in the show yeah it was pretty sad to see him die the first time around but after the third or fourth time I'm just like can this [ __ ] please stay dead if they're gonna kill them off Sam without coming or kill you took all this time to create up all of this drama with these characters for them to just get randomly killed off like yeah the first couple of deaths are like oh my god they just killed them off but after like the fourth or fifth death you're just like alright this is this is getting out of hand so putting in a death is fine just don't [ __ ] over kill it build it up make it dramatic make it meaningful to the show don't just kill them off to create shock value that's not what killing off a character is about in terms of attack on Titan though I actually think the killing the quick killing of all these characters was actually a cool thing because not only did they do it at really important times or say for example in a talon time they did at the very beginning to create a story to create a sense of what how grim the world that this story is said in is but after that characters that were killed off were properly developed and Sam with your line April the death in that was so well built up that by the end of it there was a meaning to the death there was an actual impact to the death not just in the story but in the main characters as well but if you're just gonna kill off five characters in Nakamura kill just because oh my god it's shocking did what a twist then don't even [ __ ] bother bro it's not that shit's not gonna work on me serial experiments lain is very dull and not entertaining to watch it may be interesting to analyse the show's concept but that's all the fun you get out of it I would argue that the reason why it is interesting is because you can analyze what the story is about that's what makes it interesting like I don't know if this person when watching serial experiments lain was expecting some kind of like wondrous fantasy in a cyberpunk adventure of like ghosts and the shell proportions like there's so much action so much mystery so much death because that's not what serial experiments lain is about it's supposed to be a slow-paced steam boil of emotions of analysis of different metaphorical elements a lot of psychological elements that you're supposed to sit down and do a deep dive on to fully make it an entertaining story how interesting you make out serial experiments lain is dependent on how much you want to know about the story how much you want to do a deep dive and to try and understand the story if you don't have the patience to sit down and understand the story then yeah obviously it's going to be a boring show for you because that's the entire reason why it's interesting all I'm saying is once you do actually do a full deep dive and analyze and try and pick out all the different interesting bits about what makes serial experiments lain so intriguing then you will see how entertaining of the show it actually is but if you can't be bothered to do that and you just want to just you know junk food in some anime then this SEL is not a show for you and finally manga is superior to anime in almost every way well why boy if you think that then I have the perfect website for you it's called book Walker global wo JP you can get all sorts of awesome manga but if you're feeling a little bit adventurous you can check out some light novels there as well fully English translated for a good affordable prices and it directly supports the industry and if you use my coupon code the anime man you can get five bills off your purchase and that use of the coupon code also supports your boy as well so everybody wins why not check that out clever book Walker JP links in the description below and as guys that's gonna do from this episode of let's fight thank you once for joining in I appreciate your guys's support as always and if you want to watch the previous let's fight episodes I've left a few of them in the description below and also at the end card of this video so definitely check it out and if you like to support your boy more directly other than using the book walker coupon code that I was just talking about then you can do so over on my patreon patreon comm slash the anime minute and if you'd like to contribute to the next episode of let's fight if you have a spicy hot opinion unpopular opinion that you would like to discuss with me you would like Walter involuntarily discuss with me then you can follow me over on Twitter and use that hashtag let's fight and if it is a spicy opinion that I can debate on then I will pick it up for the next episode in this guys thanks for watching and I'll see you the next one like a favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for any urbana keep watching anime [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 854,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, #LetsFight, Jpop, Kpop, BTS, Pokemon, J-pop, is, WAY, BETTER, than, K-pop..., LET'S, FIGHT.
Id: OSGhKCD5nrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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