Roasting Funimation's HORRIBLE "Anime of the Decade" List...

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yeah how's it going everyone this the enemy ma'am it is the year of 2020 so happy 2020 everybody and with the coming of 2020 we have just witnessed an entire decade worth of anime go by from the 2010s to the 2019 s now there are a lot of people online who were giving their top 10 anime of the decade their favorite anime of the decade list myself included your boy also did a video like that as well which you can check out links in the description below but out of all of the many ANA tubers websites articles that were giving their own personal lists there was one particular anime of the decade list which caught my eye and rather caught the attention of a lot of people in the online anime community there are a little website you guys may not have heard of them they called Funimation I know they're a little underground I'm sorry but basically Funimation went ahead and decided to create a public poll basically a fan vote with poll for a decade of anime your favorites of the 2010s vote for your favorites from 2010 to 2011 ma community for a while now you would know when big corporations especially anime companies trying to do fan voted polls like this aka the crunchyroll anime Awards it usually doesn't turn out amazing now obviously this year is well crunchyroll is doing another crunchyroll anime Awards which I can't wait to get my juicy and grubby little hands on later on in the year but before that I wanted to check out this Funimation Paul because I believe this was the first time that they've ever done something like this and I had a quick look through the results of each of the categories and oh man this is a doozy so since there were so many people in my top 10 anime of the decade video who were like hey Joey why didn't you talk about this show why don't you talk about this show and you guys were [ __ ] relentless about that in the comments so thanks I figured that we would go through the categories of the Funimation a decade of anime your favorites of the 2010s list look at the results and as we're roasting them give my thoughts and opinions on what I think should have won as well as just give a general overview of the win as nominees and this entire poll in general now before we begin let me just clear up a few things quickly this isn't exactly a roast fully dedicated to Funimation obviously I have some problems with how this whole thing was organized which I'll get to later in the video but I'm mostly roasting the people who voted for these winners and obviously I'm not gonna take the winners of each of these categories too seriously because again it is fan voted obviously there's going to be some bias towards it especially with the general audience and the general age demographic that uses Funimation like this so yeah don't worry if there are any people at crunchyroll who are like sweating in their seats right now I'm not exactly gonna be roasting you guys I'm gonna be roasting the absolute [ __ ] taste normies that voted for any of these particular rewards with that out of the way it's time for the mother [ __ ] tea alright let's start with a decade of anime favorite anime film and the winner is wouldn't you know it your name didn't see that coming don't get me wrong I I've made an entire video on why I thought your name was [ __ ] amazing back in the day when I first came out but but best anime film of the decade no even in the runner-ups you have a silent voice which I thought was genuinely way [ __ ] better than your name for a number of reasons but I'm glad at least that in the runner-ups they had premiere because I feel that there are still so many people who hadn't watched premiere and so many people just think that all the only people who like premiere are the trigger fanboys and fangirls when in actuality promo in general is just a really [ __ ] amazing film like I would watch per may more than I would watch your name again you know what I mean and then you also have Dragon Ball super Brawley which yeah it was alright I guess and then surprise surprise they might hear academia movie wow didn't see that coming now what I have voted for your name personally I'm not too sure when it comes to an entire decade this decade especially 2010 to 2019 saw a huge surge of amazing anime films like I feel this is the decade that really gave us like the next level quality when it comes to anime films and it really does suck because grand scale of things there were so many beautifully created and absolutely stunning cinematic experiences of movies that came out in the 2010s yet so many people are quick to just name off the first couple of films that came out within the second half of the decade because I think so many people are forgetting more about the indie films that came out this year you know if you go back to the early 2010's you have films like the disappearance of suzumiya haruhi which was a [ __ ] amazing movie granted only the people who were into the suzumiya haruhi series really watched it but it's still a [ __ ] beautiful movie in general Kyoto Animation was at the top of their game when they came up with this film but I'm really surprised that there was some notable directors and studios that weren't even nominated for this particular category for example Hosoda memores wolf children wasn't nominated at all which I still think is one of the most beautiful films to come out and with the passing of Takata you saw this decade one of the head people at Studio Ghibli and his magnum opus kaguya-hime air like I don't know how many people watch that movie overseas but if you didn't please go and check it out it is one of the most visually stunning and absolutely just mesmerizing Studio Ghibli films to come out in a very very long time and then you have some other films which I feel deeply resonated with people in Japan way more than it did in the US or just internationally in general but still were absolutely amazing films kono sekai no cat assuming he is one of the most gripping world war ii films that i've ever seen like world war ii anime films that i've ever seen and I definitely feel that when it comes to the most underrated anime film this movie was not talked about anywhere and it genuinely pisses me off because it was one of the few anime movies that made me cry like an absolute [ __ ] and that was machia I mean Okada Mari I've always been a huge fan of but machia was so so sad and so emotional and every time I think about the last couple of scenes in that movie it genuinely brings a tear to my eyes so yeah not saying that your name didn't deserve to win this but there was some better contenders out there alright let's move on now to the favorite original series and the winner of that was kill the kill which i think was an interesting choice because again same with anime films this decade I feel really shined a light on a lot of original series they want so many original series in the previous decade and I feel this decade was the time where people were like yep we're not gonna keep coming off of manga series of light novel series of games we're gonna like just straight up and make some animu and kill the kill I mean you know I think does deserve the win on this I mean it was absolutely amazing this was one of the series that really pushed trigger Studios name out into the mainstream and it was a great series I mean I I have no complaints about it the runner-ups here were actually pretty good as well we had death praise from 2015 which I would have personally voted for if I had a chance to vote on this I also said that death parade was my favorite anime of 2015 yeah it's psycho-pass as well from 2012 again really [ __ ] good series season 2 was in but the first season pretty damn good Madoka Magica I mean I'm surprised this was even nominated I thought a lot of people would have forgotten about this considering it's from 2011 but again yeah this was an absolutely incredible said this was a [ __ ] mine [ __ ] when it first came out and if you've never seen Madoka Magica please do don't just dismiss it as a magical girl show I'm sure you're aware of how much it's not a magical girl show and you're you're nice um yeah no thanks I think with this one as much as I'm okay with kill la kill winning I personally would have voted for death parade but other nominees definitely would be you know stuff like uh Nahanni which a lot of people think is actually based off of something but no it's actually a no Katamari original and she's just a [ __ ] genius but I'm also really sad that the resurgence of Watanabe scenes you know the creator of Cowboy Bebop and samurai champloo he is resurfacing in the 2010s wasn't really touched upon shows like Carol and Tuesday and zan killed antenna which are see what that machine each ittle originals those were [ __ ] incredible as well I mean like currently Tuesday one of the most beautiful music based anime to come in a very long time and zanko noted order was just an absolutely gripping show with one of the most stunning soundtracks to come out in anime of recent times and if we're going a little more on the underground side we have shows like motor penguindrum done by eco hadouken hero the crane of commercial dinner which is considered one of the most cult classic shoujo series to come out in all of anime history that show as well even though a lot of people didn't watch it I would recommend it greatly it is an absolutely gripping fantastic little show and has a lot of charm to it as well all right this is where things start to get a little lakh we have a favorite companion creature first of all what the [ __ ] kind of category is this because there isn't really a lot of companion creatures not to mention companion creatures in general aren't really important to the main part of an anime like this is literally like this this takes popularity contest to the next level and the winner of course is a happy from fairy tale because because of course he is like this category I feel was made purely just to get something from fairy tale as a winner because everybody knows that if fairy tale was competing in any other category out there it would stand no [ __ ] chance so the only way that fairy tale would have won any of these was to make it something super specific to fairy tale like I don't know a companion creature because everybody likes happy the other runner-ups chopper I don't know if I would consider him a companion creature he is a creature who is a side character but he is more of an actual like side character with developments and whatnot so I don't think I'd consider chopper a a companion creature of sorts we have dimple from Mob cycle 100 I mean I like dimple from up cycle 100 but again he wasn't really important to the overall story so who cares we have hawk from seven deadly sins now I haven't personally seen anything from seven deadly sins but I did see a lot of people being like how the [ __ ] did happy win over Hawk so I assume just from that that he's like a cool companion creature I mean he's a little peak adorable and we have Pikachu from Pokemon now I don't know if I would count Pokemon in this considering that it didn't really start in the 2010s but I mean hey it's still going I guess so sure it counts I say this on Twitter but I personally if I had to have voted on this [ __ ] stupid-ass category I would have probably voted Iggy from Joe bizarre adventure part three just because he holds a soft spot in my heart I [ __ ] love Iggy but yeah overall in general I have to slap the rest of Funimation on this one because that was that was a wack choice for a for a category all right this one definitely caused a massive stir over on Twitter when it came out a decade of anime favorite animation now a lot of people were very quick to judge when they saw favorite animation a lot of people quick to judge in thinking that they meant favorite anime no they're talking about animation they're talking about the sakuga the movement the drawings in motion but it still caused a huge controversy because the winner was Kim it's an AI bow because of course it was I think this was a huge bias problem because Kim it's an idea when this Paul came out was just hitting its peak when it came to animation now don't get me wrong Kim in Sana'a buzz animation is [ __ ] incredible I mean it's UFO table they very rarely [ __ ] up when it comes to animation but then you have runner-ups like attack on Titan mob cycle 101 punch man and violet epic on now I'm not saying that any of these shows have bad animation in any way but they're also know me as [ __ ] like these are all shows that literally everybody was watching it's a popularity contest and just because it's popular it doesn't mean that it's the best and I'm really surprised as well because even out of some of the highly known studios in this list likes a UFO table with Kim its neighbor or Kyoto Animation with violet ever garden there were some other great animations that came out in this decade done by those exact same studios if we're talking about UFO table unlimited blade works and fate/zero [ __ ] incredible if we're talking about shadow animation as much as it didn't have as much action based movement all that there is no denying that the animation quality in shocker was absolutely [ __ ] mesmerizing you take any gift of any scene from yoga and it's like cocaine to the eyes and if I were to have voted on this when it comes to the best animation there is not a doubt in my mind that studio foresees cajun or column or movie would have absolutely made demon slayer wipe its ass on its floor because occasional call them as much as i thought that was a seriously average movie when it came to the story presentation when it came to the animation department i have truly never seen animation look that good in my life it was one of the most mesmerizing cinematic experiences that i have ever been through and of course it didn't win and it didn't get the recognition because who the [ __ ] watch that movie other than me but I'm telling you guys if you want to look at some animation that is just incredible it it's truly like how the [ __ ] does any studio managed to make anime look this good please go and check it occasional call them or even if you just look up some like gifts or like AMD's or whatever just go and look at this animation it is in sane alright decorative anime favorite romance series of course the winner was your lie in April because again popularity equals good apparently okay now when it comes to this one as much as I'd like to roast it I did really enjoy your lie in April I know a lot of people took it as kind of a snooze fest but I personally related to your way in April a lot considering that I did Michael say the main character is a classical pianist and I was a classical pianist so I I understand his struggles you know it's all about the relay tivity when it comes to these kinds of things and then runner ups you had fruits basket which is understandable I'm actually surprised this didn't win because it was a great reallocation Cahuilla summer love is war again awesome bromance a comedy romance but still the romance nonetheless great show bunny senpai again absolutely incredible show I made a video on it awesome awesome series and a snow white with the red hair I never watch now with the red hair but I heard that it was a really really cute series so surprisingly with this one I'm actually alright with it I'm actually all right with these nominees and the winner but again if I were to go more into the underground side of things you know again shows like macchia or an absolutely incredible romance series and not so much a romance between two people like in your line but romance of like family proportions or of romantic family not in like an incest type of way you get what I'm saying but then how come we have heard nothing about I want to eat your pancreas that was one of the most beautiful romance movies to come out in a very long time I even watch the live-action film of that and I still cried because that was an absolutely incredible romance story but yeah not too mad about this one let's move on all right now of course this category exists favorite is Sakai series because we all know that the 2010s was nothing but Issyk eyes but as much as I'm not fully for the category I am actually pretty okay with the winner of it because the winner was connoisseur which I was not expecting whatsoever I thought it would at least get nominated but I'm genuinely surprised this actually won because there was so many a Sakai series out there that were height as [ __ ] hyped up to the [ __ ] ass but were in retrospect terrible shows in general and I'm sure you know which shows exactly what I'm talking about right but yeah I actually fully agree with this I I think out of all the is a guy series that I ever saw this decade quano super by far stood out the most for me it was one of the most hilarious just parody cool takes on the Issyk I John rly weird that a parody of an S okay one the best it's a kind of ward I find that very ironic and hilarious but the runner-ups were overlord which again I also quite enjoyed we have our easy row because of course I'm surprised that Reiser didn't actually win because again this is a show that was really [ __ ] hyped up we have rising at the shield here as much as there were so many people who didn't like rising of the shield here I actually quite enjoyed it I didn't think it was amazing of course the second half of the show was very rickety but the first half of the show I thought was pretty well done and then we have your boy white right here who I genuinely thought was going to win judging from how Normie the winner choices and nominations have been for the past like five categories of this video so far I genuinely thought Sao was going to win this but you know what you know what guys you've proved me wrong you've proved to me at least the time a little bit you at least have some kind of dignity left in your anime taste so well done guys okay this next one I probably have the biggest [ __ ] problem with and it is the favorite sci-fi slash fantasy series and the winner of it was steins gate now I don't have a problem so much with the winner or even the nominations for this because steins gate is an absolutely incredible sci-fi show absolutely incredible is 10 out of 10 for me so just meticulous when it comes to the details and how they present them how they string all of the plot points together at the end just makes for a beautiful Lee created just mind [ __ ] of a sci-fi series and you know we even look at the runner-ups like at a con 10 great show dr. stone pretty good show Psychopaths great show Sao okay with that that can that can rot in hell but the biggest problem I have with this particular category is the fact that they called it the favorite sci-fi slash fantasy sci-fi and fantasy are not the same [ __ ] genre why would you go out of your way to make a super specific category for essica shows which is like a sub-genre of a sub-genre of fantasy but you take the entire fantasy genre and the entire science fiction genre and you match that [ __ ] together why would you do that I don't know if the people at Funimation are aware of this but Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are not the same genre in the same way that steins gate and attack on Titan are not the same [ __ ] genre I would have been okay if you had split up this category favorite sci-fi series being Stein's game favorite fantasy series being I don't know attack on Titan maybe whatever the [ __ ] right if you would split these categories up I would have had a problem with it but the fact that you put these two genres together means that so many fantastic contenders for both the sci-fi genre and fantasy genre well basically just cut out completely there would have been so much room to explore and I guess you know have give a chance to all sorts of amazing sci-fi and fantasy anime series out there and there are some absolutely incredible for sci-fi and fantasy series out there other than the ones that have been nominated right here but I just I just don't know who decided to think that it was a good idea to slap sci-fi and fantasy together like that's it's not even close so yeah I'm gonna have to slap the risk of Funimation on that one you you you did a bad day alright up next the favorite sports series and the winner of it was high Q now I don't have anything to say about this because I've never seen a single episode of high Q I've heard it's incredible I've heard it's amazing and I'm sure it is incredible and amazing but I haven't nothing to say about high Q I can't roast it I can't praise it because I have no idea what the [ __ ] the show is about other than it's around volleyball so I'm okay with that I like volleyball the volleyball is a fun sport to watch I'm sure it's a great show just give me some time you know and I'll definitely check it out other runner ups were free because of course the apparently the majority of the people voted on this 12 year old girls Kuroko no Basuke which I really did not like because it was just slam dunk with [ __ ] superpowers megalo box which I actually voted my favorite anime of 2018 so I'm glad at least this got some recognition and you're a nice couple of guys we all know that nobody watch this show for the sports now they want so much a lot of big sports shows this decade I feel a lot of the great sports shows were some of the old-timer ones you know if we going back to like the 90s and 80s you have in a slam dunk Captain Tsubasa touch like all of those like older shows like there was sports shows that I feel that was like the real primetime of sports anime but this decade we had some not so much sport like sports shows which technically do revolve around a sport but aren't exactly like oh yeah that's a sport kind of show if you get what I mean you know shows like she higher food a ping pong sadita ma even March comes in like a line is technically a sports anime because it's based around show which is technically a sport I mean if we were gonna include your own eyes on this list I think it would have been okay to include any of those four shows in this category wouldn't you if I had a choice to choose my favorite sports anime of the decade it would either have to go to megalo box because again I voted my favorite a team at 2018 or if we got a little underground and a little obscure I would have definitely voted for my sake USS ping pong because even though that show didn't fully I guess focus on the ping pong sports element of it the act of choosing a obscure sport like ping pong to explore the psychological adventures and I guess struggles of these ping pong and sports players was a really gripping and enthralling experience to sit through and watch and I mean masaaki yuasa just has some of the coolest ideas when it comes to anime as well so I feel that should have gotten at least some recognition all right up next we have the favorite show Joel series which again I I give props to Funimation for highlighting some shoujo stuff because I feel sure Joe gets a really bad rap or I guess you know most places will only focus on the Shawn in element of anime whereas a lot of people forget that show Joe is just as big as shown in it's just you know a demographic that isn't exactly more well-known outside of the of the Japanese anime community but overall the winner was 2019 first basket which you know what I'm probably gonna have to agree with as much as I love the original Fruits Basket anime adaptation I definitely some little nitpicks that the manga read is one a huge fan of and so they just were basically like alright you know what we're going to do a proper adaptation this time and they did they did a fantastic and an adaptation readapt ation of a beloved manga series and I really enjoyed it as a huge fan and a longtime fan of the Fruits Basket manga I was really happy with how solidly they redid this anime so I have no problems with the winner of this the runner-ups were bananafish again fantastic soldier series and more people needed to watch that show great show orange hell dafuq nah that was a boring ass ugly-ass show with one of the most [ __ ] conclusions I've ever seen so that's a that's he'll now from me who Ella Maggie Madoka Magica I don't know if I'd consider Madoka a shoujo necessarily I feel most people label Madoka as a shoujo series because it's technically a magical girl series and traditionally magical girls series fall under the shoujo category but the thing with Madoka is that it I wouldn't say is a deconstruction of the magical girl genre because it really isn't but it definitely took the trophy shoulder like elements that were found in traditional magical girl shows and really flipped it on its head to make it relatable to and enjoyable to any demographic really so yeah I don't know if I'd exactly say that this is a show job but I mean it's still a good [ __ ] shop and you're of the dawn which I never watched but I heard a lot of people [ __ ] love this so I guess I gotta go check it out now as much as I did enjoy words basket though when it comes to shoujo off of the decade I probably have to give it to Kaito of maydel summer just because when that show first came out man oh I I never thought I would enjoy a shoujo anime as much as I loved Kaito made or something I mean that show was so [ __ ] fun to watch and there were some other great shows of this decade as well which I feel a lot of people are forgetting about you know hole 19 okay but school order monogatari a hot rod or like that was some great show just shows out there that I think a lot of people again were completely forgetting about because again I completely understand if you've forgotten about it because shoujo is not really a John Ruth at is explored a whole lot in the online enemy community or even between us and a tubers so yeah I definitely recommend those shows as well though and last and certainly not least we have the favourite shounen series I wonder who the [ __ ] is gonna win this one oh what a surprise it's my hero academia I mean was anyone surprised about this winning seriously if anything is writing the hype right now it's it's it's this show and and again this is not me saying that I don't think my hair academia deserves to win this I'm not saying that my hair academia is a bad showing in in any way it's really not but I mean it's just I'm not surprised just disappointed the runner-ups were attack on Titan which I think should have won personally Demon Slayer because of course haunt house of 2011 again another contender for a winner right here amazing [ __ ] adaptation and joy a bizarre adventure again another contender for a winner because it's [ __ ] Jojo [ __ ] yeah I don't know this was just when I saw this I was like of course of course why did I even have a glimpse of hope into thinking that perhaps this wouldn't win this category how stupid of me to assume but they have it guys that is Funimation's a decade of anime now my overall conclusions to this list first of all to the fans who voted on the winners and runner ups you did good in some categories other categories you were pretty normal [ __ ] but overall I'm not too mad about the results of each of the ones just overall in general because I feel that Funimation kind of [ __ ] up a little bit when it came to the choice of categories because some of the choices in these categories were a little a little questionable and I'm really surprised at how few categories there were like even crunchyroll anime Awards last year had more categories than this and even though the winners of that was still questionable and hilarious the fact that you had so little category choices I feel didn't really good do a good job in highlighting everything cool about anime in this decade I mean where were the categories for music and soundtracks I mean I feel this decade especially had some of the most incredible music and soundtracks to come out of the anime in a very long time where was you know the best voice actor the best girl best boy of you know favorite director favorite voice act a favorite opening favorite ending they were and even when it comes to genres favorite horror favorite comedy favorite slice of life you know there were so many categories that I feel a lot of anime missed out on because a lot of these anime can't really fit into any of these categories and I feel should have been highlighted to really give you guys a good glimpse off all of the amazing anime that came out in the 2010s so yeah overall I mean again I'm not surprised just disappointed I mean I don't know what I was expecting from a [ __ ] poll like this a fan poll like this just yeah I mean I'm not taking any of this seriously obviously but man it was fun to roast the [ __ ] out of Funimation and the fans who focused but guys let me know what you think about any of the categories the winners and the runner-ups or any other thoughts I have about this poll in general down in the comments below what would you have voted your favorites on what are some things about this particular poll that Funimation could have changed or made better if they decide to do another one for the next decade or the next year or whatever and yeah if you haven't yet let me know what your favorite anime were of the 2010s down in the comments below as well NES guys thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one like a favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for more in Atlanta keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,811,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Roasting, Funimation's, TERRIBLE, Anime, of, the, Decade, List..., Funimation, Top 10, roast, HORRIBLE
Id: d3Z07cHVzNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.